home · Measurements · Elizabeth interpretation of the name. Let's consider what the meaning of the name Elizabeth is, what the likely character of the girl will be and what fate has in store

Elizabeth interpretation of the name. Let's consider what the meaning of the name Elizabeth is, what the likely character of the girl will be and what fate has in store

The history of the name Elizabeth has a Hebrew origin and is translated as - honoring God or my God - oath. This name is also popular in England and Russia. In Europe, this name is common among royalty. In Asia, a popular derivative of the name is Elzira.

Other short forms of the name: Alice, Veta, Lisa, Elisha, Ela, Beth.

  • The planet patronizing Elizabeth is Proserpina;
  • Zodiac sign – Virgo;
  • Tree and flower that restores strength and positive energy - lilac;
  • The color that attracts luck and prosperity is soft pink, lilac;
  • The amulet stone is amethyst.

According to the Orthodox calendar, Elizabeth has an angel day: May 1 - in honor of the healer Elizabeth. The nun led a righteous lifestyle, was engaged in education and was revered as a miracle worker; September 18 is the day of St. Elizabeth, mother of John the Baptist.

How does Elizabeth's childhood and youth pass - habits and characteristics

Lizonka is a very playful and funny child. She is very curious and always takes a direct part in everything. But you can easily sit her down and captivate her with a fairy tale. She will listen calmly, look at pictures, or try to read on her own.

Teenager Lisa is always positive, kind and friendly to others. She has many friends who appreciate communicating with her. Her school years are active, she loves to attend various sports sections and clubs, but is not seriously interested in anything. A girl is capable of studying well, provided that she is fascinated by the subject and its teacher.

In high school, she becomes more serious and purposeful, taking an active position in achieving her goals. She is very logical in her own judgments, independent in her conclusions, and prone to exact sciences. But at the same time, Lisa has a great sense of humor, quickly finds a common language with new people and strives to be the life of the party.

She is generous and ready to give her last for the happiness of her loved ones. But if someone undeservedly tries to appropriate her property and financial resources, she will have no equal in the fight. Lisa is used to defending justice and her interests.

Adolescence is difficult for Lizaveta; she becomes more touchy, proud, and sometimes selfish. Obsessed with a reckless idea, she may inadequately assess her capabilities and commit a rash act. This will be one of the ways to attract attention.

This girl becomes more self-critical and at times unsure of herself. She desperately wants to be among the best and take a leading position. Making high demands on herself, Lisa may begin to exhaust herself with strict diets and intense training. With age, the complexes will pass, and the girl will successfully achieve what she wants.

Elizabeth's student years are spent surrounded by admirers. She enjoys great success among her peers, creating a small kingdom of her fans around her. The suitors are ready to fulfill any of her wishes until the moment when the hope of possessing her heart fades away.

Disappointed in her subjects, Lisa can dramatically change her life plans: change the specialty she studied in, transfer to another educational institution, or leave a guy hoping for a serious relationship.

Family, career, health – what fate awaits adult Elizabeth

In her mature years, Lizonka becomes calmer and more restrained, she knows how to control her emotions, appear meek and generous. But behind this appearance there is still an impulsive, proud and pragmatic nature hidden. If she needs to influence a profitable situation, she can seem stupid and inexperienced. If she is ordered to do something that she does not want at all, there will be no refusal from the cunning young lady. She will simply pretend that she does not understand the request.

Elizaveta is an intelligent, observant and purposeful person; it is important for her to realize herself in her profession. It is important for her to know the final result of her work and the amount of remuneration. Any field of activity will be acceptable to her if she herself finds it interesting and necessary.

Lisa can become a successful manager or owner of her own business, but only if in childhood her parents taught her to work, respect the work of others, and be responsible for her actions.

One should not expect innovative ideas and proposals from Elizabeth; she is not inclined to dream and fantasize. It is important for her to live here and now, without a long-term plan for the future. By demonstrating her professionalism, she easily achieves high social status and becomes very much in demand.

