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Who are you based on your year of birth? Eastern calendar. Eastern calendar signs

There are many ways to analyze the character and fate of a person - Zodiac horoscope, cards, numerological calculations, palmistry and the like. From this extensive list, we can separately highlight the Eastern horoscope by year, which is also quite reliable and can shed light on a person’s entire life, and will also allow us to understand why he behaves one way and not another in certain situations.

I really like the Eastern (Chinese) horoscope because of its simplicity and information content. Let's look at the features of this system together.

Today, the Eastern calendar is more than two thousand years old. An ancient legend says that once the Great Buddha summoned all living beings to a solemn event. It was understood that the one who was lucky enough to enter the Buddha’s domain first of all would be forever preserved in human memory.

The very last obstacle in the path of the animals was the river flowing near the imperial palace. The Bull was the first to overcome it, but a rat was sitting on his back, and as soon as the bull, once on the shore, began to shake off the water, the rat quickly jumped off his back and was the first to run into the imperial palace.

For this reason, it took 1st position in the Eastern calendar, the Ox is in 2nd position, the Tiger is in 3rd position, the Rabbit (or Cat) is 4th, the Dragon is 5th, the Snake is 6th , Horse - 7th, Goat - 8th, Monkey - 9th, Rooster - 10th, and Dog and Pig (Boar) - 11th and 12th, respectively.

The distribution of living beings in the Chinese calendar occurs in this sequence. At the same time, they move cyclically and again find themselves in the 1st position every 12 years.

Recommendation from an astrology expert. Knowing the characteristics of your personality according to the Eastern (Chinese) horoscope will allow you to fully demonstrate your potential and contribute to a more effective realization of your abilities and talents.

Table of Zodiac signs by year of birth

Now that you are already familiar with the history of the appearance of zodiac signs in the Chinese horoscope, you can begin to understand each individual sign in more detail.

And in order to make the orientation process easier, I advise you to first study the table of correspondence between different years and animal signs. And only then start analyzing information about each of the signs.

So, in what years do people appear who are patronized by sacred animals, forever immortalized in memory by the Buddha?

  • Rats– they are responsible for the years 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, as well as 2020;
  • Bulls– born in 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009 and 2021;
  • Tigers– the years of their birth: 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010 and 2022;
  • Rabbits– act as patrons of the years 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011 and 2023;
  • Dragons– born in 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012 and 2024;
  • Snakes– patronize the years 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013 and 2025;
  • Horses– their years are 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014 and 2026;
  • Goats– provide their patronage to the years 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015 and 2027;
  • Monkey– correspond to the years 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016 and 2028;
  • Roosters– act as leaders in 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017 and 2029;
  • Dogs– provide their patronage to the years 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, as well as 2030;
  • Pigs- take under their care all those born in 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019 and 2031.

Characteristics of all signs of the Chinese horoscope

Having dealt with the years, you can begin to describe each of the signs of the Chinese Zodiac.

Characteristics of Rats

Rat people are characterized by a unique powerful charisma and laconic charm. For the most part, they are quite attractive in appearance and are designed to provoke positive reactions from other people.

In addition, Rats are quite practical animals, capable of extracting personal benefit regardless of the situation. They are not prone to ill-considered actions, they are distinguished by cunning, thrift, and know how to earn money and save it.

Rats also find it easy to keep secrets, so they are not afraid to trust any secrets. The actions of Rat people are always very prudent, they are distinguished by their endurance in work and even perform work that is not acceptable for the majority of the Zodiac signs.

Characteristics of the Bulls

It is not very difficult to recognize a typical Ox man - this is facilitated by his power and greatness, which are sure to catch the eye. It is also undeniable that due to their sign, Oxen are incredibly persistent and hardworking, which is why they are located on one of the highest levels of the Chinese horoscope.

Bulls are also distinguished by increased independence, prudence, stability, and a stable life position. The presence of all the characteristics described above allows the Ox to gain respect from other people. It is the Ox that you can always rely on in difficult times; you can expect help from him.

