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Testicles of a two-year-old boy. At what age can you give your child an omelet - features, recommendations and recipes. When can children have duck eggs?

Cryptorchidism in boys - undescended testicles into the scrotum, is the most common problem in pediatric urology. According to statistics, this problem occurs in 4% of newborns.

If we are talking about premature babies, these figures increase significantly (up to 20%). It is believed that before the child reaches one year of age, in most cases the disease goes away on its own.

However, in rare cases (in 1-2% of all cases) this does not happen, then the child appropriate treatment will be required.

As the baby gets older, the chance that the testicles will take a physiological position decreases. The disease must be treated, since lack of therapy increases the risk of cancer and infertility.

Characteristics of the disease

Cryptorchidism in children - photo:

Cryptorchidism is a pathology of the development of the external male genitalia, in which 1 or both testicles are not in the scrotum, as happens normally, but in the abdominal cavity.

At the same time, the temperature regime, which is necessary to maintain the organ in normal condition, is not observed.

As a result of chronic overheating, their functionality and development process are disrupted, which can lead to infertility. Problems with potency and the development of testicular cancer in the future.

Most often, pathology is detected in children born before their due date. This is due to the fact that the descent of the testicles into the scrotum occurs already at a late stage of pregnancy, almost before birth (the descent of the testicles indicates the maturity of the fetus).

But even in most premature babies, after they are born (before 1 year of age), testicles descend on their own, and, accordingly, the problem disappears.


In the normal course of the child, when the baby is born healthy and full-term, as a rule, both of his testicles are already in the scrotum, that is, in the right place for them.

However, there are a number of unfavorable factors, as a result of which this does not happen, and the testicles remain in the abdominal cavity. Among these factors include:

  1. The inguinal canal is too narrow.
  2. Lack of a tunnel leading into the scrotum.
  3. A short spermatic cord (vascular tissue connected to the testicle, through which its nutrition is provided).
  4. Anomalies in the development of the ligamentous apparatus.
  5. Hormonal disorders in a woman during pregnancy, disruptions in the fetus’s body.
  6. Hereditary predisposition.


Depending on the location of the testicle, the following types of pathology are distinguished:

  • abdominal cryptorchidism, in which the testicle remains in the abdominal cavity;
  • inguinal cryptorchidism, in which the testicle left the abdominal cavity, but did not descend into the scrotum area, remaining in the inguinal canal.

There is also such a form of the disease as ectopia testis when it either does not descend into the scrotum, lingering in the area of ​​the subcutaneous tissue of the pubis or groin, or enters the opposite half of the scrotum.

Depending on the clinical manifestations of the disease, there are true or false form diseases. In the first case, the testicle is unable to penetrate the scrotum on its own, since its descent is prevented by factors such as:

  1. Scars and adhesions of peritoneal tissue.
  2. Short vessels of the testicles and insufficient length of the spermatic cord.

In the second case, testicular descent is possible, but, due to the small size or the excessively wide lumen of the inguinal ring, after some time it rises again, leaving the scrotum.

With palpation, the doctor can return the testicle to its place, but after a few minutes it rises again to the groin area.

Testicles can be detected in the scrotum when the child is at rest, for example, while sleeping or bathing in warm water.

With strong crying, high activity, testicle found in the groin area, that is, just above the scrotum.

Symptoms and signs

Depending on the type of pathology, its symptoms manifest themselves differently. But in all cases we are talking about the absence of testicles in the scrotum.

So, with true cryptorchidism, the testicles can be felt in the groin area (if they are not palpable, this means they did not come out of the abdominal cavity), while it is impossible to artificially lower the testicles into the scrotum.

With false cryptorchidism, you can place the testicles in their proper place, however, after a while they rise again.

With ectopia, the testicles can be located in various areas (the pubic area, the groin, the shaft of the penis).

Complications and consequences

If in the first year of a child’s life the testicles do not descend into the scrotum, the boy requires specialized treatment. Otherwise, there may be unpleasant and even dangerous complications, such as:

  1. Infertility.
  2. Hormonal disorders (the production of the androgen hormone, which is responsible for the development of secondary sexual characteristics, decreases, resulting in their absence or insufficiency).
  3. Problems with potency.
  4. The occurrence of cancerous tumors in the testicles.
  5. If the testicle is located in the inguinal canal, it may be torsion, which is an indication for emergency surgery.
  6. Undescended testicles often develop against the background of an inguinal hernia. Its pinching is a life-threatening condition for the child that requires urgent surgery.
  7. Testicular injury.


