home · Measurements · Reindeer moss in the interior – eco-friendly finishing with reindeer moss. Moss garden: secrets of creating decorative green masterpieces at your dacha Natural moss for decoration

Reindeer moss in the interior – eco-friendly finishing with reindeer moss. Moss garden: secrets of creating decorative green masterpieces at your dacha Natural moss for decoration

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Each of us has heard about such a plant as moss. It is rightfully considered the most ancient plants on Earth. Like any other plant, it has its own types and classification. Let's find out together what types of moss exist and what they are used for today.

Special science deals with the study of varieties of mosses, including decorative ones. It's called bryology. With the help of this science, many once unknown plant species were explored and discovered. Also, humanity gradually learned the growth characteristics of green moss and other types. Unlike other plants, this plant has not been modified throughout the history of the Earth. In most cases, we know its forest variety. It is sometimes mistakenly confused with lichens. Therefore, in order to avoid such confusion in the future, it is necessary to become more familiar with these plants. First, let's get acquainted with the so-called general characteristics.

General characteristics of the plant

Mosses often mean low-growing plants. Unlike other plants on our planet, they completely lack a root system. However, this does not at all prevent green mosses from existing and growing. Their root system is replaced by rhizoids. Rhizoids, in turn, are called outgrowths of the epidermis. Rhizoids allow mosses to attach to the substrate. The plant receives water through the substrate.

Water is vital for this plant. The resulting water contains useful minerals. These green plants are excellent at surviving the surrounding unfavorable conditions in nature. In the presence of depressing conditions, the plant simply falls into suspended animation. In this state, green mosses can successfully live for decades. Anabiosis itself contributes to the cessation of the functioning of life processes.

During their existence, the plants themselves have learned to adapt to high and low temperatures. At the same time, it urgently needs moisture. For this reason, mosses live in damp places. They can be found in different parts of our planet. There are moss gardens. The only environment in which it does not grow is the sea and saline soils. It is often called an oligotrophic plant. It is found on a wide variety of soils. However, the growth process is very slow and this is perhaps one of its main disadvantages. Animals do not eat these plants. The animal world does not pose a threat to these ornamental plants. That's why they are planted everywhere, including in gardens.

Main types

Nowadays, whole species of mosses are known. Each type has its own characteristic features. Let's pay attention to several types:

  • Christmas. The name of forest moss was determined by the shape of its leaves. All its leaves are shaped like Christmas tree needles. Christmas moss is growing slowly. It can grow safely only under special conditions. The temperature for successful growth should not exceed 22 degrees. Externally, this view looks very beautiful. And all thanks to its needle-like leaves, which grow in layers and form excellent compositions;
  • Fern. The leaves of this species are similar to those of a fern. Therefore, fern is often confused with moss. The fern is quite dense. It is better for him to grow in the shade. As a rule, the fern species is small in stature. Can be used for planting in the garden;
  • Richia. One of the most common species, known all over the world. Richia have the shape of a ball. This species completely lacks roots and stems. The root, leaves and stem in this case replace the layers of twigs. Richia moss grows successfully when all conditions are met. For example, it needs good consecration and an aquatic environment. The intensity of consecration affects not only the growth process, but also the color. Under the influence of consecration, the color of richia may change significantly. The standard shade is bright green;
  • Hypnosis moss. Grows on stones, tree trunks, on the ground and on branches. The hypnotic species is in dire need of shade. Although it is able to withstand solar attacks. Great for constructing a variety of garden paths and lawns located in the garden or around the house;
  • Key. Like richia, key moss is known to a wide range of people and is distributed almost throughout the world. The exception is Australia. The color of the key species depends entirely on the power of the consecration. It may be red or it may be dark green. In addition to consecration, color is significantly influenced by the composition of the soil in which it resides. The decorative moss itself consists of stalks on which there are many leaves. The key type does not require supernatural conditions of containment;
  • Peat. This species is most often found in swamps. It is the swamps that are its main habitat. Peat mosses come in a variety of colors. Shades come in red or green. It is often used to maintain the required level of soil moisture in flower pots. In some cases, they decorate garden ponds near the house;
  • Leptodiccium coastal. Another type of moss with a very interesting name. Its name comes from the stems. The appearance is very original. The same stems are located far from each other. Their vertical direction gives the plant a real airiness that will not leave anyone indifferent. The coastal species is very difficult to confuse with another species of these plants. Coastal plants are considered unpretentious plants in terms of care. The acceptable temperature for it is no more than 28 degrees. It feels good in water, for example, in a pond near the garden;
  • Weeping. This species received this name due to the shape of the structure of its branches. The branches look like a weeping willow. The height of such moss is no more than 50 cm. The weeping species comes from China. Later it was brought to Europe. The plant's habitat can be both driftwood and various pebbles near the country garden. The optimal temperature for normal life should not exceed 28 degrees;
  • Dicranum. This species prefers to grow on concrete walls and stones. Today there are several species of dicranum moss. All types differ from each other in shades, as well as in the shape of the leaves. Dicranum is not tall. Its height is 4 cm;
  • Javanese. One of the most famous species. Javanese plants are considered the most unpretentious in terms of care. In most cases they are used by aquarists. Java moss does not require a specific temperature regime. It feels great in both dark and light ponds. Its stems are intertwined. During growth, the stems stretch down;
  • Polytrichum vulgaris. This type is used in a wide variety of areas of our lives. It has proven itself well both in medicine and in the field of garden design. Habitats include swamps and woodlands;

