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Aphorisms about fantasy. Aphorisms about fantasy Proverbs about dreamers

: Science wins when its wings are unfettered by imagination.

Robert Schumann:
Around the chain of rules there should always be a silver thread of fantasy.
A.L. Chizhevsky:
The potential of human imagination is inexhaustible.
Luc Besson :
Fantasy is a muscle. The more you train it, the stronger it becomes.
Ivan Goncharov:
Fantasy is reminiscent of a steam engine with such power that the boiler can burst.
Henryk Jagodzinski:
It is not known what else a person will invent: the head is round.
Sigmund Freud :
The fantasy world is a “sparing zone” that is created during a painful transition from the pleasure principle to the reality principle.
Boris Andreev:
If you run away in your thoughts, you won’t stumble upon the real world.
Victor Hugo :
Most of all, our fantasies resemble us. Each dream is drawn according to his nature.
Everything that we do not know, we know thanks to the dreams of dreamers, dreamers and scientist-poets.
IN AND. Lenin:
Even in mathematics it is needed, even the discovery of differential and integral calculus would be impossible without imagination. Fantasy is a quality of the greatest value.
Alexander Alekhin:
What matters? Fantasy first. And also a gift for abstract thinking.
Alexander Alekhin:
Excess imagination and excess prudence are equally harmful.
Jules Verne :
The time will come when science will outstrip imagination.
First inevitably come: thought, fantasy, fairy tale. They are followed by scientific calculation, and, in the end, execution crowns thought.

And Humanity, having not found joy in the everyday life,
I returned to belief in miracles, my soul falling into childhood fairy tales ()

Reality justifies feelings and punishes imagination. (Valery Krasovsky)

With the help of fantasy, we prepare the difficult present for a difficult future.

(Valery Krasovsky)

One and the same person can very vividly create certain ideas in his fantasy and at the same time very sluggishly arouse in his imagination the feelings corresponding to these ideas. (Wilhelm Windelband)

Imagination builds its castles in the air when there is not only a good house, but even a tolerable hut. It develops when the senses are not occupied; the poverty of real life is the source of life in fantasy. (Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky)

Imagination and a sense of prestige always dominate our relations with the “other.” (Maurice Merleau-Ponty)

Imagination is given to a person to console him with what he does not have, and a sense of humor - to console him with what he does have. (Oscar Wilde)

In everything and almost always we are victims of our imagination: it rushes to cover the slightest ray of truth with its colorful veil. (Pierre Buast)

Imagination is one of the most essential methods of literary technique that creates an image. (Maksim Gorky)

Fantasies are not allowed to be lies. (Stanislav Jerzy Lec)

You are telling complete lies.
I am experiencing complete fictions. (Max Frisch)

Ninety percent of a woman's beauty comes from a man's imagination. (Victor Konyakhin)

A design without intent is considered fiction. ()

Imagination draws, mind compares, taste selects, talent executes. (Gaston de Levis)

Man's greatest friend and greatest enemy is his imagination. (Arturo Graf)

Fantasy is another creative ability of our psyche. (Alfred Adler)

The world of science fiction is a genderless world. (Jean Baudrillard)

Giving free rein to your imagination, hold your hand. (Anton Pavlovich Chekhov)

People need imagination. People without imagination will never create anything big, valuable, new. People without imagination are dry and boring, they only half live. A person with imagination lives a hundred lives at once. He knows how to live for himself and for others, in the past and in the future. (Alexandra Mikhailovna Kollontai)

IMAGINATION is the only weapon in the battle with reality. (Jules de Gaultier)

The opportunity to go everywhere, see everything and acquire everything kills the fantasy of places you have never been and things you have never owned. (Valery Afonchenko)

The truth is always something strange. Stranger than fiction. ()

Events and people, when we move away from them, gradually increase in size in our imagination, like rocks in the darkness. (Victor Marie Hugo)

He who has imagination but no knowledge has wings but no legs. (Joseph Joubert)

Lovers, madmen and poets
Merged from one imagination!.. (Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev)

Every nation has a history that suits its imagination. (Maxim Zvonarev)

We must not forget how many inventions we owe to myths! (Paul Karl Feyerabend)

Fantasy is a kind of steam engine that, God forbid, the boiler does not burst.
Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov

There is no person in the world who could live without ever plunging into fantasies, without ever giving himself up to the imagination, the romance of life, for in dreams he finds that shelter in which his mind will find rest.
Gilbert Keith Chesterton

One and the same person can very vividly create certain ideas in his fantasy and at the same time very sluggishly arouse in his imagination the feelings corresponding to these ideas.
Wilhelm Windelband

Giving someone other than yourself is precisely the essence of fantasy.
Edmund Husserl

Without imagination there is no art, just as there is no science.
Franz Liszt

Reason and imagination are equally necessary for our knowledge and have equal rights in science.
Justus Liebig

May the silver thread of fantasy always wind around the chain of rules!
Robert Schumann

Fantasy devoid of reason produces a monster; united with him, she is the mother of art and the source of its wonders.
Francisco Jose Goya

...Fantasy is a natural force in a person... Without giving it satisfaction, you will either kill it, or, conversely, you will allow it to develop, precisely excessively (which is harmful)...
Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

...Only one fantasy can give the human mind that first necessary impetus, without which the lethargic sleep of human thought would forever remain undisturbed.
Dmitry Ivanovich Pisarev

Fantasy, when its pictures are bright, affects the senses with great energy.
Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky

...People need imagination. People without imagination will never create anything big, valuable, new. People without imagination are dry and boring, they only half live. A person with imagination lives a hundred lives at once. He knows how to live for himself and for others, in the past and in the future.
Alexandra Mikhailovna Kollontai

...The ability is extremely valuable. It is in vain to think that only the poet needs it. This is a stupid prejudice! Even in mathematics it is needed, even the discovery of differential and integral calculus would be impossible without imagination. Fantasy is a quality of the greatest value...
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

Fantasy, like imagination, is necessary for an artist.
Konstantin Sergeevich Stanislavsky

Fantasy is another creative ability of our psyche.
Alfred Adler

There is a type of people who live in fantasies even more than in reality.
Alfred Adler

Humanity is very often satisfied with fiction. If a person lacks courage, he is content with fantasies.
Alfred Adler

The habit of logical thinking kills imagination.
Lev Shestov

The world of science fiction is a genderless world.
Jean Baudrillard