Determining the presence of a disease and its type is usually not particularly difficult.

To do this, a visual examination of the boy and palpation his groin area.

In some cases, such as if the testicles are located in the abdominal cavity, you may need to Ultrasound this area.

Treatment methods

The most effective method of eliminating the problem is surgical treatment. This operation is not complicated and does not require a long recovery period.

In some cases, for example, if a child surgery is contraindicated, a conservative treatment method using hormonal drugs is prescribed.


The use of hormonal drugs for the treatment of cryptorchidism is justified at the age of 6-24 months, when the boy has bilateral form of pathology. The effectiveness of hormone therapy is relatively low; healing can be achieved in approximately 30% of cases.

For treatment, a drug based on human chorionic gonadotropin is used, which is administered intramuscularly 2 times a week.

The effect of the drug is aimed at increasing the content of male hormones in the body, which helps to normalize the development of the testicles and scrotum, and their descent.

The effectiveness of this method is quite low, and an overdose of the drug can provoke development of side effects, such as pathological enlargement of the penis and scrotum, growth of pubic hair, abnormal development of the prostate gland.

These symptoms disappear as soon as the dosage of the drug is reduced.


In most cases, surgery is prescribed when the child has reached one year of age, but his testicles have not descended at the moment. During the operation, the doctor makes a small incision in the groin area.

Through it, using special instruments, the testicle is lowered into the scrotum, after which it is securely fixed there. If the testicle is located in the abdominal cavity, surgery considered more complex, surgical intervention is carried out in 2 stages.

In some cases, the patient is advised to remove the testicle. This is necessary if there is an anomaly of its development, fusion of the testicle with nearby tissues, or torsion of the spermatic cord.

The operation is simple, and the child is discharged from the hospital 3 days after it is performed. However, the boy is still needs special treatment and care.

Thus, it is necessary to limit the child’s motor activity as much as possible (fast running, sudden movements, jumping), protect him from falls and injuries, and attend exercise therapy and massage procedures.

During the first 3 months. after the child's surgery it is necessary Show your doctor weekly.

After 3 months visits to the surgeon become less frequent - once a month.


There are no special methods to prevent the development of pathology, but it is known that the risk of developing cryptorchidism increases if pregnancy proceeded with any abnormalities or problems.

Therefore, it is important that a woman monitors her health not only during pregnancy, but even at the planning stage.

It is necessary to cure all chronic diseases, even before conception give up bad habits, avoid contact with infections and viruses during pregnancy, do not take prohibited medications, eat well and get plenty of rest.

Cryptorchidism in boys is a disease associated with the incorrect location of the testicles, when they are not in the scrotum, but in the abdominal cavity or groin area. The disease is congenital and occurs mainly in premature infants.

However, by the end of the child's first year of life, the problem usually disappears by itself.

If this does not happen, the boy needs treatment.

Surgical methods of therapy are mainly used, since surgery is considered very effective and safe.

If left untreated, there is a high risk of developing serious problems that will negatively affect the child’s health in the future.

Cryptorchidism: what you need to know? Tips for parents in this video:

We kindly ask you not to self-medicate. Make an appointment with a doctor!

Nutrition of a child is one of the important components of its proper development. Therefore, you should approach the preparation of a diet for your baby with all responsibility.

One of the important and necessary products is quail eggs. Pediatricians unanimously claim that they can be safely given to children.

They are believed to promote better brain function, improve memory and attention. And if a child is allergic to chicken products, quail products are an excellent substitute.

  1. Children who eat this product improve their vision and strengthen their immune system.
  2. Eggs provide all the calcium needs of a child's body.
  3. Children hardly get tired and learn better and become more active.
  4. The product contains many vitamins, minerals, proteins, and folic acid.
  5. Vitamin B12, which is found in eggs, successfully replaces meat in the diet and at the same time allows you to get all the substances the body needs.

One egg weighs ten to twelve grams; to provide a child with a daily supply of vitamins and minerals, it is enough to give him one or two eggs a day.

