home · electrical safety · The phenomenon of Natasha Beketova (Tatti Valo). Natalya Beketova: Prophecy about Russia from the Phaistos disc Ideologist of national Russia

The phenomenon of Natasha Beketova (Tatti Valo). Natalya Beketova: Prophecy about Russia from the Phaistos disc Ideologist of national Russia

All his life, with his brilliant articles, he fought to strengthen the Russian state, bravely exposing corrupt officials, liberal democrats and revolutionaries, warning of the threat looming over the country. The Bolsheviks, who seized power in Russia, did not forgive him for this. Menshikov was shot in 1918 with extreme cruelty in front of his wife and six children.

Mikhail Osipovich was born on October 7, 1859 in Novorzhevo, Pskov province near Lake Valdai, in the family of a collegiate registrar. He graduated from the district school, after which he entered the Technical School of the Naval Department in Kronstadt. Then he participated in several long-distance sea voyages, the literary fruit of which was the first book of essays, “Around the Ports of Europe,” published in 1884. As a naval officer, Menshikov expressed the idea of ​​connecting ships and airplanes, thereby predicting the appearance of aircraft carriers.

Feeling a calling to literary work and journalism, in 1892 Menshikov retired with the rank of captain. He got a job as a correspondent for the Nedelya newspaper, where he soon attracted attention with his talented articles. Then he became the leading publicist for the conservative newspaper Novoye Vremya, where he worked until the revolution.

In this newspaper he wrote his famous column “Letters to Neighbors,” which attracted the attention of the entire educated society of Russia. Some called Menshikov a “reactionary and Black Hundred” (and some still do). However, all this is malicious slander.

In 1911, in the article “Kneeling Russia,” Menshikov, exposing the machinations of the Western backstage against Russia, warned:

“If a huge fund is being raised in America with the goal of flooding Russia with murderers and terrorists, then our government should think about it. Is it possible that even today our state guard will not notice anything in time (as in 1905) and will not prevent trouble?”

The authorities did not take any measures in this regard at that time. What if they accepted? It is unlikely that Trotsky-Bronstein, the main organizer of the October Revolution, would have been able to come to Russia in 1917 with the money of the American banker Jacob Schiff!

Ideologist of national Russia

Menshikov was one of the leading conservative publicists, acting as an ideologist of Russian nationalism. He initiated the creation of the All-Russian National Union (VNS), for which he developed a program and charter. This organization, which had its own faction in the State Duma, included moderate-right elements of educated Russian society: professors, retired military officers, officials, publicists, clergy, and famous scientists. Most of them were sincere patriots, which many of them later proved not only by their struggle against the Bolsheviks, but also by their martyrdom...

Menshikov himself clearly foresaw the national catastrophe of 1917 and, like a true publicist, sounded the alarm, warned, and sought to prevent it. “Orthodoxy,” he wrote, “freed us from ancient savagery, autocracy freed us from anarchy, but the return before our eyes to savagery and anarchy proves that a new principle is needed to save the old ones. This is a nationality... Only nationalism is able to restore to us our lost piety and power.”

In the article “The End of the Century,” written in December 1900, Menshikov called on the Russian people to maintain their role as a nation-forming people:

“We Russians slept for a long time, lulled by our power and glory, but then one heavenly thunder struck after another, and we woke up and saw ourselves under siege - both from the outside and from the inside... We do not want someone else’s, but ours - Russian - land must be ours."

Menshikov saw the opportunity to avoid revolution in strengthening state power, in a consistent and firm national policy. Mikhail Osipovich was convinced that the people, in council with the monarch, should be governed by officials, and not by them. With the passion of a publicist, he showed the mortal danger of bureaucracy for Russia: “Our bureaucracy... has reduced the historical strength of the nation to nothing.”

The need for fundamental change

Menshikov maintained close relationships with the great Russian writers of that time. Gorky admitted in one of his letters that he loved Menshikov because he was his “enemy by heart,” and enemies “better to tell the truth.” For his part, Menshikov called Gorky’s “Song of the Falcon” “evil morality,” because, according to him, what saves the world is not the “madness of the brave” who bring about the uprising, but the “wisdom of the meek,” like Chekhov’s Linden Tree (“In the Ravine”).

There are 48 letters to him from Chekhov, who treated him with constant respect. Menshikov visited Tolstoy in Yasnaya, but at the same time criticized him in the article “Tolstoy and Power,” where he wrote that he was more dangerous for Russia than all the revolutionaries combined. Tolstoy answered him that while reading this article he experienced “one of the most desirable and dear feelings to me - not just goodwill, but straight love for you...”.

Menshikov was convinced that Russia needed radical changes in all areas of life without exception, this was the only way to save the country, but he had no illusions. “There are no people - that’s why Russia is dying!” – Mikhail Osipovich exclaimed in despair.

Until the end of his days, he gave merciless assessments of the complacent bureaucracy and the liberal intelligentsia: “In essence, you have long drunk away everything that is beautiful and great (below) and devoured (above). They unraveled the church, the aristocracy, and the intelligentsia.”

