home · Networks · Ancient witchcraft spells. Conspiracies of the Old Believers: the powers of the ancient gods will resolve any issues. The classical structure of a magical appeal to higher powers

Ancient witchcraft spells. Conspiracies of the Old Believers: the powers of the ancient gods will resolve any issues. The classical structure of a magical appeal to higher powers

From time immemorial, ancient conspiracies have had incredible power to influence any energy field, which can be learned in detail from the material in this article.

Ancient witch spells for money and luck

So, in order to attract money and good luck, you need to perform an ancient witch ritual on an egg. To do this, you need to take an egg with “living” energy and hold it in your hands with the tip pointing up, saturating it with thoughts and desires. After this, you need to read, looking at the egg, the words of the conspiracy:

“I will go out from doors by doors, from gates by gates,
Away from your home, away from your city,
Let me go seek my happiness along unknown paths,
Winding paths on all four sides,
I'll go without looking back. My hidden happiness awaits me
Deep and strong - not to be found. Not in a strong chest,
Not in a secret hiding place, not behind pound doors
My happiness is hidden, but it will be found behind a thin shell
I can find my happiness in a chicken egg and not break it,
Don’t split it, don’t lose it along the way, and don’t give it to anyone.
The chicken can lay eggs and raise chickens, but I can live in wealth.
Key. Lock. Language. Amen".

At the end of reading the ancient conspiracy, the egg must be wrapped in black cloth and hidden in a secret place where no one will find it. A year later, you need to take out the enchanted egg and bury it in the ground. Immediately after this, wealth and luck will follow on your heels.

Ancient spells and rituals for love, prayers for finding a job

One of the most effective and powerful conspiracies is considered to be an ancient love conspiracy, which is done using fire. You need to perform such a ritual only on the full moon in the period from 12 to 3 am. To do this, you need to take a wax candle and bring it to your face. Direct your gaze into the blazing fire and imagine yourself together with your loved one, after which you need to read the words of the conspiracy without taking your eyes off the fire:

“I lit a fire in the silence of the night, great spirits of light, helping love, averting attacks, you will hear my voice calling to you. Do not extinguish the fire I lit, it was lit with a pure heart and thought. I didn’t set my sights on someone else’s husband, I didn’t touch someone else’s groom, but I lit a fire for the sake of my beloved, who was promised by fate to be my husband. I pray to you, bright spirits, to give the fire your strength, good strength, love that protects from misfortune. Douse your dear heart with heat and scorch it with my love, warm it with a hot flame, melt the frozen piece of ice and his warmed heart will turn into love for me. Save my beloved with a heart full of love.” After this, you should put out the candle and go to bed.

In order for good luck to accompany you in finding a good and profitable job, you need to be baptized and read the “Our Father” before starting your job search. After this, collect your thoughts and say the words of the prayer:

“I’m leaving in Our Lady’s shirt,
May the vapors of my God overshadow me,
Four crowns of heaven
Saint John the Evangelist, Saint Luke,
Saint Matthew, Saint Mark!
May they preserve me from man and woman,
From lead, from iron, from steel,
So that they can't hurt me,
Neither cut nor break my bones!
Peace to my God!”

At the end of reading the prayer, you will need to write the words on a blank piece of paper:
“It really exists, it exists in reality, it exists in the word, in God, everywhere!” The piece of paper should be put in your pocket and you can safely go looking for a job.

Ancient conspiracies are very powerful and the spell of Genghis Khan

An ancient very powerful conspiracy is considered an Old Slavonic conspiracy, which is read for health from dashing illnesses and various misfortunes. The words of the prayer are read quietly for seven days, under no circumstances skipping a single day. The words of the spell are:

“In a distant direction, on an island beyond the sea, lies a white stone. Near the fuel stone stands a man, a father to three sons, a sovereign to all. He takes out his sharp knife, cuts with it all diseases and ailments, aches and dryness. So let him cut off all the ailments and ailments of (name), put him under a stone and lock him up. He will throw the key into the sea and close all ailments forever. My words are strong, only those who chew a stone with their teeth can overcome them. Let it be so!"

