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Apple tree with bright pink flowers name. What is an apple tree with red leaves? Compositions with decorative apple trees

Every gardener or cottage owner wants to decorate their plot not only with fruitful trees and shrubs, but also with beautiful ones. For these purposes, decorative varieties are often used, which are bred through selection just for such purposes. Although such species are considered quite rare, therefore not everyone can see an apple tree with red leaves, which will be discussed below.

The main difference between this tree and others is that its leaves are distinguished by bright shades of red and scarlet. This species is considered a hybrid, which, among other things, is resistant to various diseases and poor climatic conditions. From the very beginning of its growth, a decorative apple tree will delight everyone with its red leaves. The bush reaches an average height of four meters, and the crown grows by three meters. Therefore, such a plant will be hard to miss.

The tree can change the shade of its foliage with the changing seasons and sometimes you will witness not only purple leaves, but also emerald ones. Initially, red shades with white inflorescences will appear, and then green with blood-red fruits.

You don’t have to be afraid to grow such an ornamental apple tree in the harsh climate of cold winters. Because the plant can withstand even this. Therefore, you can meet it in Siberia and the Urals in Russia. The apple tree has about 50 subspecies, which are most common in temperate and subtropical climates. All of them differ not only in the shade of the leaves, but in their size, type of crown and flowers.

Standards and appearance

This variety of large-leaved tree is considered a hybrid between such varieties as Nedzvetskogo and Blood-red. Although there are apple trees where the degree of coloration of the foliage is completely different, which means the colors may differ. These plants themselves are not tall and do not grow more than five meters. Sometimes the leaves can remain red throughout the entire time, but sometimes the shade changes to emerald.

Apple tree flowers can be not only soft burgundy, but also dark red with a rough surface. They often completely cover the tree. On average, flowering lasts about two weeks, but only in good conditions. After this, we get beautiful fruits of the same color, which are sometimes even tasty and edible.

It should be noted that this species will require only fertile fresh soil for good growth, because it will not grow well in dry conditions. Although already from the third summer you will notice their lightning-fast increase in size.

Planting this variety

For planting, you need to choose a well-lit place where there is space for a draft that will pollinate the surface around. It is best to deal with this issue in spring or early autumn. Although it is worth remembering that it will take time for you to root an ornamental apple tree, so do not put off this issue until later than the end of September. For planting, seeds or cuttings are used that have been prepared in advance by wrinkling the peel. It is best if you place the seeds in a cool, dark place a month before planting.

Options are possible when planting is carried out at home in boxes using seeds. This happens in early December and within a month you can see the first shoots. Do not forget to provide additional lighting and fertilizing, and then, after the last spring frosts, you can start growing apple trees.

If you decide to plant several trees, then the distance between them should be at least five to seven meters for convenient growth and development of the crown. At first you will have to use a lot of water for irrigation, about eight liters per seedling. Afterwards, this procedure will only need to be done once a week.

It is better to prepare the soil yourself and use humus, soil, sand, and peat to prepare it. Since ornamental red-leaved trees are resistant to different climates, soil salinity and even air dust, you should not be afraid about their future and development.

Caring for an ornamental apple tree

One of the maintenance considerations is that you will need to keep the area near the tree free of weeds and tall grass. Once a year you can use vitamin and mineral supplements, and the rest of the time apply organic materials to the tree trunk.

Abundant watering will be necessary only for young trees during periods of drought; for normal climates and mature apple trees, such care is not necessary. Pruning of the variety is carried out only for medicinal purposes, that is, to eliminate damaged branches. Although you can reduce the size of the crown more if necessary, this must be done either in the spring or at the end of winter. It all depends on the climate of your region.

Fruits should be collected only when they are fully ripe, but there is still no exact date. Although most note that this happens around mid-autumn. Despite the fact that not everyone may like the taste of apples, the jam they make is simply excellent.


Seeds or seedlings are used for propagation. Moreover, depending on the time of year, you may need both fresh and stratified materials, but it is important that sowing occurs almost immediately after harvesting, that is, in autumn or early spring. But cuttings are rarely used, since such sprouts do not take root well and can survive only if you additionally strengthen them immunostimulants. Although if we talk about rarer varieties, then grafting can also be used.


Because of its unusual appearance, this variety is used more for landscape design and decorating a site or a country house. Since the tree’s fertility is not very high, and not everyone will like the taste.

Tree diseases

Despite its high resistance to various infections, such as scab and dew, the tree is still not immune to burns. And since this disease is caused by a special type of bacteria, it is impossible to cure the plant. It will need to be destroyed. So take care of this right away if you don’t want your entire garden to get sick. In addition, do not import seeds or seedlings from places where this infection has been noticed.

As you can see, this type of apple tree will not only be a wonderful decoration for your garden, but will also not force you to spend a lot of effort and money caring for such an apple tree. And in the end you will get an unusual decorative tree and jam from its fruits.

Video “Features of caring for a red apple tree”

In the video below you can see what this tree looks like and learn how to care for it so that the apple tree pleases you every day for several years.

