home · Measurements · We reduce your waist without strict restrictions. How to reduce your waist at home

We reduce your waist without strict restrictions. How to reduce your waist at home

A wasp waist serves as a standard of sexuality for men. What should a woman’s waist be like, because all ladies constantly strive for the 60 centimeter mark. If you don’t have one, then each designer will be able to use different belts and color combinations to create the ideal hourglass figure type and eliminate a waist whose centimeters exceed the volume of the hips.

What to do on the beach, where it is impossible to hide imperfections, and your figure is in plain sight, you ask? We must fight and strive to create a waist on any body type using the most popular methods discussed in the article. We will help answer the question once and for all: how to achieve a wasp waist.

Waist standard

Speaking about the waist parameter, society has adopted a certain calculation formula, the indicator of which will help you understand whether to go on a diet to remove your waist, start training, or combine everything at once. If you don’t go into complex calculations, then approximately the waist circumference can be calculated by subtracting the number 100 from your height. For example, if your height is 168 cm, then your waist should be no more than 68 cm and it’s okay that this figure is far from the well-known standard in cherished 60 cm.

In addition, famous designers who are leaders in the fashion world note that they have not been looking for models with standard parameters for a long time. Even in Paris, judging by fashion shows, models are selected only by proportions. Pay attention to the same volume of the chest and hips, and the waist size should not be more than 70% of the chest/hips volume. So, everyone is thinking about how to achieve a thin waist.

The main criterion of sexuality and admiration has a direct connection with the level of female hormones, and the more estrogen a woman has, the thinner her waist. The waist itself in women is a certain amount of muscle and obligatory small fat deposits that are located in the abdomen and lower back.

If you are far from ideal and your waist is not noticeable when looking at your reflection in the mirror, then we advise you to read to the end of the article to understand how to achieve a thin waist. To combat extra centimeters in the waist area, we offer a lot of options, among which you will definitely find the one that suits you.

Proper nutrition

The basis of health is proper balanced nutrition; it is the correct consumption of healthy food that helps maintain normal weight throughout life. How to reduce your waistline with food? This is very easy to do - try to divide all the food at least 5 times, which will always allow you to remain in good physical and spiritual shape.

Remember the main thing - if you skip one meal, you risk not losing weight, but only aggravating the situation on the way to losing weight, slowing down the metabolic process in the body. As a result, fat will begin to rapidly accumulate, primarily on the waist, because the body has no right to guess why you missed lunch or breakfast, what difference does it make to it. We suggest following the following nutritional principle, based on five rules.

The daily menu must include:

  • fish and poultry meat;
  • whole grain products;
  • cottage cheese and fermented milk products with a low fat content.

All these products allow the body to quickly gain satiety and energy to lead an active life. How to reduce your waist quickly using this rule? Create a rough menu for the week using calorie counting.

Still thinking about how to remove extra centimeters in the abdominal area - get rid of extra calories. If you give up a serving of several chocolate cookies a day, then in a month your waist will become several centimeters smaller, and in a year you can get closer to the standard of a wasp waist. Do not overdo it with sharp restriction in calorie intake, since their excess can cause nutritional deficiencies in the body.

For breakfast, give preference to protein foods, and for the rest of your meals, try to separate carbohydrates and fats. How to do this and how to reduce your waist and hips? Quite simple - eat meat with vegetable salads, and bread with butter and cheese, but not all together.

Avoid processed foods, mayonnaise and flour products. Replace white bread with products made from whole grain flour or whole grain flour. This point is crucial if you don’t know how to narrow your waist.

How to reduce your waist size without leaving the kitchen? Instead of frying meat and fish, boil foods with a small amount of natural spices.

How to reduce volume quickly

If you are going on vacation and you don’t have time to experiment with proper nutrition, and your waist circumference urgently needs to be reduced, then start doing a set of exercises that answers the questions of most women: how to reduce your waist quickly.

