home · Other · Tubular snow retainer for profiled sheets. Do-it-yourself snow retention on a corrugated roof. Video: installation of snow cutters on metal tiles

Tubular snow retainer for profiled sheets. Do-it-yourself snow retention on a corrugated roof. Video: installation of snow cutters on metal tiles

Corrugated sheeting is one of the most popular materials for roofing. Corrugated metal is light and cheap, but very strong and durable. But snow, especially melted and heavy snow, does not stick to slippery metal at all. Therefore, many owners of private houses with this type of roofing install snow retainers for corrugated sheets on the roof.

Snow guards for the roof are divided into 2 main groups:

  • Snow cutters that crush a layer of snow into small fragments that, when falling to the ground, will not cause harm to anyone. Such designs are suitable for low houses, or regions where there is little snowfall;
  • Snow barriers that completely block the removal of ice blocks from the roof of a house.

On a corrugated roof, both snow cutters and snow barriers can be used, depending on what function the device should perform. The absence of snow retainers is dangerous even for the roof covering itself: the convergence of a large mass of snow can leave scratches on metal sheets, the drainage system can break, and if the snow mass is distributed unevenly over the roof, for example, it comes off on the sunny side, but not on the shady side, then the roof It may even be completely distorted.

The design of snow guards of different types is approximately the same. The device consists of a bracket that is attached to the roofing material and a platform on which the main pressure of the snow mass falls. As a rule, the design is very simple, and therefore reliable, and can withstand the weight of a large amount of frozen water.

Types of snow guards for corrugated sheets

Snow guards for corrugated sheets can be one of the following types:

  • Corner snow guards. These devices are the simplest in design and affordable. They are a strip of metal bent in half lengthwise and fixed to the roof. You can even fix them on top of the roofing with your own hands. Corner snow guards for the roof are available in different colors, so they can be matched to the color of the roofing;
  • Tubular snow guards. Tubular snow guards for the roof are ideal for corrugated sheeting. This type of device is designed to hold or crush a large mass of falling snow. Thin tubes of this design are fixed on a bracket, and the bracket itself is attached to the roof slope using metal screws. The lower border of a tubular snow cutter is usually made 2-3 cm above the roofing, and the distance between the tubes should be 8-10 cm.

Typically, the tubular structures are installed in a row at a distance of a foot from the edge of the slope, so that the heavy snow mass does not break off the canopy. If there is a lot of snow falling and one snow retainer cannot hold back an avalanche, then the structures are installed in two or three rows, at a distance of 2-3 meters from each other.

Lattice snow guards

Lattice snow guards are universal, and therefore they are considered one of the most common. Such structures can be installed both on soft roofing and on a roof made of profiled sheets.

The popularity of this type of snow support is also due to its decorative properties. The lattice, which performs the main function in the snow-throw device, can be not only a simple functional part, but also an exquisite decoration made of forged metal.

Lattice snow guards can be installed on the roof without self-tapping screws: hanging brackets are attached to the sheathing, and profiled sheets are laid on top of the fasteners.

Snow retainers on the roof can be of a different design, for example, rope ties or made of logs and hooks, but such designs are rarely used for corrugated sheeting due to their ineffectiveness.

Selection and installation of snow guards on a corrugated roof

Snow guards for corrugated sheeting must be selected individually for each home. When developing their installation scheme, the following must be taken into account:

  • Roof covering material;
  • Surface slope;
  • Roof area;
  • Climatic features of the region;
  • Location of the house;
  • The purpose of installing a snow stopping device.

On steep roofs, on tall buildings where a lot of people walk past, or in regions where a lot of snow falls regularly, the snow stop must be reliable so that even small pieces of ice and crust do not fall down. If little snow falls during the winter, and it flies exclusively to an area where there are no people or cars, then you can install a snow cutter.

As a rule, on roofs whose slope is steeper than 60 degrees, snow stops are not installed at all, since snow does not linger on them.

It is better to choose snow guards for corrugated sheets that are made of stainless steel or galvanized iron. These materials will last a long time and will not suffer from corrosion.

