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What year will be the year of the ox? Cyclicity in astrology. Characteristics of those born in the year of the ox

Your Chinese horoscope


A person born in the year of the Ox often looks older than his peers in childhood, thanks to his prudence and independence. In a company, the Bull is not a charismatic leader calling to unknown horizons, but a person whose word carries great weight and whose authority is beyond doubt. It usually simply doesn’t happen any other way: the Ox does not agree to minor roles, and would rather just leave than adapt to someone.

Almost everything that the Ox undertakes, he does seriously and thoroughly, determined to see the job through to the end. At the same time, he usually gives preference to the proven path: being a conservative by nature, he does not approve of any innovations, considering them not too reliable. He doesn’t like the momentary trends of today, but everything lasting and real that life can give him, be it nature, family, good things, prosperity in the house or relationships with friends.

Thanks to these characteristic features, it is usually not difficult to recognize the Ox: his movements are almost always leisurely, and his words are balanced and precise. Those around him are drawn to him, feeling the powerful inner power and amazing integrity of his original nature. Although the Ox does not like noisy companies, he cannot be called silent or a loner: he has a practical, tenacious mind, knows how to listen, maintain a conversation, and can easily gain the trust of his interlocutor. But woe to the one who, deceived by his restraint, offends him. When enraged, the Bull is truly terrible and is capable of sweeping away everything in its path.

Both in life and in love, the Ox is a practitioner who is not inclined to have his head in the clouds, but is ready to methodically and persistently achieve his goal. Having set a goal for himself, he is ready to go towards it, regardless of any obstacles. In relationships with the opposite sex, he does not like to beat around the bush, play complex games or create romantic entourage. All this is equally incomprehensible and alien to his straightforward nature. He offers his chosen one “only” reliability and fidelity until the end of his days, and not some sighs in the moonlight on a bench.

In his work, the Ox is persistent, always ready for difficulties, knows how to overcome them and achieve his goal. All this makes him a good worker, capable of responsible, patient work. True, he does not know how to save energy and properly organize his work, often going ahead where it would be better to stop and think. Nevertheless, his fantastic perseverance and efficiency are able to provide him with a leadership position, in which the Ox shows himself to the fullest. And although sometimes he puts pressure on his subordinates, and his opinion is too categorical, no one doubts his dedication to the common cause.

Strong and persistent, devoted to work and family, the Ox understands the real values ​​of life. Slowly, without being distracted by trifles, he moves forward and is not going to stop until he reaches his goal.

Anyone who has ever observed a herd of bulls calmly grazing across an open plain cannot help but be struck by their natural grandeur. The yoked Ox, like no other animal of the Chinese horoscope, will be able to work for so long, carrying such a heavy load. It is not surprising that they, with their natural ability to overcome the most difficult resistance and ability to inspire people's trust, occupy their rightful place in the Zodiac and in society.

A person born under the sign of the Ox is simply destined to be great and make his mark as a courageous leader. Being quite conservative, this person does not value innovations and revolutions, ingenious execution mechanisms, the whole modern world is not for him.

Trying to understand this person is a thankless and futile task. Any attempt to get closer to him, this most closed of all creatures of the eastern horoscope, can only succeed if you can silence him. But the problem is that the more you try to silence him, the more he will move away from you, or even turn away completely. site/node/3085

The Ox is a true leader; he never admits fear or self-doubt. He, as one would expect from the arrogant Ox, cannot stand it when someone contradicts him.

The Ox is diligent in work and patient, he is very ambitious and loves his home. He likes to work hard and, step by step, achieve his goal. Whatever he undertakes, he always feels great responsibility. At times he can withdraw into himself, preferring to keep his thoughts to himself, thus he outlines his plans for the future.

He has a small circle of friends, but they are loyal to him, just as he is loyal to his friends. The Ox likes a peaceful and comfortable environment; most often he is calm and can remain in this state for a long time until someone pisses him off. Then it’s better to stay away from him, he turns into a monster towards the one who offended or insulted him.

Next Year of the Ox 2021!

Characteristics of the Ox

Chinese sign name: Nu

Chinese Zodiac Sign: Second

Time of day: 1:00 - 3:00

Western Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

Element: Water

Positive traits:

They are diligent and inclined to learn, methodical and virtuous people, precise, loyal friends and very hardy in work.

Negative qualities:

They can be too stubborn, easily upset over trifles, conservative in their outlook on life, and can be quite selfish.