For harvest or for beauty? Decorative apple trees

As mentioned above, the apple tree not only serves as a source of tasty, aromatic and healthy fruits, but is also an excellent ornamental plant. Most varieties used for decorative purposes are relatively short, rarely exceeding 4-5 m. Their crowns are usually proportional, the leaves are glossy. The flowers are dark red, pink, less often white. The fruits are often dark red or yellow with a red blush. The trees are decorative until late autumn. These varieties are especially good for landscaping small gardens. They are most attractive when planted alone or in small groups. They work well as focal plants against the backdrop of a lawn or larger ornamental trees.

The most impressive among ornamental apple trees are the red-leaved varieties and forms, the ancestor of which is Niedzwiecki apple tree. Let's consider some red-leaved species and varieties that are interesting from a decorative point of view and that most fully meet the goal. First of all, this is the Niedzwiecki apple tree itself (M.Niedzwetzkyana Dieck.). It comes from Central Asia, where it grows along mountain slopes in a belt of trees and shrubs. It is now rare and on the verge of extinction. Sometimes cultivated by the local population.

The Niedzwiecki apple tree is a low tree 2-6 m high. Its popular name is kuljinka, or red kuldzhinka. Its main distinguishing feature is the presence of anthocyanin (red pigment) in all parts of the plant: leaves, flowers, skin and pulp of fruits, seeds, bark and other organs. The bark of the trunk and branches is dark purple, red-brown or violet in color. The shoots are dark purple, dark red-brown, sometimes almost black.

The leaves are leathery, obovate, elliptical, narrowed, up to 8 cm long and 3-4 cm wide. When young, they are covered with tomentose-hairy pubescence, which later remains only on the bottom. Fully expanded leaves have a dark green with a reddish tint or even violet-red color and dark purple petioles, turning red in the fall. This color makes the tree crown very unique and attractive. No other species or variety of apple tree, except its own descendants, can compare with it in beauty. The buds are dark purple in color. The blossoming flowers are very large, up to 4.5 cm in diameter, intense pink or bright crimson-purple, on white felt pedicels, of exceptional beauty.

Flowering usually lasts two weeks, from mid-May to early June. Blooms in 5-6 years. The fruits are solitary, slightly ribbed, spherical, flat-spherical or slightly elongated, they are small or medium-sized, sometimes up to large. Their skin is purple-dark red with a strong waxy coating. The pulp is dense, juicy, sweet, beautiful pink-purple in color. The Niedzwiecki apple tree is unpretentious, but grows better on fertile soils. If the groundwater level is high, it is short-lived. It propagates well by grafting; any type of apple tree can serve as a rootstock. Its seedlings are transplanted from the nursery to a permanent place 2-3 years after grafting. It is most decorative during flowering, fruit ripening, and leaf fall.

When landscaping, this apple tree is usually used as tapeworms (single plantings), in contrasting groups and to create alleys. In cultivation it grows well in the Southern and Southwestern regions. In the central zone and to the north, the winter hardiness of this apple tree is insufficient, but many varieties bred on its basis are quite winter-hardy. All of them have large purple flowers of rare beauty; as a result, during flowering they resemble huge azaleas. The color of the skin of the fruit is dark cherry-red, the flesh is dark red. Even with repeated crossing, in the third generation, in 20% of seedlings, the anthocyanin color of shoots, flowers and other parts of plants is not only preserved, but sometimes even intensified compared to the original species.

Almost all of them were bred for the Middle Zone. These are Michurin varieties: Pepin crimson, Red standard, and Bellefleurs: trilobed, rugosa, purple And red. In the latter, the signs of the Niedzwiecki apple tree appeared so strongly that they were not only expressed in the reddish-violet color of young leaves, reddish veins and petioles, the dark red surface of the fruits, and the pink flesh of them, but also caused a slight decrease in the taste of the latter compared to the mother variety Bellefleur Chinese. Their shape is flat-round, size is average; covered with a waxy coating. But the bright pink flowers of this variety are especially beautiful. It is most widespread in the Tambov region. The winter hardiness of the trees is average, at the level of the widely known Babushkino variety, and is resistant enough to grow in the North-West of the country.

But another red-leaved descendant of the Niedzwiecki apple tree is even better suited for growing in our region - the variety Komsomolets selection by I.V. Michurin. The tree is medium-sized, has high winter hardiness, both in the middle zone and to the north. The crown is rounded. It is not affected by scab. The period of fruiting begins at 9-10 years. The flowers and leaves are similar to the leaves of the other varieties listed above. The fruits are long, truncated-conical, medium in size, weight 80 g. The skin of apples is completely covered with a red integumentary color, brighter on the sunny side. The pulp is intensely pink, dense, juicy, sweet (sugars 10.0%), with pleasant sourness (acids 0.8%), vitamin C - 7.7 mg%. Although the organoleptic taste of the fruit is only average, due to the brightness of the color of the skin and pulp it subjectively seems much better. Apples are stored until February - March and are suitable for processing. A technical variety, high yield, especially good for amateur gardening.

