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What effect does hookah with wine have? How to make a hookah with wine: features and recommendations. Let's explore the nuances of hookah with wine

To prepare a smoke pipe with wine, experts recommend choosing certain types of alcohol-containing products:

  • young red wine;
  • aged dry products from red or white grape varieties;
  • pink nutmeg;
  • sparkling drinks;
  • quality vodka and absinthe.

All of these liquids, when properly diluted, form a light vapor and give the smoke a pleasant taste and aroma without compromising its original properties. You can also use other ingredients to fill the hookah flask by selecting their individual proportions experimentally.

Regardless of the contents of the device flask, only high quality products should be used. When preparing a smoke pipe using vodka or multi-ingredient wine mixtures, it is recommended to give preference to unflavored tobacco. Depending on the smoker's preferences, a light Nakhla or a strong Darkside would be a good choice.

When preparing a hookah with wine, you need to select tobacco in accordance with the type of alcohol used. To achieve the best effect, use flavored hookah mixtures:

  1. Red wines go well with chocolate, cherries and wild berries.
  2. Tobacco with the sweet and sour taste of apple, melon and strawberry goes well with products based on white grape varieties.
  3. For nutmeg and alcohol with gases, tobacco products flavored with citrus fruits, peach and mint are recommended.

To improve the taste and aroma, it is allowed to mix different types of tobacco products in any ratio.

You don’t need to study much about the process of how to make a hookah with wine, it’s practically no different from regular hookah smoking. But the question immediately comes to mind: which wine should I choose?

First of all, even opponents of hookah with alcohol say that young red wine is best. It perfectly emphasizes the taste of tobacco and gives it a new and unusual smell. White wine can be used with the same success, some mixes are better conveyed with white wine, the main thing is not to be afraid to experiment and try new tastes.

Fortified drinks are not recommended for use. Not only does the hookah itself not have miraculous properties, but the alcohol vapor from fortified wine will also be added to this. If you overdo it even a little with quantity or time, harmful consequences cannot be avoided.

As with wine, choose only high quality tobacco. A good flavored tobacco will go well with the light wine taste (it is better to choose fruity tobacco). Experts know what tobacco goes with any type of drink. So:

  • If you are making a hookah with red wine, a mixture of tobacco with the aroma of chocolate, cherry or plum is suitable.
  • Strawberries, melon, and grapes are suitable for making hookah with white wine.
  • Flavored mint tobacco goes well with sparkling and rose drinks.
  • If you still decide to try hookah with wine and vodka, then purchase the highest quality tobacco without flavorings.

The first step is to dilute the wine by mixing it with water. Any attempts to use wine in its pure form, without dilution, should be excluded. This will inevitably spoil the entire impression of the process, since the aroma of tobacco will completely dissolve. Then the only sensation and effect that will be noticeable will be severe intoxication, accompanied by nausea and dizziness. And this, of course, can be easily achieved without smoking.

To understand how to make a wine hookah optimally enjoyable, you should use the correct proportions of water and alcoholic beverage. One glass of wine requires three glasses of water. Then the liquid will have a pleasant and fairly light taste. It is possible to mix one to one, but this option is for a rare “connoisseur”.

The resulting mixture must be cooled. The most correct solution would be such a quantity of liquid in the flask so that the tube is immersed in it literally a couple of centimeters. If you dive deeper, inhaling smoke will become much more difficult. This, of course, will not lead to relaxation, but to the opposite process - rapid fatigue and a feeling of extreme fatigue. When the pipe is immersed to a shallow depth, hookah smoking becomes not only easy and unobtrusive, but also simple - filtration improves.

As you can see from the short description above, you can independently figure out how to make a hookah using wine. This is a very simple process that can be easily handled by both experienced and beginners looking for a special taste.

