home · Other · Methods for preparing cream for cake from condensed milk. Cream made from condensed milk and sour cream - any baked goods will become candy! A selection of recipes and desserts with condensed milk and sour cream cream Jelly from milk and condensed milk

Methods for preparing cream for cake from condensed milk. Cream made from condensed milk and sour cream - any baked goods will become candy! A selection of recipes and desserts with condensed milk and sour cream cream Jelly from milk and condensed milk

Prepare ingredients for making dessert. I used jelly with kiwi, cherry and orange flavors. Jelly can be of any flavor, the main thing is that the color scheme is bright.

Dilute the jelly as indicated on the package (the jelly I had needed to be filled with 200 ml of hot water per 1 pack), mix thoroughly until the dry mixture is completely dissolved.

If desired, you can tint the jelly with food coloring for a richer color. I didn't do this.

You can also add sugar to the jelly, this is for those who love sweet desserts. I didn’t do this; the sweetness from the condensed milk was enough for me.

Pour the jelly into plastic containers. It is better to take containers that are small but tall, so that in the future we end up with jelly cubes and not flat strips. Close the containers with jelly with lids and place in the refrigerator until completely hardened.

Before cutting the jelly, wet the knife under hot water. Cut the colored jelly into cubes. The cubes should be medium in size. Place cubes of different colors in a bowl and mix gently.

Then pour a small amount of milk jelly over the colored jelly. The temperature of the milk jelly should be slightly warm, even cool. I first put the condensed milk in the refrigerator, and when I mix it with gelatin, the mixture no longer becomes hot.

When the jelly has completely hardened, lower the mold with the dessert (bottom and sides!) into a bowl of hot water so that the jelly melts slightly and the dessert comes out of the mold well. Keep the mold in the water for a few seconds, and then turn the dessert of jelly and condensed milk onto a flat plate. There is another option for removing the dessert: you need to turn the dessert onto a flat plate, and then cover the bottom and edges of the mold with a hot towel. Wait a little and the dessert should carefully detach from the walls of the mold. You need to cut the Gems dessert with a hot knife. Then our pieces will be smooth and beautiful. This is such a beautiful and bright dessert I made from condensed milk and jelly.

Many of us want to pamper our household with some original and delicious pastries. You can bake the base for a cake or pie according to the classic recipe. But sour cream will add sophistication and piquant taste to baked goods. For a cake it is simply irreplaceable.

Culinary skills, like life experience, come with age. If until today you have not been able to make a tasty and thick cream from sour cream, then carefully study the advice of experienced confectioners. They are happy to reveal the secrets of making such a cream:

  • The fat content of the sour cream used should not be less than 30%;
  • In no case should you use a sour cream product; the sour cream should be homemade or made at a dairy factory;
  • In order for the cream to be thick and porous, it is recommended to cool the sour cream thoroughly before whipping;
  • It is best to whip such cream at maximum power of a blender or mixer;
  • It is advisable to use powder instead of granulated sugar, as it will dissolve faster and give the finished cream a delicate texture;
  • as a rule, sour cream and granulated sugar should be mixed in proportions of 2:1;
  • if you like very sweet confectionery, the mass fraction of sugar can be increased - this will not affect the consistency of the cream;
  • You can first mix the sour cream base at the maximum speed of the blender, and then gradually continue beating at minimum speed and pour in the sifted powder.

One of the classic and beloved creams is cottage cheese and sour cream. The delicate texture and exquisite taste of this cream will harmoniously complement any baked goods. To add variety and a piquant touch to the cream, it is recommended to add grated fresh citrus zest or vanillin. In this case, food gelatin will play the role of a thickener. Sour cream for sponge cake with gelatin can be prepared without adding curd mass.


  • cottage cheese or curd mass – 250-300 g;
  • granulated sugar – 100 g;
  • sour cream with a high fat concentration – 0.3 kg;
  • 50 ml filtered water;
  • 10 g edible gelatin.


Cream with condensed milk and sour cream

The simplest cream for greasing a biscuit is condensed milk. If you want to prepare refined and tasty, but at the same time quick baked goods, then you can use a sour cream base with the addition of condensed milk for the cream.


  • softened butter – 250 g;
  • condensed milk – 125 ml;
  • powdered sugar - ½ tbsp.;
  • sour cream with a high proportion of fat – 125 g.


  1. This recipe is universal in that you can regulate the concentration of sour cream yourself.
  2. Place pre-softened, but not melted butter in a separate container.
  3. Lightly knead the creamy mixture with a fork and beat with powdered sugar using a mixer or blender.
  4. Then add cold sour cream and continue to whisk everything thoroughly.
  5. Add condensed milk in small portions, constantly whisking the cream.
  6. Coat generously baked cakes with the prepared cream.

