home · Appliances · How to build a wooden veranda - step-by-step construction. Extension of a veranda to the house Construction of a frame veranda

How to build a wooden veranda - step-by-step construction. Extension of a veranda to the house Construction of a frame veranda

Attaching a warm veranda to the house will be more difficult, unlike the summer option. But a warm veranda can also be used as a living space and in this case it is more practical.

Today we will look at how to attach a warm veranda to your house, what materials can be used, and you will be able to make the right choice. The video in this article will also help you make a smart choice.

The veranda, in fact, is an integral part of a residential building, and therefore its style must correspond to the main style. But this does not mean at all that you cannot attach a brick veranda to a wooden house and vice versa (see). The main thing is that the final result is correct.

If the veranda is covered with the same roofing material as the main housing, then we can safely say that the style of construction has been preserved. Likewise, building it yourself will make the structure cheaper, and the price here is also important and can be quite high.

Planning and legalization of the project

It is so designed that the veranda is always built in the area of ​​the main entrance to the house, and this is absolutely logical: what is the point, and why build it in another place. The purpose of the veranda is to protect the main entrance from precipitation and wind. It looks like you can relax in it, especially in the summer, when the heat outside subsides and all nature begins to revive.


  • What size the future veranda will have depends on the wishes of the owners. As a rule, a family is limited to building no more than the main wall of the house and this is quite enough for the average family. In any case, the size of the veranda should be proportional to the size of the main housing: if the house is small, then why do you need a large veranda, and if the house has two floors, then what is the point of building a one-story veranda.
  • Whatever area the future veranda has, construction should be legalized. To do this, you will have to visit a special department that is developing relevant projects. After drawing up the project, you will have to visit the architectural department, where they will make changes to the house design and issue the appropriate building permit.

Attention: To avoid such red tape, it is better to plan the construction of a veranda at the planning stage of building a house. Even if there is not enough money to build it this year, you can safely build it next year. But it will take much less time to obtain permission and to draw a design for the veranda itself.

Marking and pouring the foundation

Once you have documents in hand indicating that construction is permitted, you can begin to prepare the site. To do this, they fence off the area according to the dimensions specified in the project, after which they remove the entire fertile layer of soil to a depth of 15 cm and transport it to the garden.


  • As a rule, either a strip or columnar type of foundation is chosen. If the construction of the veranda is carried out after the construction of the house, then you will have to prepare a separate foundation for the veranda.
  • If at the stage of building a house, the project also includes the construction of verandas, then you can make one common foundation for the house and for the veranda, then unnecessary problems will not arise.

Attention: A separate foundation is built with a gap to the main one, equal to about 4 cm. When building a foundation for a veranda, you can use the old experience of building a foundation for a house. If you don’t have such experience, then you can hire builders.

Strip foundation

The strip type foundation is ideal for a veranda made of brick or foam blocks.

To obtain such a foundation, it is necessary to perform the following technological operations:

  • Dig a trench along the entire perimeter of the future building, according to the specified dimensions.
  • Formwork is installed from load-bearing wooden boards.
  • Prepare a concrete solution by combining components such as 1 part cement, 3 parts sand and 6 parts crushed stone.
  • The first layer of concrete is poured along the entire perimeter of the trench, after which it is reinforced with stones or broken bricks. You should get a layer of concrete about 10 cm thick.
  • Such operations will be repeated until the concrete layer is level with the ground level.
  • It is advisable to level the last layer with a trowel, after which the foundation is given time to set. This may take from 3 to 4 days.
  • In hot weather, it is advisable to moisten the foundation surface with water to prevent it from cracking.

Columnar foundation

The columnar type of foundation can be used if the building is light in weight. These are mainly wooden frame structures with lightweight roofs.

To have such a foundation, you need to carry out the following work:

  1. Dig the required number of holes. There may be 4 or more of them, depending on the square footage of the building.
  2. A layer of sand up to 50 mm thick is poured onto the bottom of each pit.
  3. All holes are filled with concrete mortar at ground level.
  4. The ground part can be laid with bricks, but before that, waterproofing is laid on the posts. The base of the veranda is aligned with the base of the main building.

Installation of subfloors

A warm veranda should prevent dampness and cold from the ground. Therefore, it is necessary to make a subfloor.

Technological stages:

  • The resulting underground space is filled with expanded clay or other material.
  • Two layers of roofing material are laid on the foundation for waterproofing.
  • Wooden logs treated with an antiseptic are laid on the foundation.
  • A subfloor is laid from edged boards, 50 mm thick.

Attention: If the veranda is built of brick, then you can make concrete floors. They are more durable than wooden ones, especially if thermal insulation is provided.

Construction of a wooden veranda frame

Building a wooden veranda is not so difficult if you follow some recommendations:

  • The lower frame, consisting of 100x100 mm beams, is laid on the subfloor and nailed. The beams are also fastened at the joints made in half a tree.
  • Grooves are cut in the beams of the lower trim for installing vertical posts. The distance between the grooves may vary, but not less than 50 cm.
  • Vertical posts are installed in the grooves and securely fixed with nails. Each rack must be aligned using a building level or plumb line.
  • The upper trim bars are mounted on top of the racks. They are attached in the same way as the bars of the lower trim.
  • A purlin beam is nailed to the wall of the house, intended for fastening the rafters. The purlin beam is attached to the wall of the house using anchor bolts, like all wooden elements adjacent to the house.
  • The rafter system is installed and secured.
  • All wooden products should be coated with an antiseptic.

