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Managing your consciousness. Techniques for controlling human consciousness. The ability to say “no”

Hello, dear blog readers! Today I offer you an article about the subconscious and how to communicate with it. This will be useful for those who want to understand their thoughts and actions, strive to live without stress and worries, and try to lead a conscious, reasonable lifestyle.

There are two levels of consciousness: the gross, intelligent consciousness and the unconscious subconscious. Gross surface consciousness is used by man in the waking state. When reading a text, doing everyday things, listening to music, doing mathematical calculations or thinking about Life, we use our consciousness. Our consciousness analyzes information about the World around us coming from our senses and makes decisions when it changes. We can control it, know what it is doing at one time or another.

As for the subconscious or subtle consciousness, it clearly manifests itself in our dreams or in stressful situations. Reasonable consciousness has certain limits, and it is quite easy to control. The subconscious does not have such a framework; it perceives all phenomena straightforwardly and is subject to control with difficulty or is not controlled at all. The roots of all desires, successes, achievements, problems of Man come from this type of consciousness.

The immediate task of the subconscious is to ensure life comfort, security, satisfaction and happiness. Everything it does, it does solely so that the Person is safe and comfortable, experiences more pleasure, less pain and suffering. That is, the purpose of the subconscious is to help a Person live happily and joyfully, as well as to protect and protect him from all life’s difficulties. Another of its most important, primary tasks is to control all physiological processes occurring in the body: breathing, heart rate, secretion of certain hormones, digestion, blood pressure, and so on.

But this is only ideal. In reality, the situation is somewhat different. In reality, for some reason the subconscious begins to put a spoke in a Man’s wheels, poisoning his life and preventing him from achieving his goals. Unnoticed by the mind, it interferes with our plans and adjusts them at its discretion, spoils our mood and deprives us of strength. But among other things, he has complete control over the functioning of our brain, as well as complete control over the human body.

It has long been no secret that our brain uses no more than 3-5% of its capabilities. Then why did Nature create a “reserve” of 95-97%? Obviously, most of this “reserve” is spent on ensuring the work and needs of the subconscious. There is a complete analogy with an iceberg: the visible, above-water part is consciousness, and the invisible, underwater part is the subconscious. As you know, the underwater part of an iceberg is much larger, more voluminous than the surface part. If we can clearly see the above-water part of the ice block, then we have no idea about the underwater part. It is precisely in this “underwater” part that all our problems, failures, disappointments and fears lie - everything that prevents us from living a full, happy and joyful Life.

Hence the conclusion: in order to become a happy, joyful pet and master of your Life, you need to somehow negotiate with your subconscious, conduct a dialogue with it. But how to do that? How to look into the depths of your subtle, hidden unconscious? How to unlock the secrets of the subconscious? How to control the subconscious? There are answers! But not exactly the ones that most readers would like to receive...

But I’ll disappoint you right away: you can’t control the subconscious!!! This is simply impossible! Why? Let me give you another analogy, similar to the one with the iceberg.

Imagine a very real picture: a mother and her child are walking down the street. The mother is an adult, serious, self-confident, but the child is small, naughty, and fussy. Let him be two years old and the world around him is incomprehensible and mysterious; how this world works and how it is controlled is a complete mystery to him. So, in our life analogy, the mother is the Subconscious, and the child is the Consciousness. And now the question is: can this little child control his mother? And what about managing consciously? The answer is NO! A child can be capricious, cry, manipulate, but he cannot control an adult and serious mother. True, sometimes a mother succumbs to the whims and manipulations of her child, but this is for a short time, and only when she is in a good mood. I am developing the topic further. Passing by a toy store, the child suddenly asked for a new car/doll, and not only asked, but began to demand hysterically, began to cry, snot came out of his nose... If before this the child behaved diligently, and the mother has money, then she will certainly grant the request - will buy a toy. But if they are not there, or they exist, but are intended for other purposes that the child does not know about, and the child was capricious before and made the mother lose patience, then there will be no purchase. The mother will lift the crying and whining baby from the asphalt, take it under her arm and take her away from the toy store. This is a real-life situation; many parents have faced it more than once! And what can a child do in this situation? Never mind! Just whine more, and only until he switches to another activity, or until his mother shuts him up with candy.

It’s the same in the relationship between consciousness and subconscious. With the help of our consciousness, we can want very, very many things: a lot of money, a cool car, dinners at a restaurant, vacations in exotic countries, and so on. There's no harm in dreaming. But how will the subconscious react to our dreams and desires? In order to earn a lot of money, you need to work, and not work, but work hard, work hard from morning to night, first of all on yourself, on your lifestyle. And from excessive work, as they say, even horses die—man is no exception. Do you need it? The subconscious certainly does not! Why undermine the health and shorten the life of the person entrusted to him? Our unconscious has completely different functions - to protect, protect, protect, preserve, and maintain the normal functioning of the body. You have a roof over your head and a piece of bread, you don’t freeze - that’s all, that’s enough for the subconscious. If you strive, try and try, the unconscious will organize illnesses for you. The more you try and strain, the more serious and lasting the illnesses will be.

