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What to do if the girl is shy. How to date a shy girl. Why does a woman sometimes behave meanly?

The body uses food as fuel for all important organs and cells. What will happen if you don’t eat, then the body does not receive fuel as needed, which is transformed into organs and body parts. Without energy, all organs of the body will begin to suffer from a lack of energy.

What happens when a person doesn't eat for a long time?

If you don’t eat for a long time, a person’s internal organs will gradually lose their basic functions.

Heart and circulation

The heart is a muscle that will reduce and weaken its strength when a person does not eat. This will possibly create blood circulation problems and an irregular and very slow heartbeat. Blood pressure may drop during fasting and a person will feel dizzy when standing or exercising.


The stomach becomes smaller when a person does not eat, so when they start eating again, the stomach may feel uncomfortable (stomach pain and/or gas). In addition, the stomach will lose control of the need for food, as if the person no longer needs energy.


The intestines will move food, if there is little food, then slowly, which often leads to constipation (problems with bowel movements) and/or stomach pain or cramps after uneven meals.


The brain controls the rest of the body's functions and will not function properly without food. For example, a person may have problems thinking and will also experience anxiety or depression.

It is also important that if you do not eat for a long time, this will lead to hypoglycemia or low blood sugar. Since the brain requires blood sugar levels to function optimally, when they begin to drop, one of the first cognitive processes affected is self-control. The ability to exercise self-control allows you to control attention, regulate emotions, cope with stress, and resist and refrain from aggressive behavior.

Body cells

The balance of electrolytes in the blood can be altered with malnutrition or fasting. Without food, the amount of potassium and phosphorus can be dangerously low, which can cause muscle problems, changes in brain function, and cause life-threatening heart and rhythm problems.


When a person doesn't eat, their bones often become weak due to low calcium and low hormone levels, increasing the risk of getting broken bones and developing weak bones as they age.

Body temperature

The body naturally lowers its temperature during fasting to conserve energy and protect vital organs. When this happens, there will be a decrease in circulation (blood flow) to the fingers and toes, which will appear bluish and the extremities will feel cold.


Skin becomes dry when the body is not well hydrated and when it does not get enough vitamins and minerals from food. The skin will naturally protect the body during periods of famine by shedding the soft, fine hair called lanugo that covers the skin to keep the body warm.


When hair doesn't get enough nutrition from the vitamins and minerals naturally found in healthy foods, it becomes dry, thin and may even fall out.


Nails require nutrients in the form of vitamins and minerals from the diet. When a person does not eat, they deny their body and their nails become dry, brittle and break easily.


Teeth need vitamin D and calcium from food. Without both of these minerals, a person can end up with dental problems such as tooth loss and tooth and gum disease. Brushing your teeth can also destroy tooth enamel.

When answering the question: what will happen if you don’t eat, then the answer is necessary.

Wish reset A large number of extra pounds in a short period of time often forces women to go to the most extreme option for losing weight - fasting. It doesn’t matter that today there are a huge number of diets and methods for achieving a slim figure, the most accessible and effective for them is a complete refusal to eat.

Another 15 years back fasting was a very fashionable and popular way to rid the body of unnecessary fat deposits and toxins. Only those who were indifferent to their appearance and health did not try to lose weight and cleanse their body using the method of Paul Bragg, Yu. Andreev, G. Shatalova or other experimenters.

Desire of people The fast was facilitated by numerous books and advice from various healers, who considered it the best cure for all diseases. However, today people have realized that the therapeutic effect of fasting is insignificant, and if certain rules are not followed, this method of losing weight can even cause significant harm to health.

Really, fasting within reasonable limits can be therapeutic. During fasting, the level of glucose in the blood drops; to compensate for this loss, after 2 days the body begins to produce it from the liver and muscles, then from proteins and fats. For this process, the synthesis of hormones of the adrenal cortex - corticosteroids, which have an anti-inflammatory effect, is accelerated.

Thanks to increase The concentration of these hormones leads to rapid recovery and cure of some diseases. That is, it is incorrect to say that the ancient healing method of fasting does not have any healing effect on the body. In addition, the beneficial effect of fasting on health is explained by the fact that in the absence of food in the stomach, the body does not need to waste energy on digestion and all its forces are directed to fighting the disease.