Lisa has an ambiguous attitude towards money. She can easily spend her high fees on an expensive item or trip. But sometimes her extravagance suddenly changes to frugality and prudence. She begins to save and put aside funds for something more substantial.

Family and health

Elizabeth's personal life is always active. She easily meets young people and can quickly get married. But the first marriage will not be meaningful and long. Having gained experience and wisdom, she is ready to try her luck a second time. And this time everything turns out well.

In her second marriage, Lizonka finds her family happiness. She easily manages all household duties, although she does not feel love for them. Her hospitality and cheerful disposition attracts many friends, girlfriends and relatives. But the main thing in life for Lisa remains her husband and children.

This experienced person views sex as a way to relax and have fun. But a spiritual connection with a man is very important to her; this is the only way she can completely trust him and relax. Such a woman will always be faithful to her loved one, and after his death she will live out her years alone, no longer thinking about marriage.

Elizabeth will create a favorable union with a man named:,. Serious relationships with Valentin, Leonid, Victor, Rodion, Stanislav should be avoided.

Elizabeth's health will periodically fail. In her early years, she often suffered from colds, flu, and viral infections. In adulthood, she is susceptible to exacerbation of diseases transmitted from the mother.

Lisa, born in the winter months, has a predisposition to injuries, as she is very energetic, active and impulsive. She loves speed, preferring to drive in person. Parents should also stop a girl’s extreme hobbies during adolescence.

You should be attentive to gastrointestinal disorders and metabolism. The birth of your first child can also seem like a great challenge, as there will be a difficult birth. But the second time motherhood will be enjoyable and very prosperous. Old age can remind you of itself with deteriorating vision and hearing.

Famous personalities with the name Elizabeth

  • Empress Elizabeth is the daughter of Peter the Great;
  • Elizabeth the First - Queen of England, daughter of Henry the Eighth;
  • Elizabeth of Bavaria - Empress of Austria;
  • Elizaveta Vorontsova - court maid of honor, mistress of Emperor Peter the Third;
  • Liza Minnelli - legendary singer and actress;
  • Elizaveta Kulman - polyglot - translator, spoke 11 foreign languages, poetess;
  • Elizaveta Bykova - Russian world chess champion;
  • Elizaveta Boyarskaya is the daughter of Mikhail Boyarsky, a talented film and theater actress;

  • Lisa Presley is the daughter of Elvis Presley, an American singer and actress.
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The name Elizabeth came into Russian from ancient Judea, where it sounded like Elisheva. Translated, the name sounds like God-honoring or God's oath. In former times, this name was considered royal and was given only to girls from noble families. Despite its euphony, the name is not common these days.

Among celebrities there are many owners of this effective and dynamic, but at the same time subtle and sensual name, which, like an arrow, pierces the air and rushes to the goal. For example, Elizaveta Petrovna Romanova is the Russian Empress, Elizaveta Bykova is the world chess champion, Elizabeth Taylor is a famous actress, Elizaveta Gnesina is a pianist and teacher, the founder of a famous music school. Several generations of English queens were also called Elizabeth.

Name days and patron saints of Elizabeth

Abbess Elizaveta (Elizaveta) of Constantinople led a righteous monastic life in a remote monastery. For her humility and true faith, God gave her the ability to treat physical and mental illnesses of a person.

The granted power did not in any way affect her righteous lifestyle - the abbess still remained a modest and unassuming nun, strictly observing all fasts.

All her life, Elizabeth of Constantinople helped people unselfishly and devotedly. Saint Elizabeth did not lose her ability to heal even after death - those who wish to be healed of blindness still pray to her miraculous icon.

All Elizabeths have many other patrons, among whom the most famous are Elizabeth of Adrianople and Holy Righteous Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist.

Elizabeth celebrates her name day on May 1 and 7, July 18, September 5, 15 and 18, October 21 and 31, November 4 and 14, and December 31.

Characteristics of the name Elizabeth

Throughout the history of mankind, many royal persons have been named Elizabeth, and such commitment to the world of the elect primarily affects the character of the bearer of this royal name.

