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Structural horoscope from Lyudmila Golovkova. Virtual signs - knight Aries Child born in the year of the Dog

Structural horoscope from Lyudmila Golovkova

“People will learn to recognize karmic
communications. Astrology and clairvoyance will
good helpers."
According to the creator of the “Structural Horoscope” G. Kvasha, the year of the Pig, like all odd years, should begin on January 13-15.

The same “Structural Horoscope” gives the following characteristics of this sign:

The social structure of the Pig is closedness, which can be interpreted as a desire to narrow the circle of communication, in return making communication more intense and deeper. Closedness is always a desire to move away from public preferences to one’s own personal ones. This is aestheticism, this desire for bohemianism, intellectual play and a very vague morality (not to say the absence of morality).

Psychological structure – maturity, ruthlessness. A ruthless sign is merciless both to others and to itself, but a tilt in one direction or another gives rise to either benefactors or villains. It seems paradoxical, but ruthless signs romanticize tender feelings, and their bearers can be unusually sentimental and tearful. Physiologically, we are simply talking about low sensitivity, hence the constant desire for rude words, rough clothes, loud sounds.

The energy structure is a natural optimist, which corresponds to a sanguine person according to Jung. This type of temperament allows a person to enjoy everything in the world - sweet, sour, dawn, sunset, rain and sun. However, this temperament does not distract a person from human passions and leaves him as an active participant in interpersonal relationships.

The structure of fate is a pioneer, i.e. A person has a very strong spirit of independence, self-reliance, and the spirit of a pioneer. The Pig is an ideal traveler, an ascetic, unpretentious sign with a powerful temperament and thirst for knowledge. You can travel anywhere - into the world of music, poetry, prose. You can also travel around the world. The Pig's intelligence is of the highest standard; everything is comprehensible to him. However, there is always a risk of becoming so carried away by the game of the intellect that you turn into an esthete, an empty dancer.

The ideological structure is the only one in which male and female signs are fundamentally different from each other.

Pig men are men with an intuitive, contemplative type of thinking. Intuition, if not to be confused with mystical providence, is nothing more than the ability to use one’s own and others’ life experience. The ability to accumulate life experience and trust in their intuition makes these people realists, pragmatists, with sober calculation and common sense. Contemplation, posing, narcissism and admiration for life, lack of complexes are their external manifestations of realism and intuition.

The Pig woman is a woman with mystical thinking. The first feature of this thinking is its disdain for both logic and intuition. The mystic in any situation thinks unbiasedly, as if starting from scratch, without turning to forecasts or memories. Mystics cast spells, create love, see prophetic dreams, diligently destroy common sense where possible, bringing everything to the point of absurdity, and confuse the situation with cause-and-effect relationships. Hanging above life, mystics solve eternal questions: good and evil, life and death, love and hate.

And a woman who is a mystic also has powerful sexual insight. She is able to accurately determine her partner’s sexual ambitions and even change her behavior depending on the situation.

According to the Vector Ring, the Boar is the master of the Dragon and the servant of the Horse. This means that for the Dragon the year of the Boar will be a karmic year, and for the Horse it will be anti-karmic.

Dragons will face disappointments, losses, illnesses and other troubles this year. It’s better not to plan long trips and big expenses. The quieter and more inconspicuously you live this year, the better for you. But on the other hand, the deeper you fall into the karmic year, the steeper and higher your subsequent rise will be.

For Horses, this is a year of great luck: interesting meetings, long trips, good finances, unexpected gifts and finds - life in the spray of champagne. The only pity is that this will last until December. In the joys of a happy year, do not forget that the next year of the Rat will be karmic for the Horse, and everything will be exactly the opposite.

For Pig himself, everything should stabilize and go for the better. He will be happy not only in his affairs, but also in love. He may receive an inheritance, or, suddenly, a very large sum of money.

The Rat is not expected to have any problems in the year of the Pig. Everything will go fine, especially in business-related matters. Rats, being natural lovers of sensual pleasures, will fully enjoy life and excellent health.

Overall, this is not a bad year for the Ox, but you will have to work hard and hard, but as a result you will have money and your personal life will be happy.

