home · On a note · Subtleties of ceiling design in the living room. Ceiling design for the living room Ceiling in the living room made from natural materials

Subtleties of ceiling design in the living room. Ceiling design for the living room Ceiling in the living room made from natural materials

The living room can rightfully be called the heart of a house or apartment. This is where all family members gather to spend time together after a long day of work. This is where guests are welcomed, dinner parties or cozy get-togethers with friends are held.

The style of a living room can tell a lot about its owner. For example, a minimalist interior is typical of rationalists and introverts, the classic style can often be seen among people interested in history and culture, but sociable and artistic people often prefer shabby chic.

Not so long ago, the main role in the interior design of the living room was given to wall decor and the selection of furniture. At the same time, the design of the ceiling was not particularly diverse: most often it was simply whitewashed and a suitable chandelier was hung. Now the ceiling has become a full-fledged element of the interior. With proper design, you can not only visually increase the space of the room, but also create zoning and emphasize the overall style of the room.

Ceiling finishing options

So, let's look at the main ways to decorate the ceiling in the living room. According to technological features, ceilings can be divided into:

  • tension;
  • hanging;
  • hemmed;
  • plastering.

Stretch ceiling

This type of design is easy to use and durable. It allows you to favorably emphasize the functional areas of the room, as well as create an original composition in the interior of the living room. In addition, in the event of flooding by neighbors above, the suspended ceiling will withstand a significant amount of water, which will protect furniture and belongings from damage. You can easily hide all communications under the tension fabric; it does not require special care.

Important! The only thing you need to remember is that stretch ceilings are afraid of sharp objects and sudden temperature changes.

Stretch ceilings can be matte, semi-matte, glossy, imitating marble, suede or metal.
If the ceiling in the living room is low, then it makes sense to choose a glossy canvas. It has a reflection effect and visually enlarges the room.

Among suspended ceilings, the following are especially popular today:

  1. Soaring ceilings(The ceiling is mounted in such a way that it does not come into contact with the walls. This creates the illusion of floating in the air. And if you install an LED strip in the free space around the perimeter, the living room will visually expand).
  2. Glowing ceilings(Such a ceiling is illuminated from the inside over the entire area. The effect of a uniform glow is achieved with the help of special lamps, which are covered with a special film. Today, models that support several colors of glow at once, controlled by a special switch, are relevant).
  3. Ceilings with ethno motifs(Modern color printing technologies make it possible to apply a wide variety of patterns and motifs to the canvas. Such a canvas will give any living room a unique and inimitable look).

Regarding color

Today, a combination of several colors at once is gaining popularity, one of which is white (or its derivatives). Why white? Firstly, it goes with all colors. And secondly, it will fit perfectly into any interior style.

Another color that is currently at the peak of popularity is burgundy. But you don’t need to choose a bright and overly saturated shade. Soft burgundy tones can make the living room cozy and elegant.

Dropped ceilings

Visually, a suspended plasterboard ceiling is practically no different from a matte stretched ceiling. It, like the tension one, allows you to hide all the unevenness and flaws of the ceiling tiles.

The advantages of a suspended ceiling also include:

  • their environmental friendliness;
  • the opportunity to bring the most daring design ideas into reality;
  • low cost;
  • the ability to create multi-level and curved structures;
  • increasing sound insulation in the room.

As a disadvantage, subsequent finishing of the installed ceiling (painting, puttying) requires certain professional skills.

If you decide to give preference to a multi-level ceiling in the living room, you should remember: the height of the ceiling tiles must be at least 2.7 meters (otherwise the ceiling will visually “pressure”). If the height is less, it is better to stop at a single-level ceiling.

As in the case of suspended ceilings, an interesting effect can be achieved by using an LED strip as a backlight. It is better to place it along the contour of the picture.

Combined ceilings

Combined ceilings, the design of which uses both suspended and tensioned structures, look impressive and stylish. Such ceilings are usually made two- or multi-tiered. Here, on the hard surface of the drywall, you can place lighting fixtures or decorative elements that the soft stretch fabric cannot withstand. And on PVC film you can apply patterns, ornaments and various designs. A 3D drawing allows you to visually expand.