Elizabeth is an ambitious, capricious and domineering person whose favorite word is “no!” She knows how and loves to command, has a great understanding of people and deftly adapts to any circumstances to her advantage.

All interlocutors need to remember that Lisa is a smart and cunning fox who has the gift of manipulating people. She doesn’t act blindly, she doesn’t need it, she can achieve everything with cunning and intrigue. Lisa has a deceptively meek appearance that cannot be trusted.

Lisa knows how to be a hypocrite, say things that are not what she really thinks, and do things that are not what she says. She is completely resistant to the influence of others and never loses her presence of mind. Elizabeth knows her worth very well, is very smart and ambitious. Lisa has an analytical mind - she knows how to observe, wait, and think ahead.

Elizabeth can be called an emotional person, but she knows how to control herself, so a false impression may be created that she is a balanced and pragmatic person. In fact, this is far from the case. She flares up quickly, but also calms down quickly. Lisa has a great sense of humor, she looks good, doesn’t raise her voice or make trouble, so she knows how to make a pleasant impression.

Elizabeth always tries to be among the first and absolutely does not know how to lose. She is often indifferent to other people's opinions and the feelings of others, she is absolutely categorical in her judgments. Elizabeth always wears an invisible crown, she knows how to command delicately, so that no one will notice. If she fails to achieve slavish obedience from those around her with smiles and intrigue, she can change her life overnight - change her place of residence, profession and even her life partner.

Elizabeth always has an active life position, she knows how to achieve her goals. Elizabeth's perseverance and determination may give way to a stronger personality. Lisa can easily shift the blame for her misdeeds onto someone else; she generally lacks responsibility.

Somewhere deep down in her soul, Lisa is kind and sympathetic, but these qualities of hers are revealed only to those closest to her. But her gentleness and kindness can easily give way to cruelty and misunderstanding if Elizabeth can benefit from it. Despite obvious leadership inclinations, Elizabeth is not at all alien to gentleness and responsiveness, but not to her own detriment.

Elizabeth in childhood

When choosing the name Elizabeth for their newborn daughter, parents should be prepared for the fact that she will grow up to be a little robber who will demonstrate leadership qualities from early childhood. With a radiant smile and a cheerful disposition, the little hooligan will get away with anything.

During her school years, Lisa will be hindered from studying well by catastrophic restlessness and inability to concentrate on one thing. Teachers will have to make a lot of efforts to interest the girl in studying. Logicality and a penchant for analysis are her strong point; exact sciences are easy for her.

The girl gets along well with her peers and usually has a wide circle of friends. Lisa can be a devoted friend - she will carry this quality throughout her life. But there will be problems with discipline - the girl categorically does not like to obey strict school rules.

Young Elizabeth has many friends and admirers, she makes a good impression on those around her. Lisa loves to attract attention, especially as a teenager. She wants to please everyone, loves bright clothes and noisy parties.

Parents need to do everything so that the desire to rule and command does not turn the girl into a complete intriguer, and excessive pride and selfishness do not become an obstacle to achieving life goals.

Elizabeth's health

Little Lisa is prone to viral and colds, she has a weak immune system, so parents should not rush to send their child to a nursery. An active, restless girl is prone to injuries; this tendency will continue into adulthood.

From her mother, Elizabeth will inherit a predisposition to metabolic disorders, so Lisa will have to fight excess weight all her life and monitor proper nutrition.

Many Elizabeths have impaired vestibular apparatus - they get motion sickness in transport. With old age, vision can sharply deteriorate and varicose veins develop.

Lisa has an unstable nervous system, she is overly suspicious - hence the predisposition to neurasthenia and neuroses. Often, Elizabeth’s health depends on her successes in life: if everything is good in her life, then Lisa’s health is excellent. She feels intuitively what needs to be done to maintain physical and mental balance.

