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How is the name Daniel translated from Greek? Daniel: what does this name mean, and how does it affect the character and destiny of a person

The name Daniel is not only beautiful and noble, but also very rare. I wonder what the meaning of the name Daniel is, what Wikipedia and esoteric sources will say, what is its origin, and in general - what is a person’s character, how to approach him, what fate awaits him and what is his future?

Is it worth connecting your life with this man, is it worth naming your child that? We will learn the meaning of the name Daniel, its origin and much more.

The name Daniel is of ancient Jewish origin. It originates in the Bible, where Daniel is the name of the prophet. And this name means “God is a judge,” or “God is my judge.” Majestic, isn't it? There are many forms of this name. For example, the Russian name Daniil and the name Danil are one and the same.

There is also a form of Danil, this is also the same name. It is male, full, there is also a female form - Danielle. Daniel, Daniel, Danilo, Danyal and Danil are also different forms. You can abbreviate or diminutively say Dan, Danechka, Danya, Danyusha, Danilka, Danchik.

Personality characteristics and fate

As a child, the boy Danil is distinguished from all his peers by timidity, gentleness and obedience. He is a calm, cheerful little boy who evokes tenderness and joy in all adults. Adores parents, kind, flexible, rarely argues, bickers or gets offended.

For Dani’s child, it is very important that mom and dad pay him enough attention; he is very jealous from an early age. His mother is of particular importance to him - Danil is more like her and takes on more maternal qualities. He is sympathetic, but can be cunning and can get what he wants with the help of his kindness and sweet smile.

He doesn't study very well at school, but he is smart and very smart. It is important for this boy to become passionate about something, because this is the only way he will achieve good results. You can force him to do something, but he will do it somehow if he has no interest in the matter.

The boy Dani has one peculiarity - he is not very inquisitive. This doesn't mean that he is lazy or stupid, he just isn't particularly interested in anything and is hard to captivate. Because of this, there are problems in studies, and among the Danilovs there are often poor students.

But if he’s really into something, then it’s for real. He may have only one hobby, and his entire future fate will be connected with it. There are inclinations towards creativity (usually towards performing arts, acting), and towards science, and towards mathematics, and towards technical specialties.

He can become an inventor or a programmer, an actor or a traveler, depending on what he is interested in in his early years. So the upbringing of parents and teachers in childhood is of great importance for Danil, and if adults do not help him find some kind of interest, then his fate can turn out to be quite ordinary and boring.

An adult guy, whose name is Daniil, is quite modest and even timid; many consider him quiet. He does not participate in noisy companies, avoids dangers and conflicts, and among his peers usually finds one or two friends who have a similar character and hobbies. Danya is not a very emotional guy, not hot-tempered, but he too can be “driven.”

He has strength, a strong character, confidence, and a particularly strong will - if he decided, for example, that he would quit smoking, he would certainly quit. Although this guy is unlikely to start smoking at all. Because he takes his health very seriously. Among men who bear the name Danila, most often there are non-drinkers and non-smokers, some go in for sports - not for the sake of a beautiful body, but only for the sake of health.

In general, Daniel’s character is very specific; this man is always different from the rest. He has his own unusual tastes that run counter to modern trends; he almost always loves something that is not what everyone loves and what is in fashion. He dresses so that he is as comfortable as possible, warm (or not hot), buys himself only the essentials.

Convenience, safety and practicality are the things that are of decisive importance, so Daniil never chases fashion and does not understand why people buy themselves beautiful and expensive, but completely impractical things. He can easily use the same thing for many years if the item is really high quality.

In personal relationships, the fate of a man whose name is Daniel is not easy or quick. Not every girl can understand his unusual character and habits, lifestyle and way of thinking. He himself does not pursue the female sex and can easily be alone for several years. But one day he finds a girl who suits him and stays with her forever!

He doesn’t need adventure or a sense of novelty; he is looking for his chosen one for life. The main importance for him is the girl’s loyalty, honesty, intelligence, thriftiness, calm and simple character, and Daniel also does not like spoiled people. It is unlikely that great wealth awaits him, so his family will live modestly, but peacefully and amicably and will not need anything.

Name compatibility

As has already been said, in girls, thriftiness, complaisance and simplicity are of decisive importance for him, so Danil is looking for a special chosen one. Women's charms, seduction and external beauty do not affect him; this man immediately looks at character and inner qualities. Let's see which female names suit him best.

