home · On a note · Entry in the labor report about incentives. Is it necessary to make a record of departmental awards in the work book? Entry into the work book about the award

Entry in the labor report about incentives. Is it necessary to make a record of departmental awards in the work book? Entry into the work book about the award

For exemplary employees whose achievements they want to reward, the labor code provides:

  • bonus;
  • Gratitude;
  • certificate of honor;
  • valuable prize;
  • title “Best in the field of activity”;

There are other types of remuneration for high achievements, but they are established collectively or by management by agreement in a generally accepted manner or individually for each employee.

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Often, management decides on the use of several types of remuneration at the same time:

  • Gratitude is acknowledged in conjunction with financial support.
  • Awarding a certificate with financial payment.
  • A different type of encouragement.

Non-material recognition of employee merits

Modern management resorts to such a motivating method as publicizing merits and achievements quite infrequently. However, a speech of praise in the presence of the entire team serves as a good incentive for both the most distinguished employee and the rest of the employees.

Moreover, the door to new opportunities opens for an employee who is thanked, for example:

  • Receiving a bonus.
  • Expansion of social package.
  • Getting a promotion.
  • Benefits when taking a loan.

There are the most popular methods of non-financial employee incentives:

  • Recognized as a model employee for the entire department/company.
  • Proclamation of gratitude for the work done.
  • Presentation of an honorary symbol (certificate, cup, medal).
  • The title of "guru" in his profession.

Promotion Regulations

The regulation requires a consistent record of incentives. Any type of remuneration, if desired, can be drawn up in a separate document, but registration in one document is not prohibited, i.e. it will immediately indicate the number of workers and types of gratitude, and you can also indicate people who apply for a declaration of gratitude in the future.

The legislation does not establish rules regarding the content of the provision. This indicates that the application is drawn up in free form.

However, there are a few content points that need to be made:

  • List of conditions under which gratitude is declared.
  • The circle of employees to whom gratitude is expressed.
  • Kind of gratitude.
  • Frequency of gratitude announcements.

Order of gratitude for work

As many organizations as there are, there are so many different rules and differences in document preparation. So some people draw up a petition before submitting an order.

Free form is also characteristic of it. However, the following information must be present:

  • Personal details of the employee (full name).
  • Current position.
  • Company name.
  • The right (list of achievements) to receive incentives.

As a rule, special documents confirming the employee’s merits are also attached to the application., as well as a list of previous awards and achievements, if any.

Once the application is approved, an order is prepared. There are order forms No. T-11 or T-11a. The Russian State Statistics Committee issued a regulation on this form of order dated January 5, 2004 No. 1. They can be used.

Thank you note in the work book

Before drawing up a thank-you text and entering it into the work book, you must decide on the reasons. That is, understand what the recording will be based on.

Most often they are indicated like this:

  • Significant increase in labor efficiency.
  • Demonstration performance at important events for the company.
  • Successful implementation of large projects.
  • Innovation of ideas and proposals in various fields of activity.
  • Increasing the efficiency of labor organization.
  • Competent guidance of young specialists and their training.

Formulation of gratitude in a work book

A thank you note should be formulated according to the person’s merits and awards.. It is better to start recording with the name and date of the order, and then for what the employee was awarded and with what: “Order No. ... from the date ... the employee (full name) ... for such and such successes ... was awarded...”. Sometimes, if an employee has received a promotion, the wording of the entry begins with the words “Hired to the position... An employee of such and such a company (name of organization and full name of the employee)... in connection with such and such merits.”

In general, the effectiveness of a thank you speech directly depends on the talent of the HR manager. You just need to take into account that the litter is compiled in official, literate language.

Learn how to correctly make an entry in your work book

According to the order of the Russian Federation No. 225 of April 16, 2003, in connection with the appearance of new standard books, the rules regarding their filling out have also undergone changes.

