home · Tool · The best wedding congratulations from the parents of the bride and groom: poetry, prose. Beautiful, touching parting congratulations to the bride and groom from mother and father in verse and in your own words. Congratulations from the mother of the bride on the wedding in her own words

The best wedding congratulations from the parents of the bride and groom: poetry, prose. Beautiful, touching parting congratulations to the bride and groom from mother and father in verse and in your own words. Congratulations from the mother of the bride on the wedding in her own words

What can you wish for on this day? I don’t want to say banal words. Therefore, we wish only one thing - let your life contain only what you yourself want to see in it. Remember that you build your own happiness. so build it so that others will look at you and envy you! Advice and love to you!

Well, you have become husband and wife. Your family is still very young, only one day old. But how you live this day will largely determine your entire future life. Therefore, we wish you to live today as brightly and cheerfully as possible, and in your future life may this joy and fun only increase. Advice and love to you. And may you never be bitter in your life!

Our dear, beloved children! It is difficult to come up with and say something new when so many good and warm words have already been said. Therefore, in order not to repeat ourselves, we can only say one thing - everything will happen in your life. There are not only bright moments. There will be problems and quarrels. Without them you will be bored. But let all this remain a passed test for you, after which your life will acquire only bright and light colors!

As you leave for your new life today, make a wish for yourself. Remember that your wedding day is a magical day, so your wish must come true! Well, we have already made a wish for you and we will try to fulfill it now. We wish your young family unearthly happiness and wealth. If this happens, everything else will happen. Well, for wealth to come, we are now ready to take the first step for this. Advice and love to you! Bitterly!

All parents are always happy for their children on their wedding day. We are happy for you today too. You have already entered a new life, which is full of a variety of moments. Try to make sure that there are only bright moments in your life. Well, if a dark streak comes, just step over it as soon as possible and happiness will enter your home again!

Our dear and beloved children! Today in your life there has come a moment that happens only once in a lifetime. Remember this day forever and if someday it becomes difficult for you, remember how good and joyful you were today. And then sadness and sadness will immediately leave you.

Daughter and son! Yes, yes, that’s right - from now on you both have become our children. We want to wish you only the brightest and warmest on this day! and remember that a family can only be considered such. When warmth and comfort flourish in it. Good luck, our dears! And may this path be easy and pleasant for you!

Dear daughter and son! Well, the day has come when you leave for a new, independent life. From now on, you need to be together everywhere and in everything. Never quarrel anywhere, because quarrels lead to nothing. If it becomes difficult, smile at each other and the severity will pass. All the best and brightest to you!

A wedding only happens once in every person’s life. And now this time has come for you. Remember today forever, because it will never happen again for you. Today everyone will shout “Bitter!” to you, but in your life we ​​wish not to experience this feeling. May you always have only sweetness in everything!

Our dear daughter and son. Today we see endless happiness and smiles on your faces. So may these smiles never leave your faces, and may your happiness truly become endless. All the best and brightest to you in your new, still unknown, but already so interesting life. Advice and love to you!

Well, young people, I’m probably as worried as you are. I had the opportunity to congratulate the young people for the second time. Everything that I didn’t have time to tell my children, you will have to listen to. Firstly, I want to congratulate you on your wedding, you have been working towards this for a long time and finally gave us all such pleasure - to walk at your wedding. As the father of not only your father, but the entire family, I have every right to give you a parting word for the rest of your life. Here is my advice: “Live happily! »

Dear (names of spouses)! On this solemn and exciting day, I wish you an ocean of love, a sea of ​​happiness and wide rivers of goodness! If it happens that the ocean of love disappears, the sea of ​​happiness becomes shallow, and the river of goodness turns into a small stream, may you be left with a clean and deep lake of hope. Let hope, faith, love and wisdom be your companions. Let them help you not turn your life into a swamp of routine. May your every day be filled with joy, fun and love! Happy family sailing and may your ship never go astray!

Dear children, (Names of spouses)! We bless you for a strong marriage, for a friendly family. Living in peace and friendship, love and harmony, for your own happiness, for the joy of people! Let the children laugh in your family, let there be peace and prosperity in your home!

We raised wonderful children and on this significant day we are proud of you. Our relatives. We sincerely wish you. So that your family life is never overshadowed by any problems and that you are always together. Happy wedding to you, our dears!

Dear and beloved children, we congratulate you on the most important day in your family’s life. After all, today you have formed a new unit of society called “Family”. Know that a family is a lot like a ship. And the strength of the ship depends on what kind of relationship there will be between the spouses, how much they understand each other. And strength is very important. Because there is a huge sea ahead of you - life. And this sea will not always be calm and smooth. Sometimes you will have to be caught in storms. Sometimes there will be icebergs on your way. And for your ship to remain safe and sound, it must be strong. After all, if its mast falls off, the deck is damaged, a gap appears in the hull, your ship will slowly but surely sink. Today we wish the newlyweds and their ship calm seas and fair winds!

Dear (names of spouses)! Today is a special, special day for you! Today you will become husband and wife. Today you will take a serious, important step into a new life. We would like to wish you goodness and warmth, many joyful days. Build your house so that you can live happily in it, plant your garden - the best one, raise your children so that they will be your pride. Remember: a strong family is the key to your success in life. Take care and appreciate each other, be each other’s hope and support.

Our dear daughter! The day has come that all girls have dreamed of since childhood. White dress, wedding rings and a loving groom. May your married life be full of mutual understanding, and every year you will be even more confident that you have made the right choice!

Our dear children! So you have become husband and wife! Now a long and happy road to family life will open before you. You are now standing at the very first sign, and how many more there will be in your life! The birth of your first child, his first word, his first step - you have to experience all this! But now you are the happiest couple on this planet. I want to wish you only happy days, so that you, like two swans, float through life side by side, warming each other with your warmth! Be happy!

Our dear and beloved children! I would like to wish you long love, beautiful smart children, prosperity and respect for each other! Do not be afraid of troubles, they are not scary for you if you are united. Support each other in any endeavor. We wish you to become a model for other young families. Stand strong for each other!

Dear son! We are sincerely glad that you have found your soulmate. We promise you that we will love and respect your wife and believe that you treat marriage responsibly and will never offend your beloved. We wish you to build a large and cozy house in which little mischievous legs will run. We hope that there will be a place for us in it. Bitterly!

People say that marrying off your daughter is like surviving a fire. But people don’t say anything about what the groom’s parents have to go through. The question is, so to speak, delicate. But I hope we will cope with the “revelry of the elements” together with our new relatives. Happiness to the young and health to us, their parents!

It is always difficult for parents to part with their children. But today we are not saying goodbye, but welcoming a wonderful daughter into our family! I would like to wish you a lot, but first of all, that you know how to listen to each other and then it will be easy for you to build your family. Help each other in everything, strengthen your happiness day by day. And now, dear guests, fill your glasses, let’s drink to the newlyweds, to the new family, and may faith, hope, and love be with them all their lives! Bitterly!

Dear (name) and (name)! With all my heart I would like to wish you a happy married life! Make your family nest cozy and warm. Let storks visit this nest more often, let your family grow by leaps and bounds! Live like two swans: swan love, swan fidelity, swan song to you in a hundred thousand years.

Our dear children, allow us on a happy day, at a happy hour, to say a parental parting word. Live so that there is joy in your home, so that laughter and songs, happy children's voices sound in it. Build your best, kindest, most magical world. Let your family become a model of family happiness and prosperity.

Life is a vanity, consisting of many little things, piled up with unnecessary words, empty disputes, stupid quarrels. Life is an interweaving of sunny and cloudy days, alternating white and black stripes. The happiness and well-being of your life will depend on your consent and prudence, your ability to find compromises and persevere with life’s difficulties. Let everyday little things and trifles not spoil the main thing in your life - love and happiness!

Our dear children! Family is a fragile musical instrument. Disharmony in the family is not a rare thing, so in order to achieve harmony, you have to turn around in every possible way, otherwise you will not achieve harmony. We wish you that in music based on the harmony of loving hearts, notes of disappointment and falsehood will never sound. Let the wild, crazy cacophony of scandals and strife never break into this music. Let your hearts always beat in unison!

Our dear children! On this solemn day, allow us to congratulate you with all our hearts. Love and appreciate each other, respect and support. Today you have become a family, you have become the closest people to each other. Never forget this. Give birth to children, and we, in turn, will always be happy to help you and babysit your little ones! And remember that family is work, hard daily work!

Our beloved children, dear newlyweds! On this joyful day, we wish you happiness, smiles and joy throughout your long family life! Let it be like a wonderful holiday, and let the honeymoon never end! Let the sonorous voices of children sound in your home! And the house will be filled with joy, laughter, smiles! Respect and take care of each other! Remember that living life is not a field to cross! Prosperity and happiness to your family!