If you don’t know how to achieve a wasp waist, then start doing the exercise while lying on your back with your knees bent. Tighten your abdominal muscles and stretch your legs one at a time. Perform the exercise for a few minutes, rest a little and do the second set.

The starting position is described in the 1st exercise, only keep your legs slightly elevated from the floor, stretch your legs and perform the workout for 5 minutes. How to pump up your waist with this type of exercise? An effective method of alternately stretching your legs while tensing your abdominal muscles allows you to quickly achieve a wasp waist like models all over the world.

How to remove excess fat from the waist was taught in physical education lessons with the help of the famous “birch tree”. Lie on the floor, raise your body, do not take your hands off the floor. A slightly modified type of standard exercise will help you cope with the question: how to quickly reduce your waist. To do this, perform a standard exercise, and with your legs raised vertically, carefully, parallel to the floor, perform a side twist.

If you are looking for a way to reduce your waist in a week, then we advise you to arm yourself with a gymnastic wall and rings and start doing the exercise. While hanging on the rings, lift your legs one by one and perform twists in different directions. How to reduce your waist size without gym equipment? It is suitable to perform the workout on any crossbar, which is found in every yard or gym.

The following exercise will answer the question: how to quickly reduce your waist and pump up your abs. Take a position lying on your back, keep your arms along your body. As you exhale, lift your legs perpendicular to the floor, then lower your right, holding your left. Change the order of your legs for 5 minutes and don’t think: how to reduce your waist in a week, because if you do a workout that includes this exercise, you can quickly achieve a wasp waist.

How to reduce your waist and hips? Of course, training and proper nutrition are 90% of success, and soon you will have a waist like a young girl. Even after training, do some stretching, which will increase the effectiveness of the exercises by 10%. The simplest way of stretching will not only help you achieve a thin waist faster, but will also protect your muscles from injury. To do this, lie on the floor, bend your back, keep your arms extended in front of your body at all times, your palms directed along the continuation of your body.

And the last thing! If you decide to work on your waist, do not forget about the rest of the body, because a beautiful chest and a strengthened muscle corset of the back are no less important when creating a proportional figure. The most important thing is to achieve harmony and then no standard will be able to compare with you! To do this, it is enough to motivate yourself and actively follow the advice.

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How to reduce your waist? Waist volume is 10 cm. How to make a waist 60 cm?

Diet, exercises to reduce waist and sides. Effective exercises and diets for weight loss. Effective – Complex.

Do you need to reduce your waist? This article is dedicated to those who can't stop thinking about reducing their waistline. Naturally, every girl and woman dreams of losing excess weight as quickly as possible. However, there are times when you need and want to lose weight only in certain places. For example, you are completely satisfied with the look of your legs. Breasts too. But, unfortunately, there are problems with the waist. Here are exercises and diets to help you solve them.

How to reduce your waist size by 10 cm? – Effective exercises and diets to reduce your waist and sides. Complex.

Let's start with those who can't wait to make their waist 10 (ten) centimeters smaller:
"Small" diet. Start breakfast at ten in the morning. You can eat whatever your heart desires. Your lunch should consist of salad and soup. By the way, make any salad you like. The main thing is that it contains vegetable oil. Lunch time is exactly fourteen o'clock. Three hours later, after lunch, drink kefir and eat some fruit (except banana: it contains a lot of calories). Well, your dinner should contain a cup of tea and a few crackers.
Hula Hup. Spin it twice a day for twenty minutes.
Avoid sweet, salty, starchy, smoked and fatty foods. Replace all this with vegetables and fruits, trying not to eat in the evening, especially after six.
Exercise with a small wheel. Take a wheel (with handles, on bearings). Take it by the handles, bend over and roll it forward and then back.
Another, no less effective remedy: the apple diet plus the use of a hoop.
Lie face down. Place your hands behind your head without interlocking your fingers. Squeeze your shoulder blades and raise your head as high as possible. Repeat the exercise ten times.
Spread your legs. Leaning forward, take your left foot in your hand. Keep your right hand raised up. Stay like this for exactly three minutes.

