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How to warm a car door in winter after washing. How to open frozen doors? What to do if the lock freezes

Surely, if you live in Russia, especially in the northern regions, in the harsh winter you have had an unpleasant situation when on another frosty morning you want to get behind the wheel of your favorite car, but the doors do not open.

The reason for this may be freezing of the doors. And opening the door in such a situation is not an easy task. In most cases, this happens at the most inopportune moment with a huge lack of time. The useful tips described below will help not only solve this problem easily and quickly, but also prevent the doors from freezing in the future.

In this article you will learn about what to do if the doors of your car are frozen and how to open a frozen car door as quickly as possible.

Why do car doors freeze?

Let's start with why doors freeze in the first place. The cause is also moisture getting on the rubber seals in the door. Most often this is condensation, which appears when the temperature changes, since it is warm inside and cold outside.

Moisture may remain after a car wash if the car was not dry enough. If you lock your car when it snows, snow can also get on the seals and melt there, forming a freeze. Even water can get into the lock and prevent it from opening. As you can see, there are enough reasons. Let's talk about solving the problem.

How to quickly open frozen car doors?

The easiest, but not the most reliable way is to try to open the remaining doors. Passenger doors are less in demand than the driver's door. Perhaps at least one of the doors will be open, and this will make it possible to get inside the cabin to start the engine and turn on the stove.

Often it is not the keyhole that freezes, but the seal itself. It is between the door and the seal that moisture accumulates, which “sticks” the door together. When opening the door, you should not try to open it sharply, as such force may tear the seal. Instead, press down on the door as hard as you can to break the ice. This will make opening the door much easier.

Advice!If you still decide to rip off the door, then it is better to do it not with the driver’s door, but with the passenger door, which is used least often. Such an action can tear off the seal, which means that when driving at high speed, a powerful stream of wind will make its way into the car’s interior.

How to protect your car from freezing in winter?

If the case is difficult and the first two methods did not help, try using warm water. In no case do not use boiling water, this can deform the seal and paint of the car. Pour water into the gaps between the door and body until the ice melts and the door opens.

The analogue for water will be special de-icing agents. They can be easily found at a hardware store. The process of applying such products is the same as in the case of water. The main thing is not to forget it when leaving the car, otherwise the purchase will lose its meaning.

To freeze doors you can use warm air. A regular hair dryer is suitable for this. It is advisable to use a hair dryer with several power modes, but you should not choose the most powerful mode, because this can damage the body coating. Bring the hair dryer to the gap between the door and the body and start moving from bottom to top until the ice melts. A hose connected to the exhaust pipe of a nearby vehicle will also work. The method of application is the same.

The cold is coming, how to protect your car?

If The lock mechanism itself is frozen, warm up the key, for example, with a lighter, then try to insert it into the lock and open the door. In no case do not try to heat the lock itself. Firstly, this method is less likely, and secondly, you will simply damage the body coating.

Important!If the key does not turn, do not apply force under any circumstances, this may simply break the key or damage the keyhole.

Also, if the lock freezes, you can use pure ethyl alcohol, but in no case kerosene or gasoline. A glass washer liquid containing ethyl alcohol will also work.

There is a special mini device, which will help you deal with a frozen door without much effort. It's called a keychain defroster. This device is a thin probe that is inserted into the hole in the lock. The probe heats up to 150-200 degrees, which makes it easy to defrost and open the door. You can purchase such a device in specialized automotive stores.

How to protect your car doors from freezing?

Since the cause of freezing doors is always water, it must be eliminated, or better yet prevented. In order to protect yourself and your car from such troubles, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  1. At low temperatures, it is not recommended to wash the car yourself, but if necessary, use the services of a professional car wash, which includes drying the car.
  2. It would be a good idea to have a warm garage or underground parking lot, where the air temperature is not as low as outside, because regularly opening doors in the cold can lead to wear and tear on the lock mechanism;
  3. Make sure that moisture does not get on the rubber seal, but if this happens, wipe it dry with a rag.
  4. Use WD-40 silicone spray or its equivalent. Silicone will repel moisture and will not allow it to get to “sore” spots. The method of application is simple: apply the spray to the rubber seals and the door itself. The product must be applied carefully so that it does not get on the seat or clothes. The WD-40 spray will “hold the defense” for at least a month, or even a whole season. A substitute for such a spray can be technical petroleum jelly, but its application requires more than once a season;
  5. Doors freeze due to condensation. In order to prevent this, when entering a cold car during the winter season, it is recommended to leave the door open until the temperature in the cabin is approximately equal to the temperature outside. After such a simple operation, the doors no longer threaten to freeze;
  6. To protect the lock, you can buy a special protective lubricant that will prevent problems with opening the lock.