Elizabeth in marriage, compatibility with male names

The most important thing in Elizabeth's life is her family. She will always strive to find peace and tranquility in the family, the rest fades into the background for her. Lisa belongs to the category of women for whom family will always be more important than career.

Lisa likes well-mannered, intelligent, well-read men, but she is not attracted to impudent and overly assertive suitors. An inexperienced woman can make her choice guided by emotions and passion, which is why Elizabeth’s first marriage is often unsuccessful.

Lisa knows how to work on mistakes, and the second marriage will most likely be successful. She will be able to create an atmosphere of love and understanding in the family; in her home, all family members will rest their souls. Elizabeth knows how to leave all work problems behind the walls of the house.

Lisa is a true one-woman lover, and will demand absolute fidelity from her husband, but she will be able to forgive betrayal if she does not lose anything. She will always be able to understand her man and find the right form of communication with him. The main thing for Lisa is emotional relationships. There will be no place for Mexican passions in her family, but there will be a place for partnerships. In family life, financial well-being and a peaceful atmosphere will always be more important for Lisa than the manifestation of feelings.

Lisa will gladly take on household chores and will cope with them playfully. Her home will always be open to guests, but if there is a choice between friends and family, she will always choose family.

A successful marriage is possible with men named Alexander, Andrey, Vladimir, Grigory, Ivan, Mikhail, Seraphim and Yaroslav. An alliance with Victor, Valentin, Leonid, Leo, Stanislav and Rodion should be avoided.

Elizabeth's sexuality

Lisa is a woman of lax moral rules who truly loves sex. Sex for her is one of the main sources of pleasure, and she enjoys it. Lisa does not feel any embarrassment, she can talk openly about sex, discuss intimate details, desires and preferences.

Her partner should be gentle, soft, sensual and experienced - only in this case will Lisa be able to completely liberate herself. A woman attaches particular importance to love caresses.

A woman can easily lure a man she likes into her network without him even realizing that he has become a target. Coquetry and flirting are a kind of way for Lisa to relax and satisfy her thirst for power.

In general, Lisa is not vulgar, but a liberated girl who easily starts relationships and just as easily refuses them.

Business and career

Lisa is a lively and temperamental woman, not without ambition, but, oddly enough, she does not strive for a leadership position. The most optimal schedule for her would be a short working day - this will allow her to devote more time to her family. This can be monotonous and monotonous work, which Lisa can handle perfectly, or work with a flexible schedule.

Adequate remuneration will also be a priority when choosing a profession. Elizabeth loves money, and for the sake of it she is ready to work tirelessly.

Since childhood, Lisa has a good command of speech, pays attention to manners and upbringing, and knows how to manipulate people’s minds, so she can become a good teacher, tutor, journalist or radio host.

She will make an unsurpassed psychologist who will be able to find the key to any person. She can also easily cope with work related to technology, new technologies or electronics.

If Lisa has been taught to work and discipline since childhood, she is able to reach career heights. It is better for her to start her own business with an experienced partner, since, despite her efforts, Lisa does not know how to separate the main from the secondary and pays too much attention to the little things. Elizabeth's imagination is slightly inferior to her intellect, although her moral principles quite allow her to pass off other people's successful ideas as her own.

Talismans for Elizabeth

  • Patron planet - Jupiter.
  • Patronizing zodiac signs are Virgo and Aquarius.
  • A good time of year is summer, a good day of the week is Wednesday.
  • Lucky colors are lilac, orange, green and blue.
  • Totem animals are waxwing and fox. The waxwing is identified with luck and joy, and the fox symbolizes deceit and cunning - qualities inherent in all Elizabeths. The fox is also considered a symbol of sexuality and passion.
  • Totem plants - lilac and oleander. Lilac is a symbol of sadness and unfulfilled hopes, and oleander is considered an inspiration for noble deeds; it is able to neutralize negative emotions and irritation.
  • The talisman stone is amethyst, considered a symbol of goodness, sincerity and sincerity. Amethyst will help Elizabeth calm anxiety, find inner harmony, maintain health and bestow love.

