home · Other · Black film between the beds. Review of covering materials: from frost, pests, weeds. We choose the best. Black agrofibre or two-color material

Black film between the beds. Review of covering materials: from frost, pests, weeds. We choose the best. Black agrofibre or two-color material

Weeding is often used to control weeds, although gardeners would not call this activity easy and enjoyable. But the task of caring for beds can be made easier with the help of weed covering material. Today on the market you can find high quality ground coverings in different price categories. The covering material makes the beds neat and well-groomed, without inhibiting the growth of cultivated plants.

The material covering the beds and flower plantings does not allow sunlight to pass through, which is necessary for weeds to survive. Weeds cannot break through to the light, biochemical reactions in their tissues are disrupted, and the root system dries out. Plants are dying.

To ensure that only the weeds are harmed and the cultivated species remain unharmed, the fabric is carefully placed on the beds, secured, and holes are cut in places corresponding to the location of the cultivated plants.

Modern types of ground covering not only reliably protect against the growth of weeds, but also do not provoke root rotting or the development of fungal diseases. They can not only cover beds and flower beds, but also cover paths in the garden to prevent weeds from getting through between the slabs. More dense material is placed between the beds to maintain a neat condition of the site.

Dense coating allows you to get rid of soil pests. Insects have difficulty orienting themselves in space and are unable to reproduce.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of using covering material is that it makes it easier to care for vegetable, berry, and flower crops. Ground covering is popular because:

  • protects the top soil layer from unfavorable environmental conditions, prevents plants from withering from lack of moisture and nutrients, excess sunlight, heavy rainfall;
  • creates microclimatic conditions that are ideal for the development of cultivated vegetation, but unfavorable for the proliferation of bacterial infections;
  • simplifies the activities for caring for cultivated plants;
  • suitable for use both in open areas and in greenhouses;
  • Thanks to its dense structure, it has a long service life (up to 8-12 seasons), and does not lose quality and appearance during operation.

The disadvantages of covering fabric are due to its improper use:

  1. If the weed cover is installed or used incorrectly, a greenhouse effect occurs underneath it. And excess humidity, in the absence of air circulation, provokes the development of a fungal infection.
  2. The dark-colored canvas gets very hot under the sun, and the UV-stabilizing layer becomes ineffective after 2 months of use. Therefore, in the climatic conditions of the southern regions, hay, sawdust, and newsprint are used to protect plantings.

Types of non-woven weed covering materials

Agro-fabric against weeds is sold on the market in a wide range of quality and price categories. You can choose a product according to color, density, structure and other preferences and needs.

The brand became so popular that summer residents began to use this word to call any covering material for their beds. Spunbond is a special fabric production technology. It turns out light, airy, but secure. The material is environmentally friendly and is not affected by temperature fluctuations or mechanical stress.

The color of spunbond is white and black, the density is 20-60 g/m2:

  1. White material up to 30 g/m2 is used primarily to protect crops from returning spring colds and abundant sunshine in summer. They cover seedlings, berry gardens, ornamental species, and flower beds. And spunbond protects young fruit tree seedlings from harmful insects.
  2. White cloth 30-50 g/m2, suitable for winter protection of any ornamental and fruit crops. It is also stretched over an arc frame greenhouse or greenhouse.
  3. Black spunbond 50-60 g/m2 with a UV-stabilizing layer reliably protects against weeds and helps crop plants receive more heat.

Geofabric, which is based on polyester fibers woven under thermal influence, is characterized by strength and ability to pass air. The popularity of the product is due to:

  • long service life;
  • versatility of application;
  • ease of installation on site;
  • low cost.


In fact, it is a type of spunbond produced by the Russian company Ayaskom. Same quality, durable, inexpensive. It is used primarily for covering strawberries, strawberries and other berries.

Agrofabric has a UV-stabilizing layer, wears out slowly, and is not susceptible to temperature fluctuations.

Therefore, it is used as a winter shelter, but also works well as a weed control.

Another popular type of covering material from a Russian manufacturer. Available in two colors:

  • yellow - intended to destroy pests on nightshade plants;
  • black - a weed control agent, used mainly on strawberry plantations.

The material has a perforated structure, so there is no need to cut holes for cultivated plants. It is enough to cover the area in the garden, and the cultivated plantings will not suffer from high temperatures or get dirty with soil during watering and precipitation. Agrotex does not wrinkle, is not afraid of temperature fluctuations, and does not provoke soil damage by bacterial infection.

