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Where is Tereshin? Kirill Tereshin is a freak, a synthol monster. Kirill Tereshin now

Kirill Tereshin took part in the filming of a video by Sultan Hurricane, the author of the famous hit “To the Disco,” which has received over one hundred million views on YouTube. This time Hurricane is preparing a video for the song “Bazooka”. The heroes of the video turned out to be unusual people.

Previously, those who had any defects from birth were called freaks. Today this is the name for everyone who is different from others and subjects their appearance to various changes, in other words, modifications. Thus, the new video for Sultan Hurricane stars Ilya Bomber, known for his tattooed eyes, a female bodybuilder who is so keen on bodybuilding that she looks less and less like a woman, former participant in “House 2” Rita Kern, famous for her very large breast size, and Kirill Tereshin, famous for his bazooka hands.

No one expected it, but during work Kirill became ill. As you know, in his hands is pumped synthol, which is a prohibited drug that makes itself felt from time to time. Tereshin’s health suddenly worsened and his temperature jumped. I had to call doctors. The arriving medical team diagnosed inflammation. It was possible to bring down the temperature only for a short time, but, of course, there was no talk of continuing filming. As a result, Kirill was forced to go home, and filming was postponed indefinitely. As it turned out later, this situation has been going on for several months; the owner of the bazooka hands went for a consultation with doctors in another city, who promised to remove the synthol, but common sense dictates that this is impossible. Synthol causes first fibrosis in the human body, then tissue necrosis, which entails amputation of the hands. This is the best case scenario. At worst, death occurs.

“I'm very upset. Of course, I did not expect such a turn of events. And it’s not even a matter of disruption of filming. In this video I wanted to show that people who experiment with their appearance need to stop and think. After all, in pursuit of beauty, a person can lose his life,” said Sultan Hurricane.

Kirill has had problems with his hands many times already. And last year turned out to be very difficult for the young man, even though he became famous throughout the country. At the end of the summer, Tereshin was abandoned by a girl, a former participant in “House 2” Olesya Malibu, to whom the guy even proposed.

“There will be no wedding! In short, Bazooka went to hell! He goes around insulting me in front of other women, in the hope that they will give it to him. I didn’t give it, of course. Naive, I don’t intend to let this happen! I’m not in the habit of chasing men!” – said Malibu.

Fans were upset that the young people broke up, but they hope that Olesya and Kirill will be able to forgive each other for their grievances and continue preparing for the wedding. But there are also those who initially did not believe in the seriousness of their relationship, and therefore expected just such an ending. Considering her behavior, Malibu does not suffer much from the fact that she broke up with her chosen one. But there is a possibility that she is specifically talking about her many fans in order to arouse Tereshin’s jealousy.

Since the concept of “metrosexual” appeared in the modern world, not only fashionistas from all countries and continents, but also the male half of humanity dream of achieving external attractiveness. Since ancient times, the key to a beautiful figure has been a balanced diet and regular physical activity. However, with the development of technical and scientific progress, the beauty industry has stepped far forward. At first, plastic surgery made it possible to get rid of excess weight without effort, but now cosmetology methods make it possible to model any part of the human body.

In order to achieve popularity and become famous on the Internet, it is not enough to just be attractive; you need to stand out clearly from your competitors. Kirill Tereshin chose an unusual way to attract public attention to his personality.

Childhood and youth

Kirill Tereshin was born into a simple Pyatigorsk family on August 6, 1996. Kirill became the only child in the family. The biography does not tell anything about his parents. It is known that the mother raised the boy without the help of her husband, that is, his father, and there was no male education as such in Cyril’s life.

Like most children, Kirill grew up a thin and unremarkable child. As a teenager, Tereshin did not enjoy much success with the opposite sex, which he blamed on his unremarkable appearance. Then the boy became interested in sports, and his main goal was an athletic figure - pumped up arms, chest and back.

He persistently attended the gym in Pyatigorsk, but the result was hardly noticeable, and the rate of muscle growth was too low, in his opinion. The young man was dissatisfied with the results of his training, and in the world of professional sports, the popularity of steroid hormones and other biologically active substances was growing, promising to achieve brilliant results without much effort.

However, the harm and danger of using steroid drugs by male athletes, which all the scientists in the world were repeating, stopped Kirill. The guy was looking for a more reliable and safe way to achieve an ideal figure. While studying information about new sports nutrition products, Kirill one day came across an article by German chemist Chris Clark about a previously unknown substance synthol (alternative name “Pump-n-poose”). The scientist spoke about the amazing effect of the substance and the complete absence of negative side effects.