Years of the Ox with the elements

Thanks to reliability and punctuality, Oxen achieve success in all their endeavors, no matter what work they undertake, but on the condition that they are allowed to do it themselves.

These people can go far in different areas, they will also succeed in politics, they will make a successful farmer, in general, in any area where special knowledge is important. Moreover, if they have creative skills, they will shine in this field as well.

Their life is interesting, with many tasks waiting for them to solve. Those Oxen born in the spring will be very happy, they will have fewer worries in life than those born in the summer or autumn. The Winter Ox is the weakest, he will always have to make sure that he does not turn into a steak on the festive table. worldlxrealty.com/node/3085

A woman of this sign is decisive in life, faithful as a wife and practical in her work. You can rely on this woman, she is always calm, has a strong will, which she never strives to demonstrate.

She may sometimes look weak and indecisive, but this is a temporary phenomenon; if necessary, she will definitely demonstrate to the fullest extent her will and character of the Ox, both in the family and in society, at work.

Zodiac sign compatibility horoscope

2009 passed under the sign of the yellow Ox. After this, it will repeat only after 12 years, that is, it will occur in 2021. Thanks to astrologers, we can look into the distant future and find out in advance how to attract good luck during this period.

Characteristics of the Year of the Ox

There is an ancient Chinese legend according to which each year has its own patron in the animal world. The horoscope of this people was built on its basis. The Ox is the most powerful sign in the Chinese astrological calendar, but it comes in second because it was outwitted by the Rat. To receive their year from the Buddha, twelve animals had to swim across the river. When the Bull was about to swim across, a rat ran up to him and asked him to carry it on his back. He agreed, but at the very last moment, near the shore, the cunning rodent jumped to the ground and appeared first before the Buddha, for which he was rewarded with the right to begin the Chinese horoscope. This is where the tradition came from that during this period you need to help other people, but with caution so that you are not outwitted. This symbol is loved for kindness, gullibility and self-confidence. The year, as a rule, passes under the motto of supporting family and colleagues. Many people are interested in what periods fall on this sign. Let's list a few of them that fall under the definition of “Year of the Ox”: 1973, 1985. and so on. The frequency between them is unchanged - 12 years.

Horoscope of people born in the year of the Ox

How do we see or imagine this animal? The Ox is patient, silent, careful, always consistent in deeds, precise in words. He does not like gossip and slander. In addition, people born in the year of the Ox are surprisingly open personalities. They behave carefully and carefully with others, trying to first get to know the person better. Bulls do not like noisy companies; they prefer loneliness. In their careers, such people very quickly achieve power and rise to leadership positions. Alone with their family, on the contrary, they are very gentle. The Ox man is a temperamental and passionate nature, the same can be said about a woman. But at the same time, such people prefer to express their love unnoticed; you rarely expect romantic actions or surprises from them.

Aries: what should he expect?

This is a very self-confident person, ready to fight any obstacles. Such a person is usually strong in the year of the Ox and clearly understands his goal and confidently moves towards it. In love, he is just as straightforward and frank. An Aries man in the year of the Ox most often becomes a boss; he manages his career very actively. Such qualities are also inherent in women born during this period. Like men, they become bright, unforgettable personalities. If they want something, they will definitely achieve it, despite the dissatisfaction of other people and their objections. They are very loyal in the family, but their stubborn team spirit sometimes prevents them from becoming exemplary wives.


If a person of this zodiac sign was born in the year of the Ox, then his character is a vivid embodiment of stubbornness and intransigence with the difficulties of life! He tends to be overly jealous in relationships. And all because he loves and knows how to achieve goals. Taurus Ox is a responsible, disciplined employee, but as a boss he will be very demanding. True, his harsh character sometimes prevents him from being open and achieving happiness. In order to somehow improve the situation, Taurus needs to reconsider their views on life. Women of this sign are hardworking, flexible, but not without persistence, which they know how to competently use on occasion. They are wise in the best sense of the word, which means that before doing anything, Taurus women will use their heads, and this will help them avoid mistakes and mistakes in business.


Such a person is endowed with amazing activity, he is sociable and active. Finding himself in any company, he finds a common language with the people around him. At work, as a rule, Gemini Ox takes on a lot of functions and takes a responsible approach to their implementation. Men born under this combination of signs tend to be strong both physically and mentally. In this regard, a woman will be greatly influenced by her environment. But if we talk about the sign of Gemini in the year of the Ox, then there is one common feature that unites both sexes - a clearly expressed sense of duty. Sometimes it ruins their lives, since people of this type of character are quite easy to start exploiting.


