home · Other · Thickness of expanded clay concrete walls. How is the thickness of walls made of expanded clay concrete blocks determined? Thickness of external walls made of expanded clay concrete blocks

Thickness of expanded clay concrete walls. How is the thickness of walls made of expanded clay concrete blocks determined? Thickness of external walls made of expanded clay concrete blocks

The use of expanded clay concrete blocks in the construction of houses, cottages, and low-rise buildings is widespread in Russia due to the high performance characteristics of the material.

Advantages of blocks: the path to building quality

The well-known positive qualities of the building material are its low thermal conductivity, high moisture resistance, resistance to temperature changes, rotting, environmental safety and low cost.

The thickness of a wall made of expanded clay concrete blocks can be determined taking into account the type and purpose of the structure, and the climatic conditions of the region. Wall designs differ in the thickness of the block masonry, insulation and other features.

Features of wall masonry

Determine the main options for laying walls:

  • Outbuildings (garages, warehouses, utility rooms) that do not require heating can be erected with a thickness of half a block, that is, 190 mm;
  • Residential buildings must ensure heat retention. Considering that expanded clay blocks have low thermal conductivity, the thickness of the walls in areas with warm climates is half a block or 190 mm. Such a house requires external thermal insulation to create optimal conditions inside the building.
  • In areas with a more severe climate, walls are built as thick as a block, that is, 400 mm, but the building must be insulated using insulating materials. In cases where we are talking about single-layer expanded clay concrete walls, experts recommend focusing on wall thickness in the range of 400-600 mm;
  • When building a two-story house, the walls of the lower floor are erected from a one-and-a-half block, that is, 600 mm, which makes it possible to give the building the required strength. The second floor may have thinner walls;
  • Internal partitions and load-bearing walls can withstand loads if their thickness is half a block. This is enough for good sound insulation and creating comfortable living conditions.

When starting to build a house made of expanded clay blocks, you should calculate all parameters and quantities of materials with maximum accuracy. It is better to entrust such a task to specialists in order to be confident in the strength of the structure and its compliance with regulations and standards.

The construction of walls from blocks based on expanded clay concrete is characterized by a number of advantages, among which are:

  • high strength indicators;
  • powerful thermal insulation properties;
  • simplicity and perfect quality of finishing, etc.

The laying technology using jute tape, which is placed in the space between the inner and outer strip of mortar, guarantees the prevention of the appearance of “cold bridges”. The popular material is used in almost all countries, no matter what climate zone they are in.

Blocks from the Aleksinsky plant for walls 0.4 and 0.6 m thick

You can get the maximum benefits from the use of expanded clay concrete blocks by correctly determining the thickness of the walls. Sometimes construction features require the use of supporting walls in masonry in addition to blocks based on expanded clay concrete, bricks and other types of blocks. You need to know exactly what the thermal insulation characteristics of the walls of the facility should be.

The most common are two solutions: supporting walls made of blocks based on expanded clay concrete are built with a thickness of 0.4 or 0.6 m (without internal plaster and external finishing).

A thickness of 0.4 meters can be achieved using expanded clay concrete blocks measuring 390:190:188 mm solid (M75 F50 D1300) and hollow 2-slot (M25 F35 D800), 4-slot (M35 F35 D900) and 8-slot (M35 F35 D900) type.

When creating walls 0.6 meters thick, 6-slot hollow expanded clay concrete blocks of 300x390x188 or 600x390x188 mm format should be used. When installing partitions, you can use blocks of the M75 D1300 brand in the format 120x390x188 or hollow PKTs of 80 and 90 mm thickness - 390x90(80)x188.

Everything that is required to solve construction problems is present in the range of expanded clay concrete blocks of the Aleksinsky plant.

About the nuances of choosing thickness

The wall thickness that should be followed in a particular region of the country is indicated to designers by the relevant standards. In the Central District of the Russian Federation, a thickness norm of 64 cm is recommended with some reserve for the walls of residential buildings, for other buildings - 0.4 m. The parameter above 0.6 m is somewhat overestimated compared to the calculated data. A simple formula takes into account the values ​​of 2 coefficients:

  • thermal conductivity "λ";
  • heat transfer resistance "Rreg".