Delicious and aromatic custard

If you have baked cake layers for everyone’s favorite Napoleon cake or want to diversify classic sponge cakes with an exquisite filling, try making sour cream custard. Its taste will not leave your household indifferent, and the baked goods will turn out aromatic, porous and tender.


  • softened butter – 0.2 kg;
  • granulated sugar – 100-120 g;
  • 0.3 kg sour cream;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • sifted flour – 250-300 g;
  • vanillin.


The most delicate filling for manna

Many housewives prefer to cook manna for younger household members. This pastry is not only satisfying, but also very healthy. The taste of semolina is practically not felt. If your child is reluctant to eat semolina porridge or he associates the taste of semolina with an unloved dish, try covering it with a delicious and fluffy cream made from sour cream and milk. Agree, all these products are very useful for a growing child’s body.


  • fat sour cream – 0.2 kg;
  • chilled fresh milk – 0.2 l;
  • 100 g granulated sugar or powdered sugar;
  • 1 pinch food thickener.


  1. Place sour cream with a high percentage of fat in a separate container, add chilled milk, powder or granulated sugar, and a pinch of food thickener.
  2. At maximum speed of a blender or mixer, thoroughly beat the cream for 6-7 minutes.
  3. Lubricate the top of the manna or its cake layers with lush cream.

This sour cream can be used to soak sponge cake, cake or roll.

Everyone knows that classic sour cream is prepared exclusively with the addition of powdered sugar. You can add a little vanilla or cinnamon powder for flavor.


  • 1 tbsp. sour cream with a maximum percentage of fat content;
  • powdered sugar – 4 tbsp. l.;
  • vanillin according to taste preferences.


  1. Place the sour cream in a glass container.
  2. Pour ice water into a separate deep bowl, and place a container with sour cream in it.
  3. We begin to thoroughly beat the sour cream with a mixer, gradually adding powder and vanillin.
  4. To make the cream fluffy, beat the sour cream for about 8-10 minutes.

There are many recipes for making sour cream. Each housewife chooses the option that suits her. This cream can be used not only for decorating and soaking cakes, it is perfect for biscuits, rolls, bagels, pies, semolina, muffins, cakes, etc. Bon appetit!

Condensed milk jelly is an original dessert that can be prepared in different ways. Let's look at two main recipes - the Broken Glass cake and jelly a la Panacotta - chocolate jelly with condensed milk.

Real condensed milk is made from only two ingredients - milk and sugar. Owners of multicookers and slow cookers can prepare condensed milk themselves at home to obtain the highest quality product.

Modern manufacturers add plant components to condensed milk, which negatively affect the final quality of desserts. We advise you to carefully read the composition of the product before purchasing. Choose a product that will indicate the abbreviation GOST or DSTU. In this case, be sure to give preference to tin rather than glass jars.

You can conduct a small experiment to make sure the quality of the condensed milk. Drop a little iodine into a spoon of condensed milk; if the stain turns blue, it means that an unscrupulous manufacturer has added starch to the composition. To make jelly, it is not advisable to use condensed milk made from palm or coconut oil.

Cake “Broken Glass” - jelly recipe using condensed milk

In order to prepare an original and bright dessert, you will need several packs of jelly (they are sold in any grocery store), a pack of gelatin and 2 cans of condensed milk.

  • Take 4 packets of multi-colored jelly, 2 jars of condensed milk, a pack (30 grams) of gelatin or agar-agar (vegetable gelatin based on pectin).
  • Prepare 5 types of jelly in different dishes - 4 from purchased bags, and the fifth from condensed milk with gelatin dissolved in a glass of warm water.
  • Cut multi-colored jelly into cubes into a deep bowl.
  • Mix up the cubes that look like stained glass shards.
  • Fill everything with condensed milk and gelatin.
  • Leave in the refrigerator for 2 hours.
  • When serving, turn the resulting cake onto a flat plate, cut into portioned slices and garnish with fresh mint or lemon balm leaves.

This dessert will look great at family summer holidays, because it will give you a feeling of freshness, but at the same time it will be a filling and tasty dish. It goes well with aromatic coffee, herbal tea or compote, and any other drinks.

Panacotta is an Italian creamy dessert, but by slightly modifying its composition, you can get a magnificent chocolate jelly from condensed milk that will drive any gourmet crazy.