Breathable fabric designed specifically for weed control. Covered plants do not wither from the heat and do not freeze during the cold period. The covered soil remains loose, is not subject to crust-forming and erosion processes, its biochemical component is not disturbed, oxygen and nutrition continue to be fully absorbed by the roots. With proper use of the material, cultivated plants produce crops earlier. You can use agril to mulch strawberries and vegetable beds.

To control weeds, black material with a density of 50 g/m2 is used. For greenhouse equipment, use transparent fabric with a density of 20-40 g/m2.


It is a corrugated film coating with a soft structure and different colors. Due to its ability to reflect harmful sun rays and transmit beneficial ones for plants, even in cloudy weather, agrofibre is used to cover cucumber and berry beds, does not provoke overheating and hypothermia of plants, and accelerates the ripening of fruits.

When equipping a greenhouse, you can combine Lumitex with polyethylene film.

Typically used for cold protection, but can be a good weed killer. The material is of high quality, costs a little more than spunbond, but is actually similar in quality. Available in two color variations - white and black. Density – from 20 to 60 g/m2.

Coating is applied:

  • white low density - to protect seedlings and seedlings from spring frosts;
  • high-density white - as a winter shelter (in frosts up to 8-10 °C);
  • black medium and high density - against weeds.

Before the advent of agrotextiles, black film was the only material for covering the soil from weeds. It darkens perfectly. It can be used to cover not only beds, but row spacing.

Today, film is significantly inferior to modern agricultural fabrics:

  • does not allow water to pass through;
  • creates a greenhouse effect, which increases the likelihood of fungal infection;
  • has a short service life.

How are covering materials used?

Below are step-by-step instructions for using a weed cover. Need to:

  1. Use any method to clear the area of ​​weeds.
  2. Add fertilizer. Level the ground.
  3. Cut a piece of fabric according to the size of the area with an allowance for fastening of 15 cm.
  4. Cut holes in the form of crosses or circles for cultivated plants.
  5. In calm weather, cover the area with material.
  6. Secure the allowances with stones in the dug grooves or cover them with earth.
  7. At different points of the site, attach the material to the soil with wire pins 10 cm long.
  8. Sow seeds into the holes and plant seedlings.

How to water covered plants?

Modern covering material allows water to pass through freely.

Watering is carried out using the irrigation method; there is no need to remove the canvas. Liquid fertilizer is carefully poured into the hole.

To prevent waterlogging of the soil and rotting of plants, the moisture level is checked through a cut hole.

The popularity of agrotextiles among farmers and summer residents is not surprising. Easy to use, breathable, durable, resistant to adverse factors, the material allows you to forget about the existence of weeds for the entire season. At the same time it is inexpensive.

The key to obtaining a bountiful harvest is regular weeding of the site. If you ignore this important procedure, harmful herbs will reduce the productivity of cultivated plants. Covering material against weeds will help the farmer maintain order in the garden, garden and flower beds. For the product to work, you need to understand the rules for its use.

Weed control agrofibre is a durable and lightweight raw material made from polymers. Fabric with breathable properties perfectly allows oxygen to pass through, protects plantings from frost and inhibits the proliferation of harmful plants and fungi. The wear-resistant composition can withstand active use for 7 years.

If you lay a dense covering material on the site, the soil under the layer will not be washed away with precipitation. The product does not enter into chemical reactions with fertilizers and poisons, therefore it retains its original qualities for a long time.

Slugs and snails do not like to live under mulch films.

Weed control helps growers maintain a well-groomed and attractive lawn. The protective non-woven strip does not harm crops and does not disturb the composition of the soil. Moisture does not evaporate for a long time, which is important for a weekend home. Blocking the entry of ultraviolet radiation will get rid of excess vegetation and protect against frequent weeding.

Types of covering material

Agricultural weed cloth is available on the market in several popular varieties. Products differ in density, color and manufacturing method. The characteristics of non-woven material are selected individually to suit the needs of the farmer.


A covering fabric made of polypropylene fibers is created using special equipment. Durable and wear-resistant coating is not afraid of ultraviolet radiation, precipitation and temperature changes. Raw materials are used both in open ground and in greenhouses. Weed spunbond with a density of 50 g/m2 inhibits the growth of harmful vegetation and protects against frost. In regions with cold climates, an option from 60 to 80 g is suitable.