Due to lack necessity servicing the digestive processes, a large volume of free blood with nutrients and oxygen enters the brain and other organs, as a result of which their blood flow improves and they begin to work better. This explains the positive effect of fasting on the condition of patients with various mental disorders. Its inclusion as a fast in all world religions is based on this positive effect of fasting on the body.

Fasting Some diseases can be cured, but not all. This is a dangerous “medicine” that has many contraindications. Fasting for the sake of losing weight is pointless, and for a healing effect you need to give up food only for 36 hours. For example, skip dinner and don’t eat anything for the next 24 hours. This technique is often called a fasting day. One “fasting day” is much easier to endure than constant dieting.

If you you will Fasting one day every week will ensure you lose weight up to 2 kg. After a hungry day, you should not pounce on food; first, eat only fruits and vegetables. If after fasting you fill your stomach with high-calorie foods, then fasting will not bring any benefit.

Starving more 3 days can cause significant harm to the body. When the body begins to synthesize glucose from proteins, muscles are the first to suffer, because they contain the most proteins. Scientists have calculated that 0.3 kg of protein is consumed every day to produce glucose during fasting. In addition to the loss of a huge amount of protein by muscle mass, during fasting the body's cells do not receive the necessary set of useful microelements and vitamins, which causes a weakening of the immune system and disruption of the functioning of internal organs.

Long-term starvation without medical supervision most often leads to poisoning of the body or diabetic coma. In women, during fasting, the menstrual cycle is disrupted, the level of uric acid in the blood increases, an unpleasant ammonia odor appears in the breath and kidney stones form. During fasting, all chronic diseases worsen and new health problems appear. After fasting for 18 days, a person loses 40 kilograms of weight, but after the end of fasting they return with a plus. After all, you cannot deceive the body. He remembers well how badly he was treated during fasting and, in order to prevent such an ordeal from happening again, he diligently begins to store fat.

Conclusion, starvation, indeed, is a healing method, but it must be used wisely. Before you decide to start fasting, think carefully about why you need it. It is useful to rest the stomach and force it to starve a little, but it is strictly forbidden to force the cells to starve.

Refuse fully from eating just to quickly lose weight without tiring yourself with physical activity is simply a sign of laziness. Such fasting in order to gain a slim figure by doing nothing is stupid and pointless. After all, extra pounds appear because you lead a sedentary lifestyle and spend a lot of time sleeping. Lack of positive emotions and communication, loneliness most often lead to weight gain. Maybe you just need to change your lifestyle, find friends and hobbies, play sports to lose weight without compromising your health.

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How often can you meet a decent guy who is so shy that he cannot even approach an unfamiliar girl. And he seems smart, well-read, handsome, athletic and decent, but he’s embarrassed to meet a girl. Of course, in the distant future he will certainly become a respectable husband and a wonderful father. But before that, you need to overcome your shyness and learn how to approach girls. First, let's understand the psychology of shyness and try to understand why this shyness appears?

Why are guys shy about girls?

Often, the reasons for embarrassment lie deep within a person’s psychological personality. What influences a young and attractive guy so much that it prevents him from meeting a girl?

  1. Many psychological problems come from childhood. If a boy was often scolded at an early age, he begins to subconsciously fear any failure and assumes what will happen to him if the girl refuses. He perceives any refusal or disinterest as a personal defeat.
  2. No matter how strange it may sound, society is designed to ensure that women are honored and respected. But the man can handle it, he’s strong. From an early age we are told that girls should not be offended, that they need to give in, that they need to be idolized. Against this background, most men feel like an insignificant person, a nonentity.
  3. Emotionally, a man is indeed more vulnerable than a woman. It’s easy to hurt or ruin a man’s self-esteem. One awkward phrase when meeting someone or during a conversation can create a serious complex in a man’s head.
  4. One of the common reasons why a guy is shy is his lack of self-confidence. Perhaps he notices that young men with pumped up torsos are more successful among representatives of the opposite sex, so he believes that his figure is unlikely to please girls. In fact, the problem is only in the head. Only self-confidence and charisma affect the ability to please a particular girl.

