home · On a note · Klimova's first husband is Ilya. Ilya Khoroshilov: biography, filmography, personal life. Video of Ekaterina Klimova’s fiery dances with her husband

Klimova's first husband is Ilya. Ilya Khoroshilov: biography, filmography, personal life. Video of Ekaterina Klimova’s fiery dances with her husband

First husband of Elena Biryukova was a rock musician. He was a member of the group “Children of Lieutenant Schmidt” and turned out to be the person who gave the future actress a ticket to a successful life. They met in Elena’s hometown of Minsk. Alexander Romanovsky started out as an actor, then lost himself in the profession and became a musician. But it didn't work. He left everything and went to the village, hired himself as a shepherd there. By that time, he had already been married to Biryukova for a year. The actress calls this marriage very strange. And she didn’t want to get married at 20, and she didn’t particularly like her groom, but she couldn’t go against it - she felt very sorry for Sasha. And the parents invested in the wedding and invited guests.

The young people lived in the apartment of Sasha’s grandmother, who returned home a few months later, essentially kicking them out onto the street. By that time, Romanovsky had saved up some money, which he gave to his wife and invited her to go to Moscow, which Elena did.

There Biryukova entered GITIS, refusing the help of her parents, and lived from hand to mouth. To this day, she remembers those times with horror. But it was in the theater that the future actress met her second husband. Everything turned out quite funny: Alexey Litvin, as a teacher-trainee, took part in the audition of applicants, he turned out to be the only person who did not like Elena. As the actress says, he probably felt how her admission would end. Actually, she immediately decided that she would marry Alexei, and so it happened, although only two years later. But at what speed!

In three months, the couple managed to find a common language in art and in life. Move in together, conceive a child and formalize the relationship. Elena Biryukova’s second husband, like her first, turned out to be not a romantic. He didn’t give flowers, he declared his love casually, he was completely focused on himself and his creativity. So today, the actress can say with confidence that, although an interesting director, Litvin is a useless husband and father. He was of little interest in everyday life, just as he was absolutely not interested in the presence of money in the family. For a long time, Elena experienced complete failure as a theater actress; directors assigned her minor roles or did not let her on stage at all. My husband didn’t have a job either; he plunged into the world of computer games, discussions about high things and alcohol fumes.

Biryukova, who got a role in the sequel “Sasha + Masha”, suddenly turned out to be “corrupt” because she betrayed art. And not grateful, because she stopped listening to her husband’s monotonous reasoning about the meaning of existence.

The divorce proceeded long and painfully, the actress and her daughter moved to a rented apartment, and her ex-husband remained in a three-room apartment. I started a new passion.

Today Elena Biryukova is a happy common-law wife and mother of another stunning daughter, Aglaya, who was born in 2012. The eldest Sasha practically does not communicate with her father, because he does not want it. But Ilya Khoroshilov treats her like a daughter. Yes, you are right - he is the ex-husband of Ekaterina Klimova. It was she who introduced Ilya to Elena and helped develop their relationship.

The talented actress Elena Biryukova, whose biography and personal life is discussed in the article, won the sympathy of many Russian and foreign viewers. The roles played by her leave no one indifferent.

The actress was born on November 7, 1970 in Minsk, in a family of engineers. As a schoolgirl, Elena loved literature lessons. She also enjoyed going to the pool and practicing fencing. She had many hobbies.

Actress Elena Biryukova

The girl's relationship with her father was not going well. He, being a gambling man, lost their apartment, dacha and car at cards. He had huge debts. One day, Biryukova’s younger sister encountered bandits who threatened to kill her if her father did not repay the debt.

Elena did not communicate with her dad for many years and could not forgive his actions. Biryukova's parents lived together for 22 years. Now her mother is married to another man. There are many interesting points in the biography of Elena Biryukova and her personal life. For example, the future “star” for a long time did not dare to connect her life with the acting profession.

Elena Biryukova in her youth

In 10th grade, she started going to drama school and there she found her calling. But the shy girl was afraid for a long time to try to enter the theater institute. She considered acting a gift from above and doubted that she possessed this gift.

Biryukova decided to enter the Faculty of Education, but failed the exams. Afterwards she worked in a kindergarten as a nanny and librarian. But she didn’t give up her theater studies.

Over time, the circle that Elena went to became a real “Alternative Theater”. It was in this place that the future famous actress began her career. There she met her first husband, rock musician Alexander Romanovsky. This marriage broke up a year later, but the actress is still friends with Romanovsky.