Many apple tree rootstocks can also be used for decorative purposes. For example, Budagovsky's paradise(synonyms: red-leaved paradise, PB, PK-9, V-9) - a red-leaved variety bred by V.I. Budagovsky. It was created as a dwarf rootstock or intercalary insert for tall, large-fruited varieties of domestic apple trees, with which it has good compatibility. He is a descendant of the Niedzwiecki apple tree in the fourth generation. It has a pronounced red color of the leaves, dark cherry color of the shoots and bright pink flowers. It is very decorative, especially in spring and autumn, and can be successfully used for landscaping purposes. Since this variety was created for a very specific use as a dwarf rootstock, obtaining large and tasty fruits from it was not the goal when breeding it.

They are small, brightly colored, sweet and sour, the flesh is pink. Due to their mediocre taste, they are usually used only for processing. The productivity of the variety is high. The tree is low-growing, the wood is fragile, red in color. Propagated by layering, green cuttings, grafting. The root system is branched, fragile, located in the lower part of the arable horizon, and can withstand temperatures down to -13...-14ºС.

The winter hardiness of the variety is mediocre, but it can grow in the North-West, although in some years it freezes slightly. The variety is resistant to scab. There are other red-leaved rootstocks bred later than Budagovsky's Paradise, incl. based on it, which can also be used for landscaping purposes. This is rootstock 62-396, which has high winter hardiness, numbers 57-146 and 57-49.

In addition, many small-fruited plants can be used for the same purpose. red leaf varieties. For example, variety Pioneer girl, bred at the Pavlovsk VIR station, it is also a descendant of the Nedzvetsky apple tree; It is characterized by strong growth, the crown is elongated, rounded, openwork. The shoots are thin, reddish-brown, shiny. The leaves are dark green, medium-sized, with red petioles and veins; they turn red in autumn. The fruits are small, 20-30 g, their skin and pulp are colored with anthocyanin (red), contain 11% sugars, up to 2.0% acids, 32 mg% vitamin C.

They are harvested in early September; the fruits are not stored for a long time. The variety is highly winter-hardy, resistant to scab and other diseases. It begins to bear fruit 3-4 years after planting and produces abundant harvests every year. The fruits are mainly used for processing: jam, compotes, marmalade, etc. are prepared.

In addition, a whole group of small-fruited apple trees consists of special decorative varieties, the so-called crabs. They are especially popular in the USA. Among them there are many red-leaved ones with pink flowers of various shades. Most of them are low or medium-height trees with an elegant crown, blooming profusely and beautifully. The fruits are small or medium-sized, brightly colored, in most cases suitable only for processing. The winter hardiness of crabs is high.

In our country, the most common of these varieties is the variety For a long time(descendant of the Siberian apple tree). The tree is medium-sized, the crown is rounded, densely leafy. The variety is winter-hardy and resistant to scab. It begins to bloom and bear fruit in the 3-4th year. This apple tree is not only very decorative with pink flowers and bright red fruits, it produces huge yields of magnificently beautiful, small, weighing 12-25 g, oval-shaped bright red apples. Their pulp is juicy, sweet and sour, aromatic. They can be used fresh, but they are much tastier in processed products. These apples (whole, including the stems) are especially good for making original and wonderful-tasting jam, in which they become bright orange-red and translucent, so that the seeds are visible through their pulp.

However, those apple trees in which one half of the crown blooms with ordinary white flowers, and the other with bright pink, look especially unusual and beautiful on the site. This effect is achieved by regrafting part of the crown with a variety that has a given flower color. For the most part, these are descendants of the Niedzwiecki apple tree. It will be even more original if such grafting is performed one by one on all the main skeletal branches. Then, either white or bright pink spots of flowers strewing the crown, changing places in a checkerboard pattern and gradually decreasing in size, will rise in steps up the crown. Even when flowering ends, the effect of such grafting will not disappear, but will simply change its shape, since the contrast between the light green and reddish-dark green leaves of both varieties will remain on the trees.

It is highly desirable that the fruits also be respectively golden (bright yellow) and red or scarlet in color. To the color difference you can add the contrast between the shape and size of the fruit. Then the trees will look attractive and original not only in spring, but also in late summer and early autumn. Additionally, later during leaf fall, the vibrant color scheme of yellow and purple leaves will reappear. And even after it is over, when the apple trees stand bare, the dark red or cherry shoots of the red-leaved variety will enliven the crown and to some extent contrast with the brown-brown shoots and branches of the apple rootstock.

It is best to use trees with such grafts for single plantings as tapeworms. Then a person’s gaze, not distracted by other objects, will involuntarily be fixed longer on these original trees. However, if a lot of similar apple trees are planted, this will create unnecessary diversity on the site, and the quality of the harvest will noticeably suffer. There should be a maximum of two such apple trees, for example, on both sides of the gate, or at both wings of the house. And at the same time, we must strive for them to be, as it were, a mirror image of each other.

This is especially true for trees in which half of the crown has been regrafted; their pink parts should be facing one another - this will create an additional illusion of perspective depth. The rapprochement of the white parties will be somewhat less effective. Finding contrasting flowering varieties suitable for grafting is not so difficult. When using purely red-leaved varieties, you can use them, in addition to tapeworms, to additionally form alleys along paths and small clumps.

When the apple trees bloom...Everyone generally likes it. Especially if these are ornamental apple trees. They also have bright fruits, red and pink leaves... Let's talk about the best varieties of ornamental apple trees.