1. Excellent compatibility: Varvara, Anastasia, Emma, ​​Anna, Lyubov, Larisa, Margarita,

But the main thing is not the compatibility of names, but the feelings and desire to be close. If there is sincerity and love, then no compatibility is important to you!

Daniel has a name day almost every month, because there were many saints and reverends with this name. So, when to congratulate the birthday person on Angel's Day?

  • January 2.
  • March 1st and 31st.
  • 20 April.
  • June 4 and 5.
  • July 23.
  • September 12 and 25.
  • The 4th of October.
  • December 11 and 24.

Danil loves when people show him attention and care, so don’t forget to congratulate Danya on her name day! Find an approach to this person, understand his soul - and you will have a wonderful friend or a loving husband. Because this person is worth spending time communicating with. And if you are thinking about naming your child this, then rest assured, this is a worthy choice! Author: Vasilina Serova

Do you want to know the origin of this beautiful Russian name, and what unites the people who bear it? Today the topic of our article is Danila: the meaning of the name, character and fate that awaits a boy with this beautiful sonorous name. We will begin, as in other articles, with the history of its origin...

Danila: exact description of a person with this name. What kind of life awaits a boy, guy, man with that name?

In this article you will learn:

Origin and meaning of the name Danila

  • The name Danila is the Russian form of the Hebrew name Daniil.
  • In the Bible, the only bearer of this name was the prophet Daniel. The name is translated as “God is my judge”, “my judge God”.
  • The form of the name Danil is found only in the countries of the former USSR and is slightly old-fashioned in nature. But now the name is regaining popularity; more and more parents name their sons by it.

How the origin of the name Danila influenced its meaning

What kind of character could the boy Danila have?

Adult Danila is a kind, calm, smiling person. These are perhaps the defining traits of his character. His positive attitude towards life is felt in everything.

Main character traits:

  • With the people around him, the man is always friendly and welcoming. When meeting a person, Danila sincerely shows interest in him and is ready to support him with advice and kind words.
  • Thanks to his excellent memory, the owner of this name not only remembers all his acquaintances by name, but also remembers their hobbies and interests, which allows him to quickly find a common topic for conversation with a person and win him over.

Another pleasant feature of a person named Danila is his sense of humor. He knows how to joke in a very kind and non-offensive way, easily defusing the situation in a company or, conversely, creating a friendly atmosphere with a good joke. Moreover, quite often he makes fun of himself, which not everyone is capable of.

  • He has many friends, people are drawn to him. Childhood friends to whom he is very attached continue to closely communicate with him in adulthood.
  • However, D. finds many good and loyal friends in his youth and student years, and then maintains relationships with them all his life. He knows how to make friends and appreciate friendship.
  • Danila is not prone to haste in business; he does everything slowly and deliberately. Whatever it concerns, he will first measure seven times, then cut once.
  • Even in difficult life situations, he knows how to remain positive and is determined for the best.
  • Strong and reliable in appearance, a very romantic person at heart. He hides his dreamy nature behind a screen of enterprise and practicality.

What fate awaits Danila?

Danila goes through life calmly and confidently. His kind and balanced character allows him to be at peace with himself and with others.

Reliable, responsive, reasonable, he is always ready to help, listen, give advice, and solve a problem.

In your youth, actively engage in sports, not as enthusiastically as in childhood, but on a regular basis. To maintain good physical shape, he goes to the gym, wrestles or swims.

Work and profession

In the professional sphere, Danila most often chooses a specialty that is associated with craftsmanship, design, where both knowledge and skills are needed.

The following professions are close to him:

  • builder;
  • engineer;
  • constructor;
  • master of crafts;
  • mechanic;

Characteristics of the name Danila, character traits and fate

Danila is loved and respected in the team. Even there, he always knows how to create a friendly atmosphere, establish contact with management and colleagues, and, if necessary, resolve a conflict peacefully. As an employee, D. is responsible, efficient, and disciplined.

Having “golden hands”, a man can decide to create his own service business. It could be a car workshop, a construction company, a furniture manufacturing company.

Money and earnings

In material terms, Danila is not very demanding. He has a job he loves, he devotes himself completely to it and sometimes does not notice that the financial side of the issue is sagging.

At a more mature age, having started a family, he takes finances more seriously, begins to earn more and save money.

Family and love

Danila is a very attractive young man, but not so much because of his appearance, but because of his ability to win over him. Girls really like the guy’s confident and calm demeanor; he exudes reliability and stability. However, in this case, appearances are deceiving. For the time being, it is difficult for him to make a choice, he is somewhat flighty, so novels happen quite often in his youthful life.