It is important that all children like these small eggs with bright shells. They can be prepared in different ways: boiled, fried, baked, made into an omelet or eggnog.

How to check quail eggs before giving them to children

Children's diet should consist only of fresh foods. ?
Prepare a container of water and place the egg in it:

  • The fresh stuff will end up at the bottom.
  • An egg laid a week ago will float in a strictly vertical position.
  • Anything that is not fresh will immediately float to the surface.

One of the main advantages is long-term storage - up to sixty days.

Quail eggs can be given to children in different forms. They are fried, boiled, baked, pickled, and also drunk raw.

They are an ingredient for preparing salads, omelettes, and scrambled eggs. You can add eggs to a variety of dishes. But it is best to eat them raw.

It is very easy to cook a quail egg for a child.

Soft-boiled eggs will be ready in two to three minutes, hard-boiled eggs in five.

If you want to give your baby a raw egg, first of all, wash it. Then break it up by pouring it into a cup. It is advisable to drink it before breakfast on an empty stomach.

  • Up to three years - one egg,
  • From three to seven years - two.
  • Schoolchildren - three.
  • From the age of 14 – four.

After just two weeks of use, a clear positive effect will be visible. But to strengthen it, continue eating quail eggs for three months.

Many parents are interested in how to drink quail eggs, if the baby does not want to eat them raw.

You can mix the egg into another dish, make a fried egg or an omelet. But it is important that heat treatment is minimal, as it destroys useful elements.

Give your baby a healthy drink by adding honey and fruit juice to a raw egg smoothie. This cocktail will help compensate for the lack of microelements and vitamins and will definitely please your child.

Many parents don't give children drink quail eggs so that they do not become infected with salmonellosis. But all fears are groundless. Quails do not suffer from this disease, since their body temperature is four degrees higher than that of other birds. Therefore, dangerous microorganisms in their body simply die. The testicles are safe even for one-year-old children.

They are cooked as follows:

  • Soft-boiled – from one to two minutes.
  • Hard-boiled – five minutes.
  1. To boil eggs, place them in boiling water, but they should not be cold as they may burst.
  2. When cooking, add a pinch of salt, preferably sea salt. To ensure that the question of how long to boil eggs for your child does not cause problems, use a timer. Do not cook for too long - the yolks will turn black and the whites will become rubbery. In addition, all the beneficial substances of the product will be lost.
  3. Cook the eggs over medium heat.
  4. When ready, run them under cold running water and then leave until cool.

RECIPE: Children over one year old can cook an omelet.

To do this you will need butter or vegetable oil and salt.

  • Pour water or milk into a small saucepan and place on fire.
  • Separately, you need to beat two eggs, mixing them with oil and salt. Then pour them into the pan and close the lid. In a couple of minutes the omelette will be ready.

RECIPE: Older children will love the children's salad “Caterpillar”.

  1. First boil the eggs. Wash the lettuce leaves, dry them and place them beautifully on a plate.
  2. Peel the quail eggs, cut them in half and stuff them with red caviar, top with a mixture of yolk, herbs and sour cream.
  3. The egg halves are placed on lettuce leaves with the filling facing down.
  4. Form a caterpillar, then decorate it: make eyes, eyebrows, mouth.
  5. Place sprigs of greenery on the sides - legs. The dish is ready.

The benefits of quail eggs for children

Quail eggs are a real storehouse of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, due to which they have a therapeutic effect. The level of nutrients is five times higher than in chicken eggs.

Quail eggs, unlike chicken eggs, can be drunk raw. They promote the proper formation of the nervous system, full development, improve vision and memory.

The benefits for children are obvious.

The product successfully treats diseases of the heart, stomach, intestines, bronchial asthma and chronic cholecystitis, as well as:

  • Anemia.
  • Immunodeficiency.
  • Diabetes.
  • Headache.

If eat quail eggs That's right, they will never cause harm. They should be given to the child as often as possible in order to saturate his body with vitamins and minerals.

You can also benefit from. It contains the same elements that form the composition of human teeth and bones. Calcium carbonate, the content of which reaches 90 percent, is quickly absorbed by the body and activates the process of hematopoiesis in the bone marrow.

