home · On a note · Types of structures for multi-level plasterboard ceilings, photos of complex systems. Multi-level ceilings: review of the best projects, and principles of do-it-yourself construction (95 photos) Design lighting options

Types of structures for multi-level plasterboard ceilings, photos of complex systems. Multi-level ceilings: review of the best projects, and principles of do-it-yourself construction (95 photos) Design lighting options

A multi-level plasterboard ceiling is a suspended finishing structure; the metal frame, which holds the weight of it all, is also mounted on several levels.

The surest option is to install the first level of drywall, and attach the second level of CD profiles on top of it. The main thing is to follow one single rule - do not combine seams of several levels into one plane. That is why it is more convenient to make ceilings with curved lines and shapes - the new level will not repeat them anyway.

The first layer of drywall is attached in the usual way - along guide profiles and sheathing. The metal profiles themselves can be attached rigidly to the sub-ceiling or held on by metal straps, or even around the perimeter (simply with self-tapping screws).

Both options are quite good, but installation on a permanent ceiling is not always reasonable (for example, if it is not level).

In total, multi-tiered plasterboard ceilings are mounted as follows:

  • first, the main layer of plasterboard is made in the usual way;
  • Next, you need to make a new frame for the second level, initially defining the shape of the boxes;
  • Next, new levels are gradually attached to the required height. All lighting and electrical (wiring) will be hidden in the box itself.

DIY three-level plasterboard ceiling: installation

Using an example, we can consider the process of installing a three-level plasterboard ceiling with your own hands. Moreover, the last layer will be “floating”, that is, without attachment to the walls. Multi-tiered ones are made in the same way as a three-level one, only taking into account the static weight of the structure. Accordingly, for the first level you need to make an extremely strong frame that can withstand not only static, but also dynamic load (so that the ceiling does not collapse when flooded from the neighbors above, for example).

So, the design is created as follows:

  • First - the main lathing made of aluminum profiles.
  • The first layer of drywall is attached to the sheathing and rigidly connected at the seams with flea screws.
  • Next, a new profile is laid along the first-level drywall. The rigidity of the structure will be ensured by installation around the perimeter.
  • Then the device is closed with the same plasterboard box and leveled to the desired height.
  • The last stage is a floating level made of plasterboard, which is attached in a similar way, only closed CD profiles are used. The form is free.

Tiered stretch ceilings are installed in a similar way, only film is used instead of sheets of plasterboard. Lighting is done last, that is, when the base of the ceiling is already ready.

What is a floating plasterboard ceiling?

Multi-level plasterboard ceilings with do-it-yourself lighting

A multi-level ceiling, in contrast to one continuous layer, has a so-called deflection index. And it should definitely be taken into account. Accordingly, the installation of one level over the second is done only rigidly, without any ties or suspensions that cannot withstand a weight of over 10 kilograms.

To create multi-level ceilings, you should use the appropriate classification profiles CD, D, CW, UW and the like. Only in this way can the structure easily withstand even high humidity in the apartment (plasterboard, like a sponge, absorbs even moisture floating in the air).

As for the lighting, it is generally recommended to hide the controller and power supply under LED strips and lamps in a separate niche made in the wall. The wiring is laid in any convenient way, but preferably not through a profile. Otherwise, if the wire burns out, you will have to dismantle almost the entire ceiling and remove the layer of plaster.

Material on the use of multi-level ceilings in the interior will also be useful:

On average, the maximum possible load at the ceiling level is:

  • 100 kilograms on the first level (room 3 by 3 meters on average);
  • 60 kilograms - on the second;
  • 30 kilograms - on the third.

These are the limit values. But the less, the better.

Multi-level plasterboard flows (video)

Overall, making a multi-level ceiling with your own hands is not difficult. The only difficulty is creating a sketch according to which the plasterboard sheets will be placed, as well as cutting them. To create curly bends, it is better to use a jigsaw, and sand all cut areas with fine-grain sandpaper.

Multi-level plasterboard ceiling with backlight (photo)

A separate stage in the renovation of a room is finishing the ceiling. Of all the options, the installation of suspended ceilings is the most common. Drywall allows you to quickly level the surface, and with its help you can diversify the interior by constructing a multi-tiered ceiling structure.