Tubular and lattice snow retainers for corrugated sheets are installed in approximately the same way.

First, the roof is marked and it is checked how firmly the roof is adhered to the sheathing. If the rafters are reliable and the profiled sheets are firmly attached, then you can begin assembling the structure.

First, the brackets are assembled and attached to the roofing with self-tapping screws. It is advisable to use special self-tapping screws for working with profiled sheets, and if they are not available, then it is necessary to install rubber gaskets under the mount so that water from melting snow and rain does not fall on the metal. The brackets are attached to the bottom of the wave, that is, that part of the sheet that is adjacent to the rafters, since this does not deform the sheet, does not harm the roofing, and provides the structure with high strength.

Pipes are inserted into the assembled and attached brackets or a grille is attached to them. The structure is fixed and, if necessary, covered with water-repellent paint. Snow guards for the roof are quite easy to assemble, and installation can be done with your own hands.

Corner snow guards are installed differently. Since they are designed to slow down the fall of a small mass of snow, they do not need the same reliable fastening as tubular ones.
The corners are attached with metal screws to the edges of the steel strip to the upper part of the wave of the metal profile. Usually they are installed on the roof in two rows in a checkerboard pattern, at a distance of about half a meter from the edge of the slope.

Security measures

Since, thanks to the snow retainer, the entire mass of melted snow will remain on the roof, the roof, rafters, and walls must be prepared.

You cannot install snow barriers on canopies and overhanging edges of the roof, as these parts of the roof may not withstand the weight of the snow and collapse along with it. Snow impellers are placed only over load-bearing walls that can withstand a mass of frozen water. It is also necessary to strengthen the rafters and beams on which the corrugated sheeting is supported; you can do this yourself.

Installed snow guards on the roof do not relieve home owners from the need to remove snow from the roof.

On the contrary, the pressure on the roof of the mass of frozen water will increase many times over, since now the fallen snow will not roll to the ground on its own.
To get rid of the need to clear snow drifts on the roof, many builders recommend running a heating cable under the roofing material, which will heat the roof. In this case, the melted snow will flow down the gutters without burdening the home owners.

Properly installed snow guards on the roof will protect both the residents of the house and passers-by.

This simple and inexpensive design can be assembled with your own hands, and such a device will be no less effective than an expensive store-bought device.
Even the simplest snow guard installed on the roof will help protect passing people, cars parked under the house and plants near walls from falling blocks of snow from the roof of the building.

In winter, pitched roofs can pose a threat to people's safety as snow falls off them. Roofs made of corrugated sheets are especially dangerous, because they have a slippery, even surface. In this case, snow retainers for corrugated sheets are simply necessary. Snow guards for roofs made of corrugated sheets, which you can buy in our online store in Moscow, protect the metal covering from destruction. Ice tends to cause abrasions on the corrugated sheet, and when exposed to melt water, the roof succumbs to corrosion, which reduces the duration of the operational period. Snow retainers for corrugated sheets effectively retain snow, protecting the profile sheet.

Snow retainers for corrugated sheeting include various components: reinforcing strips, bolts, screws, seals or tubes, which are placed on the roof thanks to special brackets. Snow guards for corrugated roofs can be galvanized or non-galvanized. Tubular versions of snow guards are widely in demand, as they withstand intense loads. To prevent the rusting process, snow guards for corrugated sheets are made of galvanized steel, coated with a protective layer of powder paint. The snow retainers are fixed using self-tapping screws with rubber gaskets. The fastening elements (supports) are screwed through corrugated sheets into the wooden structure. The opening between the support attachment points is larger than the usual pitch of the sheathing for the corrugated sheet, therefore the sheathing must correspond to the length of the support and the fixation is made strictly into the tree. It is better to do this immediately before covering the roof with a corrugated sheet, but if it is necessary to install snow guards on a ready-made roof made of corrugated sheets, it will be necessary to incompletely dismantle the corrugated sheet and strengthen the wooden structure to accommodate the support step of the snow guard.