In the mid-90s, synthol was used by professional athletes on the eve of serious competitions. The alternative name of the substance “Pump-n-pose” is translated from English as “pump up and pose (for the cameras)”; it itself hints that this substance was not created for sports, but for models who want to show off a beautiful body, not putting in extra effort.

Despite the general panic of modern society, this substance contains nothing dangerous to human health: its base is synthetic or natural fats and oils, benzene acts as a preservative, and lidocaine anesthetizes the injection site of the substance.

However, the producers of the original composition keep it strictly secret. Individual pharmaceutical corporations and experimental athletes have determined the approximate composition and ratio of components that determine the mechanism of action of the substance. Thus, it has been established that muscle growth does not occur when the drug is administered, but the muscle fibers are enveloped on the outside with an oil film, which leads to an increase in muscle volume. In addition, a focus of inflammation occurs at the injection site, which also leads to swelling and adds volume to the muscle.

Having obtained this information from open sources, Kirill Tereshin decided that he had finally found a way to solve all the problems. A young man who was careful at that time in experiments with his own body, Kirill made one injection into the triceps muscle of the shoulder. But the young man did not have time to monitor his body’s reaction - as part of the autumn conscription, Tereshin was drafted into the army.

During his military service, Kirill had health problems, and the young man decided to check the condition of his muscles at the same time. After a brief examination, the army doctor reported that the arm muscles were in perfect order, as was the body as a whole. It was then that Tereshin decided to connect his life with this drug.

Synthol jock

Considering the low quality of food in the army canteen, the already fragile guy returned home much thinner. If before leaving for service a young man had some kind of sports uniform, upon returning his muscles deflated and his body became completely fragile. Then Kirill, inspired by success, began to independently make miraculous injections for muscle growth, neglecting all safety rules and common sense.

In addition, the original drug is quite expensive, and the unemployed Kirill had absolutely no money. But the young man did not fall into despair and instead of synthol he used his own mixture of vegetable oils, benzyl alcohol and lidocaine, as recommended on the Internet.

Soon his arms were already 60 cm in diameter. For example, only some bodybuilders with a total body weight of about 140 kg have such a girth of biceps, and Kirill’s weight is slightly more than 60 kg with a height of 175 cm. Realizing the uniqueness of his experiment with his own body, Kirill decided to become an Internet star.

Kirill Tereshin calls himself "Bazooka Hands"

The young man began to post "Instagram" photos and videos of the results of synthol injections, but the result surprised him. Instead of hundreds of fans, the delight of girls and the envy of boys, Tereshin received a lot of criticism and even insults. The pseudo-athlete himself calls himself Bazooka Hands.

If initially Kirill said that he was his idol, now the young man’s main goal is to disfigure his body as much as possible, even despite the risk to his health. Now Kirill’s idol has become the same synthol muscleman from Brazil, Romario Dos Santos Alves. Tereshin explains the meaning of experiments on the body with the desire to get the maximum number of subscribers on social networks and live on passive income, never working.

Personal life

Kirill Tereshin actively publishes photos and videos on the Internet, but carefully avoids the topic of his personal life. According to media reports, the guy does not have a girlfriend, and he lives with his mother in a modest apartment in Pyatigorsk. Whether this is due to Kirill’s specific hobby and appearance, or whether he simply has not yet met his love, Tereshin does not say.

Kirill Tereshin now

Considering that Kirill Tereshin does not even use the original drug for his experiments with the body, but a substance he prepared with his own hands, doctors unanimously declare that the Instagram star will soon have to have his hands amputated. However, even the prospect of ending up in the hospital does not frighten the young man - he continues the injections and plans to “pump up” his chest and back using the same method in the future.

One cannot deny the fact that Kirill’s non-standard method of modifying his body brought him popularity. Nowadays they don’t just write about Tereshin on the Internet, he is invited to appear on television. In December 2017, the Rossiya 1 TV channel broadcast a live broadcast of the program “Let Them Talk,” with Kirill as an invited guest. In the studio, Kirill told TV viewers that he considers this method of body transformation to be absolutely safe, but the most reliable and fastest, and most importantly, effortless. As for public criticism, Tereshin is sure that those around him are simply jealous.

