home · Installation · The danger of developing uraturia and features of a therapeutic diet. Features of the diet for urate stones in the kidneys What not to eat with urate stones

The danger of developing uraturia and features of a therapeutic diet. Features of the diet for urate stones in the kidneys What not to eat with urate stones

Kidney stones are a disease that is best identified and treated in the early stages, when the stones are small and can be removed without surgery. In this case, to eliminate the problem, the doctor may prescribe medications and a special diet for kidney stones, and the patient’s menu will depend on the composition of the salts that form the stones.

Nutrition correction

Stones can form throughout the urinary system: the kidneys, bladder and ureters, and this condition is called urolithiasis.

The formation of kidney stones is called nephrolithiasis. This is a chronic disease associated with metabolic disorders in the body and is recurrent in nature. Stones form when a sediment consisting of insoluble salts accumulates in the kidneys, from which stones subsequently form.

Stones, depending on the composition of the salts that form them, are divided into several types:

  • oxalates - salts of oxalic acid;
  • urates - salts of uric acid;
  • phosphates - salts of phosphoric acids;
  • mixed stones.

Dietary recommendations depend on what stones are in the patient’s kidneys, since it is necessary to exclude foods that contribute to the entry and accumulation of these salts in the body.

Urates are sodium and potassium salts of uric acid. They are the ones who give urine its yellow color. The accumulation of urates in the kidneys is called uraturia, and their increased concentration is called hyperuraturia. The amount of urate in the urine increases due to changes in the functioning of the kidneys and disturbances in the water-salt balance. This is influenced by hereditary predisposition, sedentary lifestyle, poor diet and water quality.

A special feature of urate stones is that they are easier to dissolve than other types of stones. But it is necessary to adjust your daily diet and food intake, adhering to a number of principles of proper nutrition and a special diet, and also take medications prescribed by your doctor.

The main rules of the diet for urate kidney stones:

  1. Food must be steamed or boiled. If the product is prepared baked, it must first be boiled to get rid of excess salts.
  2. Meals should be fractional - 5-6 times a day.
  3. Consumption of foods that contain protein and table salt should be kept to a minimum.
  4. Fasting is contraindicated.
  5. Drink plenty of water, at least 2 liters of water throughout the day.
  6. The use of foods that can increase the alkaline content in the urine is prescribed, since uric acid salts dissolve well in an alkaline environment.

Prohibited Products

Proper nutrition for urate kidney stones should help eliminate excess salts, as well as prevent the occurrence of an inflammatory process in the urinary tract, so it is worth excluding foods containing purines. These are compounds found in human cells, but most of them enter our body with food. They are rich in products containing animal protein. Purines, during their destruction, are metabolized in the human body to uric acid, which, when accumulated in the kidneys, leads to the formation of urate stones.

Among the prohibited products:

  1. Meat: fatty pork and beef, veal (despite the fact that this type of meat is not fatty, it contains a large amount of purines), offal (kidneys, liver), sausages, canned meat, jellied meat, fatty meat broths.
  2. Fish: canned fish, caviar, salted fish, fish broths.
  3. Vegetables and herbs: sorrel, cauliflower, spinach, rhubarb, pepper, horseradish, mustard.
  4. Fruits and berries: figs, cranberries, currants, raspberries.
  5. Drinks: alcohol, in particular red wine, beer; strong tea, cocoa, strong coffee.
  6. Sweets: chocolate, muffins, cakes, cookies.
  7. You should also exclude legumes, mushrooms, salty cheeses and spices.

Healthy foods

The basis of the diet for urate stones is abundant consumption of non-mineralized water. The more liquid a person drinks, the lower the concentration of salts in the kidneys, i.e. they are diluted with water, the sand is eroded more intensely, and stones are not able to form. Therefore, if you are prone to urolithiasis, to prevent the formation of stones, you need to drink about 2 liters of water during the day.