Individuals born in the years of the Ox are distinguished by good nature, due to which they always sincerely help others. Difficulties in relationships with them are most often provoked by their conservatism and traditionalism - Oxen find innovation and change difficult.

Characteristics of Tigers

The main positive aspects of this sign are that its representatives have enormous courage, amazing inner power and a whole ocean of energy. Tigers are always interested in justice, which plays a very important role in life for these individuals.

The tiger is an incredibly strong living creature; he will always readily attack anyone who dares to stand in his way. People born in the year of the Tiger are distinguished by wisdom and excellent intellectual abilities.

In matters of love, the Tiger is always very emotional and hot, but it is important for him to observe the response from his partner, for whom he has feelings.

The only difficulty for such people is the strong desire to achieve power and those life situations in which they still have to obey someone.

Characteristics of Rabbits (Cats)

The Rabbit (or Kitty) is comfortably located in the 4th position of the Eastern calendar. Chinese legend in this situation is very ambiguous: it is believed that it was still a Cat, as a result of which we will further provide an overview of the common characteristics of these living creatures.

Rabbits are not prone to aggression, are not too active, are quite educated, and in some ways even have refined habits. They are excellent family men, caring for their neighbors, and also respecting family traditions.

The main mission of Rabbit people is to create a good, warm and sincere atmosphere, a real family home. Those who are born during these years are maximally concentrated on family values, putting all their energy into realizing this life task.

Characteristics of Dragons

Dragon people can be separately distinguished from the total mass of all signs in the Eastern horoscope for the reason that they are the only ones who represent an invented character. The main symbolic characteristic of Dragons in Chinese folk art is that they act as guardians, protecting people from evil forces.

Those who saw the world in the years of the Dragon have innate incredibly powerful energy, excellent health, as well as great willpower, and are also able to take control of their emotional sphere. For them, honor and dignity are not just empty talk, because under no circumstances will they replace these concepts with their own personal benefit.

One of the weaknesses of the Dragon is increased trust in others, which may appeal to their enemies, so it is important for them to be careful and careful when choosing their social circle.

Characteristics of Snakes

Snakes have excellent intuitive abilities, life wisdom and insight. At first glance, they can create the illusion of danger and threat, but this should not scare you, because this is nothing more than just a mask, which does not in all cases correspond to the inner real Snake - under no circumstances do they attack first.

The snake is easily recognized by its incredible patience and endurance, as well as the ability to quickly recover after serious stress - these are their typical character traits. And due to their ability to tirelessly pursue their goal, without being distracted by anything else, Snakes manage to do what representatives of other zodiac constellations are unable to cope with.

Characteristics of the Horse

The Horse is perhaps the brightest representative of the entire Eastern horoscope, possessing many advantages, among which the following can be highlighted:

  • the presence of an extraordinary love of life;
  • aspiration to move only forward;
  • unlimited freedom of action.

And thanks to their natural optimism, Horses not only show incredible strength, but are also always filled with great energy potential.

In love and partnership, Horses are characterized by emotionality and sensitivity - if they enter into a relationship, they fall into it, like “into a whirlpool,” and always give themselves as much as possible to the person they love.

Characteristics of Goats (Sheep, Rams)

Representatives of this Eastern zodiac sign are characterized by developed artistry and personal charm. If, by the will of fate, Goat is not destined to prove herself as an artist, then under any circumstances she will still begin to demonstrate her creative abilities to others. In addition, the Goat is easily recognized by its well-developed sense of humor, tact and sociability.

But there are also negative notes: the Goat is often hampered in life by her stubbornness, which sometimes becomes excessive.

Characteristics of the Monkey

The monkey is unusually mischievous, curious and sociable. She's at our first meeting. It may seem that it has a simple appearance, but if you take a closer look, you will understand that this is not the case at all.

Due to his agile mind and innate ingenuity, the Monkey is distinguished by unpredictability in his actions. She is talented, ambitious, and has great physical energy. She is also highly intelligent, loves fun, and you will never get bored with her. Negative aspects include mental instability, instability and sometimes the ability to deceive.