As you can see, there is only one reason for doors freezing - water, but there are many ways to solve it. We strongly recommend that you take note of all the tips described above and wish you never find yourself in such situations!


Frozen doors are a very common problem in the Russian climate and it is better, of course, to avoid this. It is enough to follow simple rules - take care of the locks (we have a discussion on this topic) and do not wash the car at a temperature of -10 or more.

If the door is still frozen, below I will give tips on how to open it. Please note: Do not pull hard on a frozen door or try to open it with brute force. This can damage the lock, door fastenings and rubber seals!

  1. The first thing to do is check the remaining doors. Usually, not all doors freeze equally, and if you manage to open at least one, you can start the car and warm up the interior. After this, the problem with the frozen door will correct itself.
  2. If you have an alarm with auto start in your car, just start the car and wait until the interior warms up.
  3. Try pressing on a frozen door, this may break the ice structure and help with further actions.
  4. If you have a special anti-icing agent, pour it liberally onto the frozen door crack and lock, wait 3-5 minutes and try to open it.
  5. Another way is to pour boiling water over the door gap and lock. You will most likely need several kettles of boiling water. After each “spill,” wait 3-5 minutes and try to open the frozen door.
  6. Some people recommend using a hair dryer, but this is a bad way. If boiling water doesn't help, then a hair dryer definitely won't help. In addition, using a hairdryer can easily damage the paintwork of your car. Only a heat gun will do, but few people have one.
  7. If all else fails, your last option is to call a master burglar. This service can cost 2-5 thousand rubles, in addition you will have to wait until the master gets to you.

Freezing of car doors is a fairly common occurrence during the winter season. A lot of drivers probably had to deal with it. This problem can be very annoying, because you have to drive fast, but you can’t even get inside the car. This all happens because moisture settles on the surfaces of the seal and freezes there. This provokes access restrictions.

But this problem can be prevented using a variety of methods. There are several interesting options that can help you get rid of freezing doors and related troubles.

Sealing rubber bands often cause problems. To exclude this, it is necessary to use a special hydrocarbon composition to lubricate them. It is usually used to preserve certain elements of the vehicle.

Silicone polymer lubricant is currently considered the best option on the modern market. It is characterized by reliability and ease of operation, and copes with low temperatures without much difficulty.

Read a detailed article dedicated to its application.

It can be used even in very harsh winters, when temperatures drop well below zero. But, if you don’t have a special lubricant on hand, it will be easy to use simple Vaseline, which is much easier to get. But using technical Vaseline does not give such a long-lasting effect.

There are different options for lubricant packaging, among which cans with a special sprayer are considered optimal. They are characterized by maximum ease of use and convenience. You can perform the procedure for processing door structures as quickly and simply as possible. Many modern automotive manufacturers offer such lubricants, which will allow you to choose a high-quality option for your specific financial capabilities. The composition in the form of a paste can also be applied to seals. It can be purchased in a small tube.

Silicone grease has many advantages in operation, among which it is worth noting the possibility of use in significant temperature ranges. A polymer film is formed on the door seal, which is characterized by a high level of strength and durability. The basic properties of the film are maintained for several weeks. Therefore, during this period there will be no problems with freezing. Application is simple. Anyone can cope with this task. The special spray is especially easy to apply. You just need to apply it to the rubber, after wiping it.

Composition of WD-40 and its features

This composition is a very popular option with which various moving joints are processed. A thin layer of the substance is applied directly to the rubber seals. This allows you to get rid of freezing for several days.

The product is produced in the form of a spray in a special bottle, which eliminates the occurrence of any problems in operation. All jars have a small tube, which makes it possible to penetrate hard-to-reach places. The composition is applied quickly and easily to any desired place.

But this option is not only productive, but also quite dangerous. This is due to the fact that it can cause damage to plastic or rubber components. For this reason, experts recommend using the composition exclusively in emergency situations, when there is nothing safer and more suitable at hand.

Alternative options for preventing freezing

To prevent car doors from freezing, it is necessary to take appropriate measures. You can use water-repellent compounds that do not contain any dangerous elements. On the modern market you can easily find such a lubricant. It is produced by various manufacturers. The composition includes technical silicone, organic components, polyesters, etc.