The goal of the diet for urate in the kidneys is to make the urine more alkaline. To do this, the treatment table should include low-fat dairy products, raw, baked, stewed, boiled vegetables and fruits. It is necessary to pay attention to foods containing B vitamins. All principles of a healthy diet will be met by the “table No. 6” diet, which allows:

  • vegetarian, milk soups, okroshka, beetroot soup;
  • eggs without yolk;
  • milk and fermented milk drinks;
  • cottage cheese;
  • mild and unsalted cheese;
  • pasta;
  • cereals;
  • nuts;
  • any fruit;
  • foods rich in ascorbic acid (lemon, rose hips, etc.);
  • cucumbers, beets, potatoes;
  • watermelons.

Menu for the day

  • oatmeal;
  • boiled egg (one per day is allowed);
  • cottage cheese with honey;
  • syrniki;
  • muesli.


  • vegetable salad dressed with vegetable oil;
  • zucchini or pumpkin pancakes;
  • cottage cheese casserole;
  • fresh fruits.
  • mashed potatoes;
  • vegetable borsch;
  • cabbage soup with fresh cabbage;
  • milk soup;
  • okroshka;
  • various pureed soups (from potatoes, carrots, pumpkin, broccoli, cauliflower);
  • potato zrazy with cheese.
  • fresh fruits;
  • kefir;
  • yogurt;
  • fermented baked milk;
  • baked apples.
  • baked potato;
  • pasta;
  • vegetable stew;
  • cabbage rolls (instead of minced meat, you can use only rice or vegetables);
  • buckwheat with boiled chicken.
  • water;
  • jelly;
  • fruit drink;
  • compote;
  • rose hip.

Urolithiasis is a serious blow to human health. This pathology must be treated carefully, especially when it comes to diet and adherence to a certain regimen. Each type of kidney stones, for example, urate nephrolithiasis, has its own dietary program. The disease develops slowly and is almost asymptomatic, so patients are unaware of its existence.

Random instrumental examination or random analysis of urine and blood will provide evidence of the existence of stones, namely urates. Timely treatment and diet for urate kidney stones in the first stage of the disease will help stop the further development of conglomerates.

This diet is recommended for patients after undergoing intensive care or surgery. The second and third stages are characterized by severe pain and obstruction of the ureters by urate formations.

The provoking factor for the formation of stones in the renal cups and pelvis is inflammation of the kidneys (pyelonephritis). The second factor is cystitis or inflammation of the bladder mucosa. The third reason: urinary stasis due to an immobile lifestyle or chronic pathologies such as extensive stroke, cachexia, pernicious anemia, cancer, diabetes mellitus and congenital pathologies.

The disease is manifested by severe pain, fainting, vomiting, nausea and fever. A urine or blood test contains large amounts of purines and urates. The color of urine becomes dark with admixtures of blood, mucus and stone residues. At an advanced stage, streaks of pus appear and are visible to the naked eye. The analysis contains a high concentration of leukocytes and erythrocytes.

  • mechanical damage (strong or moderate impact in the kidney area);
  • increased ambient temperature;
  • acute poisoning with toxic substances or drugs;
  • pregnancy and endocrine disorders;
  • post-operative complications;
  • infectious diseases;
  • consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • exacerbation of chronic pyelonephritis or cystitis;
  • poor nutrition.
  • Urate stones - a general concept

    After abundant and constant consumption of protein products in the body, or rather, in the bloodstream, the concentration of uric acid, which contains many purines, increases. They give the stones a yellow-orange color. It is purines that are the “building material” for urate renal conglomerates. Urine stasis and increased urea concentration contribute to their development. The place for the build-up of urates is the cups and pelvis. The process of formation of lithiasis begins with a microscopic grain of sand, which slowly takes on a diameter of 1-2 cm or even more.

    Why is the disease asymptomatic in the first stage? This fact is explained by the smoothness of the stones. The urates are absolutely smooth and dense, therefore they do not cause irritation to the internal space of the kidneys, and with time and their growth, the orifice of the ureters becomes blocked.

    The stone formation tries to come out through the urinary system, causing severe pain in the pomb region and in the projection area of ​​the bladder. The pain radiates to the groin and genitals.

