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Why is the right side of the body itching? Why does your head itch?

Probably every person knows why their nose itches. Naturally, look into the glass. True, they also say: “a good nose can smell a fist in a week,” but drinking is somehow closer, more understandable. Ears are burning - that’s also not a question - someone is gossiping. But what about everything else? What and why is it itching, itching, freezing and itching? Our knowledge in this area is very, very approximate, and therefore we are constantly confused, confused and mistaken, misinterpreting all kinds of “pricks” and “scratchings”

From the renounced books.

Meanwhile, back in ancient times, our ancestors compiled entire treatises with detailed descriptions of “itchy” places, and at the same time explained their meaning. Then people were sure that all kinds of sensations in different parts of the body had some special prophetic meaning. For example, Hermes Trismegistus, who lived back in the Alexandrian period, tried to predict and change the future using involuntary body sensations.
For the first time, as a separate magical book about fortune telling by sensations, it was mentioned in the prayer book of Cyprian (1406) and in the writings of Metropolitan Zosima (1490-1494). Publications of such content were considered “black”, and therefore they were either immediately burned or kept in strict secrecy in the archives of monasteries.
In 1899, thanks to the works of M. Speransky, in the series “From the history of renounced books,” a complete analysis of texts was published that were devoted to the topic “who is itching for something.” In the old days, this divination was called “Trembler” - from the word “tremble”. The concept of “trembling” includes ringing, scratching, tingling or any other sensation, so whether the tip of the nose ache, it itches or hurts - the meaning is the same.
Another important thing is which side it itches on. Popular wisdom attributed the prerogative to give signs of the future to evil demons and good spirits. The first “ruled” the left side, and the second - the right, respectively, all the signs of the left side brought bad news, and the right - good. So…

Why is it itching?

If the top of the head itches - then this is news.
If the middle of the head will itch - a sign of goodness, money, and mercy.
If cheeks are burning or face- cry, but this can be avoided if you wash your face with blessed water in time.
If an unmarried man hears ringing in the right ear - to luck in love, and if family - to a child. In Rus', they once did the following: they made a wish and asked someone: “Which ear is ringing?” If the person being asked guessed correctly, then the wish should come true.
Left ear is ringing , accordingly, problems: for bachelors - on the love front, for married people - with children. This negative prediction could be canceled; to do this, the left ear was plugged, at least with some finger, and they walked like this for some time.
If suddenly chin aches - then the bearded man will become seriously ill. But there is another, more pleasant option - if your chin itches at night, then this is a sign of short love dates. It is very easy to cancel a prediction - anoint your chin with oil.
If you have eyelids hurt- then you will meet a new face or a new acquaintance awaits you. When right eyelid hurts - this is a sign that you have to quarrel and win, and if left- on the contrary, to quarrel and lose. If you decide to change the situation, then scratch your right eyelid.
If eyebrows itch, then this is good.
Itching under the eyebrow : for the rich - to waste, for the poor - to profit.
Teeth aching- a sure sign of destruction, which, however, is very simple to cancel: just chew something or rinse your mouth with an infusion of oak bark.
If ears are burning- somewhere they are gossiping or mocking you. To stop this disgrace, turn around counterclockwise and say: “Keep me away, mind me!”
If suddenly ache on the bridge of the nose - then perhaps someone will become seriously ill or die.
The middle of the nose itches - then a folk sign predicts that cheese will become cheaper, nose wings- to a fight, well tip of the nose- drinking wine.
When right leg or foot hurts - to the path.
The whole body trembles - a person will be forced to pray for others and wish them well.
Edge- for evil, but if you rub your ribs with a terry towel, the prediction will not come true.
Itches in my sinus - see a friend.
Right shoulder itches - you will receive something, the left one itches- give something away.
Elbow itches- new news.
Right nostril- it will be good left nostril- there will be squalor.
Tongue hurts: if on the left side - then you will participate in a good procession, if on the right - in a secular one.
The little finger or middle finger of the left hand is tingling - intense sadness that will disappear if you put a gold ring on your finger. And if the little finger of my right hand itches , then this is a sign that the sadness will not be strong.
Ring finger itches - I think, if it’s left, then it’s sad, if it’s right, then it’s cheerful.
If buttocks itch: then the right one means illness, and if the left one means a manifestation of greed. In order not to get sick and not turn into a curkul, you need to ask kind people to whip you with a birch or spruce broom.