How to make a waist 60 cm? Nutrition rules. Complex diet for reducing waist and sides.

How to reduce your waist to 60 centimeters? If you want your waist to be sixty centimeters, try the following:
Be sure to exclude foods containing animal fat from your diet. The same goes for high-calorie foods.
Try to eat six times a day (little by little).

Diet "Week". During the diet, do not drink alcoholic beverages, drink as much water (regular) as possible, avoid anything salty:

Day number one. Prepare a vegetable salad and rice (two hundred grams). Wash it all down with kefir (1.5 l).

Day number two. Boil meat (five hundred grams), six potatoes (in their jackets). Wash it down with kefir again (1.5 liters).

Day number three. Eat vegetables (whatever you want, but not potatoes). Boil one kilogram of fish (necessarily not fatty). Don't forget about kefir.

Day number four. Make a fruit salad. Cottage cheese (five hundred grams) wouldn't hurt either. Wash down your food with kefir.

Day number five. Eat vegetables (boiled) and hard-boiled eggs (two pieces). Remove kefir from the refrigerator.

Day number six. Today is cottage cheese-apple day: buy one and a half kilograms of apples and three hundred grams of cottage cheese. We still need to remember about kefir today.

Day number seven. The menu for this day is cottage cheese (five hundred grams) and kefir (1.5 liters).

Diet “Minus 60” with recommendations for effectively reducing your waist. Is the name impressive? Read on and try it for your health:
You need to eat three times a day.
The amount of salt in this diet does not need to be limited. However, do not overdo it: very salty foods lead to various swelling.
Don't count calories, painfully.
Drink as much water as your body desires.
Until 12 noon you can eat whatever you want.
Don't skip breakfast. If you have no appetite, drink a cup of coffee and eat a few sandwiches. Think about your body.
You can't eat cakes, but you can enjoy the taste of chocolate (milk).

What can you eat for lunch while following this diet? I list below:
A small amount of plums.
Two apples.
Two pieces of watermelon.
A pineapple.
Pickled and salted vegetables (a little).
Uncanned peas (green).
Mushrooms (in any form).
Noodles, buckwheat porridge, rice. If you want, you can add thirty grams of cheese to them.
Eggs (boiled).
Wine (dry red).
Crab sticks.
Tea (both black and green).
Juice (freshly squeezed).

An impressive list, isn't it? A not so bad and complicated diet is (nutritional rules). As for dinner, the situation is similar. Drinks: sparkling water, coffee (you can drink it in the evening after six, but without adding milk or sugar), citrus (freshly squeezed) juice. Want to know what you can eat for dinner? Imagine taking the test and make your choice.

Effective diets. – You will be given options, and you, in each of them, choose one thing. Agreed? Let's start:

Option one. Meat and fish products: seafood, fish, eggs (boiled). They cannot be combined with other products.

Option two. Cereals: rice porridge, buckwheat porridge. They are combined with vegetables or fruits.

Option three. Dairy products: yogurt (unsweetened), live yogurt, cheese (up to fifty grams).

What vegetables should you not eat for dinner on this diet? These are: eggplant, corn, pumpkin, mushrooms, potatoes, avocado.

Diet "Super Effect".

You should not eat in the evening, after six. Eat in very small portions, trying to chew your food for as long as possible (you need to be patient for this). Your breakfast should consist of a cup of tea (without sugar), a small piece of black bread with cheese and one boiled egg. Three hours after breakfast, eat yogurt or cottage cheese. For lunch, prepare one hundred grams of fish or meat (your choice) and a vegetable salad. After some time you can enjoy the taste of fruit. Let dinner consist of yogurt or cottage cheese (one hundred and fifty grams). You can replace cottage cheese (preferably low-fat) and yogurt with a glass of milk or kefir. This diet goes well with (physical) exercise. The effect is guaranteed!