    If you respond quickly to this disease, it can be stopped through medical therapy and dietary nutrition. Dissolution of urates is possible in the first and second stages of the disease. Drinking plenty of fluids and taking a hot bath will help get rid of kidney conglomerates. Dietary foods will also help in the process of dissolving urates, that is, strict adherence to diet No. 6, plus special physical exercises will reduce the amount of purines and uric acid in the blood and urine.

    The ideal medicine for dissolving urate stones is a tincture from a kidney herbal collection, and of course a medicinal medicine in the form of Urolesan, as well as Polina. Their correct schematic use under the supervision of a urologist or nephrologist will lead to the final cure of patients from urolithiasis.

    A urine test with a high concentration of uric acid and purines is direct evidence of the diagnosis of uraturia, that is, kidney stones. The test can be done in a clinic or in a hospital. The best medicine to eliminate them is proper nutrition. But, when taking into account the purpose of dietary nutrition, attention is paid to the general condition of the patient and accompanying diseases.

    Attention! All patients suffering from urate nephrolithiasis are strictly prohibited from eating pepper, salty, spicy, sour and fatty foods. There is no need to use them even after recovery, as this risks the return of the disease.

    The basis of the diet consists of consuming small amounts of purines in the diet. They are found in dairy products, a variety of cereals, nuts, breads and fruits, as well as some vegetables. All products in this diet are balanced in order to satisfy the body’s caloric needs for full functioning.

    List of products for the urate diet:

    • Lean meat (beef, rabbit or chicken) and fish (hake, blue whiting, Argentinean, milkfish, crucian carp, perch, pike). These products are included in the diet three times a week. Steamed cutlets, boiled meat or casseroles are made from these products.
    • Chicken eggs in the form of fried eggs, scrambled eggs or hard-boiled are allowed in the diet, one piece per day.
    • Butter 50 g every day.
    • Porridge with milk or water up to 200-250 g per day.
    • Low-calorie cottage cheese and cheese - no more than 50 g per day.
    • Raw or baked vegetables and fruits, with the exception of figs, raspberries and cranberries.
    • Rusks and black bread up to 200 g per day.
    • Drink plenty of water (compotes, teas, fruit drinks, juices and herbal decoctions). Coffee, strong tea and hot chocolate are strictly prohibited.

    Attention! Strictly exclude alcoholic and carbonated drinks from your diet, even if your urine and blood tests are normal.

    By following a diet and all doctor’s instructions, you can forget about urate stones forever. But you will have to constantly take a urine test and a blood test for the content of purines and uric acid.

    Kidney stones are a serious disease that has a lot of unpleasant consequences. However, most people do not even suspect its presence until one day they are faced with terrible, unbearable pain in the back and abdomen. But pain is not the worst thing; an advanced disease can have dire consequences, even death.

    Harm from urate stones

    What harm can urate stones cause to the body? Let's look at it in detail:

    • The occurrence of renal colic. Severe pain arising from the side and radiating to the abdomen and genital area. Sometimes even the strongest painkillers cannot relieve pain.
    • Nausea, vomiting, weakness, feeling of chills.
    • Obturation(blockage of urinary tract with stones). Renal colic is most often a consequence of this very process in the body.
    • Canal blockage leads to a decrease in the outflow of urine, and this leads to the accumulation of toxins in the blood. This can lead to poisoning of the body.

    Over time, urate stones can transform into harder ones coral-shaped. Such formations occupy most of the kidney, interfere with the performance of this organ’s functions, and also contribute to the accumulation of infection. As a result, inflammatory processes in the kidney begin, leading to pyelonephritis and renal failure.

    Why is it important to diet?

    The cause of urate stones is the accumulation of uric acid salts in the body. To neutralize this substance, it is necessary to eat foods that have alkalizing properties. Proper nutrition will help enhance the results of drug treatment, as well as reduce the amount of medications taken.

    What can you eat if you have urate kidney stones?

    Any diet is associated with restrictions, nutrition for this disease is no exception. The patient will have to eat as little meat as possible, and also give up fatty and fried foods - the food will have to be boiled, baked, or simply eaten raw. Vegetarians and lovers of vegetables and fruits are much luckier - many of these products are not prohibited. You can eat pasta and various cereals as a side dish.