Ornamental apple trees grow both in the south and in colder regions. These trees live for a long time, which is why some long-lived trees still delight the eye in ancient parks. The apple trees themselves are frost-resistant, drought-resistant and tolerant of dirty air and water.

Typically, ornamental apple trees have the appearance of a rather tall shrub, but in our time dwarf and weeping forms have appeared, which have expanded the possibilities of landscape design.

They usually bloom for a little more than two weeks, but are beautiful even before flowering. Then they are decorated with bright and pretty buds. And even after flowering they remain very attractive.

Typically, the flowers of such apple trees have a diameter of 4 centimeters. The colors are different: there are pink, yellow, white, and red. Fruits can also have different colors.

The most popular varieties

In total, about a hundred ornamental types of apples are known. Up to 190 different varieties are cultivated. The following are the most popular in our latitudes:

  • Nedzvetsky. Her color scheme includes a lot of burgundy and purple. Its flowers are purple-pink, its leaves are burgundy and purple, and its fruits are purple, but the flesh is pink. It grows quickly, is unpretentious, grows up to 5-6 meters in height. Easily survives frosts, pest attacks, and diseases;
  • Royalty. This tree is dwarf and has purple flowers. It has a spreading crown that does not need to be formed. During flowering it resembles sakura. The leaves turn pinkish and orange in autumn. The fruits are also purple, but they are not suitable for food;

  • Chinese. An apple tree resembling an Asian graceful girl. May look like a shrub or like a tree. Can grow up to 10 meters. It has ovate leaves that take on a fiery hue in autumn. The flowers are white, the inflorescences are umbrella-shaped. The size of the flowers is about 3 cm. The color of the fruit is pale red. The Chinese woman is resistant to any diseases, especially mycoses, and easily survives any weather changes;

  • Sargent. Quite a miniature shrub - rarely exceeds three meters. The branches are thin, but strong, located horizontally. Sometimes thorns appear on them. Sargenta blooms in May, the flowers are white and very miniature. It has ovate leaves, the color can be soft green, orange or bright yellow in the fall;
  • Makamic. This is not a very tall tree - from three meters to six. The flowers are pink-purple, the fruits are miniature and slightly elongated, their color is bright red. Despite their small size, makamika fruits are the largest among ornamental apples. It is beautiful both when it blooms and when it bears fruit. The fruits are exceptionally tasty;
  • Berry. Also called Siberian. It can be either a tree or a shrub. Can grow up to 5 meters. The crown is round and dense, branching begins at a fairly low level. It blooms with white flowers, but its buds are pink. Apples can stay on the tree all winter. They are also edible. They are characterized by rather slow growth;
  • Tsumi. The tree is small in size (up to 6 meters). The crown is thick and spherical, there are many flowers. The size of the flowers is up to 3 centimeters. Their buds are pink, but the petals are white. Tsumi blooms in June and May, apples appear in September. Fruit color is red;

  • Scheidecker. The height is up to three and a half meters, but it is a full-fledged tree. Blooms with semi-double and pale pink flowers. The fruits are bright yellow (in some species, bright red);
  • Pallas, aka Siberian. Usually a bush or low tree. The crown is round and lush. Flowers up to three and a half centimeters, usually white, but can also be pinkish. The fruits are yellow or red. Blooms in June and May.

Growing and care

These beauties can be grown both from seeds and from layering, root suckers and cuttings. Sprouts are planted in the fall. Ornamental apples have no special soil requirements. But it is better if the soil is well-drained and fertile. They love light, but are also tolerant of slight darkening. Bury the seedlings carefully and so that the root collar remains close to the soil surface.

Ornamental apple trees are responsive to watering, but young seedlings must be kept in constantly moist soil. There is no need to fertilize ornamental apple trees in the first year, but then give them balanced fertilizers in the next years of their life.

Among the diseases, the most common are powdery mildew and fire blight. Apple scab is less common. Pests include spider mites and aphids.

They can be used to create hedges for a variety of purposes. You can also create borders or walls from them. However, a single ornamental apple tree is beautiful.

They can be easily trimmed and trimmed, but it needs to be done rarely and with the utmost care.

It is better to trim them if the crown thickens or the apple tree needs to be rejuvenated. The haircut should be done before the growing season begins, that is, in the spring. It will be enough to remove branches that have frozen or dried out, as well as those that grow inside the crown itself. You also need to untangle the thickets of branches if they intersect.

Do not forget to periodically treat beauties with insecticides. You also need to mulch the ornamental apple tree. For this you need pine or spruce bark, sawdust or peat.

There are about 50 species and more than 190 cultivated varieties of ornamental apple trees.

Ornamental apple trees are unpretentious to their growing conditions. Planting a decorative apple tree with red leaves is considered especially chic. This plant allows you to create bright accents and decorate even shady corners of the garden.

In cultivation it is a low tree, which rarely reaches 10 meters at the top of its crown. Ornamental apple trees can also be shrubby forms of the crop. In the absence of pruning, the crown is formed in the form of an irregular oval or ball.

Some varieties can bear fruit successfully, but the fruits do not have pleasant organoleptic properties.