Today you have become husband and wife, our dear children! And we, as parents, bless you for a happy family life. Today you took a very serious step - you started a family. But the family will be complete only after the birth of children! So give birth to blue-eyed or black-eyed girls and boys and never forget that you are responsible for each other! Bitterly!

Dear newlyweds! We sincerely congratulate you on your legal marriage and the formation of a new family. Advice and love to you! The most beautiful thing in life is great human friendship and love. May your love be as long as your life! When creating a family, you are responsible not only to each other, but also to society, and your duty to it is to live in love and happiness, raise healthy and cheerful children and be a faithful support to your fathers and mothers. Good luck, dear newlyweds, for many years to come! Let's proclaim a noisy toast in honor of the newlyweds!

The husband is the ship, and the wife is the helm. We wish your family ship not to drown in the sea of ​​everyday problems, to sail out of any whirlpool and reach a quiet harbor, where your crew will be replenished with a new addition. Happiness to you, young people!

Our dear children! May your union be happy! May your love be joyful! Live in friendship and harmony. We always want happiness to last, and therefore I wish you only eternal happiness, only bright love, only true friends! And may your married life together be happy!

Married life is a book that consists of two parts: the first part, poetic - the honeymoon, the second part, prosaic - the whole future life. Of course, in the first part there are very few pages, in the second part, on the contrary, there are a lot. We wish you to divide the second, most part of the book into several chapters and make each of them honey!

Son and daughter! Today you decided to take a very serious step - you sealed your love with the sacred bonds of marriage! We are happy with your happiness! We wish you to always experience great tenderness for each other and be one! May all your endeavors lead only to victory, and may happiness and prosperity never leave your home! We and all your loved ones and friends will always be there to share both grief and joy with you! Bitterly!

Our beloved children! Congratulations on your wedding! We wish the groom to be a real master and love his wife, and the bride to be a caring wife and help her husband in everything! May the hearth of your love never go out! Unity and happiness to you!

Our dear children! Life is very long, but it goes by very quickly. Beware of an idle life, set goals for yourself and achieve them. Dreams come true, and thoughts are material. Remember this and successfully apply it in your life. Dust or glory will remain after us, during our lifetime it is our right to choose.

Our dear children! We congratulate you with all our hearts - now you are a real family! Your dreams about each other have come true, now new ones will appear - common ones. So let them also come true, as if by magic! To wrap things up, I would like to note that since you are now also adults, it is no longer interesting to be with you. We look forward to receiving gifts from you - little princes and princesses! In the meantime, please accept our gift...

Such a solemn and important day as a wedding requires careful preparation not only on the part of the newlyweds. The preparation process involves the parents of the bride and groom, friends and relatives. But sometimes, due to the bustle, one important point is missed. This applies to congratulations that are heard on the day of celebration. After all, experiences and emotions at a wedding can unsettle you, a large number of guests brings some embarrassment and it is quite difficult to concentrate and it is not always possible to say what you want. Therefore, it is better to prepare in advance a congratulation from the mother of the bride at her daughter’s wedding in a normal setting.

Which greeting should you choose?

Only she knows what words a mother can say to her beloved daughter. After all, they should not be invented, but come from the heart and soul, they touch you to tears. Congratulations from parents must be touching and sincere, but it is very important not to allow double meaning. After all, unfortunately, it happens that the daughter’s choice does not always suit the parents; perhaps the mother is simply not ready to let her child go and believes that it is too early. Therefore, there is some dissatisfaction in the congratulatory speech.

But no matter how difficult it is, you should understand the most important thing - this choice made the daughter happy, and the wedding day should be the most pleasant, joyful and remembered with bright colorful emotions. Parents can help with this by saying gentle and approving words.

What congratulations should not contain

  • Any dissatisfaction (“everything is fine, we are happy, but...”);
  • Regrets (“it’s a pity that...”);
  • Warnings and threats to the husband (“if you offend, then...”);
  • A large number of tips;
  • Jokes that only the bride’s family can understand;
  • All kinds of reproaches.

Unfortunately, such moments are often present in congratulations, and I do not do them intentionally or out of malice. But they are perceived with offense and can hurt a person; this cannot be allowed. When preparing a beautiful congratulation to your daughter, you need to show your happiness for her, pride and approval regarding her choice.

There are several options for what kind of congratulation it can be, in verse, in your own words, or perhaps it will be a song.

Touching, soulful poetry

Nowadays it is not at all difficult to find congratulation poems from talented authors on the Internet. They are full of kind and gentle words; you can choose both long and short congratulations. In addition, they can be with funny, cool phrases or simply solemn.

Main rules:

  • Don’t be afraid to choose long congratulations; they will be more than appropriate. There is so much I want to say on this day. The only thing is that when choosing such poems, you need to pay attention to the meaning, because memorized and banal phrases are not interesting to anyone and the guests will become bored in a minute, and on this day you need to take into account the interests of all the guests.
  • You can also choose short poems; this is still much better than a regular congratulation. Here, when choosing, you should give preference to those poems that can convey the most important thing that you want to tell your daughter.

  • This can be a poetic congratulation that contains deep meaning, emotions and beautiful phrases.
  • You can also choose congratulations on your wedding day for the bride and groom; your daughter will be pleased that her mother accepts the choice, approves and is happy with her.

As you can see, the days of only poetry involve a choice, it will depend only on individual preferences. Only a mother knows that it will be nice for her daughter to hear what phrases she wants to hear on this important day.

Sincere prose

Here every loving mother can say how dear her daughter is, how important it is for her to be happy. The main thing is to avoid ambiguous meaning in prose.

  • It is necessary to focus on the fact that the mother is happy for her daughter. A new, strong family is being created, to which the parents wish respect, understanding, love for many years, as boundless as on this day.

  • Do not forget that there should be words for the groom, since this is a holiday for both of them.

  • You can note important moments in family life and talk about values. How important it is for spouses to feel each other’s support in any situation. That a wife is, first of all, a wise woman who knows how to understand and give in, show care and affection.

  • Even if the newlyweds’ immediate plans concern only their careers and they don’t think about children, there is no need to be afraid to mention it. After all, it is on this day that a new family is born, which will have their own children and they will also be parents who say touching words at the wedding.

You should always remember that the most precious words are those that are spoken sincerely. They are able to penetrate into the very heart and remain in memory forever, evoking gentle, pleasant emotions.

The happiest and most memorable event in the life of any person is, perhaps, his wedding. On this day, the newlyweds are given gifts, money and heartily congratulated from all sides, wishing great human happiness and family well-being. And along with pleasant speeches from neighbors, relatives and acquaintances, future spouses receive words of instruction from their parents. Read our article about what parting words are given to newlyweds.

When congratulations are said from parents

Congratulatory words from parents are something that no wedding celebration can do without. However, when deciding on organizational issues, the question becomes in which part of the wedding script to include them. Ideally, there should be a certain sequence among the congratulations, but more often this happens in any form and directly depends on the desire of the host or toastmaster. We will present examples of congratulatory speeches from parents later in the text.

Wishes and nice words from the bride's parents

In most cases, parents of young people prefer not to prepare long and mournful speeches, but to improvise. In addition, both the bride's parents and the groom's relatives can speak during this event. They do this one by one. Here is an approximate farewell message to the newlyweds from their parents: “Our dear newlyweds! We are pleased to finally congratulate you on this wonderful event - your wedding day! At this momentous moment you became husband and wife. It is up to you to lay a strong and reliable foundation for your future family life. And the well-being and strength of your relationship will depend on what it is like. Therefore, we wish you good luck in this difficult and time-consuming task! Build your destiny with intelligence, kindness and love!”

Bright wishes for your daughter

Often moved by the wedding, the mother of the bride is the first to speak and, of course, immediately turns to her daughter. Here is an approximate parting word from the mother to the newlyweds:

“My dear daughter! On this significant day, you are preparing to leave your father’s house and step onto the threshold of someone else’s. It won't be easy for you. Therefore, I wish you to have great patience. It will help you solve all everyday problems and, like a key, will open any door. Let your husband support you in this, become support and support for you, surround you with affection and love. Let him be your sun, sky, reliable friend, love and respect you all your life!”

Congratulatory words from the father of the bride

During a series of congratulations pouring, as if from a cornucopia, onto the shoulders of the newlyweds, the father of the bride gets up from the table and says his parting words to the newlyweds in prose: “Dear and beloved children! Today you have become one family - legal husband and wife! Now you will have everything in common. You have become one. We sincerely congratulate you! We wish you happiness, love, kindness and affection. May you have heroic sons similar to your father, and smart daughters with the beauty of your mother. Live together. Advice and love to you!”

Congratulatory parting words in verse

Sometimes parting words for the newlyweds from the bride's parents can be delivered in verse. For example:

You have become husband and wife,

Now you are one!

You've been waiting for this time for a long time,

And finally it has arrived!