And for the Tiger, the following aphorism from “Hitopadesh” is suitable: “If a person does not dare to take risks, he will not see happiness...”. The greater the risk, the closer he gets to success. The chances of winning the lottery will be as good as the chances of being successful in a love relationship.

The cat who always walks on his own will unexpectedly want family happiness and a home this year, or at least a powerful friend and protector.

This year the snake should show prudence and wisdom, not “hiss” at adversity, but put up with what God gives; this is not the worst year for it.

The Goat will experience a career take-off; not everything will be smooth with finances, but he will not be left without a piece of butter. The Goat should also not expect great and bright love in the year of the Pig.

The monkey will become simply unbridled and uncontrollable this year. She should try to develop her cultural and emotional life by turning to the study of human nature.

Not a good year for the Rooster. Emotionally, life will experience minor difficulties. The Rooster needs to learn to control his negative emotions and make sure that love and friendship are fueled by patience and understanding.

The dog is a great silversmith. Her charity is admirable, but true charity begins with oneself, and this should not be forgotten. You should not neglect yourself or your loved ones.

In general, during the years of the Pig, everything stabilizes for the better. And things will go well, and the money will be returned with interest. You will be able to feel the joy of life and taste the fruits of abundance. These years are favorable for both intellectuals and financiers.

The same “Structural Horoscope” distributed Korea under the Pig, the Dragon under Italy, and the Horse under Russia.

Based on the “Vector Ring”, we can assume that for Russia this year will be, as never before, an up-and-coming, successful and happy year. For Italy, the opposite is true.

Well, wait and see.

And I also want to add.

“Structural Horoscope” determined the correspondence of the Eastern circle of animals to the Zodiac circle: Rat - Aries, Ox - Taurus, Tiger - Gemini, Cat - Cancer, Dragon - Leo, Snake - Virgo, Horse - Libra, Goat - Scorpio, Monkey - Sagittarius, Rooster - Capricorn, Dog – Aquarius, Pig – Pisces.

Let me remind you about the “Vector Ring”: Rat - Horse - Boar - Dragon - Cat - Rooster - Dog - Bull - Tiger - Goat - Snake - Monkey - Rat, where for any pair standing next to each other, the first sign is the master, the second is the servant.

Based on this, you can plan your life throughout the year, take risks in a month that is lucky for you, and refrain from rash decisions, paying more attention to your health in a month that is bad for you.

For example:

A good month for the Rat is Libra and an unlucky one is Sagittarius;

The Ox will be good in Gemini and bad in Aquarius;

The Tiger is good in Scorpio and bad in Taurus;

The cat is good in Capricorn and bad in Leo;

The Dragon is good in Cancer and bad in Pisces;

The Snake is good in Sagittarius and bad in Scorpio;

Horses are good in Pisces and bad in Aries;

Goat is good in Virgo and bad in Gemini;

The Monkey is good in Aries and bad in Virgo;

The Rooster is good in Aquarius and bad in Cancer;

The dog is good in Taurus and bad in Capricorn;

Pig is good in Leo and bad in Libra.

“Structural Horoscope” also recommends avoiding vector marriages, regardless of whether you are the master or the servant, since in such marriages the master degrades morally, and the servant loses physical health. But vector friendship can enrich you and increase your creativity.

Dear friends, I wish you light, goodness and joy in the new year. If you have a positive attitude towards the world and know how to find a spark of light even in the worst, most desperate situation, then you are not afraid of any bad prognosis.

I would like to quote from a letter from E.I. Roerich: “Therefore, let those who read the difficult signs in their horoscope not be discouraged, but remember that pure aspiration towards the Teacher can turn everything for the better. In addition, it should be remembered that an easy horoscope is not a blessing, but on the contrary. We grow through obstacles. All major spirits have a difficult horoscope.”


Eastern Zodiac– Your zodiac sign endows you with a certain set of characteristics, but the annual Eastern sign also endows you with certain qualities, and interacting with each other, these signs can give a third character, and endow you with the so-called combination character. In addition, signs can be in harmony, or they can be dissonant with each other.

If you were born in January or February , then you can find out exactly your sign by going to the page of the Eastern Elemental Horoscope. After all, the onset of the new year according to the Chinese calendar does not coincide with the onset of our new year on January 1, but depends on the lunar cycle.