Hence the conclusion: you cannot control the subconscious, but you can establish a friendly dialogue and communication with it.

The good news is that such a dialogue has already been embedded in us by Nature since childhood; we just need to restore it. In children under five to seven years old, the connection between the unconscious and the conscious is very strong. Then, as intelligence and education develop, it begins to be lost, and by adulthood it completely disappears. But it doesn't disappear. The subconscious is ready for dialogue with consciousness at any moment; you just need to establish this dialogue. And how to do it? The bad news is that the subconscious does not know or speak the language we speak. It doesn’t understand our language as a means of communication: neither Russian, nor French, nor Chinese, nor Indian, nor HTML... You can’t just have a heart-to-heart talk with it over a glass of tea. The subconscious can communicate with us only through the language of the body or bodily sensations, that is, cause certain sensations or micromovements in our body. It is important for consciousness to learn to listen to these sensations, as well as correctly understand and decipher them.

A way to communicate with your unconscious

To get in touch with your unconscious, you need to retire: - find a quiet place, without extraneous noise. It is best to do this at home, when no one is there and no one will interfere. Turn off the phone or put it in “Flight” mode, turn off other sources of noise: radio, TV, and so on. Sit quietly at the table, place your hands on your knees so that you can move your fingers. Relax, close your eyes, stop the racing of thoughts. It doesn't always work out the first time. Need training. You can read about how to stop your thoughts from racing in my article

When a state of relaxation and absence of thoughts is achieved, mentally say to yourself: “I invite my subconscious to conscious contact. I ask you to respond through my body. If you are ready to make contact, then show what the answer “YES” will look like.. After this, you need to sit quietly and observe your body, as if from the outside. We need to discover how the subconscious mind will respond to this request. The answer can be any unconscious, uncontrolled movement: turning, tilting the body, turning, tilting the head, moving an arm or leg, moving a finger, and so on. Sometimes the response may be in the form of yawning, a feeling of warmth or itching, or twitching of body muscles. The main thing is that the movement is uncontrolled, occurring on its own. As soon as you notice that something has happened in your body, you can ask yourself the following question: “Did I understand correctly that the answer “YES” is... (point to the signal you noticed). If this is the case, then please show the answer “YES” again.. After this, again observe your body, the repetition of the signal - response. If it does not happen again, we try several more times until we get a confident answer. If the “YES” signal is repeated, then we move on to the next part of the conversation. Now we mentally say to ourselves: “I thank my subconscious for the answer. I ask you to show through your body what the answer “NO” will look like.. After this, you again need to sit quietly and observe your body, as if from the outside. As soon as you notice that something has happened in the body, you need to ask again, as in the case of the answer “YES,” whether the answer “NO” was correctly understood.

When the “YES-NO” dialogue has been established, you can ask your unconscious questions that interest you. Questions can only be asked that relate to you personally, your health or condition! The subconscious mind will not and will not answer questions on a global scale, about other people, about exchange rates, about the possibility of winning the lottery - these are not its areas of activity. His sphere of activity is the person entrusted to him.

After the question has been asked, you need to sit quietly and watch your body: whether it will answer: “YES” or “NO”. Sometimes a visual image may appear as an answer, or the answer may come in the form of familiar words, phrases or a whole sentence.

At the end of the contact, you need to thank your subconscious for communication: “I thank my subconscious for communication. I ask permission to interrupt our contact now and return to him after a while.". Now you can slowly open your eyes and return to normal. After some time, the experience of communicating with your unconscious can be repeated.

And with that, I’ll say goodbye to you for now; I’ll go study the training materials. See you on the blog pages!

They say that opportunities human brain not limited. Indeed, how much information of our lives fits into it - necessary and unnecessary! Some information is in demand by us, we use it periodically, we would be happy to forget the other, but for some reason it persistently haunts us, and practically takes advantage of us. Is it possible to learn to remember what we need and forget those events, the memories of which cause us pain? Is it possible not to think about anything at all?

Remembering the necessary information

Everyone probably remembers childhood that the best way to learn poetry is to imagine visually described events and actions. This technique can be safely used to remember the necessary information. Our brain responds very well to associations. Moreover, the more ridiculous and non-standard the association is, the greater the likelihood of memorization.

Can remember any word (the name of a film, a book, a stop), causing a slightly strange association with the name itself, or any other extraneous one, and then simply “tie” the resulting association to the desired object as a neighbor. To formulate an association, choose words or objects that are not related in meaning. For example, crocodile and soap. Figure out how you can connect them, and it is this nonsense that the brain will remember with pleasure, and with it the word or name you need. Think of a crocodile in a bath of soapy foam, and the title of the book will immediately come to mind.