Safety regulations

To ensure that the use of a smoking device does not affect your health, you should follow the safety rules:

  • do not exceed the recommended proportions of components and duration of the procedure;
  • Do not under any circumstances drink the liquid remaining in the hookah, as it contains toxic substances coming from the generated steam;
  • do not drive for 2-3 hours after smoking a wine-filled device;
  • do not use products of dubious quality, which can lead to severe inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity;
  • do not combine smoking with drinking alcohol (it is best to replace it with herbal tea);
  • Observe hygiene rules and thoroughly wash all parts of the device.

Wine hookah is addictive and harmful to health, similar to traditional alcohol consumption, so its use should be significantly limited. For the same reason, it is not recommended for beginners to start getting acquainted with such smoking installations.

Follow the step-by-step instructions below exactly and you can make a hookah with wine without any problems:

It is important to pour all spent mixture out of the hookah flask after completing the smoking process. The wine, having absorbed all the toxic substances of tobacco, became poisonous. The solution is similar in smell and color to wine, but it can no longer be called as such. If you used vodka, it will simply become cloudy. But under no circumstances should you drink the mixture - this can result in severe poisoning or even death.

Maintaining proportions

The main mistake beginners make is using pure alcohol, as a result of which concentrated ethanol vapors spoil the entire effect of the procedure. Regardless of the strength, any drink must be diluted in water. Experts recommend maintaining a 1:3 ratio when preparing hookah with wine. It is possible to dilute the product used with water in a ratio of 1:2 or 1:1, but in this case you should be prepared for a deterioration in the taste of tobacco and the smoker’s well-being.

What wine should I buy?

Experts believe that young red wine is best suited for hookah. When smoked, this drink emits light vapors and a wonderful aroma and pleasant taste. This is the wine that experts will recommend first. Drinking white wine is also not objectionable, especially if you alternate it with red.

The taste sensations change and allow you to get more pleasure from the process. It is important to use pink muscatel and sparkling drinks with great caution. Hookah with this type of wine may be interesting from a taste and aromatic point of view, but it can be dangerous. These drinks can make a smoker drunk faster. Fortified wines should also be used very carefully. It may make sense to dilute them with water more than light alcoholic drinks.


Let's take a step-by-step look at how to make a hookah using wine according to the classical canons.

  1. In a separate container, mix alcohol and water in the desired proportion and place in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours. Weak cooling will negatively affect the quality of the smoke, since the liquid will not perform its functions fully.
  2. Pour the mixture into the flask of the device, immersing the lower part of the tube 2-4 cm into it. Exceeding the specified liquid level will make it difficult to inhale the aromatic smoke. If the vapor is not immersed sufficiently, it will acquire an unpleasant aftertaste during the smoking process due to insufficient filtration.
  3. Fill the bowl of the device with the selected tobacco product, covering it with a double layer of foil with pre-punched holes. Place a few lit coals on top to warm up the top of the device. It should be remembered that the tobacco must be moist, otherwise the smoke will acquire a pronounced bitter taste.
  4. After warming up the bowl, light the unit using a pipe with a mouthpiece. The vapors blown out should have a thick white color and a pleasant, slightly intoxicating aroma without any foreign flavors. If bitterness is detected, the bowl must be removed from the device and carefully blown through the lower cavity. Before reinstalling, you should blow out any remaining bitter steam from the flask using a mouthpiece.

For additional flavoring, experts advise using a bowl cut from half an orange or pineapple, and adding natural juices, pieces of fruit and various spices to the wine. When using a vodka-based liquid, you can mix tobacco with a small amount of crushed anise to give the smoke a piquant taste and smell.

To achieve a relaxing effect, it is recommended to smoke such wine hookahs for 1.5-2 hours. After this, it is necessary to immediately remove the liquid from the device and rinse the flask thoroughly.

There is only one question left: how to make a hookah using wine? It was already mentioned above that the method is no different from the classical preparation of a smoking apparatus, the difference is what you add to the flask.

Do not forget that the tip of the shaft should be immersed in water by 1.5-2 cm, this is very important. It is also advisable to cool the hookah parts before use, but this is discussed in more detail in other articles. Everything else is as it should be, prepare the tobacco, stuff it, then foil, etc.