But sometimes shyness can be in a person just like that, without any reason. The person just has such a character, not everyone can be a seductive macho? To overcome shyness, you need to work with your complexes.

How to gain self-confidence

How often can you meet a nondescript gray guy who completely transforms as soon as he starts talking. Self-confidence is 70% of success. Girls pay attention to how a person behaves, what he talks about and how he presents himself. And only then do they notice what he is wearing and what his figure looks like. Many girls admit that after a conversation they completely change their opinion about a person. A skinny wimp may seem like an interesting conversationalist, while a pumped-up athlete may seem like a complete fool.

To gain self-confidence, you need to raise self-esteem in your own eyes. To feel better, you need to actually become better. If you think girls pay attention to smart guys, you need to do something in this area. Win some intellectual competition, win the Olympiad, demonstrate your knowledge in an educational game. You can show off your intelligence even in simple company, the main thing is that it is appropriate and not funny. If girls, in your opinion, pay attention to guys’ athletic physique, start working out. A healthy lifestyle never hurt anyone! Take up some kind of sport, start going to the gym, run in the morning. As your figure develops, your self-confidence will begin to grow.

In addition, you must always be neat and clean. Wear fresh clothes, get your hair cut on time, and take care of your hygiene to avoid awkward situations.

There are many techniques that will help you gradually get rid of timidity and shyness.

  1. Start talking to the girls on the service staff. For example, talk to the waitress. And not just about an order, but about something abstract. For example, when she asks what you will order, ask what she would eat, what she likes. As part of their profession, service people are forced to be polite and tactful in every situation, so this will give you a bit of self-confidence.
  2. To stop being shy, you need to learn how to compliment strangers. This could be an old friend, a neighbor next door, a classmate, or even a mother. The whole point is to learn how to fleetingly emphasize the beauty of the fair sex.
  3. Changing your image will help you gain self-confidence. Change your hairstyle, buy fashionable things, add bright accessories. This will not only help you change your appearance, but will also give you a special sense of importance and style.
  4. Don't be afraid of girls! They are people just like you, your friend and brother. Yes, they have their own opinions about some things, but in many ways girls are no different from guys. They also want to have fun, laugh and fool around.
  5. If you want to meet a girl, you have to attract her attention. To do this, give her a couple of compliments, ask what she is doing here and why she is sitting alone (or with a friend). The main thing is to talk more and not bury yourself. Girls love to talk and you need to listen to them, that's for sure. But only later, when you know each other quite closely. In the meantime, the guy will have to work with his head and tongue.
  6. There is no need to pretend to be macho - smart girls will not appreciate this. Just imagine yourself as you are. There is no need to show off and say that you passed by while on your way to the gym for another strength training session. Say it like it is that you liked the girl and you wanted to get to know her. Keep it simple - this is valued above all else.
  7. Talk more with strangers - in transport, on the street, in a cafe. These can be not only young girls, but also women and even men. Simply overcoming the barrier will help you meet people faster and easier in the future.
  8. Achieve goals, achieve something in life. Score the most goals in a basketball game, captivate the school audience with a public speech, win a medal in some competition. Sometimes this becomes a powerful impetus for girls to finally pay attention to you.
  9. You can conduct such an experiment. Take a large notepad and pen and go outside. You need to force yourself to approach unfamiliar girls under the pretext of a sociological survey. This will help you overcome your insecurities, you will be able to communicate with unfamiliar girls, and, finally, you will learn to flirt.

Don’t worry, with age, shyness will disappear and meeting girls will be much easier.
Shyness is not the worst trait in a person. A shy guy is often pure and timid. He doesn't know how to communicate with girls, but he doesn't have a rich track record. Such guys, on the contrary, remain faithful and value girls. Many ladies understand this and have stopped chasing self-confident macho men for a long time. Be yourself and there will definitely be someone who will appreciate it!

Video: how to stop being shy about girls

Many people admire shy girls. It seems to them that such creatures are incredibly feminine and are the very embodiment of tenderness. Is this really so? How does a girl feel who cannot overcome her shyness? Find all the details below.