Elena Biryukova at a photo shoot

Work in the theater

In 1992, the girl moved to Moscow to enter GITIS. It was very difficult for her in a foreign city. But stubborn Biryukova entered the university. Here the future star met her second husband, director Alexei Litvin. He was her teacher and unexpectedly proposed marriage to the girl. Until 2010 they were together.

Elena Biryukova with her first husband Alexei Litvin and their common daughter

In 1996, the young actress joined the troupe of the Vladimir Mayakovsky Theater. During seven years of work in this theater, she played in the following performances:

  • "Lizard";
  • “As you will love it”;
  • "The Adventures of Pinocchio";
  • "A free man enters."

In 2004, Elena Biryukova, whose biography and personal life we ​​are discussing in the article, left the Mayakovsky Theater. Thanks to her collaboration with the Independent Theater Project company, she received a role in the play Boeing Boeing based on the play by Mark Camoletti, which soon became very successful.

Elena Biryukova on the stage of the theater

This is a comedy about a young guy from Paris who started romantic relationships with three girls at once - flight attendants.

With the play, in the company of other actors - Georgy Dronov and Peter Krasilov, actress Elena Biryukova made a large-scale tour. The artists were enthusiastically greeted not only in Russian cities, but also abroad.

Elena says that it was as if someone from above gave her the opportunity to become an actress. Since childhood, she felt like a “black sheep.” And only in the theater environment did she realize that she was at home among like-minded people. That's why the profession is so important to her.

Film career

In 2001, Elena Biryukova, whose biography and personal life we ​​are talking about today, received her first role in the film “Yellow Dwarf”.

And in 2003, luck smiled at her - the girl was offered the main role in the sitcom “Sasha + Masha” on TNT. Participation in this project brought her stunning success and many fans. She and Georgy Dronov played a couple so believably that the audience believed that they were together in real life. Even their colleagues on the set considered them husband and wife.

Elena Biryukova and Georgy Dronov in the series “Sasha + Masha”

Elena admits that she has long been accustomed to passers-by calling her Masha and asking her to say hello to her husband Sasha. Although the girl is a little offended that it was this role of hers that was most remembered by the audience. After all, she played in many successful films.

In an interview, the actress admitted that she would like to play a dramatic role that would overshadow the image of Masha that has stuck with her. Elena also claims that in real life she would never throw in her lot with a guy like Sasha. He is too primitive for her.

Elena Biryukova in the movie “Super Grandpa”

In 2009, Elena tried herself in voice acting for a cartoon. It was the cartoon "Thunderstorm of Ants". Its main character is a boy who destroyed anthills. The angry ants decided to take revenge on him and brewed a potion, after drinking which the boy became tiny. Elena voiced the ant in this project.

In 2010, she played in the drama "BagI". The film draws a line between the values ​​of the past century and modern ones. In a week, the main characters need to find 7,000 rubles to save the lives of other people. The people in the film are like broken robots. They devote themselves to unloved work, do not enjoy communication - all their connections are empty and devoid of warmth. Even a person’s life can be valued at a certain amount. Not many people find the strength and desire to change something. The film took part in many film festivals in our country and abroad.

Elena Biryukova in the film "Hillbilly"

In 2011, Elena Biryukova, whose biography and personal life we ​​are talking about today, played the main role in the adventure film “Treasure Hunters.” The plot of the film is quite interesting - 16-year-old teenagers from different countries participate in a reality show. They are looking for treasures hidden by Stepan Razin in the Zhiguli Mountains. The guys are being watched by "Black Diggers", but this does not bother the teenagers. They are sure that everything is within the limits of the show.

Dancing on Ice

There are many bright moments in the biography and personal life of Elena Biryukova. For example, in 2007, the actress became a participant in the popular television project “Dancing on Ice.” Biryukova had long wanted to take up sports, and the invitation to this project was very opportune.

Before this, she was not familiar with skates, and therefore it was difficult for the 36-year-old actress. She literally bled from her feet during rehearsals. Nevertheless, she proudly showed off her scars to her friends. Dancing on ice gave her great joy and drive.

Elena Biryukova while participating in the “Dancing on Ice” program

The daughter of the actress Alexandra, who was nine years old at that time, enjoyed going skating with her mother. After the show, the actress, along with other participants in the show, went on a big tour.

Second marriage

Elena Biryukova, whose biography and personal life is so interesting to fans, was married more than once. Her first marriage broke up when she lived in Minsk. There were no children in this union. But in 1998, the actress became the mother of a girl, Alexandra, married to her second husband.