Advice: combining ceiling materials allows for clear zoning of the living room.

False ceilings

False ceilings can be made of plasterboard, fiberboard and MDF. Such structures have a long service life, are moisture resistant and safe.

There is also a large selection of textures and colors. With the help of fiberboard and MDF boards they imitate stone, wood, and tiles. Such slabs can be easily painted and covered with film. They can be decorated with slats.

On the one hand, the advantage of such ceilings is that they are attached directly to the frame, thereby not concealing the height of the living room. On the other hand, communications cannot be hidden under such a design and the possibility of using built-in lamps is practically excluded.

Plaster ceilings

Currently, the composition of ceiling plaster can include a wide variety of fillers (small pebbles, pieces of mica, quartz, wood fibers, etc.), giving it a heterogeneous appearance at the end.

Ceiling plaster can be:

  • textured (contains granules that form a relief without additional effort);
  • structural (ready-made white mass that takes on the desired shade using tinting).

The advantage of this type of finishing is the seamless surface of the ceiling, which masks its defects with the help of relief. In addition, such a ceiling is relevant for low rooms, as it does not steal extra centimeters.

Ceiling decoration using imitation stucco molding

This type of decor would be appropriate if the living room is decorated in a Gothic or antique style. Modern stucco molding is made of polyurethane, it is lightweight and can be easily mounted on the ceiling. The most popular among such decorative coatings are:

moldings(elements that allow you to close and decorate the joints of the ceiling and walls);

sockets(used to decorate places where chandeliers and lamps are attached to the ceiling).

The main advantages of polyurethane stucco molding:

— strength and long service life;

- low weight of such products;

— elements are easy to bend, which allows them to take the shape of curved surfaces.

Ceiling lighting in the living room

Lighting plays a very important role in the design of the living room. The final appearance of the living room interior depends on the choice of light sources and their correct placement.

Central lighting is required (if there are several zones in the living room, each zone should have such lighting). The work area also requires lighting (large areas are best illuminated using spotlights).


The chandelier in the center of the ceiling is a classic. It will fit perfectly into almost any interior and make the room more comfortable.

But don't forget about the weight of the lamp! A heavy chandelier should be mounted directly to a concrete ceiling, not to lightweight drywall. For this reason, this type of lighting is not the most suitable for stretch and suspended ceilings. Here the chandelier is replaced by modern built-in lamps.


The advantages of such lamps are:

  • safety (do not heat the ceiling);
  • the ability to create lighting around the entire perimeter or according to a specific pattern;
  • ease of installation of lamps and, if necessary, replacement of light bulbs;
  • Some models can be rotated at a certain angle, which allows you to change the direction of lighting.

LED strips

LED strips allow you to choose an unusual color and lighting mode. Using dynamic light effects, you can create a real light show in your own living room.

Along with a variety of options for decorating the ceiling in the living room, many tasteless examples and publications in magazines appeared, ceilings with a large number of inappropriate multi-level bends, stucco molding, and an excessive number of spotlights. There are many people who want to repeat this bad taste in their apartments under the slogan: “the brighter the better.”

To avoid such mistakes, you need to adhere to the following principles:

  1. If the ceiling in the living room is low, it is better to abandon cornices with massive stucco molding.
  2. When choosing a minimalist style for decorating a living room, you should not cover the ceiling with entire constellations of spotlights - this will also be inappropriate.
  3. If the ceiling is supposed to be painted the same color as the walls, then its intensity should be 2 times lower.
  4. Cool colors on the ceiling visually increase their height. However, if the living room windows face north, it is better to abandon this design idea.
  5. It is recommended to paint ceilings with complex configurations in white or cream shades.

The design of the ceiling in the living room can be a factor that determines the comfort of the entire apartment. You can choose single- and multi-level designs, complex shapes or laconic lines, bright colors or watercolor shades - it all depends on the basic interior concept.

Keep in mind that multi-level ceilings will look harmonious only if the initial ceiling height is above 2.7 m. Otherwise, they will turn out to be too bulky and “crush” the room with their volume. Fortunately, for standard living rooms with a ceiling height of 2.3-2.5 meters, you can use single-level structures with a glossy surface that expands the space.