A shy girl is a person who feels awkward in the presence of people she doesn’t know well. The girl cannot quickly answer the questions asked of her, she will not look at the interlocutor, her gaze is most often fixed on the floor. Some people confuse shyness with coquetry. Nice girls display these character traits in the same way. For this reason, people find shy people charming. But in fact, life is very difficult for a person with low self-esteem. The girl cannot talk to a person she is interested in; sometimes it is even difficult for her to ask for directions from passers-by or ask for help in a store. A secretive character does not allow a smart and pretty girl to make decent friends, since she cannot make the first acquaintance, and subsequently it is inconvenient for her to continue the acquaintance she has begun.


How can you spot a shy girl in a group? It's very simple. If you observe a shy person, you will notice that during a conversation her face turns red, sweating increases, and the girl tries to wipe her palms in some way. Trembling in the voice and knees betrays a lack of confidence in oneself and one’s words. A quiet voice shows not only external constraint, but also demonstrates internal pressures. The girl will take closed poses. She will psychologically put a barrier between herself and her interlocutor. Shy people may not answer the question posed to them, as they will be unsure of the reaction to the answer of others. But what people think is very important for girls with a similar character.


Why do some girls grow up to be lively dreamers or coquettes, while others become shy? Girls are formed under the influence of the environment and the people who raise them and are their idols. Shyness is not an innate quality, but an acquired one. What are the reasons for its appearance?

  • Diffidence. A person who has low self-esteem will be afraid to express his opinion and go against society. Sometimes girls who are too shy cannot realize themselves because they are afraid of the sidelong glances that their parents will throw at them.
  • Fear. Every person is afraid of something. To overcome fear, you need to take action. But shy people cannot find the strength to go somewhere. Therefore, they get used to going with the flow and become boring individuals.
  • Fear of being misunderstood. A person always wants to know that they believe in him and love him. When there is no such confidence, inferiority complexes may begin to arise.


Shy girls are always secretive. Their inner world is deep, but even the closest people cannot penetrate there. The girl protects her soul and does not let strangers in. A modest person behaves quietly and inconspicuously. She doesn’t take part in noisy games and doesn’t get into trouble. At school, girls of this type study well, and at home they always help their parents. Such persons have few close friends, since the process of meeting each other and subsequent communication causes an unpleasant feeling. The comfort zone of shy people is too narrow. Girls do not risk marrying her, since it is too difficult for them to do so.

How to understand that a shy girl likes you? There is no need to wait for a miracle. A girl will never be the first to talk to someone she likes. But if she really likes the person, she will not resist contact. The girl will support the conversation, although she will appear cold. If a shy person pays attention to you, it means she definitely likes you. And if a girl communicates with you every day, it means that she has let you into the circle of selected people, and this is a direct sign that you are not indifferent.


How can you tell if a girl is shy or not? Look at her behavior and self-esteem. The more reserved a person is, the more shy he will be. What are the advantages of this quality? For the person himself - none. But for those around us - a lot. It is for this reason that shy people are loved. They are easy to control and manipulate. It is easier to go out into secular society with a shy child, and it is easier to manage him in the classroom. It is easier to manage a shy adult. Such a person will never express his opinion and will always obey.



What fate is in store for shy girls? The meaning of this question is important for every person who wants to achieve something. Shy people will not be able to realize their potential. Why? Because if you always obey others and do what others ask, you can lose yourself. You need to be able to defend your opinion and fight for your interests. Otherwise, there is a chance to live a boring life, marry an unloved person, go to an uninteresting job and raise unloved children. Does this prospect seem too bleak? Then you need to fight what the environment and the teacher have built into your character.

How to change your character

What should a shy girl do to overcome herself and become more confident and decisive? It is necessary to step out of your comfort zone from time to time. At first you need to do this once a week. How? You need to do those things that cause fear. A girl can approach her peer and get to know him, or she can, in the company of classmates, express her opinion and try to argue for it. At home, a shy person must show her parents that she is a living person, and not a machine for carrying out household errands. Any creative expression helps a lot to overcome shyness. A girl can go to a music or art studio, sign up for dancing or a handicrafts group. In such sections, a shy person will be able to find like-minded people and begin to express herself without fear.