The young man’s plans for the future are to decorate his body with tattoos, get a forked tongue and a tattoo of eyeballs. The specific coloring of the muscles of Kirill’s shoulder girdle, indicating the course of the inflammatory process, as well as periodic pain in the muscles do not stop the young man. In the near future, Kirill, according to him, would like to star in a porn film, but definitely in a female society. He once already received such an offer from an American director, but refused, despite a fee of 350 thousand dollars. The reason for the refusal was the complexes of a pseudo-athlete.

Sintolist Kirill Tereshin, what’s wrong with him now? Recent events.

The famous synthol muscleman from Pyatigorsk, Kirill Tereshin, seems to have finished his game - the guy has been complaining to fans about health problems for several days and is even mentally saying goodbye to life. What happens to the sinthol worker from Pyatigorsk?

Tereshin stated that he “pumped up” his hands exclusively with subcutaneous injections of Synthol oil. This drug has been known in bodybuilding since the early 90s: the oil penetrates between the bundles of muscle tissue, hardens and visually swells the muscle.

The blogger called his biceps “bazooka arms” - almost immediately the name became an Internet meme. He said that he had been injecting synthol into bazookas for about two months. After the injections, his temperature rose and his hands became swollen. Tereshin called this a temporary reaction, and argued that synthol is harmless.

By the way, the guy doesn’t particularly care about the opinions of others. On the contrary, Kirill tied his “achievements” to the number of subscribers on his channel - as soon as the required number is reached, he intends to proceed to other parts of his body and thus build up “all the muscles with minimal physical activity.”

He experienced terrible pain, his body temperature jumped to 40 degrees, but the freak did not give up. “My friends injected children’s doses, 5-10 milliliters. Then they said that there was no progress, but their hands hurt. And they gave up. You see, synthol is for the desperate. I’m desperate,” Kirill said in one of the broadcasts.

Channel Five previously reported that, despite the danger of amputation of both hands due to the aforementioned substance, Tereshin ignored the warnings of doctors and regularly boasted of “bazooka hands” on TV shows and online, having managed to become an Internet meme.

Will the Brazilian manage to dissuade the Russian from taking new synthol injections? Watch this week in the “Live” program on the “Russia” channel.

His version was protested by doctors. On Andrei Malakhov’s TV program, doctors conducted a “bazooka hand” examination. It turned out that synthol provoked the occurrence of abscesses - inflammatory processes inside muscle tissue. Also, the oil, as it hardened, impeded blood supply.

The most radical experts predicted a quick operation for the bazooka hands. Kirill Tereshin responded by saying that he felt fine and did not trust the doctors.

Synthesizer Kirill Tereshin, latest news 05/07/2019: bazooka arms, the largest biceps in the world, photo, where did he disappear to. Latest information as of 05/07/2019

Despite the lack of confirmation, news about Kirill Tereshin’s operation was published by a number of leading media outlets. It should be noted that in the past, Kirill Tereshin himself initiated information leaks that the “bazooka hands” had been removed. So, in early December, he posted a photo where his biceps were bandaged. “Hana bazooka. They deleted it along with Instagram,” the blogger signed his post.

Earlier, Tereshin already informed fans that he had lost the legendary “bazookas” on his page on the social network. Tereshin attached a photo of his hands wrapped in towels and bags to the message. It later turned out that the information was false, and he deleted the photo.

“The synthol was sucked out of the bazooka arms, and implants were inserted instead, also in the legs (no joke). Kirill’s agent asked us for 30k rubles for information. Of course, we will use this money differently,” the message from the telegram channel says.

Experts who paid attention to the photographs noticed characteristic spots on the Russian’s hands - heavy bruises and bruises. Considering that, by Kirill’s own admission, his body temperature rises to 40 degrees, there is every reason to believe that “Mr. Synthol” could already cause irreparable harm to the body. According to experts, such an external manifestation indicates a circulatory disorder, which can immediately cause a number of serious problems, as well as possible rapid suppuration in the hands - in this case, surgical intervention, even amputation of the hands, cannot be ruled out.

Santos met with the owner of the bazooka arms and convinced him of the dangers of synthol injections. Brazilian told Tereshin about implants, which are safer and allow you to maintain the same muscle volumes. After this, the Russian blogger decided to pump out the synthol and replace it with implants - this is the most popular version explaining why the “bazooka hands” ended up on the operating table. Tereshin has not yet confirmed it either.