How to reduce your waist? I really hope that you have already guessed how to actually implement this. All that remains is to apply your knowledge in practice. I hope that one of the above methods will definitely help you. Wait for the result, without expecting it to be immediate. By the way, such exercises and diets greatly develop willpower. Because a person who does not have this quality will not be able to withstand such tests.

And sides, how you can reduce your waist size. Folds on the stomach and sides not only visually spoil the figure, but also complicate the choice of clothing. Most often, hoping to change their body for the better, girls and women resort to strict, but ineffective and even dangerous diets, use massage and body wraps.

However, these methods are not suitable for everyone and their effectiveness is questionable. The thing is that they do not guarantee long-term and safe results. Losing weight in the abdomen and sides cannot be achieved using only abdominal exercises. No matter how much you work on your abs, without proper nutrition, the fat will still not go away, and no one is interested in the desired cubes under a layer of fat. Even if you train your abdominal muscles very hard, fat deposits will remain in place if you don’t change your diet.

The workout should begin with a light warm-up. Exercise will prepare your muscles for physical activity, normalize breathing, and also reduce the risk of injury.

Losing weight on the abdomen and sides: a set of exercises

- “plank” exercise with support on your elbows

One of the most effective exercises that actively engages the oblique muscles and lower abdomen. Technique for performing the exercise: in a lying position, leaning on your elbows, legs straight, resting on your toes. Without arching your back, quickly spread your legs to the sides shoulder-width apart. Then, return to the starting position. Perform 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions.

- plank exercise with knees raised

Technique for performing the exercise: standing on your elbows, legs straight, alternately pull your knees to your chest. Perform 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions. The pace of execution is average.

Technique for performing the exercise: lie on your back, bend your knees so that they form an angle of 90 degrees. Hands clasped behind your head and on your chest. Raise your head and shoulders, lifting your shoulder blades off the floor. Exhale as you rise. The pace of execution is slow. Perform 3 sets of 10-15 repetitions.

Exhale as you rise. The pace of execution is slow. Perform 3 sets of 10-15 repetitions.

- exercise "bicycle"

When performing this exercise, the oblique abdominal muscles, which are responsible for a beautiful waistline, are included in the work. The pace of execution is average. Perform 3 sets of 10-15 repetitions.

Here is a simple set of exercises to make your waist thin and elastic.

To accelerate fat burning in the abdomen and sides, as well as to achieve a sculpted tummy and reduce waist size, it is necessary to supplement this complex (running, swimming, dancing). For best results, aerobic exercise should be alternated with strength exercises. Using this method, you will not only get rid of excess fat, but will shape your body and make it sculpted.

Remember, the results depend on your desire, effort and adherence to the technique of doing the exercises, and not on the number of repetitions and time spent on them.

Losing weight in the abdomen and sides, as well as reducing the waist, requires not only exercise, but maintaining a healthy low-calorie diet. Unlike strict diets, this type of nutrition is beneficial for the body.

It is important not only what food you eat, but also how and when. It is necessary to adhere to fractional meals, often in small portions. Meals should be 5-6 times a day, and only three of them should be dense. Eat more protein foods and complex carbohydrates. Your body itself will tune in to ease and be ready for intense workouts, which will affect not only your figure, but also your well-being.

Follow the rules and the results will follow!

A daily morning exercise from fitness trainer Milena Poznyak will help you reduce your waist by 2 cm in 3 minutes, give you energy for the whole day, correct your posture, and after 7 days of regular training you will get perfect abs.

Before you start training, measure your waist in four places: at the thinnest part, at the navel level, at the level of the bones, under the chest. At the end of your workout, measure yourself again and compare the results.

When is the best time to do it?

The exercise is best done in the morning before meals, after water with lemon. It reduces waist size, energizes all internal organs, and stimulates digestion.

How to do an exercise for a thin waist?