Menshikov believed that every nation must persistently fight for its national identity. “When it comes,” he wrote, “to the violation of the rights of a Jew, a Finn, a Pole, an Armenian, an indignant cry rises: everyone shouts about respect for such a sacred thing as nationality. But as soon as the Russians mention their nationality, their national values, indignant cries rise - misanthropy! Intolerance! Black Hundred violence! Gross tyranny!

The outstanding Russian philosopher Igor Shafarevich wrote: “Mikhail Osipovich Menshikov is one of a small number of insightful people who lived in that period of Russian history, which to others seemed (and still seems) cloudless. But sensitive people even then, at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, saw the main root of the impending troubles that later befell Russia and which we are still experiencing (and it is not clear when they will end). Menshikov saw this fundamental vice of society, which carries with it the danger of future deep upheavals, in the weakening of the national consciousness of the Russian people...”

Portrait of a modern liberal

Many years ago, Menshikov energetically exposed those in Russia who, as today, reviled it, relying on the “democratic and civilized” West. “We,” Menshikov wrote, “do not take our eyes off the West, we are fascinated by it, we want to live just like that and no worse than how “decent” people live in Europe. Under the fear of the most sincere, acute suffering, under the weight of a felt urgency, we need to furnish ourselves with the same luxury that is available to Western society. We must wear the same clothes, sit on the same furniture, eat the same dishes, drink the same wines, see the same sights that Europeans see. In order to satisfy their increased needs, the educated stratum is making ever greater demands on the Russian people.

The intelligentsia and nobility do not want to understand that the high level of consumption in the West is associated with its exploitation of a large part of the rest of the world. No matter how hard Russian people work, they will not be able to achieve the level of income that the West receives by siphoning off unpaid resources and labor from other countries for their benefit...

The educated stratum demands extreme effort from the people in order to ensure a European level of consumption, and when this does not work out, it is indignant at the inertia and backwardness of the Russian people.”

Didn’t Menshikov, more than a hundred years ago, with his incredible insight, paint a portrait of the current Russophobic liberal “elite”?

Courage for honest work

Well, aren’t these words of an outstanding publicist addressed to us today? “The feeling of victory and victory,” Menshikov wrote, “the feeling of domination on one’s land was not at all suitable for bloody battles. Courage is needed for all honest work. Everything that is most precious in the fight against nature, everything that is brilliant in science, the arts, wisdom and faith of the people - everything is driven precisely by the heroism of the heart.

Every progress, every discovery is akin to revelation, and every perfection is a victory. Only a people accustomed to battles, imbued with the instinct of triumph over obstacles, is capable of anything great. If there is no sense of dominance among the people, there is no genius. Noble pride falls - and a person becomes a slave from a master.

We are captive to slavish, unworthy, morally insignificant influences, and it is precisely from here that our poverty and weakness, incomprehensible among a heroic people, arises.”

Wasn't it because of this weakness that Russia collapsed in 1917? Isn’t that why the mighty Soviet Union collapsed in 1991? Isn’t that the same danger that threatens us today if we succumb to the global onslaught on Russia from the West?

Revenge of the revolutionaries

Those who undermined the foundations of the Russian Empire, and then seized power in it in February 1917, did not forget or forgive Menshikov for his position as a staunch statesman and fighter for the unity of the Russian people. The publicist was suspended from work at Novoye Vremya. Having lost their home and savings, which were soon confiscated by the Bolsheviks, the winter of 1917–1918. Menshikov spent time in Valdai, where he had a dacha.

In those bitter days, he wrote in his diary: “February 27, 12.III. 1918. Year of the Russian Great Revolution. We are still alive, thanks to the Creator. But we are robbed, ruined, deprived of work, expelled from our city and home, doomed to starvation. And tens of thousands of people were tortured and killed. And all of Russia was thrown into the abyss of shame and disaster unprecedented in history. It’s scary to think about what will happen next - that is, it would be scary if the brain weren’t already filled to the point of insensibility with impressions of violence and horror.”

In September 1918, Menshikov was arrested, and five days later he was shot. A note published in Izvestia said: “The emergency field headquarters in Valdai shot the famous Black Hundred publicist Menshikov. A monarchist conspiracy was uncovered, headed by Menshikov. An underground Black Hundred newspaper was published calling for the overthrow of Soviet power.”

There was not a word of truth in this message. There was no conspiracy and Menshikov no longer published any newspaper.

He was retaliated against for his previous position as a staunch Russian patriot. In a letter to his wife from prison, where he spent six days, Menshikov wrote that the security officers did not hide from him that this trial was an “act of revenge” for his articles published before the revolution.

The execution of the outstanding son of Russia took place on September 20, 1918 on the shore of Lake Valdai opposite the Iversky Monastery. His widow, Maria Vasilievna, who witnessed the execution with her children, later wrote in her memoirs: “Arriving in custody at the place of execution, the husband stood facing the Iversky Monastery, clearly visible from this place, knelt down and began to pray. The first volley was fired to intimidate, but this shot wounded the husband’s left arm near the hand. The bullet tore out a piece of meat. After this shot, the husband looked back. A new salvo followed. They shot me in the back. The husband fell to the ground. Now Davidson jumped up to him with a revolver and shot him point-blank twice in the left temple.<…>The children saw the shooting of their father and cried in horror.<…>Security officer Davidson, having shot him in the temple, said that he was doing it with great pleasure.”