When lips are burning- kiss. Moreover, if the upper lip is with a man, and if the lower lip is with a woman or a child, and if both are, then with a married couple.
Knee itches: left - to profitable work, but if the right is the opposite - to unprofitable work.
It hurts under my knees - there will be a way. Under the left is incorrect, under the right is correct.
Both soles of feet- to dance, separately: if the right one - to dance, if the left - to escape.

And finally, I will share with you a secret on how to calm down the “trepidation”, wherever it is observed. As they used to say in the old days, the only cure for “trembling” is a good bathhouse, which can temporarily reconcile even the eternally warring good and evil demons.

According to popular wisdom, it will not be difficult for a knowledgeable person to make a forecast for the near future. Such people will immediately answer the interlocutor’s question: why is it itching? The nose, neck, arms, stomach, as well as other parts of the body that suddenly itch can become harbingers of success, profit, failure or tears. You may experience sensations on or inside your body that make you want to scratch. What signs does fate send through this category of folk signs?

Why does your head itch?

What does the folk interpretation tell a person who is interested in why and what itches when it comes to the head? The general interpretation predicts a quarrel. Any reason can serve as a pretext, so knowing the interpretation of a folk sign, you can avoid an unpleasant moment. If it itches near the right ear, then they will expect useful advice from you, near the left - someone older will give it to you, the back of the head - portends difficult thoughts. Intensity also matters: the more it itches, the more difficult it will become to resolve the conflict.


Just like when your ears burn or the tip of your nose itches, this folk sign is on the list of the most popular and familiar to many. A symbolic omen promises those with itchy eyes radically opposite states - from tears and grief to joy and a date with a loved one. The reason that the eye twitches is overwork or severe nervous tension, and if it begins to itch or water, inflammation or foreign matter must be ruled out.

If you want to scratch your eyes spontaneously and this action is short-term, then the popular interpretation of the sign says that the right eye itches for tears, and the left eye for joyful events. The days of the week can influence the interpretation of an omen. The approach is simple: if the letter “p” appears in the name, for example, Wednesday, but not Friday, then itchy eyes promise joy, and the rest of the days of the week predict tears. Good news at work - that's why my left eye itches on Tuesday.


When your earlobe itches, the sign predicts worsening weather: expect strong winds or bad weather. The popular forecast regarding personal life promises a new addition to the family or the receipt of unexpected news. When interpreting, it is worth paying attention to which ear is itching: if the right one, they say unpleasant words about you or scold you, and the left ear traditionally itches or burns in those who have received praise from unfamiliar people, work colleagues, and superiors.


Often the appearance of this sign is felt so that the bridge of the nose itches, so you want to scratch your nose. Popular belief says that soon good news will come knocking on your life. If the right nostril suddenly itches, then this foreshadows the birth of a son from one of your good friends, and the left nostril itches for the appearance of a girl. Those who have itching under their noses should be wary, as this portends ingratitude. An itchy tip of the nose is a familiar sign to many: get ready for a feast with strong drinks.


Expect a guest who will come from afar to visit you - this is the most common interpretation when eyebrows itch. This visit is associated with the best intentions, because the guest will appear with gratitude for the kind attitude that you once showed. For a girl or woman, an itchy right eyebrow predicts a meeting with a man, while the left one predicts communication with representatives of the same sex. If you have itching between your eyebrows, then you have to communicate with a married couple.


A sure sign of why your forehead itches is that the time has come in your life to make a serious decision. Those whose foreheads are very itchy should prepare for an unexpected conversation with the opposite sex. There is a possibility that your significant other has decided to break up and end the relationship, and is determined to do so decisively. This sign warns of an unpleasant encounter with a door frame, so if you don’t want to get bruised, then be careful. The most pleasant interpretation is that your dream will come true in the near future.


Time for kissing is what will soon come for those who suddenly want to scratch their lips. Signs indicate that another person will be the initiator of a pleasant event. If a girl’s upper lip is itchy, then a prominent man will kiss her, and the lower lip portends that a woman, for example, a mother or friend, will kiss her. According to folk superstitions, it matters not only when the lips itch, but also when they burn or begin to twitch. Get ready for a serious conversation if the tip of your tongue itches.