    The first courses (soups, borscht, cabbage soup) will have to be cooked without meat in vegetable broth. Many will ask, why shouldn’t you eat meat at all? It is possible, but not fatty, boiled or baked. You can treat yourself to this dish no more than twice a week, and the serving size should be no more than 150 grams. Smoked meats, canned goods and sausages will have to be thrown out of the refrigerator - these products are strictly prohibited.

    Most fermented milk products are allowed for this kidney disease, but you can also fresh milk. You need to be careful with sour cream - this product is used in moderation. But cottage cheese is very useful for this disease; it can be eaten without special restrictions.

    It is important to drink 2-3 liters of clean water per day; juices, weak teas and compotes are also not prohibited. And zucchini, cucumber or pumpkin juice can even be used as a medicine by drinking 100 ml. three times a day.

    As a result, we have the following picture of permitted products:

  • Gray or stale white bread.
  • Porridge and pasta
  • Lean poultry (every 2 days)
  • Dairy and fermented milk products (minimum sour cream, maximum cottage cheese).
  • Vegetarian first courses.
  • Boiled fish (once a month).
  • Vegetables (except some)
  • Sweet fruits and berries (bananas, plums, pears)
  • Eggs (no more than 1 per day).
  • These are the main products that a patient can eat. It is from them that you need to create a menu for every day. Of course, this list is not as long as we would like, but it is enough to prepare many quite tasty dishes.

    What is not allowed with urate stones?

    The list of prohibited foods for this disease is quite impressive. This includes most of everyone's favorite dishes. For many patients, any desire to follow a diet simply disappears, having seen all the most favorite and frequently consumed delicacies in the list of prohibited foods. However, health is more important than the momentary sensation that appears on the tongue at the moment of eating “goodies.” You need to remember this when reading the “list of prohibitions.”

    Do not eat:

    • Meat and meat broths (except chicken and rabbit).
    • Smoked and salted products.
    • Fish and seafood.
    • Canned vegetables, meat and fish.
    • Spicy, salty, fried foods.
    • Animal fats.
    • Mushrooms and mushroom broths.
    • Legumes (peas, beans, lentils).
    • Some vegetables (celery, radishes, asparagus, Brussels sprouts).
    • Greens (spinach, sorrel and parsley).
    • Sour fruits and dried fruits (cranberries, currants).
    • Confectionery.
    • Alcoholic drinks.
    • Sauces and seasonings.

    Sample menu for a week for patients with urate kidney stones

    Of course, at first it will be difficult for the patient to create a menu on his own, taking into account all the features and restrictions. Therefore, it is easier to use this example.


    • For breakfast, you can eat cabbage and carrot salad with bran bread. As a drink, you can use rosehip decoction or compote.
    • For lunch - milk noodle soup, zucchini pancakes and rowan decoction.
    • Dinner – vegetable stew with bread and milk.
    • You can have a snack during the day with cottage cheese with a banana or an apple.
    • In the morning you can eat cottage cheese with banana, washing it down with compote or juice from non-acidic fruits.
    • Before lunch, you can have a snack with a salad of bell peppers, cucumbers and cabbage.
    • Lunch will consist of pearl barley soup (in water) and a small piece of boiled veal. Uzvar or compote is suitable as a drink.
    • You can have a cottage cheese casserole with tea for dinner.
    • Feelings of hunger during the day can be satisfied with several pears or bananas.
    • You can start Wednesday morning with wheat porridge and multifruit juice, and before lunch have a snack with yogurt and raspberries.
    • For lunch you can prepare vegetarian cabbage soup and vegetable salad. Compote made from non-acidic berries is best suited as a drink. Before dinner, you can snack on biscuits and jelly.
    • For dinner, any porridge with vegetable stew and weak tea.
    • We have breakfast with semolina porridge with plums and tea. Before lunch, you can snack on a vegetable salad with brown bread.
    • Lunch – cottage cheese casserole with pumpkin, rose hip decoction. If you still feel hungry, you can snack on a baked apple and fermented baked milk before dinner.
    • For dinner you are allowed to eat some boiled meat with baked potatoes and carrots
    • You can start your day with a fruit salad dressed with yogurt, and after a couple of hours have a snack with cottage cheese and honey.
    • For lunch - lean borscht and vegetable cutlets. If you feel hungry before dinner, banana or kefir will satisfy it.
    • Dinner: pancakes with cottage cheese and milk.
    • Breakfast – buckwheat porridge, toast with jam and tea.
    • Lunch – broccoli soup, zucchini or cabbage pancakes, compote.
    • Dinner – cheesecakes with jam or fresh fruit and juice.
    • During the day you can snack on strawberries, apples, kefir or fermented baked milk.