Today, Menshikov’s grave, miraculously preserved, is located in the old city cemetery of the city of Valdai (Novgorod region), next to the Church of Peter and Paul. Only many years later did the relatives achieve the rehabilitation of the famous writer. In 1995, Novgorod writers, with the support of the Valdai public administration, unveiled a marble memorial plaque on Menshikov’s estate with the words: “Executed for his convictions.”

In connection with the anniversary of the publicist, the All-Russian Menshikov Readings were held at the St. Petersburg State Maritime Technical University. “In Russia there was and is no publicist equal to Menshikov,” emphasized Captain 1st Rank Reserve Mikhail Nenashev, Chairman of the All-Russian Fleet Support Movement, in his speech.

Vladimir Malyshev

Natasha did not faint for long, says school nurse Lidiya Dmitrieva. “I came running with ammonia, and she had already woken up.” And let's babble something in an unfamiliar language. The teachers came running, the Englishwoman recognized the “gibberish” as Old English. We told her: “Natasha, how are you feeling?” She does not understand. In Old English he says, “My name is Bonnie Ann McDonald,” grabs a pen, and writes, “Don’t yell at me!”

We ask her questions, but she doesn’t speak a word of Russian. I had to call an ambulance. The girl was examined at the hospital and sent home - she’s healthy!

“But I really forgot completely the Russian language,” says Natasha, “I remembered it again for three days with an ABC book.” But from somewhere in my memory, knowledge of 120 languages ​​appeared. Ancient Chinese, English from the time of Shakespeare, Mongolian, ancient Japanese, Arabic, French, Latin, Italian of the Renaissance, Tangut, Etruscan, Old Church Slavonic, Vietnamese, Farsi, Korean, Spanish, ancient Persian... The experts explained this to me. They also determined that I speak the “dead” languages ​​of those tribes that no longer exist: Suamu, Hokko, Uavualu, the language of the Polynesian Ngoba tribe, who lived in the sixth century BC...
Moscow linguists, who were shown Natasha, grabbed their heads - this cannot be! She came to the capital on a call from the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The dean of the history department of the Peoples' Friendship University Aleksey Maslov, philologists and linguists Mikhail Rechkin, Yuri Yankin, translators, orientalists worked with her... They offered to translate

texts from different eras. And they shrugged: the girl was fluent in rare dialects!

Although not all experts took this story seriously.

- It was hard for me to believe until I was convinced that Natasha has phenomenal knowledge. Most likely, fainting in adolescence awakened her so-called memory - and inexplicable knowledge appeared, says Tatyana Grigorieva, Doctor of Philology, Professor at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Natasha has her own version of what happened: “The 120 languages ​​that suddenly became accessible to me are one hundred and twenty lives I have lived. I remember fragments of almost every one of them, but it takes me too much energy to remember. Moreover, the later another life was, the more difficult it is for me to remember it. I remember myself in a primitive tribe, I remember the shore of a lake in Japan, where a girl in a pink kimono looked into the distance, and also my county in England in the 17th century and the uniform of the Napoleonic army: then my name was Jean Dever, and I was bayoneted at the age of 21.”

In her last life, in 1920, Natasha died in Germany from typhus at age 13. That's what she claims. Komsomolskaya Pravda decided to test the girl’s abilities and once again show her to specialists: perhaps they will have another explanation for the phenomenon? We will inform you about the results of the experiment in the upcoming issues!


University of Virginia professor Ian Stevenson has compiled a collection of more than 2,000 similar facts.

For example, a two-year-old child told his parents that in a past life he was hit by a truck, and recognized all the relatives that he had before moving to a new body.

And Virginia Tye from Colorado in 1954 described Ireland in the 19th century, reporting unique details from the life of this country...


- I have known Natasha for five years. “I showed it to many linguists,” Mikhail Nikolaevich RECHKIN, a member of the Union of Writers of Russia, told KP correspondent Svetlana KUZINA. - Some admired her polyglotism, while others said that they did not understand anything. I persuaded her to have her knowledge tested by specialists versed in ancient languages. At their request, she deciphered the text written on the so-called Phaistos disk - an ancient artifact discovered by archaeologists a hundred years ago near the small town of Phaistos. He is supposedly related to the legendary Atlantis. There is a spiral-shaped inscription on both sides of the stone disk. In our country, the now deceased translator of ancient texts, Yuri Grigorievich Yankin, and Doctor of Sciences Alexander Grinevich, worked on the Phaistos disc for many years. But they did not come to a single translation.

And Natasha carried out a detailed decoding of the text in a few hours. One phrase that she read to me was this: “...Neither the thief who enslaved me... Neither execute, nor torture, nor waste your strength on that enemy, so that he does not enslave you in the future” (see “Test Protocol ").