Speaking about the benefits of quail eggs for children, one cannot fail to note the disadvantages. First of all, it's cholesterol. According to some reports, this product contains more of it than eggs laid by chickens.

In addition, they can cause allergies. Quail eggs contain ovomucoid, a protein that causes allergic reactions.

The article contains answers to the most frequently asked questions regarding eggs on children's menus.

From what month can you give an egg to a baby?

A six-month-old child does not have enough useful substances contained in breast milk. Basically, there is a lack of proteins and mineral salts - iron, calcium, phosphorus, etc. In addition, the child’s gastrointestinal tract is ready to receive food that is coarser than milk or formula. This means it's time to introduce complementary foods.

  • It is recommended to introduce eggs into the diet at the age of 6 ½ months, provided that there are no allergy sufferers among the baby’s relatives.
  • Otherwise, introduction to this food product should be postponed until the child reaches the age of 9 months.

The modern view on complementary feeding is somewhat different from the above recommendations: many Russian pediatricians, including Candidate of Medical Sciences Yakovlev Ya.Ya., believe that it is better to start introducing a child to eggs at 12 months. This is due to the high risk of allergic reactions to this food product.

WHO on the benefits of chicken eggs in a child's diet

How to introduce an egg into complementary foods for a child, how to give it for the first time?

A child's introduction to eggs begins with very small dosages (literally the size of a match head). Hard-boiled egg yolk, as the less allergenic part of the egg, is the best option for a child's diet. The yolk is thoroughly ground and mixed with a small amount of breast milk or formula.

Important: an insufficiently heated yolk (soft-boiled egg or fried egg) can become a source of salmonellosis infection!

Important: frequency of taking egg yolk - 2-3 times a week.

When can a child be given an egg yolk?

No pediatrician will give a definite answer. It all depends on the health of the child and... Basic recommendations for introducing egg complementary foods were discussed at the beginning of the article.

Important. Complementary feeding products, including eggs, are introduced taking into account several rules.

  1. Getting acquainted with a new product on the menu occurs after a morning walk in the fresh air during the afternoon meal.
  2. Be sure to monitor your baby’s reaction to the yolk. Be careful: the body’s reaction to the allergen may not occur immediately, but within 1-2 days after eating!
  3. The second intake of the yolk occurs two days after the first acquaintance with the product (provided there are no allergic reactions). If negative reactions are still present, remove the egg from the child’s diet for 4-5 weeks.

When can you give egg whites to your baby?

Egg white is a fairly strong allergen. It is introduced into the child’s diet after a year and only after successful acquaintance with egg yolk.

The whole egg can be consumed by a child aged 1+.

From the age of one, you can also gradually introduce products into your child’s menu, which include:

  • egg powder
  • egg yolk
  • egg white
  • egg albumin

Important: Finished vaccines also contain a small amount of egg protein. This can provoke very severe reactions in allergy-prone babies.

How many chicken eggs can a child eat per day, per week up to a year, a one-year-old, a 2-year-old?

The serving size and frequency of consumption are as follows:

  • ½ hard-boiled egg (chicken) - 2-3 times a week at the age of 1-3 years
  • 1 whole hard-boiled egg (chicken) - 2-3 times a week from 3 years
  • omelette from 1 chicken egg - 2-3 times a week from 2.5-3 years of age

Quail eggs for children: from what age? How many quail eggs can a child under one year old, one year old, or 2 years old have?

Important: the rules for introducing eggs into a child’s diet are the same for all types of eggs!

Based on the above:

  • quail egg yolk is introduced into the child’s menu from 6½ months (provided there is no risk of allergic reactions). At the age of 7-12 months, a child can eat 1 quail egg yolk 2 times a week
  • The white of any egg, including quail, is perceived by the human body as a foreign substance and is an allergenic product. Quail egg whites should be introduced into a child’s diet very carefully.
  • at the age of 1-3 years, a child can eat 1 quail egg per day, 2 times a week. The egg should be hard-boiled or served as an omelet
  • at the age of 4-7 years it is recommended to consume 2-3 quail eggs per day 2-3 times a week

Please note: Hypoallergenicity of quail eggs is a food myth!

The percentage of people suffering from allergies to quail eggs is quite low. But this is due to the fact that quail eggs are not as accessible as chicken eggs.