    • In the morning - cheesecakes with blueberries and cream. As a drink, you can choose weak fruit tea or juice from acceptable fruits and berries.
    • For lunch we bake salmon with vegetables. You can wash the dish down with kefir.
    • In the evening - Greek salad and a glass of kefir.
    • You can snack on fruits or vegetables.

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    Hyperuricemia is a metabolic disorder in which extremely high levels of uric acid are present in the blood. A proper diet for urate kidney stones can help significantly reduce its concentration. Patients with gout require strict dietary restrictions that include avoiding purine-rich foods. It is also necessary to drink enough fluids to speed up the passage of stones. In the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10), hyperuricemia is designated by code E79.

    Uraturia is the excretion of uric acid in the urine, which can be caused by both pathological and physiological factors. The phenomenon is often observed with hyperuricemia or gout. The cause is usually a congenital disorder (enzyme defect) of purine metabolism (about 1% of cases).

    The following diseases can cause primary hyperuricemia:

    • increased activity of glutamine phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate amidotransferase;
    • increased activity of xanthine oxidase;
    • Lesch-Nyhan syndrome;
    • Kelly-Siegmiller syndrome.

    In addition to increasing purine intake (including meat, organ meats), various diseases and medications can cause secondary hyperuricemia:

    Hyperuricemia in most cases remains clinically asymptomatic. However, it can manifest itself in various forms, depending on the degree of increase in the concentration of uric acid in the blood or tissue:

    • acute gout;
    • chronic gout;
    • urolithiasis disease.

    Possible treatments

    Patients are advised to reduce uric acid concentrations through dietary measures. Intake of purines, which are metabolized into urates, should be reduced. Alcoholic drinks should be consumed only in small quantities, since ethanol increases the production of uric acid in the liver and suppresses its excretion (depending on how much food is taken) through the kidneys. Some alcoholic drinks contain purines (such as beer). Normalizing body weight can have a beneficial effect on blood uric acid levels.

    It is important to know! A high-fat diet for severe uraturia promotes the formation of ketone bodies in the blood. Daily fluid intake should be at least 2 liters. As a result of timely hydration, uric acid excretion improves, which reduces the risk of kidney stones.

    In cases of very high uric acid levels (>8.5 mg/dL), frequent attacks of gout, or other complications of hyperuricemia, medical treatment is appropriate or necessary in addition to dietary recommendations. Step-by-step therapy for amorphous kidney stones is important.

    For severe hyperuricemia, it is recommended to take Allopurinol or uricosuric drugs (Benzbromarone, Probenecid). Once urate levels have normalized, discontinuation of the drug may be considered. Reducing the level of uric acid is intended to prevent complications (gout, kidney stones, nephropathy).

    For acute attacks of gout, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are prescribed - Indomethacin, Ibuprofen or Diclofenac. An alternative is Colchicine. In case of insufficient effect, intolerance or contraindications, short-term administration of glucocorticoids (Prednisolone) may be required. It is not recommended to give corticosteroids to a child or during pregnancy.

    Principles of creating a diet for urate in the kidneys

    The main cause of gout is, in most cases, a hereditary metabolic disorder. Therefore, the kidney does not excrete enough uric acid, which leads to increased levels in the tissues.