Choose your signs



From the most general considerations, the Dog should give birth to a very good Knight. Nobility, a certain glassiness, a thirst for battle and heroism - the Dog has all this, and in large quantities. But caring and kindness are not always visible in a rather aggressive Dog. In any case, try to be for people a teacher, a nanny, a father and a mother in one person. Try to make your way to the top, it will be useful for both you and the people.

Alec Baldwin (3.4.1958). He earned the title of “Prince of Charm,” which is very close to understanding the meaning of the Knight. The number of characters he played as gentle and kind people for Dogs is unprecedented.


For different peoples, the dream of him (her) has lived, lives and will live. He will come, he will warm everyone, he will feed everyone, he will take pity on them, he will press them to his heart, he will protect them from the cold, enemies, injustice and all kinds of hardships. Enemies can sneer, laugh, compare the Knight with Mother Teresa, Pope Carlo, Robin Hood, Don Quixote, Joan of Arc or Blessed Xenia, and still the embodied image of kindness will remain the most sought after and beloved.

And all because in childhood people did not receive the warmth of their grandparents, mother's affection and nanny's care. In a word, we are people like people, only nurseries and kindergartens have spoiled us.

Thus, the Knight is called upon to bring pristine kindness to the world of cold calculation and commercial grin and make up for the lack of warmth. How to depict this kindness and is it permissible to depict kindness? Well, I think there is no problem here. A huge number of overly benign doctrines call on all people to become kind, keep a smile, love everyone, and so on. Therefore, there will be no trouble if we call upon one of the seven signs to be an active bearer of goodness and affection, no matter what devils sit inside him.

Give people affection, a smile, feed them pies, give them tea, wrap them in warm scarves, because your image is a nanny, a kind grandmother. Protect people, protect them from rash actions, for your image is bodyguard, guardian of order and peace.

A certain obsessiveness and importunity are included in the range of the image, although they do not always evoke proper appreciation from people. There is also the Knight’s love for small details and details, which sometimes gives rise to pettiness of guardianship.

And one more thing: endless smiles, non-stop love cannot but lead the Knight to exhaustion. And then monstrous breakdowns are possible, an abyss opens up, and our eternal good-natured man shows the reverse side of the image - a terrible grin of equally eternal evil.


Called himself a Knight, be different from everyone else, separate yourself from the people, from the crowd. Knights cannot move in a herd; loneliness is their lot. Thus, the contradiction is obvious: on the one hand, you need to go to people to warm them up, on the other hand, you need to be alone. However, the problem can be easily eliminated if the Knight is not afraid to actively violate social rules, to separate himself from the crowd with strange actions, a strange appearance, and unusual manners.

Thus, the Knight is simply obliged to put on something like this, unlike anything else. Everyone will find an example to follow (Don Quixote, Lancelot, Rumata...). It won’t hurt to say some strange words and behave on the border between normality and pathology. Sometimes strangeness is born from the glassiness of the Knight, the famous knightly call of eternity.

A knight is not an Aristocrat; he doesn’t really need people’s love. Here the game is reversed: the Knight bears love for the people, but does not collect tribute of love from the people.

Emphasis on loneliness for the Knight it happens precisely because he himself is not too happy about loneliness and seems to suffer from it. This is the game of this image - to do everything to achieve loneliness and then complain about your own loneliness. The immortal Mac Laud suffers from loneliness, the kindest Rumata remains lonely, flies away on the sheets without knowing the love of Remedios the Beautiful.

The desire for loneliness inevitably gives rise to certain communication problems. Sometimes knightly nobility is replaced by its opposite, a love of gossip, a thirst for complete control over the person being supervised. The craving for voyeurism is precisely combined with a love for small details and detailed detailing.


There is always a place for heroic deeds in life. The great Knights, real or book, do not allow us to doubt this. Most often we are talking about a feat of self-sacrifice. For the sake of the family, for the sake of a loved one, for the sake of children, for the sake of the people or humanity, noble representatives of the noble horoscope sacrifice their well-being, wealth and life itself. These are the rules of the game and you shouldn’t expose these feats too seriously, you shouldn’t laugh at the Knights’ attempts to accomplish these feats. Let them... However, ridicule of the Knight is also included in the conditions of the game, helping the Knight to establish himself in his loneliness, indirectly facilitating the path to self-sacrifice.