This dessert turns out to be very tender, you will remember its taste for a long time. The beauty of this jelly is that it is perfect for both breakfast and dinner. And lovers of sparkling wines will not be able to deny themselves the pleasure of trying this dessert with a glass of champagne.

To prepare you need:

  • Half a can of regular condensed milk.
  • Half a can of boiled condensed milk.
  • 100 grams of milk with a fat content of 3.2%.
  • 250 grams of cream with a fat content of at least 15% (if the cream is homemade, you can dilute it with milk).
  • 1 tablespoon of gelatin or agar-agar (vegetable thickener).
  • 60 grams of dark chocolate.

It’s easy to prepare panna cotta with boiled condensed milk:

  1. Bring the cream to a temperature of 40 degrees, but do not overheat so that it does not separate.
  2. Dissolve a spoonful of gelatin in hot milk.
  3. Slowly add condensed milk into regular milk and mix.
  4. Add cream and stir again.
  5. You should get a thick mass.
  6. Divide into three parts - add boiled condensed milk to one, melted chocolate to the second, leave the third without additives.
  7. Place in deep molds in layers - first the white layer, then with boiled condensed milk, and then with chocolate.

This dessert can be served with berry sauce; raspberries or cranberries are best for this. To prepare the sauce, take a glass of frozen or fresh berries and half a glass of sugar. You need to grind the berries with sugar until smooth. Drizzle the dessert with berry mousse only before serving, then it will look most appetizing. Bon appetit!

Video recipe for making “Broken Glass” cake

Recipes for making cream and other confectionery decorations

sour cream and condensed milk cream for cake

10 minutes

2852 kcal

5 /5 (1 )

There is probably no person who doesn’t like cakes. And everyone knows how important delicious cream is in a cake. Making a good cream is a whole science. And for novice housewives, the simplicity of its preparation plays an important role. Today I will tell you some completely simple recipes for creams based on sour cream and condensed milk.

Selection of ingredients

It is better to take sour cream with fat, at least 25%, then the cream will be thicker. Please note that the sour cream does not contain artificial thickeners, flavors and, most importantly, vegetable fats, because natural sour cream is a dairy product and not a vegetable product.

Condensed milk, like sour cream, should be made from natural milk. Therefore, the composition must contain whole milk. This, admittedly, is quite difficult to find now, so it can be prepared from powdered milk, but, again, there should not be any vegetable fats or flavorings “identical to natural” in a good condensed milk.

It is important that the condensed milk is elastic, without solid inclusions, because These inclusions, at best, can be crystallized sugar, and at worst, pieces of undissolved vegetable fat, which will ruin the taste of our cream irrevocably.

Did you know? Real condensed milk is made by evaporating whole milk and adding 12% sugar to it. The presence of vegetable fats is not allowed in the composition, and the label of this milk should say “Whole condensed milk with sugar.”

The simplest recipe for cake cream: sour cream with boiled condensed milk

Kitchen appliances and utensils

  • tall bowl (glass, enamel or stainless steel);
  • mixer;
  • tablespoon.


Sour cream500 g
Boiled condensed milk200 g

Did you know? Boiled condensed milk can be prepared at home. To do this, you need to take a can of condensed milk and put it in a pan of water so that the water completely covers the can and is a couple of fingers above it (a reserve in case the water boils away).

But personally, I prefer a less dangerous and more harmless method - steaming condensed milk.

  1. To do this, take a special steamer pan, fill its inside with water, and pour the condensed milk from the can into the pan.
  2. If you don't have a double boiler, pour the condensed milk from the can into a small saucepan and place it in a larger saucepan filled with water.
  3. When the water boils, reduce the heat so that the water only simmers slowly and, covering the saucepan with condensed milk with a lid, simmer it for 1.5-2 hours until the condensed milk thickens and the color of the condensed milk changes to brown, the color of “Butterscotch.”


Video recipe for sour cream with boiled condensed milk

See how easy it is to make this cream in the video.

Cream made from boiled condensed milk and sour cream for cake

Cream made from boiled condensed milk and sour cream for the cake. Recipe for airy sour cream.
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Sour cream and condensed cream for cake with gelatin

If you want to get a hardening cream like bird's milk, try preparing the cream according to the following recipe. This cream was based on a recipe for sour cream with gelatin for a cake, but we will enrich its taste with condensed milk.

Cooking time: 30 minutes.
Number of servings: 1 (for one cake).

Kitchen appliances and utensils

  • deep bowl - for cream;
  • metal bowl (enameled or stainless steel) - for gelatin;
  • a small saucepan for a water bath (a bowl for gelatin will be placed on it);
  • tablespoon;
  • mixer.