Elena Biryukova with her second husband Ilya Khoroshilov

After the birth of the baby, she continued to actively pursue her career. Two months later, Elena resumed acting on stage - playing episodic roles. A year later she returned to full-time work. When her daughter was little, Elena often disappeared at rehearsals. There was catastrophically little time left for family. Now Alexandra is 16 years old. She studies at the theater college in the producing and directing department. He is interested in drawing.

Biryukova says that her eldest daughter is wiser than she is - the girl always supports and reassures her mother in difficult situations. Although at 12 years old Sasha was a difficult teenager.

Elena Biryukova with her husband and children

It was difficult for Elena to accept her daughter for who she is. Everything changed for the better when the actress became pregnant. The mother-daughter relationship has improved. The girl did not want her beloved mother to be nervous.


There was also a dramatic period in the personal life and biography of Elena Biryukova. In 2001, doctors suspected that she was developing cancer. Elena was very worried: what if she died at 31? Who will she leave her three-year-old daughter to? The actress underwent serious surgery on the female part. At that moment, she felt as if she was buried alive.

The actress recalls that her husband Alexei Litvin left home at the moment she was diagnosed. He staged a play in another city. Biryukova was left alone with the disease, and she was very scared. But everything ended well, the actress was even able to become a mother again.

Elena Biryukova: photo

However, Biryukova’s personal life began to crack at that moment. She could not forgive her husband for not supporting her during a difficult period. A few years later, the actress realized that she wanted to break up with this man because she did not love him.

Union with Ilya Khoroshilov

In the personal life and biography of Elena Biryukova, there are moments that are especially hotly discussed by viewers. For example, her union with her current common-law husband Ilya Khoroshilov.

Elena met him while visiting her friend and colleague, Ekaterina Klimova. Together with Alexandra, she came to the birthday party of Khoroshilov’s daughter, Lisa. At that time, Ilya had long since divorced Klimova. Elena liked him immediately, but the relationship began only a few years later.

Elena Biryukova now

Elena and Ekaterina Klimova were already friends then. At first, Katya did not like that Biryukova began to get closer to her ex-husband. But then she reconciled herself and concluded that this was even for the better.

Ilya is not associated with the acting environment, he is involved in jewelry relations. Elena admits that he often pampers her with jewelry.

The actress treats her common-law husband’s eldest daughter well. They often gather in a large group, together with Klimova, her husband and children. Once they even celebrated the New Year together. Their children are very friendly with each other.

Birth of second daughter

In 2012, the actress gave birth to her second daughter, Aglaya, in a civil marriage with Ilya Khoroshilov. The actress was not embarrassed by the fact that she was already 40 years old at that time. On the contrary, she was glad that she and her husband would have a baby. At that time, there was a crisis in their couple, and their daughter united them and made the union stronger. The common-law husband began to literally blow away specks of dust from the pregnant Biryukova. And she blossomed.

Having undergone a serious operation, the actress was very afraid that problems would arise during pregnancy. But everything went well.

Elena Biryukova at a photo shoot

Now Elena is trying not to repeat the mistakes of her youth and devote as much time as possible to little Aglaya. The actress admits that she thinks about her family all the time, even at work. She gets her greatest joy from communicating with her loved ones. But, nevertheless, she manages to combine motherhood with acting on stage. In the theater, the actress splashes out her energy, and then returns to her family.

My husband, Ilya Khoroshilov, loves to stay with his daughter. He understands that his wife needs to do what she loves.

Ilya has a daughter from his first marriage, Lisa. Girls are friends. And Khoroshilov often spends time with Lisa and Alexandra.

Elena Biryukova with her youngest daughter Alexandra

Elena admits that with her appearance in Aglaya, she had an incentive to look and feel younger. Biryukova admits that she feels fifteen years younger than her real age.

Despite the fact that with the advent of Aglaya, the life of Elena and her common-law husband has become more troubled, the positivity more than pays for everything. The little girl disciplines the family, she is very independent.

Unfortunately, the acting profession has more disadvantages than advantages, especially when it comes to family relationships. It is quite rare for a couple to have a harmonious life in which one or both spouses are actors. That's Ilya Khoroshilov (formerly Klimova) – family photos This is how they usually signed with him. Unable to withstand the popularity and betrayal of his wife, he left the family.

The couple has very few photos left together...

Klimova found her solace in the arms of Igor Petrenko. Their couple has long been considered one of the most harmonious in the acting firmament, but this turned out to be just a mirage...