One of the main feats in the history of mankind is the feat of love. This feat is prescribed to the Knight as the most miraculous balm. Let the Knight fall in love with someone, and he will become the happiest person on earth.

They love, put love above other matters, think about the meaning of love. It is no coincidence that, being fairly average artists, many Knights became very strong directors, the main theme of whose work was love.


A Knight cannot be evil or aggressive (like Vector), cannot be dry and rational (like a Professor), cannot be sophisticated (like an Aristocrat), or noisy and fussy (like a Leader or a Jester).

In fact, the list of prohibitions is so long that it actually leaves the Knight no freedom of action. Maybe that’s why they’re not great actors, there’s nothing special to play.

And yet the main prohibitions are not those from other people’s images, but their own family, knightly ones. It is necessary to hide outbursts of negativism from the right people, it is necessary to hide openly pathological

Are you or someone close to you an Aries Dog? Then we suggest finding out what the characteristics of men, women and children of this sign are according to a combined (double) horoscope, how their lives and relationships with other people usually develop.

Aries Dog man and woman are Aries born in 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018.

What kind of person is Aries Dog: character traits, behavior and lifestyle features

Take one generous portion of good nature, hard work and faith, add a cup of goodwill, 200 grams of anxiety and several tons of tactlessness - and before you is the “recipe” according to which Aries Dogs are born.

Both Aries and Dog are naive by nature. The first one also has the traits of a soldier. This is a scout and pioneer - and as a scout and pioneer, he is very trusting: he himself is a decent person, so why shouldn’t others also be no less decent people? The dog is nervous and skeptical, but he, like Aries, believes in the virtue of the human race. And if the latter wants to devote himself to something, he never backs down.

The union of these two signs of the Western and Eastern horoscopes gives rise to people with unshakable faith. Lamb’s innate abilities and preferences are combined with a “dog’s” well-developed sense of realism. Aries would like to believe in goodness and truth, but the skeptic Dog does not allow him to do so. She wants to tilt at windmills, and the more realistically thinking Aries restrains her impulses. So what happens in the end? The Aries dog chooses the “middle” path - he uses his abilities, but at the same time is content with what life brings him.

All people born in this year of the eastern calendar experience some anxiety. But it seems that Aries, born in the year of the Dog, hides his anxiety better than other people. Aries is a person full of movement and life. When the Dog falls into his paranoid mood and fears that every person he meets on his way wants to take his job, his wife, or rob him of everything, an energetic Aries appears on the stage and tells him: “Calm down, doggie! Now is the time for lunch - let’s go and buy ourselves a delicious huge sandwich.” Activity saves the “dog” personality. You will never meet an Aries who would lie down on feather beds, eat candies one after another and read dime novels.

The characteristics of the Aries Dog sign also include such an interesting feature. This person does not care much about his own comfort, but often finds it necessary to grumble that he was treated poorly in a given situation. He likes to complain that others got more than him, that he was unlucky. In general, he doesn't mind facing obstacles—he just wants to be remembered, noticed, and noticed that he's having bad luck. This note of pity for his own fate often mobilizes the Aries Dog to better cope with troubles and obstacles. Moreover, it seems that Aries, who is a Dog according to the Chinese horoscope, often looks for obstacles and provokes difficult situations. Such people do not like peace, they like to fight, and they are happy when they have to resist the aggression of others. They themselves then become almost aggressive.

Aries Dog woman and Aries Dog man love to look for virtues in others that are inherent in themselves. In every person, in every situation, they always try to see only their best sides. Interestingly, when trying to find the good in people, they actually often find it.

The character of the Aries Dog implies a certain tendency towards moralizing, and no one likes this. People of this combined Western and Eastern horoscope sign are happy to tell others what they think is right and what is wrong. Not everyone - remember this, Aries of the Year of the Dog! - want to know about it. Sometimes people are truly bad to the core. Some people are attracted to evil just as you are attracted to good. So don't put up with villains and bandits! They take advantage of your good nature and before you know it, you will be destroyed.