Characteristics of the Rooster

Roosters are innovators and pioneers, and it is not for nothing that the cry of this bird marks the beginning of each day. Similarly, in life, people born in the years of the Rooster get to implement various new ideas; they are most often responsible for completing significant tasks.

They enjoy the role of leader when they are at the head of a mass of people. The Rooster is distinguished by responsibility, ability to work, reliability and determination. Externally, as a rule, it has a bright and attractive appearance. All the characteristics inherent in the Rooster are highly valued by other people, so representatives of this sign are easily given first place.

Characteristics of the Dog

Dog people are quite active, self-possessed, selfless and generous. They are inclined to constantly defend their home to the bitter end - for them this is of increased importance.

Dogs will fight to the last for their position; they always try to defeat injustice and help those who are weaker than them. The dog is characterized by well-developed analytical thinking, the ability to find compromise solutions and take other people’s opinions into account.

Such individuals adore romance and have their own ideals in matters of love, as a result of which they often encounter a discrepancy with reality, which in turn provokes a negative response.

Characteristics of Boar (Pig)

The mumps is the last sign of the Chinese horoscope. Individuals born in the year of the Pig are characterized by openness, a friendly perception of the world around them, sociability, as well as the ability to be a very good friend, friend and companion.

Due to their flexible mind and natural peace-loving nature, Pigs always play the role of the soul of the company. Another significant characteristic of such people is fertility and the ability to save.

Representatives of this sign have a very promising potential for enrichment; they manage to attract resources from the material sphere into their lives without much difficulty. You can even note that these people like money, so organizing their own business will be successful for them.

What do all twelve signs of the Eastern horoscope symbolize?

The ancient Chinese gave each of the 12 zodiac living beings a certain symbolic characteristic - that is, a sign. All animals are divided into six pairs in such a way that the characteristics of one of the animals in tandem are the opposite of the characteristics of the second living creature. Thanks to this approach, it became possible to achieve harmony between Yin and Yang.

Moreover, the sequence of living beings is also not random: in China, the most important thing always comes first, and all other signs are placed in descending order. Just as the more powerful, dominant Yang principle always comes first, followed by the calming, harmonizing Yin principle.

Now I suggest you familiarize yourself with the signs intended for each of the animals:

  • Rat – associated with wisdom;
  • Bull - this animal is associated with hard work;
  • The tiger is a symbol of courage;
  • The rabbit is the personification of caution;
  • The dragon is certainly the very manifestation of power;
  • Snake - personifies flexibility;
  • Horse - indicates the desire to move forward;
  • Goat – associated with unity;
  • Monkey - acts as a symbol of variability;
  • Rooster - unlike the previous sign, on the contrary, indicates stability;
  • Dog – associated with fidelity;
  • Pig – is associated with friendliness.

This is how animals are placed in the Eastern horoscope and they have this characteristic. Using knowledge about each patron animal according to the Eastern Zodiac, you can better understand the behavioral characteristics of your loved ones, and also make it easier to find mutual understanding with them.

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You should know that the Chinese horoscope of compatibility by year of birth is not just a horoscope in its pure form; the Chinese one is in no way connected with the traditional constellations and has its own astrological horoscope tradition. This is a kind of chronicle that was created from 2637 BC. to 61 AD The Chinese horoscope by year of birth is focused on a twelve-year cycle, where each year in the Chinese zodiac is represented by a certain animal. According to the calendar adopted in China and other Eastern countries, within a 12-year cycle, every year passes under the sign of some animal. A person born in a certain year receives a number of innate qualities, depending on which his fate is shaped. The Chinese horoscope is very popular in the East over the years. Knowing your year of birth, you can easily find the sign you need in the table below and can read about your Chinese horoscope sign in the corresponding section of our website.

There are many legends regarding the history of the Chinese horoscope, here is the most popular: Once upon a time, Buddha invited all the animals to his birthday party. Only 12 animals came. It was cold, and to get to Buddha, you had to cross a wide river. Buddha gave each animal, in the order in which they came to him, one year of reign.