    Certain foods can promote the body's production of uric acid or prevent it from being released through the kidneys. There are 6 basic rules (with which you can create a menu) for a diet for urate stones:

    • reduce the amount of animal products;
    • eat low-fat foods;
    • reduce sugar intake, especially fructose;
    • eat fruits and vegetables daily;
    • drink a lot (mineral or tap water);
    • do not abuse alcohol.

    Goals of diet in the presence of urate stones

    Weight loss is an important component of therapy, since normalizing body weight helps reduce the concentration of uric acid in the blood. A mixed low-calorie, ovo-lacto-vegetarian, or low-purine diet is recommended. At the same time, you should increase your physical activity.

    Another purpose is to dissolve urate stones. Patients need to drink 2-3 liters of water daily to speed up the removal of stones from the kidneys. Magnesium, citrate and potassium promote litholysis, as well as the removal of deposits from the body.

    Balanced nutrition standards

    Animal products contribute to the production of uric acid in the body, which usually leads to uric acid diathesis. A high concentration of purines is found in meat, sausages and fish.

    It is advisable to eat about 100 g of selected varieties of meat or fish no more than once a day. It is recommended to eat low-fat fish - flounder or cod. Temporarily avoiding beef and pork may improve the condition of adult patients with gout.

    Normalization of body weight and fluid intake

    You should reduce weight and avoid obesity if you have hyperuricemia. Too much body weight can negatively affect the course and development of kidney stones. Patients are advised to eat low-fat foods.

    Milk, butter, cheese and yoghurt can be used in the diet for uraturia (urate in the urine). They do not directly affect the course of gout, but rather body weight. However, there is no objection to skim milk or dairy products - on the contrary: natural yogurt may even reduce the risk of recurrence of kidney stones. Eggs are on the list of allowed foods for nephrolithiasis.

    Patients do not have to completely abstain from fat: consuming healthy omega-3 fatty acids is acceptable. It is recommended to use vegetable oils - flaxseed or rapeseed. Depending on individual tolerance, omega-3-rich fish such as mackerel or salmon can sometimes be taken.

    Advice! Drinking fluids has a positive effect on the kidneys, speeds up the elimination of stones, and also improves overall well-being. Coffee is considered recommended in moderation. Caution should be exercised with fruit juices or soft drinks.

    Products that are allowed to be consumed

    Almost all vegetables can be consumed daily without restrictions. Patients should control their fructose intake: it is forbidden to eat more than 4-5 servings of fruit per day. The former strict warning for legumes (soy, peas, beans and lentils), as well as kale, spinach, asparagus and rhubarb, is now considered outdated. These plant sources of purine can be consumed in moderation, up to twice a week. Caution is advised when consuming tomatoes as they do not dissolve stones.

    List of prohibited products

    Some types of fish - trout, sprat or herring - contain a lot of purines. These are natural food components that increase the metabolism of uric acid in the blood and have a negative effect on the course of kidney stones. It is recommended to reduce the consumption of meat, fish and sausage to 100 g per day. The table below contains important information to help you plan your diet.

    Fructose can also negatively affect uric acid levels in the blood. It is found, for example, in apples or melons. Patients suffering from gout should not abstain from fruits: the benefits of such foods greatly outweigh their disadvantages for kidney stones.

    It is much more important that patients with gout avoid drinking drinks sweetened with monosaccharides, such as lemonade or fruit juice. Many sweets, cereals, yogurts and other foods also contain fructose. The consumption of normal sugars should also be limited, since this not only contributes to excess weight, but also worsens the condition of patients.

    The list of foods rich in purine also includes:

    • molluscs or crustaceans;
    • skin of fish or poultry, pigs;
    • pork, goose meat;
    • smoked fish or meat products;
    • offal.

    Alcohol intake further inhibits urate excretion through the ureter and bladder. Therefore, excessive consumption, especially beer, should be avoided.

    It is important to know! Research shows that patients can drink a glass of wine a day without harm. However, beer is still considered harmful - even a glass of beer a day can increase the risk of gout attacks by 30%. Women and men should also avoid non-alcoholic beer.

