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Muzeon flower exhibition. The seventh Moscow Flower Festival in Muzeon. Gold medal in the Space category

As part of the festival, a botanical exhibition was opened in Tsaritsyn, where you can see rare medicinal herbs and shrubs and take part in special excursions.

The “Garden of Medicinal Plants” is located between the First and Second Greenhouse Buildings on the territory of the Tsaritsyno Park. More than sixty species of herbs and fruit bushes are planted in the garden; their beneficial properties have long been confirmed in practice. For example, monarda biforma, which North American Indians have used for centuries as an antiseptic, and modern dentists have used as an active ingredient in mouth rinses. Or Tibetan lofant - the strongest natural immunostimulant. Or the medicinal burnet, which has dozens of names - bloodsucker, arsenic, horror potion, blackhead - and which has a pronounced hemostatic effect. There is a map of the garden next to the plantings, making it easy to find your way around. Employees of the Tsaritsyn greenhouses conduct regular tours of the garden. They will talk about each sprout, each planting, explain which herbs are suitable for growing in a country garden, and which ones need greenhouse conditions all year round. A tour of the garden will imperceptibly flow into a tour of the Second Greenhouse Building, where rare spicy and fruit plants native to subtropical latitudes grow. For example, bay tree, pineapple, eucalyptus, guava, citronella and plectranthus, which is also called “room mint.”

Despite such a cool, at times harsh and surprising summer with sudden climatic changes, the VI Moscow International Festival of Gardens and Flowers Moscow Flower Show was successfully held in the Moscow Art Park “Museon” from June 29 to July 9. Rains and thunderstorms did not in the least affect the beauty organized by the festival, which over the 6 years of its existence received the title of the most authoritative platform in the field of Russian landscape design.

Our editorial team visited the Moscow Festival of Gardens and Flowers, we walked around the entire exhibition and received great aesthetic pleasure. It is worth noting that this year more than 200 representatives of the landscape industry from 12 countries took part in the festival.

Those who did not manage to get to the Moscow Flower Show 2017 will be able to enjoy photographs of the most interesting, in our opinion, competition entries and see the winners of various nominations. The projects were evaluated by an authoritative international jury, chaired by James Alexander-Sinclair, judge of the Royal Horticultural Society, and Princess Marie-Solle de la Tour d'Auvergne, vice-president of the French Parks and Gardens Foundation.

The shooting was taken during a light rain, which did not at all diminish the beauty of the compositions; all the plants demonstrate freshness and rich colors that did not have time to fade in the hot sun. A rainy and gloomy evening created a romantic mood. Some projects look like mysterious islands of a fairy-tale magical forest. Perhaps some ideas can inspire you to organize your own piece of paradise on a country plot.

Enjoy watching!


BEST GARDEN Moscow Flower Show 2017



Gold medal in the “SHOW GARGEN” category


Gold medal in the “SHOW GARGEN” category


Best garden and gold medal in the category “Large Exhibition Garden”


Gold medal in the “Trade stand” category


Gold Medal and Best Spa Garden at RHS Malvern Spring Festival


Gold medal in the “SHOW GARGEN” category


Silver medal in the “SHOW GARGEN” category


Landscape bureau "GARDIE": Tsukanova Olga
Executing company: School of Landscape Art "GARDIE"


Gold medal in the category "Art object"


Bronze medal in the “Art Object” category


Gold medal in the Space category


Silver medal in the category “Small Exhibition Garden”


Muzeon Park

Krymsky Val street, 10

Ticket prices

Entrance from 500 rubles

600 rubles - when purchased at the cash register

From June 29 to July 8, 2018, the VII Moscow International Festival of Gardens and Flowers Moscow Flower Show will be held in the capital's MUZEON art park.

Moscow Flower Show 2018 claims to be the largest festival of gardening art and landscape design in Russia.

Various compositions of more than 30 thousand flowers and plants will be created on the territory of the Muzeon park. In a programme Moscow Flower Show 2018– lectures, master classes and workshops from leading industry professionals and a variety of entertainment. In addition, as part of the festival, a market will be organized where visitors will be able to purchase plants, designer accessories, jewelry and decorative elements for home and garden. For those who get hungry, there will be a food court.

Program of the Moscow Flower Show 2018 festival

Main part of the program Moscow Flower Show 2018- garden competition. Famous landscape designers from different cities and countries will build unique gardens on the theme of Garden Theater– each in a unique style and with its own concept – turning the festival space into the quintessence of original ideas. The winners will be determined by an authoritative jury of real masters in the field of landscape industry and gardening art.