When you enter information about the promotion, you must remember to indicate the reasons:

  • Incentives and rewards for success at work.
  • Incentives for making improvements to labor discipline established by the enterprise charter. In addition to information about incentives, information about awards, if any, should also be written down.
  • Based on decrees and decisions, awarding state awards or honorary titles.
  • Upon receipt of an honorary title or badge, the accompanying award is a diploma, otherwise with a certificate.

Please note that a special section has appeared for declaring gratitude. According to the decree of the Russian Federation, according to paragraph 24 of April 16, 2003, a section for information about incentives appeared, where a note of gratitude is entered. The note of gratitude must be made in accordance with the order.

Sample entry

In view of the order to remunerate the separated employee, a mark is registered in the work book. The Russian Ministry of Labor issued Regulation No. 69 on October 10, 2003. In paragraph 4 you will find recommendations for the procedure and principle of recording.

Let's take a step-by-step look at where and how to make an entry:

  • We are looking for the item “Information about incentives (awards)”.
  • 3 columns (heading) must contain the full/abbreviated name of the organization.
  • Column 1 should contain the record number in order (according to the employee’s increasing activity for the entire year).
  • Column 2 - date of birth.
  • Column 3 – who provided the incentive and for what merits of the employee.
  • Column 4 is the name of the document according to which the litter will be registered in the work book; do not forget to indicate the document data (date and number).

Common problems and errors

It is worth noting the pressing problem associated with the use of the terms “incentives” and “rewards”. The term “reward” denotes a generic concept (gratitude, increase, bonus payment). The term “award” denotes a specific concept, that is, the type of award (certificate, diploma, medal, etc.)

A common mistake is declaring gratitude without recording it in the work book. Be on the lookout because... According to the law, you have the right to demand from your employer to include merit in your work book.

Before you rejoice and celebrate your professional achievements, check your work history. Make sure that all changes made are supported by proper documents, otherwise the entry will be considered invalid.

The work book records all important events in a person’s professional activity. It records information about hiring, dismissal, moving to a new position, reflects transfer to another job, transition to public service. One of the sections of the work book is devoted to the employee’s production successes. Managers value good employees and try to encourage their work achievements. Information about rewards for conscientious work is reflected in the “Information about awards” section of the work book. How to make a recording correctly? Let's give a sample.


To correctly enter information into the work book, you should familiarize yourself with the documents approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. These include:

  1. Rules for maintaining and storing work records, producing work record forms and providing them to employers. The document was approved on April 16, 2003 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 225.
  2. Instructions for filling out work books. Approved on October 10, 2003 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 69.

These documents are mandatory for use by all organizations, enterprises and individual entrepreneurs in the country.

The meaning of incentives

By performing his main duties at the workplace, a person receives compensation in the form of wages. Incentives are used as additional incentives for production achievements. By publicly celebrating production achievements, the manager encourages the team to take a responsible attitude to work, fulfill assigned tasks, and observe labor discipline.

List of incentives

According to Article No. 191 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, employee incentives for labor achievements can be expressed in the form of:

  • announcements of gratitude;
  • presentation of certificates;
  • issuing bonuses;
  • giving a valuable gift;
  • conferring an honorary title.

Some industries also use other forms of employee incentives. They are established by collective agreements, regulations, and charters. Employees are awarded the titles “Honorary Railway Worker”, “Honorary Marine Worker”, “Honorary Polar Explorer”. The internal regulations of the organization establish additional bonuses, benefits when issuing vouchers, and payment for employee training as incentives for achievements in work.

Types of awards

The list of incentives that are noted in the work book includes:

  • awards, honorary titles for services to the state;
  • certificates of honor, badges, badges, diplomas, employer certificates;
  • other types of incentives, in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation, collective agreements and other internal documents of the enterprise or organization.