Aries Dog woman and Aries Dog man: characteristics in love

On the threshold of adulthood, the Aries Dog girl and the Aries Dog guy often go overboard when it comes to the need to tell the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. And the fact that love adventures acquire flavor only when they are accompanied from beginning to end by all sorts of games really irritates the Sheep-Dog. He not only censors the “unscrupulous” partner, but is even ready to put an end to him and break off a relationship in which the truth is not the most important place.

As the Aries Dog woman and Aries Dog man get older (or smarter?), they stop demanding from others the kind of sincerity that only they are capable of. These people suffer from the dullness of life and abandon their childhood ideals of pure love.

Aries A dog of any age - perhaps without realizing it - knows how to win hearts. The speed and ease with which they start affairs seem strange to people less successful in this matter. The Aries woman born in the year of the Dog is often criticized for being too obviously concerned about her attractiveness. Indeed, representatives of this sign of the combined Western and Eastern horoscopes feel an urgent need to be noticed.

With all this, the Aries Dog woman and man are constant in love and do not like serious changes in their personal lives. Most people of this sign calm down and choose one partner for life and enter into an official marriage. But quite a lot of time must pass before this person decides to take the final step.

Relationships with other signs of the Zodiac and eastern horoscope

The compatibility of an Aries Dog man and woman is such that they can find happiness in marriage with a person of the Gemini sign - Rabbit or Tiger. You can also try to win the feelings of the magnanimous Leo Horse or Tiger. Aries Dogs will love Rabbits and Tigers born under the sign of Sagittarius. But, for your Spartan taste, they are a little intrusive. Aquarius-Tigers will excite the Dog-Lamb, but not for long. And who is not suitable for Aries of the Year of the Dog of both sexes? It is necessary to avoid Cancer - Rooster, Dragon and Sheep. Libra-Goat will irritate them with his antics. Capricorn-Dragons will compete with them in intelligence, and their zodiac brothers or sisters born in the year of the Goat will test how far the boundaries of “dog” kindness extend.

home and family

According to the double horoscope, the Aries Dog knows every centimeter of his home by heart and is responsible for decorating it and maintaining order in his home. This person never complains about the conditions, as long as there is enough space for the family and a little space for himself and his things. Such representatives of the Western and Eastern horoscopes are not born for luxury. They love convenience, but they think soberly and know that wealth must be paid a high price, because it brings with it worries and even troubles.

Characteristics of a man and a woman of the Zodiac sign Aries the Dog in family life, of course, will be incomplete without mentioning the “dark sides” of nature. The main disadvantage of such a person is that he inadvertently hurts people, including loved ones, with his remarks. Everyone born in this year of the Chinese calendar has a similar unpleasant feature, but Aries is even more different in this regard. They do not feel the need to filter their words through a sieve of tact; they always say what they think. At heart, Aries Dogs are sensitive people, but they can, for example, blurt out without thinking something like “You have a fat ass” or “Judging by your hair, there’s a hurricane outside today.” This lack of them adversely affects family relationships and can lead to bad consequences. Therefore, advice to people of your sign: keep your mouth shut more often!

In general, as the horoscope shows, the Aries Dog, be it a man or a woman, is generous and knows how to take good care of the family. They feel unwell if they don't spend enough time with their children or spouses.

Aries child born in the year of the Dog

The Aries Dog girl and boy know how to truly love and at the same time are smart enough to worry about people who just want to take advantage of their kindness. They need real love, not an imitation of it. Despite the fact that such children have a certain innate tendency to panic, they need to be given a chance to show their courage. The Aries Dog child often shows a craving for sports and adventure - adults should allow it to be realized. Regardless of their personal preferences, these boys and girls should be encouraged to act spontaneously and discouraged from making rude, even seemingly humorous, comments and other remarks.

Work, career

The combination of Aries and Dog in one person gives birth to a professional who can be equally good as a boss or a subordinate. In both roles he will always be successful. If the boss does not sooner kick such an employee out of work because of comments about his hairstyle, then in his person he will find a devoted and capable employee who can be trusted in everything. If he heads some kind of structural unit, then we must keep in mind that as a boss, Aries the Dog is capable of saying (often without a second thought) barbs and the most unpleasant things to his subordinates, while, however, generally treating them very loyal and friendly.

People born under the sign of Aries in the year of the Dog have a strong character. They easily meet new people because they are very sociable. Such individuals are completely selfless, not envious or greedy.