Roof structure

Since this is essentially an extension to the main building, the roof will be pitched:

  • The design of the rafter system resembles half of a gable roof, while the slope of such a roof will be slightly less. Since the veranda is not a living space, it makes no sense to insulate the ceiling and walls.
  • If you plan to equip the veranda as part of the living space, then you will have to carry out all the thermal insulation measures, from floor insulation to roof insulation.

Wall cladding and installation of windows and doors

After the frame is mounted, you can proceed to the next stage, which is sewing up the frame structure.

  1. Considering the fact that the veranda can be glazed along the entire perimeter, a window sill board is installed wherever windows are installed. In the veranda it is simply necessary, for example, for installing trays of flowers or seedlings.
  2. After this, you can sew up the openings between the vertical posts with plywood, OSB sheets or planed boards no more than 20 mm thick. This operation is carried out both outside and inside the building.
  3. After all, you will end up with a room in which only window and door openings remain. Subsequently, they need to install window frames and a door leaf with a frame.
  4. According to modern technology for installing windows and doors, they are installed, positioned as expected, fixed, and the spaces between the frames are foamed with polyurethane foam. It provides a reliable and tight, and not rigid connection.

Features of building a veranda made of bricks or blocks

A brick veranda can suit any house, wooden or brick. The whole question is what and how such a veranda will be finished. In this case, it will be better if the same technologies are used.

When building this type of veranda, you should use the following tips:

  1. For such a building, it is better to pour a strip foundation.
  2. You can do the laying yourself, so the construction is not very responsible. As a last resort, you can hire a craftsman or a team.
  3. For such a building, half a brick will be enough.
  4. Subsequently, the veranda can be insulated, both outside and inside, and also lined with appropriate materials.

As a rule, the question is raised about whether it is worth insulating the veranda? It’s worth it if you want to make the veranda warm, but if you don’t have such a desire and the funds don’t allow it, then it’s not necessary. A warm veranda will cost much more than a cold one, especially since hardly anyone will live in it, although this option should not be discarded.

Floor insulation

Thermal insulation of the veranda from the floor is extremely important. After all, this is a rather large plane. As mentioned above, before you start insulating the floor in the veranda, you need to think carefully about whether it is worth spending additional money. The fact is that a warm or cold veranda is unlikely to affect the microclimate in the residential building as a whole.

  • But if you plan to give the veranda to children so that they can organize a playroom there, or if there is a lack of living space, then it makes sense to install heating in such a veranda, which means that serious insulation measures will have to be carried out in the veranda, and you should start from the floor.
  • In this case, the floor can contain at least three layers: a subfloor, a layer of insulation and a finished floor, and a facing layer consisting of laminate, linoleum, carpet, etc. is mounted on top of the finished floor.

How to insulate walls

The question of how and with what the veranda will be insulated from the inside must be resolved at the design stage, so as not to later break what has already been built. In this case, it all depends on what the veranda is built from: if the veranda is wooden, then one approach, and if it is brick or block, then a completely different one.

  • If, then before sewing up the gaps between the vertical beams, a layer of insulation is laid between these same beams, with a thickness equal to the thickness of the beams. In this case, beams with a cross section of 100x100 mm were used. After covering the walls of the veranda, you get something like a sandwich: a wooden board or plywood, a layer of insulation and again a wooden board and plywood.
  • If the veranda is brick or block, then a layer of insulation should be laid between the brick wall and the cladding layer, both from the inside and outside of the veranda.
  • From the inside, such a veranda can be finished in several ways, using frame structures such as plasterboard, plastic lining or MDF lining.
  • Frame structures make it possible to place the required layer of insulation between the brick wall and the facing material.
  • As a material for insulation, you can use mineral wool or polystyrene foam boards, cut to the appropriate dimensions of the lathing cells.

Ceiling insulation on the veranda

If the veranda is warm, then special measures should be taken to insulate the ceiling:

  • The hydrobarrier is installed first, then the surface is covered with beams with a cross-section of 27x27 mm. The beams are nailed at intervals of 0.8 meters. The seams obtained when laying the hydrobarrier are glued with metal tape.
  • The gaps between the beams are filled with foam sheets. They are fixed in relation to the surface using self-tapping screws with a wide head. “Ecofol” is laid on top of the penoplex sheets and fixed with a stapler. Subsequently, this “pie” is pressed with a blockhouse, plywood or OSB sheets.

How to insulate a summer veranda

If the veranda is an extension to the house and it is decided to insulate it, then there is a high probability that it will have to be disassembled and then reassembled, but after carrying out comprehensive insulation measures. In any case, work should begin with the floor, namely with its disassembly.

  • After this, the underground space will need to be filled with expanded clay, and then covered with a subfloor. The insulation layer in the veranda can reach 100 mm, after which the finished floor is laid. When laying insulation, it is advisable to ensure that the insulation is laid as tightly as possible.
  • The ceiling is insulated with the same “pie”: a waterproofing barrier is laid on the rafters, a layer of insulation is attached, a vapor barrier is mounted, and decorative material is sewn on.
  • Using this same technology, the walls of the veranda are also insulated. If the veranda was cold, then it is likely that the walls were covered with wooden shelving on only one side. The task is to add an insulating layer in the gaps between the wooden beams and sew it on one more side.
  • If necessary, you will have to replace all wooden frames with glass with plastic windows with single glazing, otherwise the insulation effect will not work. This can also be said about entrance doors, which must have insulation.