Only incentives reflected in official documents are recorded in the work book. For example, an entry in the labor record about awarding a certificate of honor can be made only after the manager has signed the corresponding order. You can encourage an employee with good words at a general meeting, a laudatory article in the newspaper, or simply applause. But these incentives will not be grounds for inclusion in the work book.

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Entries about penalties and punishments are not entered in the work book. Information about bonuses included in wages is also not reflected.

Entry into the work book about the award

Information about awards is recorded in the “Information about awards” section in the prescribed manner:

  1. On the top line, as a heading in column 3, the full name of the organization is indicated. If there is an abbreviated name, it must also be indicated in column 3.
  2. The line below in column 1 indicates the serial number of the entry. This numbering is maintained throughout the person’s career and is not interrupted when rewards are awarded in other organizations.
  3. Column 2 indicates the date of award.
  4. Column 3 indicates the organization that awarded the employee, the merits of the recipient and the type of remuneration.
  5. In column 4 of the section, the number and date of the document on the basis of which the award is made is recorded.

Information is entered with a blue, purple or black pen. Instead of recording the name of the organization, you can use a stamp. Abbreviations are not allowed.
Entries about awards must be made within a week from the moment the order is signed. If an employee is dismissed, all necessary information is entered into the work book on the day of dismissal.

In addition to the entry about the award in the work book, information about the promotion is noted in the employee’s personal card, form T-2. This document stores information about the employee and his work activity at the enterprise.

Record value

Persons who have earned state awards receive material and social privileges in accordance with the law. This could be supplements to pension payments, benefits for utilities, medical care, free travel.

Awards from individual departments are required when receiving the title “veteran of labor.” Citizens who have this title receive social benefits in accordance with the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

A record of encouragement may influence decisions about hiring and liability for disciplinary offenses. When moving up the career ladder, success comes from the little things.

The other day I was filing for the dismissal of an employee. I prepared all the documents and asked her to come to me to look at them and pick up the work book. The employee signed everything, and when she checked what entries I had made for her in the work book, she was upset. She said that she had received quarterly awards for several years in a row, but in the “Information about awards” section nothing was said about them. I tried to explain to her that I didn’t have to enter this information, but she replied that until I wrote everything down correctly, she wouldn’t take the work book. What happens? Do I need to write down all his bonuses in the work book for each employee? And monthly too?! There simply aren’t enough pages! Help me figure out what to do in such cases.

Your doubts are understandable. There really isn’t much space in the work book for making entries about employee awards, so let’s figure out whether it’s worth filling it with information about all the bonuses awarded to the employee or not.

So, as a general rule, information about employee bonuses is entered in a special section of the work book. The old form of the work book contains a section “Information about awards”, which contains information about awards with orders and medals, conferring honorary titles, and a section “Information about incentives”, which records information about incentives related to work in the organization. The new work book form has only one section, “Information about awards,” which contains information about both awards and incentives.

There is no doubt that encouragement plays a kind of role as a “perpetual motion machine.” Recognition of the labor merits of the best employees increases the job satisfaction of the person being rewarded and has an impact on other team members, stimulating the latter to improve the results of their work. Moreover, in the legislation, encouragement is understood as a form of public recognition of achieved successes, which expresses official recognition of the employee’s merits and the provision of public honor to him.

An employer has various ways to reward employees who conscientiously perform their job duties. In accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, this can be an announcement of gratitude, the issuance of a bonus, a valuable gift, a certificate of honor, or a nomination for the title of the best in the profession. Other types of employee incentives for work are determined by a collective agreement or internal labor regulations, as well as charters and discipline regulations. For special labor services to society and the state, employees can be nominated for state awards (Article 191 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).


The Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not contain a ban on rewarding an employee during the period of disciplinary action.

Depending on the nature, types of incentives can be divided into material and moral. Material incentive measures include:

  • issuing a bonus;
  • rewarding with a valuable gift, etc.

Thus, issuing a bonus is a type of reward for an employee’s work.