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The Aries woman is distinguished by her goodwill, has well-developed intuition and high insight, which makes it difficult to deceive her. The Aries man, who was born in the year of the Dog, has character traits such as honesty and friendliness. He will always help a person in trouble.

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    Distinctive features

    According to the eastern calendar, the years of the Dog are 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018. According to the horoscope, he fully comes into his own in mid-February. A person born in the “dog” year under the zodiac sign of Aries has such characteristics as friendliness, kindness and diligence. Despite this, he exhibits causeless anxiety and tactlessness.

    Aries-Dogs do not strive too much for comfort, but having lost something, they begin to make claims. Such people do not like to be treated unfairly and can remain angry for a long time.

    Aries-Dogs have a complex character. They give advice and teach life, and this behavior often irritates the people around them. When they are reprimanded, they usually do not pay attention to it.

    1990 according to the eastern calendar - characteristics of men and women, compatibility horoscope


    The dog is considered a symbol of loyalty, honesty, openness and friendliness. A person born in the year of this animal is open to the people around him and presents the truth exclusively in a soft form. It may seem to many that Aries-Dog is an unreasonable and naive person, but he is quite capable of standing up for himself. Such people have a sixth sense that allows them not to encounter ill-wishers.

    Aries-Dog is a friendly sign. He easily finds a common language with those around him, but he is never the first to enter into a conversation. Such a person has few friends, but he trusts all of them very much. Aries-Dog strives for knowledge, so it spends a lot of time on self-development. He can answer almost any question. If such a person does not know something, then he will direct all his efforts to find the answer.

    People born under such signs will always come to the aid of a person in trouble and will fairly resolve a controversial issue. Such individuals calmly endure failures and never give up on achieving their goals when the first problems arise.


    Aries-Dogs attach too much importance to their own intuition. When meetingthey often underestimate or overestimate people, which is why they become very disappointed in the future.

    A person born under such signs is completely fearless. But before each of his actions, he carefully considers everything, which many take for cowardice and indecisiveness.

    Aries-Dogs never take risks and avoid unpleasant situations with all their might, but others are constantly pushed to take decisive action. These are contradictory natures who behave insecurely and indecisively in one situation, and too aggressively in another.

    Another disadvantage of a person born under such signs is his desire to interfere in other people's affairs. He is confident that he knows everything, so he strives to impose exclusively his point of view.

    Personal life

    Aries-Dogs are extremely demanding in matters of love and can be too assertive. Both the girl and the boy can scare off their fans with the desire to demonstrate their own superiority. They are not able to put up with their partner’s shortcomings and directly express this to him.

    Having matured, Aries-Dogs change a little. They are already trying to control all their words and actions, thanks to which their personal life is improving.

    People born under such signs do not like inconstancy and sudden changes in relationships. Both men and women take a long time to choose their chosen one, and if they marry, then for life. In a family, such a person needs comfort and personal space. Aries-Dogs prefer to give orders; they often find fault with their family members and lecture them. Because of this, conflicts often occur.

    Representatives of these signs adore children. They make responsible and loving parents, ready to devote all their free time to raising their children.


    Aries-Dogs achieve success both as bosses and as subordinates. They often achieve great heights in their professional activities, but only if they do not try to criticize management and express their opinions about them.

    A representative of such signs, having become a boss, can be very stern and greatly upset his subordinates with his harsh statements. Having learned to restrain himself, he is able to win over the entire team.

    Aries-Dog performs best in the following professions:

    • doctor;
    • police officer;
    • firefighter;
    • rescuer;
    • journalist;
    • researcher.

    Characteristics of men

    He is a sociable and cheerful person, ready to give others his excellent mood. A boy born under such signs has a cheerful disposition. Having matured, he will always come to the aid of a person and sacrifice a lot to help him. However, he is characterized by excessive caution and categoricalness.

    A man has a well-developed intuition, which he constantly focuses on. This is a balanced and calm person, able to keep his emotions under control. But sometimes he can be unreasonably cruel and aggressive.

    Characteristics of women

    A girl born under such signs does not know how to remain silent in cases where it is necessary. Because of her straightforwardness and categorical nature, she has very few friends. But she always quickly draws the right conclusions and makes the right decisions. A representative of such signs has a stable psyche, self-confidence and never listens to other people's advice.