All of the listed moss species are used in different fields and fields of activity. Some people decide to grow their own moss at home. Let's find out how to do this and what advice you should listen to.

Features of growing moss yourself

Growing moss at home is not difficult, but it requires certain skills and knowledge. You should also have some tools on hand. For successful cultivation you will need:

  • a transparent container (such a container can be a round vase or a round bowl);
  • blender;
  • water, buttermilk or milk.

The process of growing at home consists of several stages. Before growing, it would be a good idea to familiarize yourself with the tips below:

  1. Before planting, you should clear the selected area of ​​dirt, debris and leaves.
  2. When preparing a plant for planting, remember that the growing area must correspond to the previous habitat of the moss. For example, a plant taken from trees will take root exclusively on the tree. For example, in the garden. It is useless to grow it on the ground.
  3. The planting site should not only be similar, but also be in the shade. Continuous exposure to the sun will simply dry it out.
  4. The growing medium should be moist and acidic.

Now let’s reproduce the growing order.

Stages of planting and growing

To plant, you will first need the moss itself. It can be obtained in the forest, in a store or in the yard. Any species growing in your area can be used as planting material. The taken plant can be either dried or alive. Next, begin preparations for planting:

  • two glasses of water along with two glasses of milk are poured into a blender;
  • Moss is placed on top of the milk and water;
  • Whisk all ingredients well. The resulting mixture should resemble a milkshake.

This mixture can be applied to trees, fences or even foundations.

It is advisable to plant in rainy weather. This advice is especially relevant when landing on the ground. The plant must be carefully placed on the ground (pressing is prohibited), and then soaked in a special nutrient medium. This medium is made from fermented kefir and unfiltered beer. When the soil is saturated with an acidic environment, cover the plant with film. In these conditions, that is, under the film, it should remain until it sticks to the ground.

In addition to soil and trees, moss is planted on stones.

How to grow moss on a rock? To plant on stone, you will need to create a special paste mixture. Mix two glasses of yogurt with a glass of chopped plant. The resulting mixture is applied to the stones by hand or using brushes. The surface of the stone for planting should be rough. Next, the stones are watered with water and covered with earth.

How to care for plants?