Flaming cheeks predict tears, resentment and negative statements about you from loved ones. You should expect unpleasant events if your left cheek itches, because this indicates an imminent division of property, a quarrel over a will, but everything will be resolved peacefully. For pregnant women, such a sign announces the birth of a girl. When your right cheek itches, this sign is positive, because your loved one is thinking about you, whose intentions are the most sincere.

Signs of what itches on the body

Why and what itches on the body - these superstitions are constantly passed on from generation to generation. Folk predictions associated a sudden impulse to scratch one or another part of the body with upcoming possible events. Just like the desire to scratch your beard, chin or little finger, such sensations come suddenly. The symbolic interpretation of what and why it itches on the body provides for such phenomena as melancholy, joy, money, and adversity. The wrist, lower back, armpit, groin, soles of the feet - everything can give insight into the future.


The largest number of signs are associated with this part of the body. Many people believe that if the right palm is itchy, then one should expect profit or receive a large sum of money, but the left one predicts expenses. An itchy right palm will tell you about an imminent meeting with someone whom you have not seen for a long time. You should be wary if you involuntarily scratched your elbow or fist. This folk sign predicts extremely unpleasant events.

Expect huge profits if you have an itchy middle finger on your left hand. A good interpretation is a sign for those who have an itchy index or ring finger: get ready for a quick move up the career ladder or for success in your studies. The thumb, like the area of ​​the arm up to the elbow, itches in people who are facing life changes. If on the right hand, then you will soon meet a person who will change your life; on the left, there will be a feeling of disappointment regarding your soul mate.

If your chest itches

Representatives of the fair sex will be able to judge the events of the near future when their breasts suddenly itch. Communication with the subtle world indicates a violation of harmony, possible anxiety if there is a tingling or itching sensation in the sternum. If only the left breast is itchy, then the sign indicates the longing of a loved one for you, the right one indicates betrayal on the part of the chosen one.


Has your right foot itched for no particular reason? A journey awaits you, a long journey - this is what the folk sign predicts regarding the desire to scratch your foot. Superstitions arose when cars and paved roads were out of the question. Travelers had to cover distances on foot, because only wealthy people traveled on horseback. The interpretation of the sign is positive, because overcoming the path is associated with a joyful feast upon arrival.

An itchy heel portends a change in the weather, and the desire to scratch your knee promises good news. When the right leg (foot, knee, thigh) itches, most positive predictions are associated with this. The left one always warns of negative events: a person needs to be attentive, careful on the road, he is threatened with losses and even betrayal.


Changes in weather and not the best events in life are promised by folk signs for those who have an itchy stomach. Movements from top to bottom predict that possible events will occur in the very near future, and from one side of the abdomen to the other are harbingers of circumstances delayed in time. It is considered a good omen when the navel itches - this portends a holiday or fun.


Melancholy in the soul, sadness and not at all rosy prospects bring with it the sign of an itchy back. Puzzled by the question regarding the zone, it is easy to see: the lower back is unlucky, and the shoulder blades itch due to bad weather. All superstitions associated with the area below the shoulders impose a negative character on the predictions. Only those with an itchy tailbone will be able to dodge trouble, because the lucky ones will be able to escape in time or simply avoid a collision. A quick feast awaits those with an itchy neck.


Very soon you will have to go on a date - that’s what the folk saying says. Also, the subtle worlds make it clear that in the coming days an important mysterious event will occur that will affect the course of fate. The fifth point begins to itch before good events concerning your personal life. If itchy sensations appear only in the area of ​​one buttock, then the right one predicts envious people or rivals with malevolent intentions, and the left one means you need to be careful and stay away from dubious adventures.

Is there a clue as to why a girl is itching? After all, sometimes you want to look ahead a little, into the future, in order to protect yourself from stupid mistakes, or vice versa - to see that there is only joy ahead, and not to be afraid of anything... There are many such signs. Some were created by the people, observing patterns and imaginary accidents for centuries, while others are shared with us by gifted modern magicians.