    Cereals are rich in purines. Rye and wheat germ can aggravate the condition of patients. Wheat flour products should be avoided, which is beneficial for weight loss. It is recommended to give preference to whole grain bread. Nuts are also recommended for hyperuricemia, as they may have a beneficial effect on the risk of cardiovascular disease. Almonds, hazelnuts and walnuts are especially suitable. Yeast should be avoided if possible as it is very high in purines.

    Healthy products and sample menu

    An adequate supply of vitamin C is important for the treatment of urate stones: a study shows that daily consumption of ascorbic acid significantly reduces the risk of kidney stone recurrence. For concomitant diseases - diabetes mellitus, oxalaturia - a different diet number may be required.

    Products that are effective against hyperuricemia and sand in the kidneys:

    • strawberry;
    • carrot;
    • celery;
    • plums;
    • cranberry;

    The above products can be taken in the form of juice, smoothie, dessert or. Cranberry juice has a positive effect on the body and especially on the urinary tract.

    Sample treatment menu:

    • Breakfast: boiled water (200 ml), oatmeal;
    • Lunch: buckwheat, soft-boiled eggs, vegetable salad;
    • Dinner: 1 fruit, boiled flounder, boiled water or diluted fruit juice (300-400 ml).

    Uraturia is a condition of the body during which urate crystals precipitate in the urine. They appear from uric acid due to an increase in the concentration of its salts. By accumulating and merging, these crystals can form stones of quite large diameter. A disease called nephrolithiasis occurs, that is, the presence of kidney stones.

    This pathology brings many inconveniences to patients. It is dangerous not only with periodic outbreaks of renal colic due to the advancement of stones, but also with the risk of expansion or rupture of the cup-and-bowl system of the kidneys or ureters.

    Urate nephrolithiasis occurs due to disruptions in the water-salt balance and disturbances in the body's metabolic processes. There are a huge variety of trigger factors that can cause stones to appear. They can be both internal and external. For example, a hereditary tendency is the presence of a similar disease in close relatives. Also, the abuse of sour or too spicy foods and the use of hard liquids as drinking water can contribute to the development of pathology.

    Diet for urate in the urine is the main method of treatment, since drug therapy will be meaningless without dietary adjustments. After all, more and more new stones will be formed. Also, in some cases, doctors may resort to surgical methods of treating pathology.

    Features of treatment

    The basis of therapy for urolithiasis is diet. Medications are also used, but without dietary adjustments, taking them is simply pointless. Most often prescribed:

    1. Asparkam – promotes partial dissolution and removal of urates from the body.
    2. Allopurinol is a drug that has proven its effectiveness in the fight against uraturia. It breaks down already formed stones, and also has an effect on the enzyme that takes part in the uric acid processing cycle. As a result, the amount of urea is significantly reduced.
    3. Urolesan is a medicine created on the basis of herbs. It in no way affects the stones themselves, but improves the functioning of the urinary system and promotes better urine flow.

    Urolesan does not treat the pathological condition, but only temporarily helps eliminate the symptoms

    Blemarene also helps dissolve salts. The therapeutic effect is achieved due to the ability of the drug to make the urine environment more alkaline, which makes it easier for urates to decompose and be eliminated.

    If the case is advanced, the stones are large, and medications do not help, then you have to resort to surgical treatment methods.

    Nutrition correction

    A properly selected diet for urate in the urine in most cases allows you to get rid of the unpleasant symptom and avoid complications.

    The basic principles of diet therapy are based on the following points:

    • strict adherence to daily caloric intake - the patient should not consume more than 2700-2800 kcal per day;
    • carbohydrate products should be the basis of nutrition - up to 400 g per day;
    • the amount of proteins in the diet – up to 80 g, lipids – up to 90 g;
    • the menu should be designed for 5 meals;
    • prohibition of consumption of cold dishes and products;
    • 1-2 times a week there should be fasting days (on milk, fruits or vegetables).

    Prohibited Products

    There are a number of foods that those who want to never have to deal with uraturia will have to completely exclude from their diet. These include:

    • purchased water, since it contains a large amount of calcium salts;
    • alcohol, especially beer and red wines;
    • cocoa products, chocolate;
    • canned products;
    • offal - liver, hearts, lungs, etc.
    • broths based on fatty fish or meat;
    • lard, sunflower oil;
    • fatty meats and fish.