Thanks to this, it is possible to create a reliable and durable film on the sealing surface, which is capable of maintaining its own elasticity over a long period. The composition is applied to rubber door elements in a simple form. You just need to apply the spray there and wait for it to dry.

There are also rarer means that can be used to protect doors from freezing. In very cold regions, animal fats may be used to protect the seals. This could be, for example, deer or bear fat. Such a remedy can demonstrate a good level of productivity, but its effect is short-lived, usually lasting about one day.

Doors are frozen: how to open?

If the owner of the car goes outside and cannot open the doors, there is no need to use increased effort or use something in the form of a lever. This may damage the door structure. To open the doors, they must be gradually loosened and untwisted until free movement is observed. Often, such simple actions make it possible to cope with the problem that has arisen and open the doors without causing damage to the seals.

You can try to get inside the cabin using other doors or the luggage compartment, which might not freeze so much. But, if freezing occurs after the car has been in the wash, all doors may jam equally strongly. In such cases, moisture penetrates everywhere, blocking the entrance from all sides.

If you were unable to open the doors mechanically, you will have to fill a container with warm water. The main thing is that it is not hot. It must be gradually poured into the place where the door structure freezes. It is necessary to pour carefully so as not to wet the seats. After opening the door, you need to start the engine and turn on the heater to remove ice from the remaining seals.

After defrosting the car, it is recommended to remove all moisture using simple paper napkins. Each cutter must be thoroughly wiped. After such an incident, it is recommended to lubricate the seals using a special material. This represents prevention of these types of problems.

Winter prevention

To avoid having to struggle with the doors of your own car in cold weather, it is necessary to periodically carry out preventive measures. The simplest and most productive option is to use silicone grease or a special composition about once every two weeks. This will help eliminate the possibility of the doors freezing, which will limit access to the car interior. It is important to use high-quality lubricant from a trusted manufacturer that meets modern standards.

Video: what to do if your car doors are frozen

Very often in winter it turns out that the locks on car doors freeze, or the doors freeze to the body. This can be a big problem. Especially for those who need to go urgently, but it is impossible to get into the car.

How to open a frozen car lock

You can open a frozen car lock using several methods:

  1. If you cannot open the car lock from the driver's seat, then it is worth checking whether the other doors open. If you have a station wagon or SUV, you also need to check the trunk lock. If at least one lock of the car gives way, then we can say that the problem is solved. You can get into the car and, turning on the heater, defrost the remaining locks using the heat from the car's interior.
  2. If you managed to insert the key into the car lock all the way, then by turning the key in different directions, you can try to open the door, while simultaneously tapping on the lock itself, as well as around it. If one door does not give in, you can carry out this manipulation with the rest of the doors, but you should not try too hard, you may break the key.
  3. If the previous method did not work, you can try to warm up the key with a lighter or matches and try to open the car lock again.
  4. If you don’t mind the coating on the car door, you can try to heat the lock using an open fire.
  5. You can also pour hot water into any container, such as a plastic bottle or even a balloon, and press it tightly against the lock. This way you can warm it up. In this case, you need to periodically turn the key.
  6. If you have an electrical outlet or extension cord of sufficient length near your car, you can try to defrost the lock using a hair dryer.
  7. Also, in winter, it doesn’t hurt to purchase a special product designed for defrosting car locks. It would be better if the packaging included a straw, or the packaging itself had a thin spout, so that it would be convenient to inject liquid into the car lock. After the liquid has entered, insert the key and try to open the lock.
  8. The lock in a car can also be defrosted using exhaust gases from another car. To do this, you will need the car itself, a hose of the required diameter and the owner of the car. One end of the hose must be put on the exhaust pipe, and the other must be brought to the lock and held until it warms up.
  9. If none of the above methods succeed, then you still have two options: either wait until it gets warmer, or call a tow truck and transport the car to a warm place.

How to open a frozen car door

It also happens that not only the locks freeze, but the car door itself freezes to the car body. There are also several ways to open the door.

  1. As with locks, try to open each door.
  2. You can try pulling the car doors harder. However, you should try not to break the handles or damage the machine. This method can also be used for all doors in the car. The door that is used the least is usually the one that opens best.
  3. You can also insert a wooden or plastic lever into the gap between the door and the car body. This method can help, but do not forget that such manipulations can dent the door or body of the car and also cause damage to the coating.
  4. You can purchase special products to prevent rubber door seals from freezing to the body. In most cases, such remedies help.
  5. If none of the above helps, and if you have some money, then again you can use the services of a tow truck and take the car to a warm place.