Issues of bonuses are regulated by Art. 129, 135 and 191 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. After analyzing these norms, it becomes clear that there are two types of bonuses.

Type 1. Bonuses paid in addition to the basic part of earnings based on predetermined indicators and conditions. Such bonuses are an integral part of time-bonus or piece-rate wage systems. Their size always depends on the fulfillment of certain indicators and conditions. These bonuses are paid periodically (monthly, quarterly, etc.) based on the results of work for the corresponding period and are a variable part of the salary.

View 2. Bonuses issued on the basis of the overall assessment of the employee’s work outside the remuneration system. They are one-time in nature and are not associated with pre-established indicators and conditions. Such bonuses include bonuses for achieving high results in work or for participation in any work (development of new technologies, programs, completion of urgent important tasks, etc.).

In order to increase the effectiveness of moral and material incentives for work, bring information about the encouragement of a specific employee to the attention of the entire workforce

Now that we have figured out what kinds of bonuses there are and how they differ from each other, it’s time to move on to the main question: do all bonuses need to be recorded in the work book?

At the moment, a work book of the established form is the main document on the employee’s work activity and length of service (Part 1 of Article 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, in addition to information about the work performed, transfers to another permanent job and dismissal, information about awards for success in work must also be entered into the work book.


Make an entry in the employee’s work book about the award based on the relevant order of the employer no later than a week.

However, attention is drawn to the discrepancy between the wording of Art. 66 and 191 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Yes, Art. 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation requires information about awards for success in work to be entered into the work book, while entries about other types of incentives are not provided. The aforementioned discrepancy between the concepts of “reward” and “encouragement” makes it difficult to apply labor legislation in the practice of drawing up work books.

And in this regard, there are two opposing points of view.

Opinion 1. According to Art. 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is not obliged to enter information about all the employee’s incentives into the work book, but only information about his awards.

Opinion 2. A broader interpretation of the term “reward” suggests that those incentives that are not essentially awards, but also characterize the employee on a positive side, should be reflected in the work record in his interests.

The second point of view seems more correct to us. It must be taken into account that in our country there is no legislative obligation to issue “recommendations” or “characteristics” upon dismissal, and therefore the presence of information about incentives in the work book can significantly increase the employee’s chances of getting the desired job in the future.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 16, 2003 No. 225 “On work books” approved the Rules for maintaining and storing work books (hereinafter referred to as the Rules). Clause 24 of the Rules determines that “information about awards (incentives) for labor merits is entered into the work book.” Analysis of the content of this paragraph allows us to conclude that the term “award” is interpreted quite broadly. Moreover, the term “encouragement” has been added to this term in parentheses, from which we can conclude that in this case these words are synonyms. Among the information mentioned in paragraph 24 about awards (incentives) that are entered into the work book are awards made in organizations with certificates of honor, badges, badges, diplomas, the conferment of titles, as well as other types of incentives provided for both by the legislation of the Russian Federation and collective agreements, internal labor regulations, charters and discipline regulations.


In the section of the work book containing information about the award, crossing out inaccurate or incorrect entries is not allowed. Changing an entry is made by declaring it invalid and making the correct entry (clause 30 of the Rules)

Further, clause 25 of the Rules contains information about which bonuses are included in work books and which are not. According to the established norm, entries about bonuses provided for by the remuneration system or paid on a regular basis are not entered into work books.

So your doubts were not in vain. Information about quarterly bonuses, indeed, should not be included in the “Information on awards” section of the work book.

But what about an employee who insists on making records of all bonuses paid to him? Let's look at what you can do to ensure that you don't have similar conflict situations with resigning employees in the future.

First of all, in the event of a dispute, you can always familiarize the employee with the provisions enshrined in clause 25 of the Rules.

In addition, in the collective agreement or local regulatory act establishing the remuneration system, in the section that talks about bonuses provided for by the remuneration system or paid on a regular basis, you can add a clause stating that information about such bonuses is not included in work books are being entered.