Inhale and exhale completely. Hold your breath and begin to contract your abdominal muscles. Raise your shoulders slightly up. Do the exercise until you want to inhale. It is recommended to do 5 sets of 5 stretches with a 20 second hold. You can do the exercise on women's days. The exercise is in the video at 33 minutes.

Exercise to improve posture

This exercise is similar to the previous one, but it is performed with less amplitude.

Align your shoulders and stabilize your core. Squeeze your buttocks and pull in your stomach without changing the position of your torso. Exercise – at 36:21 minutes.

Inhale. Exhale completely. Try to pull in your stomach. Last time – inhale, maximum speed and maximum retraction.

The exercise is also best done in the morning after drinking water with lemon. Five approaches (inhale-exhale) with a breath hold for 20 seconds.

Exercise-ritual “for the lazy”

This ritual will help you cheer up when you don’t feel like doing anything, when you need to go to an important meeting, feel more confident, and increase your self-esteem.

When we raise our hands up, our diaphragm opens and the brain receives impulses - you experience a state of delight, joy.

How to do the exercise?

Inhale, raise your arms up and, as you exhale, lower your arms down. Inhale and exhale, inhale and exhale through your nose.

Try rising up onto your toes and down onto your heels. Inhale – on your toes. Exhale - on your heels. Don't feel sorry for yourself. As you inhale and exhale, you ignite your goal and feel yourself achieving it. You can even jump. Feel the body. The stomach will become elastic and flat. Your attitude towards life will change. Exercise at minute 43:45.

Today at 18.05 Moscow time at 21.05 Karaganda time we have a fat-burning live broadcast. Everyone who will be live will definitely lose a couple of kilograms, so click to receive a notification so as not to miss. Visiting Food and Figure Milena Poznyak, fitness psychologist, doctor- a therapist by training, an NLP trainer, with 22 years of experience as a fitness trainer, and more than 15 years of experience in nutrition. Her clients easily lose 2-3 kilograms a week without diets and grueling workouts (Successful stories of Milena’s clients http://magiconfit.ru/category/uspeshnye-istorii-nashix-klientov/)During the live broadcast: 1) You will understand 3 main reasons for the lack of results in weight loss 2) We will carry out a psychological reset and shift the internal inhibition that prevents us from losing weight 3) We will do 3 fitness NLP tricks for a 100% guaranteed result. - Ritual to cleanse the intestines and reduce the size of the stomach. -In 3 minutes you will reduce your waist by 2 cm! -5 minute technique to change your state and charge for training, now you will never miss a workout 4) You will learn the recipe for the healthiest, rejuvenating, fat-burning cleansing breakfast. And what does it mean to have a flat stomach and a well-functioning intestine in just 1 week? We’ll do a super-effective 10-minute workout right on the air! You will learn what high metabolism means and lose the first 1-2 kg within 2 days after this broadcast. (The results of Milena’s students on average show minus 2-3 kg for 3 such workouts per week) Most importantly, Milena herself knows from her own experience what it means to live in an excuse for extra pounds and bad habits. See the publication “I was fat too” http: //magiconfit.ru/ya-tozhe-byla-tolstoj/1) You will understand the 3 main reasons for the lack of results in weight loss. We will analyze the psychology and physiology of slow metabolism. And we’ll immediately make a psychological reset to shift internal inhibitions, 2) You will learn incredibly effective energizing exercises and techniques. We will immediately make 3 fitness NLP tricks for a 100% guaranteed result. Ritual to cleanse the intestines and reduce the size of the stomach. In 3 minutes you will reduce your waist by 2 cm! Technique for changing state and charge for training. 5 minutes and your enthusiasm will be at 100% performance level. Thanks to these 5 minutes, you will never miss a workout again. We will do a super-effective 10-minute workout right on the air! You will learn what high metabolism means and lose the first 1-2 kg within 2 days after this broadcast. (the results of my students on average show minus 2-3 kg for 3 such workouts per week) 3) You will learn the recipe for the healthiest anti-aging fat-burning cleansing breakfast. And what does it mean to have a flat stomach and a well-functioning intestine in just 1 week. Most importantly, I myself know from my own experience what it means to live in an excuse for extra pounds and bad habits. And there is no point in wearing it on yourself anymore. See the publication “I was fat too”http://magiconfit.ru/ya-tozhe-byla-tolstoj/Milena has completed more than 60 psychological trainings, conducted more than 50 courses, trainings, more than 1000 webinars, in the experience of 1200 students with results from minus 3-4 cm in 1 training session, up to minus 12 kg for a man in a week of training, minus 21 cm in the waist for a woman with 3 children in 3 weeks of training. Minus 15-18 kg in 3 months is the norm according to her method. And this is not a diet, but a fat-burning code in nutrition, not exhausting workouts, but high-metabolic training for 20-30 minutes 3-4 times a week. Milena's system works to equalize hormonal levels, improve the health of organs and systems, with the body as an integral system. Harmonizing values ​​and beliefs towards a healthy lifestyle. You need sportswear, children and husband are welcome, sheets of paper, pen, felt-tip pens. Supercharged smiling mood. Click to receive a notification about the live broadcast. It will be interesting and fat-burning!