First of all, these people will evaluate their immediate environment. For those born in Cancer in the year of the Ox, it is extremely important to feel comfortable. With family and friends, he is a soft, affectionate and caring person. Their sexuality helps women improve their personal lives, but men tend to always face the dilemma of “family or career.” In this sense, representatives of the stronger sex are very indecisive and often try to avoid problems. But women born under the sign of Cancer in the year of the Ox are strong-willed, which allows them to easily command both at work and in the family.

Difficulties in communication arise only during the period when people of these signs begin to analyze their actions. You should know that at such moments they become especially sensitive to the words of others and can easily become depressed.

a lion

Most of all, a person born in such a year will be drawn to a fast and successful career. It must be said right away that Leo will succeed in this, because he has all the necessary qualities: hard work, the ability to lead people, will and endurance. At the same time, such people love and know how to relax beautifully, attending cultural events. In the Leo-Ox relationship, conservative views are supported. Men are persistent, strict and self-possessed, capable of making an excellent impression on others from the first minute of their appearance. Women who were born under this combination of signs love to be needed and are able to devote enough time to children, their career, and their favorite hobby.


Such people often feel out of place in society, so they live separately. This trait runs like a red thread through the entire life of the Virgo-Oxen, affecting almost all its areas. For example, such people often become narrow specialists, preferring their full knowledge of the subject to career growth. Bosses very often love employees born under the sign of Virgo, because they are rarely late, concentrate as much as possible on the work process and take a responsible approach to even the smallest assignment. A woman born in the year of the Ox under this sign usually devotes herself to household chores or, conversely, throws herself into work. Men have good sexual potential.


In combination with the Ox, this zodiac sign makes an ideal union. All qualities in this person are harmoniously combined, which contributes to a balanced disposition. But to call him weak or soft-spoken would be wrong. If such a person encounters a problem, he will definitely put all his efforts into solving it. In relationships, these people are indecisive, not knowing who to choose.

Libra-Oxen men are characterized by perseverance along with stubbornness and willfulness. They consider success and respectability to be their main advantage. Women who combine the traits of Libra and Ox know how to communicate and attract attention, love and appreciate romantic deeds. They are not used to saving on themselves and know how to act assertively on occasion to achieve their goals.


Such people do not accept the golden mean; everyone around them is divided into friends and enemies. But the Scorpio Ox has enough endurance, strength, and will for two. He also has a lot of tenacity and perseverance, especially if they are combined with sensitive intuition and practicality, as in his case. Such people do not like noisy companies; they are loners. Before giving his heart to someone, Scorpio, born in the year of the Ox, will look closely at his partner for a long time. His difficult character can lead to difficulties in his personal life. But marriage for such individuals is sacred; they are faithful to their family and try to ensure that their loved ones do not need anything. Women of this sign are usually principled; they find it very difficult to change their established outlook on life. And if you want to win the heart of such a lady, get ready to prove that you are capable of becoming a support. Then she will relax and give you a happy smile.


This is a very peace-loving person who does not want to quarrel and make trouble. The Ox under the sign of Sagittarius finds use for its activity in vigorous activity - it can do several things at the same time. This is a friendly and calm sign. In relationships he is often timid and indecisive. Men born this year love to learn new things and travel. They are not in a hurry to take a high position at work, since most often they do what they love rather than what is profitable. Women of this combination of signs quickly gain respect and authority among colleagues, and will appreciate seriousness and truthfulness in a partner.


In pursuit of an excellent result, the Ox, born under this zodiac sign, is ready to work tirelessly. He has a lot of persistence and patience. Ox-Capricorn is a typical careerist. These people have an ambitious and moderately adventurous character. They don’t like to waste time, so in a relationship you won’t get compliments or nice surprises from them - Oxen-Capricorns simply consider such an expression of feelings stupid and unnecessary. Men of this type very often become good, promising bosses who successfully and competently manage fairly large enterprises. The same character traits are inherent in women. They know how to support in difficult situations and take care of their loved ones.