Attention: If you approach the problem of insulation comprehensively, you can achieve the maximum effect.

Features of insulation from the outside

To get truly energy-efficient housing, it is necessary to insulate the veranda and the outside:

  • As mentioned above, the veranda can be brick, block and wood. Each of these structures requires its own approach to installing insulation.
  • A veranda made of bricks or blocks can be insulated in two widely used ways: by installing a ventilated facade or by lining it with foam plastic or polystyrene foam boards, followed by cladding with decorative plaster. Both methods are simple and therefore very popular.
  • The ventilated facade is mounted as follows: lathing is installed on the walls of the veranda, in increments of about 40 cm. The lathing can be either horizontal or vertical. It all depends on the facing material used.
  • If you plan to install siding, then the sheathing will be vertical; if it is plastic lining, then it will be either vertical or horizontal. The fact is that plastic lining can be mounted both vertically and horizontally.
  • Any of the suitable insulation materials are installed in the spaces between the sheathing. This can be mineral wool or polystyrene foam boards. They should be well secured to the base.
  • There must be a ventilated space between the insulation layer and the cladding. It will allow excess moisture to evaporate, which means that this border will always be dry.
  • In conclusion, it should be recalled that work must be carried out only with working tools and in the presence of protective equipment, such as glasses, gloves, special shoes and a hat, not counting work clothes. Particular attention should be paid to working with power tools, without which no construction site can be completed. It is especially necessary to monitor the serviceability of plugs, sockets, and connecting cables.

Now you can imagine how to build a warm veranda for your home. First of all, you need to choose the right material. The interior of a warm veranda can be selected after construction from a photo. The main thing is to correctly determine the dimensions and components, and the instructions will help you in this matter.

A timber veranda will be a successful addition to a private home. In most cases, an additional building is built on the same foundation as the main building. Thus, you get a cozy place for a good rest. In order not to spend a lot of money on the services of builders, you can attach the structure yourself.


Usually there is no heating in the veranda. Entrance doors are located inside. The timber structure looks great, is durable and does not require complex maintenance.

A timber veranda will be a successful addition to a private home.

Classification of terraces is carried out according to different criteria. Depending on the type of extension, they can be corner, end and façade. It is important to choose the right place for the extension so that wind and precipitation do not spoil your vacation.

The veranda can also be:

  • open - mainly used in summer, with the arrival of spring;
  • closed with glazing - polycarbonate or special curtains are best suited for finishing;
  • combined – the presence of sliding partitions is noted.

Sometimes the room is insulated. Due to this, you will be able to use the veranda even in the cold season. When filled, the structure can turn into a full-fledged part of the house. In most cases, verandas are made with a minimum number of interior components.

Timber is an excellent material for constructing a building. Its advantages:

  • good appearance;
  • low cost;
  • ease of work;
  • strength.

Having chosen what type of room you like, you can begin drawing up drawings.

Video “Do-it-yourself wooden veranda”

From this video you will learn how to build a wooden veranda with your own hands.


You can schematically designate the veranda at the design stage of the entire building. But the thought of adding to the main room usually comes later.

Creating a veranda project is necessary for accurate calculation of materials

Remember that any large-scale construction must be carried out according to a design that takes into account:

  • functionality;
  • design;
  • architecture;
  • organic combination of the structure and the house.

In addition, a building permit cannot be obtained without a project. The practical benefit of drawings is the ability to roughly calculate how much material will be needed. By doing the work step by step, the likelihood of errors is reduced.

To make a project, you need to know certain nuances. You can take on the drawing yourself, using the Internet and special programs as an assistant. Or turn to professionals, but it's not free.

The project indicates:

  • location of the structure relative to the house;
  • entry point;
  • dimensions;
  • other nuances.

Thanks to the drawings, you can schematically imagine what the building will look like.

Construction activities

The construction of a veranda made of laminated veneer lumber is carried out in several stages. It all starts with finding a location for the structure. The future construction site is being carefully prepared. The veranda is placed in front of the facade. Its length is approximately equal to the front of the house.

The veranda is planned vertically. It is determined what type of foundation is suitable. A simple and effective option is a pile foundation.

We will need the following materials:

  • standard bars;
  • bricks for the foundation;
  • components for the solution;
  • metal fasteners;
  • slats, edged boards for roofing;
  • for the window system - single frames.

Working with timber will not cause any difficulties; this material looks great, is environmentally friendly and reliable.

The exact list of materials is determined depending on specific conditions. If the veranda is closed, then windows and doors will be required. This is why it is so important to create a thoughtful project so as not to miss anything.

Tools you will need:

  • hacksaw;
  • drill;
  • electric jigsaw;
  • roulette, etc.

The set may vary depending on the construction features.


Once the site has been prepared, you can begin the foundation of the room. Most often you have to build a separate foundation for the veranda. At the same time, it is connected to the base of the brick house using fasteners.

The type of foundation depends on the size and weight of the structure, the type of soil

The type of foundation depends on the size and weight of the structure and the type of soil. Optimal options: columnar, strip or pile foundation. It is best to focus on the house. Whatever foundation it has, so will the extension.