The rat came first and got the first year of the 12-year cycle. Only eyewitnesses of this swim claim that the bull was the first to cross the river, and the rat, which did not want to get wet in the cold water, asked the bull to carry it on its back. While the bull was putting himself in order to appear before the Buddha in normal form, the rat quickly ran forward and was the first. She was rewarded for her ability to take advantage of circumstances and efficiency. A little later the tiger came and got his third year. The fourth to arrive was the hare. The fifth was a dragon, the sixth was a snake, the seventh was a horse, the eighth was a goat. She was ninth, the rooster came tenth, and the dog came eleventh. And finally, the last one to appear was the boar. Buddha gave him the last year.

Year of birth elements

According to the Chinese horoscope, all creatures and objects are composed of five main elements - earth, wood, fire, metal and water. Also, each animal of the eastern zodiac calendar has a positive, neutral, and negative element. Whatever animal rules the current year, initially the year has its own element, which will remind itself of itself, creating either positive or negative versions of events. That is, according to astrologers, taking into account the influence of the elements, it is not at all necessary that the most favorable years for a person will be precisely those years dominated by the animal in the year in which he was born.

The Chinese horoscope is quite complicated in that the countdown of time is determined according to the lunar calendar. This means that each month begins with a new moon and lasts on average 29 days. Of course, people born in the same year, i.e., under the influence of the same element and sign of the Chinese horoscope, are unlikely to be absolutely similar in character, habits, etc., since the energy of the year reflects only the general qualities of one or the other. another sign. A more careful consideration of all the nuances gives a more complete picture of the personality of a certain person. Any unit of time can be compared with any of the signs that the Chinese horoscope contains.

Chinese horoscope by year of birth

  • Monkey: 1920 | 1932 | 1944 | 1956 | 1968 | 1980 | 1992 | 2004 | 2016
  • Rooster: 1921 | 1933 | 1945 | 1957 | 1969 | 1981 | 1993 | 2005 | 2017
  • Dog: 1922 | 1934 | 1946 | 1958 | 1970 | 1982 | 1994 | 2006 | 2018
  • Boar (Pig): 1923 | 1935 | 1947 | 1959 | 1971 | 1983 | 1995 | 2007 | 2019
  • Rat: 1924 | 1936 | 1948 | 1960 | 1972 | 1984 | 1996 | 2008 | 2020
  • Ox (Bull): 1925 | 1937 | 1949 | 1961 | 1973 | 1985 | 1997 | 2009 | 2021
  • Tiger: 1926 | 1938 | 1950 | 1962 | 1974 | 1986 | 1998 | 2010 | 2022
  • Rabbit (Cat): 1927 | 1939 | 1951 | 1963 | 1975 | 1987 | 1999 | 2011 | 2023
  • The Dragon: 1928 | 1940 | 1952 | 1964 | 1976 | 1988 | 2000 | 2012 | 2024
  • Snake: 1929 | 1941 | 1953 | 1965 | 1977 | 1989 | 2001 | 2013 | 2025
  • Horse: 1930 | 1942 1954 | 1966 | 1978 | 1990 | 2002 | 2014 | 2026
  • Sheep (Goat): 1931 | 1943 | 1955 | 1967 | 1979 | 1991 | 2003 | 2015 | 2027

In the East, it is customary to use animal symbols to determine a person’s character depending on the date of birth. There are 12 signs of the eastern calendar in total, for each year of the 12-year cycle of our planet’s revolution around the Sun. In the West, the symbolism of 12 constellations is used, located along the annual path of the Sun across the sky, many of which also symbolize animals. This is where the name of the Zodiac comes from, from the Greek Zodiakos - animals. To determine which sign of the eastern
you relate to, use the table of zodiac signs by year of birth. Find the year you were born and match the year with your zodiac sign.

Zodiac signs by year of the Eastern calendar

Thus, it is possible to determine the complete compliance of a person not only by month, but also by year of birth.

The table shows the 12-year cycles of the Eastern horoscope. Select your year of birth in the table to determine which Chinese horoscope sign you relate.

Now just compare the characteristics of a person according to the Western and Eastern horoscope. This will help you more accurately determine the character and inclinations of a person and will allow you to determine compatibility according to the Chinese eastern calendar of zodiac signs, depending on the year of birth.