Design options

Drywall provides the opportunity to build original multi-level structures. Installation is carried out using a system of metal profiles, which eliminates the need for labor-intensive leveling of the base with plaster. Drywall is malleable in processing, but at the same time quite durable. One design can combine different levels of surfaces, which allows you to implement any design ideas. Proper lighting will make any ceiling more expressive.

Due to its design capabilities, drywall has long become the main material used for finishing surfaces.

According to the degree of complexity, suspended ceilings are divided into the following types:

  1. Single-tier ceiling. One-level filing is done instead of traditional leveling with plaster if the base has significant differences. A single-level suspended ceiling allows you to hide electrical wiring and install recessed spotlights.
  2. Single step ceiling. If you complicate the frame a little and add one step, the interior of the room will change dramatically. Installation of such ceilings does not present any difficulties for non-professional builders.
  3. Multi-level ceiling, which has three or more tiers. This design has a complex shape. Each level is made in the form of a step or a separate element with straight or curved contours. Installation of such structures requires a competent approach with preliminary implementation of the project and careful calculation of all parameters and individual components.

Important! The more tiers, the more the multi-level ceiling lowers the room. Installing a frame under drywall steals at least 50 mm of space. Therefore, traditional putty is often used to level the base. This complicates the assembly of the ceiling and makes the process more labor-intensive, but the room will save up to 10 cm in height.

Multi-tiered systems are characterized by the fact that each previous tier becomes the supporting foundation for the next one.

Design options

Each level can have its own shape and location. Depending on this, there are four main design options:

  • Frame . This is the easiest way to complicate the design. Installing a straight step in the form of a box along the perimeter of the ceiling will help diversify the interior of the room. This design is designed for installation in a box or niche of built-in lamps. Lighting plays an important role in how a structure will be perceived by humans. In ordinary apartments where the room is low, the ceiling is leveled with putty, and the box is screwed directly to the base.
  • Diagonal. It differs from the previous version in the shape of the second tier. The step does not encircle the ceiling, but protrudes from one side. It divides the ceiling itself and the entire interior of the room into two separate zones. Installation of this system is more difficult due to the need to create curved surfaces.

  • Local . The second tier is located in a certain place. This ceiling divides the room into separate functional areas. To enhance the effect, spot lighting is installed along the edge.

  • Complex curly . Any designer interior is incomplete without intricate ceiling designs. In fact, a multi-tiered ceiling of complex shapes is different combinations of previous structures. The number of steps is not limited, and one system can combine levels with straight and curved contours, complex spot and hidden lighting of different intensities.

In order for a multi-level ceiling to look harmonious, the design takes into account the shape of the room, its size, interior, lighting, and functionality.

Design and preparation of the base

Many home craftsmen undertake independent installation without the help of builders and finishers. They are inspired by the simplicity of the technology used to install drywall, and the opportunity to create a unique environment in their home. The complexity of the ceiling design for independent implementation depends on the taste of the owner, his material capabilities and construction skills. But no matter who installs the suspended ceiling, he always adheres to the following rules:

  • The multi-level frame is first drawn to scale on paper. It is better, of course, to use special programs in which you can visually evaluate a room with a new interior.

  • Each level is calculated separately.
  • If a multi-tiered ceiling is made without filing on the profile of the first tier, the base is leveled with plaster or putty using the appropriate technology.
  • If the first level is performed by adding plasterboard to the profile, first the base is cleaned of old finishing material, if necessary, a vapor barrier is performed, and electrical wiring for future lamps is installed.

Important! Lighting and type of lamps are planned in advance. Many parameters of the frame and its individual steps depend on the size of the lamps and the method of their installation.

To update a room, you need ideas. They can be gleaned from the Internet, where many masters post photos of their best works.

Tools and materials

In the drawing, the structure is a grid, which indicates the location of the metal frame profiles for drywall for each step. This way you can accurately calculate the amount of consumables for a multi-level ceiling.