Thickness of supporting walls δ = Rreg (3.0-3.1 in the Central District of the Russian Federation) x λ (0.19) = 0.57 m. Adhering to this standard in the capital and surrounding regions, it is possible to build a guaranteed reliable, safe building with a long service life .

Expanded clay concrete is one type of concrete. It has recently become quite often used in construction work: the construction of cottages, outbuildings, garages. It is also used to fill the frame for multi-story buildings that are built of reinforced concrete. This material has become so popular that it is difficult to imagine a country in which it would not be used by builders. More precisely, pre-made expanded clay concrete wall blocks are used.

Many who have not yet had time to appreciate the benefits of this material are beginning to notice them. Those who decide to use it for their construction must carefully consider such a characteristic as the thickness of the wall made of expanded clay concrete blocks. This is all for good reason, because having studied all the nuances, you will be able to get the most out of this insulation.

Dependence of thickness on type of masonry

The thickness of the surface finished with expanded clay concrete block mainly depends on which masonry option you choose. Each option, in turn, depends on weather and climatic conditions. It also takes into account how much the building is used. When construction is major, often more than just one block of expanded clay concrete can be used. In addition, bricks, foam and cinder blocks are used. The thickness of the future masonry will depend on what kind of thermal insulation is required for a particular building. The various thermal conductivity and moisture-repellent characteristics of the insulation will also be taken into account.

Depending on the choice of masonry, you will calculate the thickness of the walls, which are made with ceramic blocks. Moreover, the outer and inner layers of finishing plaster applied to the wall will be taken into account:

  1. The first option: if the supporting wall is laid out in blocks of 390:190:200 millimeters, then the masonry must be laid 400 millimeters thick, not counting the layers of internal plaster and insulation that is located outside.
  2. Second option: if the load-bearing wall structure consists of blocks measuring 590:290:200 millimeters, then the wall should be exactly 600 millimeters. In this case, it is worth filling special voids in the blocks between the walls with insulation.
  3. Third option: if you decide to use an expanded clay concrete block with a size of 235:500:200 millimeters, then the wall thickness will be 500 millimeters. Plus add layers of plaster on both sides of the wall to your calculations.

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Effect of thermal conductivity

In construction work, it is important to calculate the thermal conductivity coefficient, since it has an impact on the durability of the entire structure. The coefficient is important when calculating the thickness of walls that consist of expanded clay concrete blocks. Thermal conductivity is a material property that characterizes the process of heat transfer from warm objects to cool ones. Everyone knows this from physics lessons.

Thermal conductivity in calculations is expressed through a special coefficient. It takes into account the parameters of the bodies between which heat is transferred, the amount of heat, and time. This coefficient shows how much heat can be transferred in one hour from one body to another, which has dimensions of one meter in thickness and one square meter in area.

Different characteristics have their influence on the thermal conductivity of each material. These include the size, type, presence of voids of the material or substance, and its chemical composition. Humidity and air temperature also affect this process. For example, low thermal conductivity is observed in porous materials and substances.

For each specific building, its own wall thickness is measured. It varies depending on the purpose of the building. For a residential building, the standard thickness will be exactly 64 centimeters. This is all spelled out in special building codes and regulations. True, some people think differently: that the load-bearing wall of a residential building can be 39 centimeters thick. In fact, such calculations are more suitable for a summer house, country house, garage, and buildings for household purposes. It is possible to build interior decoration with a wall of this thickness.

Calculation example

The moment of making an accurate calculation is very important. It is necessary to take into account the optimal thickness of the walls, which are made of expanded clay concrete blocks. To achieve results, use a very simple one-step formula.

Builders, to solve this formula, must know two quantities. First you need to find out the thermal conductivity coefficient, which was mentioned earlier. In the formula it is written through the sign “λ”. The second value that needs to be taken into account is the heat transfer resistance coefficient. This value depends on many factors, for example, on the weather conditions of the area where the building is located. The area in which the building will then be used is also an important factor. This value in the formula will look like “Rreg”. It can be determined by building codes and regulations.