Step one - pay attention to style

The ceiling in the living room is not only the surface where the lighting fixtures are located, it is also a logical continuation. It’s impossible to do without taking into account modern interior trends. The main ones among them are:

Important. Do not forget that within the same living room you can implement several similar interior solutions. Zoning the space, dividing it according to its functional purpose is very important for the living room, where areas for relaxation and work, receiving guests and children's games are combined. The ceiling in this case becomes a unifying plane.

Step two - choose the cladding material

To select the appropriate material, you need to take into account all the functional tasks that the ceiling solves:

  • correct location of lighting sources;
  • camouflage of utility lines;
  • leveling existing surfaces;
  • decorative matching.

The main lighting is done around the perimeter of the room

All these criteria will be met. They are easy to install, mask existing defects in the base, wiring for lighting fixtures, are fireproof, protect against flooding, environmentally friendly, do not absorb odors and dust, and can be combined with any interior design.

Built-in lights are evenly placed throughout the ceiling

In addition, suspended ceilings are installed practically without debris and dust, which is important for living rooms in which renovations have already been completed. Among the advantages of the material is unlimited design variability.

You can give preference to glossy surfaces that increase space, or classic matte textures, choose any color or even a photo print (from a flower meadow to a sunny sky).

Glossy stretch ceiling in the living room

Decorating a living room in an eco- or country style may require the use of wooden coverings. Such hanging slatted ceilings environmentally friendly, aesthetically attractive and perfectly correct the existing ceiling plane.

3 light sources: chandelier + built-in lamps + LED strip

The tree is not necessarily used “all over” - accent decorative beams will be enough to indicate the style.

Advice. There is a gap between the suspended ceiling material and the base, which can be used to lay communications and create a heat and sound insulation layer.

Classic suspended structures include. They can be used as an addition to a suspended ceiling or as an independent material. Plasterboard sheets perfectly hide defects in the base, allow you to lay the necessary communications and install the required lighting fixtures.

Among the main advantages of gypsum plasterboard are environmental friendliness, ease of installation, and the ability to create multi-level ceilings of the most complex shapes and any dimensions. Such designs are used when you need to highlight certain areas in the living room or install local spot lighting.

Combination of stretch and suspended ceiling

Please note that the installation of such a ceiling is carried out only after all work on laying communications has been completed. The finished structure must be decorated, for which different methods are used:

  • plastering followed by painting - this way you get uniform textures of deep colors;
  • wallpapering - used less often than painting, but allows you to create interesting design solutions when part of the ceiling is decorated in the same way as the wall, without transition;
  • decorative plaster - allows you to create an expressive relief on the ceiling surface;
  • the use of additional decor - stucco molding, baseboards, combinations of colors and textures. The latter option is more often used for multi-level zoning structures.

Multi-level plasterboard ceiling + glossy stretch ceiling

Each element of a multi-level plasterboard ceiling can be painted in its own shade, corresponding to the functional area. However, you should always remember that light colors increase space, while dark colors make the room more compact.

To decorate the ceiling in the living room, you can also choose ready-made hanging structures in the form of identical squares or stripes. They are easy to assemble and unpretentious to use, but they are too simple for a harmonious living space.

Plasterboard ceiling and rotating spots

Regarding use plaster, then this type of decor is considered budget-friendly, but quite difficult to implement. Here you cannot do without preparatory work to ensure the evenness of the base. In addition, such a ceiling will not help to hide the wiring, and installing spotlights is impossible.

Ceiling with LED lighting

If the plaster is applied with a deep texture, then color perception may be distorted due to the appearance of areas with shadows. Painting the ceiling also cannot be called a modern method of decoration - it is inexpensive, but will not produce the desired effect in a perfectly designed room.

When planning a home renovation, it is difficult to ignore the issue of finishing the ceiling. Today, the ceiling area is a key element of the style of any room, through which the desired atmosphere can be conveyed. This is especially important for the living room - the place where all household members gather. It is necessary to understand the intricacies of ceiling design, taking into account various nuances.