Installation of the frame under plasterboard is carried out using a set of tools for working with plasterboard according to the traditional scheme. A metal profile is used for the frame. You can get by with a standard kit, which includes a UD guide profile, a supporting CD profile, U-shaped hangers and perforated corners. For filing, standard size plasterboard is used. The sheet of ceiling plasterboard has a size of 120x250 cm, and these parameters formed the basis for marking the base.

If the design has curved lines, you can purchase special flexible profiles. But many do without extra costs and make a flexible profile from a straight one by cutting it with a grinder or scissors. To strengthen curved corner joints of drywall sheets, use a flexible plastic corner.

Ceiling plasterboard is used for filing. It is thinner than the wall one, so it is lighter. The plasterboard sheet for the ceiling has a thickness of 10 mm. To ensure that the profile of the lower stages is securely attached to the base, 35 mm self-tapping screws are used. Particular attention is paid to the quality of the dowels, since a multi-level ceiling will have a lot of weight.

Cut the sheet with a stationery knife, cutting the cardboard on one side and then breaking it. To cut drywall along a curved line, use a jigsaw.

Frame assembly

Installation of a multi-tiered ceiling differs from how a conventional frame is installed under plasterboard. But at the same time, the order of the profile location and the rules for connecting elements are subject to uniform installation rules.

First tier

The first stage is a regular single-tier ceiling. It is performed as follows:

  • The ceiling is measured for surface differences. To do this, use a level. The point of greatest underestimation is marked on the wall. Depending on the planned lighting, appropriate reductions are made for the installation of lighting fixtures.
  • A horizontal line is drawn along the perimeter of the walls, on which the guide profile is attached.
  • On the ceiling with a pitch of 60 cm, parallel lines are drawn using a tapping thread, along which U-shaped hangers are attached with the same step.
  • Then the supporting profile is cut to the required length and inserted into the guides. Twist the profile with self-tapping screws.
  • After this, the guide profile is screwed to the hangers. At the same time, make sure that it does not sag.

So that in the future, when attaching the lower steps, the self-tapping screw always falls into the profile of the first tier, marks are made on the walls in the direction of the supporting profile.

To facilitate the finishing of the structure, after the installation of the frame of the first tier is completed, immediately twist the drywall and putty the surface. In this case, the sheet is not twisted to the wall, but only to the space that remains open. It is enough if the sheet overlaps the edge line of the second level step.

Features of fastening the lower tiers

Installation of the bottom step becomes more difficult if it has a curved edge. To do this, first prepare a guide profile by making cuts on it in increments of 3-5 cm (depending on the steepness of the bend).

Then a step contour line is drawn on the surface of the base and the prepared profile is screwed directly through the backing sheet.

After this, pieces of vertical posts are cut to fit the height of the box. They are screwed to a bent guide. This is how the plane of the second stage is formed.

Fastening drywall

Drywall is fixed in compliance with the usual technical requirements. The material is not placed sheet to sheet, but offset. Cross-shaped joints are not allowed. Each sheet should end up in the middle of the profile.

Installation of drywall is carried out using standard self-tapping screws. In many designs, the bottom tier sheathing sheet gives it rigidity. Usually, for small boxes, craftsmen do not install load-bearing horizontal profiles, but limit themselves only to a wall guide profile on one side, and a vertical bent segment on the other. In this case, the plasterboard sheet, after screwing, creates the rigidity of the box.

Important! It is more convenient to twist self-tapping screws into drywall using a special cue ball with a limiter. It will prevent the head of the screw from slipping through the sheet.

The video will show you how to install one of the multi-level ceiling options:

To bend a sheet or strip of drywall, two techniques are used. If the bending radius is small, then the sheet is rolled with a needle roller with pressure and wetted. The core of the material gets wet, and the sheet bends even under its own weight. This technique is not suitable for covering curved surfaces with a steep radius. Then the strip is evenly cut along the side of the bend and broken. After screwing, such strips will have to be puttied and sanded several times to achieve a smooth bend.

Any multi-level ceiling is mounted according to the same principle. The more complex the design, the more patience and care will be required from the master. In fact, an ordinary box or ceiling of complex shape is made using the same technology.