The color of the bark of the stem part can vary from pastel gray to rich brown. When choosing a variety of ornamental apple tree, the shape and color of the leaf blade deserves special attention. Some species are presented with a red color and a long period of not falling leaves in the autumn. This allows you to create magnificent landscapes even with a poor soil mixture and unfavorable weather conditions.

Most varieties of ornamental apple trees have dense foliage of a rich green color, which transforms into a yellow and red riot of colors only in late August - early September. The average length of an ellipsoid or plum-shaped leaf is 100 mm.

During the flowering period, the entire crown is densely covered with fragrant flowers, which can reach a diameter of 40 mm. The main color is white, which can have various shades of pink, peach, ivory, etc. Single flowers are collected into bouquets of inflorescences using stems.

Fruit formation begins immediately after flowering. In the center of each flower there is a receptacle, which gradually grows and fills with pulp. The outer color of the fruit is first green, then, as it ripens, it changes to yellow and red.

These trees have fantastic resistance to adverse environmental factors. This is a frost-resistant crop that grows successfully even in the northern regions of our country.

Planting ornamental apple trees

It is best to plant such apple trees in the spring, before the first buds appear, or in the fall, in September and the first half of October. Young seedlings up to 4 years old can be planted in both spring and autumn, but older ones, which do not adapt well to a new place, can only be planted in autumn.

Particular attention should be paid to the distance to neighboring plants. For ornamental apple trees, it is necessary to provide a lot of free space; they should not grow in close proximity to large plants. For each plant, you need to leave as much space as its crown will spread in adulthood: the diameter of a tree of a particular variety should be the main guideline. The classic option is an area of ​​about 5-6 m (respectively, a distance of 2-3 m to neighboring crops).

For ornamental apple trees, you need to dig large planting holes in advance, preferably in the fall of the previous year or at least 1 month before planting. The diameter of the planting hole is about 80 cm and the depth is about 1 m - ideal. The soil removed from the holes must be replaced with a special substrate. A two-fold portion of sand and a three-fold portion of humus are mixed with the leaf soil. If possible, 250-300 g of complete mineral fertilizer is mixed into the soil. Without pre-planting improvement, apple trees will take a long time to take root and will take a lot of time to achieve the desired size. The planting depth is similar to all apple trees: the root collar should be 5-10 cm above the ground level.

Caring for ornamental apple trees and pest control

Apple trees need fertile, well-drained soil. The planting site should be located in the sun; heavily shaded areas are not suitable for these trees. Moderate watering is required; water stagnation should not be allowed. It is recommended to mulch decorative apple trees. Peat, sawdust, conifer bark, and nut shells are suitable for this.

In the spring, it is necessary to carry out disease prevention and spray the trees with insecticides.

If you do not plan to eat the fruits of ornamental apple trees, you can destroy pests during flowering and fruiting. However, it is still not recommended to do this if there may be children on the site, who are often attracted by delicious small apples. The fruits also serve as food for birds, which may be harmed by the toxins. Therefore, in order to avoid poisoning by toxic substances, pest control of ornamental apple trees with chemicals is carried out before the beginning of the growing season.

Ornamental apple trees, like fruit trees, are most susceptible to scab, powdery mildew, and bacteria that cause a disease known as blight. If a burn occurs, the tree must be destroyed, as this dangerous disease quickly and actively spreads throughout the garden.

Propagation of ornamental apple trees

Ornamental types of apple trees can be propagated by seeds. They are sown immediately after harvest in early autumn or after stratification for 1.5-2 months at the end of autumn.

Only rare species and varietal apple trees with improved characteristics that are not transmitted by seed are propagated exclusively by grafting.

Cuttings are not the most productive, but acceptable method. For most apple trees, the survival rate does not exceed 5-15%, even when treated with growth stimulants.

Varieties of ornamental apple trees

Ornamental floribunda apple tree (Malus floribunda)

Luxurious Japanese apple tree - apple tree (Malus floribunda). Suitable for small cottages, because... it is up to 4 m high. It is often a shrub with outstretched, sometimes prickly branches and ovoid dark green leaves, 4-8 cm long. The flowers are very abundant, carmine-red in buds, pale pink after blooming, 2.5- in diameter 3.0 cm, in bunches of 4-7 on purple pedicels; bloom in May. The fruits are spherical, small, 1-2 cm in diameter, reddish-yellow; ripen in September. One of the most decorative apple trees.

Ornamental Pallas apple tree (Malus pallasiana)

The snow-white beauty is the Pallas apple tree, or Siberian apple tree (Malus pallasiana) - a tree up to 3-5 m high or a shrub with a rounded crown. The leaves are ovate, 2.5-8 cm long. The flowers are white on long pedicels, 2-3.5 cm in diameter, 4-8 in umbellate inflorescences; bloom in May-June. The fruits are spherical, yellow with a red tint, up to 1 cm in diameter; ripen in September. Homeland: Eastern Siberia, Far East, Northern China, Mongolia.

Sargent's decorative apple tree(Malus sargentii)

A modest Japanese beauty, the Sargent apple tree (Malus sargentii) is a shrub 1 to 3 m high with horizontally spread branches, often with thorns. The leaves are ovate, often three-lobed, 5-8 cm long, dark green, orange and yellow in autumn. The flowers are white, on bare stalks, 5-6 in bunches; bloom in May. The fruits are almost spherical, about 1 cm in diameter, dark red with a waxy coating; ripen in September. Decorative during flowering and fruiting.