Enter information about awards (incentives), as well as the name, date and number of the corresponding order of the employer in section VII of the employee’s personal card (form No. T-2)

It would not be amiss to mention in the local regulations that the employer can reward an outstanding employee (or employees) with a one-time personal bonus. And only information about such bonuses must be entered into the employee’s work book.


Entries about bonuses provided for by the remuneration system or paid to the employee on a regular basis are not entered into work books.

Only information about a personal award for personal contribution to the work of the organization is subject to entry into the “Information about awards” section of the work book.

Moreover, the Instructions do not specify the deadline for making an entry. There, only a specific case related to employer awards is considered. Information about incentives from the institution is entered within a week after the relevant order is issued. Everything else is not regulated. But it is more advisable to make an entry within a reasonable time, rather than drag it out for a long time. Award material and reasons for inclusion Usually, in order to receive Certificates of Honor, Gratitude, Badges of Distinction, in general, any serious awards (Order of Alexander Nevsky), the HR department has to work hard. They prepare documents:

  • nominating a candidate by petition;
  • filling out the Award Form;
  • letter to a higher organization;
  • characteristic.

In each specific case, a separate package of documents is drawn up. The regulations for the award spell out everything that is required when nominating applicants.

Information about awards in the work book. sample

This document stores information about the employee and his work activity at the enterprise. Meaning of the entry Persons who have earned state awards receive material and social privileges in accordance with the law.

Citizens who have this title receive social benefits in accordance with the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. A record of encouragement may influence decisions about hiring and liability for disciplinary offenses.
When moving up the career ladder, success comes from the little things. Personnel department employees must enter into their work books all information about awards and incentives reflected in the orders of the manager.

Entering information about incentives and awards into the employee’s work book

Unfortunately, the methodology for calculating length of service according to a work book does not take into account gratitude, but encouragement, firstly, it increases the prestige of the employee in the eyes of his managers. The employee has acquired a good reputation, he will be trusted and other employees will want to match their hardworking colleague. Secondly, when applying for a new job, the employee will immediately be in good standing. He will no doubt be trusted with complex tasks, and this will also contribute to rapid career advancement.

That is why, even if the employer did not offer you a thank you for difficult work, hint to him that it would be nice to receive it. How do I make other employee benefit records? If the employee was encouraged in a way other than gratitude or reward, then this should also be indicated in the work book.

How to make an entry about an employee’s award in the work book?

These include:

  1. Rules for maintaining and storing work records, producing work record forms and providing them to employers. The document was approved on April 16, 2003 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 225.
  2. Instructions for filling out work books.
    Approved on October 10, 2003 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 69.

These documents are mandatory for use by all organizations, enterprises and individual entrepreneurs in the country. Importance of Rewards By performing his primary duties at the workplace, a person receives rewards in the form of wages.


Incentives are used as additional incentives for production achievements. By publicly celebrating production achievements, the manager encourages the team to take a responsible attitude to work, fulfill assigned tasks, and observe labor discipline.

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Labor Code of the Russian Federation:

  • Gratitude;
  • bonuses;
  • valuable gift;
  • diploma;
  • honorary title “best in the profession.”

The employer can reward employees in other ways if they are provided for in the collective agreement or local regulations. Entry of the award in the work book. Sample Section 4 of the Instructions specifies the procedure for including relevant information about an employee’s award in the work book:

  • in the third column of information about the award in the work book, the name of the employer is reflected;
  • the first column indicates the number of the entry in the work book about the award;
  • the second column indicates the date of award;
  • the third column contains information about who exactly awarded the employee, for what specific achievements, as well as the type of reward.

Employment history. making an entry in the "information about awards" section


Entry about rewards in the work book - sample: The “information about rewards” section is over If an employee constantly receives rewards and, in principle, is very hardworking, then surely the page dedicated to rewards and other incentives can quickly come to an end. What should a HR employee do in such a situation? The answer to this question is simple.