Two-layer covering material is used as mulch and protection from negative weather conditions. The light layer neutralizes excessive exposure to the sun and prevents the plantings from overheating. The lower tier suppresses the development of weeds. Reinforced models with increased strength can be used to create paths in the garden.

The thinner the raw material, the better the breathability.

White fiber with a density of 17 to 40 g/m2 transmits light, maintains an optimal microclimate, and is therefore suitable only for arranging greenhouses. Spunbond is not afraid of temperature fluctuations ranging from +100 to -50 °C. Weed control products do not react with chemicals and do not release toxins.


Non-woven covering material is made from polyester fibers. Using thermal bonding, the threads are woven into fabric. The resulting fabric is very strong and allows air to pass through well. Weed control geotextiles are popular due to:

  • low cost;
  • durability;
  • clear installation;
  • versatility.


The products of the Russian company Ayask are almost no different from spunbond in terms of quality and areas of use. Ultraviolet stabilizers protect agrofabric from sunlight. Inexpensive covering material is used when cultivating garden strawberries, strawberries and berry plants. Wear-resistant agrospan can be left for the winter, but it shows the best results when fighting harmful grasses.


The well-known Russian brand offers several types of popular raw materials. The yellow version is used to kill insects on nightshade crops. The use of black geotextile against weeds makes it easier to care for strawberries: during the season, high temperatures do not burn the berries, and soil dirt after watering does not stain the crop.

The perforated surface makes the farmer’s work easier and eliminates the need to manually cut holes for plants. The covering material from the roll does not deform due to temperature changes and suppresses the formation of pathogenic bacteria. It is rolled out on the site and seedlings are placed in the holes.


Fabric with high air permeability is used to control weeds. Crops do not suffer in the heat and do not freeze in cold weather. Agril protects the soil from crusting and erosion. If you install it correctly on the site, the plants will produce an early harvest. The transparent type has a density of 17 and 40 g/m2, transmits sunlight and is used in greenhouses.

The characteristics of the black covering material are 50 g/m2, so it is suitable for controlling weeds on the site. If you mulch strawberries and vegetables with a cloth, the biological processes in the soil are not interrupted. Oxygen enters the root system, and the humidity level is not disturbed.


Soft corrugated film is available for sale in several colors. Agrofibre converts the sun's rays, leaving only those necessary for plant development, especially in cloudy weather. Reflective properties are suitable for covering cucumbers and strawberries, eliminate dangerous overheating and freezing, and accelerate the ripening of the crop. When equipping greenhouses, a summer resident can combine Lumitex with polyethylene.


German agrotextiles are produced in two types - spun and non-woven. The first option is used for greenhouses and row spacing, the second can be mulched. The structure of the canvas resembles a thin cobweb. The fabric is breathable, so condensation never forms underneath it. Produced in different density options - from 17 to 60 g/m2.

Black film

Inexpensive covering material is used for mulching beds, and reinforced material is used in landscape design. The product does not allow air to pass through well, so condensation may cause fungi and rot to appear under the layer. The dark upper tier gets very hot from the sun, which is contraindicated for seedlings. Black weed film helps suppress the development of harmful plants. To minimize the negative properties, you need to sprinkle straw on top of the structure.

Operating principle

It is necessary to cover the beds and flower beds with covering material. The fibers do not allow sunlight to pass through, which weeds need to thrive. The grasses try to make their way to the sun, become exhausted and die. A canvas is laid over the surface of the ground, and cuts are made in the places where plants are planted.

Modern options eliminate root rot and the occurrence of fungal diseases.

Advantages and disadvantages of application

Mulching beds with covering material is a useful procedure that will make it easier to grow vegetables, berries and flowers. A popular weed killer has advantages over manual loosening:

  1. Protection from a negative environment. Young plants do not suffer from a lack of moisture or nutrition, and do not die from excessive solar activity. The top soil layer is not compacted and is not destroyed by precipitation or irrigation.
  2. Optimal conditions for development. A natural microclimate is created under the film, encouraging crops to grow. Pathogenic bacteria do not take root.
  3. Easy to care for. The protection does not interfere with irrigation or the application of liquid fertilizers.
  4. Versatility. Covering material can be placed on a garden bed, covering the surfaces of a greenhouse, or laying out a garden path.
  5. Wear resistance. Agrofibre has a dense structure, so it retains its original appearance and quality for a long time. Manufacturers claim that the products can withstand from 7 to 12 seasons of active use.