    It is necessary to monitor the calcium content in the water

    Some foods should be limited, but there is no need to completely abandon them:

    • bread products;
    • spices and herbs;
    • dietary varieties of fish and meat, that is, low-fat;
    • greens - spinach, sorrel.
    • salt;
    • plants that belong to the legume family.

    A list of foods that will not only be harmless, but will also bring certain benefits to the body:

    • dairy products (cheese, sour cream, milk, cream);
    • eggs;
    • fruits;
    • vegetables that make the urine environment more alkaline - pumpkin, watermelon, cucumber;
    • eggplants, potatoes, carrots;
    • foods that contain a lot of vitamin B - buckwheat, millet, pasta, sweet peppers;
    • various berries;
    • You also shouldn’t deny yourself the pleasure of eating any sweets.

    Nutritionists allow citrus fruits to be included in an individual diet, however, this is permissible in the absence of oxalates in urine. If, however, a urine test confirms their presence, you should limit your consumption of oranges. Potatoes are also included in the list of restrictions.

    You need to carefully monitor your drinking regime - drink at least 2 liters of water during the day, and during hot weather or physical activity, it is advisable to significantly increase the amount of fluid.

    A nutritionist is a specialist who will help develop an individual menu

    Of great importance is the inclusion in the diet of dishes and products that have a diuretic effect:

    • watermelon - you are allowed to eat up to 2 kg of product per day (provided there is no edema and fluid retention in the body);
    • white cabbage – has a large amount of potassium in its composition, which removes excess fluid from tissues;
    • compotes and juices based on cranberries are not only a diuretic, but also known for their bactericidal properties;
    • strawberries (tea made from berries and leaves) – remove salts from the body;
    • dill - used not only fresh, but also in the form of infusion;
    • salad - its leaves are a powerful diuretic, from which you can make various snacks and sandwiches;
    • melon - not inferior in quality to watermelon, seeds can also be eaten;
    • pear – used fresh, in the form of purees, compotes, juices.

    Features of cooking

    Despite the presence of urates in the kidneys, it is very difficult to refuse a tasty piece of meat. And this is not necessary, but the rules for its preparation should be treated scrupulously. The fact is that urate stones are formed from uric acid salts, in the formation of which the substances purines participate.

    Purines are found in:

    • meat;
    • fish;
    • mushrooms;
    • offal.

    During cooking, a small part of the purines remains in the product itself, and the majority “goes” into the broth. This is exactly what sick people should not use. Here are some more tips on how to cook meat so that it is not only tasty, but also useful for patients:

    1. Before the heat treatment process, it should be kept in a saline solution for several hours. The same process must occur before preparing the kebab.
    2. Soups and borscht should be cooked in vegetable broth. The meat should be steamed separately, boiled, and added to the first dish at the time of serving.
    3. When cooking, meat should not be placed in cold water, but immediately in boiling water.

    You should avoid sausages, even if the sausage is meat. Preference is given to horse meat and lamb.

    When it comes to fish products, you need to learn how to choose them correctly. Fish with a large layer of husk and developed gills will be useful.

    Preference is given to low-fat varieties of representatives of ichthyofauna

    Menu for the day

    A nutritionist will help you develop an individual menu. Over time, patients do this on their own.

    Breakfast: semolina porridge with berries, tea, bread.

    Snack: baked apple.

    Lunch: vegetable soup, boiled meat, baked potatoes with vegetables, compote.

    Snack: pear.

    Dinner: cabbage zrazy, cottage cheese and pasta casserole, green tea.

    Snack: milk.

    The cause of urate in the urine is most often due to dietary errors - when a person eats a lot of meat and pays little attention to vegetables. Therefore, when you learn about uraturia, you should not panic. Most often, it is enough to consult a doctor who will select the right diet. But if you do not pay attention to this symptom, it can lead to the development of nephrolithiasis and even gout.