May sorrows go away on this day,

Sorrows and misfortunes will disappear!

Today you have become kinder

We wish you love and patience,

Don't let adversity bother you!

And we respect your choice,

The budget will only contain income!

You'll be lucky, we know it!

You can either come up with your own parting words for the newlyweds, or use a ready-made version of the poem.

Congratulations from the groom's parents

Congratulatory words are not only parting words to the newlyweds from the bride’s parents, but also pleasant wishes from the relatives of the groom himself. For example, the spouse’s mother may say the following: “My dear son! Today you have stepped on the road to a new adult life. Now you have a new family. Keep her and take care of her, as I once did for you. Today is your wedding day. This is a radiant and bright time that will bring you only joy and positive emotions. May happiness always reign in your home, and may your life be like a fairy tale. Be patient and caring, love one another in wealth and poverty, in sickness and in health. Bitterly!"

The second version of wishes from the groom’s parents: “We are happy to congratulate you! You are the most valuable thing we have. Now you have become one. Let your happiness give joy to others, cause smiles and positive emotions. Let your couple stand out from the crowd with their radiance and uniqueness. Cherish your love throughout your life. She will help you walk your path and overcome all difficulties and obstacles. Appreciate, love and support each other! Advice and love to you!”

Parting words for parents on your doorstep

The newlyweds are not always given parting words by their parents during the festive feast. Often such words are spoken on the threshold of a house. It is believed that just outside the threshold, young people begin a new life and their own path. Therefore, before letting their children go “free swimming,” parents give a blessing and say a parting word. For example: “Children! You grew up so quickly that we didn't even notice it. Now you are adults and are free to choose between good and evil for yourself. You met each other and fell in love. This is a sign from above. Now you can join the knot and become husband and wife. We wish you to love, support, respect and be faithful to each other. We bless you! Advice and love to you! Be happy!"

Often, parting words to newlyweds are accompanied by certain actions. In particular, we are talking about the icon of the Mother of God or Christ the Savior. It is these that, based on custom, are carried out by parents at the very moment of blessing.

At this time, the young people kneel down. Parents must walk around them three times with the icon and make the sign of the cross. After this, parents and children kiss the shrine and each other, and then everyone goes to a full wedding ceremony.

Words of instruction in the wedding palace

Another important meeting of parents and newlyweds takes place directly at the wedding palace. This happens after the painting ceremony. As a rule, a beautifully painted towel and a towel are laid before the feet of the bride and groom, and the newlyweds stand on it. And at this moment, the parents give their parting words to the newlyweds: “Our dear and beloved young people! You have become a new family! Now you have everything in common: home, everyday life, budget, children. The bright road of a new life path opens before you. Pass it with dignity and with your head held high!”

After these words are spoken, the bride and groom step over a towel or towel, kiss and hug their parents, and also accept congratulations from relatives and friends.

Parting words from parents with bread and salt

The next moment when parting words from the parents sound to the newlyweds is the meeting of the already married spouses with bread and salt. Usually this action takes place in front of the entrance to a restaurant or cafe, where a ceremonial feast in honor of the wedding is expected. All this happens in the following way: the young people arrive, leave, and are met by their parents, who carry bread and salt on a towel, a small icon of the Virgin Mary.

“Well, hello, now young spouses! Congratulations on your wedding day and the formation of a new family! Now you will live together and share all the joys and hardships in half. Let this bread be the first dish you taste as husband and wife!”

At this moment, when parting words are given to the newlyweds, the husband and wife simultaneously break off a piece of bread, dip it in salt and eat it. For variety, you can invite your spouse to feed his piece to the other half and vice versa.

“Advice and love to you. Bitterly!"

Solemn speech of parents to newlyweds when presenting a gift

And finally, the third option for parental speech is words of instruction spoken during the presentation of gifts. For example, as a gift - a certain amount of money. In this case, the relatives say the following: “We are glad to welcome you to this hall as husband and wife. You are a new “cell of society” that is being born before our eyes. On this wonderful and sunny day of your wedding, we want to wish you happiness. Let your eyes sparkle with joy and your hearts beat in unison. This envelope will be your first joint capital acquired in your family union. Spend it wisely, and most importantly, together!”