Preventing car locks and doors from freezing

It's best, of course, not to let that happen. so that the locks on the car doors and the doors themselves freeze. To do this, you need to prepare in advance and carry out prevention.

Even in the fall before frost sets in you need to purchase a product for defrosting car locks, winter lubricant for doors and a product preventing doors from freezing.

After winter washing, you need to treat doors, locks and door hinges with special chemicals. Even if you are not going to the car wash, then such processing is still necessary.

If you prevent freezing of locks and doors regularly and have all the necessary special means on hand, then even in severe frosts you can easily get into your car.

For determined people who are in a hurry, the problem can be solved in one movement: you just need to pull the door as hard as possible. So if you yourself and your rhythm of life are in the above category, then you can, in general, not read everything that follows - you still won’t read it “by the instructions”. The only thing I can give here is one...

advice: if you tear off the door, then it is best not the driver's door, but the passenger one, and even better, the one that is used least often - for example, the rear left one (if it is not frozen and the central locking works). Go through it to the driver’s seat and warm up the other doors with a “stove”.

The point here is that with such violence against a frozen door, the rubber seals are often torn off and torn, which even on a car under warranty will have to be changed only at your own expense. And since the driver’s door is used most often, the torn seal will soon lose its presentation, water will leak through the torn fragments, and snow will accumulate. And you will immediately have to go for repairs, otherwise the ride will be very uncomfortable.

The other door, especially the rear left one, can be carefully closed by tucking in the torn rubber bands, sealing the damage with household products, and then drive for some time, considering the date and budget for repairs.

In general, when opening frozen doors, the main task is to maintain the integrity of the rubber seals.

How can it be solved?

How to open locks?

If the locks open and are not frozen, then to save personal time you can go straight to the “Second approach” item. If the locks are still frozen, read on.

By the way: Frozen locks will have to be opened in any case - whether you are going to open the door with a jerk or tear it off or carefully separate it from the frame.

Advice: Before the onset of cold weather, you should definitely stock up on a product from the “Lock defroster” group. The price is from 50 rubles, but it helps a lot.

If there is no defrost, then you can try some of the available means - antifreeze liquid from the washer reservoir, as well as any “household” alcohol-containing composition, even cologne. It can be poured, say, into a plastic bottle “with a spout” from some pharmaceutical drops, and then injected into the keyhole. After about two minutes you can try turning the key.

Attention: If the key does not turn, under no circumstances should you apply great force! Otherwise, you can break both the key and the lock. Therefore, if you can’t twist it, we continue to defrost it.

How to open the doors?

So, the lock is open (or the locks were opened initially), now we proceed to open the door.

Advice: Even if you open it carefully, it’s still better not the driver’s door, but the other door. (That’s why, by the way, you need to defrost the passenger door lock).

Step 1: We clean the perimeter of the door where the frame meets the opening. To do this, it is convenient to use a thin flat scraper or, if you don’t have one, some kind of handy “plastic”, for example, a plastic stationery ruler. Be careful: when clearing glaciation, you do not need to scrub with all your might! Proceed carefully, trying not to damage, first of all, the paint and the seals themselves.

Step 2: You can try to pull the door lightly. Has it opened? Hooray! If it doesn’t open, then there are two options. The first one is to tear it off, the second one is to go to “Step 3” - to freeze it.

Step 3: After cleaning the perimeter of the door where the frame adjoins the opening, you can treat it with the same anti-freezing windshield washer fluid, pouring it in a small stream, for example, from some plastic shampoo bottle.

The final: Let's open the door! Still doesn't work? Then we continue to defrost, but we end up freezing ourselves. If we don’t want a cold, then we pull a little harder and get into the car and turn on the heater.

Do not be afraid: After correctly performing the above-described manipulations, the risk of breaking the door seal will be minimal.

Prevention will help

And so that we don’t have to “dance with a tambourine around the car or tear open the door as hard as we can, before the frosts we stock up in advance on inexpensive, but great things that make life easier:

1. Product for protecting locks and hinges from freezing - from 50 rubles.

2. Anti-freezing agent for door and trunk seals - from 100 rubles.

3. Universal silicone grease (frost-resistant) - from 100 rubles.