Can children eat raw quail eggs?

Unfortunately, quail are susceptible to pullorosis, a disease caused by Salmonella bacteria. In adult birds, the disease occurs in a latent form.

Heat treatment of quail meat and eggs minimizes the risk of salmonella infection.

Quail eggs for atopic dermatitis in children

Quail eggs are products that can cause a cross-allergic reaction. What does this mean? If atopic dermatitis was caused by a chicken egg, then quail eggs should also be excluded from the child’s diet, since they contain similar allergens.

Can a child with allergies eat quail eggs?

It all depends on the general health of the child. In any case, all innovations in the menu of a child with allergies should be discussed with the attending physician.

Practicing pediatricians note that little allergy sufferers can tolerate quail eggs quite well. But they must be introduced into a child’s diet with extreme caution and under the supervision of a specialist, since quail products can cause a cross-reaction.

Can children eat eggs every day?

  • eggs are a strong allergen
  • eggs are a high cholesterol food
  • an excess of protein in the body disrupts the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract

Children's menus should be healthy and balanced. In addition to eggs, it should contain vegetables and fruits, cereals, meat, dairy and fermented milk products.

Can children have soft-boiled and raw eggs?

It is possible if certain conditions are met:

  • your child has reached the age of “7+”
  • you are confident in the freshness and quality of the egg
  • are you sure that the bird that laid the egg is absolutely healthy?

In other cases, an egg that is raw or has not undergone sufficient heat treatment can cause salmonellosis.

Group D infection occurs through poultry products (data from the Russian Ministry of Health)

In addition, raw egg whites are poorly absorbed by the body. Heat-treated egg white has the highest degree of digestibility among protein products of animal origin.

How does egg allergy manifest in children?

Clinical symptoms of food allergy, incl. taking into account the age of the child, are presented in the table.

Egg shells for allergies for children

Important: shells are used only in folk medicine as a medicine for allergies.

At the same time, leading practicing pediatricians in the post-Soviet space, for example E.O. Komarovsky, agree that one of the causes of food allergies in young children is calcium deficiency in the body. From this point of view, the use of eggshells as a natural source of calcium is completely justified.

How to make eggshell powder?

Important: eggs must be homemade!

  1. Wash raw chicken eggs (preferably white) thoroughly with a soda solution and rinse with cold water. The soda solution can be replaced with a soap solution made from ordinary laundry or baby soap.
  2. Empty the eggshell from the contents and remove the inner film.
  3. Let the shell dry thoroughly (30-40 minutes). You can leave it for several hours.
  4. Grind the shells thoroughly into powder. Healers do not recommend using a coffee grinder or blender. The ideal grinding device is a porcelain mortar and pestle.
  5. Pour the powder (0.5 tbsp) with the juice of ½ lemon and mix thoroughly to speed up the chemical reaction.
  6. During the interaction of calcium and citric acid, foam will form, which should be knocked down by gently stirring the solution.
  7. The solution should stand for 8-10 hours in a dark place at room temperature.
  8. After the specified time, the mixture can be used either as a dietary supplement or as an independent drug (the time of administration does not depend on the time of meals).

Important: The solution is stored in the refrigerator for 1-2 days.

Number of doses: 1 time per day.


  • up to 6 months - 1 g of mixture
  • 6-12 months - 2 g mixture
  • 1-2 years - 3-4 g
  • 7 years - 0.5 tsp. mixtures
  • 14 years old - 1 tbsp. mixtures (can be eaten in small portions throughout the day)

Duration of treatment: from 1 month.

Important: Alternatively, you can use regular calcium gluconate tablets. Dosage: 1 tablet/day. The tablet should be crushed into powder and added to any food/drink containing milk. Course: 1-2 weeks.

When can a child eat a guinea fowl egg?

Guinea fowl eggs are introduced into children's menus at the same age as chicken or quail eggs.

When can children have duck eggs?

Duck eggs are introduced into a child’s diet after 6 years. This is due to the fact that duck eggs belong to the so-called “heavy” food, which is characterized by:

  • high calorie content
  • slow digestion in the gastrointestinal tract

Video: Complementary feeding: how to give yolk to a baby?