Recommendation: Dear customers, pay attention to the number of supports for different types of snow guards! All snow retainers are equipped with four supports for a three-meter snow retainer! Beware of low prices and fakes!

Snow guards for corrugated sheets, the price of which is quite affordable, come in different forms, but it is more correct to design them simultaneously with the installation of the roof. This helps strengthen the wooden beams for fixation and make fasteners without damaging the corrugated board. Snow guards for roofs made of corrugated sheets are equipped with a set of seals of various sizes, which guarantees the tightness of the fasteners. When installing snow guards, you should take into account their type, which is used for a specific coating. Today there are many different models of snow guards, differing from each other in design and fastening method. Tubular snow guards for corrugated sheets are the most popular for metal roofs; they come with a round or oval tube. They are installed parallel to the edge of the roof, retreating a certain distance of 70-100 cm from the eaves overhang. Calculation of snow retainers is possible in a checkerboard pattern or in a continuous line, it all depends on the slope and area of ​​the roof. The standard size of the snow retainer for corrugated sheeting is three meters.

Types of snow guards for corrugated sheets and price

We always have in stock snow guards for roofs made of corrugated sheets, galvanized and with a small layer of zinc: colors RAL(RR) 8017, 8019(32), 3005, 3009(29), 3011, 5005, 6002(37),6005, 6020(11) ), 9005(33), 7004, 7024(23), 8004(750) and unpainted, which we can paint in any RAL color in 7 working days + 30% of the cost of the snow guard.

Video - snow falling off a corrugated roof in a warehouse

During the cold season in a temperate climate zone pitched roofs are often dangerous, which is immediately invisible to the naked eye. At the same time, the threat exists both for residents of cottages and for random passers-by.

This danger lies in the fact that large quantities of snow accumulate on the roof slopes.

To avoid any emergencies related to this circumstance, often snow holders are used on roofs made from corrugated sheets.

It is very appropriate to use snow retainers for roofing made of corrugated sheets, since it the surface is characterized by high heat capacity. The more the roof plane heats up under the rays of the sun, the more intense the thawing of the lower tier of the snow pile occurs. As a result, the intensity of its adhesion to the surface of the roofing decreases, and snow rolls off easily on a smooth surface.

In this case, between the layer of snow and the roof a small layer of water appears, and because of which an unexpected meltdown of snow cover occurs. If you provide for the installation of snow guards on the roof, you can prevent such an incident. Lack of such design on roofs made of corrugated sheets in most cases provides many negative consequences:

  • There is a change in shape, and what’s even worse – the roof of the structure collapses due to deformation. This may be due to a sudden change in the uniformity of snow on the roof surface.
  • The coating on the lower roof slopes is crumbling due to the fact that a huge mass of snow falls on them.
  • Apply damage to equipment installed outside the window of the house. It happens that cars that were parked near the building also suffer.

The main purpose of snow guards: delay of heavy snow piles from moving off the roof surface.

As mentioned earlier, it is possible to avoid negative consequences if snow guards are installed on the roof. This design provides an excellent level of safety.

Types of snow guards

Today, snow guards are presented in a wide range and in most cases are made using metal Europrofiles. It is not difficult to build such a mechanism on your own. It is important to choose the most affordable concept.

So, what types of snow guards are there?

Tubular. Such designs are used very often. This mechanism serves not only to delay snow cover. With its help, it becomes possible to remove layers of snow without any negative consequences and thereby reduce the load on the roof structure as a whole. Experts on this issue are of the opinion that such snow retainers are most cost-effective to operate.

Tubular snow guard

Lamellar. Such mechanisms are not at all similar to tubular ones. However, the snow retainers in question are the most affordable of the existing ones. Installation of this structure is carried out at the roof eaves. The thicker the material used in the production of this device is, the more reliable it will be in operation.

Plate snow guard

Lattice. This concept of snow guards is extremely simple in its design and at the same time the most reliable in its purpose. Such mechanisms capable of holding not only large snow masses, but also ice.