  • Under the neck: some kind of burden will fall on you. Maybe these will be family obligations (say, you will have to take care of a sick relative), there will be a blockage at work (and most of your colleagues will screw up, and you will have to do everything almost on your own), you will be sent on a business trip (fortunately, it will be successful ).
  • Above the shoulder blades: minor problems await you.
  • Shoulder blades. Both at once: you can fall in love. Only one thing: this is a sure sign of a change in the weather (wait for rain).
  • Lower back: a dark streak may enter your life. However, if your body in this place is decorated with even a small mole, you do not need to be afraid of bad omens - a mole serves as the best talisman of good luck.
  • Coccyx: misfortune may happen to you. Important! If you feel an itch at sunset or dawn and heroically do not scratch it (you don’t even touch it with your hand), you will be able to avoid trouble.

What if your butt itches?

  • On right. You may quarrel with your boyfriend or fiancé, as one of you will act as Othello. Also, such a sign can warn of a conflict with relatives or minor everyday problems.
  • Left. Oddly enough, the itching butt in this place promises you a meeting with your destiny, that is, your betrothed. If you already like a guy, knock on the window and door, then say his name three times.
  • Is she itching all over? This is for adventure. If the itching is small, they will limit themselves to a fun picnic, holiday, or trip. If it is very intense, the “fun” can develop into a dangerous extreme, in which you (or your neighbors) can suffer greatly.
  • Did your butt itch first on the right and then on the left? This says: in life everything alternates, like stripes on the back of a zebra. Yes, you will have a lot of worries that will tire you out - but all these “adventures” will end in getting what you dream of.
  • Are you a bride? In this case, the priest warns: you will be very lucky, including in your future family life (if itching on the left); your future spouse may start drinking, which will bring you a lot of sadness (if it itches on the right side). If the buttocks “give a sign” in turn, this is a bad omen that promises a lot of trouble for your couple. Yes, you will overcome them, but your health will suffer as a result.

Want to scratch your forehead?

  • The forehead itches because the head is actively solving some problem. Yes, you probably have some problem that you are struggling with. But since your head is itching, it means that you will soon find a way out of the situation.
  • Itches near the eyebrow. Left: be careful, you can, without knowing it, greatly offend a loved one. Right: you may find yourself under attack by a tram lout, an Internet troll, or simply someone else’s ill-mannered person.
  • The forehead itches in the center: you will meet a person who will have a strong influence on your life.
  • The bridge of the nose can indicate various things: from drinking alcohol in the future to the death of someone you know.

Scratched my tummy

  • If you are in a relationship, this sign may promise pregnancy. So if you don’t plan to go on maternity leave, don’t trust “safe days.” This sign can be reinforced by dreams in which you saw fish, children, mushrooms.
  • If you're young and single, an itchy belly promises a new thing. Moreover, you will cover exactly this place with fabric - so buy a dress, blouse or sweater.
  • Ancient interpreters believed that an itchy belly predicted trouble for the girl. However, modern magicians are sure: this is a purely family sign. She promises “family” girls early marriage and many children, and early menstruation for those who dream of building a career.

Itching in the cervix

  • Most often, signs say: you will have to become the heroine of a heated quarrel, in which you will find yourself verbally defeated. As they say, the neck feels like it is being “soaped.”
  • The second popular interpretation is more positive: you will go on a trip or to a noisy family holiday (say, a wedding).
  • Does the side of your neck itch? This means that you are hardworking and skillful - a real housewife!
  • Did you scratch her front? You will have a nice time.
  • From behind: you can become the heroine of a quarrel that will end in a fight. So be as tactful as possible in your communication, don’t get personal and try to nip conflicts in the bud - why do you, a girl, need to take part in the “fight”?
  • If not only the neck, but also the back of the head itches, the sign becomes positive: you will meet an old friend.

So, you “got” a negative interpretation, and you dream of getting rid of it? It's simple: wrap a pin in black thread and lightly prick yourself in the itchy area. Second option: take a silver spoon (be sure to be brightly shiny) and move it over the “problem” area. If it is difficult to get there, ask one of your relatives - the effect of the “massage” will be the same.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

When a person begins to itch some part of his body, for some reason he does not think that it is connected with some kind of illness, but begins to look at the signs that interpret this condition. In general, superstitions explain many phenomena.

For example, people say that when both eyes itch, you should expect trouble or misfortune. You can block a superstition, that is, make sure that it does not come true, if you simultaneously rub your eyes with your fists. Another way to avoid misfortune is to cross your eyes. They say that the banner of the cross wards off misfortune.

Psychologists say that belief in negative omens sets a person up for failure. He loses self-confidence and a streak of failure begins in his life.