  • fat sour cream – 800 g;
  • condensed milk – 400 g (one can);
  • gelatin – 2 sachets (50 g);
  • vanilla sugar – 1 sachet (10 g);
  • drinking water – 1 glass.


  1. Pour the gelatin from the bag into a small bowl or cup and fill it with a glass of water at room temperature. Leave to swell for 10-15 minutes.

  2. Pour water into a small saucepan (about a third of the pan) and put it on the fire until it boils.

  3. While we are waiting for the water to boil, put the sour cream in a deep bowl and begin to beat with a mixer, gradually adding condensed milk. Beat, set aside for now and return to the water.

  4. Under bubbling water, reduce the heat to low so that the water is just barely simmering. Place a bowl of gelatin on a saucepan. Stirring constantly, wait until the gelatin is completely dissolved.
  5. As soon as all the gelatin has dissolved, turn off the heat under the saucepan and return to the bowl with the cream. Turn on the mixer again, begin to beat the sour cream with condensed milk and immediately pour gelatin into it in a thin stream. Pour in a packet of vanilla sugar and beat until thoroughly combined.

  6. The cream is ready! It should be taken into account that while the cream is warm, it will be liquid, but after cooling it will acquire an elastic consistency.

Options for using sour cream cream with condensed milk and gelatin

This soufflé cream can be spread on cake layers, then it is better to use it while it is not yet hardened.

You can make a thick layer of cream. To do this, place the cake in a springform cake pan with high sides, pour in a thick layer of cream and put it in the refrigerator to harden. And only then, when the cream has hardened a little, put the second cake on top. Then put the cake in the refrigerator again for the cream to completely harden.

Or you can use the cream itself as a delicious dessert. To do this, you need to pour it into beautiful shapes and put it in the refrigerator to harden. Serve well chilled.

Video recipe for making cream from sour cream and condensed milk with gelatin

Watch the video of this easy recipe.

How to make sour cream with condensed milk!

Sour cream with condensed milk - a simple and quick cream to prepare! You can use it for any cakes and pastries! Recipe and photo on my blog: http://krasotka-star.com/




Recipe for custard cake made from sour cream and condensed milk

This version of the cream is no more complicated than the previous ones, and with our step-by-step instructions you can easily cope with it.

Hello! I would like to share a very inexpensive, but no less tasty dessert made from jelly and condensed milk. The only negative, in my opinion, is time. So you'll have to worry about it)

The first step is to prepare the jelly. In my case, I took 2 bags of 100 grams of dry store-bought mixture, with apricot and raspberry flavors, and poured the contents into different containers.

Then I dissolved the mixture in 0.5 ml. water, stirring thoroughly, and left for a few minutes.
When the gelatin swells, you need to heat the mixture, without bringing it to a boil, with continuous stirring. Next, pour the mixture into the molds and put them in the refrigerator for 3 hours.

After 3 hours the jelly was ready.

You can check the readiness in an easy way: just turn the mold over. If the jelly does not fall to the floor, it means it is ready.)

To easily remove the jelly from the mold, we’ll use a little trick. Place the jelly mold in hot water for 20 seconds.

After twenty seconds, with a sharp movement of your hand, turn the jelly mold over onto the board and hit it. After these manipulations, the jelly will be out of the mold without any problems.
Then you need to cut the jelly into small squares, and put it in the refrigerator, wait in the wings). A little advice - it cuts better with a warm knife.

The next step in preparing our dessert will be filling. In a small bowl, pour one sachet of gelatin with 50 ml of water and leave to swell for 40 minutes.

After the gelatin swells, add another 50 ml. water and place on the stove to warm up. It is important to stir constantly until the gelatin is completely dissolved, but do not let it boil.

As soon as the gelatin dissolves, you can safely add condensed milk.

Now all that remains is to stir several times and put the filling in a cool place for 20 minutes.

While the filling is cooling, place the finished jelly into the mold.

I recommend stirring the jelly cubes carefully with a silicone spatula so as not to damage the soft structure.

After 20 minutes, add a cool mixture of condensed milk and gelatin to the jelly.

Mix thoroughly again and put in the refrigerator for 7-8 hours.
Dessert made from jelly and condensed milk is ready! Bon appetit!

(to easily remove the dessert from the mold, use the trick written above)

My verdict. I really liked the dessert, it’s light, moderately sweet, but not cloying, it holds its shape well, and, in my opinion, it looks good. This morning, over a cup of coffee, I ate half of this dessert.
At work, many employees prepared this dessert according to my recipe and everyone liked it.



Cooking time: PT12H00M 12 h.

Approximate cost per serving: 130 rub.