home · Measurements · We are losing weight by March 8th. Alkaline diet: acidic and alkaline foods. details about protein that are important for a vegetarian to know

We are losing weight by March 8th. Alkaline diet: acidic and alkaline foods. details about protein that are important for a vegetarian to know

How to lose weight by March 8– diet or gym. This question becomes relevant every year in the second half of December. It is common knowledge that after the winter holidays and lack of active activity, we accumulate a couple of extra pounds. And it is they who prevent us from wearing that very cherished item (or ordinary spring jeans) on Women’s Day.

At the same time, celebrating the eighth of March, every woman wants to look stunning in spring. Trying to regain an ideal figure, diets by March 8 are one of the effective methods of achieving the desired result. And in order for your facial skin to glow with health and youth, be sure to try any of them!

An ideal figure by March 8th - easy!

From today's article on the site "" you will learn how to lose weight by March 8, using diets and normalizing your diet.

It is recommended to start getting back in shape after the winter months by establishing a healthy routine. That is, we go to bed earlier so that we can get up in the morning and not lie in bed until lunchtime. Physical activity should be resumed gradually with the help of morning and evening exercises, because visiting the gym after the body has “hibernated” is at least difficult (and also harmful).

Load your body gradually. During your first spring visits to the gym, try not to work out as hard as you can, returning to your usual rhythm with each new session.

Conduct long diets for weight loss by March 8 Many beauties don’t just don’t want to, they don’t have time. However, if you are worried about two to four extra pounds, then it is quite possible to get rid of them by limiting yourself to eating in the evening and some high-calorie foods.

What to avoid:

  • It’s better to give delicacy meats to your husband to eat!
  • We do not eat various nuts.
  • We put off butter cookies, chocolate and various sweets for later.
  • Bakery products – kilograms in fragrant warm packaging!

What you need to eat to lose weight by March 8:

  • dried fruits (for example, prunes or dried apricots);
  • fruits – green apples, pineapples and citrus fruits;
  • pumpkin juice, purified water, high-quality green tea, kefir;
  • vegetables that can be stewed with a little lean meat;
  • cereal and yogurt are the perfect breakfast;
  • cottage cheese.

Stay beautiful with the site “I'm Healthy!”

It should be noted that on such fasting days you must maintain your water balance by drinking at least two to three liters of liquid per day.

In addition, try not to use elevators, spend more time walking in the fresh air and a positive result will not be long in coming!

Well, for fans of extreme but effective weight loss, our sections have many different diets for every taste!

We also recommend that you definitely try anti-dandruff hair masks at home, thanks to which you can not only stop, but also prevent seborrhea.

Holiday video

" This traditional line of thinking “explodes” a new trend in the topic of “weight loss and dieting” - intuitive eating. Its supporters call for understanding the starving body, forgiving your past mistakes and starting to ask yourself: “Am I really hungry? How many points?”

The body of a person on a diet is a starving organism, regardless of what prohibitions the diet implies.

The body knows only the language of sensations, feelings and emotions. Therefore, if you limit yourself in any way in the area of ​​nutrition, it will pay attention precisely to the feeling of lack of energy, begin to sound the alarm and make you constantly feel a strong need for food. The body does not understand that there is no real threat of hunger, so it is difficult for it to calm down.

Through a complex feedback system, our brain receives detailed information about the body's needs, and then sends signals in the form of, for example, a feeling of hunger, at the same time telling us which foods would be best suited to satisfy the current need.

Hunger or diet for weight loss: what happens inside us

The most optimal source of energy for our body is carbohydrates. The need for food containing these substances is regulated neuropeptide Y, a chemical compound produced in the brain. Malnutrition leads to the fact that neuropeptide Y begins to actively influence the human body, causing a very strong desire to eat dishes with the largest amount of carbohydrates.

The result is a feeling that we are out of control and eat too much food at once. It's like undeveloped willpower. However, in fact, our body is simply taking care of itself and therefore gives a signal: “Feed me urgently.” The brain produces increased amounts of neuropeptide Y during periods of stress, and when you eat foods containing carbohydrates, another hormone begins to act, which stops the production of neuropeptide Y.

If the diet does not provide sufficient carbohydrates, the body takes energy from other sources; and these include, for example, proteins found in muscle tissue. But this is the same as taking out some of the logs of your wooden house and using it to light a fire in your own fireplace. Fire will appear, but the integrity of the structure will be compromised. This is too expensive a price.

Many of our clients used to be convinced that the dieter’s body, realizing that the supply of energy from outside has sharply decreased, begins to use its own fat as fuel. In fact, not all the fat contained in the human body can be processed for this purpose, and not even most of it, but only 5%. Everything else remains intact.

In order for the brain and nervous system to continue to receive the necessary energy when there is a lack of carbohydrates, the body begins to process fat into organic substances called ketone bodies. This is how ketosis develops, that is, the process of adaptation to prolonged carbohydrate starvation. But the resulting compounds are suitable as an energy source for only half of all brain cells. There can be no complete replacement for carbohydrates. In conditions of limited nutrition, the body will continue to burn its own proteins.