Expert opinion is a good thing. But we decided to test Natasha’s abilities ourselves. She couldn’t come to Moscow: “I’m afraid the landlady won’t let me leave work. She's strict! But the girl happily agreed to meet with KP journalists and demonstrate her skills in front of scientists in the regional center - Krasnodar.
We found Natasha in a shopping pavilion not far from the city market. She sold pots and washing powders.
- Natasha, hello!
- Hello. Only I’m not Natasha, but Tatti. Tatti Valo.
- ?!
- Don’t believe me? Here's your passport.
On the identity card in the full name column: Valo Tatti Olegovna.
- I changed the documents. Natasha Beketova had many problems in her life - so I decided to get rid of them. And in general, I’m tired of Russia. I want to move to Finland. So I chose a Finnish first and last name. I will leave when I manage to save the necessary amount...
Having agreed with her partner, the girl took us for a walk along the Anapa embankment, telling us her biography along the way.
Tatti Valo (aka Natasha Beketova) was born on August 29, 1979 in Poland. Her father, a missile officer, served there. Together with her parents, Natasha traveled all over Russia and lived in Uzbekistan. When the father retired, the family settled in Anapa. Her parents divorced, and now the girl lives in a two-room apartment with her mother, sick grandmother and older sister.

Ten years ago, in 1993, during a math test at school, Natasha suddenly lost consciousness:

“It was as if I slipped out of my body and watched what was happening from above. I don’t remember how I returned to my body. But I realized that I had completely forgotten the Russian language. But dozens of other mysterious languages ​​popped into my head. I can now write and speak fluently in almost all of them. And I also remembered all my past lives. I was both a man and a woman. She lived in different parts of the world: Africa, South America, Europe, Asia.

Soon after the ill-fated test, the girl left school and took exams for the 10th and 11th grades as an external student. She graduated from Anapa Medical College with honors and worked as an operating nurse in a local hospital. I studied at the medical institute in Yaroslavl for almost a year. “And then I suddenly realized that I didn’t want to devote myself to medicine,” Tatti told us. - I felt that I was overwhelmed with knowledge about different languages, unknown countries, and I needed to do something about it. And I went to Moscow, got a job as a volunteer student at the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. I began to seriously study the Finnish language and culture - my grandmother told me that our family had ancestors from Lapland. And now I’ve returned to Anapa to draw up documents for moving to Finland.

- How did you get to the store?

- You have to live on something. My mother arranged for me - she works in another store. Same owner.
The girl does not allow anyone into her home. He talks sparingly about himself:

- Every day I get up at half past four in the morning and work. I need to write down all my knowledge. And two years ago I had terrible stress - I burned a diary in which, since the ninth grade, I had written down everything that happened to me in past lives. Now we have to restore...

Tatti and I agreed to go to Krasnodar to meet with KP experts - linguist teachers from local universities. The first to meet Tatti was an Arabic language teacher, a native of Iraq (he has lived in Russia for 30 years) Mahir Raouf Al-Saffar...

Read about the results of testing by specialists in Krasnodar and about the study of Natasha’s other abilities in the upcoming issues of the “fat girl”.



Natalia Olegovna Beketova, born in 1979

Present: Yankin Yu. G. - candidate of technical sciences, translator, film director Kibkalo A. V.

N. O. Beketova was given the texts of a number of inscriptions:

1. Phaistos disc (XVIII century BC) in the Cretan-Mycenaean dialect.

2. Ritual dagger (5th century BC) in the Etruscan dialect.

3. 14 inscriptions on seals and bronze plates, written in the dialect of the state of Mlekhha (Indus River, XXX - XX centuries BC).

4. Alekanovskaya inscription (archaeologist Gorodtsov, 10th century, near Ryazan).

5. Inscription on the Krivyanskaya eggplant (Smolensk province, 9th century)

Based on the 1st inscription (Phaistos disc, side “A”), Beketova first fluently read the text in Proto-Slavic, then translated it into Russian. Yu. G. Yankin compared it with the translation of Professor Grinevich. An OBVIOUS COINCIDENCE in the general content of the inscription was revealed. The translation of side “B” of the disc gave DIFFERENT CONTENT of interpretations by Grinevich and Beketova, recognized by the expert as two different reading options.

According to the 2nd inscription (dagger), the translations of Yankin and Beketova are STRONGLY DIFFERENT. The expert identified the reason for the discrepancy between the translations, which was the different pronunciation of the syllabic signs of the Proto-Slavic text.

The translations of inscriptions 3 (seals and plates) coincide in ideological terms. The free order of words in such texts generally results in a wide range of interpretations even by the same translator.

Inscriptions 4 and 5 in the translations of Grinevich and Beketova DID NOT MATCH.

As a result of the tests, Beketova’s ability to read and understand Proto-Slavic texts of various dialects (Etruscan, Crete-Mycenaean, Indus) was confirmed. The expert believes that the subject has genetic memory, that is, the memory of her ancient ancestors who knew writing in various languages.

Signatures: Yu. Yankin and A. Kibkalo. 2001


“300 years ago I was born in England”

NATASHA describes in detail how in her previous lives she lived in China, France and England. We chose this English biography because it is easier to verify.