We will analyze the features of constructing a pile foundation:

  1. The points where the piles will be are marked. The optimal distance between them is 55–60 cm.
  2. Holes are made for the piles. Their depth will be equal to the depth of the foundation of the main building.
  3. We fill the holes with crushed stone mixed with sand. A layer of 15 cm is enough.
  4. We fill them with concrete.
  5. We install support posts made of timber or brick.
  6. We fasten the piles to the ground with sand.
  7. A rigid connection of foundations is appropriate after the house has completely settled.

The durability of the veranda and its resistance to the vagaries of the weather depend on the base.


First of all, we arrange the bottom trim - we install timber along the perimeter of the foundation using special connections. This will serve as the basis for installing structural beams and further flooring. The coating will be supported on timber logs laid in meter increments. We attach them to the harness using fastening components or metal corners.

Atmospheric drying boards are suitable for rough or finished floors. We install them after the construction of the end walls and installation of the railings. Choose wood that is resistant to moisture, such as larch.

The final touch: installing a deck board or other finishing coating over the subfloor.

Walls and railings

When building walls, it is important to assemble the frame correctly. It consists of support pillars made of timber with a section of 120x80, 100x100. They are mounted in the corners of the structure. The supports that are in between are installed at a distance of 50 to 60 cm. They are fixed to the lower trim by cutting out, using metal corners.

The supports near the wall of the house should be higher than the rest, this will provide a slope for the roof. To give rigidity to the veranda, the pillars are connected by horizontal wooden beams.

When building a veranda, it is important to install the frame correctly

The connection to the walls of the main building must be as strong as possible. We recommend using anchors with spacers. Additional fixation can be achieved using staples.

For cladding we will take plywood. Its sheets are cut to size and attached to vertical posts. We sew one side. We place mineral wool and a vapor barrier film in the space between the posts. Now you can sew up the other side.

You can make the railings yourself or buy ready-made ones. Products made of wood, metal, plastic and even glass are on sale. Wooden railings fit best into the design of a timber room.

The design of the railing is simple and understandable. Prepare or buy balusters of the desired shape and size. The supports are mounted on the floor joists and will require anchors and fasteners. We install balusters at a certain interval. We install the railings and fix the end components.


If you decide to combine a veranda and a cottage, it is cheaper and easier to build a roof. By design, it can be single- or gable, more advanced options are hip and multi-slope. It depends on your skill level and available budget.

The roof in the veranda is formed from rafters and roofing. Moreover, it is advisable to make the second one the same as at home. Ondulin, metal tiles, and a modern version - polycarbonate are perfect for roofing. If the roof is permanent, it is desirable that it be of the pitched type. It is made at an angle so that melt or rain water does not accumulate on the coating. The roof and wall of the house are connected with metal strips.

A Mauerlat is installed on the top trim. The rafters are attached at an angle. We install the sheathing perpendicular to them. This is followed by laying the waterproofing and thermal insulation layer. After we finish with the main details, you just need to finish the walls with the selected material.

In general, the technology is traditional and proven over the years. If you do everything in order, you are unlikely to go wrong. To ensure that water leaves the roof quickly, we recommend installing a drain.

Windows and doors

Window openings for timber verandas come in different designs:

  1. Swing. Budget and universal option. They may consist of several segments, depending on the length of the window. The product demonstrates good heat retention.
  2. Sliding. Suitable for compact narrow verandas. Their cost varies depending on the material used. The most popular are aluminum frames, a little more expensive than PVC windows.

Sometimes homeowners do not risk touching the windows and turn to specialists. You can order PVC products and adjust window openings to fit them during the construction process. This will cost more, but will increase the functionality of the room.

Window installation is best left to professionals.

Doors for the veranda are selected taking into account the overall design of the structure. If the glazing area is significant, it is better to install glass portal doors. Wooden sheets are great for an open veranda. If the railings are made of metal, a good option is doors with forged elements.


The final decoration is intended to emphasize the main construction. For finishing, you can use materials to suit every taste. For walls, imitation timber, narrow lining, siding, and profiled components are suitable. Sometimes the simplest solution is the most effective. Therefore, it is enough to apply varnish or wood paint to the walls. By successfully combining shades, you can create a cozy atmosphere in the room.

When finishing the veranda, consider:

  1. Combination of color and texture. It should fit organically into the design of the house.
  2. Quality of material. Resources must be environmentally friendly and safe for human health.
  3. Pay attention to such decorative components as pergola, barbecue, flower beds, etc.

These nuances will become the best guide when finishing the veranda.

We can safely say that it is possible to build an extension from timber yourself. You just need to prepare a tool, material, project. We recommend doing everything according to the instructions, observing safety conditions.

If you decide that your house or country house lacks a veranda, then you can always complete it. But first ask yourself: why do you need an additional extension? If it is purely for relaxation amidst nature, then it makes sense to get by with an open terrace or gazebo. The veranda is erected to increase the thermal insulation of the house, because it plays the role of a vestibule between the street and the front door, blocking the direct entry of cold masses into the premises. The secondary function of the extension - to be a place of rest - will only be fulfilled if the room is spacious and insulated. Then in winter you can sit with a cup of tea, contemplating the winter landscapes. Let's try to figure out how best to attach a veranda to the house so that it is warm in winter and maximum air in summer.