Recently, multi-level stretch ceilings have come into fashion and have firmly taken their place in the decor of ceiling coverings. In addition to an aesthetically attractive and original appearance, they have the same quality characteristics as conventional stretch fabrics. This is due to the fact that they have a large number of advantages compared to plasterboard ceilings, which have significantly lost their position in the world of design. Plasterboard structures visually reduce the height of the walls, making the ceiling covering low.


The stretch ceiling is a solid aluminum frame on which the canvas is mounted. With it you can create various designs in texture and shape, including those with several levels. The visual effect is achieved thanks to a large number of components. This frame is covered either with a special polyvinyl chloride film or with fabric tension sheets.

Geometrically, levels come in various shapes: cone-shaped, arched, stepped, zigzag. The frame allows you to experiment with both the shape and the number of levels. The technology for creating tension fabrics makes it easy to implement any idea of ​​the customer and designer.

Installation of multi-level stretch ceilings is carried out in stages.

  • First, using aluminum profiles, the desired shape with a certain number of tiers is created. In order to assemble it, drywall is often used.
  • Then a panel made to the specified dimensions is pulled onto the mold. After installation, the surface of the film becomes even and smooth. For large rooms where it is necessary to combine several canvases, they are connected by welding, which makes the seams almost invisible.

Multi-level stretch ceilings have a number of features that are their advantages compared to conventional single-tier products.


The varied design of multi-level stretch ceiling coverings allows them to be used in any room and in any interior style: both classic and high-tech. The main advantages of these ceilings lie in several factors.

  • Exclusive coating design. You can apply and combine any number of tiers, shapes, textures and colors. A ceiling consisting of several tiers will become a real highlight of any room. The starry night sky or smooth curves reminiscent of a river will become a bright accent, create the necessary mood in the interior and emphasize its individuality.

On PVC film and on satin ceilings it is possible to apply any design using airbrushing or photo printing.

  • A multi-level structure can be built in any room: living room, bedroom, bathroom, children's room, on the loggia. Even in the corridor it will come in handy. From the doorway he will tell you about the good taste of the owner of the house. Due to the fact that the stretch ceiling does not absorb any odors, it is appropriate to install it in the kitchen. Condensation does not collect on the coating, this allows it to be installed in rooms such as a bathroom or swimming pool, where humidity is always high.

  • Experts note that tension coverings are durable in service, since such canvases are not subject to fading, fading and deformation. Tests indicate that its strength is due to its ability to stretch due to the gravity of the weight of water. In case of flooding from above, a multi-level stretch ceiling will withstand more than 100 l/m² of liquid, since it has elastic and waterproof properties. This coating feature will save floors and furniture.
  • Multi-level suspended ceilings meet all fire safety standards: they are non-flammable and non-toxic.
  • The system is installed very quickly compared to drywall. Installation takes place cleanly and without construction debris. The simplicity of creating multi-tiered structures will allow you not to involve specialists and carry out repairs yourself.
  • To keep the structure clean, no need to incur additional costs. To keep the appearance of the ceiling unchanged, a damp cloth is enough.

Interior use

In addition to the above advantages, the multi-level design has a number of useful properties.


Multi-storey buildings have very poor sound insulation; panel or brick walls easily transmit sounds. If you install a tension structure, you can install a special ceiling with an acoustic effect into it. It is made from polyester fiber, which is a fabric with a large number of microscopic holes. This creates an obstacle to the sound wave and prevents it from spreading. The wave is partially reflected back and partially absorbed by the ceiling covering.

Stretch two- and three-level ceilings perfectly retain noise, since sound vibrations in the soft fabric are muffled; plasterboard ceilings do not have such properties. In addition, there is some space between the floor slab and the suspended ceilings; it also absorbs sounds.

Masking of utilities

Often there is a need to disguise an unaesthetic crack or unevenness, especially for the ceiling coverings of old houses. A multi-tiered tension structure can easily cope with the problem by hiding engineering communications: alarm, air duct, ventilation without losing their functionality.

In multi-level stretch ceilings there are many opportunities to place additional light sources in an original way. A traditional chandelier can be combined with spotlights and LED strip.

The highlight of the interior can be the last option; this tape, in combination with the properties of vinyl film, allows you to create real masterpieces of design. In addition, you can change the color of the backlight according to your preference and mood.