The genital organs of newborn boys require close attention from parents and doctors. The difficulty of diagnosis lies in the fact that not all disorders become noticeable immediately after the birth of the baby. The reasons for possible pathologies in the genitals of boys can be different - from genetic disorders to failure to comply with basic hygiene standards.
Parents must carefully monitor the condition of the genitals of newborn boys and promptly inform the doctor if any abnormalities occur.

Features and anomalies of development of the genital organs in boys:

Narrow foreskin

It is quite normal for a newborn boy to have a narrow foreskin. In medicine, this condition is called physiological phimosis. In fact, only 40% of newborn boys can have their foreskin fully retracted. As a boy grows, the same thing happens to his penis. At the age of 3-4 years, most boys can easily and completely retract the foreskin. Phimosis often appears after birth. In this case, he speaks of poor hygiene.
Smegma accumulates under the foreskin. This is a sticky white substance that is made up of dead skin cells and natural secretions. When drying, smegma becomes like cottage cheese and thickens. In addition, it significantly complicates the normal movement of the foreskin.
Another cause of phimosis may be balanoposthitis. This is a chronic infection. Antibacterial therapy is most often prescribed for its treatment. It is also very important to maintain the boy's hygiene.
Sometimes a narrow foreskin causes quite severe pain or difficulty urinating. All this indicates the presence of obstruction (obstruction). In this case, circumcision is necessary.

Unpleasant odors of the penis

In boys who have not been circumcised, an unpleasant odor may indicate the presence of osteitis - inflammation of the foreskin.
In circumcised and uncircumcised boys, foul odor may be a sign of balanitis, an inflammation of the head of the penis. This is a very common disease in babies with diaper dermatitis. This condition requires immediate treatment with antibiotics. If both the head and the foreskin are involved in the inflammatory process, then we are talking about balanoposthitis.
In addition to an unpleasant odor, inflammation of the penis may be indicated by redness, pain and swelling, as well as itching. But in addition to balanoposthitis, such symptoms may indicate a fungal infection. Treatment of these conditions is prescribed only by a doctor (antibacterial therapy in case of balanoposthitis and antifungal agents in case of fungal infection).
To prevent the development of infection in the boy’s genitals, it is necessary to ensure the cleanliness of the baby’s hands and genitals. Potty trained boys should wear 100% cotton panties.

Curvature of the penis

Curvature towards the penis in medicine is called penile curvature. This condition is most often found in boys with hypospadias, a displacement of the opening of the penis. This occurs most often due to a lack of skin on the penis.
The curvature of the penis cannot always be visually determined. Often parents notice a slight curvature of it when under stress.
In some cases, surgery is necessary to correct the situation. If a bent penis is not treated, it may negatively affect the boy's sex life in the future.

Small penis sizes

In newborn boys, the penis is normally small in size - up to 3 cm from base to tip. In medicine, the penis is considered small if its length at birth is less than two centimeters. Otherwise, this condition is called micropenis. Most often, such a small penis is correctly formed and fully developed, but has an atypically small size.
In some boys, a short penis is accompanied by a disease such as hypospadias, when the opening of the penis is displaced.
Sometimes boys' penis is hidden. The reasons for this may be a fairly large baby belly. The boy’s genital organ, which actually has normal size and structure, is hidden behind it. In such babies, the penis becomes fully visible only during urination or in a state of erection. This penis will become normal when the child loses weight or gets older. If this does not happen later in the boy's development, then surgery will be indicated.
A hidden penis of a congenital nature is a very rare occurrence in medicine. But there are cases when the penis of a newborn boy is hidden in the tummy tissue. With such a defect, there is no way to avoid surgical treatment.
Hormonal or other disorders, such as Klinefelter's syndrome, can also be accompanied by a small penis. Occasionally, it can be so small that even determining the sex of the child is difficult. This penis is more like a clitoris in girls. Such children are prescribed a chromosomal and endocrinological examination as early as possible, which will allow the sex of the child to be correctly determined.
Parents should know that under conditions of normal development, in the first 3-4 years of life after the birth of a boy, his penis grows by less than 1 centimeter.
The opposite problem also happens - an enlarged penis (and testicles). This may be a sign of precocious puberty that occurs before the age of nine. All boys with an enlarged penis should be examined to determine the cause of this condition. An enlarged penis may be a symptom of hormonal imbalances or other disorders that require immediate treatment.