​bugaga.ru​ your marriage!​ They didn’t try to​ grandchildren - I wish you strong, daughter, your arms are full of love forever, stay faithful to you!
​ don’t leave​ My dear daughter!​ Congratulations to your daughter for the​ love of children.​ We will help you,​ long relationships,​ the key,​ we wish​ Sat and, warmed up,​ friend and always​ Dear (names of the spouses)!​ your faces, and now you’re at the wedding from your parents, let’s cheer up your daughter. Sincere, true feelings Everything will be, everything And soon your grandchildren will fall asleep? Be happy! On this solemn occasion your happiness will be got married. Congratulations to you, dear!​ This is a miracle and​ Drive away the sadness of decisions!​ You will achieve,​ We are waiting.​ How you have grown​ Our dear children,​ and the exciting day​ In fact​ you were born​ Your wedding day ​ a fairy tale,​ and boredom!​ Let your husband respect,​ And we, mother​ Bright days, warmth,​ we have a beauty!​ Let us say​ I wish you an​ ​ endless ocean. Just family to you. In it there is a holiday for Like Pushkin, Love for you! “Gorko” extols, with dad, prosperity for you, On your wedding day, a parting word, love, a sea of ​​​​the best happiness, and our own traditions will appear. described, to the young! Gifts, joy in We will help, Light and straight for you, we are in this happy and wide rivers of light in yours and laws. First, you blossomed, without flaws - My dear girl, brings life, If suddenly from the roads. very happy. day. Live like this, good! If a new one happens, while you are still teaching a friend, waiting, the girl is beautiful, beloved daughter! Star of Good Luck, may you encounter failure! May your life be happy always, so that in yours, so that the ocean of the unknown , but already a friend, and then And she became beautiful. This is every day. Today you bride will come with you, Daughter! If fate is sweet, you, as now, love has always reigned at home, will disappear, a sea of ​​​​such an interesting life. Pass on to your children. Now. admitted. - Let the Guardian circle yours, you met And keep you, And it will be joy, there was laughter, happiness will grow shallow, and I really want advice for you, And here is your Mom and Dad, Beautiful, happy!​ over your heads!​ - children, God! ​the best reward for us.​ songs, happy children​ the river of kindness will turn into​ love! so that you have an important day on​ we will say thank you,​ you are from me​ today you are beautiful,​ take care of her now​ you stand on​ we through years of voice. Together, build​​ into a small stream,​ Wedding​ in life​ as an exemplary hostess, faithful​ in full swing.​ And with the​ day, accept​ now like a winch,​ all your life.​ We wish you to carry​ your best new path, let Every person has you as a friend, a caring mother. We congratulate you on your wedding, we congratulate you in full, Advice, instructions Eyes glow with love. ​I wish you​ Now your family​ All happiness, tenderness, kind and magical​ will remain pure and only one​ and a reliable support​ with him.​ This is happiness -​ And wishes of love,​ Today you are happily married​ - different. affection and care, peace. We wish you a deep lake of hope. And here for your children. May happiness overtake you because your daughter fell in love, Happy wedding day, And in agreement You are always happy In life, only your family became Hope, faith, love this time for Try to be wise in a frenzy! To the groom, congratulations forever! And you will fly away from life. Be hand-in-hand. An example of family happiness, and may wisdom come to you. Remember and compliant. This is Wedding Day, after all, you are in love. Manage to stay in our nest forever. Together in joy, And shine with your soul, Family means prosperity and prosperity! will be your companions. Today is forever, the most winning option ​is irreplaceable.​Happy wedding day to your parents.​You are loving and​May a woman’s happiness​in sadness, dear.​and rest, and​We talked a lot​May they help​after all​he is more in the family. Here you go, daughter... Congratulations on your way out, tender. Always with you Hand in hand Let there be joy, work. Today is about love, you will never turn for you, you will never see, having learned to be ​ get married!​ You raised the bride​ Carry through​ love, always​ kindness​ From now on, be together​ for the happiness of the newlyweds​ your life will not be repeated. Today, you will be wise, And in the life of the groom, ​ And you, son, To be a friend with Your companions forever, and I am not a swamp of everyday life. May​ you all get the desired results​ the main thing will be your husband!..​ Don’t worry about​ Be sweet, serene! Every day I shout “Bitter!”, but in everything. Know, But don’t forget to your daughter, we wish, I wish that in then your family will live for many years! Give love in full, and healthy ones. I’ll just quote German, will be filled with joy, in your life yours mother always the way to us She will go to the house that you created My father and I are a child, The philosopher Hegel will pass in any direction: “The secret of fun and love! We wish not close, but closer Already - to your pier. Calm and comfortable, Strongest and standing together, Let your eyes burn, trouble, happiness lies in Happiness for you in experiencing this feeling. You owe us something fresh We are always where you are comfort awaits, And she will be happy in the bank. We are marrying off our daughter. ​ let's help! There are two of us Where the children are happy - only where to hug, I see in the eyes, Congratulations, daughter! You​ So I​ don’t get lost with​ it will only be sweet!​ I will wait for​ you and​ - “MOMMY” they shout,​ Ruble and currency!​ there is love.​ I wish you a sea of ​​​​happiness.​ You, my​ ​ - bride, I wish my son a course! Dear daughter and guests! Is it necessary? And every day So that the light shines porjati.ru So that my dear husband, In a wedding dress, and his wife Dear children, (Names son! Well here is our beloved daughter! So that - not so diverse, in your eyes, Today I give away my treasure I loved, I am like a dream girl every day, only love and spouses)! We bless you and the one has come In all fairy tales like those that Where she is loved So that only the sun In reliable men Respected you, appreciated you. I wish you a wedding - Always be smiling, trust. I want for a strong marriage, the day when everything ends with your wedding. They eke out life, and idolize them in the heavens, the hands of their son-in-law. May success accompany you, the hearth of the lovely, you have learned to understand for a friendly family.​ go to a new one,​ ​ But know that​In love and​With the bride and in the day​So that you fall in love​So that my daughter​We are waiting for​Grandchildren​May your love​Don’t lose​ each other’s soul with​ Living independent life in the world. From now on, a wedding means we lived together in harmony, weddings - congratulations, to my husband again, I was the happiest, more than anyone else. Always glowing, purity. half-sigh, half-glance, and friendship, you need love everywhere just the beginning. Beginning​ They might give us​ ​Perhaps -​ So that I can rule my life​ I cherish​ Bows and dresses,​ Congratulations, my beloved wife​ I wish you prosperity,​ always support each other​ and harmony,​ for yourself​ and in everything​ long and happy ​ Sometimes grandchildren.​ This is the most important​ love!​ On the day of your​ Fairy tale about a princess​ I wish to be, and​ prosperity, a friend in difficult​ happiness, people​ ​ to be only together.​ family life. This is a day to remember, daughter. You are my dear daughter, weddings - the most beautiful, tender relationships and situations. And such a joy! Let Never and nowhere be the very beginning of love, He must squeeze out tears, You are so beautiful The little things don’t Everything remains in And the mistress of the beautiful warmth, the connection between you in your family, don’t quarrel, because and not just​ It fills you with sadness,​ and is tender.​ Think about swearing​ ​ in the past.​ such that​ So that when you are alone​ it will become indestructible. Children laugh, even if quarrels do not lead to passionate love. This is the age of one thing for you: But you will find I know - You are studying and Today you are a bride. So that the comfort in ​ be sweet, Dear children! Live in your house for what they don’t. and happily. There will be peace and If it becomes difficult for children. And so that day you are happy. You are the best parents. And for many, except Yes, maybe it’s difficult for Mom’s joy. You keep, cherish the stream that flows. I want to wish you well-being! - smile, friend, the life of your family ​ -​ - you need glory,​ us.​ ​ will get used to it,​ Don’t look that​ love,​ Daughter, you made​ eternal happiness, strong​ We raised wonderful​ friends and the heaviness lasted and pleased​ Support he Such a daughter is worth But I remember But I have to cry, Be happy, ​ your choice of love, faithful friends of children will pass. Just for both of you, you, your destiny!​ search, our little one, respect each other.​ For you, so young, with a loving heart and on the path of life!​ ​ this significant day of the kindest and​ daughter, there must be And not conceived Now the groom is the head And the first step, You are glad of your love. Understand each other with a bright head. Let her be happy, we are proud of you. Relatives of the bright one! Let ours. We are sincerely loving daughter and son. On a woman, you drink only He will have a wife And here are the brides Through long and In a white-white dress. And fulfill your dreams, make mistakes, we wish you stronger over the years. So that Yes, yes, this is how the family holds on, and coffee, kvass and help. I stroke your hand, long years, I wish you any! Treasure your spouse and ​ your love! For​ your family life​ - from now on​ we wish you​ tea! Now for your son-in-law -​ I can’t hold on to​ Stronger only with​ Much, much happiness.​ Dear daughter, now family.​ you!​ will never darkened, both became ours, your family lived Another step “father-in-law” and “mother-in-law”... tears from my eyes. Love every day. Let your husband adore you, bride, We raised you, We, parents , congratulations on no problems and no children. We want happily ever after! ! So you’ll part with your girlhood and you won’t understand the troubles. ​ have become forever!​ children.​ - you will become​ Like a priceless treasure,​ children. They were together. This exciting day has just come for you. Warmer, more natural and In love, trust How long have you been on Live your soul in your wife. Take care of build your happiness. Wedding you, ours bright and magical moment. Remember, You are a young wife, it’s simpler: And caress your dad’s soul Let him be sure When you have time Let them be dear! Warm! and remember how little you will become today, He is the son Live a hundred years Rode and cheerfully Many, many years. Will your hopes come true, to become big? A friend helps everyone Dear and loved ones, what can a family do dreamed of a prince, And the knot of your family, you - and let your husband laugh? Dear daughter, today And with you, ​How quickly a friend, years create strong children, we congratulate you to be considered such only about a ball gown, you will tie a reliable one.​ father and mother!​ A hundred years of beautiful When in a veil and I want, I am a daughter, Let the daughter have fairy tales for a day. And my mother has our feelings So that my husband appreciates But you on such a happy day, warmth flourishes in your life in a heap gifts….Today this is for your family to spend the night in my dreams you are impossible to describe, and were in reliable hands, we believe, when their children are families during the day. After all, it’s also cozy. The dream has come true! Now On the waves of happiness With him - still a baby, Sat and, having warmed up, We are glad to look after you tenderly, And your choice will enter exactly today you have a good journey, dear ones, try to make this ​ ​ just floated.​ rushes at least​ Did you fall asleep in the evenings?​ we’ll tell you​ to blow away the dust particles,​ to our liking.​ marriage, starting our own​ formed a new cell​ of ours! And let the children's fairy tale turn into Live happily, the end of the Earth... I read books, How you grew up honestly, I carried in my arms. Let families open up to you. And now, the society called this path will be rich in adulthood, No, you are not And you are already a beauty among us! With your tears There was a family hearth, fill all the doors, dear guests "Family". Know that it was easy for you and it was like that And in a quarrel you lost your daughter, bride, dear, On your wedding day I can’t be clean and serene Let the glasses be light, let’s drink to the family very similar ​and pleasant!​ but don’t let in a gentle, airy hut. But you are a beautiful son, beloved, dear!​ for you we will keep!​ And great happiness​ ​ the path to dreams.​ young, for a new​ to the ship . And our dears and and magical. In​ it is necessary.​ - purchased!​ I wish you happiness​ very happy.​ Today we celebrate your​ gift every day!​ We would like to nurse​ the family as soon as possible and let​ from what​ dearly beloved children!​ everything is possible for the family!​ And give us​Do not stand between​ and without measure,​Be happy always​ ​wedding,​Our dear daughter,​grandchildren -​there will be​relations with them​Today in your​Just don’t let​grandchildren,​them​ Conscious, deep, strong, as you are now, And we wish you Congratulations, We will help you, faith all your life, spouses, as far as life has come, long sadness, resentment, good, mischievous guys.​Don’t give in to your faith,​And it will be a long way to go,​You’re beautiful as if​ we’ll cheer you up.​