Since the veranda will become part of the main building, its style should match the design of the house itself. It is recommended to use the same materials that make up the walls and roof of the house so that the structure looks harmonious.

If modern materials are used in the decoration of the house, then a glass veranda looks quite appropriate

You can also combine materials, connecting the house and the veranda with the help of finishing. For example, if the house is brick, keep the same roofing, and make the walls of the veranda from blocks, but use decorative plaster to finish the exterior and use it to finish the foundation of the main building. It is definitely worth adding a wooden veranda to a wooden country house.

The best ideas for decorating a veranda can be found in the material:

The wooden house and the veranda look like a single ensemble

Planning and legalization of the project

The veranda is always built to cover the front door. Therefore, in an already finished house, you will not be able to attach it on the side you want. Without an entrance inside, this room will be cut off from the house, and you will have to carry food and tea into it from the kitchen across the street.

The owners themselves come up with the dimensions of the veranda, taking into account the number of people who could relax in it at the same time. For the needs of a family of 5-6 people, a building of 3x4 m is sufficient. But here it is worth taking into account the general view from the street. If you plan a small veranda, and the dacha itself is two-story, then it is unlikely that your architectural ensemble will look harmonious. But for small houses you can just add a veranda along the entire width of the building wall. This will increase the usable area, and from the outside it looks quite decent.

But no matter the size, you will have to officially legalize the construction. And not after construction, but before! When you come up with a veranda design and figure out its general appearance, go to a special department that deals with building design and order a veranda project. After its manufacture, you need to go to the city’s architectural department to obtain a building permit and make changes to the house design. Why is it important to do this in advance? It takes about 2 months for the design and approval, so it is better if they happen in the winter, when the construction season has not yet begun.

Marking and layout of the site

Before starting work, it is necessary to prepare the site. To do this, remove the fertile layer (about 15 cm) and take it to the garden or flower beds. The site is leveled and the layout begins. According to the dimensions specified in the project, the boundaries of the future veranda are marked. To do this, drive iron pins or wooden pegs into the corners of the building and string the twine tightly around the perimeter.

The outer edge of the layout should coincide with the dimensions of the veranda, and the inner edge should be set back to the width of the foundation

Creating a foundation: pouring rules

Most often in Russia, a strip or column foundation is made for a veranda attached to a house, equal in depth to the foundation of the main building. At the same time, it is recommended not to tie them into one monolith, because the house and the veranda have different weights, and therefore different degrees of shrinkage. And to prevent a heavy building from dragging down a light building, place the veranda on a separate base. To do this, a gap of up to 4 cm is left between the foundation of the house and the veranda.

Attention! When creating the foundation You should take into account the soil characteristics in your area and the total weight of the building. Lightweight foundations on heaving soils can “play”, and then the veranda will move away from the wall of the main building. In addition, they are not designed for heavy walls, for example, made of brick, and can shrink under their pressure.

It is used for the construction of large verandas made of bricks or blocks, which are covered with a heavy roof (slate, metal tiles, etc.). The easiest way to build a strip foundation for a veranda to a house is from concrete.

The heaviest veranda will stand on a strip foundation

For this:

  • A trench is dug (calculate the dimensions according to the foundation of the house).
  • The formwork is placed at a height equal to the height of the future foundation (or slightly higher). It is made from boards, knocked down into shields.
  • Concrete is prepared in the following proportions: 1 part cement, 3 parts sand and 6 parts crushed stone.
  • The first layer of concrete is poured onto the bottom and reinforced with stones to make it about 10 cm.
  • Next, pour in the next portion, add stones again, etc.
  • For the top layer of concrete, stones are not used, but the surface is leveled with a trowel and left until it hardens (3-4 days).
  • If it’s hot, then water it a couple of times a day to avoid cracking of the foundation.

If the veranda is frame or wooden, then you can put it on a columnar foundation. To protect against soil heaving, dig holes to a depth below the freezing point of the soil in your area (more than a meter). For a small and light veranda, it is enough to place posts only in the corners. For a large one, it is worth making a series of intermediate columns with a step of 50-60 cm between them.

A columnar foundation can be made of concrete, blocks or red bricks

Work progress:

  1. Holes are dug.
  2. The bottom of each of them is covered with a 20-centimeter layer of sand.
  3. Pour concrete to the surface of the ground and wait for it to dry.
  4. Coat the finished post with bitumen and fill the gaps between it and the ground with sand.
  5. The above-ground part of the column is created from brick or block masonry, bringing it to the height of the main foundation or slightly lower. Make sure that there is about 30 cm left to the finished floor of the veranda.

Installation of subfloors

Work order:

  1. We fill the underground space with expanded clay for insulation.
  2. We cover the foundation with a double layer of roofing felt (both strip and columnar).
  3. We fix the logs to the foundation, having coated them with an antiseptic in advance.
  4. We lay edged boards (thickness 5 cm).

The logs are pre-impregnated with an antiseptic composition

You can also make a concrete floor, but in this case you will have to carry out additional thermal insulation work, because the base will draw cold from the ground, and the floor on the veranda will be constantly cold.