Caring for planted plants involves monitoring the process of their growth. They need daily watering. They should be watered at least once a day for three weeks. At the same time, monitor their condition after watering. If the plant begins to turn yellow, it means that it needs to be watered not once a day, but two or even three times. Also, do not forget to maintain humid air under the film. To do this, spray the plants with water. A humid environment is an ideal condition for the successful growth of planted plants, including garden ones.

Textured plasters, liquid wallpaper, paints with unusual effects and flexible stone will no longer surprise anyone, but there are also very original interior materials. For modern decoration, environmental friendliness is of great importance - there is already too much plastic around us, so naturalness and safety are in demand when decorating interiors. These qualities are inherent in moss - reindeer moss, which migrated from pastures to homes, becoming one of the flagships of eco-style.

About the material

In winter, which occupies most of the year in the northern regions, moss becomes the main food source for deer, which is why it received the name reindeer moss. This is a lichen characterized by resistance to external conditions - be it severe frosts or high humidity and heat. However, it is valued not only for its unpretentiousness and ability to grow in harsh climates, providing animals and even people with nutrients, but also for its decorative value. Moss retains its original volume, shape and bright, beautiful color for a long time. These qualities attracted the attention of designers to it as an original, natural and universal interior material. In particular, the Finnish family company Polar Moos appreciated the potential of moss.


Moss moss is collected mainly in Finland, but there are plantations in the northern regions of our country, from where raw materials for the production of decorative elements are supplied. Despite the development of technology, the process of collecting moss, like hundreds of years ago, is manual. Before harvesting, the lichen must be irrigated to increase humidity. This process not only makes the material elastic and simplifies assembly, since dry reindeer moss breaks, but also ensures long-term use in the future. What is typical is that not everything is collected, but only plants that have reached 10 cm in length. It is important that regular collection does not harm lichen colonies, but, on the contrary, renews plantations and increases their fertility. Therefore, moss is a renewable resource, which is especially valuable in light of the state of the ecology of our planet.

Before making decorative and finishing items from moss, it is impregnated with a special salt composition that retains moisture. Subsequently, the surface humidity of the moss remains up to 45%. This makes it possible to maintain a comfortable climate in the room, which not least contributes to the popularization of this natural finish. In addition, the treatment preserves the moss in its original state - it remains colorful, soft, moist and pleasant to the touch for years. Its service life is at least a decade, during which moss will gradually dry out while maintaining its attractiveness.

All products used in moss processing, including dyes, are safe and do not release chemicals into the environment, which is confirmed by European standards. However, it is not recommended to drag moss into your mouth, so if there are small children or pets in the house, you will have to take measures against accidentally eating the material.

Moss trim and decor

The company has a large assortment of interior decoration and moss decor; you can choose the most suitable category from those offered for your design style.

Panel from moss

Stabilized moss is fixed on a felt base and is a panel of different sizes and colors, intended both for creating accent zones and for decorating accent walls. From several multi-colored, small panels you can create interesting compositions or use them instead of paintings and photographs to decorate rooms.

"Island" from reindeer moss

Unlike the previous, soft version, here the moss is fixed on a cork base in the form of triangular-oval islands of different sizes and shades. These islands are used to decorate plain painted walls, on which rich colors look especially advantageous. You can arrange the elements in artistic disorder, or you can lay out an island archipelago or a chain, like on a map, and at the same time your household will improve their geography. The size range of decor includes three categories:

  • S – 27x27x12 cm;
  • M – 43x35x13 cm;
  • L – 55x50x15 cm.

And if a small island weighs less than a kilogram (700 grams), then the weight of a large one is 1.2 kg.

Resin tiles

As in the panel, moss on a cork base, the tiles are intended for decoration, but not only for walls. It is also used to decorate furniture items, such as glass coffee tables, and is most often used together with other types of interior moss to create an overall style. Due to their small dimensions compared to other decor - only 15x35 cm and 500 grams in weight, the tiles are mainly used for mosaics or composite panels.