A person who combines the two signs described is always ready to learn something unusual and new. He is rarely concerned about earthly affairs, although he likes to see order in everything. But even if something does not go according to plan, Aquarius, born in the year of the Ox, will not worry or be upset, he will simply switch to satisfying his spiritual needs. Due to their charm and love of communication, such people quickly find a common language with others. They love to share their ideas and see their plans come to fruition. If we talk about love, here the Aquarius Bull also needs inspiration, that is, he must see a muse in his partner. Men sometimes have an extraordinary character, they are drawn to originality. But it makes no sense to order an Aquarius man - you can only communicate with him on partnership terms. A woman born with a combination of these signs is also an extravagant nature. With her charm, she simply captivates the hearts of the people around her, and she gets away with a lot.


Seeing such people for the first time, you can’t say that at heart they are vulnerable, sentimental and sensitive. Their external reliability covers the basic feelings hidden deep in the soul. The Pisces Ox easily becomes depressed if something undermines his faith in the decency of people. Despite this, representatives of this sign do not strive to share their thoughts and feelings. Men, as a rule, find their purpose in creativity. They are smart, it is interesting to communicate with them even on specific topics. But such a person is unlikely to be able to complete a serious project, since he spends his energy not on work, but on the internal analysis of his soul. Unlike men, women of this sign are not without ambition; they can become excellent leaders and no less good housewives. True, in addition to organizational skills, the creative spirit inherent in all Ox-Pisces will also help with this.


So, now it has become clearer what is remarkable about the year of the Ox, and what people of different zodiac signs should expect. Such knowledge often helps a person avoid mistakes when planning affairs for the next twelve months. Each representative of any zodiac sign has individual characteristics, and often the luckiest people are the people who were lucky enough to be born in this important year. If you are one of them, then you now know what you should do to make luck turn your way. Go for it, you will succeed!

The bull symbolizes male strength and vitality. The animal personifies the worker and creator. People born under the sign of the Ox are psychologically stable and balanced. They inspire confidence because they are laconic and patient. At first glance, it seems that they are calm and serene, but beneath their restrained disposition lies a steely will.

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      Types of sign

      The characteristics of the Ox depend on when the person was born:

      Subtypes of the sign have the following characteristics:

    1. 1. Metal Ox - having a strong will, straightforwardness, frankness, the ability to achieve your goals.
    2. 2. Water Ox - possession of organizational skills, a tenacious mind, foresight and the desire to achieve high morality.
    3. 3. Wooden Ox - the presence of confidence, excellent memory and devotion to one’s family.
    4. 4. Fire Ox - possession of hard work, diligence, strength.
    5. 5. Earthen Ox - the presence of a financial streak, a calm character, straightforwardness and honesty.
    • Characteristics of a male Ox

      The Ox man is very honest. Such a person is trusted not only by close people, but also by colleagues. People born under this sign have good logical thinking. The downside is the presence of complexes associated with inferiority. Such people feel the need to confirm their worth. Even at an early age, boys feel the need for solitude and peace.

      People of this sign are quick-tempered and can fly into a strong rage.

      Such a man is a supporter of traditions. He avoids being bold in his clothes. These people are real workaholics and dream of achieving wealth and prosperity. The sign is distinguished by devotion to the family. He does not need comfort in the house, as he easily gets used to any conditions. He can become a good leader and an excellent friend. This person needs independence. He doesn't like to share his secrets.

      Characteristics of the Ox Woman

      The male Ox tries to show strength, and the female Ox is seemingly indecisive, but has an iron will. Such a woman is a devoted and reliable comrade. You can always rely on her with confidence in any matter.

      Women of this sign feel the need for romantic love. In relationships, they do not require reciprocity from their partner, since it is important for them not to receive, but to give. These are homebodies and excellent housewives who take care of home comfort, are very proud of their children and love their relatives. Such women prefer traditional and discreet outfits and do not like to show imagination and courage in their clothes.

      Ox child

      Children born under this sign are ardent individualists, capable of taking initiative at the right time. At the same time, these are modest, quiet, patient conservative children.

      Such a child is a good helper and friend in life. This is a disciplined student who is loved and appreciated by teachers.