The design of the ceiling directly depends on the design features of the room, its layout, the height of the walls, and their symmetry. Often the broken perspective of the living room is an obstacle to the implementation of the idea. This is also hampered by insufficient footage, forcing the planned ceiling design to be replaced with a simpler composition. This is especially true for apartments of old layouts (Stalinist, Khrushchev, Brezhnev). In most cases, the size of their living room does not exceed 18 square meters. m, which places significant restrictions on the design of the ceiling area.

Stalinka buildings have a ceiling height of about 3 m, which allows for frame structures that reduce the height of the walls. But in Khrushchev-era buildings it is quite difficult to make a ceiling on a frame that “takes away” 15–20 cm of height. When choosing the design of any ceiling, the key factor is the height of the walls - after finishing it should not be less than 2.3 m.

Otherwise, the atmosphere in the room will be heavy, even if the style is based on light colors, a large number of square meters, and light furniture.

When determining the symmetry of the walls, they look at the accuracy of the vertical planes: if the walls are visually curved, one shorter than the other, certain types of ceilings cannot be made, otherwise a noticeable decrease in the height of the walls may occur. In this case, it is better to get by with a simpler design or use a second level in a higher place in the ceiling.

The bevel of the walls matters; it can visually distort the entire ceiling composition, which significantly limits design possibilities.


Today, there are several types of ceiling installation. Designs can be light or complex, have their own advantages and disadvantages, knowledge of which will allow you to choose the right option, taking into account available funds and practicality considerations. Some varieties are mounted directly on the base, while others require a frame. All types can be divided into:

  • single-level;
  • two-level;
  • multi-level.

Each type has its own materials, features, type of raw materials used and service life during which the ceiling looks neat and attractive.


This category includes ceilings that represent a single level of the ceiling area. Moreover, for an interesting design it can be supplemented with different lighting. This is a flat ceiling without steps, which can be smooth or embossed. It can be distinguished by a classic simple finish (adhesive type) or framed (hinged type).


This variety is characterized by the presence of two different levels of the ceiling zone: the plane of each level differs in height relative to the floor. Most often, such designs represent the design of the ceiling in the form of geometric shapes on a flat plane or abstract parts of the second-level structure.

Sometimes simple lines can be curly. These varieties are used where it is necessary to delimit the space of the hall into functional zones. In this case, a sufficient ceiling height is required, which is at least 2.5 - 2.7 m. The second level bar depends on the intended design, the footage of the hall and the height of the walls.


This category includes ceilings with a particularly complex structure, consisting of three or more levels. This could be a composition with a transition to walls or areas of different heights for individual functional areas. A feature different from the two-level variety is the larger number of steps with different heights in relation to the floor. Depending on the type of manufacturing, such designs vary.

The most famous types of ceilings include:

  • tension;
  • hanging;
  • rack and pinion;

  • plasterboard (mirror);
  • adhesive;
  • raster (cassette);

  • plastered;
  • hemmed.

Each ceiling covering is carried out using a specific technique.

Whitewashing and painting

The simplest types of work are whitewashing and painting. These methods are fading into the background today. They are used if financial possibilities are limited or if the style has certain requirements. Whitewashing is carried out using a spray or brush, optionally adding color to the solution, and when painting, water-based and water-dispersion paints are used. Both methods require perfect leveling of the base, otherwise all defects will be visible through the finishing materials.


This type of finishing is used in specific designs. Decorative plaster is applied after leveling the surface of the base and filling cracks. At the same time, there are many ways to apply the material, which allows you to give the interior uniqueness. Such techniques are used in classic-style living rooms or when you need to show elements of a rustic theme, for example, in styles Provence and country.


This adhesive method of finishing the ceiling is more difficult than whitewashing and painting. The problem is that gluing strips with adhesive applied to the back side to the ceiling is extremely inconvenient, especially if you use wide roll varieties of the material.

The result is beautiful and even luxurious. For example, you can choose a material that will glow in the dark, creating the effect of stars glowing.

However, the process cannot be called easy, because in addition to thorough surface preparation, it requires constant tension, which is dangerous to health.

