home · Other · In May, the leaves fall from the peaches. Growing peach - advice from experienced gardeners. Lack of nitrogen nutrition

In May, the leaves fall from the peaches. Growing peach - advice from experienced gardeners. Lack of nitrogen nutrition

Over the past 5 years, peach culture has become widespread in home gardens and summer cottages in all regions of Ukraine. Thus, in the northwestern regions, its normal growth is facilitated by warm weather with long thaws in winter period. If weather conditions are favorable for the growth and development of peach, then diseases, pests, deficiency of soil and air moisture, inept or untimely use of pesticides disrupt the normal course of these processes. Among the common diseases, the most harmful are leaf curl and fruit rot. For qualified implementation of protective measures, knowledge about pathogens, conditions conducive to their development and protective equipment, helping to cure an infected tree or prevent it from becoming infected with pathogens.

Threatened by curliness

The causative agent of peach leaf curl affects leaves, shoots, and less often fruits. The disease is most harmful in years with a cool, long and wet spring, both in young and fruit-bearing plantings. In a short period of time, starting from the moment the buds open and 10 days later, all young leaves are affected. They grow unevenly, become deformed, become corrugated, and acquire a reddish-pink or light yellow color. Diseased shoots stop developing, turn yellow-green, thicken, bend, and their internodes are shortened.

8-10 days after the introduction of infection into the leaf, a white waxy coating of marsupial sporulation of the fungus forms on its lower side. After the formation of spores, which remain overwinter and infect healthy plants in next year, the leaves turn brown, dry out and fall off. The fruits also fall off, and infected shoots dry out or freeze out in winter. During sporulation, the infection spreads throughout the garden. A large number of The spore overwinters in gum and bark cracks. In spring, spores washed away by rain are released from the gum and cause massive infection of plants.

Severely affected plants become unstable to stress, their productivity decreases, and gum is released. With the chronic course of the disease, the trees gradually die.


The causative agent of moniliosis overwinters as a mycelium in mummified fruits on trees and under trees, as well as in the tissues of affected branches. If pests that damage plants (brant, codling moth) are not controlled, the number of damaged fruits increases and they become rotten. It is known that the damage to fruits by rot is caused by violation of the integrity of their surface shell by wasps, bumblebees, birds, hail, as well as contact of healthy and diseased fruits. The number of rotten fruits increases in varieties that have thin skin, devoid of waxy coating, and slightly pubescent.

Amateur gardeners cultivating peach report in letters about cases of leaves and fruits falling off after protective treatments fungicides. The same situation, according to reports from other gardeners, is sometimes observed on trees that are not sprayed.

The reasons for premature shedding of leaves and fruits in peach can be different. One of them is a lack of moisture in the soil and air, which inhibits the growth of plants, leads to crushing and shedding of fruits. The fruits become low-juiciness and bitter. For normal growth and development of peach, 450-700 ml of precipitation per year is necessary. In dry and hot weather water the soil under the trees so that its moisture content is 60-85% of the full field moisture capacity.On loose, moist and fertilized soil, the peach does not shed its leaves and forms large and tasty fruits.

Another reason may be poisoning of trees with copper-containing preparations, for example, as a result of repeated use of Bordeaux mixture in conditions of high humidity. The decisive role here is played not by the amount of precipitation, but by the duration of moistening. Among stone fruits, peach is the most sensitive to copper. With repeated spraying with copper preparations during the growing season, over many years, copper accumulates in plant organs in excess quantities due to both the absorption of Bordeaux mixture or copper oxychloride applied to the leaves and coming from the soil. In sensitive varieties, under the influence of copper-containing fungicides, oxidative processes are disrupted, respiration increases, and the water content in leaves and fruits decreases, which leads to their shedding.