Decorative plum-leaved or Chinese apple tree (Malus prunifolia)

This is a tree or shrub up to 10 m high with pubescent young shoots. The leaves are ovate, 5-10 cm long, dark green, slightly shiny, yellow or bronze in autumn. The flowers are large, 3 cm in diameter, white, 5-10 in umbellate inflorescences; bloom in May. The fruits are spherical, up to 2-3 cm in diameter on long stalks, yellow or red, sour, edible apples (paradise); They ripen in September and do not fall off for a long time. Decorative during flowering and fruiting. Resistant to fungal diseases. Homeland: Northeast China.

Decorative apple tree Tsumi (Malus x zumi)

Apple tree Tsumi ( Malus X zumi) - possibly a hybrid of the Manchurian variety of berry apple and Siebold. A small tree with a dense, spherical crown up to 6 (12) m high. The leaves are oblong-ovate on long shoots, noticeably lobed, 4-9 cm long. The flowers are numerous, 2.5-3 cm in diameter, pink in buds, open white ; bloom in May-June. The fruits are spherical, red, about 1 cm in diameter; ripen in September. Decorative during flowering and fruiting.

Ornamental Scheidecker apple tree (Malus Scheideckeri)

Scheidecker apple tree (Malus Scheideckeri) is a low tree up to 3.5 m high, with a dark brown trunk and fissured bark. The branches are light brown with an orange tint and light lentils. The leaves are oval, sharp-toothed, dark green. The flowers are pale pink, semi-double, up to 3.5 cm in diameter, dark pink in buds. The fruits are round or elongated-ovoid, bright yellow. Its decorative form "Red Jade" (red fruits) is interesting.

Ornamental apple tree Weeping or riverside

It was introduced into selection in an almost unchanged, wild form. In nature, it is found almost everywhere on the North American continent. With proper care, it grows up to 12 meters in height and has long flexible branches, which bend towards the ground during the growth of leaf mass and ripening of fruits. That is why this decorative apple tree received the name “Weeping”. It will grow well in all regions of our country, since it is not afraid of even severe frosts due to the dense layer of bark.

Ornamental apple tree Ola (Malus hybridus Ola)

The low ornamental apple tree of the Ola variety was bred in Poland. It prefers moist to moderately moist soils. Blooms profusely in sunny places, tolerates partial shade. Due to the fact that the plant does not grow higher than 5 meters, it is used for decorative landscaping in gardens and residential areas. The unusually elegant, openwork crown of the tree in spring is covered with a cap of large pink flowers and exudes a wonderful aroma.

Decorative apple tree of Makovetsky district

A tree or bush with a smooth, spherical crown up to 2 m in diameter and burgundy-colored branches. The leaves are red when blooming and gradually acquire a dark green color with a burgundy tint. Blooms in July with large bright red flowers. The fruits are bright red and edible. Light-loving. Prefers moist and fertile soils. Resistant to diseases. Highly winter-hardy.

Aesthetic design of personal plots, parks, city alleys and public gardens is the main task of landscape designers and decorative artists. A green composition of well-chosen plants can decorate any recreation area. In order to decorate your garden plot, it is not necessary to purchase expensive ornamental plants. An apple tree with red leaves can be the highlight of any landscape project.

The popularity of this type of plant has led to the emergence of new varieties with improved aesthetics and taste of the fruit. Breeders have developed universal varieties of apple trees that not only decorate gardens and parks, but also delight owners with a stable harvest of fragrant fruits.

Overview of varieties with a brief description

The red-leaved apple tree is a type of ornamental fruit tree. For green compositions, this plant can be planted either one tree at a time or several plants together. Most of the varieties are used only for decorating the site due to the fact that the fruits are small in size and have unusual taste characteristics. Small apples become a delicacy for wild birds in winter. As a result of the long and painstaking work of professional breeders, new varieties of apple trees have appeared, the aromatic fruits of which have juicy pulp and are used not only for fresh consumption, but also for winter harvesting.

Small fruits contain large amounts of vitamins and nutrients necessary for the growth and development of the body. After laboratory studies, it was proven that the vitamin content in small apples is greater than in large ones.

Useful material:

  • pectin;
  • cellulose;
  • antioxidants;
  • vitamins and microelements (zinc, copper, iron, iodine, nickel);
  • polyphenol.

Medicinal properties of apples:

  • cleansing the digestive system;
  • removal of toxins;
  • strengthening the vascular system;
  • slowing down the aging of the body;
  • prevention of the development of tumors and cancer;
  • treatment of dysentery and colitis;
  • saturating the body with vitamins and microelements;
  • normalization of blood pressure and stabilization of the body's water balance.

On the modern agricultural market you can see more than 200 varieties of this plant. All varieties differ from each other in the following parameters:

  • crown shape and size;
  • color scheme of leaves;
  • size, shape and color of apples;
  • flowering period and inflorescence color.

Plants of this type are universal pollinators that will have a beneficial effect on the amount of yield on neighboring trees.