“I was born on April 4, 1679, northwest of London in a place called Bexfield. They named me Any Mary Kat (family name McDowell). My name was given in honor of the saints on whose day I was born.
My childhood was spent on our family's Earldom of Beauhauld, or, as my grandfather Henry McDowell liked to call it, Green Valley. Bewhauld was located not far from West Wales... The road to the estate wound like a motley ribbon, on both sides there was a green carpet of meadow grass, then an alley of twelve mighty oak trees opened up, approaching directly to the house. The house is a two-story building. Three stone columns rose from the façade. The house has 10 rooms. We had three servants, one of the maids was named Susie Blackfod, the servant was Smith Richard Spiper. Immediately behind the house there is a horse yard. We had 12 horses.
My father's name was James Whisler. My mother is Mary Magdala, my mother’s cousin is Jim Foxler, on my father’s side I remember only my father’s brother John, who left after his father’s death for Leon (France). My older brother's name was Bruder Lincoln. Another brother - Richard Edward George, there was also a sister Suellen. My parents died. I learned about their death in the Atlantic from my aunt Hellen (she lived south of London). I was 4 years old at that time.

After the death of my parents, I was taken to India, where I lived a long life. In one of the temples, she worked on a book for more than half a century, using ancient Vedic sources. Returning to England, I brought this book, which I gave to my cousin William Filsler for safekeeping. This book can be found.

Having lived to a ripe old age, Any Mary Kate McDowell died. Her grave is located near the estate.”
Now this story has been passed on to our correspondents in England: they are finding out, with the help of historians, what of this story may be true. Beketova herself has never been to the UK.

We will inform you about the results of our research in the UK.

Natasha was lying with her head on the desk, unconscious. In the medical room, I gave her ammonia to sniff, and after about five minutes she woke up. I asked the girl how she was feeling, what was hurting, she muttered in gibberish. Then she suddenly said that her name was not Natasha, but Anne McDowell.

Natasha Beketova is an ordinary girl from a military family, born in Poland in 1979. I had a hard time studying at school, fluctuating between grades and grades. The German language seemed to her like a “Chinese wall”. But one day she “mastered” 120 unfamiliar languages ​​at once.

Once in the 6th grade, during a math test, I couldn’t do the assignment,” says Natalya. - I looked into my neighbor’s notebook and heard the teacher scream from behind: “Beketova! I’ll remove you from the class!” I was very scared, it seemed that the room became dark, like at night. Balls of light appeared around, and I saw myself from the side, as if I was flying in the sky among emerald sparks. I woke up in the nurse’s office, she was shaking me by the shoulders and saying something in fear.

Lidia Dmitrieva still works as a nurse at Anapa school No. 5.

I remember that day well,” she recalls. - Natasha was lying with her head on the desk, unconscious. In the medical room, I gave her ammonia to sniff, and after about five minutes she woke up. I asked the girl how she was feeling, what was hurting, she muttered in gibberish. Then she suddenly said that her name was not Natasha, but Anne McDowell. They called an ambulance. The girl was kept in the hospital for less than a day...

Natalya says that after the hospital her life seemed to start anew. She had to learn Russian with an ABC book, which she completely forgot. But, as if out of nowhere, previously unknown words surfaced.

They took me to Krasnodar, then to Moscow, and it turned out that I speak 120 languages,” says Natalya. - Ancient Chinese, Mongolian, Farsi, English from the time of Shakespeare, ancient Japanese, Latin, Arabic, Old Church Slavonic... And I can write in them.

She is sure that as a result of stress, the memory of previously lived lives, that is, reincarnations, awakened in her. In Moscow, at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Philology Tatyana Grigorieva met an amazing girl.

It’s hard to believe until you see it from personal experience,” says Grigorieva. - It is impossible to explain where a poorly educated girl got phenomenal linguistic knowledge. No, she doesn’t know languages, but she picks them up literally on the fly. As far as I know, this summer Natasha is entering an institute in Krasnodar, where she will study oriental languages.

Doctor of Historical Sciences Alexey Maslov, head of the department of general history at the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, one of the leading experts on ancient languages, is skeptical.

We asked her to write a few phrases on pieces of paper in the languages ​​she knows,” says the professor. - The badges didn’t look like anything. Natalya could not read Arabic script and Japanese hieroglyphs. I tried to speak to her in ancient Chinese, Japanese, Mongolian, which she says she knows perfectly, and asked basic questions: “What is your name?”, “How are you feeling?”, “Can you hear me?” She didn't understand anything. We switched to Laotian, English, Spanish, French. She answered only questions asked in German, albeit with a large number of errors. But she learned this language at school. We concluded that the girl only knows German at school level, although she has linguistic abilities, quickly grasps words and reproduces them quite accurately.

Beketova also visited the Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Doctor of Medical Sciences Peter Amelin notes her uneven behavior and sudden mood swings. In two hours, she alternately “reincarnated” into a capricious child, an oriental old man, an arrogant aristocrat and a rude peasant, “speaking” in different languages.

The girl is mentally sane, but overexcited and extremely unstable,” Amelin believes. - When she changes her “gender,” her brain activity changes; either the right or the left hemisphere works more intensely, which should not be the case for an ordinary person who gets used to the character. When she feels like a child, her temperature rises, intracranial and blood pressure changes, like a baby. Similar results are obtained from studies of people who have been in altered states of consciousness.