No less effective way remember- is to evoke vivid emotions in yourself at the moment of memorization. Well, for example, you can teach an English lesson in an unusual environment: riding a bike, walking in the pouring rain, or just on a picnic. You will see that any topic against the backdrop of emotional events will “burn” into your memory for a long time. The easiest way to remember events, which we often use in everyday life, is to associate it with a song. And now, as soon as a familiar melody starts to sound, you immediately remember “that same macrame weaving technique.”

How to forget troubles?

Emotions seem to at all are not connected to the brain, but very clearly imprint information on it. This explains our vivid memories of unpleasant events that we have experienced. Stress, pain, disappointment, resentment - all these are emotions that helped the brain remember events, and now it repeats them to us again and again. You can try to get rid of painful memories. Replace the emotion in the picture with a memory. The most appropriate emotion would be humor. Imagine a “reverse movie” and mentally return to the beginning of your unpleasant story. Now imagine that events unfold a little differently.

For example, Your abuser- a fairy-tale character in a funny wig and with a “cartoon” voice. Or you can imagine yourself in a comedic role, and play out an unpleasant situation as a funny scene. Exaggerate, don't be afraid! Let it all come down to the funniest and most absurd. Laugh heartily, get a bright emotion. As a rule, such an event with two “overlays” of emotions is erased and becomes unimportant for the brain. He will look for more vivid events to remember.

How else can you erase unnecessary thoughts? Just try to “erase”! Any method of erasing information will do. You can imagine a blackboard with your negative thoughts written in chalk, and simply erase them with a rag. Or use modern methods, they are quite easy to visualize. Do you know how to format a disk? Format! Can you imagine a window on your monitor screen with the question “Delete information?” Click "Yes"! There is also a "Delete" key on the keyboard, use it. Unnecessary information will not go away immediately, erase it often, several times and carefully. This technique works well with negative thoughts that spontaneously “hang out” in our head, preventing us from living normally and enjoying ourselves.

There are many management methods practiced in the world

consciousness, especially in the United States, where they have always been considered

the main means of conducting experiments on human behavior.

Let's start the review from 1947, when the control experiments took place

consciousness with the help of narcotic drugs. It was in

naval hospital in Bethesda, the experiments were supervised by Dr.

Gaefsky. The project continued until 1972, and possibly later, but already

under other names.

CIA reports admit that the purpose of the drug experiments was

identification of those drugs that make it easier to control people, and this

remains the constant goal of such US-funded research, and

ultimately by the Secret Government.

Mind manipulators soon realized, however, that drugs

This is a primitive method of control when it comes to people and what is

and much more subtle methods. As new forms are developed

electronic and electromagnetic broadcasting by American intelligence services

immediately used the latest advances in mind control

of people. Read below for an account of various forms of mind control,

compiled by lead researcher Hacking Valerian:

The RHIC-EDOM folder is a 350 page document prepared by the CIA

immediately after the assassination of John Kennedy. The report describes the conversion method

people in electronically controlled robots programmed in


In the RHIC phase, a person is put into a trance and given settings that can

be activated on many levels using password words or sounds

special tonality.

In the EDOM phase - this word is an abbreviation for the term "electronic

memory dissolution" - a person’s memory was influenced for the purpose of

erasing or changing memories of events that happened to him.

After electronic intervention in the brain, the acetylcholine found in it

creates static electricity that blocks visual and

auditory images. This method can be used to erase or

blocking memory or to slow it down when

It seems that events happen after they have ended...

The use of ultrasonic radiation and infra-low frequencies also

documented. VHF and ultrasound can affect both electrical

processes in the brain and on its tissues themselves.

Modern types of INF weapons emit in the range of 7-12 Hz, these pulses

reflected from the earth's ionosphere, which has a natural frequency of 8 Hz. These

the pulses are modulated by bizarre combinations of signals that

cause certain changes in human behavior. In the states

Washington and California are seeing serious problems caused by this


In 1961, the University of Illinois conducted experiments in the field

ultrasound, which later fell into the hands of the military-industrial


In experiments conducted in 1961 by Drs. W. Fry and R.

Myers, used directed ultrasound to apply strictly

certain damage in the brain. These experiments showed

advantage of the ultrasound method over implantation into the brain


In 1963, Dr. Peter Lindstrom of the University of Pittsburgh

used a non-directional single sonic beam to destroy

tissue tract in the brain without damaging nearby

nerve cells. This prefrontal ultrasound therapy has replaced


Infra-low frequencies

The use of infra-low frequency radiation (ILF) as a weapon was first used

attested back in 1960 (at least this

declassified documents indicate), although it is quite possible that

these experiments began even earlier, as soon as the American government

gained access to the research results of Nikola Tesla.