A prayer for good luck is also considered a strong conspiracy. It should also be read for seven days in a row at dawn; if after seven days things do not improve, then the ritual should be repeated after 14 days. The words of the prayer are:

“Oh you, oh you, Mother Lada, Most Pure Mother! Don’t leave us, don’t leave us without happiness and love! Send your grace upon us, as we honor and glorify you! So be it, so be it, so be it, while the Yarilo sun shines on us!”

To carry out the spell of Genghis Khan himself, complete solitude and concentration are required. It is unimaginably strong and effective, and therefore must be done in complete harmony with your thoughts and desires. Before pronouncing the words of the conspiracy, you need to cleanse yourself by washing with spring water. There is no need to wipe off the water; it should dry on its own on your face and hands. After this, you need to light candles to call upon the good spirits of nature for help and drive out the evil ones, and read the words:

“Aba Ami Ariun Dallaga, Khurai, Khurai, Khurai!
Allah-o-Akbar, Allah-o-Akbar, Allah-o-Akbar
Ahmad-o-Lillih Rabil Amiin
Vadu ya Slim Sallam
Sabhan Allah
Allah-o-Akbar, Allah-o-Akbar, Allah-o-Akbar.

After this, quickly put out the candle and remain in a certain state of meditation for a few more minutes.

Ancient conspiracies and spells for enemies to make them feel bad

To carry out an ancient ritual, which can be used to punish enemies and return to them all the bad things they have done, you need to take two needles: one small, and the second large and long, and insert the smaller one into the eye of the large one. Tie the place where they connect with black thread and read the words of the conspiracy over them:

“My needle is short, but yours is long, my deed is good, and yours is evil. I pierce your perfect evil now and at that moment I return to you everything that was intended for me, everything that was directed at me, get everything mine back at this moment and forever. Amen".

After the needles are charmed, you need to go to the offender’s house and stick the larger needle into the enemy’s doorframe so that the tip of the small needle points to the right. There you should say the words of the conspiracy again. Then turn around and go home without looking back.

Ancient Slavic conspiracies and spells that work

The ancient Slavic conspiracy against damage and the evil eye must be carried out at dawn, going out into the street and turning your gaze to the sky, saying three times:
“In the name of Svarog, Perun and Veles!
The blood of our ancestors is pure,
Heavenly Power!
Amulets, save
Grandson of Dazhdbozhy (name)
From every evil eye, from bad times,
From feminine, from masculine,
From children's, from others,
From joyful, from hateful,
From slander, from negotiation!
So be it! Goy!

For well-being and protection, the ancient Slavs used a conspiracy - an appeal to mother earth. For such a ritual, you need to go out into the field to bow to the ground and light a candle and say the following words:
“Mother of Cheese is Earth!
I was born from you, my body is made of you,
You carry me
You feed me
You will take me back after death.
Mother of Cheese - Earth!
Protect me, your child,
Guide Lada's path!
May my deeds be for your glory!
I bow to you! Goy-Ma! The words of the conspiracy must be read three times and bowed three times after each reading.

Ancient conspiracies for Christmastide, Maundy Thursday, full moon

One of the most powerful Christmastide conspiracies is carried out on Vasily’s Day. To perform such a ritual, you need to purchase three candles from the church, light them and go to the threshold of the house, reading the following words above them:

“Happiness is in the palace - all troubles, misfortune are out the door. Whoever intends evil will be returned threefold; whoever wants to jinx it, trouble will befall him. And the Lord will protect this house, Saint Basil will look after it. Amen".

After the words are spoken near the threshold, the same will need to be done near each corner in the house. At the end of the ceremony, the candles need to be wrapped in white cloth and hidden in a secluded place.

One of the effective ancient conspiracies for Maundy Thursday to attract good luck, happiness, prosperity and profit is considered to be the one that is done out of the blue. To carry out such a ritual, you need to wake up at sunrise on Maundy Thursday, draw the purest water from the spring and speak it with these words:

“Maundy Thursday glorifies Easter, all Orthodox people glorify Easter, so people would glorify me, both young and old, so that the servant of God (name) would be held in high esteem by his superiors, so that my business would bring me profit. Gold sticks to my hands, clings. The coins in the wallet jingle. Key. Lock. Language. Amen".