Zodiac signs in the year of the Rat

Aries is a cautious, neat Rat;

Taurus is a refined Rat, prone to creativity and art;

Gemini - Rat with imagination. Capable of any action, but sometimes she does stupid things...

Cancer is a punchy, assertive Rat;

Leo is a seductive Rat;

Virgo is an Experienced Rat. You just can’t catch one like this;

Libra is a dreamer rat. Can't always stop in time;

Scorpio is the Unpredictable Rat. She is not able to understand herself;

Sagittarius is the Rat explorer. It will get out in any case;

Capricorn is the peacemaker rat. Prefers dialogue to any conflict;

Aquarius - Rat-aggressor. Often she destroys something she didn’t intend to;

Pisces - Home Rat. Even capable of acquisitiveness, but in moderation.

Zodiac signs in the year of the Ox

Aries - Sometimes dangerous. Humor is not always understood;

Taurus is an esthete bull. Influences people without raising his voice;

Gemini - Ox without brakes. Can be difficult to manage;

Cancer - Career Ox. Be careful not to get in his way;

Leo - Affectionate Ox. Veal tenderness, sometimes without measure;

Virgo - Ox humorist. Capable of feats;

Libra is an uncharacteristic, very gentle Ox. Often tries in vain;

Scorpio - Bull Warrior. Carefully! It may not be possible to stop him;

Sagittarius - Calm Ox. Inclined to quiet activities;

Capricorn is a sociable Ox. He will tell you everything;

Aquarius is the Warlike Bull. Assertive, aggressive, purposeful;

Pisces - Harmonious Ox.

Zodiac signs in the year of the Tiger

Aries - Tiger Sage. Avoids sharp corners;

Taurus - Wise Tiger. Carefully plans his actions;

Gemini - Crazy Tiger. Pleasant to talk to, but slightly unpredictable;

Cancer - Swift Tiger. This one is sometimes dangerous!

Leo is the Calm Tiger. But sometimes too pliable;

Virgo is a cheerful Tiger. Capable of great achievements;

Libra - Tiger-homebody. Calm domestic kitty;

Scorpio is a True Tiger. Although not a Lion, he looks like the King of Beasts;

Sagittarius is a pragmatic Tiger. Sets a goal and achieves it;

Capricorn is the Civilized Tiger. An excellent partner in business and affairs;

Aquarius is a difficult Tiger. Interesting, but not always predictable;

Pisces is the True Tiger. Capable of the incredible;

Zodiac signs in the year of the Rabbit (Cat)

Aries - Thoughtful Rabbit. Avoids communication. Able to be a good mentor;

Taurus is a Skillful Rabbit. Talent for creativity. Will not leave a friend in trouble;

Gemini is the True Rabbit. Sole of company;

Cancer - Rabbit-savage. Calculating and careful;

Leo is the House Rabbit. He doesn’t snort, he just rubs his hand affectionately;

Virgo - Homebody Rabbit. He loves comfort, this is his weakness;

Libra - Rabbit in the Sun. Capable of enjoying life;

Scorpio - Rabbit-tiger. Hisses and sometimes bites, but gently!

Sagittarius - Rabbit Sage. Doesn’t steal sour cream from the table, asks others;

Capricorn - Affectionate and gentle Rabbit, it is so pleasant to scratch him behind the ear;

Aquarius - Rabbit-magician! Inclined to secret sciences;

Pisces - Rabbit-Intellectual. Calm, thoughtful, reserved.

Zodiac signs in the year of the Dragon

Aries is the True Dragon. Tries to stay away from the fight;

Taurus - Dragon Seer. Able to see both one’s own and others’ shortcomings;

Gemini - Seasoned Dragon. His wisdom and pragmatism will lead to success;

Cancer is the True Dragon. Always strives for his goal;

Leo - Cute Dragon. Family and children are the most important thing in life for him;

Virgo is a rainbow-colored Dragon. Exotic;

Libra - Dreamy Dragon. Doesn't always finish;

Scorpio - Classic Dragon. Sometimes tiresome in nature;

Sagittarius is a Thoughtful Dragon. Pleasant and reliable;