Greetings, gentlemen and especially ladies! Today we have an unusual article - a women's one. And the topic is very pressing and relevant: how to make your waist thin. After reading, each young lady will know what steps need to be taken in order to achieve a wasp waist; we will consider both general recommendations and a specific case that will quickly reduce waist volumes.

So, sit down please, let's get started.

How to make your waist thin: the theoretical side of the issue.

I have already mentioned more than once about the types of female figures and the preference for them on the part of the male population. So, in a nutshell, the most interesting or eye-pleasing for us are the pear-shaped and sand shapes, and from the point of view of ideal anthropometry, the latter is considered the standard. The main curvy features of the watch are the presence of smooth lines and streamlined curves. Representatives of this body type are distinguished by a pronounced waist, which effectively emphasizes a moderately curvy top and the same bottom. Actually, we will work on creating a narrow waist in this article.


For better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

Why do you need waist measurements?

What lady doesn't want to learn the secret of how to make a thin waist? At least I haven't met anyone like that. Ask any smart girl with this question, and she will answer: “Of course I want to!” Subsequently, we will just start implementing this wish, but first we will dig a little into the theory.

Waist size is one of the main factors showing the degree of neglect of your physique and overall health. Therefore, it is extremely important to “keep” your waist within adequate limits, in particular the following:

  • for men (no more 94 cm);
  • for women (no more 80 cm);

The optimal ratio is considered 75-80 in men, against 65-70 among women.


The width of the waist from left to right depends on genetics and bone structure, but its thickness from front to back can be adjusted.

Any hint of a waist makes a woman’s figure much more attractive, and therefore the desire of women to reduce waist volume will always be one of their priorities. Compare the visuals of women with and without waistlines and draw your own conclusions.

We all know very well, and women even feel for themselves, that after certain events, for example, the birth of a child, the waist begins to float and spread to the sides. And just a year ago you were a thin and loud girl, and after giving birth you turned into a tasteless “chick” (recorded from the words of the reader). However, everything is not so sad, and the current situation can be improved. We'll talk about how later.

Waist enlargement in women over 40. How does it happen?

Usually, it is after childbirth that women face the question of reducing their waist, and if the reasons for such swelling are quite understandable, then with the distribution of the waist in women, not everything is so clear. At an older age, after 40-45 years, the issue of waist narrowing is becoming relevant again. And here it is important to understand how, in principle, the process of increasing the waist occurs in this case.