Construction of a wooden veranda frame

Let's look at how to build a veranda made of wood. To do this, install a frame of beams measuring 10x10 cm. Work procedure:

  1. The beams for the bottom trim are placed on the finished subfloor, connecting at the corners with a “straight lock”.
  2. Cut grooves for vertical posts every half meter in the beams.
  3. Place the racks, securing them with nails and staples.
  4. A beam for the top trim is attached to the racks on top.
  5. Near the slope of the roof of the house, a girder is nailed on which the rafters will lie. It must be taken onto the anchor bolts (and all posts adjacent to the building).
  6. The rafter system is being installed.
  7. All wood is treated with an antiseptic.

Material on the construction of a veranda at a frame-type dacha will also be useful:

The beams for the bottom trim are laid on a foundation waterproofed with roofing felt.

The rafter system is attached to the beams of the upper frame

Design features of the roofing pie

Most often, roofs are made pitched. Moreover, they are more sloping than the roofs on the house. Creating a roofing pie on the veranda is carried out according to the same scheme as installing the roof of a regular house.

Continuous or intermittent sheathing is placed on the rafters, depending on the roofing covering

Only if you have an attic-type house, then you made a vapor barrier with one of the layers. In the veranda, vapor barrier is not needed, because the under-roof space will not be used. In addition, with high-quality insulation of walls and floors, a vapor barrier layer is contraindicated. After all, a couple needs to leave the room somewhere. And it will leak through the ceiling into the attic, and from there it will evaporate outside. To do this, it is worth laying a special super-diffusion membrane as a waterproofing layer, which does not let moisture in from the outside, but steam can pass freely from the inside. True, it is not used for steel and metal coatings, because they can rust from condensation. For metal tiles, a special condensate film is purchased.

The superdiffusion membrane consists of microscopic pores resembling funnels

Wall cladding and window installation

After creating the subfloors, you can sew up the frame, leaving openings for windows and doors. For this:

  • In the locations of the windows we install a window sill board, which should be approximately half a meter from the floor. We fix the board to the vertical posts.
  • We sew up the frame with materials that will retain heat and match the main building. On the inside it can be plywood, and on top of it - lining, on the outside - or wood. But it is necessary to lay a layer of insulation and a waterproofing film between them (on both sides of the insulation) so that moisture from the street and steam from inside do not penetrate into it. Don't forget to leave window openings.

After you have made the frame of the veranda to the house, insert windows and doors.

When installing vertical racks, take a step between them equal to the width of the windows

It is better to sew up the walls on both sides, laying insulation inside

Also, it is necessary to pay attention that the door should not be located opposite the internal door leading into the house. Otherwise, drafts cannot be avoided. It is best to do it from the end so that the cold air that flies in when opening does not find its way into the living quarters.

Features of creating a brick or block veranda

If a veranda is attached to a brick house, then it is logical that its walls are made of brick or blocks, decorating them with decorative plasters.

A brick veranda must have a solid foundation, as the construction will be heavy

Installation tips:

  1. It is better to place the extension on a strip foundation.
  2. Only undertake masonry work yourself if you have construction skills.
  3. Since the building will not be large, a half-brick masonry will suffice, and lay out the inside in blocks.
  4. Fill the voids with expanded clay.
  5. Such a veranda is finished with plasterboard or plastered, and then painted.

Pay special attention to the insulation of each structural element. Even those owners who first install an uninsulated veranda, after a couple of seasons look for ways to make it warmer. Because freezing corners and frosted doors are not very pleasing to the eye. And in Russia, harsh winters are not uncommon.

Very often, additional recreation space is added to country houses, cottages, and private houses. Namely, various covered verandas or terraces are being built. As a rule, such an extension has the same base as the house and is an additional room. But it is located on a separate one, so it can be built after you build the house.

If you understand what this structure is, then drawing up a project and erecting a veranda near a brick house or near a timber house will not be difficult for you. What is needed to get started? How to attach a veranda to a house made of timber or? Let's look further...

Before starting various construction work, it is necessary to draw up a project of the planned structure. And since the veranda is a building, it is also necessary to draw up a project for it.

Drawing up a project for a future veranda will not allow you to make any mistakes, also obtain all the necessary permits and save you from many problems in the future.

Choosing the type of construction

First, you need to decide on the type of veranda.

These structures are divided into several types, according to different characteristics. It is necessary to choose not only based on the ease of use of the room, but also to see how the veranda will look against the background of the house and the site.

A structure like the veranda can be of several types:

  1. Open. Such a veranda can only be used in summer or spring in good weather.
  2. Closed with glazing. That is, polycarbonate sheets or curtains;
  3. Combined. That is, this one has sliding partitions.

If you have the opportunity and desire, you can insulate it so that it can be used during the cold season.

How to choose materials

The project must contain the following information:

A terrace is usually a gazebo that was built close to the house, but each house has different foundations.

Any extension to the house should be a natural extension of it.

The entrance to the veranda can be separate, or through the house.

In the second case, you should not place the doors opposite each other, because drafts may occur.

A structure such as a veranda can have any length or is sometimes made circular. But the width of the veranda should be from 2.5 to 7 meters. When designing a veranda, the characteristics of the soil on the site, the climatic conditions of your region and much more are taken into account. In order to avoid various mistakes during construction and in order to obtain the necessary documents without problems, you need to pay special attention to the project.

How to obtain a building permit

If you make changes to the design of the house or are engaged in arranging the adjacent territory, or are engaged in adding a veranda, then you must have the project certified and receive the necessary documents.