      Interaction with other signs

      Compatibility with other years and signs of the eastern horoscope for the Ox is as follows:

    1. 1. A harmonious relationship will develop with the Rooster. These signs are traditionalists.
    2. 2. The Ox will be very happy with the Rat. These signs are very hardworking.
    3. 3. A successful alliance will develop with another Ox. Such people are materialists.
    4. 4. The sign will not be able to get along with the Snake.
    5. 5. An easy and pleasant relationship will develop with the Monkey. The Ox will be fascinated by her penchant for fantasy.
    6. 6. Relationships with the Dragon will be boring.
    7. 7. Relationships with the Horse will be uneven. The Ox will constantly restrict the Horse’s freedom, and she is unlikely to like this.
    8. 8. The Ox will not be able to live under the same roof with the Goat.
    9. 9. There will be a harmonious relationship with the Rabbit.
    10. 10. Relationships with Pig will not work out.
    11. 11. Life with the Tiger will bring constant showdowns and war.
    12. 12. It will be difficult to build a relationship with a Dog.

    Thus, successful relationships will be with the Rooster, Rat, Ox, Monkey and Rabbit.

    They will not work out well with the Snake, Goat, Boar, Tiger and Dog.

    Relationships will become neutral with the Dragon and Horse.

    Combination with zodiac signs

    According to the zodiac horoscope, Oxen are distinguished by the following characteristics:

    1. 1. Aries are confident in themselves and know that they will be able to overcome any problems. Such people bring everything to the end and to perfection. It is very difficult to lead them off the intended path. These are real leaders who do not pay attention to trifles and go towards their goals.
    2. 2. Geminis prefer to live someone else's life rather than their own. This is due to the fact that Gemini uses their acquired experience, and the Ox strives to act in accordance with its ideas about truth and justice.
    3. 3. a lion is a symbol of firmness, importance, and the Ox combines willpower and stubbornness. This combination is good for achieving goals. Such people are always treated with great respect. They are leaders in large companies and never stand still.
    4. 4. Libra perfectly complements the properties of the Ox. These signs interact harmoniously and enhance each other's positive qualities.
    5. 5. Sagittarians are sociable and active people. They cannot concentrate on one thing.
    6. 6. Aquarians born this year are sublime natures who have little interest in earthly affairs. Such people crave beauty and are incredibly romantic.
    7. 7. Taurus have tenacity that is almost impossible to resist. They are persistent to the point of persistence and ultimately acquire what they crave.
    8. 8. Cancers value family very much, as well as their immediate environment. They prefer to live in a closed world, which is not so easy to get into.
    9. 9. Virgos love immaculate order and silence in the house. Such people have an isolated and conservative character.
  • From 02/19/1901 to 02/07/1902 - Year of the Metal (White) Ox;
  • From 02/06/1913 to 01/25/1914 - Year of the Water (Black) Ox;
  • From 01/25/1925 to 02/12/1926 - Year of the Wooden (Blue) Ox;
  • From 02/11/1937 to 01/30/1938 - Year of the Fire (Red) Ox;
  • From 01/29/1949 to 02/16/1950 - Year of the Earth (Yellow) Ox;
  • From 02/15/1961 to 02/04/1962 - Year of the Metal (White) Ox;
  • From 02/03/1973 to 01/22/1974 - Year of the Water (Black) Ox;
  • From 02/20/1985 to 02/08/1986 - Year of the Wooden (Blue) Ox;
  • From 02/07/1997 to 01/27/1998 - Year of the Fire (Red) Ox;
  • From 01/26/2009 to 02/13/2010 - Year of the Earth (Yellow) Ox;
  • From 02/12/2021 to 01/31/2022 - Year of the Metal (White) Ox.

The corresponding zodiac sign is Taurus.

Character Strengths

A person born in the year of the Ox (Ox) according to the Chinese calendar is naturally endowed with endurance and willpower. It is impossible to knock him off the intended course - the Ox is confident in his actions and clearly knows what he wants. A representative of this sign almost never doubts making decisions and does not regret missed opportunities. In the event that his actions did not justify themselves, the Ox will draw the necessary conclusions from what happened, but will not blame himself - after all, he did everything he could.

By nature, the Ox is balanced and patient. He does not like unnecessary fuss and empty talk, keeps his emotions under control and values ​​his time. Also, this person does not tend to waste his time on trifles. If he creates something, then it must first of all be practical and thorough. If he builds personal relationships, he chooses a stable and reliable partner who can be trusted.

The Ox never expects instant results - he will wait as long as necessary. For the sake of a long-term perspective, this person is able to sacrifice his comfort and free time, and the results almost always meet his expectations.