Ceiling tiles

One of the best budget options for ceiling cladding, which allows you to quickly complete the ceiling area. The material can be wood, synthetic and metal, which allows this finish to successfully fit into classic, modern, ethnic and vintage design trends.

The ceiling is covered with tiles, matching the joints or using seamless technology. This process is fast and allows finishing work to be completed in just a day (excluding surface preparation).


This ceiling is made using a solid vinyl film or woven fabric, securing it with a plastic or metal profile, which is placed under the ceiling itself. In production, heavy-duty polymers of minimal thickness (0.2 mm) are used. Measurements for each ceiling are carried out individually.

It is preferable to carry out finishing with the help of professional craftsmen.


A type on a frame base with fastening using aluminum or galvanized plates. The surface may be smooth, rough, striped or jagged. This design is easy to install, can be easily removed to remove dirt, and can have the front surface painted with powder paint of different colors. Due to its resistance to fire, the ceiling allows the use of any lamps, but its level of sound insulation is quite low.

Rack and pinion

These designs are installed in living rooms with high humidity. This ceiling, originally used in non-residential premises, is resistant to various temperatures and moisture. It is a canvas consisting of thin steel or aluminum plates coated with a special varnish of a matte or glossy texture. The texture is distinguished by a chrome-plated, gold-plated, silver-plated surface type. Often the decor of such a ceiling is slats, which are installed specifically between the main plates.


The ceiling is based on a frame made of wood or metal. It is distinguished by relatively flexible parts, through which a curved pattern of any complexity is created. Sheet materials are used for finishing, including decorative panels.

This design allows you to decorate the ceiling area of ​​the living room with a variety of lighting, excluding built-in devices. At the same time, finishing of the area is not carried out if there is communication wiring in it. This method of finishing the ceiling cannot be carried out on a surface with significant curvature and defects.


This type is a structure suspended from a sub-ceiling using a frame. The frame can be made of wood or metal. In this case, profiles (ceiling and guides) are used, which are attached along the perimeter of the ceiling. This system allows you to hide all defects in the primary ceiling., including communications. The design can be very diverse.


This ceiling is part of the group of suspended structures. It is secured using a galvanized steel frame. Its shape can be linear or figured (curvilinear). The slabs, which are good sound and heat insulators, are subjected to finishing at the final stage (for example, painted, decorative plaster, wallpapered).

The covering is only suitable for a living room with a high ceiling, as it reduces the height by an average of 15 cm. Drywall is successfully used in arched, domed, multi-level structures.

Finishing materials

Today, the construction market offers buyers a lot of building materials with which you can finish the ceiling. Raw materials are selected taking into account the chosen style, for which the composition of the material is of particular importance (the concept requires the use of special materials suitable for it).

In modern trends, various finishes are appropriate: metal, plastic, wallpaper, glass, mirror. Often in interiors you can see laminate ceiling panels designed with a transition to the wall. Such accents look stylish and unique and allow you to zone the living room space, highlighting individual areas.

Ecological directions are characterized by the use of natural raw materials. Wooden panels, paper, cork, and bamboo wallpaper are appropriate here. It is important to convey unity with nature, although designers recommend using natural materials to add expressiveness.

For the classics, you can use polystyrene foam tiles, which, after painting, exactly convey the effect of gypsum stucco. To complete this style, you can complement it with a round decor at the base of the chandelier.

The choice of finishing materials for creative areas is unique: beams are purchased for the ceiling, and they are combined with metal lamps for communication elements. Often the ceiling is finished with pipes combined with imitation wooden beams. The combined technique allows you to achieve a unique effect: a ceiling with a rough finish in combination with a brick wall conveys the desired design atmosphere.

Paint is inappropriate here, because a glossy suspended ceiling looks better in a modern style, demonstrating the achievements of the latest technologies.

Additional finishing of the ceiling, depending on the chosen design idea, can be moldings, baguettes, or ceiling plinth. This way you can give the decoration a complete appearance and demonstrate that the room belongs to a certain style. For example, gilded elements will indicate a classic direction.