Horoscope for Elizabeth

Aries- an uninhibited and active person who loves risk and novelty. Her initiative is inferior to her intelligence, so Elizabeth-Aries often finds herself in an awkward situation. An adventurer by nature, she enjoys great success with men, but a woman prefers an open relationship without obligations.

Taurus- a prudent careerist who knows how to keep her emotions under control. She is able to cope with any painstaking or monotonous work that requires extreme concentration. But Lisa greatly lacks coquetry and femininity, which negatively affects relationships with the opposite sex. A woman will become a devoted and caring wife to her chosen one.

Twins- absurd and emotional Elizabeth, who rushes into any adventure without hesitation. She is irresponsible and frivolous, and can, without a twinge of conscience, shift responsibility and blame onto the shoulders of others. She easily seduces a man and just as easily leaves him, and marriage cannot correct her character.

Cancer- a soft and modest woman who avoids any responsibility in every possible way. She rarely makes independent decisions; the opinions of others are very important to her. He easily falls under the influence of a strong personality, which many take advantage of. Because of her weak character, Lisa is often disappointed in men, although she really needs love and support. She needs a reliable man who will not hurt his woman.

a lion- a born leader whom everyone fears and respects. Her arguments are always convincing, and her actions are thought out and planned. She can become a real despot in the family, so she needs a strong man who will restrain and soften her tough character.

Virgo- calm, intelligent and well-mannered Lisa, but a little arrogant and cold. Men in her presence are slightly timid and feel constrained, which does not have a very good effect on their personal life. Such a woman cannot stand sentimentality and weakness, but she may be interested in an intelligent and educated man, impeccably polite and able to dress stylishly.

Scales- an erudite and talented woman with whom you can talk on any topic, and it will always be interesting. Elizabeth-Libra can achieve success in any field of activity without exception; any business will be argued in her hands. Men adore her, but Lisa is smart enough not to be fooled by cheap compliments.

Scorpion- an intelligent woman with a sparkling sense of humor. She knows how to find a way out of any sticky situation, her emotions are always under control. Unlike others, Elizabeth Lisa-Scorpio knows how to admit her mistakes and apologize. You can trust her to solve a difficult problem, since a woman will approach any task with maximum responsibility. It takes a long time to choose a man as a life partner - he must be a strong and strong-willed person.

Sagittarius- a strong-willed personality full of energy, categorical in his judgments. Doesn't like empty talk and procrastination. Clearly moves towards the set goal, acts quickly and confidently. He often makes mistakes because he does not like to analyze and plan. Lisa is a Sagittarius and falls in love quickly and often, but she doesn’t last long.

Capricorn- stubborn and assertive, always acts ahead. This is a real businesswoman, cold and calculating, to whom any emotions are alien. She seems arrogant and cold to those around her, which is why she has few friends and fans. Most often, Elizabeth-Capricorn spends her life in splendid isolation.

Aquarius- caring and hard-working Lisa, dreaming of true love. But she looks at life realistically and understands perfectly well that eternal love is found only in a fairy tale. Such melancholy often turns into prolonged depression, from which an ideal man can save you. It often happens that a woman spends her whole life waiting, but never waits for anyone.

Fish- a capricious and vain nature, for which there is only one correct opinion - her own. But at heart she is a vulnerable and trusting child who tries with all her might to create the opposite opinion about herself. She behaves defiantly and boldly with men, constantly provokes her chosen one and tests his sincerity.

Elizabeth is an ancient Hebrew name, derived from the name Elisheba, the meaning of which in translation is interpreted as “who worships God,” “my God is an oath,” “who conjures by God.” It has become widespread throughout the world, Russia is no exception.

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Virgo
  • Patron Planet: Verera
  • Talisman stone: amethyst
  • Color: blue
  • Plant: lilac
  • Animal: fox
  • Favorable day: Wednesday

Character traits

A name for a girl like Elizabeth literally sets the child up for action, dynamics, and change.