Hunger signals do not only occur when carbohydrates are consumed low. According to the results of research conducted by specialists Nikolaidis and Ivan, the feeling of hunger appears when the body's cells do not receive enough ATP, a chemical compound adenosine triphosphate. It is ATP that ultimately converts all substances suitable for use as energy sources - that is, carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.

How to learn to listen to your body

If a person ignores the natural feeling of hunger and, according to some rules, continues to eat only at a certain time of the day, then sooner or later this leads, firstly, to breakdowns and overeating, and secondly, to a weakening of a person’s connection with his natural instinct. Thus, someone who is accustomed to self-restraint after some time feels only a strong feeling of hunger and strong satiety. And some people bring themselves to such a state that they completely cease to recognize hunger signals, both weak and strong.

Is it possible to regain the ability to hear long-forgotten signals of hunger? Yes. To do this, you just need to start listening to your body. During each meal, ask yourself: “Am I really hungry right now? How hungry am I feeling at the moment?

You can also remember the last time you felt distinctly hungry. Recall that situation in your memory. How did it feel in your stomach and mouth?

Hunger signals may include the following symptoms:

  • rumbling or gurgling in the stomach;
  • slight dizziness or lightheadedness;
  • inability to concentrate;
  • aching, dull pain in the abdomen;
  • irritability;
  • throughout the body;

Each of the listed sensations usually occurs either separately or in combination with several others, and can occur either as a background, barely noticeable, or as an acute, pronounced sensation.

If it is still difficult for you to understand at what point light hunger begins and when you need to eat, then take into account our next observation. Working with clients, we noticed that if a person does not eat for five or more hours, then the next meals in the vast majority of cases end in overeating and subsequent deterioration in well-being.

We also offer you this scale for a more accurate perception of hunger.

Grade 5 corresponds to a neutral, comfortable state when you are neither hungry nor full. 4 means just emerging, weak hunger signals. 3 - a distinct feeling of natural, slight hunger, when you can confidently say: “Yes, now I’m really hungry.” 2 - strong feeling of hunger. 1 - “hungry like a dog”: your stomach is empty, you feel exhausted, all thoughts are only about food.

It is best to start eating when your condition can be assessed as 3. If before eating your condition is 2 points or lower, this indicates that you have ignored the body’s need for food.

You may find that you prefer to eat small meals five to six times a day. There is nothing wrong or scary about this. Moreover, studies have shown that this type of diet can reduce the amount of insulin produced in the body, a hormone that promotes fat formation. So there is a benefit.

A common mistake made by our clients who are just starting to work according to the intuitive eating method is that they turn the recommendation “Treat with due attention to such a feeling as hunger” into a commandment. They only allow themselves to eat at times of day when they sense hunger signals. It is not difficult to understand that, having violated this strict rule at least once, people often consider themselves guilty. And this brings them back to the mentality of a chronic dieter.

However, you should not consider it a violation when, for example, you are invited to a festive event. Even if you don't feel hungry, eating a small portion of a treat at an event, following the rules of good manners or simply because the dish seems delicious, new, or unusual to you, does not mean deviating from the course of intuitive eating.

Try to sometimes think through your meals several hours in advance. For example, if you know that you will be busy from 7 to 10 pm, then have a light snack at 6. You may not feel hungry at this time, but you will prevent its occurrence and aggravation, which will certainly overtake you late in the evening, if your stomach is empty for four whole hours.

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Lasting results can only be achieved by an integrated approach - a combination of diet, sports and special weight loss products. Even in a situation where you have three days to lose weight, it would be wrong to forget about one of the components. Dietary restrictions for express weight loss should be tailored to your individual characteristics, you need to exercise a little more intensely, and it is better to use special weight loss products.

Do you want to get quick and visible results? Organize your diet. Remove all fast carbohydrates (sugar and buns), focus on vegetables, fruits and low-fat dairy products. Eat in small portions, not exceeding 200 grams per meal. Lunch must include proteins. If you can’t have boiled chicken for lunch, a protein shake will come to the rescue, for example, “Turboslim Diet Shake”. It will allow you not only to refresh yourself with a minimum of calories, but also to pamper yourself with a pleasant strawberry taste.

A mandatory rule - do not skip the afternoon snack, from 16:00 to 17:00 have a snack with an apple or a dietary protein bar "Turboslim" for weight loss, which contains L-carnitine to speed up metabolism and chromium to reduce the craving for sweets. Believe me, you simply won’t have the desire to run to the refrigerator at night.

Sports should be a little more intense than usual. If sports are not part of your normal daily routine, start walking more at a moderate pace. All steps count, including those in the office and bathroom, so get a pedometer. Before walking, you can apply the daytime “Turboslim Body Shaping Cream” to problem areas; it increases blood circulation and helps fight cellulite. Before going to bed, after using a natural scrub made from coffee or sea salt, you can also use the special “Turboslim Cream Active weight loss at night” so as not to interrupt the weight loss process even for a minute.