A ceiling plinth with an ornament will allow you to decorate a ceiling that was covered with wallpaper, ceiling tiles, or painting. These additions can also highlight a combined type of ceiling decoration, when two different materials are used simultaneously (by laying ceiling tiles around the perimeter, the center of the ceiling can be decorated with wallpaper).


Living room lighting should be as close to daylight as possible. This is important for correct perception, because a lack of light leads to internal discomfort. A central lamp is placed on the ceiling. Depending on the footage, layout, and zoning of the room, the central lighting fixture can be massive, multi-level, or modest. It can be an independent accent or part of a lighting composition.

If the living room area allows, two lamps are placed on the ceiling. They can be made in the same style or placed in different functional areas of the hall. The main lamp is often hung above the guest area, and auxiliary lighting is placed in another part of the room. Lighting should emphasize the composition of the ceiling, therefore, the decor of the devices is selected taking into account the specific chosen design idea.

In this case, additional lighting, if any, should not interrupt the central lighting.

Spotlights are often used in the lighting composition. Today they are an indispensable component of the ceiling zone of modern interior styles. Thanks to modern light sources, the lighting tone can be brought closer to natural (daylight) light. At the same time, it will be harmless to health (LEDs do not emit toxins). Such stylish and beautiful lamps without unnecessary decoration are ways to successfully support the desired design idea.


The design of the ceiling directly depends on the chosen style. Conventionally, all types of design can be divided into classic, modern, ethnic and vintage styles. The first group includes classics neoclassicism, classicism, Italian styles. According to the style of design, you can add to them English style. The ceiling can be multi-level or simple (depending on the height), while the presence of gypsum stucco or its imitation is mandatory.

In modern directions Demonstration of the latest materials and their capabilities is important. Be sure to highlight the lighting, which can be classic or built-in. The ceiling can have a glossy or matte surface and be equipped with complex composite lighting, including a large main lamp with a closed shade and additional lighting. In this case, spot or linear LED lamps are often placed along straight or curly lines of a certain level, deliberately separating it from another level.

Ethnic directions combine different techniques, often quite appropriate modern notes are noticeable in the design of the ceiling. When decorating the ceiling, importance is attached to the number of pieces of furniture and accessories. For example, if the living room has a lot of space, there is a dining area, but the room is not cluttered with small things, a multi-level ceiling design is allowed.

If the interior is initially replete with small details, it is worth limiting the pomp of the ceiling decor. At the same time, it is not so important which style is taken as a basis.

The design is thought through at the initial stage of repair. If this is the design of a two-level living room, you can make a multi-level ceiling with a lot of LEDs, highlighting each area of ​​the room. If this is a living room with a bay window (a glazed projection of a semicircular, faceted, cubic, rectangular shape), you can make a different design for each zone with different wall heights, taking into account the functionality of different parts of the room. For example, if the bay window will be used for a dining space, you can choose a composition with a hanging chandelier and decorate the ceiling with stucco.

If there is a recreation area in this place, you can leave the ceiling unified, decorating different zones with lamps of various types, including built-in ones.

Color solutions and decor

Any color scheme and ceiling decor depend on the specific style and size of the living room. If the space is vast, then rich colors of the color palette are allowed. However, overly bright colors are unacceptable, because the living room needs calm shades that would maintain a relaxing atmosphere. To avoid mistakes, you should choose light pastel colors, excluding rich pink shades, which can cause discomfort in the strong half of humanity.

Before starting the finishing of a new home or renovation, the main problem is the selection of materials. For both walls and ceilings. The issue with walls and floors is more straightforward.

What to do with the ceiling? Can be pasted. Can be carefully leveled and painted. But the best opportunity to avoid labor-intensive “dirty” work is to install a stretch ceiling. Having made it once, you don’t have to worry about having to do anything else with it.

The installation time and cost of suspended ceilings also sway the choice in its favor.

Main types of tension systems and design options

In the interior of the living room, standard one-level, illuminated, photo printing and combined systems can be used. They are based on the use of various models of ceiling panels. Conventionally, all models can be divided into two types depending on the base material.