Fungicides protect

To prevent and treat peach diseases, a complex of works is carried out. In autumn or in early spring shoots affected and withered by curl are cut out, rotten fruits are collected under the trees and dried fruits are removed from the trees, and then they are buried to a depth of 50 cm. In the spring, when signs of the disease can be clearly seen, pruning of peach shoots affected by curl is carried out again (in May). In late autumn, the soil is dug up in the tree trunk strips, covering up the affected leaves. Resistant peach varieties suffer less from diseases or are not at all affected by curl or fruit rot. The varieties Sochny, Golden Jubilee, Champion Early are relatively resistant to fruit rot, and the varieties Kyiv Early, Sochny Redhaven, Krasnoshchekiy, Kievsky 12, Early Kuban, Simferopolsky Early, Saturn, Donetsk Yellow are relatively resistant to curl. Highly curl-resistant peach varieties: Nadranniy Kievskiy, Pamyati Radionova, Bagrinovskiy.

To protect peach trees from curl and fruit rot, during the “raspberry bud” phenophase they are sprayed with 3% Bordeaux mixture, and immediately after flowering - with one of the preparations: fast, 25% a.e., chorus, 75% v. g. or done, 70% c. (the consumption rate is 2 ml, 2-3 and 10 g per 10 liters of water, respectively). If the first signs of curl appear on the leaves, it is better to use quick, since it has a systemic mechanism of action and a strong therapeutic (for 5 days) and preventive (8-10 days) effect. 12-14 days after the previous spraying, treatment is carried out with one of the above fungicides. After leaf fall, the trees and leaves under them are sprayed with 3% Bordeaux mixture.

The use of Bordeaux mixture on peach in the summer is undesirable, since the copper contained in it causes yellowing and shedding of the leaves.

To obtain environmentally friendly products on peach varieties that are weakly affected by diseases, 3% zinc sulfate is used (in early spring and autumn). Pollination of trees with ash also reduces damage to the leaf apparatus by diseases.

Against powdery mildew An infusion of hay dust is effective (1-1.5 kg of crushed mass is poured into 3 liters of water, left for 3 hours). For better adhesion to the surface being treated, add 40 g of laundry soap pre-dissolved in warm water or 100 ml of fresh milk before use.

In the working solution intended to protect trees from diseases, it is necessary to add insecticides (Arrivo, Inta-VIR, Decis or Karate), which protect peaches from codling moths, goose and other pests that contribute to the infection of fruits with gray rot.


The peach is a delicious fruit, but it takes a lot of work in the beginning to get it. good harvest. Peach diseases and pests keep the gardener in suspense throughout the growing season. Peaches grown far from their home countries with warm climates are susceptible to many diseases. We will tell you about the most common tree ailments and protective measures.

What diseases affect peach

All fruit crops are affected by one set of diseases, but each species is predisposed to some of them. And just like plums with moniliosis, peach is affected by curling, more often than other diseases.

Other expected peach diseases:

  • fruit rot;
  • powdery mildew;
  • Clusterosporiosis;
  • moniliosis

The year-round complex is aimed at preventing diseases, exterminating pests and increasing tree productivity. If you maintain the agronomic calendar, you can prevent an outbreak of the disease even in unfavorable summers. Look at the photo: peach diseases and their treatment require strong drugs and protective clothing for the worker.

Clusterosporiosis or leaf hole is a fungal disease. When development begins, punctures appear on the leaves, then purple spots appear, the tissue in the circle falls off, and a leaf with holes appears. At the same time, the spores spread to the entire above-ground part of the plant. Sometimes an overdose of copper-containing fungicides gives the same signs on the leaves. If it is a peach fungus disease, it will progress quickly.

When the disease appeared folk remedies she can't be defeated. It is necessary to use fungicides, such as Skor, Kristalon or Delan, in a double dose, if you follow the instructions.

may spoil the development of peach on the coast of the Black and Sea of ​​Azov. For middle zone This disease is typical for melons and berries. At first, the leaves of the tree stand as if sprinkled with flour. Later, the leaf becomes deformed and the shoots become thinner. The taste of the fruit changes. The fight against powdery mildew is carried out with the help of Topaz, fresh mullein mash, and cutting out infected shoots. Colloidal sulfur is effective against powdery mildew.