Immediately after this you need to cross yourself and wash yourself with the enchanted water. An ancient ritual for protection against the evil eye and damage is performed on the night of the full moon. For this ritual, you need to light a red candle, sit by the window and pour a pinch of salt on a handkerchief. Moonlight should fall on the person who performs such a ritual. Having fixed your gaze on the salts, you should say the following words of the conspiracy:

“From distance to distance, a river flows, wide and deep, going around the neighborhood, wrapping itself around me, protecting me from the witch’s and witch’s eyes, from any spells, from love spells, from love spells and slander!”

At the end of such a conspiracy, the salt must be wrapped in a scarf and stored where no one will find it. In the morning, this handkerchief with salt should be placed in a bag or in a clothing pocket; in short, it should always be nearby.

Ancient spells, prayers, whispers from fullness

In order to complete the ancient conspiracy, you need to light a red candle and at sunset during the waning moon read the words in a whisper:
“In the black-blue sea, hunger is constipated.
Don't let hunger out,
The servant of God (name) may not know.
Insomnia-hunger, calm down.
Dissolve into all directions of the world.
My eyes, sleep, don’t bother your soul.
Just as there is no night, so I don’t know grief.
Sleep your eyes, don't break your body.
He said his word and tied it with a knot.
Amen. Amen. Amen".

At the end of the spell, you need to put out the candle with your fingers and put it under your pillow. After this, go wash your hands thoroughly and change your underwear. In bed before going to bed, read the Lord's Prayer.

Safety rules for fortune tellers do not lose their meaning for people who have constant contact with the problems of others in their professional activities.

What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what awaits you in the near future.

Magic symbols, rituals and the most ancient spells

Magic exists - and even if it is inexplicable, but having certain knowledge of ancient rituals and spells, you can use them for your own benefit. What old conspiracies and rituals exist that have survived to this day?

Ancient spells: for love, luck, desire

Conspiracy of desire. When pronouncing it, you need to focus on the subject of your dreams:

I conjure you, Angels of God, mighty saints, in the great name of God himself, the mighty strong one, towering above all the heavens, who created on the first day the world, the heavens, the earth, the sea and everything that is there, sealing them with his holy name. I also conjure you in the names of the Holy Angels who govern the fourth legion and serve the mighty Salamis, the great and titled Angel. In the name of the star called the Sun, its sign, the great name of the living God, I beg you, oh great Angels, that you will work for me and help fulfill my requests according to my will and desires regarding the causes known to me and my affairs.

Love spell. You need to read it out loud before going to bed:

There is a willow tree in an open field, on that willow a bird has built a nest,

She dropped the egg and chick into the sea.

How this bird's heart ached for the egg,

So that God’s servant (name)’s heart aches

And it was whining about me, God’s servant (name).

So that he doesn’t eat me with food, so that he doesn’t wash me down with wine,

With the young ladies, so as not to forget,

I never stopped loving him until my gray old age.

I would seem like the moon to him at night, and the morning star at dawn,

When thirsty - sweet water, when hungry - food.

My hands are wings, my eyes are arrows.

A century to love, a century to never forget me, never to change with anyone.

I’ll lock them with keys, I’ll bury the locks in the sand, I’ll throw the keys into the hole.

Whoever gets those keys will only become an obstacle to my love.

Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

A spell for good luck. At dawn you need to go outside and read it, holding out your hands to the sun:

I, servant of God (name), will get up, blessing myself, go, crossing myself, go out into an open field on a high hill, look towards the east, in the east the clear sun rises, beautiful to all people. And just as grass grows under the sun, flowers bloom, fruits ripen, people rejoice, so I, the servant of God (name), would blossom, ripen, and all people would rejoice at me, as in the clear sun. May you, my conspiracy, be stronger than stone, stronger than iron, from now on until forever. Amen.

The most ancient spells: what danger do they pose?

Ancient spells require careful study - there really are special words that can change the life of not only the person who uttered them. Magic allows you to interfere in the destinies of other people, but the price for this is high - by uttering the words of the conspiracy, the magician sacrifices a part of himself.