Room zoning

If you won’t surprise anyone with suspended single-tier ceiling coverings, since they do not visually change the room, then a level ceiling creates the illusion of space and depth. With its help, the room is divided into several functional zones, which is achieved by combining panels of different textures and colors.

Bizarre shapes on the ceiling are additionally supported by constructing a podium on the floor or constructing plasterboard partitions. As a result, the interior turns out to be very impressive and harmonious.

When using multi-level structures, you can achieve another visual effect. This is an increase in ceiling height, it is created by combining tiers and colors, as well as in the presence of glossy surfaces. By mirroring the room on the ceiling, the illusion of double space is created.

However, too complex designs hide the height, so the ceiling covering in the room should not be low. That is, the more levels, the lower the ceiling goes. You can solve the problem by using curved lines and surfaces, as well as experimenting with the frame. This will help create a unique design and optical illusions.

A three-level ceiling is a good option if you need to decorate a room in an unusual way. It will visually change the geometry of the room, increasing the height of the ceiling and the width of the room.

This ceiling covering has a rather complex design, but you can also build it yourself, without the help of specialists.


PVC film

Possible types of suspended ceilings are divided by material: PVC film or fabric. They can be combined with each other and create a rectangular structure.

Using special equipment, a thin PVC film is bonded from individual strips. When installing the canvas, the surface is heated well using a heat gun. The PVC film increases in size and sags a little, then it is attached to the workpiece.

After cooling, the ceiling covering will be tightly stretched and smooth to the touch. The texture of the ceiling, as well as its color, depends on the type of film. Multi-level tension structures are often decorated with colored glass, mirrors, and various designs are applied to them.

Satin finish

Satin stretch ceilings have appeared relatively recently and have become very popular. A fabric is attached to an aluminum frame, which is an elastic fabric, similar in appearance and texture to a woman’s stocking. A satin ceiling visually resembles a painted surface, so it has some reflection effect. However, like a glossy ceiling, it cannot be called mirrored; the shine is very insignificant. The required color is given to the canvas by dyeing; it becomes moisture resistant after varnishing.

The fabric ceiling is absolutely safe for health because it does not emit harmful substances into the air, it is lightweight and looks very aesthetically pleasing. A room with such a silky ceiling covering looks homely and cozy. It is because of this that satin ceilings are most often installed in the bedroom. This surface is easy to clean: when it gets dirty, just wipe it with a dry cloth.

The advantages of using this coating include frost resistance, as well as the fact that it is suitable for rooms with sudden temperature changes. Disadvantages include the high price, as well as the inability to hold back water if flooded by neighbors above.

Multi-level stretch ceilings: features and types

Recently, multi-level stretch ceilings have come into fashion and have firmly taken their place in the decor of ceiling coverings. In addition to an aesthetically attractive and original appearance, they have the same quality characteristics as conventional stretch fabrics. This is due to the fact that they have a large number of advantages compared to plasterboard ceilings, which have significantly lost their position in the world of design. Plasterboard structures visually reduce the height of the walls, making the ceiling covering low.


The stretch ceiling is a solid aluminum frame on which the canvas is mounted. With it you can create various designs in texture and shape, including those with several levels. The visual effect is achieved thanks to a large number of components. This frame is covered either with a special polyvinyl chloride film or with fabric tension sheets.

Geometrically, levels come in various shapes: cone-shaped, arched, stepped, zigzag. The frame allows you to experiment with both the shape and the number of levels. The technology for creating tension fabrics makes it easy to implement any idea of ​​the customer and designer.

Installation of multi-level stretch ceilings is carried out in stages.

  • First, using aluminum profiles, the desired shape with a certain number of tiers is created. In order to assemble it, drywall is often used.
  • Then a panel made to the specified dimensions is pulled onto the mold. After installation, the surface of the film becomes even and smooth. For large rooms where it is necessary to combine several canvases, they are connected by welding, which makes the seams almost invisible.

Multi-level stretch ceilings have a number of features that are their advantages compared to conventional single-tier products.


The varied design of multi-level stretch ceiling coverings allows them to be used in any room and in any interior style: both classic and high-tech. The main advantages of these ceilings lie in several factors.