Capricorn - Dragon-Chameleon. One is not always what one wants to appear to be;

Aquarius - Wild Dragon. Sometimes it bites;

Pisces - Household Dragon. Family favorite;

Zodiac signs in the year of the Snake

Aries - Snake-thinker. Smart, no doubt, but prone to fantasies;

Taurus is the Serpent of the Seer. Prone to the mysterious, able to predict the future;

Gemini - Snake of the water element. Cool, sober pragmatist;

Cancer - Snake-boa constrictor. May suddenly buck;

Leo is a Poisonous Snake. A faithful girlfriend (or friend), her charm can enchant.

Virgo is the Changeable Snake. A little eccentric, flighty, but pleasant to talk to;

Libra - Snake in meditation. If she wakes up, she is capable of much;

Scorpio - Spectacled Snake. Loves jewelry and has a delicate taste;

Sagittarius - Mysterious Snake. Cunning, beautiful, sophisticated...

Capricorn - The Snake is surprisingly truthful and sincere. Is this possible?

Aquarius is a Passionate Snake. The ideal partner in love.

Pisces is a Purposeful Snake. He gets his way.

Zodiac signs in the year of the Horse

Aries - Horse-pedant. Taking everything seriously is the reason for the problem;

Taurus is a Riding Horse. Too passionate about work. Sometimes he forgets about everything;

Gemini - Horse-dreamer. Unhurried, but knows what she wants;

Cancer is a Hot Horse. Passionate, ardent, sometimes excessively;

Leo - English Horse. Unhurried, but always caring;

Virgo - Thoroughbred Horse. Loves to travel;

Libra - Circus Horse. Tender, receptive, walks in circles;

Scorpio - Centaur. Will make all your fantasies come true;

Sagittarius is a True Trotter! Bright, but somewhat windy;

Capricorn is a thoroughbred Horse. Gravitates towards spectacles and vivid impressions

Aquarius - Wild Horse. Capable of getting carried away to the point of self-oblivion;

Pisces - Horse-Worker. Capable of walking monotonously, but does not always know where exactly.

Zodiac signs in the year of the Goat

Aries is the Thinker Goat. He will do everything in the best way, with imagination;

Taurus - Mysterious Goat. You should not follow her conclusions to the end;

Gemini - The Goat is creative. She is drawn to art, but is slightly capricious;

Cancer - Goat-Warrior. That says it all;

Leo - Charming Goat. Sweet, but prone to idle pastime;

Virgo - Goat with tricks. You should not follow her whims;

Libra - Cutie Goat. Kind, sweet, caring;

Scorpio - Mountain Goat. How difficult it can be to understand;

Sagittarius is the Superficial Goat. Capable of helping a little, but won't let you get close;

Capricorn is the winning goat. It's not easy with her;

Aquarius - Bright Goat. passionate and active. May get out of control;

Pisces - Goat with character. Strong, strong-willed, always ready to help.

Zodiac signs in the year of the Monkey

Aries is a Pedantic Monkey. Sometimes fickle, contrary to intentions;

Taurus is a smart monkey. Able to hide true intentions;

Gemini - Savvy Monkey. Adapts perfectly to external circumstances;

Cancer is a Strict Monkey. It can be difficult with her.

Leo - Cute Monkey. Sweet, kind, needs care;

Virgo is a Hot Monkey. Can flare up over a trifle;

Libra is a Positive Monkey. She may be nice to some, but she won’t let others get close;

Scorpio is a Passionate Monkey. Likes to play with fire;

Sagittarius is the Conqueror Monkey. Loves attention to himself, this is what causes all the problems;

Capricorn - Monkey - Juggler. Always strives to maintain balance;

Aquarius - Eastern Monkey. Cunning, resourceful, resourceful;

Pisces - Monkey-Merchant. Talented, loves risk, but not always in moderation

Zodiac signs in the year of the Rooster

Aries - Exotic Rooster. Interesting deep nature;

Taurus - Rooster - Egoist. Interested only in his own affairs;

Gemini - Rooster on the weather vane. Large-scale plans, but does not find time for the rest;