As a child, Lisa grows up restless, trying to be on time everywhere. Enrolls in all existing clubs and sections, participates in amateur performances and all school events, including theater and KVN. With age, Elizabeth's character becomes quite balanced; she does not succumb to bad influence. But behind her feigned softness lies a very smart and cunning person, who has more developed intellect than imagination. She has a remarkable sense of humor and knows how to become the center of the company, being open to communication and knowing how to make friends. This is facilitated by her honest and direct character, but the girl cannot be called a brawler.

Developed intuition allows her to easily choose friends and surroundings. Despite the fact that sometimes her intuitive feeling fails her, the girl can realistically assess the situation and her shortcomings. The secret of the name Elizabeth hides a nature that knows how to command, is dexterous, adapts well to life’s circumstances, and does not lose condescension and presence of mind.

Lisa's shortcomings are her ambitions, desires and desire to appear better than she really is. Therefore, a girl simply needs to have a person nearby who will stop her in time. Elizabeth may “explode” so much that she will forget about the existence of moral boundaries, which she will greatly regret later. Also, indecisiveness can be considered a character flaw - a woman chooses standard “moves”, fearing to be original and easily gives in to resistance and circumstances.

Interests and hobbies

Elizabeth loves to pay attention to “home” entertainment. In his free time, he can experiment in the kitchen with new recipes, knit or embroider, master hand-made crafts in order to decorate his home with personally decorated sets or silk paintings. Electronics and computers occupy an equally significant place in her life. During leisure hours, she can complete new levels of the game or communicate with a friend on Skype or on a social network.

Profession and business

Elizabeth always finishes everything she starts to the end, having learned a good habit: first find out what exactly she is working for, and only then start working. The girl is not afraid of monotonous and painstaking work, has a quick, excellent reaction, and the ability to notice even small circumstances. But the characteristics of the name do not give it a leading position in business. True, in a women's team she can try to become “at the helm.” And although her career is developing quite successfully, she has to work towards this for many years.

Elizaveta is interested in new technologies, but, as a rule, chooses such professions as investigator, teacher, radio and television presenter, administrator, manager, accountant.


The meaning of the name determines the state of the woman’s body: if she is successful, then her health is fine; if she has temporary difficulties in life, then it begins to fail. Elizabeth knows perfectly well what needs to be done to keep her physical and spiritual balance in order, but she rarely follows the recommendations. The weakest organ is the thyroid gland.

Sex and love

Elizabeth is quite sophisticated in sex, enjoys every minute of the love act and remembers all the partners with whom she managed to achieve harmony. She calmly discusses intimate issues, but does not tolerate rudeness or pressure. Both foreplay and the end of intimacy are important to her. If the process is trivial, then the woman may feel deeply disappointed.

As a rule, Elizabeth selects shy and timid partners, and having quickly figured out the person, she finds the optimal way to communicate with him. And although she does not look like a sexy beauty, during the process itself she opens up and blossoms, dissolving in her love. For this sincerity alone, one can love her in return.

Family and marriage

In her youth, Lisa throws herself into love, easily agreeing to a marriage that may not be entirely successful. Therefore, he goes into a second marriage completely deliberately. But he, too, is often unhappy, although the origin of these troubles does not come from Elizabeth. She strives with all her might to maintain peace and tranquility in the house and takes upon herself all the worries of the household. In any “situation”, a woman’s family comes first. She manages to create a truly ideal little world, where literally everything is imbued with comfort and homely warmth.

The owner of the name Elizabeth is always very hospitable, friendly with neighbors, and is a skilled housewife, although sometimes she is attacked by attacks of pettiness and pickiness.

Elizabeth Lisa Elizabeth

The name Elizabeth is of Hebrew origin. Translated, it means “God is my oath,” “honoring God.” From the Hebrew name אֱלִישֶׁ֫בַע (Elisheba) - “my God is an oath.” Varieties of the name Elizabeth: Lisa, Lizaveta, Elizabeth, Eliza, Lizzie, Isabel, Louise. And many derivatives of these names.