The most popular and sought-after varieties of ornamental apple trees:

  • "Nedzvetsky";
  • "Helena"
  • "Profusion";
  • "Rudolf";
  • "Robin";
  • "Ola";
  • "Royal Beauty".




"Royal Beauty"


  • resistance to the negative effects of low temperatures;
  • undemanding to soil type and watering;
  • high aesthetic indicators;
  • minimal care;
  • preservation of decorative properties in unfavorable conditions of polluted cities.


The Niedzwiecki apple tree was named after the Russian breeder who, in the 19th century, drew attention to this tree. The shape of the tree has rounded features, and the size ranges from 2.5 to 5 meters. Young shoots grow in different directions and independently give the apple tree the shape of a ball. The color of the branches is purple and the bark is red. The leaves are dark red in spring and purple in summer. Large crimson flowers grow on long stalks. Flowering occurs in mid-May, and harvesting begins in mid-August.

Stable harvests are produced by mature trees more than 10 years old. The color of the fruit ranges from purple to red. The flesh is pink and tasty. The harvested crop can be used in home cooking.


  • resistance to low temperatures and drought;
  • resistance to the most common types of diseases;
  • unpretentiousness.

This variety was taken as the basis for the development of such hybrids as “Nikoline”, “Lemoine”, “Ellie”.

To implement design projects, you can trim the crown in any direction. After proper removal of young branches and shoots, you can give the plant even the most unusual shape and unique appearance.


The Helena variety apple tree is a low and compact fruit tree, the height of which does not exceed 3.5-4 meters. The size of burgundy leaves is up to 10 cm. The flowering period begins at the end of April. The flowers are large in size and purple in color. The fruits are very small, but tasty and aromatic, which are often used for food.

This variety can be found in regions with cold climates. Advantages:

  • unpretentiousness;
  • resistance to low temperatures and drought.


The tree of the “Profusion” variety is a tall and powerful red-leaved plant, the height of which can reach 6 meters, and the crown diameter is more than 4.5 meters. The main feature of this species is the change in color of the foliage throughout the year from red to brown. The color scheme of flowers will also surprise the owners of their plots. During the flowering period, pink, red and purple inflorescences with a rich and pleasant smell can be seen on the tree. Very small fruits with a diameter of no more than 15 mm can be seen on the tree even at the end of winter.

The plant is planted in well-lit places. This variety is universal for urban gardens and parks. For the growth and development of a tree, fertile and moist soil is necessary.


This variety grows and develops well in different climatic conditions, so it is widely used not only on private plots, but also for decorating city alleys and parks. The apple tree variety "Rudolph" has a rounded crown shape. The standard tree height is 5 to 6 meters. The flowers are pink and the fruits are yellow. Ripe fruits are used to make jam and compote. Young plants must be planted in sunny areas with nutritious and fertile soil.


  • unpretentiousness;
  • resistance to negative environmental influences;
  • undemanding to soil type;
  • quick set of green mass.

To get a beautiful tree, you need to carry out sanitary and formative pruning of the crown every year after winter. If branches and young shoots are not removed, the plant takes on the appearance of a shrub that has several trunks. The location of the branches is vertical, with drooping tips. The decorative properties of the variety are maintained throughout the year.


The decorative variety "Malinovka" is a Baltic hybrid of two types of apple trees - "Siberian berry" and "Nedzvetsky". Apple trees of this variety belong to the autumn species of fruit trees. The plant was obtained through natural pollination. The tree reaches a height of more than 6 meters and has a ball-shaped crown. The name of the variety comes from the raspberry color of juicy and aromatic apples. The leaves are purple in spring and summer and green in autumn. The Malinovka variety is a high-yielding species with medium-sized fruits that taste like raspberries.

Apples have a universal purpose and are widely used for preparing winter preserves. You can enjoy the fragrant fruits not only in autumn, but throughout the entire winter season.

A bountiful harvest can be obtained already in the fourth year of growing the plant in any climatic conditions.


The maximum height of the “Ola” apple tree is no more than 5 meters. The period of abundant flowering begins in May. The diameter of ripe apples is no more than 30 mm. Ripe fruits are used not only for homemade preparations, but also for feeding wild animals and birds, since the berries hang on the tree until late winter.

For planting, you need to choose a partially shaded place with light and nutritious soil. In sunny areas, the apple tree must be additionally watered during the hot period. Timely pruning, proper care and treatment against diseases and pests will improve the quality and quantity of the harvest.

The main advantage of Ola apple trees is the preservation of decorative properties in the polluted atmosphere of large cities and near highways. Designers plant flowering trees in city parks, alleys and on roadsides. A tree planted in the center of a green composition looks most successful.

"Royal Beauty"

The variety "Royal Beauty" is a hybrid of fast-growing red-leaved apple trees. This variety is an analogue of Japanese sakura and is used to decorate green recreation areas in the Japanese style. The tree is very compact and miniature, the height of which is up to 3 meters, and the diameter of the crown is no more than 2 meters and resembles the appearance of an open umbrella. The flowering period lasts no more than 14 days and begins in early May. At the end of April, red buds appear on the tree, from which crimson flowers bloom. The appearance of the plant resembles a weeping willow, the branches of which droop. This feature makes the variety in demand and popular in the projects of landscape designers. Advantages:

  • low price;
  • umbrella shape;
  • self-pollinating;
  • changes in the color scheme of foliage throughout the year;
  • resistance to frost and sudden temperature changes;
  • The shape of the crown without regular pruning resembles a ball or oval.