After fainting, life turned into a nightmare,” Natasha admits. - Some people admire me and say that I should be studied. Others express disbelief and say that I made it all up. But I remember well in England, where I was born in 1679, in China, where I lived several thousand years ago and was a man, in Germany, where I died of typhus in 1920 at the age of 13. When I close my eyes, I feel the heat and fear of death. I see everything like a movie. I don’t know how old I am - five or six thousand. I dream that the “movie” will end and I will become an ordinary person again. I now sell dishes, and it happens that people come in not to buy, but to stare at me.

Rudolf Nesmelov, Doctor of Psychology, leading researcher at the Institute of Psychophysical Modeling of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, comments on the unusual phenomenon: “Reincarnation, the embodiment of one’s self in new bodies after physical death, is one of the forms of belief in personal immortality. Attempts have been made to provide a scientific basis for the pre-existence of the soul more than once. The famous American researcher Frederick Lenz conducted a survey of several hundred people who believed that they used to be soldiers of the Civil War or knights of the Middle Ages. Some imagined themselves in the form of a bird, an owl, a turtle. A person hears a high-frequency ringing, then feels the vibration of the body and finally loses the feeling of being in his own body, sees himself from the outside. The vision begins to fade, but the person remains under the impression of the experience. Are these sensations enough to claim that they are based on real events? As a rule, when checking the evidence Gross historical inaccuracies and confusion in names and dates emerge about reincarnation. The literature describes cases when young children begin to speak perfectly in languages ​​previously unknown to them, but in reality it turned out that they were babbling in a “bird” language they had invented. It seems that something similar happened in the case of Natalya Beketova. This does not mean at all that all these people are trying to deceive or prank us. Most of them are deeply impressed by the sensations they have experienced and believe in their reality. Usually these are people with a fine mental organization, vulnerable and impressionable, with a rich imagination, which for some reason they do not have the opportunity to realize.”

The 29-year-old Anapa resident claims to speak 120 languages. Moreover, she remembers most of them from her previous lives.
A few years ago, many newspapers and magazines wrote about a nurse from Anapa, Natalya Beketova, who speaks 120 languages, and she was filmed on television. She later changed her name. Now she is called Tati Vela and lives somewhere in Finland. Her traces were lost. Alas, the Beketova-Vela phenomenon remained unknown.

Amazing knowledge of an ordinary girl

Literally from the first minutes of meeting Natasha Beketova, I was shocked. The fact is that until some time this amazing girl had the ability to diagnose human diseases. She not only named all my ailments in five minutes, but also described in detail the eye surgery I had undergone. Moreover, the visual acuity of each eye was determined. Moreover, at that moment she was not looking at me, but as if inside herself. I was not too lazy to go to the ophthalmology center where I had the operation and check the information received from Natasha. Everything was confirmed down to the smallest detail!
A little over a year later, already at my home, she made a more detailed diagnosis of the condition of my spine, and my cousin Galina, a physician with 40 years of experience, wrote down what Natasha quickly dictated to her. And then it was my sister’s turn to be surprised. “Such knowledge,” she said in confusion, “only an experienced chiropractor can have!”
Natasha graduated from a medical school and special courses for massage therapists, but the knowledge and abilities that she demonstrated went far beyond the scope of the course at this educational institution. This is confirmed by video footage of a session of treatment of an oncology patient with the help of Orthodox prayers. At that moment, when Natasha said her prayers, a certain white spherical object appeared next to her, which constantly changed shape during the session. At the same time, its brightness periodically increased or decreased. At that moment, when the brightness intensified, a purple “sleeve” appeared from the lower part of the object, which went from it to Natasha’s throat.
I gave this videotape to specialists for examination. Conclusion: the footage is authentic!

Previous lives of a polyglot

Natasha herself told the following about herself:
- When I was 10-14 years old, I could see the internal organs of a person. She had the ability to produce telekinesis. Several times I experienced cases of spontaneous levitation (floating in the air - M.R.). I could see a parallel world... I remember myself very clearly from the age of two. It was from this age that I could freely reproduce ancient languages ​​and think in these languages. I don’t feel the difference whether I think in Japanese, Russian, Chinese or some other language, I don’t feel the boundaries of transition from one language to another... I know the languages ​​of the exact time and country where I was in past lives. I can recall my previous lives, dating back to the fifteenth century.
Long before oriental studies professor Tatyana Petrovna Grigorieva met Natasha, I organized a meeting between the girl and Yuri P., a professional translator with an excellent command of German. He also knows the Old German language, which Beketova speaks. I sat next to them and carefully watched how they interacted. Moreover, all this was recorded on a video camera. Videographer Yuri Sivirin preserves this and many other recordings made during experiments with Beketova.
Later, on Yulia Menshova’s TV show “To Be Continued...”, Natasha demonstrated her knowledge of the French language of the 19th century. But overall, this stupidly organized show only compromised the girl. She left for Anapa, as they say, in upset feelings. I witnessed Natalia's communication with native speakers of various languages. She freely answered questions asked of her in Japanese, Vietnamese and other languages. At my request, Natasha wrote down the same phrase in seventy languages.