In Western Europe there is also the name Isabella (Isabel, Isabel), which is a form of the medieval Provençal name Elizabeth (Isabeu). These names were considered royal and were common among the highest circles of society. Eliza, Lisa, Louise, Veta are short forms of the name Elizaveta, but recently they have become independent names.

The story of Elizabeth, the daughter of the Russian prince Yaroslav I, is interesting. She was married in 1045 to the Hungarian king Harold the Bold. To win her hand, Harold had to work hard. He performed many glorious exploits in Greece, Africa, Sicily and Palestine, and composed 16 love songs. His attention and feelings were eventually appreciated, and the “Russian maiden” married the brave king.

The name Elizabeth turned out to be popular among European crowned persons. Elizabeth Tudor became Queen of England in 1558 and skillfully ruled the country for 45 years with virtually no parliamentary involvement (she convened parliament only 13 times during her entire reign). The era of Elizabeth became a brilliant period in the history of England. The country turned into a strong maritime power, economic growth began, and trade and industry made rapid progress. A powerful and energetic nature, Elizabeth valued her independence very much and avoided marriage. Thanks to her political instincts and great tact, she enjoyed exceptional popularity. With her death, the Tudor dynasty ended.

Many Elizabeths shone at court. The daughter of Peter I, Elizaveta Petrovna, may not have had the opportunity to take the Russian throne if she had waited her turn. But she made the daring decision to participate in the palace coup.

Pushkin included the poem “Beauty” in the album of Countess Elizaveta Zavadovskaya. The poem “To the Sea” reflects Pushkin’s passion for another Elizaveta - Vorontsova. The lines are dedicated to her: “...I was chained; My soul was torn in vain; enchanted by a powerful passion, I remained on the shores...” Afterwards, already in Mikhailovskoe, several beautiful poems were written, inspired by the separation from Elizaveta Vorontsova: “Burnt Letter”, “Keep me safe, my talisman...” (Pushkin took with him to Mikhailovskoe took away the talisman ring donated by Vorontsova) and “Desire for Glory.”

Patron planet of Elizabeth: Jupiter.

Favorable colors for the owner of the name Lisa: yellow-orange and also emerald green, symbolizing the mind.

Favorite color of Elizabeth (Liza): violet.

Lisa's talisman stone: amethyst.

From the history of the name Elizabeth

The Hebrew word Elisabeth means "Oath of my God."

The name Elizabeth was borne by two biblical women, one of whom was the wife of the high priest Aaron, the other the mother of John the Baptist.

Medieval legends contain information about Elizabeth of Thuringia, the daughter of the Hungarian king Andras II. After the death of her husband, Landgrave Ludwig, the twenty-two-year-old widow took up charitable activities: she founded hospitals and helped the poor. This remarkable woman, filled with the spirit of Christian charity, was canonized by Pope George IX after her death in 1231.

The book “The Vision of Elizabeth” was popular in medieval literature. The abbess of the monastery in Shenau, Elizabeth, saw the saints, the Mother of God, angels, talked with them and then wrote down her visions. These notes were collected, edited and published by her brother, the monk Ecbert.

There are numerous characters in works of fiction with the name Lisa. This is “Poor Liza” by Nikolai Karamzin, and Liza, deceived in her expectations, from Pushkin’s story “The Queen of Spades”, and Eliza Doolittle, the heroine of Bernard Shaw’s play “Pygmalion”. Karamzin’s “Poor Liza” practically began the era of secular literature in Russia. Contemporaries, together with the author, “shed tears of tender sorrow” when reading about the “deplorable fate” of the poor bride, abandoned by the treacherous Erast. The portrait of the Florentine Mona Lisa del Giocondo by Leonardo da Vinci became the ideal of femininity and beauty.

The meaning of the name Elizabeth (Liza)

In childhood Little Foxes are playful and nimble; the time when they are obedient can be counted in minutes. They are friendly, cheerful, easy to talk to, always surrounded by friends and will go to various handicraft clubs with them for company.