For example, you got knocked 45 , which means that, most likely, the natural female processes in your body have stopped (or are in the decaying stage), I'm talking about menstruation and menopause now. In women, the main reproductive hormone is estrogen, which regulates the menstrual cycle and helps the uterine wall thicken in preparation for conception and pregnancy. During menopause, the ovaries produce less estrogen, and as a result, the body begins to convert more of the calories consumed into fat rather than muscle. Fat cells burn fewer calories, so during menopause you are likely to increase your weight and, as a result, your waist.

Another hormone that can also be found in women is testosterone. It helps the body produce muscle mass and increases the metabolic rate. During menopause, testosterone levels drop, metabolism slows and the body burns fewer calories.

Another androgen hormone (or rather a group), which is present in women in relatively small quantities, is responsible (including) for sexual desire and increased energy, these are DHEA, DHEA-sulfate, as well as androstenedione and dihydrotestosterone. Increased levels (for various reasons, for example, doping) cause masculinization of women and, among other things, the deposition of fat deposits in the middle part of the abdomen. In general, androgen levels decrease during menopause, but estrogen levels drop at higher rates, making the androgen ratio higher.

Not many people know, but the cause of a large waist is not always an excessive level of subcutaneous fat. The body's retention of water can contribute to the appearance of a bulging tummy. The important “fertility hormone” progesterone decreases during menopause, and the decrease in its levels leads to water retention, causing the stomach to swell, increasing the size of your waist.

Another hormonal factor that increases your waistline is high levels of stress, anxiety, and depression. Chronic stress causes a release, the increased levels of which contribute to the emergence of an animal lifeline. Cortisol itself is not a bad hormone; it is designed to give a person 5-10 minutes of energy in times of danger. Chronic stress has become a common factor in modern life, and therefore the body is unable to distinguish a real threat from an everyday life situation, and the released energy often remains wasted. (not used), which leads to weight gain, including waist size.

So, we’ve dug the theory, let’s move on to...

How to make your waist thin: the practical side of the issue

If you are waiting for some secret methods, then I hasten to disappoint you, everything is quite banal and straightforward. To make a narrow waist, you need a set of the following measures:

  • special exercises.
  • nutrition adjustments;

I. Exercises for a thin waist

For those who don’t know, I’ve been on the project since February 2015 there is an opportunity to order. So, at one time, several readers contacted me with specific goals - to narrow their waist. This has been achieved (on average the decrease in girth was 3-5 cm), and further we will look at how this was achieved.

No. 1. Vacuum

If you're looking for the answer to how to slim your waist, one of the best waist-trimming exercises is the vacuum. This is an isometric exercise (muscle tenses without moving) for the transverse abdominis muscle, which acts as a natural corset for your core (natural weightlifting belt). The transversus muscle holds the internal organs and can therefore prevent bloating.


Take a lying position on your back, bend your knees and place your legs on the floor. Exhale all the air from your lungs. Make maximum effort and bring your stomach as close to your spine as possible, trying to touch your navel to the latter. One isometric contraction is one repetition. The vacuum exercise can be performed while kneeling, sitting or lying down. The average delay time in the compressed position is 15-30 seconds (as progress is made) 60 ) , then comes relaxation and a new repetition. Take small breaths as needed.


The correct execution is controlled by a deep burning sensation in the abdominal area, the more repetitions you do and the longer you hold the tension.

Execute 3 approach to 10-15 once (By 30 seconds).

No. 2. Plank

An exercise to strengthen your core muscles and create tight abs.


Execute 3 approach to 45-60 seconds hold.

No. 3. Side plank

The exercise targets the lateral core muscles, internal and external obliques.


Execute 3 approach to 45-60 seconds hold.


Overdeveloped obliques make the waist look bigger and worsen the “sandiness” of the figure, so you should not perform the exercise often and in combination with other obliques.

No. 4. Burpee

It’s not quite a purely abdominal exercise and is rather a total exercise (for the whole body). Often used in high-intensity circuit training (HIIT), forcing most muscle groups to work. It combines: squats, planks, push-ups and jumping jacks.