The following documents must be submitted to the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning:

You will also need to get conclusion on the fire safety of the building and get more special document from the sanitary and epidemiological station.

A gap of approximately ten to fifteen millimeters wide should be left between the flooring and the wall of the house; this is necessary for the deformation of the wood at atmospheric temperature.

Wooden parts, including boards, must be treated with special compounds that protect the material from fungus and rot.

After the building is ready, all parts should be painted or varnished.


When building walls, it is very important to ensure that the frame is assembled correctly. The frame consists of a set of support pillars made of timber with a section of 120×80 or 100×100.

These pillars are installed at the corners of the structure.

The supports, which are placed in the gap, are mounted at a distance of fifty to sixty centimeters. These supports are secured to the lower frame by complete or incomplete cutting, as well as using steel angles.

The supports that are installed near the walls of the house must be higher than the others, this is necessary so that the roof of the future veranda has a slope. For structural rigidity, the pillars are connected by beams located horizontally. These horizontal beams will be the supports for the windows.

A beam is laid on top of the supports, it forms the top trim. For rigidity, the pillars are fastened to the frames using braces.

Making a roof


Then the rafters are installed at an angle, the distance between them depends on the area of ​​the veranda and its mass.

The sheathing is installed perpendicular to the rafters.

The next step is laying waterproofing and thermal insulation material.

After the main parts of the veranda are ready, all that remains is to decorate the walls with clapboard, siding or other suitable material and finally insert windows or doors if necessary.

We hope that this article will be useful to you. Good luck in your endeavors!

It is more convenient to build a terrace to the house together with the main building, since both structures are placed on a common foundation and brought under one roof. Nevertheless, it’s never too late to start building an extension, if you have the desire and the opportunity. Theoretical information on how to make a veranda with your own hands near a cottage or country house is described in detail in this article.

We are drawing up a terrace project

Any construction, including the construction of a veranda, begins with design. This will allow you to draw up a work plan, select materials available on the farm and purchase the necessary fasteners. To sketch a drawing of a future design by hand, you need to answer the following questions:

  • determine the size and type of construction: an open summer terrace or a warm winter option;
  • what construction material is supposed to be used - wood, brick or metal (they can be combined);
  • where to place the porch - right in front of the entrance or on the side facade;
  • think over the external design of the structure and sketch it on paper or on the computer;
  • how many windows to put in an attached closed gazebo or glaze the openings between the posts.

Log house and attached summer gazebo

Advice. When creating a construction scheme, check out the ready-made projects and photos of verandas presented on the Internet, and take advantage of suitable ideas for finishing and exterior design.

The dimensions of the terrace depend not only on the functional purpose of the attached room; the external design plays an important role here. Against the background of a two-story country mansion of 300 square meters, a small veranda measuring 3 x 4 m will look like a leaning booth, that is, inharmonious. But if you stretch it along the length, move it to the side wall and design it to match the style of the building itself, the picture will turn out quite beautiful, as shown in the photo:

Combining a rustic extension with a modern brick cottage

It is customary to attach verandas to small country houses and cabins across the entire width of the front or side façade. The solution allows you to significantly expand the usable area of ​​your home without taking up much space on the site.

A few words about the interior of the new premises. Typically, terraces near the house are intended for relaxation or family celebrations so that the canopy can protect against sudden rain. Setting up a kitchen with a fireplace there or installing it is inappropriate and irrational, since you will have to organize an exhaust hood. For these purposes, it is better to use separate summer structures - garden barbecues with a brick grill, covered with corrugated sheets.

We bring to your attention a video that shows about 100 options for a wide variety of extensions to private houses:

Selection of building materials

You can attach a veranda to your house from various materials:

  • wooden beams as a structure plus cladding with boards and clapboard;
  • metal profile pipes with transparent polycarbonate or glass lining;
  • silicate or ceramic brick, from which solid walls or only pillars are laid.

For reference. There is another option for a translucent structure - a metal-plastic frame with glazing. Its disadvantage is the high price of double-glazed windows and window profiles.

A wooden terrace made with your own hands from timber is the most common budget option. Its advantage is the simplicity and low cost of construction, which lasts from 3 to 7 days (excluding the time for concrete hardening) depending on the qualifications of the contractor. The construction is lightweight and therefore does not require a major expensive foundation. The only drawback is that wood must be painted at least once every 3 years to protect it from environmental influences.

A metal frame will cost more than a wooden frame, but outperforms the latter in terms of durability. Otherwise, the veranda made of profiles repeats the advantages of a wooden building: it is light, quickly erected (even without welding, bolted) and quite durable. There is an additional bonus: the construction of the foundation can be greatly simplified if the iron posts in the ground are properly concreted, as is done for fences.

Note. Construction of a terrace using frame technology from metal or wood makes it possible to use a variety of materials for finishing - lining, siding made of plastic and wood (for example, a house block imitating a log) or simple OSB plywood. A more expensive cladding option is cellular polycarbonate and glass panels.

Brickwork, although durable, is complex and labor-intensive to execute. To build a veranda from brick or foam block, you need to lay a solid strip foundation, and on heaving soils, pour a reinforced concrete slab over the entire area of ​​the structure. These types of work require proper qualifications, so it is recommended to trust them to conscientious builders. Next, we propose to consider options for wooden and metal structures that you can implement yourself.