The value in the formula that we need to find, namely the thickness of the wall being built, we denote by the “δ” icon. As a result, the formula will look like this:

To give an example, you can calculate the thickness of a wall under construction in the city of Moscow and its region. The value of Rreg for this region of the country has already been calculated and officially established in special rules and regulations for construction. So it is 3-3.1. And you can take any wall size as an example, since you will already be calculating yours on the spot. The thickness of the block can be completely different. For example, it will be possible to take 0.19 W/(m*⁰С).

As a result, after solving this formula:

δ = 3 x 0.19 = 0.57 m.

We understand that the thickness of the walls should be 57 centimeters.

Expanded clay concrete blocks are used for the construction of various outbuildings and one-, two- or three-story houses. This building material is laid in the same way as brick. Expanded clay concrete blocks can be used not only for the construction of walls, but partitions.

Foreman's advice: during construction, expanded clay concrete blocks must be turned over with their voids facing down so that the mortar does not get into them.

Technical characteristics of expanded clay concrete

The density of this building material can be different: from 500 to 1800 kg/m3.

Strength can vary between classes B3.5-B40, and can also be characterized by the grades of cement used in their production. The frost resistance class of expanded clay concrete blocks varies from F25 to F300.

This building material is characterized by low thermal conductivity, light weight, durability and complete environmental safety. If there is excess moisture in the room, expanded clay concrete blocks absorb its excess, which allows maintaining an optimal level of humidity.

The sizes of expanded clay concrete blocks may vary from different manufacturers. The standard sizes are 400x100x200 and 200x100x200, but deviations in sizes can reach 50 mm.

Foreman's advice: before purchasing expanded clay blocks for construction, you should carefully weigh all of this material.

Wall thickness

To determine the thickness of the walls that your building should have, you need to multiply the special indicator by the thermal conductivity coefficient. The indicator that needs to be taken for calculation depends on the climatic conditions in the area where the building will be built and the type of building itself.

The simplest wall is made from expanded clay blocks, the width of which is 190 mm. It will need to be covered with plaster on the outside, and insulated on the inside. Thus, you can build a garage or warehouse, but not a living space. When constructing a two- or three-story house, the wall thickness must be at least 400 mm. In the central regions of Russia, the thickness of the wall of a residential building made of expanded clay concrete blocks should be 400-600 mm, and the density of the building material should be more than 1000 kg/m3.

- a very common material that is widely used in the construction of not only houses, but also non-residential buildings. Walls built from high-quality expanded clay concrete blocks retain their performance qualities for 50-75 years.

Today there are few countries left where expanded clay concrete wall blocks are not used in construction. But even where this technology has not yet gained much popularity, attention is increasingly being paid to its advantages.

Those who want to build using this material have to be interested in such a parameter as the thickness of walls made of expanded clay concrete blocks. Only by determining its values ​​can you achieve maximum effect in terms of heat and sound insulation. The rest of the quality of the walls will be ensured by the physical properties of the building material, which is not afraid of corrosion, damage by rodents and insects, or fungal damage.

Thermal conductivity of expanded clay concrete blocks as a factor influencing wall thickness

When calculating the optimal thickness, you should keep in mind that this material is quite warm. It has been experimentally established that it reduces heat loss by 75%. This allows you to avoid making the walls of buildings too thick.

The basis for the heat and sound insulation qualities of expanded clay concrete blocks is the structure of expanded clay - a light and fairly strong porous material obtained by special firing of clay (clay shale).

The degree of thermal conductivity, respectively, and the thickness of the wall made of blocks directly depend on the concentration and size of expanded clay granules in the solution, which also includes cement, sand and water.

What is thermal conductivity as a physical property? This term refers to the ability of a material to transfer heat.

The volume and rate of heat transfer from heated bodies to colder ones is calculated by the coefficient of thermal conductivity, which establishes quantitative indicators of heat passing through a body that has a base area of ​​1 square in 1 hour. m and a thickness of 1 m. In this case, the temperature difference between two opposite surfaces of the object must be at least 1 ° C.