Film made from PVC. They have a variety of colors, it is possible to produce multi-colored canvases, and drawings can be applied to them. They have different textures of the front surface:

  • glossy film. Thanks to its mirror ability, it visually creates a larger volume of the room. A room with a glossy ceiling looks taller and more spacious;
  • matte film. If you prefer, a rough surface (orange peel) film will work best;
  • satin film. Gives the impression of a perfectly leveled and painted ceiling.

Fabric, made from a fabric base impregnated with polymer compounds. The material has good sound insulation, and is also able to withstand temperature changes and is resistant to sagging.

An idea of ​​the variety and properties of materials used for tension structures makes it easier to choose one or another design solution.

Living room suspended ceiling design

The accumulated practical experience and the established range of design options for suspended ceilings allow us to implement various styles of living room design:

Single-color, one-level canvases, white or light: beige, pink, light gray, are most suitable for this laconic style. They can be either matte or glossy, depending on the design style.

Glossy metallic-colored canvases will emphasize the chosen style and will look harmonious with similar-style pieces of furniture and household appliances.

One-level matte monochrome ceilings in combination with ceiling beams.

Classic. Matte texture of the canvas in traditional colors: – pastel shades, the main feature for creating such interiors. The use of two-level structures using photo printing on the central, higher part of the ceiling is in demand.

In any of the options, it is possible to use photo printing, which is applied directly to the canvas. There are tens of thousands of high quality stock photos to choose from. They can be applied in a separate part or on the entire ceiling.

The canvas can be mounted at different levels. This gives the living room a certain originality, and also allows you to hide various life support systems under the suspended ceiling.

Depending on the number of levels, stretch ceilings can be divided into:

  • one level;
  • two-level;
  • multi-level;
  • multi-level carved canvases.

Two-level suspended ceilings in the living room are the most effective way to achieve the appearance of increasing the space of a room. The most striking solutions are achieved when using carved canvases. Two canvases of different colors are mounted at different levels.

A system of various cutouts is made in the lower canvas, through which a canvas of a different shade is visible. The designer cut turns the ceiling into real lace.

Makes it light and floating. These and other solutions allow you to implement very diverse projects without overly complicating the design of the room. What is especially desirable is in the living room, which is the main room in the house.

An integral component of the interior in a living room with suspended ceilings is a well-thought-out lighting system.

Choosing lighting for the living room

The selection of the type of lamps intended for tensile structures must take into account the fact that PVC film softens when heated and can stretch. The priority here should be embedded LED systems.

It is also acceptable to use gas-filled energy-saving lamps with cold or warm shades of light. You can use chandeliers without regard to this factor, since they do not have a direct heating effect on the ceiling material. The next question is: how to place certain lighting devices.

Standard lighting layout options

Central position. in the geometric center of the room provides general lighting. It is usually used in conjunction with floor and wall lamps.

Spot layout. Lamps are placed in different parts of the living room in accordance with the zoning of the room. They use energy-saving or LED lamps with low heat transfer, protecting the canvas from deformation.

Contour layout. The LED strip is located zonally or along the perimeter. Remote control allows you to change the brightness and color of the light.

Combining these options in one or another combination allows you to create convenient, functional and visually attractive lighting schemes, individual for each house or apartment.

Modern suspended ceilings combine a huge variety of types, styles, and layout options in the living room. Their choice is due to quality and high technology. Nevertheless, many find it difficult to choose: tension systems or the good old classics.

Advantages and disadvantages of suspended ceilings

The widespread and widespread use of suspended ceilings for finishing residential and other premises is based on a number of their undeniable advantages:

  • the smooth surface is visually perfectly flat and masks the shortcomings of the base ceiling of the room;
  • durability. Service life is at least 25 years;
  • protection against leaks. Capable of withstanding up to 100 liters. water per 1 m2;
  • dryness. Does not serve as a place for condensation of moisture from the air;
  • ease of care. It is enough to periodically wipe with damp sponges or napkins;
  • little time investment. Ceiling installation is carried out in 2 to 4 hours and is possible at any stage of repair.

However, there is another opinion based on reviews from many consumers. The main disadvantages of suspended ceilings are:

Insufficient strength. With great tensile strength, film sheets can be accidentally damaged by any sharp object. A Christmas tree top or a ski pole will ruin such a ceiling surface irrevocably.