Compliance with growing technology, preventing peach diseases and fighting them, as in the photo, will keep the garden healthy.

Leaf curl disease is the most dangerous

Overwintered fungal spores germinate into shoots and leaves in early spring, having overwintered on last year's plant debris. The causative agent of leaf curl disease invades the leaf. The first sign is the formation of red bubbles on the leaf blade. But if the leaves have already hung on the tree for 2 weeks, the disease is powerless.

The fungus invades the plate 5-8 days after birth. The leaves are destroyed and fall to the ground along with the mature spores. Young branches of fresh or annual growth and their wood are damaged. This year's buds are deformed, and there will be no harvest next season.

How to treat peach leaf curl disease? Immediately! As soon as you see the first signs - young leaves, still green, begin to swell, you must immediately apply copper-containing fungicides in the recommended dose. In this case, it is necessary to immediately begin sanitary pruning, tearing, pinching leaves, before the disease takes over the entire crown.

Experts and practitioners say that among peach varieties, some are more resistant to leaf curl:

  • Redhaven;
  • In memory of Rodionov;
  • Bagrinovsky;
  • Morettini;
  • Simferopol early.

How can you combat leaf curl on peach using folk remedies? The key to eradicating disease is speed. There are not many effective drugs. If the disease is detected at the beginning, you need to manually remove the leaves, cut off the branches on which they were attached, and be sure to burn them.

Pollinate the tree with a mixture of sulfur powder and fluff lime, spray with 1% colloidal sulfur, but only on a hot day, so that the temperature is above 25 degrees. You can use the drug Biostat. For the second treatment, prepare a 3-day infusion of tobacco dust. You can spray with a mixture of slaked lime and clay slurry, applying it to the leaves after each rain wash or fall. Practitioners warn that if fresh galls appear, you need to switch to fungicides.

Preventive methods to combat peach curl begin in the fall. It is during this period that it is necessary to clear the garden of winter tenants. As soon as the air temperature has dropped to 10-5 degrees, it is time for prevention:

  1. Inspection and sanitization trunk, broken branches.
  2. Free the trunk circle from all residues, burn the leaves and branches, loosen or lay the soil fresh manure let there be a crust over the entire area, without digging. This is a supplement for 3 years.
  3. In the spring, treat the buds with copper fungicide, and then prune. Then treat with Topsin M, but before the leaves appear.

Spray young leaves with Champion. In the future, if swelling appears, a 10% mullein infusion will cope with them. A neglected garden will be free from diseases within 2-3 years.

This is the answer to the question of how to treat peach for leaf curl. The scheme is used in private gardens in Ukraine. Systemic treatments allow you to get rid of major fungal diseases even in warm, rainy years.

The basic principles of disease control are the ability to grow a healthy, strong tree. Then it itself will resist diseases and pests. To do this, you need to find a light slope, with a barrier from the northern slope. The peach does not tolerate any shading. He loves fertile soil, regular watering and deep standing groundwater. If there is thaw in winter, the tree will wake up. The roots will withstand winter cold of +25 degrees for 3-4 days, and 35-38 degrees for several hours. Whitewashing trunks and manure in tree trunk circle will help reduce the risk of frostbite.

Selection of drugs against peach curl - video

Why do peach leaves curl? Peach leaf curl. Recommendations for treatment.

Peach in last years is becoming increasingly popular among our gardeners due to its outstanding qualities and early fruitfulness. Its spread is greatly facilitated by the variety of varieties and availability, as well as climate warming.

Along with the peach, its diseases spread. One of the most dangerous and harmful peach diseases is leaf curl.

Peach leaf curl is caused by the microscopic fungus Taphrine ( Taphrina). It affects leaves, young growing shoots, and occasionally flowers and fruits.

The first signs of the disease appear already at the beginning of the leaves blooming - in the month of May. First, the leaves turn pale, acquire a yellowish-pink color, their surface becomes uneven, bubbly, they are greatly deformed, curled, and become fragile. After some time on bottom side a white waxy coating of sporulation is formed on the leaf. Shoots with affected leaves stop growing, thicken and bend, and turn yellow.