Do not deny yourself the pleasure of enjoying the pleasant aroma of thick smoke and having a good time with friends, or alone. Smoking a hookah can be varied and interesting, the main thing is to show a little imagination and not be afraid to try something new. A hookah with wine will give you the opportunity to relax and reflect on philosophical questions; be sure to set aside an evening to try it!

Is wine a filter?

Now you know how to make a hookah using wine. To create a good mixture, you need to clearly know what a person wants to get from the process. Incomparable pleasure comes to the smoker with the right combination of tobacco and wine. Still, it is important to remember: even though wine is a kind of filter that absorbs a large amount of toxins found in tobacco, it will not completely protect your lungs from problems. Toxins still get into them, and later this can lead to diseases of the respiratory system.

If you want to prepare a pleasant hookah without using alcohol, then take fresh juices or teas. Perfect for smoking are simple drinking water, milk (it softens the smoke), pomegranate juice, cold red hibiscus tea. If you put cherry or grape fruits in the transparent flask of the device (as ancient Eastern hookah connoisseurs did), you can simultaneously enjoy smoking tobacco and playing berries in the vessel.

How to prepare the device for smoking?

The article describes in detail how to prepare a hookah with wine. But not everyone knows how to prepare the device for its intended use. Once you have filled the flask with the mixture, close it tightly. You can also put ice cubes inside. This will allow the smoke to cool faster. Place the shaft on the flask.

Then place the saucer on the shaft. It is necessary for spent coal, tongs and a lid if smoking a hookah takes place outdoors. The cover will protect the device from the wind. Place the bowl on the saucer and proceed to the most important stage - filling the device with tobacco. Do not forget to dry the tobacco thoroughly before use (if there is still excess moisture, carefully blot it with a napkin).

If the tobacco is large, you can even cut it a little with a knife. Be sure to remove sticks and large parts from it. We put tobacco in the bowl, there is no need to make a mound, but fill it to the brim. Do not compact the mixture, otherwise you will not achieve smoldering. Next, take some food foil, fold it in half and cover the bowl.

Use a toothpick to poke several holes in the foil. If you place a ring of foil vertically and another layer of foil on top (also pierced with a toothpick), you will create an air space in the device. In this case, the tobacco will not burn, but will smolder, which is perfect for smoking a hookah.

Hookah with wine

Smoking a hookah is an integral part of the traditional culture of the East. The hookah smoking ceremony, which originated in India, quickly spread and was liked by the inhabitants of Asia, and then in European countries, where the hookah became the embodiment of the luxurious life of the East. Smoking a hookah is a slow, leisurely process that relaxes and sets you up for long thoughts. It is widely believed that smoking a hookah is a lot like the famous tea ceremony popular in China.

Currently, various hookah recipes are being created to diversify the taste of tobacco and obtain new pleasant taste sensations.

What wine is best to add to a hookah?

It is believed that it is best to add red wine to a hookah. Its evaporation will provide an unforgettable and relaxing aroma. Adding red wine to a hookah flask, especially when lit with backlight, will provide you with unexpected color effects. Don't forget that it is very important to use quality red wine without additional colorings.

Following old traditions, you can add berries, cherries or grapes to a bowl and watch them play in the flask. To improve the properties of the hookah, you can add a few drops of rosewood oil to the vines.

But if you want to achieve a better smoke flavor, we recommend adding white wines instead of red ones. You need to add half a glass of white wine to a vessel with water and fill the hookah flask with this liquid. This proportion is ideal for a classic hookah, since the taste and smell of wine will not spoil the pure taste of the tobacco mixture.

As for rose, sparkling and muscat wine, you should be careful when using it. By adding it to a hookah, you get an interesting taste and aroma, but these types of wine in combination with a hookah can be dangerous. These types of wine become intoxicating much faster, and if you add too much of it, there is a risk of alcohol intoxication. If you nevertheless decide to add strong wine to the hookah, then dilute it with water in a larger proportion than light wines.

What tobacco mixtures go well with wine hookah?