  • Exclusive coating design. You can apply and combine any number of tiers, shapes, textures and colors. A ceiling consisting of several tiers will become a real highlight of any room. The starry night sky or smooth curves reminiscent of a river will become a bright accent, create the necessary mood in the interior and emphasize its individuality.

On PVC film and on satin ceilings it is possible to apply any design using airbrushing or photo printing.

  • A multi-level structure can be built in any room: living room, bedroom, bathroom, children's room, on the loggia. Even in the corridor it will come in handy. From the doorway he will tell you about the good taste of the owner of the house. Due to the fact that the stretch ceiling does not absorb any odors, it is appropriate to install it in the kitchen. Condensation does not collect on the coating, this allows it to be installed in rooms such as a bathroom or swimming pool, where humidity is always high.

  • Experts note that tension coverings are durable in service, since such canvases are not subject to fading, fading and deformation. Tests indicate that its strength is due to its ability to stretch due to the gravity of the weight of water. In case of flooding from above, a multi-level stretch ceiling will withstand more than 100 l/m² of liquid, since it has elastic and waterproof properties. This coating feature will save floors and furniture.
  • Multi-level suspended ceilings meet all fire safety standards: they are non-flammable and non-toxic.
  • The system is installed very quickly compared to drywall. Installation takes place cleanly and without construction debris. The simplicity of creating multi-tiered structures will allow you not to involve specialists and carry out repairs yourself.
  • To keep the structure clean, no need to incur additional costs. To keep the appearance of the ceiling unchanged, a damp cloth is enough.

Interior use

In addition to the above advantages, the multi-level design has a number of useful properties.


Multi-storey buildings have very poor sound insulation; panel or brick walls easily transmit sounds. If you install a tension structure, you can install a special ceiling with an acoustic effect into it. It is made from polyester fiber, which is a fabric with a large number of microscopic holes. This creates an obstacle to the sound wave and prevents it from spreading. The wave is partially reflected back and partially absorbed by the ceiling covering.

Stretch two- and three-level ceilings perfectly retain noise, since sound vibrations in the soft fabric are muffled; plasterboard ceilings do not have such properties. In addition, there is some space between the floor slab and the suspended ceilings; it also absorbs sounds.

Masking of utilities

Often there is a need to disguise an unaesthetic crack or unevenness, especially for the ceiling coverings of old houses. A multi-tiered tension structure can easily cope with the problem by hiding engineering communications: alarm, air duct, ventilation without losing their functionality.

In multi-level stretch ceilings there are many opportunities to place additional light sources in an original way. A traditional chandelier can be combined with spotlights and LED strip.

The highlight of the interior can be the last option; this tape, in combination with the properties of vinyl film, allows you to create real masterpieces of design. In addition, you can change the color of the backlight according to your preference and mood.

Room zoning

If you won’t surprise anyone with suspended single-tier ceiling coverings, since they do not visually change the room, then a level ceiling creates the illusion of space and depth. With its help, the room is divided into several functional zones, which is achieved by combining panels of different textures and colors.

Bizarre shapes on the ceiling are additionally supported by constructing a podium on the floor or constructing plasterboard partitions. As a result, the interior turns out to be very impressive and harmonious.

When using multi-level structures, you can achieve another visual effect. This is an increase in ceiling height, it is created by combining tiers and colors, as well as in the presence of glossy surfaces. By mirroring the room on the ceiling, the illusion of double space is created.

However, too complex designs hide the height, so the ceiling covering in the room should not be low. That is, the more levels, the lower the ceiling goes. You can solve the problem by using curved lines and surfaces, as well as experimenting with the frame. This will help create a unique design and optical illusions.

A three-level ceiling is a good option if you need to decorate a room in an unusual way. It will visually change the geometry of the room, increasing the height of the ceiling and the width of the room.

This ceiling covering has a rather complex design, but you can also build it yourself, without the help of specialists.


PVC film

Possible types of suspended ceilings are divided by material: PVC film or fabric. They can be combined with each other and create a rectangular structure.

Using special equipment, a thin PVC film is bonded from individual strips. When installing the canvas, the surface is heated well using a heat gun. The PVC film increases in size and sags a little, then it is attached to the workpiece.