Deciphering the text on the Phaistos disk

At my insistence, Natasha took up the task of deciphering the text written on the so-called Phaistos disk - an ancient artifact discovered by archaeologists near the small town of Phaistos (Italy) and allegedly related to the legendary Atlantis. In a relatively short time, Natasha carried out a detailed decoding of the spiral-shaped text and amazed me by writing more than 200 pages!
According to her, information on a certain pyramid is encrypted on one side of the text, and on the other - on a crystal. The translation made by Beketova was reviewed by the late researcher and translator of ancient texts, who, by the way, spent a lot of time deciphering the Phaistos disk, Yuri Grigorievich Yankin. He stated that the text of the translation of side “A” coincided more with his version of the translation, and side “B” - less so. Nevertheless, Yuri Grigorievich regarded the work of Natalya Beketova as one of the translation options and recorded it accordingly as a scientific discovery.

But to make sure that Natasha Beketova really has phenomenal abilities, you can conduct the following experiment: Natasha left me a detailed description of her three past lives. I propose to start with England, because in this country not only archives, but also ancient ancient buildings are well preserved. In principle, it is not difficult to check her memories, because she names many time reference points.

I bring to your attention the English autobiography of Natalia Beketova:
“I was born on April 4, 1679, northwest of London in a place called Bexfield. They named me Any Mary Kat (family name McDowell). I was given such a complex name in honor of the saints on whose day I was born.
My childhood was spent on our family's county estate of Beauhauld, or, as my grandfather Henry McDowell liked to call this place, Green Valley.
Bewhauld was located near West Wales. The locals spoke an Anglo-Saxon-Celtic dialect (it bears little resemblance to the London English dialect).
The road to the estate wound like a ribbon, on both sides there was a green carpet of lawn, then an alley of twelve mighty oak trees opened up, approaching directly to the house. The house was a two-story building. Three stone columns rose from the façade. The house was very big. It had ten rooms, excluding the servants' room. We had three servants, one of the maids was named Susie Blackfod, the servant was Smith Richard Spiper, I don’t remember the name of another servant. Immediately behind the house there was a horse yard. We had twelve horses.
My father's name was James Whisler. Mom - Mary Magdala, mom's cousin - Jim Foxler. On my father’s side, I remember only my father’s brother, John, who left for France (Leon) after his father’s death. I didn't see him again.
My older brother's name was Bruder Lincoln (age 26). Another brother is Richard Edward George (14 years old). There was also a sister, Suellen. My parents died. I learned about their death in the Atlantic from my aunt Hellen (she lived south of London, apparently her estate was there, but I don’t know what it’s called). I was four years old at the time.
One night I woke up from a bright light from the window. I saw a woman. It was my mother. She was singing a song. Apparently, this vision arose at the time of her death or shortly after.
The priest who served in our church was named Richard.”
In addition, Natasha reports that she and her relatives had to visit the neighboring Washiroft estate. The owner's name was Jim, his wife was Sarah Magdala Sue, his son was Lisley, and his daughter was Kat Mary.
After the death of her parents, she was taken to India, where she lived a long life. In one of the temples (or in the monastery) she worked on a book for more than half a century, using ancient Vedic sources. Returning to England, she brought this book, which she gave to her cousin William Foxler for safekeeping. This rather thick book was bound in brown leather with metal clasps. Natasha claims that the book can be found. Having lived to a ripe old age, Any Mary Kate McDowell died. Her grave is located near the estate.
Our compatriot Larisa Melenchuk, living in London, found the town in which Miss McDowell was born and died - in her current life, Natalya Beketova!

Not much time has passed since all the media: television, newspapers and magazines excitedly talked about an extraordinary woman, Natalya Beketova, who worked as a nurse in Anapa. There was a reason.

As a rule, we all had to study some foreign language at school. But not everyone can boast that they know at least a little of it, that they even speak this language and are able to understand the interlocutor. And speaking two languages ​​is even rarer. What then can we say about polyglots?

And Natalya Beketova is a polyglot who speaks 120 languages. Among them are the dead, which have not been heard for many years, rare, even ancient. She not only knows them, she speaks them fluently. What is striking in this situation is that the young woman has never studied languages ​​specifically.

How did Natalya Beketova (Tatti Valo) receive her gift? Where is this amazing woman now? How did her life turn out? You will find answers to these questions in the article.

How it all began?

Natalya Beketova was not particularly different from her peers. And her parents are ordinary people. Her father was serving in a missile unit in Poland when, on August 29, 1979, a daughter was born into the family. Before the Beketovs settled in Anapa, they had to travel almost all of Russia.

An ordinary biography. School. Moreover, studying was not easy for her; she moved from grade three to four. The German language, which had to be learned according to the school curriculum, was “Chinese literacy”.

Medical school. Working as a nurse in surgery at a local hospital. A year of study at the Yaroslavl Medical Institute.

All that is remembered

But in her own words, she clearly remembered herself at two years old. And at the age of 10-14 she had the ability to see all human organs and was capable of telekinesis. She even experienced spontaneous levitation more than once (this is floating in the air). The girl was able to see other worlds.

Natalya Beketova herself spoke more than once about the knowledge that overwhelmed her, “about different languages ​​and unknown countries,” and she didn’t care which language to think in, she didn’t even notice the difference, changing one for another.

How do miracles happen?

