home · Installation · Great Jews: Korney Chukovsky and his Cockroach! Encyclopedia of fairy-tale heroes: Chukovsky K. “Cockroach” The main idea of ​​the fairy tale is Chukovsky’s cockroach

Great Jews: Korney Chukovsky and his Cockroach! Encyclopedia of fairy-tale heroes: Chukovsky K. “Cockroach” The main idea of ​​the fairy tale is Chukovsky’s cockroach

A wonderful story by Korney Chukovsky about how big powerful animals were afraid of a tiny cockroach. The nasty bug conquered Africa and even became its ruler.

Who doesn’t know the fairy tale “The Cockroach”, which was written by grandfather Korney? Watching his children, the author noticed that the insects that were then found in every apartment caused horror and disgust in the children. A recognized master of combating childish fears, Chukovsky decided to show the comical nature of the situation in which the strong are afraid of the weak and arrogant.

Chukovsky’s fairy tale “The Cockroach” tells how one fine day African animals happily went about their business. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a cockroach appears. All the animals hid in horror. And even the hippopotamus could not inspire them to defeat the cockroach. Believing the cunning and self-confident insect, the animals agreed to give their children to be eaten. They drove away the truthful kangaroo who dared to laugh at the bug. An ordinary sparrow came to the rescue of the cowards - he saw a beetle and pecked it.

In a fairy tale “Cockroach. Chukovsky K.I.” ironically from the heart. Huge elephants, rhinoceroses, hippos and crocodiles chickened out when they saw a tiny harmless cockroach. And all just because he moved his mustache terribly. And the modest little bird dealt with him without hesitation.

Publishing house: Children's literature
The year of publishing: 1979
Author: Korney Chukovsky
Format: PDF
Number of pages: 16
Language: Russian

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One day eight animals were traveling, each in their own vehicle.

And as they drive along, they laugh and suddenly a huge cockroach comes out to meet them. And he says that I will eat you. And then a big panic began. Who does what, and only crayfish, of all animals, are not afraid. The hippopotamus says, “Whoever fights a cockroach will give two frogs and a fir cone.” And everyone attacked the cockroach.

Then the animals order the hippopotamuses to pick him up, but everyone is afraid. After that, the cockroach became the ruler. And his first order was dinner. Moreover, he said that dinner should be from your children. And then a huge panic began, everyone was surprised how anyone could give their own child to a giant for dinner. Everyone around is crying, how difficult it is to part with your children. Then the Kangaroo galloped up. And she started being rude and laughing about the cockroach. Some time has passed. And then, luckily, a sparrow flies in and swallows the mustachioed one. Everyone around began to rejoice. And they are sure that everything will be fine with their children.

Tchaikovsky admires life about our little brothers. After all, without them there would be no life on earth.

Read the summary of Chukovsky Cockroach

The fairy tale “The Cockroach” is one of the most popular and famous works of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky.

In a magical land, various animals, birds and insects lived and did not grieve. And their whole life was like one holiday. No one ever offended the little ones, did not quarrel or fight.

But one day the evil and terribly scary Cockroach entered this happy country and instantly intimidated all its inhabitants. All the animals huddled in their holes and began to tremble with fear, but the Cockroach did not let up, he began to demand small children for dinner. And no one could go and drive out the evil Cockroach; even the big animals were afraid of the red mustache of the villain. And most likely this would have continued for a very long time if a kangaroo had not galloped into the magical land, which began to open everyone’s eyes that the cockroach was not scary at all, but rather small and simply disgusting. The animals, of course, did not believe the kangaroo and continued to hide and be afraid. However, a simple gray sparrow flew in, and without even talking to anyone, he picked up and pecked the evil and terrible cockroach.

And that sparrow became the winner and savior of the entire magical land. All the animals began to sing songs to him, give him food and rejoice at his freedom. This is where the fairy tale ends, and the animals of the magical land again began to have fun, sing and dance.