After cooling, the ceiling covering will be tightly stretched and smooth to the touch. The texture of the ceiling, as well as its color, depends on the type of film. Multi-level tension structures are often decorated with colored glass, mirrors, and various designs are applied to them.

Satin finish

Satin stretch ceilings have appeared relatively recently and have become very popular. A fabric is attached to an aluminum frame, which is an elastic fabric, similar in appearance and texture to a woman’s stocking. A satin ceiling visually resembles a painted surface, so it has some reflection effect. However, like a glossy ceiling, it cannot be called mirrored; the shine is very insignificant. The required color is given to the canvas by dyeing; it becomes moisture resistant after varnishing.

The fabric ceiling is absolutely safe for health because it does not emit harmful substances into the air, it is lightweight and looks very aesthetically pleasing. A room with such a silky ceiling covering looks homely and cozy. It is because of this that satin ceilings are most often installed in the bedroom. This surface is easy to clean: when it gets dirty, just wipe it with a dry cloth.

The advantages of using this coating include frost resistance, as well as the fact that it is suitable for rooms with sudden temperature changes. Disadvantages include the high price, as well as the inability to hold back water if flooded by neighbors above.


Depending on the texture of the coating, multi-level tension surfaces are divided into matte and glossy. A more popular option is a matte ceiling. Moreover, it won't cost you too much. Externally, its surface resembles a plastered ceiling covering.

This ceiling with a rough texture will especially appeal to people with traditional views on interior design.

A glossy or varnished ceiling can visually enlarge the room. It is perfect for a small room, bathroom, pool. Using gloss when zoning a room, you can get a rather unusual effect, especially if you decorate dark corners with this texture.

Furniture in a room with a glossy ceiling should be installed to a minimum so that the room does not look ridiculous.

Multi-level tension structures are presented today in a huge range. The ceiling can be made matte, glossy, satin, translucent, mirrored, with sparkles, photo printing, there are plenty of colors and textures.

A multi-level ceiling will reliably hide any existing defect from prying eyes. The unusual design allows you to combine several types of lighting sources at the same time, and the combination of canvases of different colors and textures allows you to get very interesting results.

To learn how to install a multi-level stretch ceiling, see the following video.

Multi-level stretch ceilings

Contact the MDV-Group company to order multi-level stretch ceilings with the required design. Unlike installing complex plasterboard structures and carrying out painting work, tension fabrics located in several levels give the desired effect without excessive expenses. You can create a designer ceiling in your cottage or apartment by inviting measurers and ordering the installation of a multi-level ceiling.

Installation of multi-level stretch ceilings

At MDV-Group you can order the installation of multi-level panels made of fabric, satin, or PVC film. By choosing the right materials and combining various design solutions with each other, you can obtain multi-level stretch ceilings of impeccable quality. In different cases, it is appropriate to use different solutions: simple and complex shapes, solid and translucent layers, backlit or with a starry sky effect, plain or with a texture (including a photo printing effect).

Installing such a ceiling is a rather difficult process that should not be trusted to non-professionals. MDV-Group employees have at their disposal the tools and materials necessary for installation.

Depending on what technology is used and how many levels are involved, installation can take up to several hours. The price of multi-level stretch ceilings also depends on the additional services that you can order from our employees. We will install lighting for you, create a sky effect, apply photo printing, and paint the initially white canvas in the desired shade.

Advantages of multi-level ceilings

Unlike standard single-level structures, such a ceiling has several advantages and opens up more freedom of action when decorating the interior. Typically, multi-level stretch ceilings are ordered in order to:

  • completely transform the room, update its appearance;
  • zone the space and place accents on objects;
  • create a complex and impressive aesthetic composition.

You can contact the MDV-Group company to place an order for such a ceiling. We will take preliminary measurements, draw up and agree on a project with you. We will offer several solutions to choose from so that you settle on the one that suits you in terms of price and final result. Our team works professionally, uses different materials, and offers additional services. The order is completed on a turnkey basis, meaning you do not need to contact other contractors.

Installed multi-level stretch ceilings are subject to a safety certificate and a production quality guarantee. Contact MDV-Group and place an order - we will create for you not just a ceiling, but a real work of art.