Having become a family man, the man still loves active recreation. D. prefers to spend his free time outdoors. He goes fishing, hunting, and barbecues with friends.

  • In his chosen one, he wants to see not only appearance, but also a rich inner world, a community of interests. After several years of searching, a young man usually finds just such a girl, and a happy family life awaits them.
  • Danila attaches great importance to family ties. As a rule, he prefers to spend holidays with his family, with relatives and friends. Having married, D. becomes a homebody and enjoys spending time with his family, helping his wife arrange her home and improve her everyday life.
  • He loves to receive guests, is often the initiator of such meetings, and is not at all embarrassed to help his wife with the housework and prepare the festive table. If he is in the mood, he can even start preparing food himself; he is especially good at meat dishes.
  • Throughout his life he maintains close contact with his parents, helps and takes care of them, they are frequent guests in his house.
  • For children, the owner of this name is a caring and attentive father. He is ready to get up to the child at night in infancy to give his wife a rest; he can stay home alone with him. He does not have a fear of small children, like many men.
  • When the children grow up, Danila spends a lot of time with them, organizes leisure activities for them on weekends, and takes them to clubs and sections on weekdays.

What will the child named Danila be like?

At a young age, Danila is an affectionate, calm, smiling child. He is open to the world, inquisitive, sociable.

Danya is easy for both children and adults. He communicates with adults judiciously and seriously, listening carefully and thinking deeply about the answers. He easily enters into a discussion with the parents of neighboring children, willingly talks about himself, and shares his childish, but already quite meaningful, conclusions.

Danyusha easily makes contact with his peers, quickly finds a common language and immediately begins to involve them in his games. Usually this is not running, hide-and-seek, climbing fences, but something more intellectual: building a city out of sand, drawing with chalk on the asphalt, studying the surrounding nature.

At home Danya is moderately playful and restless. He, like an ordinary child, also loves to jump on the sofa, throw a ball at a shelf, have noisy races with cars, and involve his family in his games, but he rarely does anything out of spite or is capricious over trifles.

Study and school

Danila is doing well at school, but there are not enough stars in the sky. He can be called average. Moreover, this applies to both behavior and diligence. He doesn’t misbehave, doesn’t get into conflicts with teachers and classmates, but he can pull the pigtail of a girl he likes, slide down the stair railing, or start playful fights with a school friend.

  • In the elementary grades, Dani does not have a pronounced inclination towards any particular subjects; he studies diligently and goes to school because it is necessary and his parents said so. Already in high school, students have favorite subjects. Danila is rather a humanist; he loves history, languages, literature, and geography.
  • The boy has been in good health since childhood and is growing strong. A rather heavy-set boy comes to the first grade, and he may even be teased with a mattress and a lump.
  • However, the owner of this name takes ridicule quite calmly, does not snap back, laughs it off more, and over time they stop pestering him.
  • At this age, it is better to send a boy to a sport that disciplines and improves physical condition. Dana may be interested in football, hockey, swimming, wrestling, and athletics.
Published: 2017-02-26, Modified: 2017-02-26,

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Name in the world... Wikipedia

Painting of the Trinity Cathedral of the Danilov Monastery in Pereslavl Zalessky. 1668 Artel Guria Nikitina Name in the world: Dmitry Birth ... Wikipedia

- (Heb. Dâniyye l, Dani el, “judge god”, “god is my judge”), the legendary Jewish righteous man and prophet sage, whose adventures and visions are described in the biblical book canonically bearing his name (“The Book of the Prophet Daniel”). It is called in number... ... Encyclopedia of Mythology

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DANIEL, in the Bible (see BIBLE) a righteous man and a wise prophet, whose life and visions are described in the “Book of the Prophet Daniel.” During the period of the Babylonian captivity, Daniel was left at the court of Nebuchadnezzar (see NEBUCHADNEZZOR II) and given the new name Belshazzar.… … encyclopedic Dictionary

And husband.; decomposition Danil, a and Danila, s; old decomposition Danilo, s.Otch.: Daniilovich, Danilovna. Derivatives: Danilka; Danisha; Danya (Dana); Danusya; Dusya.Origin: (Hebrew name Dani’el is my judge God.)Name days: January 2, March 1, March 17, March 31, 20... ... Dictionary of personal names

- Δανιήλ τοῦ Στυλίτου ... Wikipedia

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Name Russia is a project of the Rossiya TV channel, aimed at selecting significant personalities associated with Russia through voting by Internet users, TV viewers and radio listeners. An analogue of the English “100 Great Britons (English)” and the Ukrainian... ... Wikipedia


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This male name comes from the Hebrew language, but there the word was pronounced a little differently - Daniel, and the meaning of this word was - “God is my judge.” Such a slight change in pronunciation contains qualities in the meaning of the name Danil that are uncharacteristic for the ancient namesake.