Lattice snow retainer

Corner. Such a device is not very effective to use as a snow retainer. It's all about the profile used during production. This mechanism is more similar to a barrier, but it will be a long way from a truly reliable snow retainer. These structures will not last long, since they can be deformed if an impressive amount of snow accumulates on the roof surface.

Corner snow guard

Spot. This model has been on sale for a while now. Its development was carried out in a special way for roofs made using metal tiles or corrugated sheets. The production of such mechanisms is carried out from galvanized steel alloy. The service life of this design is increased due to the fact that it has a polymer coating.

Point snow guards

Made by hand. There are many concepts for self-made snow guards. The main thing is that the entire mechanism of this structure, no matter what it is made of, ensures maximum strength and safety.

Do-it-yourself installation of snow retention devices on a profiled sheet

When installing snow guards yourself on a roof made of it is necessary to pay special attention to this process.

Various kinds of fasteners cause a violation of the integrity of the roof, for this reason special screws are used.

Installation of snow retention mechanisms goes something like this:

First you need to decide on the installation location. Installation of the 1st layer of snow retainers is carried out along the length of the cornice, directly above the load-bearing wall of the structure. A rope is stretched along the overhang at the same height.


The roof brackets are secured using the roofing tool. They are installed at a distance of half a meter from each other, since any of the elements will bear a load reaching 2 hundred kilograms.

Experts advise installing tubular-type snow retention devices. Excellent results are shown by hybrid mechanisms (this is a lattice attached by welding to the structure itself, which is responsible for retaining snow). In order to save money, it is possible to make this device yourself.

under the corrugated sheet. Remember also about the insulation.

The snow retention structure as a whole bears a huge load, for this reason it is necessary that it be made of high-quality alloy. All brackets must be secured using 3 special screws. If installation is carried out carelessly, heavy snow mass can deform the roof.

Roof components

The degree of strength of roof laying using corrugated sheets has been proven in practice and has stood the test of time. Based on this, you can be sure that such a roof will not leak.

Useful video

DIY installation of snow guards in video format:

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When designing and installing a roof made of corrugated sheets, do not forget about the seasonality of our climate. Winters in most regions are quite snowy, which means the roof must be designed taking into account weather conditions. Manufacturers of corrugated sheeting, in addition to itself and additional elements, recommend installing snow retainers on the roof. It functions as a barrier that holds back huge masses of snow from collapsing simultaneously.

The device can have various designs, selected in accordance with the type of roof, building height and climatic conditions. And you need to choose a snow retainer based on certain conditions, which we will talk about in this article.

Functions of snow guards

The need for snow retainers on corrugated roofing is dictated by the characteristics of the roofing material. After all, the sheets have a very smooth polymer coating, and metal is also a fairly heat-intensive substance. As a result, in winter, in sunny weather, the lower part of the snow cover melts, and the entire accumulated mass moves along the slope of the slope like an avalanche. At a minimum, this entails the destruction of gutters and deformation of the roof overhangs.

Properly selected and installed snow guards on a corrugated roof will eliminate this danger and will perform a number of functions.

  • Containing the bulk of the snow and dividing it into several streams, some of which slide down in small portions, and the rest near the barriers slowly melt.
  • If the roof is broken, then obstacles will not allow damage to the lower slopes by falling blocks from the planes located above.
  • All accumulated snow will be distributed evenly over the surface of the roofing material, which will not create excessive loads on individual areas.
  • Removing snow from the eaves in small portions will prevent it from freezing on the eaves in huge masses. This will prevent deformation of the corrugated sheet protrusions.
  • Snow control devices protect cars, trees and people from damage from falling snow.

But there are several types of such devices that work on different principles. They need to be selected correctly, otherwise the accumulated snow will eventually push through the roofing material with its mass or even destroy the rafter system.

Types of snow guards. How to choose?

To install it on a corrugated roofing surface, you need to select an appropriate system that will function correctly. Otherwise, the installed devices will not do their job of containing the snow mass, or, on the contrary, will contribute to the accumulation of a large amount of it.

All snow guards are divided into two types, depending on their functions:

  • Barrier.
  • Passes.

