home · Lighting · Internet project Easy, project Leg ko.biz reviews. The project "easy" and the company "guarantor"

Internet project Easy, project Leg ko.biz reviews. The project "easy" and the company "guarantor"

Greetings, fellow online earners!

I offer you the Internet project “Easy” for your reference.

I found out about Leg project ko.biz back in early 2016, but, as sometimes happens, I didn’t attach much importance to it, because... I rarely participate in matrix projects. Throughout the year, this Internet project “Easy” continued to catch my eye with periodically “arriving” advertisements.
And then the other day an old friend called me and shared her experience of participating in Leg-Ko.biz. Within a month, she managed to advance to the fifth table without having personal invitations, and only after that she began to share information about the “Easy” project.

As it turned out, the project began to gain high popularity precisely due to the fact that the starting amount for participation in it is only $1.10, and there are no mandatory invitations or qualifications.

Having looked at the marketing of the Internet project “Easy”, I came to the conclusion that it was worth participating in it, taking into account the following positive factors for me:
- very small starting amount - ONLY $1.10. There are entry options for $5.50 and $23.10 (the best option), which significantly increases the number and frequency of rewards;
- there are no mandatory invitations or qualifications to receive rewards;
- high remuneration amount - 500$, $1,000, $5,000, $15,000 and $45,000 , at low costs in the participation process (if you enter for $5.50 and $23.10, you receive payments of $500 much more often);
- growing popularity of Leg-Ko.biz;
- the project is not an investment one and therefore the likelihood of its quick closure is reduced, because admins make profits themselves by participating in marketing and they do not need to make constantly increasing payments, as in HYIPs;

- And in general, what is 1 dollar or 60 rubles a week when you can get 500 dollars or 30,000 rubles!!!(screenshots of actual payments below). And then even more, because... in the Garant system, where people transfer from the "Easy" project, payments of $1,000, $5,000, $15,000 and $45,000. Moreover, these amounts can be RECEIVED REPEATEDLY, because... and weekly clones also earn this money!

Even the nuance that in the future you have to pay $1.10 weekly (regardless of the number of seats purchased and the entry amount - $1.10, $5.50 or $23.10) did not turn me off, because if you calculate the costs for the year participation (if you don’t invite anyone) at $1.10 entry will be only $57 (at $5.50 entry - $60 and at $23.10 entry - $79), and a reward of $500 or more is not comparable to these costs. Moreover, each of these weekly payments of $1.10 creates a new clone, also claiming a payment of $500! That’s why the Internet project “Easy” has been running for two years now! And if you actively engage in invitations and start building your team, then you can reach a payment of $500 in a week or two!

In essence, the Internet project “Easy” is a piggy bank for those who do not want to deal with invitations, and similar projects, but with much larger entry amounts, are quite popular and exist for several years. If you actively engage in invitations, then you can reach your first reward of $500 within a week or two! And people, again thanks to the low entry fee, are now actively registering for the Leg ko.biz project (screenshots from Skype chat below).

The vast majority of new participants enter the project on two and three tables at once for $5.50 or $23.10, respectively, because... this significantly increases the number of rewards of $1024. At the same time, I repeat, the weekly payment remains $1.10 regardless of the number of tables purchased at the start. Which option of participation you choose - decide for yourself.

I’ll explain why it’s worth going to three tables at once for $23.10.

The main reason is that if you enter on your own for 1.10 or 5.50, and suddenly a person for 23.10 appears, or a person for 23 suddenly appears from me by overflow, then he will overtake you in the third table.
I myself made the same mistake at the start - I entered two tables for 4.40, I was too lazy to replenish the perfect, but the first partner entered three tables immediately for 23, and I overtook him only in the fourth table, and not only did I have to pay an additional 22 , but to speed things up I had to buy a second table again for 4.40. In general, I checked it on my own skin :) Therefore, I recommend everyone to avoid such a possible unfavorable situation for themselves.

Screenshots indicating the growing popularity of the Internet project "Easy".

Growing interest in the project Easy according to Yandex statistics.

Payment screens confirming the solvency of the project.

Now a little about marketing and earning opportunities in Leg-Ko.biz

Project "Easy" has developed unique marketing! Clones work for you, and you relax!
It is enough to replenish your account in the amount of $1.10 weekly and you can practically never log into your account anymore.
The system is configured in such a way that the tables are filled with your clones and are closed even if you do not invite anyone.

The Internet project "Easy" uses marketing from five small binary matrices, each of which is filled from left to right with your clones, your invitees and overflow from superiors.

Thanks to the purchase of a new place at a cost of $1.10 weekly, filling out the matrices is EASY and QUICK, because... Each purchase is the creation of a new clone of you, which takes up free space in your matrix. This speeds up your first $1024 in income. Following this first payout, subsequent locations (clones) will be closed at a faster rate.

This information is about the Internet project“Easy” is posted not in order to mislead you in any way so that you can register as quickly as possible, but so that you get acquainted with Leg-Ko.biz and assess your capabilities and possible risks yourself.

If you decide to participate, then I suggest you join our team, contact me on Skype or through the form feedback- I will try to provide you with the assistance I can, and I will also add you to our team Skype chat of the “Easy” project. Since my registrations are ongoing, overflows are quite possible. In addition, I will share information about where and what kind of advertising I place.

Learn more about marketing and working with your personal account in videos

Click to register in the "Easy" project

1. The Participant undertakes to comply with the terms of this Agreement.

2. The participant must be an adult capable citizen of his country.

3. When registering, the participant must familiarize himself with the terms of this agreement, know and understand the principles of the services and information goods offered by the club.