It does not present any difficulties and is fully described by the image.

Execute 3 approach to 10 repetitions of the full cycle.

No. 5. Jumping rope

Another seemingly non-thematic exercise is jumping rope. However, it can make a significant contribution to slimming your waist by increasing your metabolic rate. In addition, it constantly keeps the core muscles in tension. After completing the main strength training, in order to lose weight, it is useful to conduct high-intensity training with a jump rope like: 40 seconds of fast jumps, 15 seconds break, 40 seconds of jumping at a moderate pace, 15 seconds break. This 1 circle. Complete in total 5-7 circles

No. 6. Hoop torsion

What exercises should you avoid to avoid enlarging your waist?

Below is a list of exercises that can lead to an increase in waist size. So, these include:

  • classic squats with medium/heavy weight with a belt;
  • lateral extensions on the machine;
  • lateral bends with dumbbells/kettlebells;
  • straight abdominal crunches in the simulator;
  • bending from side to side while sitting on your butt on the floor.

So, to summarize the exercise part, our waist reduction training program looked like this.

The presented scheme allows you to count on a minus result 3-5 cm in waist 1,5-2 months subject to 2 -x daily inclusions of training in your main schedule (after strength training) and dieting. Speaking of birds :)…

II. How to make your waist thin: a special diet

Of course, if you are not ready to make adjustments to your current diet, then at least twirl the hoop and become a spinning top, but you will not reduce your waist. Therefore, we are preparing to make changes to our daily diet.

Issues of reducing the waist are issues of reducing the overall level of subcutaneous fat. You cannot remove fat locally, for example, only from the abdominal area. A person loses weight immediately and everywhere, but fat from the most problematic regions is the last to disappear. Weight/fat loss only occurs in a calorie deficit, i.e. You burn more than you consume. Thus, you need to either cut your caloric intake by 350-500 kcal, or move your muscles more actively :).

In general, to lose weight you need to stick to this macronutrient ratio.

Basic rules for reducing your waist

To effectively lose weight, you need to follow the following rules:

No. 1. Calculate your daily caloric intake and distribute it over the course of the day into 4-5 meals

We have already discussed how to calculate calorie content more than once, in particular here -. Let's say for you it amounts to 2000 kcal/day. 60% we eat up to calories 4 hours of the day, the rest 40% lay down to 9 evenings.

Surely at first it will be difficult for you to jump off the “needle” of three meals a day and you will constantly be forced to eat something, i.e. snacks. So do them, but do them right, on average, each snack should be no more 150-200 kcal and consist of the right foods, for example, these.

No. 2. Include lean protein and fiber in every meal

They not only help you lose weight, but also make you feel fuller longer. Use as sources of protein.

Fiber can be found here.

No. 3. Drink enough water

On average a person should consume 1 liter of clean water for every 30 kg body weight. If you are actively working out in the gym and also doing aerobic training, the amount of fluid consumed increases. Total, if your weight 50 kg, then you need to drink more than 1,5 liters of water, taking into account the activity in the hall this figure can reach up to 1,8-2 liters

No. 4. Include natural fat burners in your diet

The main products for burning fat and reducing your waist include:

Actually, we’re done with the basic recommendations, now let’s look at a specific nutrition plan for one day for a girl weighing 60 kg who wants to lose weight slightly (by 2-3 kg) and narrow your waist by a few centimeters.

Below I will give a diet from the nutrition plan that our heroine followed, and which allowed her to achieve the announced results.

Well, that’s basically all I would like to report on; now you have in your hands a complete guide on how to make your waist thin.


Today we dealt with the issues of creating a wasp waist. I am sure that each of you reading these lines will achieve a reduction in fat volume and will look even tastier!

Finally, write comments, see you next time.

PS. Are you worried about your enlarged waist?

P.P.S. Attention! 19.04 The ability to send questionnaires for and food will become available. I will be glad to see you working together!

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.