If you install the weed cover incorrectly or violate the operating rules, you can harm the crops: condensation will begin to accumulate under the film, which, in the absence of light and air, will lead to the emergence of fungi and the death of the plantings.

Black canvases get very hot, so in hot climates it is imperative to protect gardening and vegetable gardens with mowed grass, wood chips or newspapers. The UV stabilizer layer is destroyed after 2 months of use.

What to look for when purchasing material

High-quality weed cover fabric is the key to the health and safety of cultivated plants. Experienced farmers do not recommend purchasing agrofibre without branded packaging. Often the user thinks that the film is called spunbond, lutrasil or lumitex. Under the guise of an expensive brand, there is a cheap fake that does not correspond to the declared properties.

The method of using raw materials depends on its characteristics. If the fabric has a density in the range of 17-30 g/m2, then the option is convenient for protection from the cold. Thickness 42 and 60 is suitable for both compact greenhouses and large greenhouses. Products with indicators of 60 and above suppress the development of weeds and protect crops from drought and low temperatures. The mark on the label “UV” indicates the presence of an ultraviolet stabilizer.

How to lay black weed film?

In order for agrofibre to help against harmful plants, you need to use it correctly. The covering cloth is placed in the spring on dry, debris-free soil. The black film must be spread over the entire surface of the protected area and secured around the entire perimeter with boards or stones.

The seedlings are planted in special slots made with a knife in the shape of the letter X. If the holes are large and the agricultural fabric is light, then the weeds will continue to develop. For the winter, the material is removed from the bed, washed and disinfected with fungicides.

How to water covered plants?

High-quality covering fabric allows water to pass through perfectly. Irrigation follows a standard scheme; the top layer is not removed before the procedure. To prevent the plants from rotting, check the humidity level in the cross-shaped hole before the event. Liquid fertilizers are carefully poured under the root.

Farmers often equip their plots with a drip irrigation system.

Storage Features

In order for the weed covering material to serve for the 7-12 years stated by the manufacturer, the raw materials must be stored correctly. For the winter, the canvas is removed from the bed, the remaining soil is washed off and treated with a fungicide solution. The agrofabric is dried on a clothesline and rolled into a roll without bending the surface. The product can be placed at the bottom of a special box.

Approximate prices for covering material

The cost of weed control products depends on the brand, density and width of the roll. Products from Russian manufacturers are an order of magnitude cheaper than their Western European counterparts. Black agrotex costs 55 rubles per meter, and green spunbond costs 40. The thicker the film, the more expensive it is. Thin transparent covering material is estimated at 15 rubles. / m, and with characteristics of 60 g / m2 - 47.

When purchasing weed control raw materials from an open package without a label, it is easy to get a fake. Verified trade organizations will provide a certificate.

If you buy products in bulk, you can save up to 20%. Rolls range from 150 to 300 m. Agrofibre is produced in width (in m):

Weed cover is a great way to ease the physical effort of maintaining your area. In order for crops to grow without problems, you need to choose and install the black film correctly. Agrofibre allows oxygen to pass through well, suppresses the development of harmful grasses and protects the soil from erosion. Vegetables and berries protected from a negative environment ripen faster.

It is necessary to protect cultivated plants that are grown in summer cottages and garden plots from various misfortunes. It became easier to do this when polyethylene film was invented, but the range of its uses is limited, and film does not always help to cope with all problems. Fortunately, the choice of covering material today is huge and varied. You just need to understand the properties in order to understand how and why it is better to use this or that material. We choose the best covering material against frost, pests, and weeds.

“Spunbond”, “Spantex”, “Agrospan”, “AgroSUF”, “Agrotex”, “Lutrasil”, “Lumitex”, “Agril” - if you have never heard of these names, then you do not have a summer house, and to grow plants you have no relationship. Gardeners know that under all these brands are “encrypted” the names of extremely useful and necessary materials in the household, which are made of propylene fiber and are non-woven covering materials. But for different purposes, materials of different properties and thickness are used.

Using non-woven polypropylene you can:

  • cover the berries in the spring;
  • build a greenhouse for vegetables;
  • protect roses from frost;
  • ensure that weeds do not take moisture and nutrients from plants;
  • save plants from pests.