Ilya Khoroshilov, Klimova’s ex-husband, family photos I left it on the table and began to look closely at other actresses. After all, he himself is a creative person by profession, and can only understand an equally creative and talented soul. In 2003, he met Elena Biryukova, a friend of his then wife. The girls played together in the play “Boeing-Boeing” and when they met, Ilya won Elena’s heart with how touchingly he communicated with his daughter.

Current and former spouses of Ilya Khoroshilov

After the official divorce, which took place in 2004, Ilya Khoroshilov began to be noticed more and more often in the company of Biryukova, they were scattered across the pages of the yellow press. Behind the shoulders of “Masha” from the popular sitcom there were several official marriages and a fairly adult daughter. Ilya has a complicated divorce from the woman he loves and the baby she took away.

Ilya Khoroshilov is essentially a monogamist. And having started a relationship with Elena Biryukova, one could understand that this was really serious. Having discovered his talent for jewelry, he showered his woman with beautiful and expensive jewelry, never missed an opportunity to give a gorgeous bouquet, and found a common language with her daughter Alexandra.

After some time, when, it would seem, the label “Klimova’s husband” came unstuck from Khoroshilov’s image, a new sensation happened - his common-law wife gave birth to a child! And after all, Elena Biryukova was once considered Klimova’s best friend, how could she do this to her?

Despite her advanced age, Elena Biryukova gave birth to a beautiful daughter

In fact, Elena carefully tried to hide her pregnancy from the public, and she succeeded - many learned about the birth of baby Aglaya only after the fact, when three months had passed after the birth. But no one was able to change the opinion of the media - after all, everyone knew Khoroshilova Ilya just how Klimova's ex-husband, remembered about family photos and about how painful the breakup was and that Elena and Catherine once played on the same stage.

Now Ekaterina Klimova is again attracting attention with her third marriage and fourth pregnancy; no one remembers her ex-husband. Elena Biryukova, having given birth to her second daughter at the age of 41, is happily married to her common-law spouse and does not intend to officially register her relationship.

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Main news

Marina Dokicheva.

Since 2003 (after a divorce from his star wife, who preferred Igor Petrenko), the media has been actively interested in what Klimova’s ex-husband Ilya Khoroshilov is doing.

Star triangle

The star of the series “Sasha + Masha” gave birth to the entrepreneur’s heiress, Aglaya, and together they are raising Alexandra Litvinova, the daughter from Elena’s first marriage. Klimova is not embarrassed that her ex-husband is in a relationship with her best friend.

Yes, we are on friendly terms with Ekaterina, says Elena. According to her, she is in no hurry to walk down the aisle again, and before Khoroshilov she had a marriage with Alexandra’s father. With her new lover, she created a strong family and recently took out a mortgage for a home in the Moscow region.

First love

Ilya met his first wife when she was barely 15 years old. The couple met, walked around the city and found their continuation after the wedding - their daughter Lisa appeared in the marriage. But later the actress gave preference to Igor Petrenko. The couple separated, and Khoroshilov’s new lover helped him get through this difficult period:

“He often met with Lisa, his daughter from his first marriage, talked with Katya, but he could look towards Igor,” says Elena. A few years later, when her husband arrived again for Elizabeth, the men shook hands for the first time.

New family

At the age of 41, Biryukova found out she was pregnant. Ilya was very pleased with this news, he happily began to persuade her to keep the child, promising to make her happy. Elena was worried about the reaction of her parents, but they fully supported the lovers. Catherine took the news as an opportunity to put a logical end to this long story, and congratulated her friend on the expected replenishment. The baby was born under the name Aglaya. Ilya spends a lot of time with the child and insists on marrying Elena, but the woman does not want to spend money on legitimizing the relationship.

Ilya has no memories of his long acting career; he devotes himself entirely to jewelry making and family. But Elena worries about her friend, because news often appears in the media that the ex-wife of Igor Petrenko barely managed to marry Gela Meskhi when she again found herself on the verge of a breakup. SIM reports that the reason for the separation is the complex character of the actor. Others write that Klimova’s husband, being the father of her 4th child, bathes in women’s love. The couple denies the rumors.

Ilya Khoroshilov, a former actor who did not dare to devote himself to a creative profession, became a businessman and experienced ups and downs at a relatively young age. Little is known about what happened to him. the search for himself and the long path to happiness are, perhaps, the most important moments of his life.

