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Adele name feminine meaning origin. Meaning of the name Adele. Interpretation of the name. Relations in society

The name Adele means “noble”, “equanimous”, “pious”, “fragrant”.

Origin of the name

Adele is a female name (in some countries a male name) with ancient Germanic roots. The origin of the name Adele is related to the German word, which means “pious”, “unperturbed”, “noble”.

Characteristics of the name


As a child, Adele is a calm, affectionate child who is very vulnerable. The girl tries to please everyone and not ruin her relationship with anyone. She prefers to stay away from the company of her peers, as she expects tricks and insults from them. But the girl tinkers with the kids with great eagerness. From an early age she was also interested in needlework, housekeeping, and loved playing with dolls. Adele usually spends a lot of time reading books. She is especially attracted to science fiction and adventure.


Adult Adele remains just as calm and shy, sometimes even childish. And if no one around her helps her become more courageous, the girl will remain quiet and unnoticeable throughout her life.

Usually has few girlfriends. She chooses them in childhood or early adolescence and values ​​such relationships very much. Over time, the friends become very close, she takes an active part in their fate, helps them in everything. As a rule, friends answer the girl in the same way.

Adele often enjoys well-deserved sympathy from the people who surround her. Her character usually justifies the meaning of the name. The girl is characterized by decency, accuracy, and punctuality. Adele's best character traits emerge in extreme situations. She knows how to concentrate and make the only right decision. A girl will defend her opinion in any matter if she is firmly convinced that she is right.


Thanks to her ability to get along with people and her balanced character, Adele can make an excellent leader. But, as a rule, a girl does not strive for career growth, therefore, she often remains a good performer. Adele is suitable for the profession of a flight attendant, model, teacher. She can achieve success in music and sports.

Personal life

She gets married, most often, after a period of long-term relationships. She makes a wonderful wife who will always be faithful, devoted to her husband, and will be able to support him in a difficult situation. A woman has a very hard time enduring her husband’s betrayal. She may not dare to leave him, but harmonious family relationships will be lost.

Name compatibility

The name Adele goes well with the patronymics Olegovna, Robertovna, Romanovna, Yuryevna, Fedorovna, Nikolaevna, Igorevna.

Good compatibility with such male names: Alexey, Roman, Mikhail, Anton, Alexander, Nikolay.

Name day

Adele’s Orthodox name days do not exist.

The most convincing version of the origin is considered named Adele or Adelia (a parallel existing and independent form of the name) from the French Adèle, which in turn was formed from the ancient German Adala (Adela). Translated it means “noble”. It is also a short form of many names for girls, such as Adelaide, Adeline, Adelphine, etc. The name Adele is used in masculine and feminine genders. The feminine form of the name is widespread in central Europe. It has gained popularity in Russia in recent years.

Character of the name

You can rightfully be called a charming person, because you are an excellent comrade, well-mannered, witty, kind, always ready to help and able to carry yourself with dignity. Your talents and successes evoke universal admiration.

You have vibrant sexual and emotional energy, but you have excellent self-control. Therefore, you are not afraid of loneliness or asceticism. This suppression of feelings often gives your character quirky traits.


The basis of your spiritual aspirations is the desire to maintain a stable position and existing status. And use every opportunity that presents itself to strengthen your position in life. If you have to work hard for this, well, you are ready for it.

The “ideal” structure of the world appears to you in the form of a heavily armed fortress, capable of withstanding any siege due to the fact that the storerooms are full and the arsenal is maintained in exemplary order. All “military actions” are calculated in advance to the smallest detail, and you are ready to protect yourself and your family from any external attacks.

But what is an “unshakable stronghold” for you can become a prison for others. By imposing your views on life on your loved ones, you limit their freedom of choice, offering to use their own ready-made solution.

Beware! Many impregnable fortresses fell because someone inside wanted to go outside and opened the gates. You should always remember that your choice must be consistent with those for whose sake it is, in essence, being made.