The American military carefully tried not to be exposed in connection with

these "ray weapons" and "brain-controlling projectors", but not

refused to comment on Russian experiments on humans, so

thus indirectly confirming the fact that they themselves are involved in

things like that. Opportunities of Russians in the area

mental disturbances were seen as the most serious threat in the overall

panorama of the Cold War; hence the US military

they had to oppose something to her. What was never said

so This means that we were always ahead of the Russians in this race, - on

in fact, the competition was not about who would fly first

The moon, but for control over human consciousness.

The Russians, of course, also did similar research. Within

In one such program, the US Embassy building in Moscow was irradiated

electromagnetic waves since 1967. Embassy staff suffered

from the terrible consequences of such exposure, such as sudden changes

mood, more frequent illness and even bleeding from the eyes.

The then head of the American embassy in Russia fell ill with a rare disease

blood disease. This was probably due to electromagnetic


Control today

To take a look at the real possibilities of mind control

and similar technologies currently practiced by the military in

secret bases in different parts of the world, let's turn to the classic

several years ago he tore the veil off the secret of collusion with aliens. IN

In this passage, Bishop writes about experiments that are said to

consciousness of implants: Bio-Psi devices, INC devices capable

manage mood, sleep, heart rate, etc.

USNI (Office of Special Projects and Research) uses these

technology to manipulate people. This organization

launches projects, sets priorities, coordinates efforts and

manages many participants in these events. Similar projects

are being studied at Sandia by 55 scientists from the Jason Group. They secretly

used only the dark side of these technologies, hiding them from society

their possible good uses.

human, as well as various aspects of sleep, hypnosis, telepathy, etc.

They know how to manipulate

my man, they can slow down your pulse using delta waves

deep sleep, put into a state of static shock. And then

reprogram you by connecting a computer to your brain. They can

enter data and programming reactions into your brain (impregnation

information - "sleep library").

We are entering the era of technologization of psychic energies. Development

methods for improving human robots, Psi-weapons, RHIC

(radio-hypnotic intracerebral control), EDOM (electronic

memory dissolution) and various forms of control using chemical

substances, ultrasound, optical and other electromagnetic radiation.

Physics of consciousness...

We again turn to lead researcher Bel Valerian for

additional information related to control capabilities

consciousness available to the Secret Government:

Group of researchers and developers in the cosmobiology laboratory

Institute for Brain Research at the University of California

Los Angeles has found a way to stimulate the brain by creating

electric field outside the human head. Dr. W. Ross Edie

stimulated the brain with electrical impulses, the intensity of which

was much lower than that of the implants used in

first years of research.

Ten years earlier, Dr. Delgado had described a society subjugated

electronic mind manipulator. By the end of the 60s, remote

brain control was already a reality.

In 1975, a primitive "mind reading machine" was tested in

Stanford Research Institute. The car was a creation

psychologist Lawrence Pinneo and computer scientists Daniel Wald and David

Holla. Initially they claimed that their goal was to establish

direct contact between the programmer and the computer. Such

contact would give a lot to people with physical disabilities, but, like everyone else,

new inventions, this development was used by the military for their

In 1976, a young scientist at Rockefeller University named

Adam Reed contributed another concept

life He stated that "by 1996 it will be possible to decode and

transmit thoughts using a small transmitter placed in

This development was supposed to allow data transfer from a computer

directly into the brain, which is reminiscent of some alien methods,

used during inculcation (forced training), in relation to

androids or humanoids that they use as their

work force. This process was eventually completed and paved

way for the development of RHIC-EDOM (radio-hypnotic

infracerebral control - electronic dissolution of memory).

Intelligence agencies already have "remote controlled" people who don't

remember how they were programmed, but will carry out the task assigned to them

task as soon as they receive an audio or visual signal. Today

there is sufficient evidence relating to the murders of John and Robert

Kennedy and Martin Luther King, indicating that those who committed these

killing people were programmed using RHIC-EDOM technology

intelligence services.

The judicial system in almost all cases is guided by

provision that the crime cannot be imposed by method

suggestion (hypnosis). If intelligence services in the US and others

countries are on the other side of the laws, it is not difficult to imagine why this

Victim Statement

To really imagine the horror of control

consciousness, you need to talk to the one who became its victim. Although many

of the victims protested in connection with what happened to them,

some of them formulated their protest particularly clearly. Following

report written by Glen I. Nichols:

I am a victim of mind control. I have been controlled all my life, all 46 years.

I will try to briefly summarize my memories and explain why I

I’m writing about this.