Picture or drawing of a cockroach

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Genre: fairy tale in verse

The main characters of the fairy tale "The Cockroach" and their characteristics

  1. Cockroach. Mustachioed giant. Angry and bloodthirsty.
  2. Hippopotamus. Organizer of resistance.
  3. Kangaroo. Brave and mocking
  4. Sparrow. A homely hero.
Plan for retelling the fairy tale "The Cockroach"
  1. Fun trip
  2. Unexpected obstacle
  3. Cockroach threats
  4. Flight of the beasts
  5. Hippo Cry
  6. Defeat of the beast army
  7. New cockroach demand
  8. Tears and grief
  9. Kangaroo taunts
  10. Death of a cockroach
  11. Songs and dances
The shortest summary of the fairy tale "The Cockroach" for a reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. The animals were happily driving along the road, when suddenly a cockroach stood in front.
  2. The cockroach promised to swallow the animals, and they got scared.
  3. The hippopotamus called out to the animals, but everyone was afraid of the cockroach
  4. And the cockroach began to demand that the children be given to him to eat.
  5. The animals were saying goodbye to the children when a sparrow flew in and ate the cockroach.
  6. The animals staged a celebration with songs and dances.
The main idea of ​​the fairy tale "The Cockroach"
It is a shame for many to be afraid of one thing.

What does the fairy tale "The Cockroach" teach?
The fairy tale teaches fearlessness, courage, and dedication. Teaches not to be afraid of empty threats, not to obey dictators, to act boldly, together, together. Teaches that the most terrible villains are actually cowardly and weak.

Review of the fairy tale "The Cockroach"
I liked this fairy tale, although I myself was ashamed of the cowardice of the animals. They were afraid of the cockroach because of its whiskers, although any of them was a hundred times larger than the cockroach. And it’s really bad that the animals were ready to give their children to the cockroaches. Shame on them!

Proverbs for the fairy tale "The Cockroach"
Fear has big eyes.
Fear has eyes like small ones, but they don’t see a crumb.
Cowardice takes away strength.
Where it's scary together, go there alone.
The hero is famous not by his birth, but by his feat.

Read a summary, a brief retelling of the fairy tale "The Cockroach"
Various animals rode merrily and laughing - bears, a cat, mosquitoes, crayfish, wolves, lions, bunnies and a toad.
Suddenly, a huge mustachioed cockroach came out of the gateway, which began to growl and scream, threatening to swallow the animals.
The animals got scared, fainted, the wolves ate each other, and the elephant sat on the hedgehog. Only the crayfish wanted to fight, saying that they also have mustaches. But at the same time they backed away.
The hippopotamus offered a reward to the hero who would kill the cockroach. The animals were inspired and rushed into battle. But when they saw the cockroach’s mustache, they got scared again and fled through the forests and fields.
The hippopotamus tried to raise bulls and rhinoceroses to fight, but they refused, saying that horns and skins are not cheap these days.
So the animals sat in the corners, trembling and chattering their teeth.
And the cockroach became completely insolent and began to demand that the animals bring their babies to him for dinner.
The animals cried and sobbed, did not want to give their children to the cockroaches, but said goodbye to the kids.
Suddenly a kangaroo jumped up and began to shame the animals, calling the cockroach a booger and a bug.
The animals began to hiss at the kangaroo and chase it away.
But then a sparrow flew in from behind the forest and fields, pecked once - and there was no cockroach.
The animals rejoiced, began to praise the hero, beat the drums and dance. The elephant was so upset that even the moon fell from the sky, and then she had to be nailed down with nails.

Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky


The bears were driving
By bike.
And behind them is a cat
And behind him are mosquitoes
On a hot air balloon.
And behind them are crayfish
On a lame dog.
Wolves on a mare
Lions in a car.
Bunnies on a tram
Toad on a broom...