The artistry of your nature implies a certain pretentiousness in clothing. You like to decorate yourself. To do this, you use jewelry, unusual, eye-catching accessories, and all kinds of stylistic delights.

Well, this is quite consistent with your friendly, open character. It is only important to observe moderation and not go to extremes, since the border between brightness and vulgarity is quite ephemeral.

Interests and hobbies

Adele carefully filters her surroundings and knows how to manage her own time. Playing sports and a passion for dancing, which liberate the body, help you stay in shape and take care of your health.

Such a woman can boast of an endless number of her hobbies. She doesn’t just talk about them, but knows how to convince people of the need for such a hobby.

Even if we are talking about a collection of individual jewelry or a completely unnecessary item. Very often, a girl with this beautiful name begins her career with a passion for fashion shows.

Profession and business

Adele is accepted in any team, but she only works where she likes. Knowing her strengths and weaknesses, such a woman does not strive for perfectionism.

She has her own standards and doesn't violate them. He easily realizes his abilities in the modeling business, trade and recruiting profession. Working in cinema, television, and show business brings satisfaction.


Adele has been taught since childhood how to take care of her health. For her, the main thing is not to overdo it with sports. You should be careful and cautious with electrical devices and follow the instructions in SPA (physiotherapeutic) salons.

Sex and love

A rigid internal moral brake prevents Adele from fully enjoying her sex life. She is constantly looking for a way out of this situation. He often experiments. But if she likes her partner, then this girl knows how to make such a man truly happy.

Adele considers her first marriage unsuccessful due to the fact that her husband turns out to be a dull, boring and self-confident person. She is not able to tolerate an indifferent attitude towards herself.

Such a woman needs freedom of creativity, communication outside the family, recognition. She finds happiness with a man who is able to recognize the “personal territory” of his wife’s interests (be it work or a creative hobby) and respect this requirement of living together.

The traditional family role of wife and mother, of course, attracts the owner of the name Adele, but never satisfies her. After all, a beautiful woman always needs compliments, recognition and self-realization.

What is numerology?

First, let's define the subject of study. Numerology is a system of esoteric concepts or beliefs, as written in dictionaries.

She claims that numbers associated with a person influence his destiny, determine his abilities, and shape his character. The most important thing is the person’s date of birth. It consists of a certain number of numbers.

In numerology, both each separately and their sum are considered. Esotericists are confident that any number has a set of unique characteristics determined by cosmic energy.

If you understand how this works, you can predict and correct the fate of a particular individual. In fact, numerology is another way of understanding the world. Read ancient thinkers at your leisure; they did not think about getting money or other benefits, but about what a person or animal is, how they interact with nature and the cosmos, and why they were created.

Such reflections contributed to the creation of a unified, as they would now say, system of personality research. It allows a person to look deeper and more comprehensively at the events happening to him, and to pick up the keys to solving complex problems.

And numerology by date of birth tells many the reasons for troubles and ways out of a vicious circle of problems. After reading the material, you will see everything for yourself.

Soul number

The soul number corresponds to the birthday. However, there are some differences from the calculus we are used to. In India they believe that the day begins at dawn. That is, a person born on January 5th at 3 am has a soul number of four.

If the date of birth is two-digit, then the numbers are added, bringing them to the form: from 1 to 9. The number of the soul is associated with the planets and their energy.

It influences a person throughout his life, helping to realize goals and work through karma. We can say that it is responsible for character, talents and abilities. There are the most successful combinations of soul and birth numbers.

These include: unit – 28; two – 29; three – 12, four – 31; five corresponds to 23; six – 24; seven – 25; eight – 26, nine – 27. Let’s clarify for understanding: in our pairs, the number of the soul is first put down, followed by the date of birth.

People who have such coincidences are born with a harmonious, balanced character. The rest are not so lucky in life. When there is a 0 in the date of birth, for example, the 20th or 10th, it is considered a bad sign. It negatively affects the characteristics of the number with which it is paired.

Destiny number

The most important indicator obtained from the date of birth. He, as already noted, is responsible for karma. It is obtained by adding all the numbers of the date of birth.