It is important to remember that you should never, under any circumstances, speak ill of magical texts, scold the ritual, or doubt its effectiveness - having decided to cast a spell, you must follow the recommendations as precisely as possible.

The most ancient spells can relate to both black and white magic - before using it, it is important to understand what exactly the effect of the text is aimed at. Since you can cause yourself serious harm, and only an experienced sorcerer, who is not so easy to find, can correct the current situation.

Symbols and signs used when casting spells

There are certain symbols and spell signs , which are used in various rituals. One of these elements is a mirror - you can pronounce the text while looking at your reflection, which allows you to enhance the effect of the spell.

One of the famous symbols is the mandala, which is a unique magic circle. Looking at its center, you manage to focus on the conspiracy, directing all your energy to fulfill the request.

Another sign well known to all witches and magicians is the five-pointed star. The pentagram combines the powers of the main elements, as well as the fifth element - spiritual essence. It can be used to protect against damage and the evil eye, and to cast negative spells - it is important to correctly depict this element, pointing either down or up.

Basic rules for the ceremony

It is important to consider that it is not enough to choose a suitable spell, it is also important to carry out the ritual correctly - only in this case can you count on its effect. There are several important rules in this regard:

  • Each word is pronounced as clearly and accurately as possible
  • You cannot change the plot - this can lead to unpredictable consequences
  • Negative energy is especially strong on Friday and Monday - this is the time to cast appropriate spells
  • The text can only be read in a whisper
  • Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday are the best days for a spell for health, luck and love.

The ceremony must be preceded by preliminary preparation. The ritual should take place in complete solitude, which will allow you to concentrate as much as possible on faith in your own strengths and the effectiveness of the chosen spell. A few days before this, it is worth going through a cleansing - giving up food, alcohol, cigarettes and other bad habits, drinking exclusively clean water.

Magic spells are not a game; they have special powers. Therefore, before pronouncing special words, it is important to carefully prepare for the process, focusing on your desire, and fully assessing the possible risks.

Now the stars advise you to use one of the layouts suggested below. Don't miss your chance to find out the truth.

When you perform magical rituals from alchemy, white or red magic, it is best to hold this square written on a sheet in your left hand:

Such a talisman attracts good spirits, along with whom other spirits came, and the magicians of antiquity thus comprehended the Monarchy of Higher Magic and, as a consequence, great power.

Stop a person, animal, ship, chariot

This talisman comes from India, where it was very much used by the kings of those lands against rebels. Protected by this talisman, they could rule kingdoms, and defeated enemies always fled. This square is written on a green sheet of paper with yellow paint at any time of the day or night.

The use of the square is very simple. When it is necessary to use it, look at a bird, a person, a ship or a chariot while holding it in your left hand. Say the numbers: 1, 21, 63, 7 and then 12, 4, 6, 8 until you get an immediate effect.

Say the words slowly, but without raising your voice. If you are scared or have doubts about the effect, the square stops working. You should know that fear and doubt destroy magical influence. You should not tell anyone about your actions during the experiment. If you trust someone, it should be someone from your blood family.

And when you do the experiment, your head should be covered with a yellow scarf.

With this square, the magician can also free the ritual place from unwanted visitors.

For two people to love each other

Take ropes of different colors. One is the color of the earth, the other is the color of the sun, the third is the color of the moon. All the ropes are tied together and placed in a small clay vessel. After 3 days, add some jasmine pulp, press everything well and get the paint needed to write this square. Then take a piece of white linen that has been previously placed in water with barley and dried. Apply a square on it with the resulting paint. It must be made at dawn.

Place the finished square between two flat stones in your room. Leave it there for two nights, periodically taking it out and saying out loud the names of the two people who should fall in love with each other. Repeat the manipulations three more times and get the intended result.

Control the weather and create a hurricane

The hurricane is subject to the Genius, whose name is ARRIDI. In consequence of this you should prepare a square with his name written on top of any metal with a pen made from a reed stalk.

In this case, it is necessary to call the spirit and ask him to unleash the hurricane.