I was controlled using standard behavior modification techniques,

hypnosis, medications,

shock, torture and lies. I think that those who are familiar with the methods of secret

societies, they will call me a “Greek slave.” I remember how my tormentors

used all the above methods before I was even

three years. As you know, these methods cause amnesia for

psychological dissociation and changes in ideas about that

reality to which man is a slave.

For years these methods were constantly used on me. Sometimes I understood

happening because some good people were awakening me and

They explained what they were doing to me. When I began to realize what was wrong with me

happens, the tormentors found me and redoubled their efforts. They often

used torture, ether, memory blocking drugs, and electric shock

in the head area to erase my memories. It made me

forget what good citizens told me.

But the above measures were apparently not enough for the torturers. I remember,

like in 1959, when I was about 12 years old, these evil people stuck

There is a radio wave receiver in my ear. They told me then that I had problems

with hearing and that I need to wear a hearing aid.

Apparently someone didn't agree with this tactic and they had to

stop for a while. In 1962, when I was 15 years old,

the receivers were already so miniaturized that they were able to introduce

such a device in my ear canal is invisible to me. After that they

began to send subliminal instructions at a very low volume,

to control me. They gave me subliminal attitudes that

I have an ear infection that I shouldn't clean my ears or I'll lose them forever

From time to time I did clean my ears and found metal

devices, but the torturers always had excuses about them. After

Since I found these devices in my ears, I was always tortured,

they pumped me full of drugs and tortured me with electricity so that I would forget about these


Attempts to control consciousness were very persistent. I didn't remember much of

what happened to me here, and remembered even less about that

reality that completely controlled me. Thousands of days, thousands

events were simply erased from my memory. Sometimes with the help


people, I was able to free myself from their control for a short time. This

made them furious.

When I turned 20 in 1967, they surgically

a radio receiver and transmitter were implanted behind the right ear canal

near the eardrum. They told me that I had injured my ear while playing

Over the next 20 years, this receiver-transmitter was replaced a couple of times. More

one receiver was implanted in the other ear. Above and behind my ears

Several thin scars remain.

Obviously, the villains were not only transmitting subconscious commands to me, but

and could eavesdrop on my conversations, as well as detect my

location using electronics.

For some reason, in addition to surgically implanted receivers and

transmitters sometimes inserted additional

miniature receivers. I remember one of them was found in 1971 by a doctor

Northridge California Health Center. Another me

discovered in the ear in 1988. Of course, this memory was immediately erased

from my memory. I think there were other such cases that I

I can't remember.

Why was it necessary to insert mini-receivers into my ears when I already have

Were there implanted devices? I can only guess. Probably different

organizations tried to control me.

Perhaps the frequency at which the implants operated was tapped and

these new devices sent a transformed weak signal.

Actually, I don't know. What I do know is that the awareness that they

what they did to me was very quickly erased from my memory. Almost 42

for years I lived without realizing that I was a victim and that they turned me into

There were many other devices. I remember how they inserted an electrode through

nostril to the anterior part of the brain. I was 33 then, it was 1980. I

experienced severe pain, confusion and loss of balance. To me

They said I had a nasal infection. I researched the source

pain and discovered a small bump on the roof of the nasal cavity. Doctors, to

whom I contacted, they said that it was an infection and that it was not needed

touch. I still removed it myself using tweezers.

It looked like a bipolar electrode, two sharp wires were

stuck into the brain, some kind of ball was holding on to them. I took it to the FBI.

There they told me that it was probably a transistor that fell out of

electrical equipment of the car. Then memories of this event

were erased, and until recently I had no memory of it.

for obvious reasons is not indicated. This interview was published in

magazine "Leading Edge". We are pleased to offer you a specialist perspective on

things related to the Secret Government:

Question : If a career employee resigns, there is no way to contact him

Are mind control devices used?

Answer: You can be sure! This is exactly what is used in most cases.

To delete certain memories.

Question : What about government employees? Do they do this to them too?

Answer: Look at things soberly. The country is run by the Pentagon. All

The most important decisions are made by the military. The CIA is just

whipping boy In fact, everything is done by the NSA (Agency

national security). Look in their archives and you won't find anything. IN

budget too. The CIA is simply a "wedding general." Concerning

intelligence, NSA - their superiors, they are much more important than them in all secret

operations. The CIA is being blamed for everything that the NSA is responsible for. This

the agency is involved in much dirtier matters and works more

professionally. Americans don't know anything about this and shouldn't know.

Question: That is, you claim that the army represents a large

a danger to democracy than the CIA and other intelligence agencies?

Answer : The CIA collects information, but the army is in charge.

Question: You want to say, apparently, that in the United States there was

invisible revolution?

Answer: In general, yes. There is a group of eighteen or twenty people

she runs this country. Nobody elected them. Those who were chosen

are only a cover for these people who have more power,

than even the President of the United States.

Question: Are you saying that the president has no real power?