Character Weaknesses

As mentioned above, the Ox is very patient, but if he is pissed off, he becomes furious. In this state, he is capable of such actions that will remind of themselves for a long time with unpleasant consequences. This happens most often if he has been touched to the quick, but still his anger cannot always be called fair. Like any living person, a representative of this sign can make a mistake, but he will not understand it right away. In order to cool down, the Ox needs time, and due to delay, the chances of resolving differences remain less and less.

The Ox is one of the most demanding signs of the eastern horoscope. In relation to other people, he seems to apply a certain template, in which there are certain parameters of what one should be and what one should not be. The bull is tolerant only of those with whom he does not care. This person can keep his close people under strong psychological stress, but at the same time he does not consider himself a tyrant. The Ox acts in this way out of good intentions, but does not always pay attention to the fact that his interests do not coincide with the desires and lifestyle of another person.

In love

When communicating with the opposite sex, the Ox is extremely reserved. Fleeting connections, holiday romances and flirting are not included in his plans. This person needs a permanent partner, not too emotional and bright. The Ox is jealous, so he will keep his loved one under control.

A representative of this sign cannot be called romantic. Deep down, he is capable of very strong feelings, but either deliberately hides them, or does not know how to express them in an understandable form. Only the Bull himself knows how things really are, but he is unlikely to share his thoughts on this matter. The same words can be applied to his plans for his loved one. It is likely that at the beginning of the relationship, his chosen one does not consider the Ox as a permanent partner, but the latter has already decided everything for him and has outlined the scenario of life together for many years to come.

In career

The Ox is the most hardworking sign of the eastern horoscope. This person does not crave discovery and does not put his soul into his work - he is only interested in the final result, namely, material income.

The Ox has no special claims to either his position or his workplace. By and large, he doesn’t care what he does, as long as he makes money. The bull is hardy and able to work day and night, and the high demands of management do not frighten him - he performs his duties efficiently and is ready to improve his acquired skills.

The Ox does not strive for the position of leader, but if by the will of fate he ends up in it, he will prove himself to the fullest. This person will control the work of his subordinates to the smallest detail, while adding more and more new responsibilities to them. With such a boss, things will certainly go uphill, but the staff will change all the time - not every person will withstand such demands.

Ox Man (Ox)

The Ox man is self-confident and stable in his preferences. He has a stable circle of friends, constant hobbies and views on life that have not changed for years. It can be difficult for this person to look at the situation from a different angle - he judges everything that happens based only on his point of view. He has a stubborn character, and it is almost impossible to convince him of anything.

The Ox man always sticks to his chosen course. He follows the most direct path to his goal, and if obstacles unexpectedly arise on his way, he eliminates them, but often does it rudely. This person cannot be called flexible and dexterous, but one way or another, he knows how to solve his problems, and this is the main thing.

He is also stable in relationships with women. The Ox man chooses the one that best suits his requirements, but what exactly he needs is an individual matter. Representatives of this sign are also different, but mostly they prefer girls without “surprises”. He must know what he can expect from her, does not welcome communication with other men and tries to keep all her actions under control.

Oxen marriages are usually the only one. This person will do everything to ensure that the relationship is strong, and even if it comes to divorce, he will delay this moment until the last moment. With the exception of rare cases, Bulls do not cheat on their wives. This sign of the eastern horoscope is one of the most faithful.

Ox Woman (Ox)

The Ox woman is a lady with an iron character and a kind heart. First of all, she thinks about the well-being of loved ones, and only then about herself. There is no selfishness in her characterization, but while showing concern for those she loves, she often forgets to ask their opinion.

A representative of this sign behaves very modestly in the company of strangers. It is not typical for her to flirt and flirt even with those she likes. If an Ox woman wants to interest a new acquaintance, most likely, she will try to make him understand that he will feel warm and comfortable next to her. She does not place bets on her own appearance, even if she is very beautiful, and under no circumstances does she take advantage of it.

The Ox woman is practical. She knows how to manage money wisely, chooses equipment and interior items that are not beautiful, but durable, and clothes that are warm and of high quality, even if not the most fashionable. Even with the most modest level of income, she will be able to distribute finances so that her family is fed and clothed.

The Ox woman mostly perceives family life from an everyday point of view. She is not romantic and does not strive for spiritual closeness with her husband, but she tries to greet him from work with a delicious dinner in a cozy atmosphere. If her husband appreciates her efforts, the marriage promises to be strong and long-lasting.