Regardless of the brand and name, all propylene fiber materials are divided into four groups based on color and density.

  1. Easy.
  2. Medium density.
  3. Dense white.
  4. Dense black.

Each group has its own characteristics and purposes of application. But they all have similar unique qualities that inhibit the growth of weeds and help moisture and air penetrate to the roots of cultivated plants.

Materials and their properties


This is a brand, but among gardeners the name is already a household name. The material is named so because of the technology of the same name. This is a non-woven fabric that is durable and lightweight at the same time. It is environmentally acceptable and is not afraid of temperature changes or deformations. It can be either white or black, and in density - from 17 g/m² to 60 g/m².

White “spunbond” with a density of up to 30 g/m² protects plants from recurrent frosts in the spring and too much sun in the summer. They can cover not only seedlings, but also berry and ornamental shrubs, flowers, young trees, including to protect them from birds and insect pests.

White material of medium density - between 30 and 50 g/m² - is suitable for winter covering of absolutely all crops, both garden and ornamental. It can also be stretched onto a greenhouse or greenhouse frame with arcs.

Black “Spunbond” with a density of 50-60 g/m² is dark in color due to the presence of a UV stabilizer in its composition. It not only gives it a black color, but also greatly increases its service life and technical characteristics.

Not a single weed will survive under such cover, and garden plants will receive maximum heat and sun.


All “agrotex” and other names with “agro” belong to the category of agrofabrics, which are manufactured using technology that excludes the use of herbicides during their use. This results in environmentally friendly farming, which amateur gardeners and professional farmers are increasingly striving for today.

Agrofabrics can be used to limit the growth of weeds and to cover greenhouses. The density is approximately the same as that of Spunbond. The colors of the materials are white, grey, green and black.

Agrofabrics retain moisture evaporation from the soil, allow air to pass through and create a microclimate for the comfortable growth of vegetable and garden crops.


Traditionally used for frost protection, but can also perform all other functions of covering materials. Among gardeners it is considered the best - a little more expensive than Spunbond, but cheaper than Agrotex. In terms of properties it practically duplicates the first one. Density is divided into three categories - from 18 g/m² to 60 g/m². Color options – black and white.

Exactly the same as “Spunbond” is used:

  • for spring shelter of seedlings and seedlings - in a light white version (withstands temperatures down to -3°C);
  • for the construction of greenhouses and winter protective shelter - white of medium and high density (protects from frost at 6-7°C);
  • for weed control and mulching – medium and dense black.

Shading nets

They also belong to the category of covering materials, although the range of their use is quite narrow. They save plants from the burning effect of direct sunlight, and they are used both inside greenhouses and outdoors.

Another irreplaceable property of nets is protection from birds when growing berries and small fruits, which, without such shelter, birds collect much earlier than summer residents.

They are also made from light-stabilized polypropylene film, but, unlike non-woven materials, they have a mesh structure. May be white or dark green.


Nobody has canceled polyethylene film as a covering material, and today the industry produces many types of it with improved characteristics that help “compete” with nonwoven materials for areas of use.

The only serious drawback of the film is that it does not “breathe”. But the production method and the raw materials from which it is made make the film wear-resistant, durable and excellent heat saver.

Light stabilized

As the name suggests, this film contains a UV light stabilizer, which helps the polymer not decompose under the sun's rays. The more stabilizer added, the more stable the material and the longer its service life.

A dye can be added to the polymers, which varies the properties by changing the spectrum of rays that may or may not easily penetrate it.

One of the interesting new products for gardeners is double-sided black and white film. It is used in greenhouses where the white layer is the outer layer to remove excess heat (the white color serves as a heat reflector). The black side is on the bottom and protects against weeds, blocking their germination.


This type is characterized by increased strength, since the manufacturing technology includes several layers. Two layers - outer and inner - film. Between them there is a reinforcing mesh. UV stabilizers are usually present too. The service life of this material is much longer than that of all other types of film and non-woven materials.

It is best used to cover greenhouses. After reinforced film, not inferior to it in quality and wear resistance, only polycarbonate and glass come. But these are covering materials from a completely different price category.