It is necessary to repeat the operations until you get a single digit number. Working off karma is one of the most important tasks of the soul, Vedic numerology assures us. Every person needs to calculate this number and understand its meaning. In any case, we encounter certain problems throughout our lives.

They are created by our karmic debt. Until we go through the situation correctly, it will appear again. For example, if a person is guilty of being contemptuous towards people of the opposite sex, he will be offended.

Until he accepts other people's insults calmly, forgives those who are rude to him, and understands that the reason for their behavior is in his soul, the situation will begin to recur with frightening regularity.

The example given is schematic and simple. In life everything is more complicated, the lessons of karma are more inventive and skillful. Numerology of numbers allows you to figure out what you should pay special attention to.

Those with a name number 8 are characterized by a penchant for business. “Eights” are for the most part very strong personalities who prioritize practicality and material gain.

They are used to constantly doing things, without rest or breaks. They don’t get anything in life for nothing – they have to fight for everything. However, it is precisely among the G8 that there are a large number of successful businessmen and politicians.

To achieve their goals, they stop at nothing and achieve their goals at any cost and by any means. There are always leaders in the family, and often tyrants. By nature, “Eights” are not inclined to make many friends.

Their main friend is work. However, it is worth remembering that if the “eight” is caught by a long streak of failures, it can break down, withdraw into itself and lose all interest in life.

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Adele

Adele, the logical conclusion of a romantic relationship for you is marriage and creating a family. Therefore, you and people like you have been and remain the target of matrimonial aspirations of at least half of the adult representatives of the opposite sex.

You are serious, reliable and honest; reticence, uncertainty, and precariousness of the situation are unacceptable to you. You are determined to take care of your loved one, regardless of the circumstances.

And although your sensual manifestations are often devoid of sentimentality, external shine and ostentatious “beauty,” there will always be someone who will appreciate them.

Famous people named Adele

  • Adelaide (Adele, Adela) of Aquitaine ((d.1004) queen of France, wife of Hugh Capet)
  • Adela of Normandy ((c.1064 - c.1137) daughter of William the Conqueror, mother of the English king Stephen of Blois)
  • Adela (Adula) ((c.660 - 735) abbess, Saint of the Catholic Church, commemorated December 24)
  • Adela of Flanders ((c.1064 - 1115) in her first marriage the wife of the Danish king Cnut IV the Saint, in the second - the Apulian Duke Roger I Borsa)
  • Adela Noriega ((born 1969) Mexican actress)
  • Adelaide (Adele, Adela) of Savoy (Maurienne) ((1092 - 1154) queen of France, wife of Louis VI)
  • Adele of Champagne ((c.1140 - 1206) Queen of France, wife of Louis VII, regent of France, daughter of Thibault II the Great, Count of Champagne and Matilda of Carinthia)
  • Adele Faccio ((1920 - 2007) Italian politician)
  • Adelino da Palma Carlos ((1905 - 1992) Portuguese politician)
  • Adele Kutuy ((1903 - 1945) Tatar Soviet writer)
  • Adele Marcus ((1906 - 1995) American pianist and music teacher)
  • Adele Dixon ((1908 - 1992) British singer and actress)
  • Adele Eva Goldberg ((born 1963) American linguist and cognitive psychologist, one of the most prominent representatives of the movement known as construction grammar) Read also:
  • Adele Adkins ((born 1988) also known as Adele is an English pop-jazz/soul singer, declared in 2007 as the “new Amy Winehouse”, but a year later recognized as a continuator of the traditions of Etta James and Dusty Springfield. Adele received two awards Grammy in the categories “Best New Artist” and “Best Female Pop Vocal Performance.”)
  • Adele Bloch-Bauer ((1881 - 1925) daughter of the general director of the Vienna Banking Union, Moritz Bauer. Known for the portrait “Golden Adele” of 1907 by Gustav Klimt, considered one of the most significant works of Viennese Art Nouveau.)
  • Adele Hugo ((1830 - 1915) daughter of Adele and Victor Hugo. The prototype of the main character of the film by François Truffaut “The Story of Adele G.”)