Subsequently, such leaves and shoots die off, which greatly weakens the tree, which does not receive enough nutrition due to the loss of part of the crown. Severe curl damage over several years can cause peach trees to die out.

Fighting frizz. How to treat peach for leaf curl.

Since the main source of infection is the mycelium and spores that overwinter under the scales of the buds, in cracks in the bark and affected branches and shoots, and we do not have specialized means of protection against curl (and are not even particularly looking for it yet - the peach crop in Belarus is not of industrial importance), then the main way to combat curliness is prevention in the form of treatment universal fungicides during the period of swelling and bud opening.

It is at this moment that new leaves become infected with leaf curl, and if we manage to prevent it, we will reduce the manifestations of the disease to a minimum.

When to process a peach?

So, the first processing is in the spring before the buds open– 3% solution Bordeaux mixture or copper sulfate. This will protect the peach from the second dangerous diseaseholey leaf spot(clasterosporiasis), as well as other fungal diseases.

Second treatment - in period of swelling and bud break peach For this you can use fungicides such as Horus(the only fungicide that is already active at air temperatures of +6-8°C, unlike other drugs that are active at temperatures from +15°C); Topsin M, Bayleton, Skor, Delan.

In Russia, the following fungicides are approved for use: Planriz And Trichodermin(in principle, if allowed in Russia, it can be used in Belarus) .

If the weather is rainy during the peach flowering period, spraying with one of the above fungicides (except copper preparations) can be repeated.

If infection has already occurred and curly leaves appear on the shoots, then

1) such shoots must be removed from trees;

2) carry out preventive spraying, provided that there are at least 3 weeks left before the peaches begin to ripen.

In autumn, during leaf fall, repeat the treatment with copper sulfate or Bordeaux mixture.

It is imperative to carry out annual economic pruning of peach trees with the removal of affected shoots and periodic anti-aging pruning.

All cut wood should be destroyed immediately.

To increase peach resistance to curl and other fungal diseases, it is necessary to provide the trees with sufficient watering and balanced nutrition (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium + microelements).

Yulia Georgievna Kondratenok, candidate of agricultural sciences in orchard protection.

Svetlana asked us next question: “Why do peaches become smaller after a few years of fruiting? How can the fruit be returned to its previous size?

It has been noticed that peaches on any tree begin to shrink over time. There are several reasons for this.

Lack of nutrition

Peaches may become smaller due to lack of nutrition. In order to solve the problem, you should perform a number of actions:

  1. In spring, use pruning shears to cut off some of the branches.
  2. Near the tree using garden borer drill a hole. Add manure and superphosphate to it.
  3. Place several glasses of chalk (2-3) under the tree itself.
  4. After the ovary appears, half will have to be removed - after 1-2.

Lack of moisture

Peaches may shrink due to lack of moisture. This usually happens when the summer is dry. The fruits not only become smaller, but their taste becomes worse, and pubescence also increases. The problem can be fixed quite easily - water the trees on hot days.

Watering is done for the first time in early June, then in the second half of July, then in August. In this case, the soil will have to be wetted to about 70 cm; this is the depth to which the roots go. So in one watering square meter it takes about 2 buckets of water.

Lack of heat

If climatic conditions Not suitable for peaches; they may shrink due to lack of heat. There are several ways to get rid of the problem. First, you have to choose the right variety. If the variety was chosen correctly, but the plant was still damaged by frost, pruning will have to be done. This way the tree will recover much faster.

Autumn pruning is prohibited! In this case, the plants are unlikely to survive the winter unless you live in southern regions. Among other things, to prevent the fruits from becoming smaller, it is recommended to thin out the crown. This improves lighting. Another way to restore the size of peaches is to shorten the shoots every year.

Lack of nitrogen nutrition

With a lack of nitrogen nutrition, the leaves of peaches turn yellow and the fruits become smaller. At the same time, the fruit acquires an astringent taste. Correcting the situation is very simple - just apply fertilizer. Then the harvest will be of high quality, and the stock nutrients will not run out.