Congratulations on the daughter’s wedding from her mother in verse

​will understand a friend who only happens
Quarrels, disappointments. Let So accept parental
​ evil words, so that joy and
Our best reward. Today you are hearts
​flower,​drive away the sadness​
​Dear newlyweds, beloved friend, strength depends
​once in a lifetime.​ lies and betrayal​
​congratulations,​And you will​
You shared the pain, We are years apart
​ connected,​ We wish to live​ and boredom!​
Our children! The joys of the ship. And the strength
​Remember this day​ will never come​ ​To be strong​ - family,​
​And that’s right, we really want to bring you
​We wish you love, loving.​
​Love to you! “Bitter” throughout is very important. Yes
forever and if through your window
A family center. He is the closest to his family
Together in the world All happiness, tenderness,
Carry through the years. You live very
​young!​ life, smiles and​
How will one day be ahead of you?
at home. Know - You, my daughter,
​ you will!​ live!​ ​ affection and care,​ my dear daughter!​
​ amicably,​
A huge sea awaits you in the house of happiness
It’s difficult, remember how you are one
​ you go to the house For the beautiful bride, you
To be loved deeply In life only
​I congratulate you today.​In the house let
After all, this is our day! Let
- life. And good and joyful
​and if something is a stranger.​
It’s not a sin kalym
​You are each other,​ go hand in hand.​ ​After all, the day is warm,​
​ Daughter is getting married!​ your honeymoon​
This sea was not for you today.
- something will happen there for you
​ask,​Do not separate you​Family is​
So solemn Even on a snowy night
Oh, how a little time will seem like an eternity to you,
Will always be calm And then sadness
​with one half,​ with an assessment glance​
​We wish you
​neither rain, nor rest, and
​You will become a loving blizzard,​
Runs. I’m not but all my life
And smooth. Sometimes sadness right away
The second one will definitely be targeted.
​ holiday, in friendship there is snow, no blizzard, ​ work.​
​ wife.​ Let me believe you... Yeah...​
​you will feel​ you will have to fall​
They will leave you. You will feel it. Take care friend
​And you - with your daughter's husband
​Not your parents​ From now on be together​
​So young, playful, good.​
Know, dear, that it’s a holiday! Let your
in a storm. Sometimes​
​All parents are always a friend, love you dearly
​ my fruit, grew up to live, forgot,
​forever,​We wish you all with your beauty the sea soul forever with​
​home is never​ in your way​
They are happy for each other. Let it not be beyond the boundaries,
​You are the parents of your daughter-in-law,​And with your grandchildren​
​Have children, I captivated the smart ones.​
​ light,​ you. leaves a happy children's
​icebergs will be encountered.​ children a day​
​in your marriage​And for you​
​huge helmet for you to come to us
​and healthy.​In the soul​
A sea of ​​​​happiness and my daughter already
​ laughter, let you And so that your wedding. We rejoice
​healthy children will be born.​ they will appreciate me.​
​Honor,​ the guests have arrived!​
​Any side will pass​ - my mother’s princess,​
​ love,​ suddenly became a wife, ​ accompanied by laughter, smiles​ the ship remained intact
For you today Daughter, take care of your
​You merge with​For this one​
​PozdravOK.ru​ trouble,​
​You will remain like this forever.​Joy, good luck, laughter,​
​Next to her is joy. Manifest
And unharmed, he and we. you
​hearth!​ them. faithful friend.​
Princess, bring Z to the groom
​When the family supports​On the wedding day​
Believe, hope and a wonderful husband will become
A caring friend should be strong. Already entered into Beloved daughter and
​And a devoted husband's account.​
​Yat and mother-in-law are ready!​
I bless life, love.
​ to her support, to a friend, perhaps
​ After all, if you have a new life that
Dear son-in-law! Congratulations wife.
​May your daughter have difficult times in life​
​Our dear daughter, today I wish you well-being,​
​Daughter, beloved,​Or perhaps theirs​
In your life the mast will fall away,
​full of the most different​ of you with your​ ​But, as a soldier,​ with a new son,​ roles, however, avoid​
​ you are the most beautiful​ Calm love and bright weddings
​the family will become larger; the deck will not be damaged; it will appear
moments. Try to make it your first family holiday!
No, no, look, they will soon bring grandchildren, beautiful daughters for their parents
​bride in the world!​ carefree,​ hour
​ soon.​ pleasant moments, remember:​ a gap in the casing,​
​so that in​ We want to wish,
​ in a circle - To make grandma smile,
​ will not succeed!​ We are happy to see​ And happiness to​
​The main desire is that you will live much longer in life
​your ship is slow,​ your life was​ ​to today's date​
Isn't it too
​and grandpa was​If in life​
Your sparkling eyes, endlessly.
​Happiness for you!​ always be​
It’s more difficult than crossing, but it will go confidently
Only bright moments.
​was celebrated by you every year, are you surrounded?​
I would be glad, father and mother
​your smile, to see,​
​For my husband to cherish​We want​
​near,​ ​field. Advice to you
To the bottom. Today​ Well, what if​
​and so that there are kind words
​I wish​ something so important is planned​
How touching you are
​and loved,​ was durable
Hug, warm you
​yes love!​ ​we wish the newlyweds​
A dark streak will come, growing stronger every year
​ - words-rays.​ was heard in the house
​an event like a wedding​ holding hands​
​Always for your marriage union.​
​ looking at each other.​porjati.ru​
​and their ship​ - just step over​
​your love. Grew Be more generous with the laughter of children,
Daughters, it’s up to you to worry your husband. We wish
Carried in his hands, Let him appear soon
​I wish you strong ties​Daughter, today you​
​ quiet sea and​ her as possible​ ​your admiration friend​
A kind word. In the meantime, let’s note
There will be more for your family
​And never​Dear little one.​
​to you, with kindness from the heart.​ - bride.​ fair wind!​
Rather, happiness is a friend. So that you And there are words,
​ wedding - Hey,​ more than itself​
​strong and friendly.​ offended,​ ​Be your wife​
​...may love​You be as bright as​
​Darling (Name of spouses)!​ will re-enter​
​ increasingly stronger friend
​ Sounding stern.​ garcon! Pour some wine.​
The hero of the occasion. Congratulate Love, respect, take care
​Family in line​ wise
You will have a morning dawn.
​You have your home today!​
The friend was respected. And without weighing the word,
​We spent so much time on​ the bride's parents with​
each other. Be always holding... And guard the hearth,
​bright, endless.​
​Here yours was found
​special, solemn day!​Leaving today on​
​so that every year​
It’s better to remain silent.
​love stood yours
Marriage, because it is wise, patient, caring
​Beloved daughter, wedding​
Raise your children
​Hand in hand​
​a place under the sun, Today you will become ​a new life, make a wish
​on this day​
​YOU, my daughter,​ marriage,​
​and their holiday.​ by the wife, and the husband​
Take care of your husband.
​to your dream boldly
​And you are happier husband and wife.​
I feel sorry for myself. They also glowed
​you go into the house
​We didn’t swear, we didn’t​ Wishes expressed in poetry​
Let yours have such an event in
Let your husband be proud, go.
​in the world.​ Today you will do​
​ Remember that your eyes are happy!​
​stranger, grieved, avoided yours
​or words with​ strong, loving, faithful​ ​ to life,​ you​
​I earnestly ask, only you live and
​serious, important step that the wedding day
​ Be happy! ***​And every house is its own​
The house is dark. A special invention will be
​ spouse. Happiness to you! Now you have
​Appreciate every day and​ your family!​
​ listen to your heart.​ to a new life.​ ​ - this is magical​ Today is my daughter​
​in itself a power.​Grew up with you​
In this matter, How quickly you have another family,
​ hour,​ Be happy daughter,​
​Be a housewife, a mother,​
​ We would like to wish​ the day, so yours​
​gave me a son.​There is only one​
The girl is not your best ally.
​became an adult.​And there is
​Well, we​You are now a wife.​
​wife.​ good luck to you and​
The desire must necessarily Yes! Yes! Having fallen in love, the king has the right to say, Not to describe,
​ The main thing is sincere​ The years have flown by, the years have flown by.​ Your marriage has charisma.​
​always with you,​In my former life​
​Be a warm wife, many joyful ones
Come true! Well, (name), and coming out to be king is your husband,
​And a short skirt,​ heart. Big events
​I led you​I wish that​
​Don’t forget about​ the point,​ ​the light of the best,​
​ days. Build yours
​we have already wished to marry him,​
​your chosen one.​ soon began to dress.​
​the family is worried about school
​ always wish:​ us!​
​Now don't be loved, affectionate,​
​ home so that you wish for you
She assured me You, my daughter,
Somehow I grew up quickly, all together, like
​Love to the last​ After all, she wore bows.​
​ dear.​ lived happily in
​and we will try to fulfill
​is that​
​You're going home, you're getting married soon,
alone, and without
​It was like​
Yesterday only you, Go through life
​I ask you,​
​here, plant yours
It’s already here.​
Her husband became a stranger.
​Wear a white dress,​ support from friends, colleagues​
Like yesterday. Let them not grow old
​Today the cloud is bold, ​you be happy, the garden is the most
​Your young family, relatives and me.​
​Take me with you, I’ve got a husband.​
​and loved ones here​And today a veil​
You are the soul of the year, veils curl.
​Support is with​ And let the best ring, raise your own
We wish you happiness I fell in love with him, patience on the road.
​You were scared, of course,​
You can’t do without, you put it on,
​There will be no two And this solemn
​by you.​ in the children's house​
Children, so that they and unearthly wealth.
​and I will consider it as a key
How is it without a daughter? Today is such a wonderful day, Stepping into a new life
​ lonely!​ life moment​And convince skillfully,​
​ laughter.​ were your pride.​ ​ This will be your son. Dear
​ - reliable help,​ to live​
​After all, your daughter is on the threshold,
​Have children and
​It worries, it gives birth to​ After all, it’s a choice​
​To your couple -​
​ Remember: there will be a strong family and that’s all
​my kids! Before
​You are the key​Since childhood, mother​
I found a husband,
​Maybe I will grow a lot in love,​
​ soul sentiment.​ yours.​
​ joyful, beautiful -​
​ - the pledge of your
​ the rest. Well, you extended a big
​ you will open any entrance.​ ​ my dear daughter got used to it Let her family
​failed,​Forgive each other​
​Daughter, today you​Let life be a cup and
​ success in life.​ so that wealth comes
The road of life. Pierce with patience
It will be like a fortress, May it help you
Vices, you will become a wife.
Your home, happiness, and success.
​ Take care and appreciate​ - we are now​
It will be different you and the abyss
​Change is​And there will be happiness​ ​in life from God.​Let it be for many years​
​But be like​ Fill it.​
​Today I give mine to each other, be
Ready to make reliefs: and plains,
joy, because now
Her life is full. For life
Nightingales sing to you, and before, blooming
​After all, children are​ treasure​
Hope for each other is the first step.
​and the mountains, and​You will penetrate and​
​next to her​And you​
I wish you true love, And there will be a road
​in the spring​
​our contribution is to reliable men's
​and support.​ ​ Advice to you and​ rocks and waterfalls,​
​into the secrets of the day
​husband, don’t be sad
​Be happy, wide children!​
​And, like a moth,​ your inheritance.​ the hands of your son-in-law.​
​Our dear daughter!​ love! Bitter!​
​and maybe even nights,​He is a hard worker, a hard worker
​ minutes,​ my,​ ​Today you are especially​ out of love, you​ are our dear daughter,​
​So that my daughter​ the day has come, oh​
​Dear, our beloved​ and cliffs….If you​
Let your chosen one never
​After all, today I hug you tenderly
​ beautiful.​ flutter,​
​So I became the happiest one,​
​that all​ ​children dream of! It’s hard to imagine you will always hold on
Your union will strengthen,
​ kicks the bucket.​ we found a son,​
​And I wish you
​Today on yours, blossom, enchant, fragrant.​
You are my wife.
​I cherish a dream
​girls from​ and say something​ ​for each other,​
​Let him​Rest and be bored​
​And soon a strong family will chirp.​
An important day in life.
​Reliable and faithful​
​From the heart we
On the day of your childhood. White dress
​new, when you can already overcome​
Will save you from adversity.
Wait for your grandchildren soon,
​your grandchildren​
Made for a happy life
​I really want it to​
Let there be a spouse: we wish
​weddings.​ engagement rings and​
So much has been said about all the obstacles. Don’t let your husband be dearer
​Congratulate you on​Give them warmth​
​you are a step,​ you were happy,​ support, protection, lover​
​To have a groom who doesn’t love the little things. Let
Good and warm, forget about it.
There will be a wedding celebration with everyone, I
​of your soul.​And what awaits ahead​
​So that there is peace in life and friend.​ ​ for the family.​
Think about swearing,
Your married life words. Therefore, in order
​ Fate united you,​ year.​
I’m very glad to admit.
​It seems like recently your daughter has a long journey!​
There were a lot of changes. Warmth and care
​So that souls harmoniously​
​You study and will be full of mutual understanding,​
​don't repeat ourselves, we can​
​ means you need to be​And everything that​
​pozdravik.ru​I was a little girl,​
​May the Lord bless​But only the good ones​
Surround him For years intertwined
​to give in something.​ and with each​
​say only one thing with one command! I wish​ ​he didn’t give​Happy wedding day​
And now - your marriage,
​ kind, positive.​ And beautiful children​
​with you.​Yes, maybe it’s difficult​
​you will be the year​ - in life​
​you are great, friendly​ you,​
The bride from her mother is so beautiful,
​So that you, like a mother, may be happy
Give birth to him. And he will be remembered for a long time
​will get used to,​ even more confident in​
Everything will be yours. family, beauty in
​During your life​How long have you had pigtails​ ​In a white dress​ you were very​
I wish the best. Let it be through
​This romantic waltz.​But you have to​
​what you did​ Doesn’t happen only​
Your relationships, reliability, only loving,
She braided your hair like a flower.
​ a lot! And your husband has a sparkling look of years,
​Congratulations, daughter, you respect each other.​ the right choice!​ ​ bright moments. Will be in plans. Be happy!
​Let it be the sun​The palm squeezed me
​You may not be excellent, daughter
​smart, kind and Let there be a hearth​
​Happy holiday​Your love, our dear children!​
​and problems, and​Dear girl! You
For you and your little hand?
​don’t be sad for a second,​ wife,​ ​ sporty.​ yours is warm and​
​love and happiness!​carry with care​
How great it is that there are quarrels. Without them
​became very big.​ honey.​
​Now quite an adult,​After all, she
​Wonderful mother and Happy rich day to you,​
​I wish you​Through the long and
​ you decided to marry​ you will be bored.​ You are already a wife!​
​In my soul, daughter, you have become,
​husband under the wing,​ a wonderful hostess!​
​ wedding I let you have a day
​ live lovingly,​ long years,​ ​ your hearts, give​
But let it
I'm sure that
A place of excitement, And soon she herself
​Will be very happy​To have your husband​
​ congratulations!​ joyful, kind -​
​Lots of affection, tenderness​Stronger only with​
​Everyone leaves everything for each other
​you with ease​
​Today, my daughter, you will be a mother, like
through life,
​always hurried home,​On this day,​ ​night.​ and passion.​
Love every day.​
​ day of your life!​ you passed the test,​
You can handle this - bride,
​I.​Fill them with joy
And you were my beloved daughter,
​Be happy in​May you be caring and​
​Now you are family​ Now with you​
After which life is a position. You will
​And it’s very difficult
Home is a joy for a mother.
​ incredibly attractive!​ I really want you​ ​ to get married, beloved daughter!​ your husband will be kind,​
​ have become forever!​ will always be there​
Yours will acquire the most beautiful, tender,
​to convey,​can’t be​
​Your daughter has become a beauty,​We want to wish you,​
​wish,​Daughter, how​
​Never you​How fast​
​ loving and understanding​ only bright and​ ​ devoted and caring​ How does the bride feel​
In the wedding waltz, dear children,
​To draw happiness​ you are beautiful​
Offends you, you have become an adult. the person with whom
​ light colors!​ by the most affectionate hostess
​ mother.​ Know - happy
​like an angel is good, so that love always
​from the source,​In a white dress​Let him cover you​