Answer: Not that not at all. He can make decisions based on

the data that is presented to him. The intelligence services give him

only what is beneficial to them. Think about the Pentagon Papers. Widely

the CIA is known to be involved in forgery and falsification of documents.

One can only be surprised at the stupidity of the Americans. People don't realize that

planetary corporations have their own versions of the CIA. Where the CIA does not serve

their people work to accomplish their tasks. All of them were trained in

CIA. They also have double agents working for the CIA, but loyal

these corporations.

Question: What do you know about hypnosis and hypnotic drugs?

induction of amnesia?

Answer: They use different methods. I saw how some

People only have certain events erased from their memory. They use

hypnosis and hypnotic drugs. They also use electronic

manipulation of consciousness. During a hypnosis session, their voice again and again

repeats in headphones: “You don’t understand, you don’t know about this.” At the same

time they turn on ultrasound, mixing normal electric

rhythms necessary for the formation of memories. Ultrasound you don't

will hear and not feel, unless, of course, they leave him

turned on for a long time - then your gray matter will turn out


Question: I thought ultrasound research was no longer


Answer: Yes, research is no longer being conducted. Because they are no longer needed.

They already know everything. Everything is already being put into practice.

Question: Do the police use mind control?

Answer: At the highest levels - yes. The FBI uses them and they are good

help local police. I'll tell you what: the cheapest in the world

goods are people.

Question : What can you say about conspiracies?

Answer: All people know is that the left is supposedly going to

overthrow our government. We hear nothing about right-wing conspiracies. But

some of these right-wing groups are more dangerous than the left. Right wing

usually made up of retired military personnel. If they come to power now

rightists, a military dictatorship will be established. That is, there is a dictatorship

now, but implicit, hidden.

Triple You mean those 20 people you were talking about?

Answer: Yes... if the people of this country knew about this, then the next

times when they tried to drive him into another Vietnam, he replied

would be "no". People are needed to fight, but if they knew about

who is really in charge and what is going on, they understood

would be who the country really needs to be defended from. And so simple

ignorance is enough to support this whole political kitchen and

"free elections". The American people, like most peoples,

you need to know that they are fighting for a just cause, that they are on the side

of good. For this reason we have never lost a war, but never

have not yet achieved peace. You need to support at all costs

the appearance of freedom. It doesn't matter which party is in power,

a fairly elected government or cryptocracy (Secret

government) rules the country - everything will still go as it is

If you think that all mind control experiments are carried out under

patronage of the CIA and other earthly organizations, then you are mistaken. Should

Note that implants are often placed in people's bodies during their

alien abductions. This is confirmed by the stories of many, many

abducted, I described my own experience in this regard in the book

"The X-Files of Commander X."

  • II. Basic definitions and concepts of a corporate integrated quality management system

  • Many people believe that management techniques are only useful to those whose profession is related to management. In fact, this is a set of techniques that can be applied in any area of ​​life where society is present.

    Do not succumb to the provocations of your old, harmful neighbor, build the right relationships with your children, establish contact with unpleasant relatives or employees; in the end, it will be profitable to sell your dacha or even a sofa on Avito.

    In other words, the set of techniques will work with absolutely all people, regardless of their gender, age and social status.

    For people in leadership positions and entrepreneurs, the first thing they should do is learn how to manage people. Of course, it’s not enough just some tricks gleaned from different sites.

    Masterful management of people requires a full range of techniques and even a slightly modified worldview.

    But I’ll tell you about this later, but now – 10 ways that will be useful to you in your career and in life.

    1. Right View

    There is a special look that makes people reckon with you, recognize you as a strong opponent at the subconscious level.

    This view can be useful in any controversial situation when you want to declare that you are worth taking into account and you make the decisions here.

    You need to look into the eyes, but not at the surface of the eye, but as if through it, looking into the soul. The result is a piercing gaze that declares your decisive attitude. And people feel it.

    2. Energy break

    To get what they want, people sometimes use the tactless question method when surrounded by other people. In private, you would not hesitate to refuse or answer negatively, but in public you are confused and may agree or answer so as not to seem greedy, secretive, etc.

    To avoid falling for this bait, you can use the energy pause method. You look into the person's eyes as if you are about to respond. He prepares to accept your answer, but you don't answer.

    You continue to look at him but don't say anything. He looks away in confusion, and then you start talking about something else. After such an incident, he will no longer try to force you to answer in public.

    3. Pause and encouragement

    Sometimes people try to demand something based solely on the intensity of their demand. That is, the person basically understands that his demand is unfounded, and you understand this.

    Nevertheless, he actively and very emotionally demands something, hoping that you will give in, fearing conflict. If you support his tone or begin to object, a conflict will occur.