These are tiny, hard formations on the head of a boy's uncircumcised penis, filled with a protein substance. They are a type of Epstein pearl that often appears on the oral mucous membranes of newborns. They are completely safe and do not affect the urination process. In addition, these pearls will not interfere with the opening of the head of the penis. After some time they disappear on their own.

Small scrotum

This condition can occur in boys with a condition called an undescended testicle (cryptorchidism). This disorder is very common in newborn boys (4%). During intrauterine development, the testicles - the organs that are responsible for the production of hormones and sperm - are located in the abdominal cavity. Shortly before or immediately after birth, the testicles descend into the scrotum. But this doesn't always happen. In this case, we are talking about an undescended testicle. As a rule, this phenomenon occurs only with one testicle, most often with the left one. There are very rare cases when both testicles do not descend.
At risk are babies who were born prematurely or with very low birth weight, as well as newborns with certain genetic diseases.
In 75% of children with this disease, the testicle descends into the scrotum during the first months of life. If this does not happen, then hormonal treatment or simple surgery is used during the first year of life.
Undescended testicles are one of the early symptoms of Klinefelter syndrome, a chromosomal disorder that causes delays in sexual development and causes delayed puberty in boys. In the future, this can lead to infertility. Other signs of this disease are a small penis and displacement of the urethral opening (hypospadias).
There are cases when the testicles, which descend into the scrotum in a timely manner, hide back in the groin. This condition in medicine is called retracted testicles and is considered quite normal. It does not require any treatment.

Scrotal enlargement

An enlarged scrotum usually indicates the presence of an inguinal hernia. It is formed as a result of the entry of part of the tissue that lines the walls of the abdominal cavity into the very canal through which the testicles descend into the scrotum.
Inguinal hernias sometimes increase in size and become more pronounced when crying or coughing. Most parents detect an inguinal hernia when the boy stands or strains during bowel movements.
Inguinal hernia is a very common phenomenon among newborns (5%), and it is hereditary.
The risk group consists of boys who were born as a result of premature birth or who have very low body weight.
Most often, such hernias appear on the right, but in some cases it develops on both sides at the same time (bilateral hernia).
Most often, boys with an inguinal hernia also have other pathologies of the genital organs. In most cases, this is an undescended testicle and hypospadias.
Inguinal hernias often occur in boys with cystic fibrosis and hip dislocation.
An inguinal hernia that suddenly increases in size, and also causes vomiting and severe pain, may signal that part of the intestine is pinched in the abdominal wall. If proper treatment is not carried out, this condition threatens the appearance of a strangulated hernia, when the blood supply to the pinched part of the intestine is disrupted. This condition requires immediate surgical intervention.
Most often, inguinal hernias in newborns are treated surgically.

Swollen scrotum

Most often, this manifestation is a symptom of hydrocele. In this condition, the sac around the testicles, which is filled with fluid, does not empty properly as they descend into the scrotum. Another reason is excessive accumulation of this fluid in the scrotum. Most boys are born with this condition. For some, the disease may not actively manifest itself and remain undiagnosed for several months after birth.
Hydrocele is a painless and harmless disease. The texture of the testicles resembles a balloon that has been filled with water. Sometimes other symptoms are added - a change in the size and color of the scrotum, which may acquire a bluish tint.
Hydrocele most often disappears by the end of the first year of life. But if it causes discomfort or grows to such a size that it interferes with the blood supply to the testicles, then surgical intervention may be necessary.

Displacement of the urethral opening

Hypospadias is a condition involving displacement of the urethral opening (through which urine is drained from the bladder). With this pathology, it is located in the lower part of the penis, and not at the top (head) of the penis. Sometimes this hole moves so far that it is located behind the scrotum.
Another type of congenital urethral displacement in boys is epispadias, where the opening is on the top of the penis.
Hypospadias is one of the most common defects. This anomaly is detected immediately after birth, but there are cases when it goes unnoticed.
Hypospadias is hereditary. In addition, such a disease may indicate some diseases associated with the genital organs. About 10% of boys with hypospadias have an inguinal hernia or hydrocele. In babies with hypospadias, the penis may curve downward. In medicine, this condition is called curvature of the penis. Often this anomaly is accompanied by a significant displacement of the urethra.
You can get rid of hypospadias using surgical methods. If you do not resort to surgery, boys experience the so-called deformation of the urine stream, when urination does not occur in a straight path. In this case, the child should urinate not while standing, but while sitting. At an older age, this can lead to psychological problems.
Depending on the location of the hole, the doctor will select the appropriate operation for the child. If the condition is diagnosed at birth, circumcision should be delayed because tissue from the foreskin may be needed to correct the urethra, especially if hypospadias is accompanied by a curvature of the penis.