This is done like this: go to a secret place, stop your gaze in the east; then take some stones from where you are. One is in front of you, and the rest are in each direction. Then put 4 stones in a small cotton bag, which should be attached to your belt. When collecting stones, you must say the ancient spell: “YARRIDI” (YARRIDI). If you hear something, don’t listen, if you see something, don’t look. When you return to your home, wash yourself from head to toe with water and add a little salt. Then when dry, take these 4 stones and place them on top of the Genius Talisman and it will appear. The spirit can do this at any moment when the stones are laid out: when it appears, it will speak to you in a quiet voice from above. Invite him to come down and try a piece of the bread you baked for him. If he comes, he will take the form of a man covered with hair and dressed as a servant. He will talk to you on many topics and tell you what the secrets are to numbering various cases. Ask the spirit to tell you something intriguing about someone, and he will tell you. And then hint that he should do something for you.

He will definitely do it, but first he will say: “I can’t help it,” to which answer him: “I don’t want to know anything, but you will help me.” Then say that you want to unleash a hurricane, and indicate in what place and for what duration this phenomenon should be. The spirit will not leave until you agree to accept a gift from it in the form of two stones of different colors: one red, the other white. This is his symbol (sign), and if you place it in a copper ring, the Genius will always come when you put the ring in the water. This ring, in principle, does not claim to be yours personally, but you can see it, but others cannot. You can also chat with the spirit without seeing it. And then, when the Genius leaves, the hurricane will begin at the hour that you have set.

Cause disagreement between two people

Disagreement is a bad thing, and only try it on people who deserve it. This is achieved in the following way. On the lead, using an object with an iron tip, write this square:

Take this square, sew it into a piece of leather and hang it around your neck. Then recite the ancient spell: “ROUDMO, RHAHHUO” seven times in the direction of each of the 4 cardinal directions in a loud voice when you want to create the mentioned discord. This means that, already wanting two people to quarrel with each other, say their names and add in a quiet voice: “Quarrel, quarrel, roadmo”; and they will begin to come into conflict. When you want the quarrel to stop, say the ancient spell: “OMDOR”, and the quarrel will subside.

In this way, during times when there were many wars, some of them stopped, especially between believers and enemies of the faith.

If you want to prevent an attack, say the same word while quickly closing your eyes.

Talk to the person you are interested in and get answers from a distance

Before performing the ritual, you must fast for 7 days without drinking water throughout the day, from dawn to sunset. Then you should voice the following numbers as if to yourself, orienting your head in all possible directions: 1, 9, 2, 5, 4, 9, 6, 5, 3, 3.

Then think about the person you need to talk to with great concentration on matters concerning him, so that you can then speak about them in a raised voice. If the person to whom this applies does not know your intentions, you must intensify the night experiment so that he hears you during sleep.

Then you must prepare 3 glasses of water, one of which is completely filled, the second is half full, and the third is empty. Take the number of pebbles corresponding to the given numbers (the sum of the numbers given in the recipe), with which you should fill the first glass, then the second and third, until they contain the entire number of stones. Then recite all the numbers in a whisper, lowering your lips into each of the glasses.

And now say the message you were thinking about into each of the glasses, speaking inwards, and prepare a new (4th) glass for the answer. If you want to hear the answer, direct your hearing to the fourth glass and listen. Get an answer if everything was prepared as needed. If you do not hear, then you will feel a sound corresponding to the sound of a cricket, which will tell you that you have made some kind of mistake and you must start all over again. When 7 such rituals are done, you will be able to talk to any person as easily as if you had met him. Whether during the day or at night, he will answer you, whether he wants it or not, and regardless of whether he is busy or not at the moment when you want to communicate with him.

It will be difficult at first as you need to practice a lot to achieve excellent results. Many people make mistakes when listening in the 4th glass (they mistake what they wish for the actual voice), since it is not the nature of the Genius to help you (the Genius only conveys messages).

Prevent gossip and envy

This works better if you know who your enemy is. Take a small piece of liver and wrap it in paper. Then hang it next to the fire and fix your hateful gaze on it, as if it were your enemy. Immediately write the magic number square on top of the paper and burn it immediately (the liver remains suspended). Then the man or woman who hates you will feel guilty for what happened and will seek a meeting with you to ask for forgiveness.