Congratulations from mother at her daughter's wedding

Always a kind daughter. She taught worldly wisdom,
​I pray for one thing,​And they shine from​
​Then everything will come true​ So that troubles and​ love,​
​Your soul is out of hand,​
​glasses to your family still
​ If you need you to be your mistress, may the Lord let me
Eyes of joy. Your dreams are good,
You don’t need Happiness to a young family.
​ teas.​ It was like​
​happy and bright young, all she needs
​ my advice, I became famous
He hears: Let them go around and there will be life
​knew,​Let you keep your smile​
​Let it be warm like yesterday.​
Family life, take care, just one day.
I'll give it to you And that's it

​Give the girl happiness in bad weather, with you, so that you, your hearth, are full of joy, And today appreciate, respect the veil, and But because of this, at any time, I have time for my life, Don’t be sorry! Her husband was the best home for you. You will preserve your beauty, May you wear it comfortably,

​Keep it!​ How will you live​
​Never accept​
​You have blossomed, become prettier, I wish you dear sons
​dream!​And so that everyone
​And let it be at your home soon.​
​Stepping into a new life​ Our dear children!​
This day, in hasty decisions and
​What kind of kid are you?
It will be, Daughter, today you -
​ spent the day,​ kids​
​Give it to us soon​
​on the threshold,​ As it was sung in​

A lot will depend on don’t do it quickly
​became a bride!​I will willingly​
​May she live, the bride.​
​Remembering with a smile​ They will wake you up in the morning.​ grandchildren,​
​Maybe I have a lot of one wonderful song:​
All your further conclusions, they can
​I say a word to babysit them always!​
​as in God You are as bright as
​later!​Let any troubles​
​We were no longer able to babysit,​ “We wish you happiness​
life. Therefore, today's be wrong. Listen
I didn’t dare, Let your husband be behind you, morning dawn.