In order for the weight to go away faster, connect the “” complex. The active ingredients in it are divided into three types of capsules - morning, day and evening. This allows you to take into account the peculiarities of the body’s functioning at different times of the day. Special sachets for preparing the drink contain components that promote drainage of the lymphatic system. The complex helps solve several problems at once: removes excess water, controls appetite, reduces cravings for sweets and increases the effectiveness of sports.

The scheme described above can help not only with “losing weight on occasion”. When starting to lose weight, 80% of people quit in the first week due to the fact that they do not see results. But if you use the express complex at the first stage, get rid of swelling and excess water, the scales will turn from enemy to friend, showing clear results in a matter of days. This will absolutely inspire you to further achievements, give you a great mood and a feeling of satisfaction.

*The properties of all dietary supplements mentioned in the text are confirmed by Certificates of Conformity of the “Brand of the Year” Voluntary Certification System and are indicated within the framework of the influence of dietary supplements on natural physiological processes in the body, depending on diet (not medicinal effects).

Certificates of state registration:

"Turboslim Express Weight Loss" - dietary supplement SoGR No. KZ. dated 04/11/2011
“Turboslim Diet Cocktail” - dietary supplement SoGR No. RU. dated 08.17.2010
“Turboslim Bar for weight loss” - dietary supplement SoGR No. RU. dated 05.05.2012
“Turboslim Figure correction cream” - SoGR No. KZ. dated 04/13/2011
“Turboslim Cream Active weight loss at night” - SoGR No. KZ. dated 06.13.2012

It is very natural for women to eat buns and pizza for three months, and then want to lose 10 kg in a week. But no matter what they promise you, don’t believe it, it’s impossible. Unless, of course, your initial weight is 150 kg. The maximum weight that can be lost in a week without harm to health is 2.5 kg, reports I Want.

This may not be an ideal figure, but we are against harmful strict diets. You need to lose weight in such a way as not to treat your stomach, liver and food neuroses later. It is for healthy weight loss that we have prepared the correct weekly diet for you.

You won’t be hungry, we promise, because the diet is based on consuming a large amount of protein, but you will also have to cancel the pies. But festive dresses for March 8th will look charming!

1 day

First breakfast: a package of grainy cottage cheese (200 g), you can add a spoonful of grated tomato and a little onion.

Snack: half a grapefruit, a banana.

Lunch: 2 small chicken breasts (boiled or baked without oil) with steamed broccoli, half a glass of kefir.

Snack: a cup of natural yogurt or kefir.

Dinner: a cup of natural yogurt with one grated carrot.

Day 2

First breakfast: a cup of natural yogurt, banana.

Snack: 100 g of meat, large red pepper.

Lunch: 200 g of boiled cod (can be replaced with mackerel or other fish), salad made from large carrots, celery and half an apple.

Snack: 125 g of natural yogurt, 30 g of white cheese (type Adygei) with 2 tomatoes.

Dinner: half a head of lettuce with 2 hard-boiled eggs, a tablespoon of parsley, seasoned with lemon juice.

Day 3

First breakfast: a cup of natural yogurt mixed with grated apple, a teaspoon of honey.

Snack: a package of low-fat grain cottage cheese (200 g) with the addition of red pepper, tomato paste and a tablespoon of parsley.

Lunch: 2 small chicken breasts, one cup of spinach (lettuce), a glass of kefir.

Snack: a cup of natural yogurt (kefir).

Dinner: stewed fricassee (small pieces of poultry or meat - 200 g) on ​​one spoon of olive oil, large tomato, 2 tablespoons of dill.

4 day

First breakfast: a package of low-fat grain cottage cheese (200 g), 2 tomatoes.

Lunch: 200 g of chicken navels stewed in olive oil with large carrots, 150 g of salad with 1 teaspoon of olive oil and lemon juice.

Snack: 2 cucumbers.

Dinner: salad of half a head of lettuce, red pepper, 2 hard-boiled eggs, 1 tablespoon of parsley, seasoned with lemon juice.

5 day

First breakfast: a cup of natural yogurt, 1 banana, 2 tangerines.

Lunch: 200 g of boiled cod (can be replaced with mackerel or other fish) and salad: small red pepper, 2 tomatoes, green onions, a cup of natural yogurt.

Snack: a package of low-fat grain cottage cheese (200 g) with 1 cucumber.

Dinner: a package of low-fat grain cottage cheese (200 g) with a large grated apple and carrots.

Day 6

First breakfast: a package of grain cottage cheese (200 g), a salad of large tomato and parsley.

Snack: a glass of kefir mixed with half a banana.

Lunch: 2 small stewed chicken breasts, steamed green beans (200 g), a cup of natural yogurt.

Snack: a glass of kefir with 1 teaspoon of honey.

Dinner: broccoli salad, 2 slices of boiled chicken, 2 tablespoons of canned corn, 1 boiled egg, seasoned with lemon juice.

Day 7

First breakfast: a glass of kefir with 1 banana.

Snack: a package of low-fat grain cottage cheese (200 g) with a small amount of red pepper, a thin piece of ham.