Therefore, they advise ignoring superstitions. Not everyone listens to these recommendations, and one of the frequently asked questions in this regard is why the right eye itches. You can find out the reason for this condition by turning to the interpretations of superstition.

When such a condition occurs, there is no reason to fear that it may foreshadow a bad event. It has long been considered that the right side is the habitat of the guardian angel. In this regard, all the signs that concern her have a positive interpretation, but this is only according to one of the many versions.

According to one interpretation of the sign, why the right eye itches, the person is waiting for a date. If a person wants this particular superstition to come true, he can contribute to it. There is a ritual, after which you can begin to prepare for a meeting with your loved one.

According to this ritual, a person must stand by the window and cover his left eye with his palm. With his left eye he needs to look at all parts of the road that are accessible to his gaze. At this time, you need to make the following speech: “I’m sitting by the window, waiting for my dear one, like a cat. I scratched my right eye and ordered a date.”

Another version of the interpretation of the sign that the right eye itches is that a person will have good luck and wealth. For such a superstition to come true, one ritual must also be performed. My left palm itches my right eye. Then he strokes his shoulder and says: “I’m waiting, I can’t wait, let joy come, let sadness go.” Then you need to cross yourself. This manipulation is carried out three times, after which gratitude is given to the guardian angel. If luck and money are not invoked with bad intentions, the ritual will be effective.

Esotericists have another vision of superstition as to why the right eye itches. When such a state arises, it is higher powers that send some kind of warning to the person. He himself must guess what they want to tell him. You need to listen to your inner voice. He will tell you the correct answer. Esotericists believe that this interpretation is the most correct.

Itching of the right eye by day of the week

Interpretation of scratching the right eye by day of the week:

  • On Monday this condition is a good sign. It portends reconciliation with a relative, with whom communication was lost for a long time due to a quarrel. If your right eye itches on this day of the week, this may also portend changes in your personal life. If they happen, it will only be in a positive direction. In order not to frighten away such a chance, today you cannot quarrel, gossip or succumb to any negative emotions.
  • On Tuesday the eye itches to tears. A tearful state will appear due to a quarrel or simply because of a bad mood. If your right eye starts to itch today, you shouldn’t do important things. There is also no need to start showdowns and quarrels. Superstition does not always indicate what is going to happen. Sometimes it warns of an event that can be avoided.
  • On Wednesday This condition portends a long trip - vacation or business trip. It doesn't matter what it is associated with, because it will be successful. If your eye itches on Wednesday, then this may not foreshadow the person’s trip, but the arrival of guests to him.
  • On Thursday superstition says that a person will laugh, but it is silent about the reason for such fun. It doesn’t really matter why such a state arises, the result is important - on this day nothing can spoil a person’s good mood.
  • On Friday superstition foretells a discovery. Most likely, a long-lost item will be discovered. Friday's scratching of the eye may portend the discovery of money, but only that which was lost earlier. The interpretation of superstition does not tell us how this will happen, it only calls on a person to be attentive to everything today.
  • On Saturday a sign tells a person that a date awaits him. If he does not have a loved one, then this does not mean that the omen is lying. A date can be scheduled at any time by both old and new acquaintances for women and a female person for men.
  • On Sunday superstition may herald the beginning of a new romance for single people. For lovers, it can portend an imminent wedding.

Itching of the right eye according to time of day

The sign of why the right eye itches should be interpreted according to the time of day when this condition arose.

If it appears in the morning, it means that the person will receive good news. They may also give him a surprise. Any such event will be positive. Thanks to this, the person will be in a good mood throughout the next week. Sometimes, with an itchy eye in the morning, higher powers send a sign to a person to prepare for good changes.

The right eye may itch at other times of the day. In the evening and at night, this state foreshadows the end of the black stripe and the beginning of the white one. Good changes await a person in life. Everything bad that happened to him will remain in the past. If your eye starts to itch in the evening, you should think hard about your life. You need to understand what is stopping you, what is missing and in what direction to move in order to achieve happiness.

Another interpretation says that if the right eye begins to itch in the evening hours, then the person’s guardian angel sends his praise. He does everything right in life and there is no point in changing anything in it.