​Daughter, today you are in sorrow
​ready.​May it help you​
​to you, we wish you a happy day
​your heart, it​When you're in​
Forever in love Forever about troubles
​Your bride has been found,​
​You will be able to drive away,​Daughter, dear blood,​
​God is in life.​ in this big world!​
We wish you to live as if you will not let us down. No
​ Registry office “Yes!” she said, she’ll warm her, she’ll forget.
A place under the sun, a wondrous white angel
​And no reason,​The most in the world​

​For life​ Like the sun as bright as possible and
Argue with your husband, And this is because you deserve
​May your daughter be your daughter-in-law and be happier than your beauty.​
Neither will, dear.
I wish you true love, in the morning, let it be more fun, and in
Better shut up. You are such a wedding dress, oh yes!
​ will not be,​ not in the world.​ We have become today​
​You can't​I'll take you with​
​Be happy, children are coming into the house.​
In the future, let her choose a smart spouse, You look young,
​Daughter! We are you, And as your beloved daughter, live and
​ mother-in-law with father-in-law.​ lose.​

​ congratulations on your wedding day, my
​ We wish you happiness, this joy and
He will not allow the careless
Congratulations and dear,
Listen to your heart. We hasten to give to the young
​May my sunshine’s trust and patience be with you
​Tenderly, tenderly I hug you, and it
The fun only multiplies. Your wife gets angry
​You outshine everyone​Happy wedding!​
​And her husband​Be a housewife, a mother,​
​ flowers.​ Will strengthen your family,​
I wish - And I wish you

​should be like this
​ Advice to you yes
And grumble. Love your friends
​And with aching​
Let him be your son and wife.
​Daughter, we wish​
​And let every
​Live your life as a strong family.​
​ - When you
love. And let each other be more
​And most beautifully letting go with my heart,​
​you will​
​Be your wife of happiness,​
​in love and​ It seems to me that I’m completely happy, with happiness
​in your life​
​and more from​ brides around!​
​Today I wish you​And they will heal​
​in the best light,​And so that life​
​Tells you: “I love you.” affectionately,​

​share with others"​you will never​
Every day. Bitter!​Always in harmony​
We want: a happy family.
​Be loved, affectionate, yours was without
​My baby, the sun​Like a prince with​
​Even as a child, we wish you,​
​ It will be bitter!​ *** Dear daughter!​
Live with your husband, Let your home
Love them, appreciate them, dear.
​our troubles,​
She was a princess in a sweetheart.

​for your marriage​What can you wish​
​ You are the one who keeps the traditions of the family,
It will be a full cup, respect,
​I ask you,​
​So that you are all​My ray of light,​
A fairy tale. A simple word, a word
I was happy! May it be on this day?
beautiful bride. And if there is something in it
​They are one, you be happy,​
​smiled for a while,​ kindness,​You, my daughter,​
​ “Mom”,​ yours will be joyful
​ I don’t want to say​ we believe that​ it will be necessary​

Wedding congratulations to the bride's parents

whole link​And let it ring And so that you are needed Today - smile, There’s no way to say you are love! Live in banal words. Therefore, from today, you laugh without hesitation! Support them and in the children’s home you were ours for everyone in the world. I couldn’t live in full. friendship and harmony. we wish only one thing, you will be the most (read as embarrassment) come. Be loved, dear, respect, laugh. Advice. More beautiful! Enjoy as much as possible! And now We always want, - let in

A beautiful wife. Most
​I bless you now,​ our daughter!​
​Your couple will receive in return -​
​In your life​I became a wife today​
​My dear daughter,​ you are in white for happiness​
Your life will be your beloved wife. Most
​I wish you good luck!​Be on Earth​
​their sincere love.​ joyful, beautiful -​

​new and happy
​In this bright​ dress,​
​long, and therefore​ only that​
happy wife. We Remember, my daughter,
​ happiest of all!​ What a good bride
​Life promises and Let it not be
​Be gentle, affectionate,​ bright day​

I'm leading you
I wish you happiness you want
​we know how yours is always with you
​How quickly a temporary flower,​
Happiness and success. Troubles, problems, grievances.
Obedient From the bottom of my heart to you down the aisle.
To see only eternal love in her. The chosen one is lucky. And
​your family!​ is flying...​

​Kind and at heart​Holiday is in the house​
​And let the bright Wife to her husband,
​we wish​ Let it be only bright, friends
​Remember that​ we ourselves want​
​You are getting married to your daughter today
And soul, with us. Daughter
​and unquenchable​In serious matters
​Happiness full of drops.​ Married life is successful,​

Only the faithful! Take care of yourself
​for myself, so that I have a bride,​
​ gave away.​You raised me well
​gets married!​Your fire of love​
​consult,​Be the rear friend​
​And the house is beautiful,​ each other!​
​Build your happiness.​over the next long​
​All the guests have gathered,​ let Mendelssohn's March​

​Oh, what a time
Always on.​
​Since you trusted​ for a friend,​
​Like a palace!​The most exciting moment​
​so build yo we all
​all relatives.​ sounds!​
She will run wonderfully. I'm not Dear Daughter,
​ to him.​ Happiness and love​ For your husband be​

in everyone's life
​it so that more and more
​All of me with​
​We became spouses forever!​ mother and wife.​
​ I believe... Yeah...​ We wish you:​
​Don't forget that​
​ carriage!​ always beloved,​
Father - it was others who looked at

made sure that you
Congratulations with a smile, Fire in the chest
​May you be proud​Know, dear, that​
​May there be prosperity, you are beautiful
​Let it be a joy to be beautiful, tender, young!​ the wedding of your beloved daughter.​
​they envied you!​ just as much​
​Just now - yours is on fire
For her family, soul forever with
​Always in your​In everyday life, in​
​ full Let all the troubles
​ Therefore, I ask you to give advice to you yes
I'm lucky with yours, I'm so worried

-​And let you rejoice
​ you.​ family.​
​caring for your family​Your cozy new​
They pass by, I need a little attention.
​ love!​ husband. We wish
​I.​Let it not go out
To all their victories, my daughter already
​Let your husband be with you​And most importantly, you​

​ house.​Let it be in the house​
​ Today you did​ Well,​ you can see happiness​
​The day will pass and so will the years!​
​Give them warmth,​ I suddenly became a wife,​
be proud, be happy,
​You will live together only in peace.​
​Your first step is young, I’m probably​
In your eyes, the glamorous shine will be washed away,

​May the Almighty always have your love,​
​Next to her Let it be warm
​We always wish​ and beautifully,​
​And we are moving toward a new life, I’m no less worried​
​ After all, if you are happy Tomorrow, you are legitimate
​ keeps And let the wonderful husband go around, he will become
​ home.​ for you!​
Let us want to add wealth to our father,
Family life. Ahead of you. I introduced myself
A woman means a wife.
​Your family and their sorrows
​ her support, And let her daughter

​Once upon a time, it makes you laugh that we will be very
​You will also have such an opportunity to congratulate​ her family is strong.​You won’t be with​
​those who are in trouble.​And perhaps their​
​ will be born,​ years,​Let there not be​
Waiting for grandchildren. Many, many steps. How young in the second
​ So, you are happy with me in the evenings, with you!​
​The wedding is playing, the glasses are clinking,​ the family will get bigger​ Well, son​
​With us, your life is boring, Happy wedding day

They will be - once. Everything that is a man. Make her happy
​I’m now completely​Today my daughter is getting marriedChampagne is flowing like a river,​
​ soon.​ then.​ appeared.​
​In the house we only want to congratulate you,​
​successful or not​ I didn’t have time​
​ children. Be happy - all alone.
​ comes out!​Today your daughter​You are on your life​
​Let them be happy​They didn’t know yet​the sound of laughter.​
​Eternal love to you very much - it depends on what you tell your children, daughter, because this is
​I'm kidding, because​Well, I started to cry,​
Always be on the way, both father-in-law and
​we then​Dear daughter,​wish!​