“Husband of Ekaterina Klimova”

Ilya Khoroshilov is an actor whose biography remains “behind the scenes”, better known as the first husband of actress Ekaterina Klimova. Their family life is a story of complex relationships, deception and forgiveness. For many years, happiness was nearby, but it disappeared suddenly, just as it appeared. The marriage with Klimova ended in divorce, and forced Ilya to analyze more deeply the behavior of loved ones after lies and betrayal.

Catherine had been his crazy love since his school years, for her he became both the first man and friend, he was going to devote his whole life to her. Even when Ekaterina was studying at the Shchepkinsky School, Ilya Khoroshilov (Klimova’s husband at that time) constantly attended work performances with her participation. The time usually devoted to joint family leisure and personal matters gradually began to be devoted exclusively to her studies and creativity.

Scandalous separation

The wife's rapid acting career, the obsessive courtship of fans and the fulfillment of the responsibilities that publicity imposes have led to a loss of mutual trust. Ilya repeated more than once that he looked like a pale shadow of his wife, although he himself was handsome and wealthy. The situation was not saved by the birth of his daughter Elizabeth, who was barely two years old when a crisis occurred in the family.

There were several reasons for the discord: jealousy, a crazy affair with Igor Petrenko, and misunderstanding. However, then Ilya’s wife did not yet imagine that she could fall in love with someone other than him and leave, taking the child. “I was more surprised than anyone that I did this. Everyone has everyday problems, I waited until the very end for them to end,” said Ekaterina. However, fate is unpredictable, and everything happened as it happens in bad soap operas.

Ilya set out to save the family: he gave flowers, gave rides to filming, spent whole days with his daughter. It seemed that if he became different, she would return. Although I felt that they were increasingly moving away from each other. Catherine could not admit that she loved another. However, she soon had to do it. Despite the fact that Ilya Khoroshilov and Klimova were always considered a happy couple, in 2003, after lengthy scandals, their union broke up. However, little by little the passions subsided, and each of them now lives his own life.

Meeting with Biryukova

Several years have passed since Ilya Khoroshilov, an actor with undoubted talent and an unfulfilled career, fell in love with the leading female role of the sitcom “Sasha + Masha” Elena Biryukova. At that time she was his ex-wife Klimova. With Ekaterina, they played together in the comedy “Boeing-Boeing” and several performances. Endless rehearsals and long tours brought the women closer together, who later became inseparable friends.

For the first time, Ilya Khoroshilov met at a family celebration. “Once she invited my eldest daughter and me to Lisa’s birthday, where we met Ilya, her then husband,” says Biryukova. Today Elena does not hide the fact that this is the kind of man she always wanted to see as the father of her children.

Start of a relationship

It was Ekaterina who suggested that Biryukova, who immediately liked Ilya Khoroshilov, “not waste time.” At that time, Elena already had the experience of a failed marriage, raising her daughter Sasha alone. “It was definitely a joke. Who would like to appear next to someone they know,” she recalls. And Catherine laughed: “You will be an exemplary stepmother.” Then Biryukova decided to try to get closer to Ilya. Moreover, very soon an opportunity presented itself to do this.

Elena remembers that together with Katya and Lisa they were going to go to the circus, something didn’t work out, and the daughter came with her father. There was an ordinary conversation: about life, about humor. For some reason they remembered the Comedy Club. Ilya Khoroshilov, an actor in the past, now a well-known fan of this project, immediately became interested in filming the program, to which Elena invited him.

Then he took her to the airport and they said goodbye for a while. Naturally, the new romance did not break out right away, and the thought of starting to live together had not yet occurred to any of them. “Then it seemed to me that Ilya was not just monogamous, he was not looking for a relationship at all,” says Elena. In addition, he was having a hard time with his divorce from Klimova. However, everything turned out well; by the will of fate, not only passion, but also love appeared.


During that first year from the moment of their rapprochement, Ilya Khoroshilov presented Elena Biryukova with flowers, he courted him thoughtfully, in an old-fashioned, tasteful way. She fell in love with jewelry, which she had never been interested in before, because her common-law husband is a professional jeweler. However, the person is very shy and modest. When he decided to give his wife a ring of his own making, he simply moved it to Elena, uttering meaningful words: “What do you say?”

Grinding in Characters

The actress complains that she constantly has to ignore the pedantry of Ilya, who is simply obsessed with accuracy and the pursuit of ideals. Everything should be “pebble by pebble” with him. For such a creative person like her, this is, of course, unusual. In turn, he declares that: “Here I have an artist again, apparently this is my cross,” and smiles shyly.