They are driving and laughing, when suddenly a terrible giant, the Cockroach, crawls out of the gateway. He threatens the animals that he will eat them. The animals are in a panic - the wolves ate each other, the crocodile swallowed the toad, and the elephant sat on the hedgehog. Only crayfish are not afraid - although they back away, they fearlessly shout to the mustachioed monster that they themselves can move their mustache - no worse than a Cockroach. And the Hippopotamus promises to give the one who is not afraid of the monster and fight him two frogs and a fir cone. The animals have become brave and rush in a crowd towards the barbel. But when they see him, the poor fellows are so frightened that they immediately run away. The Hippopotamus calls on the animals to go and raise the Cockroach on its horns, but the animals are afraid:

You can only hear your teeth chattering,
All you can see is how your ears are trembling.

And so the Cockroach became the ruler of the fields and forests, and all the animals submitted to him. He orders the animals to bring him their children for dinner. All the animals cry and say goodbye to their children forever, cursing the evil master. Poor mothers cry the most bitterly: what mother would agree to give her sweet child for dinner to an insatiable scarecrow? But then one day a Kangaroo galloped up. Seeing the barbel, the guest laughs:

Is this a giant?<…>
It's just a cockroach!<…>
Cockroach, cockroach, cockroach.
A thin-legged little booger-bug.

The kangaroo shames its toothy and fanged acquaintances - they submitted to the booger, the cockroach. The hippos get scared and shush the Kangaroo, but then a Sparrow flies out of nowhere and swallows the Cockroach. So the giant is gone! The entire animal family thanks and praises their savior. Everyone rejoices so wildly and dances so wildly that the moon, trembling in the sky, falls on the elephant and rolls into the swamp. But the moon is soon restored to its place, and peace and joy return to the forest dwellers.

“The Cockroach” by Korney Chukovsky tells the young reader about different animals that travel on: a bicycle, a car, a hot air balloon, a tram, on each other, etc. The friends are riding happily and laughing together, but a terrible giant, the Cockroach, appears before them and begins to threaten the animals. Animals do different things out of fear, but some challenge the enemy to fight. Seeing the scary mustache of a cockroach, they run away again.

The cockroach becomes the ruler and conquers the local residents. He orders the animals to bring him little children to eat. Mothers suffer and shed tears.

Suddenly a Kangaroo appears and makes fun of the evil barbel. At the same time, he scolds his fanged friends and toothy acquaintances. How could they be afraid of such an absurd and pathetic creature? And then Sparrow appears. He swallows the monster. Everyone is happy and thanks the savior. The holiday begins. Everyone is dancing and cheering. The moon trembles from the noise and falls down right on the elephant, and then rolls into the swamp. The animals get her, and peace returns to the earth.

The main characters of the fairy tale “The Cockroach” - animals, birds, insects - travel merrily on different types of transport. But their way is blocked by a terrible monster - a mustachioed cockroach, which threatens to eat the cheerful travelers. Frightened by the cockroach and its huge mustache, some fairy tale heroes faint, others run away in different directions. The Hippopotamus tries to cheer them up, but the animals do not listen to him.

As a result, the cockroach became the ruler of the fields and forests and everyone obeyed him. The cockroach began to demand that the animals bring their children to him to be eaten. The frightened parents were very sorry to give their beloved children to be killed by the mustachioed monster and they shed bitter tears.

A kangaroo, which came galloping up one morning, tried to cheer up the animals. She convinced the frightened heroes of the fairy tale that the cockroach was not as scary as it seemed and that it could be defeated. But the animals did not believe the kangaroo and advised it to leave.

Sparrow saved the situation. He flew in from distant fields, chirped cheerfully and pecked at a terrible cockroach. Everyone was happy and began to glorify Sparrow. And then they began to celebrate the victory over the terrible monster. This is the summary of the tale.

The main meaning of the fairy tale “The Cockroach” is that often the fear of something or someone is completely unfounded. People themselves come up with reasons for fear, and become prisoners of this feeling. The fairy tale teaches you to objectively assess the situation and not succumb to groundless fears.

In the fairy tale, I liked the Sparrow, who was not at all afraid of the evil mustachioed monster. He flew in and pecked the cockroach, saving all the animals from their groundless fears.

What proverbs fit the fairy tale “The Cockroach”?

Fear walks on cockroach legs.
Fear has big eyes.
Fear takes away strength.