So, by choosing the meaning of the name Danil for a boy, you endow the child with incredible sociability and agreeableness. Literally everyone loves and respects the baby: his easy-going nature, smiling and responsive nature delight both adults and children. Also, this baby is very obedient, and he especially obeys his mother, but the boy cannot be called spineless, he can say his weighty “against” if something doesn’t suit him.

Openness, artistry, flexibility and sociability - this is the meaning of the name Danil for a child. Most likely, he will be a favorite of both the teachers in the kindergarten and the teachers at school. The interpretation of the name implies some closeness, but this is only the fear of being misunderstood. Under a layer of restraint, a romantic and sensual nature is often hidden.

This guy is always friendly, and it is very difficult to get angry; he finds a personal, special approach to almost any person, because he attaches a special meaning to the thoughts, feelings and actions of people, understandable only to him.


Although in all other areas of life Danil shows enviable constancy and responsibility, love relationships during his youth are something paradoxical for him, and he cannot attach fateful significance to them.

Romantic but windy. This means that he is constantly adding to the collection of women’s hearts he has broken, without noticing that he could cause serious mental trauma to someone. He is amorous, but fickle, frivolity is the second nature of this man, and quite a lot of time will pass before he can become capable of starting even the slightest serious relationship.

His radiance and sociability constantly attract women to him; he makes people fall in love with him with his spontaneity and wit, energy and intelligence. The ideal woman for him is strong, able to tolerate infrequent “overlaps,” patient and smart enough.


Danil's biggest problem is that he categorically does not accept displaying his feelings. This fact means that even with the woman he loves, he will be meager in his feelings and emotions. Although outwardly it seems very open, inside it is full of secrets and mysteries. Therefore, the first marriage, often simply with an intuitively found partner, in most cases is doomed to collapse.

But having learned from his mistakes, he will still be able to create his own family, an ideal, strong one, where the wife will perceive her husband as he is, and will not demand from him actions that he is not capable of.

He makes an excellent father; he will play selflessly with his children, while making himself look younger. He will take them with him everywhere - be it at the dacha, fishing, or just for walks in nature. With his children he feels especially significant and protected.

Business and career

Danil’s line of work should be built on the principles of clear, comprehensive analysis, intellectual work and iron logic. He has the makings of a creative nature, but more often a man likes to work with his head than to show fantasy and imagination.

This means that he will become an excellent scientist in the field of exact sciences, where you need to apply maximum intellectual abilities: mathematics, physics, engineering and many similar professions. The personal qualities of this person often lead to the idea of ​​opening his own business, and if he takes it up, he will see it through to the end in the best possible way.

An analytical mindset and developed intuition allow you to calculate all the significant steps in advance, choose a reliable strategy for developing your own career, and ultimately become an unconditional winner on all counts.

Origin of the name Danil

The origin of the name Danil is Hebrew, but earlier it was pronounced slightly differently - Daniel, and based on where the word comes from, it can be argued that the etymology leads to the translation “God is my judge.”

An ancient story that contains the secret of the name of the prophet Daniel, whose name at one time was on the lips of many peoples, since the predictions of this prophet constantly came true. He made his first great prediction for the ruler of the New Babylonian kingdom, Nebuchadnezzar, having accurately deciphered the dream about the idol.

He predicted the death of Babylonia, falling out of favor with King Belshazzar, but Daniel’s most powerful prophecy was that he calculated the date of the Messiah’s coming to the world. The fortuneteller is revered by both Christians and Muslims, but Jews do not consider Daniel a prophet, since he did not communicate with God directly, but only heard the voices of angels.

Characteristics of the name Danil

Openness is almost the most important characteristic of the name Danil, but this seemingly good quality has its own pros and cons. He makes contact easily and attaches great importance to communication. But not everyone can accept a seemingly easy character with due approval.

He loves to argue, and if he has already drilled some principle into his head, he will behave so calmly that he can infuriate his opponent. He does not accept cunning and deceit - he says goodbye to such people forever, and no amount of persuasion will work on him. But he is always ahead, very rarely suffers defeat, but even then he does not give up, trying with his last strength to hold his position.