In accordance with the concentration of insulation, concrete from which blocks for walls are made are divided into structural, structural-thermal insulating and thermal insulating.

They have the following characteristics:

  1. Structural. Used for the construction of load-bearing supports and structures of various types of buildings. It has a density of up to 1800 kg/m3. Thermal conductivity coefficient is 0.55 W/(m* ⁰ C).
  2. Structural and thermal insulation. Used in the manufacture of single-layer prefabricated panels. Density – 700-800 kg/m3. Thermal conductivity coefficient is 0.22-0.44 W/(m* ⁰ C).
  3. Thermal insulation. Used as insulation in various installation structures. Has a density of up to 600 kg/m3. Thermal conductivity coefficient is 0.11-0.19 W/(m* ⁰ C).

In addition, the larger the aggregate granules in the solution, the lower the thermal conductivity of walls made of expanded clay concrete blocks. Accordingly, this factor also affects the thickness of the stone.

Thus, the use of expanded clay concrete blocks gives builders the opportunity to erect buildings quickly enough and with a significantly lower load on the foundation. But in order to achieve optimal temperature conditions in the interior of a house, for example, in central Russia, it is necessary to lay out the walls from expanded clay concrete blocks so that their thickness is at least 64-65 cm.

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Popular sizes of standard expanded clay concrete blocks

Modern manufacturers of building materials have mastered a large number of different types of expanded clay blocks. But the most popular in construction today are products with dimensions of 390x190x90 mm and 390x190x188 mm.

Most often they are used in the construction of residential and industrial premises, as well as many civil engineering projects. With their help, both load-bearing walls and interior partitions are built.

The simplest calculation shows that in terms of its dimensions, one block with this porous aggregate is equal to the volume of approximately 6-7 ordinary clay bricks. Taking these parameters into account, we can say that the use of expanded clay concrete blocks not only speeds up the entire process, but also allows builders to save on masonry cement mortar, the consumption of which in this case is noticeably reduced.

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Wall thickness: example of calculation depending on the operating conditions of the building

To accurately calculate the most optimal thickness of a wall built from expanded clay concrete blocks, you need to use a completely simple mathematical operation in one step.

But for this, builders-masons must know two values: the thermal conductivity coefficient already mentioned above, which is indicated in the calculation formula by the symbol “λ”, and the heat transfer resistance coefficient, which is directly dependent on the type of structure being erected and on the weather and climatic conditions of that area where the building will be used in the future. This value is indicated in the formula “R reg” and is determined according to the consolidated standards in SNiP 02/23/2003 “Thermal protection of buildings”.

Thus, the thickness of the wall under construction from expanded clay concrete blocks, marked with the sign “δ”, is calculated using the following formula:

δ = R reg x λ.

For example, you can calculate the thickness that expanded clay concrete walls of buildings being built in the capital of the Russian Federation should have. Based on the fact that R reg for Moscow and the Moscow region is officially set at 3-3.1, the value we are looking for for a wall made of expanded clay concrete blocks with a thermal conductivity coefficient, for example, 0.19 W/(m* ⁰ C), will be equal to :

δ = 3 x 0.19 = 0.57 m.

As mentioned earlier, the scope of application of masonry elements made from this material also depends on the density of the building material in question. Thus, SNiP 23-02-2003, already indicated here, determines that when using blocks with a density of 500 kg/m 3 in the process of creating units for insulating door and window openings, attics and basements, the walls of these structures must be at least 0.18 m thick subject to mandatory finishing of the main wall with facing ceramic bricks. If, for example, blocks with a density of 900 kg/m3 are used to install the same units, then the minimum thickness should be 0.38 m.

Thus, experts recommend that when constructing objects in the central regions of Russia, if we are talking about single-layer expanded clay concrete walls, we should focus on their thickness ranging from 40 to 60 cm. In this case, it is necessary that the density of hollow (with through and sealed voids) blocks be about 700 -1000 kg/m 3 , while for solid (monolithic) blocks this parameter should be more than 1000 kg/m 3 .

Thus, knowing the parameters of expanded clay concrete elements, you can build a house with walls of such thickness that would ideally ensure the durability, safety and comfort of the home.