Cancer - Fighting Rooster. Conflicts are his element;

Leo - Broiler Rooster. Moderate in everything, homebody;

Virgo - Warrior Rooster. Strives to get into the thick of things, even if they might pluck you there;

Libra - Sincere Rooster. Too trusting, often becomes a victim of deception;

Scorpio - Brave Rooster. Ready to rush into battle. The occasion is not important;

Sagittarius - Domovy Rooster. Pragmatic, calm, measured;

Capricorn - Gourmet Rooster. Looks for compromises, hates quarrels;

Aquarius - Refined Rooster. An interesting option for partnership. Will not let you down;

Pisces - Celtic Rooster. Constant, faithful, reliable

Zodiac signs in the year of the Dog

Aries - Watchdog. Reliable, but somewhat noisy;

Taurus is the Wise Dog. Smart and interesting;

Gemini - Original Dog. Loves traveling;

Cancer - Dog-Warrior. Reliable and faithful. Not afraid of difficulties;

Leo - Dog-Friend. He just looks at the world sincerely. He is not disingenuous;

Virgo - Dog-Wanderer. Kind, but does not always react on time;

Libra is a Gentle Dog. Sincere, but needs care;

Scorpio is a Loud Dog. Likes to make noise, the reason does not matter;

Sagittarius is a Consistent Dog. This one is difficult to deceive;

Capricorn is a Real Dog. Gentle, kind, diplomatic;

Aquarius is a Hot Dog. Ready to rush into battle. At least that's what he says;

Pisces is an Active Dog. Not afraid of obstacles.

Zodiac signs in the year of the Pig

Aries is an Uncharacteristic Pig. Too serious;

Taurus is a Consistent Pig. Calm, knows what she wants;

Gemini is the Creative Pig. Good, but sometimes selfish;

Cancer - Toy Pig. Kind, caring and sweet;

Leo - Sweet Pig. Charming and loved;

Virgo - Hasty Pig. Capable of much if the environment does not stop her;

Libra - Pig-Gourmand. Trusting is the main drawback;

Scorpio - Homely Pig. Consistent, but not capable of betraying;

Sagittarius - Classic Pig. It's not easy with her.

Capricorn is a thrifty Pig. The desire to accumulate is in her blood;

Aquarius - Strict Pig. Sometimes prone to selfishness;

Pisces - Reasonable Pig. He hesitates too often when choosing.

A horoscope is a map of the location of the planets relative to the signs of the Zodiac, compiled at the time of a person’s birth, taking into account the geographic coordinates of the place of birth. It is believed that this provides the key to understanding a person’s character and his destiny. Astrologers use horoscopes to predict fate, which is generally believed to depend on the relative positions of the planets and stars.

A horoscope is one of the few opportunities to look into the future, to learn about the events and warnings that await you in the future from astrologers, who for centuries have been doing nothing but studying the stars, compiling star charts for each zodiac sign. Since ancient times, people have wanted to look into tomorrow. Depending on the time of birth, every person living on earth is born under his own zodiac sign.

The zodiac sign is determined by a person’s date of birth, and each of these 12 signs has basic traits and characteristics unique to itself. The described zodiac signs, as most of us rightly believe, reflect the essence of our nature.
The zodiac sign will help you learn about the hidden and possibly unknown qualities, talents, and virtues of a person born under one or another zodiac sign, will tell you how to reveal them and use them correctly, and will also help you achieve insight in life.

You can learn a lot of interesting and useful information about yourself, acquaintances and friends from the horoscope of the zodiacs.
Don't expect your zodiac sign horoscope to reveal your future. However, an astrological horoscope of zodiac signs will give general information about the individual character traits of a person born under one or another constellation, help warn against possible dangers, and give advice on what to do in a given situation. Remember that the formation of character and habits is influenced not only by the horoscope zodiac under which a person was born, but also by the planets. There are 8 planets plus the sun and moon, which play an important role in the development of an individual's personality. Depending on the position of the planet in the horoscope of the zodiacs, any of them can dominate over the others, as a result of which it has a strong influence on the formation of a person’s character. This is why people born under the same sign can be so different in character and in their actions.