    If a woman tames her hot temper and stops looking for justice, then she will be able to build a brilliant career. Success awaits her if she learns to treat everything responsibly and does not always rely on her intuition.

    Characteristics of the child

    According to astrologers, a child born in the year of the Dog under the sign of Aries is an egoist. However, he is very honest and conscientious. If he needs to achieve something, then he will go straight to the desired goal, not paying attention to any obstacles.

    Parents feel proud when they appear with their baby in society. Aries-Dog children are distinguished by openness and correctness. They cannot be forced to lie, even if it is for the good.

    Compatibility with other signs

    Aries-Dogs carefully choose partners. Compatibility with other signs of the eastern and western horoscopes is presented in the table.

Aries, being a frankly “punchy” sign, will receive many opportunities in 2019. And literally - in all directions, both in business and in the love sphere. The circumstances will be so successful because the ruler of Aries is Mars, and its exaltant is the Sun; both planets dominate the celestial ribbon in this annual cycle. This means that energy reserves will be replenished at an unprecedented speed, the main thing is to have time to spend them, and preferably not only on what you want, but also on what you need. At this time, Aries will not have the need to calculate the situation far in advance; this is not the time for “subtle behind-the-scenes games.” There won’t be any particularly large-scale internal thoughts or torments either; Aries will focus purely on what is in front of him and what is not there, but should be. At the very beginning of the year, this sign (in many ways intuitively) will set a goal for itself, and then will systematically move towards it, overcoming one obstacle after another. That’s right – these will only be obstacles, not obstacles or serious problems at all. And if it seems otherwise, the patron of the period recommends Aries to take a deep breath and take another step forward.

Despite the fact that Aries belongs to the element of Fire, and 2019 is ruled by Water, in this situation this is only a plus. The collision of elements will not give a negative result, on the contrary, it will be spurred by circumstances. For example, the boss at work will load him with additional tasks, but in the end he will appreciate Aries’s performance and offer him a new job. Or the “other half” will begin to “suspect something,” but after a couple of hysterics (not the most severe, it must be said), they will become convinced of Aries’s sincerity and the flame of passion will flare up in the couple with renewed vigor. In certain situations, the Sun will even fade into the background to give practical Mars the opportunity to “walk around” to his heart’s content. At such moments, Aries should under no circumstances relax, although he will openly enjoy the situation and will inevitably have a desire to let go of the reins for at least a couple of minutes, for example, to scratch his back. You shouldn’t “catch relaxation” ahead of time; on the contrary, you need to stimulate the situation. Take on more work, force business partners to gather in some cafe and finally discuss pressing difficulties. On the personal front, it’s worth organizing relaxing weekends for yourself more often, because the closer Aries is to his “sweetheart,” the stronger the relationship will be and the more opportunities there will be for its development.

In 2019, Aries is not recommended to do only two things - worry (about any reason) and stop there. Any slowdown in the process will not allow the situation to be fully realized. Aries will still win, one way or another, but self-digging can cause a blow to health, and slowing down the process will not allow you to grab both birds by the tail. This will require self-confidence and the support of loved ones, which, given the help of the Sun, will be present in Aries’s arsenal all year. An unfriendly Mercury, of course, will try to strike a blow to one’s health, but here it will be enough not to forget about oneself and the maximum that this cunning planet will achieve is to give Aries a runny nose, and that is unlikely. One more thing - under no circumstances should you give in to negative emotions. If someone nearby is very angry, you need to try to calm him down, you cannot pass by, otherwise the energy of the Moon will increase the negativity. In 2019, mutual assistance becomes perhaps the key aspect of any situation. Do not forget about this, under any circumstances. Aries is a leader by nature, which means that during this period he needs to set the pace.

Attention, the above horoscope for 2019 for the yellow Pig describes only the general trends inherent in the owners of the zodiac sign Aries in the new year 2019. Due to your uniqueness, the general horoscope for 2019 for the sign of Aries may not reflect real events. An accurate astrological prediction can only be obtained by drawing up a personal horoscope for the upcoming 2019. You can get an accurate personal horoscope by clicking on the link below.

Other general horoscopes for 2019 Pig for zodiac signs:

  • zodiac horoscope for 2019 Aries