You should carefully consider the choice of tobacco mixtures for hookah. Take only a proven and high-quality product. Flavored tobacco mixtures with fruity flavors go well with wine. There are rules for combining tobacco with different types of wine:

  • For a hookah with red wine, tobacco with chocolate, plum, strawberry, cherry or raspberry flavors is perfect.
  • For hookah with white wine, it is best to choose tobacco with the aroma of sweet fruits, such as grapes, melon or banana.
  • Tobacco with the aroma of mint or menthol goes perfectly with sparkling and rose wine.

How to make a fragrant and healthy hookah using wine

To make a wine hookah tasty and safe, you need to ensure the proper water level. If there is too much water in the flask, your hookah will become very bland. If you add too little water, the smoke will be too dry and hot. This can lead to headaches when smoking and a sore throat.

Never leave wine in the flask after the smoking session has ended. Mold can grow very quickly in a warm environment, which can completely ruin the taste and quality of your hookah in the future. Not to mention, inhaling mold is very harmful to your health.

Adding wine to your hookah will make you feel like a real aristocrat. If you combine the proportions correctly and choose a good wine, you will not get drunk. The relaxing effect of a hookah with wine will give you an indescribable feeling.

One of the pieces of the east is the hookah, the history of which goes back centuries. For many modern people, hookah has become an excellent, effective means of helping to relax and relieve stress.

Usually, water is used to fill the hookah flask, and a little less often milk is used. Lovers of this type of relaxation, experienced and have tried a lot, sometimes decide to go further - smoke a hookah with wine. This drink gives the taste of smoke a certain unusual shade, and, in addition, increases the effect of intoxication even more.

Let's explore the nuances of hookah with wine

So, for sure, many reading this article are eager to try this unusual, one might say, unconventional way of smoking. Most likely, the first question that arose was what wine is suitable for a hookah?

The most suitable option would be young red wine. It is good that it is not strong. However, answering the question of which wine is most suitable for a hookah will be quite difficult, since this is a matter of everyone’s taste.

There are lovers for whom white wine seems most pleasant, for others – fortified red wine, and for others – champagne in general. Many people who love experiments and different tastes try all the drinks and alternate them with each other. To determine which ingredients are needed and in what quantity, you should try a wine hookah with different combinations. Then proportions and their exact determination will not become something complicated. So, a hookah with any wine, be it young or fortified, deserves an individual approach and experiments, during which certain proportions will be revealed.

Now let's look at the most popular options and recipes, and figure out how to make a hookah using wine.

Learn how to make a great hookah step by step

The first step is to dilute the wine by mixing it with water. Any attempts to use wine in its pure form, without dilution, should be excluded. This will inevitably spoil the entire impression of the process, since the aroma of tobacco will completely dissolve. Then the only sensation and effect that will be noticeable will be severe intoxication, accompanied by nausea and dizziness. And this, of course, can be easily achieved without smoking.

To understand how to make a wine hookah optimally enjoyable, you should use the correct proportions of water and alcoholic beverage. One glass of wine requires three glasses of water. Then the liquid will have a pleasant and fairly light taste. It is possible to mix one to one, but this option is for a rare “connoisseur”.

The resulting mixture must be cooled. The most correct solution would be such a quantity of liquid in the flask so that the tube is immersed in it literally a couple of centimeters. If you dive deeper, inhaling smoke will become much more difficult. This, of course, will not lead to relaxation, but to the opposite process - rapid fatigue and a feeling of extreme fatigue. When the pipe is immersed to a shallow depth, hookah smoking becomes not only easy and unobtrusive, but also simple - filtration improves.

As you can see from the short description above, you can independently figure out how to make a hookah using wine. This is a very simple process that can be easily handled by both experienced and beginners looking for a special taste.

Avoiding harm to health

After the smoking process is completed, it is important to discard the spent diluted wine. Now this liquid contains a large amount of resins and toxic impurities, so you should get rid of it as quickly as possible. Under no circumstances should this liquid be consumed internally! It is very dangerous! No matter how it looks or smells like a simple drink, this cannot be done.