It is enough to print out a new form about awards and incentives and place it in the labor report, putting the organization’s seal and the signature of the manager on it. After this, you can safely make new entries of various kinds about incentives on the newly printed sheets. Is a certificate of honor included? A certificate of honor is a type of award, therefore, if there are determining factors, it should be mentioned in the work book.

2. filling out work books

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 No. 225 “On work books” (hereinafter referred to as the Rules for maintaining and storing work books)). According to paragraph 24 of the Rules for maintaining and storing work books, the following information about awards (incentives) for labor merits is entered into the work book: a) about the awarding of state awards, including the conferment of state honorary titles, on the basis of relevant decrees and other decisions; b) on awarding diplomas, conferring titles and awarding badges, badges, diplomas, certificates of honor, carried out by organizations; c) on other types of incentives provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as collective agreements, internal labor regulations of the organization, charters and regulations on discipline.

What incentives and awards are included in the work book?

If there are disciplinary sanctions, a record of them is made in accordance with the rules described here. Information about awards in the work book - sample: On what basis? The basis for making an entry in the work book about the award, in addition to the fact of the award itself, is an order. This document is published by the organization in the form of a local regulatory act on behalf of the head or deputy head. The order must be posted in a public place to familiarize employees with its contents.

If the employee has been issued a certificate, then its text is also necessary for keeping an entry in the work book. The text of the certificate is briefly retold in the information column about the award.

Procedure for gratitude Gratitude is a verbal “thank you” to an employee for his work. Gratitude can be expressed in the form of a certificate, diploma, letter or memorable gift.

What incentives are included in the work book?

A collective or local government body may apply for a state award. Federal government agencies are responsible for reviewing applications. The procedure for awarding departmental awards is initiated by the management of a department of the enterprise or the workforce, who evaluate the quality of work, attitude to work, discipline, and compliance with safety standards. The decision to reward an employee is made by the head of the enterprise, based on the regulations, rules, and regulations in force at the enterprise.

An order is issued that reflects information about the employee, indicates his achievements and type of incentive. The award is presented to the employee in a solemn atmosphere at a general meeting.

In this regard, it is possible to present valuable gifts.

What incentives are included in the work book in Ukraine?

For example, an entry in the labor record about awarding a certificate of honor can be made only after the manager has signed the corresponding order. You can encourage an employee with good words at a general meeting, a laudatory article in the newspaper, or simply applause.

But these incentives will not be grounds for inclusion in the work book. Entries about penalties and punishments are not entered in the work book.

Information about bonuses included in wages is also not reflected. Entry into the work book about the award Information about the award is recorded in the section “Information about awards” in the prescribed manner:

  1. On the top line, as a heading in column 3, the full name of the organization is indicated. If there is an abbreviated name, it must also be indicated in column 3.
  2. The line below in column 1 indicates the serial number of the entry.

What types of incentives are included in the work book?

This allows you to raise the prestige of conscientious work, especially when its deadlines are tight. Encouragement should be received by an employee who constantly strives to increase labor efficiency, improve the quality of manufactured products, long-term and impeccable work, and the use of innovative ideas in their work.

The incentive may be:

  • declaration of gratitude)
  • issuing a bonus)
  • presentation of valuable gifts)
  • awarding certificates of honor)
  • inclusion in the Book or on the Board of Honor and other incentives, if they are provided for by the charter, regulations on discipline or rules affecting internal labor regulations.

At the same time, the issuance of a cash bonus provided for by the wage system is not mandatory in order to make an entry about the promotion in the work book.

It also happens that HR officers enter unnecessary information: about bonuses, gratitude without justification. In this article we will look in detail at when to make a recording. Which incentives are best left unattended, and which ones must be reflected in the work book? How reflect the award correctly? Is justification needed for recording?

What awards are recorded?