Zodiac signs by month.

In Eastern countries, the eastern calendar is very common, in which the years are combined into twelve-year cycles, just as in the Western calendar the year is divided into twelve zodiac constellations. Every year in the eastern calendar is named after an animal. People born this year are assigned the qualities inherent in this animal, according to life observations and Eastern mythology.

We invite you to get acquainted with the eastern calendar (or Chinese calendar). It is believed that they largely determine the characters and tastes of people, their compatibility, and ultimately, people’s destinies.

Eastern calendar. Zodiac signs by year of birth.

According to the Eastern calendar, the new year does not have an exact fixed date and begins on the first day of the first lunar month of the calendar new year. Every year in the eastern calendar is named after an animal. People born this year are assigned the qualities inherent in this animal, according to life observations and Eastern mythology. Every twelve years the cycle repeats and the animal returns, but it is not exactly the same animal, because in the full circle of the eastern horoscope there are five different Rats, Bulls, Tigers, etc. The animal remains, but its element changes. The eastern calendar assumes the presence of 5 elements, each element corresponds to certain colors. Thus, the cycle repeats itself completely after 60 years.

Rat, Mouse (born in 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020) – stubborn, thrifty, secretive, aggressive, charming.
Ox (Cow, Ox) (born in 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021) – impulsive, self-confident, responsible, family-oriented.
Tiger (born in 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022) – active, selfish, generous, quick-tempered, strong, leading.
Rabbit, Hare, Cat (born in 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023) – shy, peace-loving, sentimental, conservative.
Dragon (born in 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024) – despotic, loving, lucky, proud, assertive.
Snake (born in 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025) – romantic, rational, wise, lazy, sophisticated.
Horse (Horse) (born in 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026) – kind, flexible, energetic, insightful, restless.

First Life - Rooster (baby)
Second life - MONKEY (1-3 years)
Third life - GOAT (from 3 to 7 years)
Fourth Life - HORSE (7-12 years old)
Fifth life - BULL (12-17 years old)
Sixth life - RAT (17-24 years)
Seventh life - BOAR (24 - 31 years old)
Eighth life - DOG (31-42-)
Ninth Life - SNAKE (42-54)
Tenth life - DRAGON (55-70 years)
Eleventh life - CAT (70 - 85 years old)
Twelfth Life - TIGER (death)

Compatibility horoscope for zodiac signs.

Chinese astrologers divide all animal signs into four groups (three in each). It is generally accepted that people born under the same group of signs have similar characteristics that determine the way they think, which ultimately allows them to get along well with each other, support each other and get along together. This does not mean at all that they have the same character or actions, it’s just that the innate characteristics of their personalities successfully complement each other and contribute to revealing the best sides of other people from the same group. It has been noticed that partnerships, friendships and especially marriages between those born under the signs of the same group are the most successful.

Competitors- , And . All these signs are very keen on competition and decisive action. Rats need the Dragon's self-confidence and courage, because... extremely unsure of themselves. In turn, the Dragon can be too direct and sometimes simply needs the ingenuity of the Rat or even the cunning of the Monkey. The latter highly value the intelligence of the Rat and the enthusiasm of the Dragon.
Intellectuals- , And . People belonging to these signs are great pragmatists, strong personalities, often endowed with great abilities, self-confident, purposeful and decisive. Among them are thinkers and seers. The Ox is constant and firm, but he is favorably influenced by the brightness of the Rooster and the charm and dexterity of the Snake. The directness of the Rooster is balanced by the diplomatic Snake or the self-confident Bull, and the Snake, with all its ambition, can reach great heights if it is assisted by the Bull or the Rooster.
Independent- , And . These people are emotional, impulsive, restless and extremely principled - a kind of "free spirits" of the Chinese zodiac. The Horse is a born strategist, but to make anything a reality it needs a decisive Dog or an impulsive Tiger. He can also give vent to the Horse’s restlessness, while only the Dog can calm it down. The Tiger will also benefit from communicating with the Dog - her constant good nature will keep him from being excessively cruel.
Diplomats -