Hookah with wine has its own characteristics regarding the effect it produces. Much depends on the choice of wine itself, its temperature and volume. In more detail, smoking with wine gives the following effect, which may not be to everyone’s taste: it causes mild alcoholic intoxication, which is accompanied by “intoxicating” tobacco vapors. In rare cases, attacks of nausea and possibly severe dizziness are quite likely. But this is observed only in those cases when the hookah with wine does not have the correct proportions and, as a result, gives such a bad effect.

Hookah with wine and driving – is a combination possible?

And now about the painful part. Many car enthusiasts have a passion for smoking. This raises the question: “Is it possible to drive after smoking a hookah with wine?” The definite answer is no. To understand whether you can drive after using a wine hookah, you should refer to the following data:

  • The vapors released by wine have more alcohol than the drink itself. This is due to the presence of alcohol in it. The difference is that it is more difficult to get drunk from them, but they also disappear faster. Nevertheless, the fact itself is important - their presence.
  • If the quality of the hookah itself is good enough, then smoking it greatly affects the coordination of movements. Therefore, it is generally irresponsible to get behind the wheel after a hookah earlier than two or three hours later.
  • Remember, every person has their own limit. This means that each body perceives alcohol in its own way. This happens with the vapors of wine in a hookah. I would like to believe that the majority of reasonable people who do not want to have problems with either the law or their health will decide not to drive. They will simply relax by smoking a hookah, because this is precisely its primary task.

What a wine hookah is and what effect it gives has become clear. What kind of reviews do people leave in this case? If you believe the opinion of the public, many people like to smoke hookah with wine. However, the majority still believes that the classic water hookah is the founder and the best choice, both in the East and in our country.

A hookah with wine is a rather specific thing that may not appeal to everyone. But for those looking for a new taste, this is a good and quite affordable option. Remember, you should choose high-quality, expensive wine. Otherwise, the sensations and effect you were hoping for may be completely different.

How harmful is smoke?

And, in conclusion, let’s talk about whether hookah with wine is harmful or not. There is no fundamental difference between which hookah will be used. Smoking in itself is harmful. It, like other types of smoking, increases the risk of cancer, diseases of the cardiovascular system, and guarantees a large number of diseases of the larynx and lungs with frequent smoking.

As such, smoking a hookah, for example, in the company of strangers or unfamiliar people, is fraught with the risk of contracting diseases. Herpes, hepatitis, tuberculosis and so on are common.

It is important to use disposable mouthpieces to significantly reduce the possibility of contracting unpleasant and difficult-to-treat diseases. In general, it should be noted that smoking a hookah with wine, as well as with milk or water, causes quite severe harm to the body. For those who are quitting smoking and trying to replace it with this smoking option, there are some tips:

  • Use only special mixtures and high-quality tobacco.
  • Maintain good hygiene to avoid bacterial contamination.
  • Do not use any other alcoholic beverages except wine.

And, the most important rule is that everything good should be in moderation.

You can try wine hookah only if you already have experience with such devices. Many smokers have switched to this type of hookah, as it gives an unforgettable feeling when smoking. You can, using good wine, try to make such a device yourself, although the task of constructing such a device is not easy. The difficulty is the selection and correct balance of ingredients and components. Let's consider the technology for creating such a hookah. It should be taken into account that in this way you can make a hookah with any type of alcohol.

Creation of a device according to classical canons

In order to make this device using wine, you need to use the technology below and step-by-step instructions:

  1. First, mix wine and water. In principle, if you don’t have wine, you can make a hookah with vodka, the creation process is absolutely the same. It is not recommended to use pure drinks, as in this case the taste of tobacco disappears. The only thing a smoker can get in this case is severe intoxication, which will only cause harm, causing dizziness, signs of nausea, and in some cases, vomiting.
  2. Dilute wine or vodka with water in a ratio of 1:3. In this case, you can get a pleasant and light taste that will not cover the aroma of tobacco. If a person likes to drink, then he can mix the components 1:1, but the tobacco will feel bad, and you can get drunk quite quickly.
  3. The resulting solution must be cooled, otherwise nothing will work.
  4. Pour the mixture into the hookah flask. The amount of liquid should be such that the tube of the device is immersed in the solution by 5-6 cm. It is no longer recommended, since with increasing immersion depth it is very difficult to inhale tobacco smoke, and this will not give satisfaction from smoking such a hookah and can cause fatigue from the very process. The shallow recessing depth of the tube allows toxic substances to be well filtered, and most of them will remain in solution and will not enter the smoker’s lungs.