But for everyone she remained an ordinary girl. This continued until one day she fainted during a math test. Natasha came to her senses only in the nurse’s office. Lidia Dmitrievna worked at school for a long time. She remembered very well that strange story when an unconscious girl lay on her desk. When Natasha woke up, her sister heard answers to her questions in an incomprehensible gibberish language. And after some time she revealed that she was not Natasha at all, but Anne McDowell. The girl was taken by ambulance to a local hospital, but was sent home after not even a day.

Later, Natalya Beketova told how she watched what was happening from above and seemed to jump out of her body for a while. When I woke up, I didn’t remember my native language; it fell out of my memory for a while. I had to remember it practically with my ABC book. And alien, hitherto unknown words popped up as if from nowhere. She knew them well from somewhere, strangers, unfamiliar and mysterious. Ancient Chinese, ancient Japanese, British Shakespearean times, Old Church Slavonic, Farsi, Arabic, Mongolian, Latin... She even discovered the ability to compose in any of these languages.


Natalya Beketova from Yaroslavl moved to the capital and started working at a medical diagnostic center.

It was here that the gift of healing manifested itself in her. She could heal with her hands and made accurate diagnoses. To the famous writer M.N. Rechkin, who studied mysterious human abilities, she accurately named the indicators of his vision, specifying that they became such after an operation on his eyes. In just five minutes, she listed his illnesses and described in detail the operation itself, which shocked him incredibly. And the employees of the ophthalmological center, where he was not too lazy to contact for confirmation, told him the same information. Needless to say, the girl knew nothing about him until then.

A year later, she already performed a detailed diagnosis of his spine for him, showing the knowledge of an experienced chiropractor.

Often there were other patients present in the room where she had to treat a patient. Their stories are difficult to believe. After all, numerous witnesses unanimously speak of a halo, white and luminous, changing shape, turning into an oval, a rhombus, even a purple “sleeve”. It’s hard to believe, but it was recorded on video recordings, the authenticity of which has been confirmed by experts. You can even see how it pulsates in time with Natasha’s words.

True, the gift of healing disappeared over time.

Natalia Beketova: Phaistos disc

Knowledge of languages ​​remained with her. Because it's not just knowledge. For the girl, language was something completely alive, someone’s consciousness. For a long time she kept her knowledge secret, for fear of harming her family.

Her abilities have been repeatedly confirmed. Scientists became interested and found real applications for them.

The Phaistos disk with the text is a hundred-year-old find of archaeologists; it was discovered in Crete, among the ruins of ancient Phaista. A stone disk with strange symbols inscribed on both sides in a spiral. It was even believed that he was somehow connected with Atlantis. It took Natasha a few hours to thoroughly decipher the text, and its recording amounted to almost two hundred pages. This option was eventually recorded as a scientific discovery.

According to experts, her knowledge of even the most ancient languages ​​is part of her genetic memory.

Tests in Krasnodar

When talking with Mahir Rauf al Saffar, she spoke in an eastern dialect. But according to the teacher, the language turned out to be unfamiliar to him, and the likelihood that it belongs to Central Asian languages ​​is high, because in the girl’s speech some words sounded in Persian and Arabic.

Natalya Beketova is a polyglot who amazed Miyuki Tagaki from Japan with her perfect knowledge of the language. According to the Japanese woman, it is impossible to achieve such perfection by studying the language only from textbooks. But the text, written by the girl in Japanese, turned out to be unfamiliar hieroglyphs for Miyuki. And according to the authoritative conclusion of a Turkish teacher, this turned out to be one of the variations of the Old Ottoman language from the early Middle Ages.

Lives Lived

According to Natasha’s deep conviction, she had to live at least 120 lives in which she was both a man and a woman, lived in different countries, spoke a variety of languages.

  • English biography.

She remembers very well that she was born in April 1679, very close to London, on the Bexfield estate. Her name was Any Mary Kat McDowell. The names of James Whisler - father, Mary Magdala - mother, Brooder Lincoln and Richard Edward George - brothers, and Suellen - sister are preserved in memory.

Ani grew up in a large house on two floors, with columns, in Green Valley. He remembers a stable for 12 horses. She learned of her parents' death in a shipwreck when she was four, after which she was taken to India by relatives. There, for more than 50 years, Ani pored over a book in one temple, for which she was allowed to use Vedic sources. She brought her book to England, where she gave it to William Foxler, her cousin, for safekeeping.

She died at a very old age and was buried not far from the Bexfield family estate. By the way, this information can even be partially verified, because archives and many ancient buildings have been preserved in Great Britain, and many landmarks are named in her story.

  • French period.

In July 1793, she happened to be revived to life in the person of the boy Jean d'Evere, in Saint-Julie, a small French town. He was eighteen and headed to Paris, intending to join the ranks of Napoleonic army. The war against Russia began. But in the first battle he died. And where the bayonet hit, Natasha has a birthmark. She believes that this is a trace of wounds from a life lived before.

Trust but check

With repeated tests, all Beketova’s abilities were confirmed experimentally. As experts have concluded, she reads and knows how to write texts in a wide variety of dialects. It actually stores genetic memory, which means it has preserved the memory of its ancestors, and languages ​​are part of it.

Where is Natalya Beketova now? She dreamed of living in the land of her ancestors, in Finland. She even officially changed her name. Today the dream has come true, and somewhere in this northern country lives a woman named Natalya Beketova (Tatti Valo).