The person to whom your actions will relate will begin to see in dreams that he has made a mistake and is obliged to correct it, otherwise he faces the loss of his life. And if this person is far away and cannot come or visit you, know that your action achieved success at the moment when the liver took the shape of a half moon. Then stop your magical actions. You can remove your message from your opponent who has repented of his mistake. To do this, wrap the dried liver in paper again, apply a square on it again and place the paper in water until the numbers disappear completely.

Remember that the person has been forgiven by you (after this, throw the remains of the liver and other remains from the ritual into flowing water; burning this liver to the end can harm both the magician and the forgiven gossip - note by Raokryom).

A copper coin, flattened into a square shape under blows, can protect against envy and antipathy. Numbers that are already known to you are applied to it, everything is wrapped in a woolen scarf and stored out of reach of others.

Raokriom, Doctor of Mystery, Kyiv

Magic is not only a collection of rituals, spells and rituals. First of all, it is a way of perceiving the world. It is not for nothing that when translated from ancient languages, the word means wisdom, knowledge, deep and serious research. When starting a ritual, casting spells, the magician must understand what idea of ​​cognition inspires him; magic cannot turn into mere vulgar practices of ignorant people, because spells are a powerful factor in changing reality.

Through the labyrinths of history

Since ancient times, people have been performing rituals in an attempt to protect themselves from various troubles or dangers. Scientists believe that it is magical rituals of the ancients created civilization.

Sources about the history of magical influences on human life can be found in the Chinese “Book of Changes”, in papyri of the pre-Christian era, and Christian manuscripts.

Over time, the influence of magic has changed. The calls and curses of ancient texts sound in a new way in modern art - a conductor of mysterious knowledge.

In the famous TV series “The Vampire Diaries,” one of the main characters, Bonnie Bennett, belongs to the family of the powerful witch Qetsiyah and constantly uses magic. But first, the viewer sees an innocent child, then a girl with supernatural abilities, and finally, a woman wise with knowledge and experience, sacrificing herself to save the characters dear to her.

Such series popularize the power of magical influence on people's destinies.

Someone begins to summon a demon, trying to gain power over the whole world. Another is burdened by fame and tries to go into the shadows, a third tries to protect his home or improve his health by turning to the devil, because nothing helps. For various reasons, people rush to see a magician or astrologer. But no matter what rituals are performed for, they are always performed with faith. The presence of religion and philosophy of self-knowledge are mandatory.

Prayers, spells, spells, conspiracies are filled with a person’s faith in the influence of external forces, help in the struggle for existence, and create a connection in time between worlds.

People's turn to magical rituals is increasing against the backdrop of economic and political crises, disasters, epidemics, and other pronounced instability of society.

Spells in Latin are especially popular among practicing magicians. Indeed, they have powerful potential and help to radically change a person’s life: return a loved one, receive financial support, accelerate career growth.

To prevent ancient words from causing harm, they are pronounced in a special way: loudly, clearly and correctly pronouncing all the letters. Otherwise, an incorrectly spoken word will lead to irreversible consequences and will not only not provide help, but will also destroy the one performing the ritual.

To prevent this from happening:

Only after following these simple rules, proceed to the magical ritual.

Important! It is not recommended for novice magicians or people who are unable to learn a text in a foreign language to conduct magic sessions using ancient spells in Latin.

Features of working with white and black magic

Unlike prayer, spells or incantations are not of a pleading or praising nature. They are rather an order, an oral form of a special agreement with white or dark forces, which is often sealed with blood. In addition, the ritual is performed using animal organs important for magic.

Casting spells in Latin can be roughly divided into two areas of action: the light and dark side of the supernatural.

For each magical sphere there is a special way of reading prayers, spells, and incantations.

For example, spells for health and love are read in a whisper, in a pleasant voice. Orders for dark forces are pronounced in a hoarse, terrifying sound.

Shamans use throat singing to effectively influence people. In their opinion, monotonous and mysterious singing will quickly connect them with other worlds or transport them through time and space.

Important! It is not recommended for beginners or “at home” to perform black magic rituals. Be careful, you may cause yourself irreparable harm.

Rules for preparing and conducting the ritual

If you urgently need the help of supernatural forces, and there is no magician nearby, you can write down the spells on paper, making a kind of amulet.