Preparing the base

For a light veranda attached to a house, a traditional columnar foundation is sufficient. It consists of single supports of a round or square shape, buried to a stable layer of soil and located at key points. The material of the pillars is monolithic reinforced concrete, red brick or cinder blocks. The supports are placed at the corners of the building and along the line of the walls in increments of 1.5 m, as shown in the diagram.

To lay a columnar foundation, follow the step-by-step instructions:

  1. Remove the turf from the construction site and mark it using pegs and a cord stretched between them. The goal is to clearly determine the location of the corner and intermediate posts.
  2. Dig or drill holes to a stable layer of soil (usually a depth of 1 m is enough) and tamp the bottom. Pour 10-15 cm of sand there and compact it by pouring water.
  3. To pour reinforced concrete pillars, you need to place the formwork in the form of a wooden box or large-diameter iron pipe (300-400 mm). Lower the frame inside, connected from reinforcement of a periodic profile Ø10-16 mm.
  4. Fill the pillars with M150 concrete (mix 1 volume of M400 Portland cement with 3 parts of sand and add 5 parts of crushed stone). Lay the stone supports out of brick to the required height.
  5. After the concrete has hardened, remove the formwork and waterproof the walls of the pillars with bitumen. Fill the sinuses around them with earth.

Two tips. In order not to make a mistake with deepening the foundation, be guided by the finished foundation of a private house. The height of the above-ground part must be provided so that when laying the strapping beam and rough flooring it reaches the level of the finished floor in the existing building.

If you decide to make a frame from profile pipes, follow the same method, only instead of reinforcement, immediately lower 80 x 80 mm iron pillars into the pits, align them vertically and concrete them. To avoid formwork, protect the walls of the pits with roofing felt. How this is done in practice, watch the video:

In damp, heaving soils, it is better not to mess with monolithic concrete, since you will have to drill and pour too deeply. Use screw piles 2.5-3 m long; they will easily support the weight of a light structure.

Pile-screw foundation

Building a wooden veranda

When the base for the terrace is ready, proceed to tying the supports with timber and installing floor joists. Before laying the beams on the supports, cover each of them with sheets of roofing material, and treat all wooden elements with an antiseptic. The step-by-step work order looks like this:

  1. Make notches at the ends of the beams to connect them into half a tree at the corners. Lay the beams, adjust them horizontally and attach them to the posts with anchor bolts.
  2. Install logs from 5 x 15 cm boards at intervals of 0.6 m and secure them with steel angles and galvanized screws.
  3. Lay the floors with 4 cm thick boards, nailing them down. Leave a gap of 1-2 mm between them so that the floors do not creak later.

Note. If you are planning to build a winter veranda, then ordinary cold floors will need to be insulated. To do this, nail skull blocks to the sides of the logs, place 20 mm second-grade boards, waterproofing film and insulation on them, and then lay the flooring.

Thermal insulation of floors

The walls can be assembled using frame technology: first, put together the facades from boards on the ground, and then set them vertically and secure them with bevels. Do not forget to provide a slope for a pitched roof, which should be adjacent to the wall of a residential building. Fasten the installed frames together, tie them to the wall of the building and proceed to installing the roof:

  1. Using anchors or dowels, attach a horizontal beam 10 x 15 cm to the wall of the house. It will serve as a support for the rafters.
  2. Above each vertical pillar of the front facade, install rafters from 5 x 15 cm boards, secure them with corners and screws.
  3. Cover the entire roof with sheets of diffusion membrane (waterproofing) with an overlap of 100 mm, and install a sheathing of 2 cm thick boards on top.
  4. Lay a suitable roofing covering - metal tiles, slate, corrugated sheets, and so on.

When the main structures are assembled, all that remains is to install the doors, glaze the windows and clad the walls on both sides. The choice of materials is huge - from plastic panels and siding to figured lining (block house). Make a porch, as described, and you can consider the construction of an open terrace complete. Each stage of work is shown in detail in the following video:

To make the veranda at your dacha cozy in winter and keep out the cold outside, take care of insulating the roof and walls. Mineral wool works best with wood, so place it between the posts and cover it with a vapor barrier film and interior finishing material.

Metal extension

The procedure for installing a veranda on a metal frame is very similar to the assembly of wooden structures described above. The difference is that you already have vertical supports concreted into the ground. They must be tied with a profile pipe 40 x 60 or 40 x 40 mm (depending on the load). It is not necessary to use welding; the elements are screwed together.

Metal support unit option

As in the previous version, the racks are connected by a strapping beam at the level of the floor and ceiling, after which window and door openings are formed. If the span width does not exceed 3 m and the roof is not planned to be insulated, then use a 40 x 60 mm profile placed on edge as rafters. In other cases, it is better to take a section of 60 x 60 mm or more. The order of work is maintained, only fastening is done by welding, bolts or metal screws.

Advice. Reduce the cost of constructing a veranda by combining various building materials. Use the same wooden boards screwed to a steel Mauerlat (top frame) as rafters. How to do it correctly with your own hands is demonstrated in the latest video:


As you can see, there are many options for building open and closed verandas. It is clear that it will not be possible to consider each of them in detail within one article. We outlined the principles of conducting work, since the sequence is repeated almost everywhere: foundation - frame - walls - roof. The difference is in the materials used and fastening methods. The exception is brickwork, which requires a more thorough approach.

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