    Instead, pause and encourage the person in a friendly manner to continue the conversation. Feeling supported, a person will stop getting excited and begin to speak more calmly.

    But even after that, do not stop the silence, nod and encourage him to talk further. The person will begin to explain, then make excuses and, finally, apologize.

    4. Eye protection

    Of course, you are not the only one who uses some techniques, and not only consciously. It happens that people unconsciously feel what they need to do to achieve what they want, and they behave that way.

    If you notice the gaze of your interlocutor, he may use some kind of psychological influence on you, whether consciously or not.

    Remember: you are not obliged to play a staring contest with him by accepting the rules of his game. Look into his eyes, smile, letting him know that you noticed his gaze and you don't care, and look at other objects.

    5. Overcome hostility

    Life often confronts us with unpleasant people with whom we are simply forced to communicate and maintain good relations.

    In order to maintain normal communication or get something from this person, you will have to really overcome your dislike for him. And not just putting on a fake smile, but imbued with sympathy and kindness.

    How to do this if you are facing a scandalous, nasty guy?

    Imagine him as a small child. If a child behaves badly, it means that he is embittered, unhappy or spoiled. In any case, the environment is to blame for this.

    Basically, it's true, so you're not even fooling yourself. When you see this person as a child, you cannot be angry with him, and people always feel kindness and sympathy, and this disarms them.

    6. Pressure

    Many people put pressure on their employees, relatives and friends to get what they want. What it looks like from the outside: repeated repetition of the same demands - sometimes soft, sometimes hard, sometimes persistent and emotional, sometimes unobtrusive.

    The main purpose of pressure is to deprive you of hope that the request or demand can be avoided.

    The person makes you understand that you simply cannot do it differently; he will stand his ground until the very end.

    What can you do about it? It helps to call a spade a spade. For example, you can immediately ask the person: “Are you putting pressure on me?” As a rule, a person then gets lost. Equally important is the ability to firmly say “no.”

    7. The ability to say “no”

    You must learn to say “no”; this will be very useful in the fight against various kinds of manipulators, among whom may be not only obsessive partners, but also your friends or family.

    You must learn to say exactly this word - “no”. Not “it won’t work,” or “I don’t know,” or “we’ll see,” but a firm “no.”

    8. Don’t explain your refusal.

    This is also a great skill that is acquired with experience. If you refused someone, said your firm “no”, be able to do without explanations and even more so without excuses.

    At the same time, you should not feel guilty for refusing without explanation. People feel the inner mood, and if you hesitate within yourself, they will get comments from you and maybe even persuade you.

    Again, it is not always a good idea to refuse without explanation, but there are times when it is necessary.

    9. Position without evidence

    In negotiations, evidence of correctness often plays a negative role. Rightness is a state that is transmitted at the level of sensations. You feel right and other people agree with you.

    If you start to prove your position with arguments, this can destroy your confidence in the rightness.

    Let's say you make one argument, and your interlocutor refutes it. If after this you give a second argument, it means that you agree that the first one was unsuccessful, and this means the loss of your positions and unshakable faith in your rightness.

    10. Fix a new role

    If you take on a new role - head of a department, team captain, or some other - you need to immediately fix it, outlining your authority. Do as quickly as possible in your new role what you could not do in your previous role.

    Give some order, make a decision, ask for an answer from your subordinates, and so on. The longer you wait to take on a new role, the more your rights may be reduced.

    These ways to manage people and prevent yourself from being manipulated are only a small part of all the techniques of management art that change not only your communication style, but also your worldview. And you can acquire it by learning from professionals.

    Management art and a new worldview

    A large-scale program of 40 online seminars on the art of management will begin at the end of January 2015.

    For 10 months, a seminar will be held once a week in the form of an online broadcast around the world, where a business coach will tell interesting techniques, analyze individual cases of participants and help them create their own strong philosophy.

    Coaching consists not only of useful practices and techniques that can be useful, but also of working with participants, with specific people and their problems.

    Moreover, the program is suitable for both start-ups and experienced entrepreneurs.

    You will find out how many mistakes you made in management, correct them and never repeat them.

    If you are going to manage people, you simply need a solid philosophy, strength of character and knowledge of various psychological tricks. You will find all this in the program of Vladimir Tarasov. It's time to sign up.

    mind control will allow you to completely control your own life and become the master of your destiny.

    There are three simple exercises on how to learncontrol your mind :

    Positive thinking

    Most people simply do not realize the enormous power of positive and negative thoughts in their minds. The method is extremely simple: as soon as a negative thought fills your mind, immediately replace it with a thought that will lift your mood. Imagine that your brain is like a slide projector and every thought is like a slide.Whenever a negative slide appears on your screen, quickly change it to a positive one.