As it turned out, men will take part in one of the episodes of the program “Andrey Malakhov. Live". The TV presenter decided to show what is usually hidden from the eyes of the audience. But his blog subscribers have unique the opportunity to find out the most interesting details that remained behind the scenes.

At the same time, the Mash telegram channel stated that Tereshin was pumped out of oil-synthol from his biceps, and in return they installed implants so that the muscles did not lose their volume. In addition, the author of the channel claims that Kirill Tereshin inserted similar implants into the leg muscles.

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Despite the danger of amputation of both arms due to the aforementioned substance, Tereshin ignored the warnings of doctors, and regularly boasted of “bazooka hands” on TV shows and online, managing to become an Internet meme.

Sintolist Kirill Tereshin, who is he and what does he do? Detailed information. Urgent news.

Kirill “Bazooka Hands” Tereshin is experimenting with his appearance again. This is not the first time the guy decided to try something new and as feminine as possible. If earlier the “Synthol Jock” just walked around with bright makeup and extended nails, now he has completely turned into a blonde.

If we return to Kirill Tereshin, it is obvious that the guy will really go to the end. There are two options: either compulsory treatment (it is very difficult to achieve), or an overdose of synthol and irreversible consequences.

Kirill Tereshin already stunned his fans once when he said that “his bazooka is Khan,” but then he denied the information that he removed six liters of synthol that were pumped into his biceps.

Syntholist Kirill Tereshin why does he need this. Urgent information. Fresh material as of 05/07/2019

According to Kirill, he has been eating dry cat food for three days now. Thus, the 21-year-old Pyatigorsk resident hopes to improve his physical performance, namely, gain muscle mass. Protein, according to Tereshin, is too expensive. The famous synthol specialist decided that Whiskas was a suitable and budget-friendly alternative that would help the guy achieve the desired result.

Before leaving for the army, the guy realized: he dreams of gaining a healthy body, and without a gym, sports nutrition and a strict regime. A solution was found instantly: Tereshin bought a bottle of synthol and injected the first injection into the triceps.

Game2Day recently talked about 21-year-old Russian Kirill Tereshin from Pyatigorsk, who, thanks to synthol pumped into his hands, became an Internet star. A guy who recently returned from the army appeared on the pages of major publications both in Russia and in the West, and Internet users were perplexed by the “stupidity” of a Russian who considers his actions safe for health and does not notice that his hands look unnatural, and the skin changed color.

Just for reference: synthol is a drug that consists of 85% oil. It is needed for local muscle growth, and its main advantage is that it “pumps up” you can even lying on the sofa. True, all experts advise increasing the dose very gradually and starting with 1 milliliter, so Tereshin’s phrase about his friends’ childhood doses is absolute madness.

21-year-old resident of Pyatigorsk Kirill Tereshin had a complex for a long time due to insufficiently sculpted arms, the shape of which after hard training did not correspond to his desires. Convinced of the futility of his efforts, he became interested in a dangerous method of artificially increasing muscles. Tereshin methodically injected himself with an intramuscular injection of synthol, a triglyceride-based substance popular among bodybuilders and athletes that increases muscle size at the injection site.

Sintol worker from Pyatigorsk Kirill Tereshin, what’s wrong with him now?

The funny thing is that the sintholist from Pyatigorsk continues to go to the gym and even records a video from the horizontal bar.

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Who is Kirill Tereshin (syntholist)

Real name— Kirill Tereshin

Hometown— Pyatigorsk

Activity- freak, blogger



Kirill Tereshin biography

Kirill Tereshin is a Russian freak who pumped up his arms to terrifying sizes using synthol.

Before synthol

Kirill Tereshin worked out in the gym for about three years, before the army, in which he lost all his fitness and he was very disappointed, because he says to himself that he is a lazy person, which is why in many social networks. On networks he has the nickname “Slacker”, which translates from English as lazy, slacker.

Upon returning from the army, Kirill decides to take up the issue of pumping up his muscles with synthol. “Synthol” is a drug designed to locally increase the size of muscles and give them an ideal, elastic, pumped-up shape, which does not provide any strength or endurance, and if abused, it leads a person’s muscles to a terribly abnormal appearance.

Kirill Tereshin synthol freak

Kirill took his first injection of synthol before the army, as a trial option in the triceps, in order to understand the whole system and after the army to seriously engage in transformation.