The origin of the name Adele originates from the ancient Germanic peoples. Parents named the girls this way, based on the fact that the name Adele, the meaning of which is translated as pious or noble, would bring them happiness.

In Rus', women with such an unusual name were a rare occurrence: not every Russian surname or patronymic would fit it. But if the surname is consonant, then such a combination will most favorably distinguish the girl from a number of classmates with common Russian names.

It should be noted that the name Adele, whose origin is German, is not listed in the Orthodox calendar. The girl’s parents should take care to choose her middle name – Orthodox – for the baptismal ceremony.

The name Adele, chosen for a girl, brings many positive qualities to its owner. For example, a child with a shy character will not shirk his studies or start conflicts and quarrels. And in this sense The parents will be lucky; raising a girl will be easy for them. But this does not mean that such a calm child can generally be ignored. The girl Adele will have problems of a different kind.

A child will always need the support of her parents: innate modesty prevents her from demonstrating her abilities to the fullest.

Without the help of adults, she is unlikely to be able to achieve great success, both in her studies and in demonstrating her talents, of which she has plenty. But, feeling the powerful support of people who are not indifferent to her fate, the girl will achieve well-deserved success, and Adele will still be heard.

Love and family union

The shyness inherent in Adele girls makes even very beautiful girls doubt their attractiveness. Adele, a name often given to girls from noble families, loves harmony in everything, but she is often unsure of herself.

  • The girl dresses with taste and strives for sophisticated and elegant things. And the opposite sex notices this, showing the girl worthy attention.
  • But mom still needs to praise her Adele, convince her that she is sweet, beautiful, and good-looking.

Do not be afraid to over-praise your daughter; praise will not make her arrogant and will not make her worse. Just kind words will help a girl to be more confident and avoid difficulties with the opposite sex.

When a girl Adele is of marriageable age, she expects a relationship with an accent and moral purity, devotion, and affection. He doesn’t pour out his feelings in words, but tries to prove his love in action. And if Adele finds a man who understands her character, then friendship with him can turn into a family union.

Next to her loving husband, she is affectionate, cheerful, and faithful. She turns out to be more attached to her partner than she herself thinks. Often such a woman becomes an excellent mother, happily giving up her independence because of her love for her children.

Relations in society

In communication, Adele is very selective and carefully chooses like-minded people. But when she finds such friends, she is very faithful to them and can maintain relationships with them for many years, or even throughout her life.

In her views on life, the woman Adele, in German, is reserved, insightful, and she is not so easy to deceive in business. But her successes in the business field are due more to perseverance and responsibility than to the introduction of new ideas.

Adele Laurie Blue Adkins (British singer, composer, poet, pop jazz/soul, blues)

Employees named Adele usually justify its noble meaning:

  • they are correct with their superiors,
  • keep their distance from subordinates,
  • They find it inconvenient to ask for a raise.

They are prudent and do not rely on luck when taking risks in gambling. Responsible and executive, Adele is not inclined to organizational work, but to the implementation and completion of a task or plan that others have not completed.

  • They can be good literary critics, as they easily notice weaknesses.
  • Lawyers named Adele will excel in their work, but will succeed more often in supporting incidents than in discussions.
  • They are demanding of themselves and others, treat other people with respect, and are adherents of the law and legal decisions.
  • Adele always achieve success in performing duties and can adapt themselves to almost all activities in life.

Meaning: fair, honest

The meaning of the name Adela - interpretation

The female name Adele has an ancient origin. Its roots go back to the ancient Germanic language. In translation Adala (Adela) means “noble”, “pious”. Some historians believe that this name comes from Arabic and means “honest”, “faithful”. Today this is what girls are called in many European countries. It is also found in Russia, although relatively rarely.