Barrier snow retainers have one operating principle: they must restrain the main mass, preventing it from sliding towards the eaves of the slopes. This type is most often represented by three types of structures:

  1. Lattice, in the form of gratings on a frame mounted on the surface of the corrugated sheet using brackets.
  2. Tubular, are similar in design to the previous ones, but the main “working” part is made in the form of two or three horizontal rows of pipes.
  3. Lamellar, the principle of operation and installation is the same, but a wide plate with holes acts as a barrier.
  4. Throughpasses, or “snow cutters” as they are also called, work on the principle of dividing the snow flow into separate smaller parts, which prevents the entire mass from falling off at once. Such designs are most common in the form of corner devices.

Installation of both barrier types of snow-retaining systems is carried out according to the principle of a continuous fence along the roof of the building.

It is important to know that when installing these types of structures, it is worth checking the rafter system; if it is old, then it is better to use the second type of device.

Another option for snow retainers is point ones; these systems are made in the form of hooks or yokes; they are usually mounted on a roof covering consisting of soft (bitumen) tiles.

For a roof covered with a profiled sheet, both barrier and access systems are suitable, but they are selected individually for certain conditions.

Calculation of the required number of snow guards on the roof

The main factor influencing the choice of the type of snow retention devices and their quantity is the angle of inclination of the roof slope. It is under its influence that the mass of snow “falls” down. The second aspect is the length of the slope; the wider the plane, the more rows of snow retainers should be installed.

Calculation and selection of the appropriate type of device can be done using the table provided:

Access systems
Slope angle Ramp plane length (m) Required number of rows
8-15° 1-8 1
1-16 2
1-24 3
If the slope is more than 25 meters, then add 1 row for every additional 8 meters
Access systems
16-25° 1-5 1
1-10 2
1-15 3
1-20 4
If the length of the slope is more than 21 meters, add 1 row for every additional 5 meters
Barrier systems
26-35° 1-4 1
1-8 2
1-12 3
1-16 4
1-20 5
Over 21 meters add a row for every additional 5 meters
Barrier systems
36-45° 1-3 1
1-6 2
1-9 3
1-12 4
1-15 5
1-18 6
If the slope is longer than 19 meters, add 1 row for every additional 3 meters

The principle of choosing a suitable system is as follows: on gentle slopes, through-flow snow cutters are installed to separate the snow mass, and on steep slopes, barrier structures are installed to prevent the rapid convergence of accumulated precipitation. The installation technology is approximately the same for both types; it may differ only for some individual devices.

Installation of snow retention devices on corrugated sheets

Typically, roofing work using corrugated sheets is completed by installing snow retainers. The tools you will need are a tape measure, a marking cord, and a screwdriver. Roofing screws with a 4.8×30 mm rubber gasket are used as fasteners.

So, how to mount various types of snow guards on the surface of a corrugated roof?

Installation of barrier structures

They work according to the following algorithm:

  1. The first row of barriers must be mounted exactly above the load-bearing wall of the house. To do this, make markings by tensioning the cord.
  2. It is necessary to place brackets along the line without pipes or gratings. The distance between them should be 500-600 mm in order to evenly distribute the load on all elements.
  3. The brackets are installed inside the bend of the corrugated surface of the profiled sheet, and the fasteners are screwed into the sheathing.
  4. The final stage will be the installation of a snow retainer on the holders of grilles or pipes.
  5. If there are several rows, they are placed in accordance with the slope of the slope, evenly distributing the structures over the surface.

Installation of access structures

Typically, corner snow guards are installed on roofs made of profiled sheets. They have the following installation features.

  • The fasteners are screwed into each wave of corrugated sheeting.
  • The structures are arranged in rows with a distance between individual elements of 300-500 millimeters.
  • If there are several rows, the position of the corners is staggered.

For fastening, roofing screws with a rubber gasket are used, but their length is selected for reliable fixation to the sheathing or beams of the rafter system. Otherwise, the principle of fastening is similar to the previous one, the first row is installed above the load-bearing wall, the rest along the sheathing boards.