To do this, you must meet some conditions:

There are many ways to make special ink:

  • Good ones are obtained from an infusion of saffron, resin from fruit trees, and soot collected from a spoon held over a candle flame.
  • You can make ink from melt water and the ashes of crushed peach pits burned on Wednesday morning. Soot and plum tree resin are also added to the resulting liquid.

You can find out more about spells in Latin and the rules for writing them on specialized resources.

Important! It is believed that ink made from the bark of an oak tree that grows in Jerusalem has special powers. Unfortunately, now the historical oak tree, described in “The Walkings of Monk Daniel,” has dried up, its trunk is supported by props. But in the late nineties, a new shoot from the roots appeared near the dying tree, and this gives people hope.

Ancient Latin spell records not only have sacred meaning, but can also have a dramatic impact on a person’s life.

When carrying out the ritual of reading notes in Latin - for love, money - do not forget that you will need special ink. Special objects play a special role in the work of wizards. Each magician himself makes an attribute for himself that will help him during sessions.

Before you begin the ritual, you need to understand exactly what you need to receive from supernatural forces. Think, maybe you yourself are able to cope with a certain problem without resorting to strong means of influence, because they affect not only you, but also those close to you.

Attention, TODAY only!

Ancient witch spells are very dangerous magic. The originals of many of these texts were written in Latin. To date, most of the texts have been lost. Below you can see the spells that have survived to this day.

In the article:

All texts that have been preserved in witch spell books can be divided according to various criteria. There are a large number of expanded and condensed classifications that help determine which spell is best for a sorcerer to use in a certain situation. In total, there are 6 main categories into which witch spells are divided.

Primitive conspiracies. The first category includes curses, conspiracies and simple rituals that do not require prior preparation. They often consist of just a few words. This was done to make the magical ritual easier to perform.

Natural. These texts include those in which the emphasis is on addressing all elements (or a specific one), natural phenomena. These spells are usually not used by beginners. Only experienced sorcerers can turn to the forces of nature.

Wellness. These conspiracies are aimed at restoring physical and energetic strength, and correcting mental state. This category of magic includes witchcraft.

Prayers. This type of text is designed to call on Higher powers. The main difference from other categories is that when using such spells, the magician turns for help, and does not order the Higher powers what to do.

Protective. This is the second most extensive category of spells. They are designed to protect the sorcerer from any attacks from this and other worlds. This includes texts that are used to h charming amulets, amulets, herbs and decoctions. Often, during a ritual, jewelry is enchanted, which the magician can always wear on himself. This guarantees the spell's permanent effect.

Basically, in rituals using these spells, spirits, gods, and demons are invoked. These rituals almost always involve not just one person, but a certain number. This is important for creating a special concentration of energy that can awaken Dark or Light forces.

Witch spells in Latin - are they that simple?

It's no secret that all existing ancient spells were written in a dead language - Latin. Very few original texts have reached us. Basically, when conducting magical rituals, Russian and other modern languages ​​are used.

But, despite the fact that all texts are translated almost word for word and well adapted, spells cast in Latin are more powerful. They preserve magical information and protect it for many centuries. The only thing comparable to them is the spells written in ancient Greek and other, more ancient languages.

Before undertaking a ritual using a text written in Latin, it is better to ensure its authenticity. It is easiest in this regard for those who have already studied this language. Quite often, new publications make mistakes in writing text, which spread very quickly.

As a result, the ritual may simply not work out, or everything will go wrong. Therefore, if you do not know Latin, cannot assess the reliability of the text and are not sure of its authenticity, it is better to use an adapted translation.

If you are not a very experienced magician, then it is better to begin your acquaintance with ancient spells carefully and slowly. Remember that when you cast a spell in Latin, it is important to pronounce each sound clearly. Use the textbook and place all the stresses correctly, check how the sounds are read correctly.

Powerful Love Spells

Ancient sorcerers tried to find optimal ways to control human feelings. Therefore, there are various witch conspiracies that allow you to win the desired lover.

How to win the desired man?

This magical ritual is carried out at night from Friday to Saturday. The text of the conspiracy for this ritual has been translated from Latin into Russian. Therefore, even not very experienced magicians can use it, they just need to learn it in advance.