He is balanced, practically incapable of rudeness, and, feeling a negative attitude towards himself, tries not to attach importance to it. Dana is not alien to the feeling of compassion, and he will always help those in need.

The mystery of the name

  • The stone is blue jasper.
  • Name day - November 25; December 30th; 12 December; December 11th; September 25; March 31; March, 6; 9th December; January 2; June 5; March 1; March 17; June 26; December 30th; July 23; 20 April; June 4; December 24; The 4th of October;
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign of the name - Gemini.

Famous people

  • Danil Kozlovsky is a famous Russian and American actor.
  • Danil Guryanov is a Russian playwright and prose writer.

Different languages

Translation of the name Danil from the Hebrew word דָּנִיֵּאל - “God is my judge.” This name is very common everywhere, and since ancient times has not lost its popularity, as it is translated into numerous languages, and is often pronounced in tune with its Russian counterpart: Daniel, Daniel, Daniele, Daniil, Danilo, Danail, Daniel, Deiniol.

In Chinese, the word can only be written using Pinyin transcription, since this word has no figurative meaning in Chinese: 达尼尔, which is read as Danier. A in Japanese can be written in two ways: in katakana alphabet - ダニル, and in Japanese characters - 蛇荷児, and the word will sound like Daniru.

Name forms

  • Full name: Danil.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other variants - Danilka, Danya, Danka, Danilochka, Danilushka, Danyushka.
  • Declension of the name – Danilu, Danila.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is Daniel.

The male name Danila is the Russian form of the Hebrew name Daniil, meaning “my judge is God.” It is found only in the countries of the former USSR and has a slightly old-fashioned, even peasant connotation. However, nowadays the name Danila is very popular among many young parents who decide to give it to their son.

Characteristics of the name Danila

Danila’s character differs in many ways from the moral characteristics of his almost namesake, Daniel. So, Danila is a much simpler and open person, calm, even a little slow, subject to spiritual principles, peacefulness and kindness. In childhood, the little owner of this name can find a common language with everyone, be it yard hooligans or grandmothers at the entrance. He is very kind, obedient, smart, but at the same time not a spineless nerd, but a logical, sociable child with a good sense of humor. Adult Danila usually hides his dreamy, romantic nature behind a screen of practicality and enterprise. As a rule, this is a very charming man who does not like to stand out, but is still noticeable in the team for his friendly attitude towards people. Danila is truly ready to say at least one word to every person, but personally addressed to him. Thanks to his excellent memory, he not only remembers all his acquaintances by name, but also remembers their family connections, hobbies and interests, which allows him to instantly find a topic for conversation with a person and win him over.

Compatibility with Zodiac signs

The name Danila is suitable for a boy born under the zodiac sign of Sagittarius or Pisces. Restless and friendly Sagittarius (November 23-December 22) is able to reveal something childish in Danil, making him more energetic and brighter. Under the influence of this sign, he will become more active, generous and cheerful, open to new trends, loving to tickle his nerves with extreme sports. Pisces (February 20-March 20) is a much calmer sign; it will help Danila to reveal his creative abilities, revive his imagination, make him sensual, romantic, although not able to fight.

Pros and cons of the name Danila

What are the pros and cons of the name Danila? On the one hand, this is a beautiful name that sounds interesting because of its roughness, which goes well with Russian surnames and patronymics, and also has several euphonious abbreviations and diminutive forms, such as Danya, Danyusha, Danilka, Danilushka. Danila’s character also evokes more positive than negative emotions, so there are no obvious disadvantages in this name.


Danila’s health, as a rule, is not very good. As a child, he often suffered from respiratory diseases, and he had serious problems with his teeth. But in middle age, he begins to experience surges in blood pressure, problems with the intestines and stomach.

Love and family relationships

In love relationships, Danila demonstrates a frivolity unusual for him in other matters, which is expressed in amorousness and inconstancy. He chooses a girl with a strong character, patient and intelligent as his life partner. The wife, as a rule, changes Danila greatly, and the children completely tie him tightly to the house.

Professional area

In the professional sphere, Danila demonstrates responsibility and a penchant for work that requires logic and analysis. He can become a successful scientist in the field of mathematics, physics, genetic engineering, a master of many crafts (for example, a carpenter, a mason), a stunt coordinator, a web programmer, a designer, an engineer.

Name day

Since this name in its pure form is not in the calendar, Daniel’s name day is not celebrated, but it would not be a mistake to celebrate Angel Day with Daniel.