The fruits of the ornamental plant are prohibited from being eaten. Apples have a bitter and unpleasant taste.

The “Royal Beauty” variety is based on the properties and characteristics of the “Nedzvetsky” apple tree. Later, breeders began to use this type of apple tree to develop new hybrids with improved properties and characteristics.

The unique properties of this species allow it to be planted in regions with unfavorable climates and low temperatures.

Despite the unpretentiousness of ornamental apple trees, owners of personal plots need to create the most comfortable conditions for the growth and fruiting of plants. If you choose a shaded place with marshy and infertile soil, the flowering period and the richness of the color palette will be significantly reduced.

Planting material must be purchased and planted in early spring or early autumn. Late planting will not allow the tree to take root and overwinter without damage.

You can grow a new plant from seeds, or propagation by cuttings is possible.

To plant seeds, it is necessary to prepare in advance a planting container with fertile and nutritious soil, into which the planting material must be placed at the beginning of winter. If favorable conditions are created, the first shoots can be seen in 30-40 days. After the weather becomes comfortable and favorable for plant growth, you can begin transplanting seedlings into open ground.

Young cuttings are rarely planted due to their poor survival rate. To obtain a new and healthy plant, it is necessary to use special preparations and stimulants to build immunity and the root system.

  • The distance between apple trees should not be less than 5 meters.
  • Young seedlings require additional watering and the application of mineral and organic fertilizers.
  • The main condition for the growth and development of strong and healthy trees is the timely removal of weeds and fallen leaves.
  • Only young plants require additional watering; mature trees need natural moisture.
  • In order to remove dry, damaged and diseased branches, it is necessary to carry out preventive pruning of the crown. Formative pruning is carried out only if desired and necessary.
  • Before harvesting, you must make sure that the fruits on the planted tree are edible and will not harm your health. Ripe apples are harvested in late autumn.

Ornamental varieties of apple trees are highly resistant to various types of diseases, but if the first signs of any infection appear, the damaged branches must be immediately removed, and the tree must also be treated with special chemicals.

In specialized stores you can see a large number of medicinal compounds, and experienced consultants will help you make the right choice and purchase the right drug.

Application in landscape design

Fruit trees on a personal plot always become a source of tasty and healthy fruits and a decoration for the entire garden, especially in the spring. Decorative apple trees with red leaves not only decorate the garden during the flowering period, but also become the highlight of the garden plot throughout the year. The bright colors of foliage and fragrant flowers will emphasize the individuality of the site and the aesthetic taste of the owners of the house.

During the period of abundant flowering, trees turn into multi-colored clouds, on which even the leaves become invisible, so designers advise planting them near evergreen conifers. In mid-summer, the flowering ball will change its color to red, purple or violet and will last until late winter. No less aesthetic pleasure awaits you in winter, when against the background of white snow you can see small apples of rich and bright colors. Tasty and aromatic fruits will become a favorite treat for birds and animals, and watching them will delight not only adults, but also children.

Among modern design projects you can find a large number of works made in the Japanese style. This direction is popular and in demand, but the climate of Japan has its own characteristics that favorably influence the growth and development of sakura. Sakura is a symbol of Japan, carrying the style and beauty of the country. The harsh climatic conditions of the country do not allow designers to use this plant. Unpretentious ornamental apple trees of such varieties as “Everest”, “Golden Hornet”, and “Purple” have become a unique analogue to the Japanese tree. Blooming apple trees have completely replaced sakura and saved owners from painstaking care for the capricious imported plant.

Professional gardeners advise plant red-leaved apple trees next to cherries, apricots and plums, then the garden will turn into a fragrant white sea of ​​aesthetic pleasure and beauty.

To create unusual shapes, experienced gardeners recommend using formative pruning. This variety of apple trees easily tolerates the removal of branches and shoots and holds its shape for a long time. It should be noted that the shape of the crown of ornamental apple trees initially has an unusual shape, so there is no need to resort to special adjustments.

The most successful placement of trees is on hills and near bodies of water. A recreation area near the river with blooming apple trees will become a favorite place for all family members.

Shrubs, all types of flowers and a well-groomed lawn look advantageous against the backdrop of unique apple trees. Plants with different flowering periods will create the feeling of an ever-blooming composition.

Strawberries planted under a tree will not only decorate the space, but also provide an opportunity to harvest a delicious harvest in the shade of a colorful apple tree.

A hedge composition of ornamental apple trees, quinces, blackberries and grapes will not only decorate the area near the fence, but will also protect the area from dust and drafts.

To get a beautiful and healthy tree, it is necessary to provide the plant with decent care. Experienced consultants from specialized stores and nurseries will help you choose the right seedling, and professional landscape designers will tell you how to create a unique composition.

This type of apple tree will also provide an opportunity for independent experiments in creating green recreation areas, which will not take a lot of financial costs and physical effort.

For information on decorative apple trees, see the following video.