Already at an early age, Elizabeth acutely senses her individuality; she really wants to appear better than she really is. This desire pushes her to extravagant, unnecessary actions, which she soon regrets. With age, Lisa begins to feel that those around her somewhat underestimate her. She is a leader by nature, knows how to give orders, but does it diplomatically and unobtrusively.

The energy of the name Lisa endows its owner with breadth of soul and the desire to achieve a goal. Elizabeth's character does not allow her to rest and relax, but that is why many of her plans remain unrealized and turn into mirages. Elizabeth is not influenced by other people's thoughts and actions; she attracts the attention of others. Lizaveta’s positive quality is logic and a penchant for analysis. Elizabeth quite calmly adapts to various circumstances and does not lose her presence of mind in difficult situations. She is balanced and practically does not succumb to the influence of others. She is used to completing all her undertakings, and her excellent intuition helps her make the right decisions to achieve her goal.

Lisa is a good friend. However, she is unlikely to forgive you for betrayal. With Lisa you can always achieve a sincere, trusting relationship. The karma of the name is harmonious.

Symbols of Elizabeth in the natural world became oleander and fox bushes.

Lisa's birthday: September 18 (5) - Elizabeth the Righteous of Palestine, mother of St. John the Baptist.

Famous in Elizabethan history

The story of Elizabeth, the daughter of the Russian prince Yaroslav I, is interesting. She was married in 1045 to the Hungarian king Harold the Bold. To win her hand, Harold had to work hard. He performed many glorious exploits in Greece, Africa, Sicily and Palestine, and composed 16 love songs. His attention and feelings were eventually appreciated, and the “Russian maiden” married the brave king.

The name Elizabeth turned out to be popular among European crowned persons. Elizabeth Tudor became Queen of England in 1558 and skillfully ruled the country for 45 years with virtually no parliamentary involvement (she convened parliament only 13 times during her entire reign). The era of Elizabeth became a brilliant period in the history of England. The country turned into a strong maritime power, economic growth began, and trade and industry made rapid progress. A powerful and energetic nature, Elizabeth valued her independence very much and avoided marriage. Thanks to her political instincts and great tact, she enjoyed exceptional popularity. With her death, the Tudor dynasty ended.

Many Elizabeths shone at court. The daughter of Peter I, Elizaveta Petrovna, may not have had the opportunity to take the Russian throne if she had waited her turn. But she made the daring decision to participate in the palace coup.

Pushkin included the poem “Beauty” in the album of Countess Elizaveta Zavadovskaya. The poem “To the Sea” reflects Pushkin’s passion for another Elizabeth, Vorontsova. The lines are dedicated to her: “...I was chained; My soul was torn in vain; enchanted by a powerful passion, I remained on the shores...” Afterwards, already in Mikhailovskoe, several beautiful poems were written, inspired by the separation from Elizaveta Vorontsova: “Burnt Letter”, “Keep me safe, my talisman...” (Pushkin took with him to Mikhailovskoe took away the talisman ring donated by Vorontsova) and “Desire for Glory.”

Elizaveta Lavrovskaya is a soloist of the Mariinsky Theater in St. Petersburg, and she once gave Tchaikovsky the idea of ​​​​creating the opera “Eugene Onegin”.

Elizaveta Vorontsova-Dashkova is the granddaughter of Prince Mikhail Vorontsov, governor of the Caucasus. The first lady at the court of Alexander III, she married her cousin, who later also became the governor of the Caucasus. “He reigns, she rules,” contemporaries said about her. After the October Revolution, the princess was arrested and then emigrated to Germany.

Elizaveta Naryshkina (Kanovnitsyna) is the wife of the Decembrist Mikhail Naryshkin, who followed him into exile in Transbaikalia.

Elizaveta Gnessina is a pianist and teacher, founder of a music school.

Elizabeth has been Queen of Great Britain since 1952.

Elizabeth Taylor is a Hollywood star who played leading roles in the films “Cleopatra” and “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf.”