About polycarbonate. It is difficult to imagine an effective greenhouse without this material. Although you cannot lay it on the ground (and therefore cannot protect plants from weeds with it), polycarbonate is also a covering material. It is reliable, transmits light well (up to 92%) and retains heat. A greenhouse made from it is much more durable than a film greenhouse.

Non-woven fabric or film – which is better?

There is no clear answer to this question, since the scope of application depends on the goals. Somewhere one material wins, somewhere else.

As for film, it has its “strengths”.

  1. Transmits light well.
  2. Accumulates heat.
  3. Creates a greenhouse effect.
  4. Protects against low temperatures.
  5. It is wear-resistant.

If you need to quickly warm the ground in the spring or create a greenhouse for seedlings, it is better to use film. If it is necessary to protect plants from overheating or slight cold snaps, non-woven material is better suited for protecting against pests, weeds, mulching and creating soft contact shelters.

Pest protection

In order to protect against above-ground pests, such as insects, it is best to use white non-woven material that is not of the highest density (the density will depend on how young and weak the sprouts are - light is used for small ones, denser for older seedlings).

You can cover the bed of unprotected soil with a white non-woven fabric immediately after sowing.

Experienced gardeners advise sewing bags of non-woven material individually for each head of cabbage. Thus, they will be reliably protected from all pests that encroach on the integrity of the leaves.

Weed control

Mulch prevents weeds from growing. The principle of limiting the growth and spread of weeds is simple - a dark shelter that does not allow sunlight to pass through, which is necessary for the growth of weeds. It can be thick black non-woven material or black film.

Mulching with agrofibre (geotextile against weeds and covering material for beds).

Due to the permeability of the covering material for beds, the agrofibre component, more favorable conditions are formed for air and water under this material:

  • the soil is not compacted
  • microorganisms are actively developing
  • earthworms
  • the soil warms up evenly.

Black geotextile, rarely called black vegetable garden film, is the most common option among mulching materials, sometimes it is used for construction purposes, for example, as drainage geotextile. Buy geotextiles for mulching and beds, use when cultivating both berries and vegetables that are planted in seedlings. Penetration of sunlight to the soil surface is excluded, so weeds have no chance in this case! The covering material is white, sometimes called “transparent film”, and is indispensable when growing cucumbers, zucchini, melons, corn and other crops that are sown in open ground with seeds.

After sowing, the plots are covered with film, and after germination, neat cuts are made above each plant. An excellent option for growing strawberries is spunbond, the “wrong” side of which is black and the outer side is white; the interaction of both covering materials combines the best effect. The color of the film must be chosen taking into account the characteristics of the cultivated plants. In general, the use of mulch allows you to use energy and time more efficiently, save on watering and prevent contamination of fruit and vegetable products with soil particles. It’s very easy to buy covering material for beds on the website ShchepaKora.rf!

All summer residents are trying to get rid of “uninvited guests” on their property by weeding their beds and flower beds. However, weeds do not give up and appear again and again.It is especially difficult to combat perennial weeds that reproduce by rhizomes, creeping shoots or multi-layered root suckers.

Previously, such “infection” was removed from the site using black plastic film, cardboard sheets, old floor coverings and other materials that did not allow sunlight to pass through.

Now manufacturers of goods intended for gardening are offering summer residents the use of non-woven weed covering material that is capable of allowing air and water to pass through, but blocking the sun's rays.

Types of non-woven covering materials Non-woven materials are produced not only to control weeds, but also to protect plants from return frosts and excessively scorching rays of the sun. Therefore, when choosing a material, you must pay attention to the manufacturer’s recommendations. Weed covering material is sold on the market under different names, such as -

  • "Agril";
  • "Spunbond";
  • "Lutrasil";
  • "Agril";
  • "Agrotex";
  • "Lumitex";
  • "Agrospan" and others.

Regardless of the name, manufacturers divide all non-woven covering materials into four groups:

  1. easy;
  2. average;
  3. white dense;
  4. black dense.

Each group is endowed with a certain set of properties and characteristics that influence the way this covering fabric is used.

For example, light, low-density canvases are used to cover beds to protect seedlings from frost. Growing seedlings lift weightless material with their tops, while remaining under reliable shelter from unfavorable climate conditions.

Non-woven fabrics from the fourth group, which have the highest density and are black in color, help in the fight against weeds. Thanks to its dark color, the material retains sunlight, while perfectly accumulating heat. The listed properties determine the main purpose of using non-woven material, which is to mulch beds.