Other signs about the eyes

There are other signs about the eyes. Most of them are related to eye color. Superstitions say that a person with brown eyes can put the evil eye on another person. Therefore, there was a period when such people were shunned. There was also a time when women with green eyes were considered witches. Not a single lady who had anything to do with magic suffered from this superstition.

This is not all the signs about the eyes. If a person has , it means that nothing but grief and tears awaits him.

There are several signs about eye twitching. If the right eyelid twitches, the person will receive good love news. In this state, good news about money can await him.

You should not look at your eyes in the mirror for a long time. If this is done, then the person will very quickly become old.

There are superstitions that say you shouldn't look people in the eyes before leaving the house. Some of them may jinx it, doing it completely unconsciously. It is not recommended to look into the eyes of elderly people. The reason is the same, but it is still impolite to look away when talking to them. This can be very offensive. In order not to be afraid of the evil eye, you need to carry a protective amulet with you or scratch some part of your body below the waist during a conversation.

Signs are just superstitions that you shouldn’t get hung up on. If you take them seriously, you can tune your energy field to a negative wave. Because of this, troubles and misfortunes will begin, and not at all because of signs.

If some part of the body is very itchy, then there is no need to draw hasty conclusions and immediately look for the secret meaning in what is happening. You should carefully examine the itchy area. This may be a manifestation of an allergic reaction or a dermatological disease. Another reason is an insect bite. If redness and rashes do not appear there, then you can begin to interpret this phenomenon. It should be noted that signs are interpreted equally for men and women.

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Head, neck and face

Folk signs about itchy places on the head and face:

  • nose - to a fight or to a noisy party with the consumption of large amounts of alcohol;
  • ear - you should expect a serious conversation;
  • left eyebrow - to a meeting with a deceitful and two-faced person; right - to friendly meetings and pleasant pastime;
  • auricle - to clarify relationships with loved ones;
  • palate in the mouth - to condemnation and damaged reputation;
  • left eye - a bad omen, to sadness and tears; right - to joyful emotions and pleasant surprises;
  • cheeks - to gossip and bad news;
  • forehead - to solve a long-standing problem;
  • chin - a difficult choice;
  • back of the head - to hopeless sadness;
  • lips - to tenderness and caresses;
  • tongue - to empty chatter;
  • crown - this part of the body is associated with receiving news.

The scratcher gives several interpretations about neck itching:

  • My whole neck itches unbearably for a fight.
  • If you have an itch on the right side, then you should expect a magnificent feast, which may end in the use of physical force.
  • Itching on the left - to exquisite pleasures.
  • Feeling itching under the hair, in the back of the head - means a long-awaited meeting with a lover or lover.

If a girl’s whole face itches and she feels that her cheeks are burning, then behind her back someone is weaving intrigues and spreading untrue rumors.

Back and chest

If your right shoulder blade suddenly itches, it means heartfelt affection and love affairs. Left - for interesting acquaintances and romantic dates. If it itches between the shoulder blades, it means sudden weather changes. The lower back is burning - the plan is not destined to come true.

A burning tailbone portends great misfortune, but if a woman manages to restrain her impulses and does not touch the itchy spot, then she will be able to avoid trouble by a happy coincidence.

Superstitions regarding itching of the chest and abdomen:

  • ribs - to the appearance of an envious woman;
  • breasts - to mental suffering and strong experiences;
  • stomach - to a deterioration in health or a change in weather;
  • navel - for triumph;
  • collarbones - to unexpected guests;
  • itching in the armpits - a sudden illness that will drag on for a long time.

The right side itches - to repay the debt. If it itches in your left side, you will have to pay for it yourself.

Arms and legs

It is important which part of the arm or leg is itchy.

Part of the body From the left side On the right side
PalmTowards profitTo meet a friend
Arm above the elbowTo loveFor the enemy's visit
Fingers and wristUnexpected expensesProfitable offer
ElbowA series of sad events that will cut the ground from under a person’s feet
ShinFor long trips
HeelTo irreparable lossesTo increase your salary or career growth
Both heels itch at the same time - a tiring and dangerous road
HipFor the arrival of distant relatives or acquaintances whom the person has not seen for a long timeTo unexpected expenses up to complete lack of money
SoleTo unrestrained dancingFor walking
SoleTo the treacherous act of a friend or the betrayal of a loved one. Perhaps something very unpleasant will soon be revealedTo pleasant travels with your lover
KneeExpect unpleasant surprises