Prices for snow guards from leading manufacturers

Typically, snow retention devices are manufactured by the same companies that make roofing materials. This determines the cost of the elements.

For example, corner snow cutters produced by ArcelorMittal (Poland) will cost around $3 per unit. But a tubular barrier structure from the Finnish company Ruukki will cost about $90.

But you can find more reasonable prices from domestic manufacturers. For example, local barrier tubular snow retainers (Rus, Roof) are priced significantly lower - $15-20.

However, when buying cheap systems, you need to make sure that they are of high quality, otherwise the cheap assembly and poor steel simply will not withstand the load of snow. And the pressure on one bracket can sometimes reach up to 250-300 kg, and such savings will lead to bad consequences.

In Russia, pitched roofs, which do not retain snow, are more popular. However, the problem with steep slopes is the spontaneous melting of snow masses, which threatens the health and even the lives of people passing by. Roofs made of materials with a smooth surface, in particular corrugated sheets, suffer from this more than others. To prevent snow from sliding, special devices are used, commonly called snow guards. This article will tell you what snow retention measures are applied to a roof made of corrugated sheets and how to install devices that prevent snow collapse with your own hands.

Russia is famous for its frosty and snowy winters, and in some regions the cold season lasts 8-9 months. Snow accumulating on the slopes increases the load on the rafter frame and foundation of the house, so most buildings are built with a steep roof, the slope of which is at least 35 degrees. And if corrugated sheeting, a material with a smooth, slippery surface, is used as a roofing covering, then the snow immediately slides off on its own. Warm air rising from heated rooms heats the roof, causing an ice crust to form on it.

Self-installed snow guards relieve homeowners from the following problems:

  1. They retain snow masses on a roof made of corrugated sheets or corrugated sheets until they melt under the influence of the sun. In this case, melt water enters the drain, and then into the storm sewer, without eroding the foundation area or approach paths.
  2. Snow guards cut the snow cap located on a roof made of corrugated sheets into thin layers, the fall of which will not cause harm to casual passers-by.
  3. The installation of snow retainers protects the roof gutter made of corrugated sheets from deformation, preventing snow masses from sliding there.

Important! The ice crust that forms on a corrugated sheet roof due to the melting of the lower layer of snow scratches the surface of the roof when it comes off the slope. These scratches will later become corrosion centers when water penetrates, leading to premature destruction of the material. This problem can be solved with your own hands by installing snow guards.

Principles of snow retention

Typically, devices for retaining snow on the roof are matched to the roofing based on color and material. Manufacturers producing corrugated sheets and corrugated sheets usually complete their products with snow-retaining elements, which, based on the principle of operation, are divided into two types:

If the roof has a corrugated sheet covering, devices must be installed on it to prevent the spontaneous melting of snow masses. Since their absence creates a danger to the health of the inhabitants of the house and harms the roofing, reducing the service life of the material.


Installing snow barriers is the process of creating a physical barrier made of durable material that can stop and hold the snow mass on the slope. The type and number of elements for snow retention depends on the amount of precipitation, the slope of the slopes and the type of roofing. For roofs made of corrugated sheets, the following models are used:

Note! Typically, builders recommend installing snow-retaining elements along the entire roof slope with their own hands, but this undertaking is associated with serious financial costs. To reduce costs, they perform only on particularly important areas: driveways, parking lots, porches, green spaces. If the length of the slope exceeds 5 m, then installation in two rows is recommended.


When installing from corrugated sheets with your own hands, you should pay attention to this task. Fastening elements violate the integrity of the roofing, so roofing screws with a press cap and a rubber seal are used. The installation technology looks like this:

Important! All snow retention devices are subject to enormous loads, so they must be made of high-quality metal. Each bracket is secured with at least three roofing screws. If the installation is carried out carelessly, a large snow cap will tear out the snow retainers, deforming the roofing.

Experienced roofers recommend installing tubular snow guards, which are suitable even for very steep roofs with a slope angle of more than 60 degrees. Hybrid devices, which are a lattice welded to tubular snow retention elements, demonstrate good efficiency. To save money, you can make them yourself.

Video instruction