Sensitivity to temperature changes. Operation within a narrow range is recommended. At low temperatures, the canvas becomes brittle and may crack. At high temperatures it can stretch and sag;

Presence of visible seams. In rooms with a large width and when choosing glossy colored canvases, canvases welded from narrower strips are inevitably used.

Complexity of the installation process. Required:

  • use of special tools and devices;
  • qualified, trained specialists;
  • heat the air in the room to high temperatures.

Knowing the pros and cons of one or another method of ceiling design, it is easier to make a choice. As for shortcomings, they are always and everywhere - nothing ideal exists.

Photo examples of successful suspended ceiling designs in the living room

Previously, the design of the ceiling in the living room was not given much importance. The decoration of the rooms was limited to cabinets, carpets, practical, functional things.

No one thought about the ceiling or its design. But everything has changed. And this element has become such that it deserves attention.

Modern design involves a holistic composition of combinations. The ceiling should harmoniously fit into the style of the living room and the atmosphere reigning in it.

The living room is the face of your space and should be perfect.

Note! Before choosing how to make a ceiling, familiarize yourself with their varieties and features. Highlight the positive and negative aspects of each of them. This is the only way you can make the right choice.

Types of ceilings and their characteristics

Plaster ceiling. It is very popular, because it is actively used for the design of the ceiling in the living room, the photo demonstrates this perfectly.

This method is very simple. No special tools or materials are needed. The advantage of plaster is durability and strength. This option is ideal for rooms that have low ceilings.

Among the disadvantages is that this finish is not suitable for uneven surfaces. You won’t be able to do the work yourself; you need professional intervention. If the ceiling requires leveling, then you need to prepare money. After all, the process itself is not only complex and lengthy, but also expensive.

Design of suspended ceilings in the living room. Among the features of this choice are a plastic or aluminum profile that is attached to the ceiling.

A sheet of fabric or vinyl is stretched over its base. As a result, suspended ceilings in the living room design photo show different textures. It is matte, satin, or glossy. A printed photograph, or even a painting, is gaining popularity.

Note! The constant advantage of this type is speed and excellent sound insulation. In addition to these positive qualities, such ceilings are available in different color and texture options.

It is also worth noting that such ceilings are easy to care for and will last at least ten years. They are strong enough to withstand a flood and save your apartment from significant damage.

Disadvantages include particular sensitivity to temperature conditions. If the apartment is hot, they may sag, and if it is cold, they simply lose their respectable appearance. Be careful with sharp objects, because if suspended ceilings become damaged as a result of their action, repairs will cost you dearly.

One of the common options is a suspended ceiling. Buyers choose it because of its simplicity, reliability of the entire structure, easy installation, which you can easily do yourself, and price.

Despite their low cost, they perfectly hide unevenness, crooked ceilings, or structures that are located under its base.

Suspended ceilings are divided into two subtypes:

Modular ceiling - has in its design identical modular panels that have a square shape. They are attached to the frame part, which is located on the base part of the ceiling.

They are not very comfortable, based on their appearance; most of them are installed with sophisticated materials. Not used very often.

The solid ceiling consists of monolithic plasterboard sheets. They look more attractive than the previous type and are more environmentally friendly. They can be easily decorated and experimented with shape or structure. This way it can be emphasized easily.

Among the disadvantages is the low level. For this reason, it is necessary to mount the frame and suspension. Then you need to attach the panels. A significant loss of ceiling level is felt when a multi-level ceiling is created.

A false ceiling is visually similar to a suspended ceiling. The panels are attached to the frame part without using a hanger. As a result, the loss of height will not be so noticeable. Also, a false ceiling does not have the ability to hide structures and makes it difficult to install light. For this design you will need plasterboard or wood panels.

The two-level ceiling is quite flat and is very rarely used. In most cases, this is a plasterboard structure.

The multi-level ceiling is quite complex in execution. Good for decorating and decorating a room.


Manufacturers offer a wide range of materials, decorations and colors. Choose what kind of ceiling you want to make and feel free to get to work.

Photo ceiling design in the living room