Peach fruits become smaller for several reasons or a combination of them. In each case, you will have to identify why the plant behaves in one way or another, and then correct the situation accordingly. better side. In any case, you first need to choose the right type of tree relative to the region and climate where you live.

How to thin out peaches (video)

Reviews and comments

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Tatiana 09/17/2015

I live in the Stavropol region. 4 years ago, an acquaintance came from Kyrgyzstan and shared a peach seedling with me. And he treated me to several peaches from such a tree - large, sweet ones. The seedling took root well and began to grow. In the second summer, the peach blossomed and several fruits ripened, but they were not large. And in the next season: there were more fruits, but not the same as the acquaintance treated. And this winter spring frosts ruined the buds. I think that this seedling is still not for our climate - it’s cold here.

Dmitry 09/25/2015

thanks for useful information. The peach is already 12 years old and from year to year the fruits are getting smaller. We fill it well, prune it in the spring, fertilize it with manure, the climate is suitable, because the first fruits were much larger, and the climate has not changed significantly since then, apparently there is not enough nitrogen. will have to buy nitrogen fertilizer. By the way, the question is, when is it better to add it to the soil, now for the winter, or in the spring, when the tree blooms?

Svetlana R 02/29/2016

Peach is a very harmful and whimsical tree. Very often sick, cold or dry. Sometimes you don’t even know what could have affected the size of the fruit. But this happens. It is necessary to constantly fertilize, treat the bare tree (best with nitrophen), and also treat the emerging leaf. Loves water - needs to be watered often. You need to look at the tree trunks; if there is a lot of glue, then the tree is sick and this is also reflected in the fruits. If possible, it is necessary to insulate for the winter, since severe frosts fears.

Sergey 03/20/2016

I completely agree with previous comments that a lot various factors affects the size of the peach fruit. This includes soil, pests, fertilizers, climate for certain varieties, and watering. Another reason is the fact that the tree is already old, because peaches do not live long, and latest harvests may be much smaller in size than before.

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There are several peach trees growing in the dacha. This year the leaves on them turned yellow, reddened and curled, this is peach curl disease, as I understand it? I recently bought a dacha, I have no experience in caring for trees, please tell me what to do now.

Answer to the question.

Hello Tagir. Judging by the photo, this is indeed peach curl. This disease is caused by the vocal fungus Taphrina deformans. As the pathogen spreads, the leaves and shoots of the peach become red or yellow, swellings appear on them, the leaf curls and takes on bizarre shapes.

In addition, a sticky whitish or gray coating can be found on the leaves (top and bottom) - this is sporulation of the fungus. Spores begin to fly away in mid-May, especially strong spore production is observed in cool and rainy weather. At this time, the peach begins to lay buds, from which shoots develop in the summer. Accordingly, these shoots are also affected, and this can lead to complete loss of the harvest or even complete death of the peach.

If you notice leaf curl on a peach, immediately tear off the curled red leaves and burn them (do not put them in compost heap). Next, the tree should be treated with Bordeaux mixture (substitutes are copper oxychloride, copper sulfate, Kuprosil, Kuprostat) or other suitable fungicide (Horus, Skor, Strobi).

It should be taken into account that a peach affected by curling can become easy prey for pests, for example, aphids. In this case, you can combine fungicide treatment with insecticide treatment (Aktellik, Aktara, Bi-58 Novy).

It is best to carry out in the future preventive treatments peach against frizz. After all, it is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it. Peach curl spores overwinter in flower and vegetative buds. And in the spring, when they bloom, they begin to spread again.

Therefore, it is very effective to spray trees with fungicides three times against leaf curl. We carry out the first spraying in the fall - during leaf fall. At the same time, we collect all the fallen leaves and burn them. In February, at a temperature of +4° C (not lower), we once again treat the peach trees with Bordeaux mixture. And finally, it would not be a bad idea to carry out one more treatment immediately after flowering.