Years later

Little Ada causes a lot of trouble for her parents. She is growing up as a restless girl. In the first year of life he often cries and has trouble sleeping at night. Having passed the 12-month mark, the baby changes dramatically. Becomes independent, quiet, calm, inquisitive.

Communication with her brings a lot of pleasure to the older generation. Adela does not tolerate conflicts and withdraws into herself in the event of reprimands and punishments. The baby has little contact with her peers, preferring to spend time alone.

School subjects are easy for the girl. Excessive modesty and shyness prevent her from entering the ranks of excellent students. Adela avoids active participation in amateur groups. Doesn't trust noisy companies. From an early age, he chooses one friend with whom he maintains a warm relationship throughout his life.

A girl's range of interests in adolescence is limited. She is attracted to dusty library shelves and the volumes of scientific literature stored on them. Adele's authority is her mother. The subsequent fate of the girl depends on the parent’s approach to upbringing.

The owner of this name has excellent chances for high sporting achievements in the field of rhythmic gymnastics, tennis, and swimming. Modesty and shyness do not prevent her from having an attractive appearance.

Possessing excellent taste and an individual sense of style, Adela competently arranges her wardrobe and is somewhat fixated on shopping. She is ready to spend hours in front of the mirror, trying on new clothes or creating the perfect look.

Adult Adele is a woman with a sophisticated appearance and only her inherent grace. She is characterized by good self-control and the ability to make informed decisions; she never gets lost in force majeure situations and is able to quickly find the right option for their immediate solution.

She is non-conflict, able to remain calm in extraordinary situations. This representative of the fair sex knows how to find common topics for conversation with interlocutors of different ages, social status, religious preferences and hobbies.

Adela is self-sufficient, self-confident and, willy-nilly, has a calming effect on those around her. People are drawn to her and trust this lovely lady.

Adele's character

Beautiful Adele is endowed with a huge number of positive traits. The main ones are natural gentleness, moderate modesty, sociability, prudence, natural charm and grace, the ability to bring things started to their logical conclusion.

She will not leave her friends in trouble, she will rush to save them at the first call and can always give valuable advice to those who ask for it. Compassion is one of her basic qualities.

Possible disadvantages of Adele are excessive softness, inability to stand up for herself, periodic alienation, difficult adaptation to new life circumstances.

Sometimes it is difficult for her to make new and necessary acquaintances, especially if she has just encountered betrayal and meanness. To move away from negative memories, she needs time like no one else.

The fate of Adele

Adele is a symbol of calm and reliability. The woman has excellent command of the situation, knows what she wants and how to achieve what she wants. She enjoys authority among her colleagues. Shows the best maternal qualities, madly loves and cherishes her husband. Friends and relatives can rely on this person under any circumstances. All this became possible thanks to fortitude, inner harmony and self-confidence.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

Career achievements are alien to this person. Natural shyness, peacefulness, and modesty do not allow her to advance much in her career. Adela by nature is a performer, led by a stronger, more purposeful and strong-willed person.

In the professional sphere, she is characterized by such qualities as responsibility, diligence, punctuality, diligence, and the ability to concentrate on important work tasks. Adele is not interested in entrepreneurial activity. She is not interested in huge financial benefits either. An average level of income is enough for her to be happy.

Marriage and family

Family always comes first for Adele. Having gotten married, she is ready to sacrifice her career for the sake of her husband and children. Her legal husband will most likely be her first man.

A woman is distinguished by devotion and demands the same from her partner. He experiences betrayal very acutely, but does not dare to file for divorce. She treats children patiently and is ready to protect and protect them from any adversity.

Sex and love

Adela has ebullient sexual energy. But outwardly this is not noticeable due to the ability to control emotions. The woman is in love. A person who recognizes her subtle sentimental nature behind her external coldness and inaccessibility can build a serious relationship with her.

In sex, Adele is compliant and ready to experiment. But he enters into an intimate relationship only after making sure that there is a two-way emotional attachment.


The immune system is not Adele's strong point. In the first years of her life, the girl grows up extremely sickly. Active physical activity and frequent exposure to fresh air will help to strengthen the body.