Nothing else is required, you can enjoy the smoking process. But we must remember that the point is not in the amount of wine or vodka in the mixture and not in the temperature of the composition. A person can only get pleasant sensations from this type of hookah when using tasty and aromatic wine of good quality or high-quality vodka. You should not use surrogates, as they will not bring pleasant sensations and may cause the development of oral diseases.

After finishing hookah smoking, it is imperative to pour out the entire used mixture from the flask, because the liquid absorbs all the toxic components of tobacco smoke and becomes poisonous. Naturally, drinking this mixture is strictly prohibited, although it smells and color very much like wine. When using vodka, the solution becomes cloudy, and although it smells of alcohol, ingesting it can result in severe poisoning and sometimes death.

There are recommendations that must be strictly followed. For example, young red wine is very suitable for hookah. This is due to the fact that the vapor produced by this drink during smoking is relatively light and has a pleasant taste. Therefore, experts recommend using these types of wine products to make a good hookah.

Some smokers prefer to drink white wine, which can also give a good aroma, especially since it can be alternated with red wine. This allows you to diversify the process of smoking a hookah, obtaining different taste associations.

A good effect can be obtained by using Muscat rose and sparkling wines, but we must remember that in some cases they can cover up the aroma of tobacco and intoxicate the smoker. Therefore, they must be used carefully.

Some people prefer to pour fortified wines into the hookah flask, but this may not always be useful. In such cases, it is necessary to experimentally select the proportions of the mixture so that smoking a hookah does not lead to the development of intoxication and the appearance of hangover symptoms.

Types of tobacco used

As you know, only high-quality varieties of this plant can be used for hookah.

It is best to combine fruit flavors with wines.

Therefore, flavored tobacco is most often used, which gives the greatest effect compared to other varieties. For these purposes, the following types of tobacco are used in hookahs with wine:

  1. For red wines, flavored tobacco mixtures with chocolate, cherry, plum, and blueberry flavors are recommended.
  2. Tobacco with strawberries, melon, apples, and grapes is very suitable for white wines.
  3. Sparkling and muscat rosé wines pair well with mint-flavored tobacco products.

If you are using a hookah with a water-vodka mixture, then you can use tobacco without any flavoring substances, the main thing is that it is of high quality.


To create a hookah using wine, you need to clearly understand what the smoker wants to get from it. The most commonly used wines are red wines with flavored tobacco.

This allows the consumer not to lose the taste of the drink itself and effectively combine it with the aroma of tobacco, receiving incomparable pleasure.

But even using wine as a filter does not eliminate damage to the smoker’s lungs, since some of the toxic substances still enter the respiratory system, which can subsequently lead to diseases of the respiratory tract and other body systems.

The hookah, which has gained widespread popularity, is not just a device for smoking, but also the personification of oriental luxury, as well as an excellent means of relieving stress. Traditionally, clean water is used as the content of the flask of the device, which performs the filtering and cooling function. However, to give tobacco smoke a pleasant exotic taste and enhance the relaxing effect, it is mixed with alcohol. Let's look at how to make a hookah using wine by choosing the right ratio of ingredients.

Choice of alcoholic drink

The choice of wine will affect the taste, and then who likes what more?

To prepare a smoke pipe with wine, experts recommend choosing certain types of alcohol-containing products:

  • young red wine;
  • aged dry products from red or white grape varieties;
  • pink nutmeg;
  • sparkling drinks;
  • quality vodka and absinthe.