Participants of the Moscow Flower Show 2018 festival

Moscow Flower Show annually brings together the best specialists in landscape design, gardening art and floristry. Designers from Great Britain, Switzerland, France, Holland, Portugal and other countries take part in it.

List of festival participants Moscow Flower Show 2018 available at this link.

Scheme of the Moscow Flower Show 2018 festival- in the photo gallery on this page.

Tickets for the Moscow Flower Show 2018 festival

Tickets to VII Moscow International Festival of Gardens and Flowers Moscow Flower Show You can buy it on the official website using the link.

Jury of the Moscow Flower Show 2018 festival

  1. James Alexander-Sinclair - Chairman of the Jury, judge of the Royal Society of Horticulturalists of Great Britain, TV presenter of the BBC channel (UK)
  2. Princess Marie-Solle de la Tour d'Auvergne - Chairman of the jury of the children's competition "Planet of Flowers", Vice-President of the Foundation for the Support of Parks and Gardens of France (France)
  3. Sabrina Schröder - jury member, landscape architect (Germany)
  4. Alberto Priolo - jury member, architect, head of the architectural bureau IAW RUS (Italy)
  5. Olga Cherdantseva - member of the jury, chief curator of the gardens of the Russian Museum, Head of the working group of the international festival "Imperial Gardens of Russia" (Russia)
  6. Elena Semenkova - member of the jury, head of the landscape architecture department of the Department of Landscape Architecture for Integrated Improvement and Design of the Urban Environment of the Moskomarkhitektura (Russia)
  7. Ilya Mochalov - jury member, first vice-president of the ALAROS Association, head of the landscape architecture bureau "Ilya Mochalov and Partners", landscape architect (Russia)
  8. Sergey Nikolaevich - jury member, journalist, editor-in-chief of the magazine “Snob” (Russia)
  9. Nina Acton - member of the jury, exhibition development manager of the British Royal Horticultural Society, curator of the educational exchange program Moscow Flower Show and RHS Malvern
  10. Tatyana Smirnova - jury member, director of the Leskovo nursery (Russia)
  11. Sofia Veselova - jury member, associate professor at Lomonosov Moscow State University, historian of landscape art (Russia)
  12. Elena Konstantinova - jury member, landscape designer, famous phlox breeder, PhD (Russia)
  13. Marina Bailozyan - jury member, landscape expert, executive director of the Megapark company (Russia)

From July 1 to 10, the MUZEON Arts Park will host the V Anniversary Moscow International Festival of Gardens and Flowers “Moscow Flower Show” - the largest national event in the field of landscape design, gardening art and improvement of the surrounding space.

For 10 days, the best Russian and foreign landscape designers will create works of art from flowers. “Moscow Flower Show” is a riot of colors, dozens of designer gardens, unique flower arrangements, lectures, master classes and thousands of guests.

The festival area is a place where different eras, cultures, interests and people meet. But all participants strive for a common goal - to talk about important things with the help of art, beauty and plants.

Traditionally, the main competition program of the Moscow Flower Show, where professional architects, landscape designers and florists from Russia and Europe compete in the art of creating the most beautiful gardens, arouses the greatest interest among the public. Their work will be assessed by a high international jury chaired by the world-famous James Alexander-Sinclair, a judge of the Royal Society of Horticulturalists of Great Britain, a BBC TV presenter who decides the fate of all the leading gardeners in the world, including Prince Harry. The jury will also include Princess Marisol de La Tour d'Auvergne, a representative of one of the most noble families in France, vice-president of the Foundation for the Support of Parks and Gardens of France, and other eminent persons.

Guests of the festival will be able to walk through Kandinsky’s painting “Meeting of Surfaces”, recreated by landscape architects, visit the “Garden of Forgotten Books”, where the usual library walls will replace tree trunks, relax under a lace canopy of cabbage leaves and inhale the aroma of strawberries in the “Sphere” garden, as well as see many other unique gardens.

Visitors will also be treated to a rich educational program; dozens of lectures, master classes, workshops and presentations will be held, during which those interested will gain new knowledge in the field of landscape design, garden art, floristry and much more. A separate exciting program has been prepared for children with many active games, competitions and trainings. Young visitors will be able to try themselves in the role of gardeners, designers, couturiers, poets and representatives of other creative professions.

The green market will sell plants, designer accessories, jewelry and decorative items for home and garden. In addition, at the food court you will be able to try food from festival partners.

Ticket prices:

  • full - 500 rubles;
  • preferential - 250 rubles.