By refusing to exercise, a woman runs the risk of developing heart problems and excess weight. Adele's sensitive area is the respiratory system. Colds can develop into chronic pathologies.

Interests and hobbies

Adele's interests are few. She can choose one hobby and improve in it throughout her life. Suitable activities include playing musical instruments, writing songs and music, drawing, tennis, and rhythmic gymnastics.

Adele also sometimes wants to be in the lap of nature, take a walk among greenery and flowers. As a rule, she does not miss the opportunity to go to a classical music concert.

The most convincing option is considered to be the origin of the name Adele or Adelia (a parallel existing and independent form of the name) from the French Adèle, which in turn was formed from the ancient German Adala (Adela). Translated it means “noble”. It is also a short form of many names for girls, such as Adelaide, Adeline, Adelphine, etc. The name Adele is used in masculine and feminine genders. The feminine form of the name is widespread in central Europe. It has gained popularity in Russia in recent years.

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Capricorn, Aquarius
  • Patron Planet: Uranus
  • Talisman stone: rock crystal, amethyst
  • Color: purple
  • Wood: aspen
  • Plant: alpine rose, barberry
  • Animal: electric eel, electric stingray
  • Favorable day: Wednesday, Saturday

Character traits

The secret of the name lies in humility and tenderness, airiness and strength of character. At first glance, it seems that such a woman is helpless and fearful. But this is a false idea. A girl named Adele attracts you with her openness, fragile appearance, and deceptive simplicity. In fact, he is a brave and very truth-loving person. With a smile on her face, frankly and intelligently, she expresses her personal opinion. Never engages in intrigue. Very objective and noble.

Adele knows about her amazing looks. From childhood he gets used to the increased attention of strangers and is not afraid to be in public. In his youth, he tries to imitate the manners of adult ladies and in many ways inherit his mother.

She always radiates cheerfulness and optimism. Adele's solar energy attracts people. However, she does not strive for leadership. The owner of the name has excellent sports and dancing abilities. Her filigree appearance and bewitching smile seem to be created for the covers of glossy magazines. Innate optimism helps a girl overcome life's difficulties. There is nothing mysterious about her, but she achieves everything in life with a slight charm. She is treated well at work. She knows how to smooth out conflicts. Such a woman is vain, but carefully hides it.

Interests and hobbies

Adele carefully filters her surroundings and knows how to manage her own time. Playing sports and a passion for dancing, which liberate the body, help you stay in shape and take care of your health. Such a woman can boast of an endless number of her hobbies. She doesn’t just talk about them, but knows how to convince people of the need for such a hobby. Even if we are talking about a collection of individual jewelry or a completely unnecessary item. Very often, a girl with this beautiful name begins her career with a passion for fashion shows.

Profession and business

Adele is accepted in any team, but she only works where she likes. Knowing her strengths and weaknesses, such a woman does not strive for perfectionism. She has her own standards and doesn't violate them. He easily realizes his abilities in the modeling business, trade and recruiting profession. Working in cinema, television, and show business brings satisfaction.


Adele has been taught since childhood how to take care of her health. For her, the main thing is not to overdo it with sports. You should be careful and cautious with electrical devices and follow the instructions in SPA (physiotherapeutic) salons.

Sex and love

A rigid internal moral brake prevents Adele from fully enjoying her sex life. She is constantly looking for a way out of this situation. He often experiments. But if she likes her partner, then this girl knows how to make such a man truly happy.

Family and marriage

Adele considers her first marriage unsuccessful due to the fact that her husband turns out to be a dull, boring and self-confident person. She is not able to tolerate an indifferent attitude towards herself. Such a woman needs freedom of creativity, communication outside the family, recognition. She finds happiness with a man who is able to recognize the “personal territory” of his wife’s interests (be it work or a creative hobby) and respect this requirement of living together.

The traditional family role of wife and mother, of course, attracts the owner of the name Adele, but never satisfies her. After all, a beautiful woman always needs compliments, recognition and self-realization.