Spheres from reindeer moss

A purely decorative element for hanging in an area where emphasis is desired or for installation on a leg, again for decoration purposes. The best option for creating a bright spot of color in rooms with a monochromatic finish in pastel tones. The spheres come in three sizes and all the colors of the rainbow:

  • Ball, 23 cm in circumference and 600 g in mass.
  • Ball, 28 cm in circumference and 900 g in mass.
  • A sphere, 33 cm in circumference and 1.2 kg in mass (like a large island).

In addition to those listed, the company supplies natural moss sculptures, wreaths, bouquets and much more. But this is rather exclusive, and the categories listed are the most common.

When working on the design of a site, it is difficult to do without moss. After all, with the help of moss you can:

  • create a green lawn in places where grass or flowers stubbornly refuse to grow. For example, in shaded or waterlogged areas;
  • create a real moss garden;
  • stylishly and unusually decorate any surface, from stone to wood;
  • make many unusual miniature compositions.

Of course, this is not the entire list. If you have real moss, you will definitely find a use for it.

Moss began to be used as an ornamental plant relatively recently. However, his popularity grew rapidly. If only for the reason that moss is a very unpretentious plant. It is not picky about soil, tolerates drought well, and does not need fertilizers. And, even if you do not have much experience in caring for ornamental plants, decorating an area with moss will not be an overwhelming task for you.

We sell moss (green and white) in trays. White moss or Icelandic moss is also called reindeer moss. Don't miss the opportunity to buy it!

Sphagnum moss - preparation and properties

Resin moss is a beautiful grayish lichen that forms large mats above the ground. It grows on the surface of bare soil or gravel in the enchanting wilderness of the northern forests, near the Arctic Circle.

Resin moss is an important indicator of air purity.

Moss by its nature responds to changes in air humidity. When the air is dry, moss becomes dry and brittle, requiring careful handling. If the air is humid, the moss becomes soft and strong, withstanding almost any type of treatment. The beauty of reindeer moss lies in its multi-dimensional structure and rounded top surface.

Each branch is unique, you will not find two identical.


Only high-quality reindeer moss, dyed and stabilized, is used in LetoStudio vertical gardening products. All products are handmade.

Unique surface textures and shapes add a soft, vibrant dimension to the interior. The unusual beauty of moss makes you want to touch it.


Colored stabilized moss is intended for indoor use only and should not be placed in environments where direct contact with water is possible. It does not require special maintenance. If desired, you can gently clean it with the brush of a vacuum cleaner.

When the moss is dry, it should only be touched with extreme caution. Moss dries out and breaks easily when the relative humidity is less than 40%. At a relative humidity of 40%, the moss gradually begins to recover. At relative humidity above 40%, moss remains soft and alive to the touch. Moss can dry out and regenerate several times without harm.

Placement in direct sunlight may cause some minor discoloration over time.

The low-maintenance, fire-resistant and sound-absorbing properties of moss in our design products provide a new kind of connection to the natural environment of the boreal forest in interior landscaping.


Resin moss is a natural material and has individual characteristics. Therefore, color options are provided for guidance only. Additionally, your computer screen and printer settings may cause color distortion.

Price for stabilized moss indicated for 0.5kg

How is colored stabilized moss used in phytodesign?

Application colored stabilized moss only possible indoors. This colored moss is often used by florists and people who simply love to do handicrafts. You can easily make a phyto-picture or phyto-wall with your own hands. It is very easy to install such material using glue or a glue gun. This stabilized plant is perfectly shaped, divided and complemented with any element in your phytomodule.

You can add and mix beige moss with various types and colors of stabilized moss, which can also be purchased on our website. Such techniques are very often used in phytodesign (also called “ecodesign”). This material is often used to create “phyto-paintings” or phytowalls, which can also be easily made with your own hands.

Where to buy stabilized moss?

This can be done through our online store, paying directly on the website, issuing an invoice or a SberBank receipt. Also, by prior arrangement, you can come to our office and buy it there. We deliver stabilized moss throughout Russia and neighboring countries.