According to Kirill: Having been hospitalized in the army for an illness not related to the injection of synthol, Kirill decided to check for himself whether everything was okay with his hands. Having told the doctors that his hands hurt, after undergoing a full examination (ultrasound, x-ray, tomography), surprisingly the doctors did not find any problems in his hands.

Having returned from the army, the freak gave himself so many injections in a short month that his biceps girth became 60 cm.

The funny thing is that, in contrast to his huge hands, the rest of his body looks very weak, like that of a person who has never visited the gym, but Kirill promises to fix this by injections into all parts of his body.

Live broadcast with Andrey Malakhov Kirill Tereshin

According to some sources, it became known that Kirill Tereshin will appear in the “Live Broadcast” program with, who previously hosted the notorious “Let Them Talk” program. Also on the program there will be such a freak as. The program is due to be released on November 28, Wednesday.

Let Kirill Tereshin and Speak

Amputation of the hands of Kirill Tereshin

Regarding the amputation of hands, Kirill says that in the entire history since the creation of such a liquid as synthol, there has not been a single case of amputation of limbs due to synthol. And this can only happen for several reasons: the first is an infection, the second is a fat embolism, when the oil gets into a blood vessel, and Tereshin himself avoids getting into a vein, since he communicated with knowledgeable people and knows how to give the injection correctly.

He explains the redness on his hands by the fact that the oil has not yet hardened and should harden over time and the unhealthy redness will go away.

Goals for life

Already a fairly well-known sintholist, Kirill, does not want to stop there, but plans, after a complete transformation of the arms, shoulders, trapezoids, chest and wings, to move on to colored tattoos, he also plans to put fang teeth, a freaky hairstyle and the cherry on the cake, a tattoo on eyeball - yellow and blue.

Kirill's idols

The first is Romario Dos Santos Alves, Tereshin has always been his fan, considers his body ideal, but still wants to make his shoulders bigger.

Romario Dos Santos Alves - sintholist

The second is a famous Russian blogger, freak, body modifier, and fitness trainer, with whom Kirill even communicated on VKontakte.

- freak

Few most likely don't know what's wrong with Kirill Tereshin now?– where does he go, what does he do and is he even alive? Tereshin Kirill, who is known to everyone under the pseudonym “Bazooka Hands,” not long ago said goodbye to his passion, a participant in the TV project Dom 2 Olesya Malibu, with whom the freak was going to “build a family.”

Many fans of this synthol hunk are talking online about how Tereshin was very upset about the breakup with his girlfriend, because he was very much in love with her. But Kirill didn’t sit and “chew snot” for a long time and, as they write on Instagram, he has already found himself another new bride, so far no one knows who she is, and there aren’t many photos of her on the Internet.

The couple of Kirill and Olesya did not last long, the Pyatigorsk freak even refused to have intimacy with her until the moment of marriage arrived, but Malibu found out about his secret correspondence and infidelities and sent her chosen one “fucking far away...”.

How is the life of the “famous jock” now?

Man hands bazooka photo which you can see above recently shocked all followers on the social network Instagram with the new and unusual properties of his bazooka hands. Only this time he did not show their usual volume, but showed the fans all the power and strength of his hands, the video of which you can watch below.

As Kirill himself noted, he is going to become even more popular and for this he is not going to stop there, he will continue to further modify his body. Recently, he consulted a well-known plastic surgeon in Moscow and shared with him that he was going to “install” artificial implants into his calf muscles. And here What's wrong with Kirill Tereshin's hands now? no one knows for sure yet.

Success and glory of "Ruk-Bazooka"

What Kirill wanted to achieve, he did it - currently Tereshin hangs out in the capital’s clubs, performs at parties and runs his own personal, well-promoted popular Instagram, and more recently he completely moved from his native corner of Pyatigorsk to live in Moscow. The guy is very popular among young and beautiful girls, most likely because he has a full pocket. Even despite the fact that his bride ran away from the wedding at the very last moment, this does not prevent Tereshin from constantly being in the attention of the girls. Just the other day he took part in an event where for some reason he felt ill, maybe it was PR or it actually happened, what do you think? All the girls, as fans of the “jock” believe, are not interested in him, but in his popularity and goals, but he himself really likes it and he takes great pleasure in squeezing the girls wherever he wants and seems to be completely satisfied with his life and her image. We can only think and wonder whether this “freak will be able to not pump synthol into his brain.” Let's unsubscribe in the comments.

Below we invite you to look latest photos of bazooka hand, do you like them or is it too much?