You need to be alone in the house, and it is best to open the window completely. Take a large container of water in advance. Place it on the windowsill and bend over the surface. Now honor the text three times:

I, (my full name), conjure, conjure you, holy and brave angels, with the names Hey, He, Ya, Sadai, Heya, Ye, Adonai and Sadai, who on the 6th day was able to create various creeping creatures, animals and humans , and gave his will to Adam over all creatures, and decided to bless the name of the Great Creator in his monastery. In the name of all the angels who serve in the 3rd legion before the mighty Dagiel, the strong and brave prince. In the name of his star, called Venus, his sacred seal and all the names mentioned, I implore you, O mighty Anael, who rules on the 6th day, help me and make (the name of a loved one) love me with hot and strong love.

All this time you need to think only about the object of your desire. After this, lightly wet your fingers in water and wash your face from top to bottom. Do the first action with your left hand, then with your right. Let the water flow down your face freely. Don't wipe it off. Repeat the ritual from start to finish 2 more times.

When finished, do not pour the liquid into the jar or any other container. Drink half yourself, give the other half to your loved one. man. When you drink the charmed liquid, mentally repeat the words of the spell. You need to drink all the water on Saturday, without leaving it for the next day.

How to attract love?

If a person has not yet appeared in your life who would love you, show care and respect, then you can attract him quite simply. This ancient ritual is performed only on the full moon. Before carrying out it, arm yourself with special witchcraft attributes:

  • jasmine oil;
  • rose quartz;
  • wax candles (5 regular and 1 red);
  • pomegranate (stone);
  • carnelian (stone).

carnelian jasmine oil rose quartz wax candles

Perform the ritual only in the room in which you sleep. Wait until dark and open the window. Place and light all the candles around your bed (pre-lubricate the red one with oil).

After this, sit comfortably on the bed and take all the stones in your working hand. Close your eyes, free your head from unnecessary thoughts and imagine that your dream has come true: you are loved, desired, cared for and valued.

Imagine how you give every last drop of yourself to your loved one, and how he returns all this energy back to you. Introduce your chosen one. Outline his facial features, physique, describe his character traits. When the attributes are saturated with your energy and thoughts, place them next to the bed and say the following spell:

Oh, great Goddess of light, bring me happiness, true and bright! Let new love; strong and tender will come to me. So be it!

Let the candles burn out after the ceremony, and you go to bed.

How to attract good luck to yourself?

Ancient witch spells will help you attract good luck and find what you want. This plot is written in Russian ( adapted translation). It should be read very quietly. If you use the original text to perform the ritual, then pronounce it loudly, clearly and do not forget about the correct intonation.

For the growing month go outside, turn your face to the night star and say three times:

Angels of God and Archangels, I, (full name), conjure you, most powerful saints, with the greatest name of the holy Deity, wise and towering above the boundless heavens. To the one who created in one day the earth, the world, the heavens, the sea and all living things, forever sealing them with his name.
I also speak in the names of the Angels of the Saints who rule the 4th legion and serve the strong Salamis, the titled and great Angel. The name of the star called the Sun, its sign, the greatest name of the living God. I, (full name), ask you, oh, great Angels, work for me, bring constant luck into my life and help fulfill all my desires and requests according to my will.

When the main text has been said, you can independently express your dreams, hopes and ask for what you want to come true. Luck will accompany you in any area you name.

Beginners are advised to use this adapted translation for this ritual. Incorrect use of the original text can lead to undesirable negative consequences, which can affect not only the sorcerer himself, but also his close relatives.

Ancients often used to obtain the desired result. Before using such knowledge, it is necessary to undergo a rite of passage. Some magicians prefer to become related to all the elements; those who more realistically assess their abilities choose one of them.

It is in such rituals that spells written in Latin are most often used. They must create an indestructible connection between the sorcerer and the forces of nature. The element to which the sorceress belongs is her protector, patron, and during any complex rituals the sorceress turns to it.

If we talk about the elements, water responds more readily to requests than others. She is able to cleanse negativity, transfer energy and intention to the object of the ritual, as well as remember events and share her memories with witches. This spell is typical for water magicians.