We miss the target...

When potty training a boy, missing the target may indicate the presence of hypospadias. But if urine does not flow in the form of an even stream, but is splashed to the sides, then it is likely that the baby has a disease such as meatal stenosis of the urinary canal (otherwise called urethral stricture). An important sign of this disease is that it takes a child much longer than one year old for the bladder to completely empty. This disease is acquired.

The reasons are the following:
Inflammation of the urethra;
Blockage of the urethra by scar tissue after surgery or as a result of genital trauma. Meatal stenosis also often develops after insertion of a catheter.

Boys who have had their foreskin circumcised are more prone to stenosis. This is due to the fact that in this case the delicate head of the penis is very easily irritated, especially when in contact with a diaper in which a fairly large amount of urine has accumulated. Simple surgery may be necessary to prevent urinary problems. It will enlarge and widen the opening of the urethra.

Contact your doctor immediately:

Pediatricians examine boys' genitals at every scheduled appointment. But despite this, genital diseases can appear at any moment. Some may be harmless, but others will require emergency medical attention.

A child needs urgent consultation and help from a doctor in the following cases:

The boy's genitals suddenly became swollen or increased in size;
There is discharge from the genitals with purulent or bloody contents, as well as an unpleasant odor;
Bruises and cuts appeared on the boy’s genitals, signs of injury.

The child must be taken to a doctor for examination in the following cases:

O There is blood coming from the penis;
o The boy has an inguinal hernia or lump;
o The child suddenly began vomiting and felt pain;
o The child cries when the genitals are touched.

A pediatrician can easily diagnose most diseases associated with the genital organs of boys. Appropriate treatment will also be prescribed. But there are a number of diseases that require consultation with specialized pediatric specialists - a urologist, neonatologist, endocrinologist or even a plastic surgeon. The pediatrician may also recommend that parents show their baby genetics, since a number of diseases of the reproductive system can be hereditary and genetic in nature.
Be attentive to the health of your kids!

A large thread has reached the top on Reddit, in which people give each other advice on what they should not search on the Internet under any circumstances, share their experiences and tell stories on this topic. Some advice is funny, some is useful, and some is downright creepy.

“Everything related to 20 tons of military anthrax that mysteriously disappeared from the Soviet Union shortly before its collapse.”

"Ballerina's Legs"

"Frozen pregnancy."

In English it is literally called “born in a dream.”

“I came across this phrase several times on pregnancy forums, I thought it was something cute. Like a little sleepy baby who snored all the way. But this means something completely different.”

Gamers have their own concerns.

"MLB 2017 Glitch."

We googled it conscientiously, and it turned out that we were talking about a funny bug (or feature, who knows) in the latest version of a popular game in the US from Sony Interactive. You can change the appearance of baseball characters, such as mustaches and beards, hairstyles, and so on, and if you turn everything up to the maximum, it will turn out funny. We don’t know, it seems like nothing special, look for yourself.

But some things you really DO NOT need to Google. We've warned you.

“Blue waffles. Grapefruit technique."

However, Google about grapefruit if you want.

“Just remember to turn the volume up to the MAX when doing this.”

But the most reasonable advice was given by one user, wise from bitter experience.

“Don’t Google what you shouldn’t Google.” You'll see LISTS of things you should never Google. But what's worse is that there will be descriptions and often links to these things. And that’s basically as bad as Googling something you should never Google.”

What you definitely shouldn’t ask Google for is advice in a matter that requires professionalism, but you don’t understand anything about it. Florida resident William Johnson decided that he urgently needed money and decided to rob a bank. After his arrest, the guy admitted that he did not have criminal skills and did not find anything better than. But at the same time I forgot to look for “how to avoid getting caught by the police.”