How to use covering material?

Mulching agrofibre refers to non-woven polypropylene materials that do not cause any harm to cultivated plants, animals or people. At the same time, agrofibre does not give any chance to weeds, which die from the lack of light, trying to break through the dense material.

The density of mulching covering materials is 50-60 grams per square meter. Scheme for using non-woven weed covering material. Cultivated plants are planted in holes made with a sharp peg. Weeds die because they don't have access to sunlight.

The method of application is as follows:

black agrofibre is spread on the soil that has dried out after winter and prepared for planting, to prevent weeds from sprouting over the entire area of ​​the bed; seedlings are planted in cross-shaped slits made in the covering fabric with a sharp peg or cutting object.

Black agrofibre or two-tone material?

Amateur gardeners, as well as farmers who grow fruits and vegetables on a large scale, are freed from the need to purchase and use herbicides against weeds. They also don’t have to spend time at their summer cottages with hoes, spending a lot of physical effort and time on weeding. There are simply no weeds.

Only useful crops grow in even rows. In addition, the fruits remain clean after rains, since they do not come into contact with the ground. Strawberries grown on beds covered with agrofibre can be harvested immediately after rain. The berries lie on a dry cloth and have an excellent presentation. They can be served on the table, lightly rinsed from dust, or taken to the market for sale.

Using black mulching agrofibre, you can achieve earlier ripening of the crop. It is possible to reduce the growing time of crops to two weeks by early warming up the soil under cover. The use of mulching agrofibre eliminates a large amount of work on caring for plantings in the garden, since there is no need to weed the beds

An interesting new product has appeared in the range of covering materials -

two-color mulching agrofibre,

superior in functionality to conventional black canvases. The manufacturer has improved the product by combining two thin layers of white and black.

As a result, the covering material is black on one side and white on the other. The dark side of the canvas is laid on the ground, and the light surface is on top and reflects sunlight that falls on plants and fruits from below, accelerating their growth and ripening.

Important! The white surface of the mulching two-color agrofibre prevents the root system from overheating, which affects the growth rate of crops grown on the site and the uniformity of fruit ripening.

Agrofibre or film: which is more profitable?

Most farmers and amateur gardeners continue to use black plastic film to control weeds the old fashioned way.

However, it is more profitable to use mulching agrofibre, since this material:

  1. perfectly passes water, so watering can be organized by overhead irrigation;
  2. allows you to easily apply water-soluble fertilizers, which, passing through the canvas, are completely absorbed by plants;
  3. under the agrofibre, which allows air to pass through, mold and rot do not form, which cannot be said about plastic film;
  4. does not create a favorable environment for the development of pathogenic microbes that inhibit the root system of plants;
  5. protects the soil from drying out, due to which the top layer of soil does not compact and, therefore, does not need to be loosened;
  6. prevents the growth of weeds between rows, reducing labor costs.

Most modern mulching materials are designed to last from one to three years or more. When growing strawberries or wild strawberries, this is beneficial, since after a certain period of time the plantings need to be updated.

At this moment, the covering material also changes, because the resource of the old canvas is completely exhausted. The service life of the covering fabric depends on the presence of a UV stabilizer in its composition, which protects the non-woven material from the destructive effects of ultraviolet radiation.

Mulching the soil with black non-woven materials allows you to grow tomatoes in your garden plot without much hassle or physical effort

The use of non-woven material when constructing paths

To ensure that paths laid throughout the garden always have a neat appearance, it is necessary to use mulching covering material.

This canvas will prevent weeds from growing between the individual elements of the path. Since non-woven fabric is capable of transmitting water, you will not find puddles on the path after rain. All moisture will be absorbed into the soil, passing through the mulching material. After excavating the soil, the bottom of the trench is leveled and compacted. Then they spread spunbond, agrospan or another inexpensive type of covering material, covering it with crushed stone, bark, expanded clay, decorative stone or simple gravel. The trunk circles of fruit trees are decorated in a similar way.

Correct design of the trunk circle of a fruit tree. To prevent grass from breaking through from under the layer of crushed stone, you must use mulching non-woven material

Wherever there is a possibility of unwanted grass sprouting, it is necessary to lay a black non-woven covering material. This will solve the problem of weeds once and for all. Proper use of non-woven covering fabrics increases the attractiveness of the site.(With)