    For example, many people are annoyed by being late or waiting in line. By concentrating each time on negative thoughts and judging a friend who was late for 10 minutes, a person programs negative models and risks remaining captive of negative thoughts. However, let's try to change our attitude towards the situation in a positive way. After all, waiting is nothing more than training willpower for some, or an opportunity to talk to yourself, or observe the world around you. There is a famous example about a half-empty and half-full glass. An optimist perceives a glass half filled as half full, and a pessimist perceives it as half empty. The glass hasn't changed at all. But one person is more often happy from such a perception of life, while another is saddened by it. It turns out that we ourselves choose how we react to this or that event in our lives.

    An example of this is a story about two children. The parents had two twin sons. One of them was an optimist and the other a pessimist. Everything was good in life for the optimist, and his parents didn’t really think about what to give him for his birthday. But they thought for a long time about what to give the pessimist and gave him a wooden horse for his birthday - a good, wooden horse. And they decided to play a trick on the optimist and put horse manure near his bed. A negative child gets up in the morning and looks sadly at his horse and says: “Here again they gave the wrong color horse, it doesn’t ride, it needs to be carried. What should I do now and where should I put it now in my small room?” The parents were upset, it didn’t work out again. What about the optimist? Will he be upset? The optimist says: “Cool, they gave me a real live horse. There was even some manure left, so she probably went for a walk.”

    Thus, positive thinking will give you joy and self-confidence. By managing your consciousness and increasing the positive qualities of a person, focusing on the beautiful and positive, you fill your life with these very components. And negative thoughts are becoming less and less.

    Once you consistently apply this principle to your daily life and begin to manage your consciousness, turning every event into a positive, empowering one, you will be free from worry forever. You will no longer be a prisoner of your past. Instead, you become the architect of your future.

    Mastering your mind begins with the ability to control every thought that comes into your head. When you develop the ability to detach yourself from all unworthy thoughts and learn to concentrate only on positive and useful ones, you will begin to perform positive and useful actions. Soon everything positive and useful will begin to come into your life on its own.
    Only we decide how to think and how to live: in happiness or in sadness.


    If you want to strengthen your arm muscles to become stronger, then you need to train them. If you want to make your leg muscles firm, you must first tense them. In the same way, your consciousness will begin to work miracles - but only if you allow it to do so. It will give you everything you want in your life once you learn to manage it effectively. Training your mind requires daily exercise.

    One of them is the ability to concentrate on your thoughts , unraveling the mystery of his life. Most of us live at such a frantic pace that real silence and stillness sometimes become something alien and uncomfortable. Most people, upon hearing these words, will say that they do not have time to sit and look at a flower. These same people will say that they don’t have time to just enjoy the laughter of their children or run barefoot in the rain. They will say they are too busy for such things. They don't even have friends, because friends also take time.

    Set aside 10-20 minutes daily forcontemplative exercises . All that is required during this period is to concentrate all your attention on one object. It could be a flower, a candle or any other object. This exercise must be done in complete silence and preferably in nature. Look at the object closely. Pay attention to color, structure and shape. Enjoy the smell and think only about this beautiful creature in front of you. First, other thoughts will come to you, distracting you from the object. This is a sign of an untrained mind. Try not to be distracted by any thoughts.
    By practicing the exercise for 21 days, your consciousness will become stronger and more manageable and you will master the principle of mind control. You realize that every moment is a miracle and a mystery and you have the power to comprehend it.


    Our mind thinks in images. Images influence our self-image, and this idea determines how we feel, how we act, and how we go towards our goals. If you see yourself as too young to succeed in the legal profession, or too old to change your habits, then you will never achieve these goals. If you see in your mind that a life of meaning, happiness and physical perfection is only reserved for people in a different circle than you, then this will eventually become your reality.

    But if vivid images flash across the wide screen of your consciousness, wonderful things will begin to happen in your life. Einstein said that“imagination is more important than knowledge” . Every day you must devote some time, even just a few minutes, to this creative foresight. Imagine yourself in the image of who you want to become, no matter who it is - a successful entrepreneur, a loving mother or a responsible citizen of society. The secret of visualization is that with the help of positive images we influence consciousness.

    The magic of imagination can be applied in many situations. It can be used to help you navigate a court case more effectively, improve your relationships with others, and develop your own spirituality. Our consciousness has a magnetic power to attract into our lives everything we desire. If there is something missing in our lives, it is because it is missing in our ideas. We must preserve beautiful pictures before the eyes of our imagination. Even a single negative image can poison the mind.Visualization is a magnetic power of consciousness that can bring spiritual and material wealth.

    The power of imagination, as well as positive thinking and concentration, require constant training. Mind control takes time. And it’s worth starting with regular meditation every day. As soon as these three methods become a daily practice, you will master the skill of managing your thoughts, your consciousness and your mind. If you control your mind, you control your life. And once you take full control of your own life, you become the master of your destiny.

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