All of these liquids, when properly diluted, form a light vapor and give the smoke a pleasant taste and aroma without compromising its original properties. You can also use other ingredients to fill the hookah flask by selecting their individual proportions experimentally.

Important! It is not recommended to use fortified wines and drinks with high ethanol content without sufficient dilution with clean water. They not only cover up the aroma of tobacco, but also lead to severe intoxication, dizziness, nausea and a severe hangover.

Tobacco selection

Regardless of the contents of the device flask, only high quality products should be used. When preparing a smoke pipe using vodka or multi-ingredient wine mixtures, it is recommended to give preference to unflavored tobacco. Depending on the smoker's preferences, a light Nakhla or a strong Darkside would be a good choice.

When preparing a hookah with wine, you need to select tobacco in accordance with the type of alcohol used. To achieve the best effect, use flavored hookah mixtures:

  1. Red wines go well with chocolate, cherries and wild berries.
  2. Tobacco with the sweet and sour taste of apple, melon and strawberry goes well with products based on white grape varieties.
  3. For nutmeg and alcohol with gases, tobacco products flavored with citrus fruits, peach and mint are recommended.

To improve the taste and aroma, it is allowed to mix different types of tobacco products in any ratio.

Maintaining proportions

Regardless of strength, any drink must be diluted in water

The main mistake beginners make is using pure alcohol, as a result of which concentrated ethanol vapors spoil the entire effect of the procedure. Regardless of the strength, any drink must be diluted in water. Experts recommend maintaining a 1:3 ratio when preparing hookah with wine. It is possible to dilute the product used with water in a ratio of 1:2 or 1:1, but in this case you should be prepared for a deterioration in the taste of tobacco and the smoker’s well-being.


Let's take a step-by-step look at how to make a hookah using wine according to the classical canons.

  1. In a separate container, mix alcohol and water in the desired proportion and place in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours. Weak cooling will negatively affect the quality of the smoke, since the liquid will not perform its functions fully.
  2. Pour the mixture into the flask of the device, immersing the lower part of the tube 2-4 cm into it. Exceeding the specified liquid level will make it difficult to inhale the aromatic smoke. If the vapor is not immersed sufficiently, it will acquire an unpleasant aftertaste during the smoking process due to insufficient filtration.
  3. Fill the bowl of the device with the selected tobacco product, covering it with a double layer of foil with pre-punched holes. Place a few lit coals on top to warm up the top of the device. It should be remembered that the tobacco must be moist, otherwise the smoke will acquire a pronounced bitter taste.
  4. After warming up the bowl, light the unit using a pipe with a mouthpiece. The vapors blown out should have a thick white color and a pleasant, slightly intoxicating aroma without any foreign flavors. If bitterness is detected, the bowl must be removed from the device and carefully blown through the lower cavity. Before reinstalling, you should blow out any remaining bitter steam from the flask using a mouthpiece.

For additional flavoring, experts advise using a bowl cut from half an orange or pineapple, and adding natural juices, pieces of fruit and various spices to the wine. When using a vodka-based liquid, you can mix tobacco with a small amount of crushed anise to give the smoke a piquant taste and smell.

To achieve a relaxing effect, it is recommended to smoke such wine hookahs for 1.5-2 hours. After this, it is necessary to immediately remove the liquid from the device and rinse the flask thoroughly.

Safety regulations

Always follow safety rules, because smoking is harmful to your health

To ensure that the use of a smoking device does not affect your health, you should follow the safety rules:

  • do not exceed the recommended proportions of components and duration of the procedure;
  • Do not under any circumstances drink the liquid remaining in the hookah, as it contains toxic substances coming from the generated steam;
  • do not drive for 2-3 hours after smoking a wine-filled device;
  • do not use products of dubious quality, which can lead to severe inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity;
  • do not combine smoking with drinking alcohol (it is best to replace it with herbal tea);
  • Observe hygiene rules and thoroughly wash all parts of the device.

Wine hookah is addictive and harmful to health, similar to traditional alcohol consumption, so its use should be significantly limited. For the same reason, it is not recommended for beginners to start getting acquainted with such smoking installations.