The section “Information about awards” contains all the information about human labor exploits. The entry is made on the basis of work books, which specifically state what awards should be reflected in the employee’s documents.

To the work book will certainly be included:

  1. Receiving state awards.
  2. Awards on behalf of the organization where the person works. Basically, they express gratitude, present certificates of honor, and award the title of the best in the profession. Various insignia, badges, and diplomas may also be awarded.
  3. The organization’s internal labor regulations and collective agreement may privately establish its own awards, the receipt of which is also reflected in the work record book.

Regular bonuses and other monetary incentives provided for by the Regulations on remuneration, don't contribute.

They do not express the exclusivity of the employee’s labor feats; they are paid based on the payment system.

Departmental awards most significant for the employee.

They will allow you to apply for higher ranks in the future. But state and departmental awards always require forward movement.

That is, get Certificate of honor from the Ministry of the Russian Federation is problematic until the employee is given the same certificate or gratitude from the Ministry of the subject where he lives. And for him, in turn, the employee must be awarded at the district and city level.

It's the same with titles. Without “Honored” they won’t give “People’s”. There are exceptions, but they are rare.

When is the entry made?

Any reward has its own documentary confirmation. Usually this is an order or a letter. An entry in the work book is made only after a document is in hand, where it is written that a particular employee has been declared Gratitude, given a bonus, or awarded a Certificate of Honor.

Until the order did not reach the HR department, even though the employee has already received the award itself, the information is not entered into the labor report.

Moreover, the Instructions do not specify the deadline for making an entry. There, only a specific case related to employer awards is considered. Intelligence about incentives from the institution entered within a week after the relevant order is issued. Everything else is not regulated. But it makes more sense to record within a reasonable time, and not drag it out for too long.

Award material and reasons for contribution

Usually to receive Certificates of Honor, Gratitude, Insignia, in general any serious awards(Order of Alexander Nevsky), the HR department has to work hard.

They prepare documents:

In each specific case, a separate package of documents is drawn up. IN position for award everything that is required when nominating applicants is spelled out.

After reviewing the submitted documents, the higher-level organization decides whether the employee is worthy of the required award. She puts her verdict in the form order, which will subsequently become the basis for presenting an award, transferring a prize, or making an entry.


How to make a recording? determines exactly how an entry is made in the employee’s work book.

Before making the inscription itself, indicate name of company. It is advisable to write down the full and abbreviated name in pen. But affixing a stamp also does not contradict the requirements.

The first column is intended for maintaining record numbering. It does not overlap with the “Job Information” section and starts with one. When you make the next entry in another organization, the numbers go up and do not stop anywhere.

Column 3 contains information about who awarded the employee, what title/award he received. You should also indicate why this or that award is given. That is, they are registered achievements employee.

There is no need to invent anything. When preparing award documents, the HR department writes a petition in which justifies his request o presenting a reward to a person for his achievements.

For example, for many years of work in the construction industry. In the order for awarding the award, justification duplicate. The HR officer can only rewrite the data from the document.

In column 4 write the name, document details, on the basis of which the recording was made. In this case, it is worth writing not just the word order, but indicating a specific organization (for example, Order of the Ministry of Health).

If there is no space

The awards section is complete. What to do?

Glue blank sheets of paper, make a note in the “Information about work”, on the cover unacceptable.

The only way out is to start one. Even if it contains only one record of the award being presented by the employer, the insert is necessary.

In practice, many personnel officers forget to make notes about incentives, or do not take them seriously. But their actions illegal.

Any encouragement, be it an announcement of Gratitude, presentation of a Certificate of Honor, must be reflected in the appropriate section of the Work Book. This is clearly stated in the relevant instructions.

You should also remember that upon dismissal, the section on awards sealed with the seal of the organization and the signature of the personnel officer similar to the section on work.

In case of omissions by the personnel officer, the employee has the right to demand that the necessary recording be made. And the employer can't refuse him without breaking the law.