Congratulations to parents at their daughter's wedding

You will have to listen. The guarantee of your well-being
​joy, what kind of joy, not from happiness
​A faithful wife, a beloved one nearby,​
​ mother-in-law. What a miracle you are
​Here you are,​We wish you a dear daughter​But you must​
​ Firstly, I want to congratulate the new family. Congratulations on the new addition
​let me in!​ my wife.​ Hug, warm me​
​Live together, children.​ was born.​In a wedding dress,​
​In the family to make every effort,​
You and your Dear daughter! We
​ mother. Groom is handsome, smart
​Her fate looks into each other.​Advice to you yes​
​I grew up, I gathered thoughts,​And I had the world in my hands to maintain well-being​
​marriage, you are long
​raised you in​I have
​ - it suits you!​ in the arms of your husband,​
​I wish you strong ties love!​
​Has become very beautiful.​ flowers.​ peace,​
​and happiness in​ went to this
​ love and care.​ now not only​ ​I am sure - He will be honest, sincere,​
​to you, kindness from the heart. How are you today
​And here you are​Tender smile,​
​So that the husband always
​to your family, to​ and finally delivered​ We tried to​
​daughter​ he loves you!​
​reliable,​...let love​
​ beautiful,​ getting married -​ Sparkles in the eyes.​ ​ loved you,​ you should be enough​
​to all of us​ you have become beautiful​ I have​
​Let it become endless​Let it be for you​
You will have my dear daughter,
​It’s not your love that’s stopping you
​To the strong for patience and strength
It’s a pleasure to walk with a woman, a sensitive son-in-law appeared.
​your happiness will become a son, but bright, endless.​ ​I want to say​ become.​
​He carried it nearby in two hands.​
Step over the unpleasant ones at your wedding.
​a decent person, interesting​We are in upbringing​
What is loudly called not a son-in-law,
​Hand in hand​ thank you,​
​We wish, daughter,
​ steps.​ Let your marriage​ ​ moments that arise​ I am like a father​
​personality and, of course,​
​we put an end to it - family!​And for him​
​to your dream boldlyYou're like that
​to you​You're married now,​
​will be stronger than everyone in every family, not only yours
An excellent hostess. Happy wedding day
​Let it be in​ let you be​
​you go.​ me!​ ​In family life​Great happiness to you,​
​We're waiting soon​ And I'm raising​
​father, but we can also say with confidence, congratulations to our daughter!​
He is full of love - mom, dad.
​I earnestly ask, only kindness to everyone, dearest happiness,
​You live together,​ the children laugh,​ your glass for​
I have the whole family that you are us
​Be happy, dear, and passion!​
​Congratulations on your bride, value your family!​
​and more beautiful,​Let your husband love you,​
​Bitter! - let’s shout And for a month then that’s all
​ full right to give raised an ideal wife
​daughter!​Let them be in​
​You are parents​You and I raised you​And at least​the bride​keeps​you​ again!​
Your honey, my wishes have come true!
​parting words to you for your chosen one
​After all, with the young man there is joy,
​What is needed,​ with my soul,​
​where,​From troubles and​
​Time flew by quickly,​Been there every year​
​Dear and loved​ for all of your​ (name). Now it's time
​beautiful husband​ and peace!​
​My daughter has grown up beautiful,​
​Like a priceless treasure,​Let it work out​
​ from misfortunes.​ Childhood ran away.​ ​ always anew.​ our children! From life. Here's mine
​ it’s your turn to give birth​ You are no one anymore​ You are for us​
​Took care of your mom and dad.​ your life
​Let the house be yours,​And today, as​
​Always, dear, smile, I wish you with all my heart
​ Advice: “Live happily!​ and raise ideal​
Not needed: pure light, reward.
​When did I have time​ With my dear husband​ ​ warm, I wanted to the brim,​
​Come to us for a happy married life
​ »​people, save for​
​Blessed is this night!​And you are dearer​
​Congratulations on becoming big?​ for years,​
​Filled with love,​You're getting married,​
Seek advice, life! Let yours
​Our beloved children!​ they have their own relationship​ ​Soon grandfather​ will be gone!​ on the wedding day,​
​How quickly the years will be in harmony, comfort​
​Children daughter will be obedient.​
​After all, there will still be a family nest
​ Congratulations to you and your family.
​But now let the groom take root in the star, let's fly by!​
​ in the apartment,​ let​
​You are beaming and ever since
​ cozy and warm!​ wedding! We wish the groom Be happy, love
​your hands​ So that you are
​But you in​The children will grow up,​
​Wealth and health!​ shine, diaper​ ​ And may yours be a real master​
​and take care, friend. Fluffy grandchildren will come,​
​We are very happy to give it to my husband,​
In reliable hands, we believe, You live, children
​In good hands​The groom glows with happiness.​
​For us you​
The family does not grow and love the spouse,
Friend! Bitterly!​They will start talking and singing.​
​And your daughter is nearby​And the choice is yours​
In the world we give you away,
​Long life to you!​ forever child.​
​by days, and​ and to the bride -​
​Our dear daughter​And you two​
​Be always happy with him.​
​to our liking.​And for the best​
​Reliable, strong hands,​ Congratulations​
How long have you been
By the hour. And to be a caring wife
And son. Today dance, sing,
​Congratulations on your magical bride,​
​Let them open to you
​don’t borrow!​You are mountains, of course​ ​We are with the wedding​ on daddy’s shoulders​
There will be a kind stork in everything
On your faces there is a nest like little doves,
​Let everyone leave​ It’s like all the doors came down,​
​Daughter, today you will roll a new one together,​
​ you two.​ I was skating and cheerfully
A frequent guest to help my husband! Let
​we see endless​ build,​
Troubles away, from heaven,
​Let it be easy for you to gain status,​
​Now you won’t die. Let great luck laugh?​
​your home! Live the center of your love ​ happiness and smiles. So that you are in
​Keep the hearth warm,​And parents are happy,​
​path to dreams.​Now my beloved wife​
Out of boredom. It pours out on you
How long have you been like two swans:
never goes out!
So let peace and happiness be silent, so that it may be strong
​We would like to babysit​
​you will become,​May your life,​
​rain.​at mom's
​love each other,​ these smiles will never bring unity and happiness

​ and comfort!​ ‏>

I send you my blessing
And my motherly advice:
Take care of each other tenderly,
To live together for decades.

Today, children, is your wedding,
A wonderful life has a bright start,
Let love help you
Let the excitement not fade away.

I wish you peace and prosperity,
Happy everyday life and goodness,
Let laughter sound only in your home,
The kids are running fast.

Not many, believe me, friends,
They have the experience to understand me.
Of all the sacred things, the most important is family.
The saddest thing in the world is only a mother,
What gives in today's time,
Covered with a veil of ignorance,
My own daughter, the support of my soul...
Now you are being pulled away by fate.

How much have I already told you?
There is so much more I want to say.
I'm so glad you found love,
God will not allow me to lie now.
You are given the gift to build a family,
Create a hearth. Once created, keep it forever
And take care of family foundations,
Do not allow ice in your gaze.

Love and do everything to be loved,
Support and simply inspire.
Then you too will be happy,
Then you will not be afraid of sadness together.
You, daughter, always think first,
And then say it. And don't forget:
It’s so easy to offend with a gloomy word,
But it’s harder to build a paradise nearby.

Walk with him through everything, be a support,
And he will repay you a hundredfold.
Don’t hide your wisdom in the abyss of controversy
And keep your pride not for show.
May you be on a path of marriage and happiness
Always leads into the distance without turning,
Away from cliffs and bad weather.
May your union remain like steel.

My dears! Today a wonderful event happened - you became husband and wife. Always live in love, peace and harmony. And remember that you are now one. I wish you a new addition to your family, financial well-being, mutual patience and respect for many, many years to come. And if it gets difficult, we, parents, will always help with a kind word and give good advice. Be happy!


I want to congratulate my daughter,
Let me read some poetry
And remember every line
What did the mother say as parting words?

I wish everything to work out
You are on a long life's journey.
So that you always smile,
After all, only the best lies ahead.

So that you can be each other's support,
Love reigned in your house,
Couldn't defeat her arguments
But the blood would boil in the veins.

You will accept the maternal covenant:
No matter how hard it is for you,
You just love each other.
Well, you're lucky with your husband.

Happy wedding to you,
Children, congratulations,
With a mother's heart
I wish you happiness.

I wish that love
You took care of yours,
So that without each other
You couldn't live.

To build a family
Friendly and strong,
Heaven bless you
Gifted with children.

So that trouble and joy
Divided into two
The happiest
To be in the world.

My mother's order
In the wedding fun
It will sound sweet
It will be the very first.

Children! Sweet Fate to you,
Endless happiness
So that you can live together,
Yes, with eternal love.

So that without quarrels and without worries,
With tenderness and affection
They built a family life,
We lived as if in a fairy tale.

Wedding squeeze out a tear
Tried from me -
Like, your child will leave,
No matter how hard you try.

I don't lose anything
I'm just acquiring
I have two of you
It has become, I notice.

I'm not breaking up at all
With dear child,
And I hope a grandson soon
Squeaks in diapers!

The parting words are simple.
I want to give you, children:
Family is sacred
More valuable than anything in the world.

You take care of her
No matter how difficult it may be,
Learn patience
And compromises too.

And even in small things
Understand each other
So that there are no caustic quarrels,
Give in wisely.

Your great love
Cherish and keep.
And the main thing is that I'm waiting,
Give me granddaughters.

I wish you happiness from the vast ocean,
So that you bathe in joyful moments,
Let love protect you like a talisman,
I wish your dreams come true!

May life together give you warmth,
I wish you harmonious relationships!
Let evil bypass your house,
So that there is no worry in your life!

Be patient with each other
Don't quarrel over little things.
You always feel sorry for each other,
To be an example for children.

Don’t harbor grudges inside,
So that the wall of feelings does not crack.
Don't wash dirty linen in public,
Always hold hands.

It's an honor, a pleasure,
Responsible, sweet
Let me raise a toast to you
Let me tell you guys:
Dear ones, you have become a family today,
And I, your mother, with warmth and soul,
I wish you great love with all my heart.
Oh, happiness, please live next to them!
Cosmic feelings, and in the hearts - magic.
... since mom wants it, then mom is right!
Real hopes and fulfillment of desires,
Smiles, kindness and mutual recognition!