“Once upon a time there was everything: roles and prospects,” says Ilya Khoroshilov. The actor has not liked photography since the time when pictures of him and Klimova never left the pages of fashion magazines. However, the bustle of the party and bohemian life always depressed him, and over time, Ilya returned to his usual profession. Now he believes that one actress in the house is enough. “You can understand him; living as a family with people like me is not easy. Do you know how many times Ilya came back for my passport when we were almost leaving?” - Biryukova shares. Of course, Ilya is far from delighted with the peculiarities of acting life, but still understands and supports his wife. He is a real salvation from the boundless chaos of life, which she herself cannot restore order to.

Echo of the past

Elena also became for Ilya a reconciling link between his past life, present and future. “He often saw his daughter from his first marriage, talked with Ekaterina, but did not dare to look in Igor’s direction,” Biryukova says about the Klimova and Petrenko family. A few years later, when they came to pick up Lisa, Igor and Ilya shook hands for the first time. “I’ve always said that we can’t live on different planes,” she adds. In addition, she has no desire to lose her only true friend; even on tour she and Ekaterina are called “lighters.”

Two years ago, Ilya Khoroshilov and Elena Biryukova visited Cambodia. “This is his favorite country, and he discovered it for me,” said the actress. “By the way, the best season there is winter.” However, it can be difficult to find time for long trips: the daughter goes to school, Elena is on tour, Ilya can only dream about how they will spend their vacation together again.


After returning, it became known that Elena was “in pregnancy.” “I didn’t feel any excitement, and my feelings were contradictory. Still, giving birth at 41 is a big responsibility,” she shares her doubts. However, it so happened that everyone needed to start life from scratch. In addition, Ilya is an optimistic person and immediately said that he would solve everything. He was convinced that he would become a good father, that he would help Elena and support her in every possible way.

The only thing that embarrassed the couple was the reaction of their parents, but they fully supported them, only Elena’s mother was worried at first; at her age it was no longer safe to give birth. Surprisingly, Khoroshilov received approval from Klimova, who congratulated them at the first opportunity. Apparently, there was some kind of incompleteness in their relationship with Catherine until that moment, and only Elena’s pregnancy helped put a logical end to this protracted story.

Little goddess

Naturally, it was necessary to come up with a name for the baby. Probably, providence, as usual, decided to help the couple and offered its own option. “I dreamed of Aglaya,” says Lena. - I looked up the meaning of the name: the goddess of fun and joy. Everything is accurate, my youngest daughter is truly a late joy.”

Ilya joked that everything looked like Dostoevsky in “The Idiot.” Although Biryukova had no such associations. But now it’s clear why the joke appeared: the eldest daughter was also called Alexandra, the middle one was Aglaya, the youngest was Adelaide. Maybe it's a sign again? However, so far none of them is in a hurry to think that far ahead. Elena likes to see how Ilya fusses with her daughter, does not let go of her hands, whispers pleasant words. Finally, their family became a real home for all its members. Apparently it took some time to get to this point.

Unbearable to get married?

Ilya Khoroshilov, despite Elena’s assurances that she would not become his wife, at least proposed to her again in the near future. “It’s so cute, only he can do it,” she says. He didn’t say anything special to her, he just asked: “You’ll still refuse, right?”

In response, Biryukova simply nodded, and they laughed together. In fact, she is not yet ready to give a definite answer. “Does this make sense?” - Elena asks. And she herself dreams of a luxurious wedding. On the other hand, there is no need to waste money on such nonsense, just as there is no need to be attached to cliches.

Now they continue to live; freedom is dearer to Elena. She said: “I’m not in a hurry to get married; before Khoroshilov, I was married to the father of my daughter. I recently realized: I have nowhere to rush. I have a wonderful relationship with my beloved man, but we don’t have to formalize it.”

Ilya is truly distinguished by a constancy rare for a man; he is akin to the periodic table. But Elena has not been afraid of loneliness for a long time and considers marriage a troublesome matter, not that children are a completely different matter. “Life will show everything, and when you’re 40, sometimes it’s just beginning,” she rejoices. However, Ilya is also happy with everything today. He replaced his father's eldest adopted daughter Sasha, who is already 14 years old and almost the same age as his own first child. Taking care of his family is what Ilya Khoroshilov is doing now. An actor whose filmography contains only episodic roles has long ceased to perceive himself as such. He says that he himself does not want to remember this side of his life, and does not advise others. Indeed, there is virtually no mention of his long-standing acting career. Today Ilya is exclusively engaged in the jewelry business, admires his beautiful wife, raises his daughter and is completely satisfied with life.