4. Each participant who decides to take part in the “Easy” club must carefully study these rules. If you agree to our rules, you should review them weekly as additions or changes may be made at any time. If you do not follow this section and take the wrong steps, the administration does not bear any responsibility for your mistakes.

5. Club "Easy" provides the participant with a variety of services -

A. Publications in which the secrets of spiritual growth and self-development will be revealed to you.

B. Information products in various areas.

C. Daily horoscopes by zodiac sign.

D. Participation in the affiliate program.

Access to the listed services is available for a weekly subscription fee of 1.10 PM.

6. After free registration, after 2 hours, a timer for weekly payment is turned on in your account. If, for example, you top up your balance in a week, you will need to pay for the previous week and the current one. That is, the timer for weekly activity starts working 2 hours after registration. That is, after registration, within 2 hours you must buy a weekly horoscope for an amount of at least 1.1P.M. Only then will you have access to all services.

7. The participant carries out all financial transactions exclusively according to at will. You can buy an information product for any amount, but you must take into account that this money was spent on the purchase of information products that you download and, therefore, this product can no longer be returned. This means that the deposited amount is not refundable. Even if you change your mind about being a club member, the bonuses receivedfor the purchased goods will be charged automatically weekly, and corresponding services, weekly horoscopes and additional places in your tables will appear in your account. Therefore, we ask you to take this function responsibly and buy goods for an amount acceptable to you.

8. The participant must provide true personal contact information.

9.. If you send money directly to the club account, then this is your mistake. Due to this error, points will not be awarded to you and will not be added to your balance in the member’s account and the money will not be returned. If you entrust payment for your participation to third parties privately, the administration does not bear any responsibility for the actions of third parties. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you register for the club and purchase information products yourself. Otherwise, the Club Administration will decline all responsibility.

10. If a partner’s subscription fee is overdue and the product has not been purchased within two months, then this office can be transferred to another active participant, except for those logins that are already in the Garant club.

11. If necessary, the administration contacts partners via Skype and email. If the account owner does not contact you within a week, the issues that arise will be resolved without his participation. Those accounts that are located in the "Garant" club and are inactive in the "Easy" club for one year will be permanently blocked in both the "Easy" club and the "Garant" club.

12. The Administration has the right to unilaterally and at any time change the terms of this Agreement. By becoming a club member, you agree that all changes to the Agreement apply to you. The Participant undertakes to monitor changes in the terms of this Agreement.

13. The administration has the right to unilaterally and at any time limit, expand or change the quality of services and the quantity of information goods.

14. The administration guarantees non-disclosure of personal information about participants provided during registration to third parties.

15. The administration has the right to block any account for suspicious actions, as well as any other actions that cause or may harm the existence and development of the club.

16. The administration is not responsible for any kind of malfunctions that occur due to reasons beyond our control.

17. The administration has the right to unilaterally refuse this Agreement and terminate the provision of services to the Legko club.

18. Registration on the site means acceptance of this agreement. If you do not accept these rules, stop registering and leave the site.

19. No more than 20 active accounts can be registered on one IP address per user.

20. Rules for registration in the club "Garant"! A must read for everyone!

20-1. When you have completed five levels in the "Easy" club, you must register in the "Garant" club using the referral link of your mentor from the "Easy" club. If you overtake your mentor, then you take a link from a higher-ranking mentor who is already in the Garant club. For clarification, please contact support.

20-2. When registering for the "Garant" club, you must indicate the same login as in the "Easy" club. If you have clones, then numbers can be added to the main login. (Example: Ivanov Ivan, login in the "Easy" club is ivan, then ivan2, ivan3, ivan4).

a. When registering for the "Garant" club, you must register the same login that is indicated in the "Easy" club account. If you registered with the addition of numbers and any other abbreviation, then the administration has the right to unilaterally make corrections. The exception is released clones, which are registered in separate offices. A number may be added here. But the first login must be completely identical. Example. Login in the "Easy" club - sokol. This means that in the Garant club the first login during registration will be sokol. If a subsequent clone of sokol comes out, and you decide to register it using the link of your main login and make it a follower, then it will be sokol1.

20-3. If you have another clone from the “Easy” club, then there are two options for transferring it to the “Garant” club.

a. You can simply transfer your 500 points to the main login, which is already in “Garant”, and thus create extra bed in the blue office, which does not need qualifications (two personal followers are not needed).

b. You can register your own place using the main login link, which is already in the "Garant". In this case, qualification is required (two personal followers).

20-4. If there is a need to change a mentor, the club provides this opportunity subject to certain rules:

A. Your mentor must have two personal followers, and he can transfer only 3, 4, and further partners to another mentor. down its structure.

B. The transfer of followers to another mentor is possible only downward in its structure. (Having two followers under your login is required!)

C. If a mentor transfers his follower to another mentor, then he must write a letter to the support email support@site from the exact email address that is indicated in his personal account in the Garant club.

Example letter:

Topic - Change of mentor in the club "Garant"

Text of the letter - ‘’I, Ivan Ivanov, login in the “Easy” club ivan, I don’t mind that my personal follower, Fedorov Fedor, login in the “Easy” club fedor, registered for the “Garant” club using another referral link. I will not make any further claims.’’

(Write a letter from your mailing address to Mail: support@site)

20-5. If a participant neglects these rules and incorrectly registers with the “Garant” club, the administration will make amendments without the consent of the participant who made the incorrect registration.

Our project was created for people who do not have enough money to start a business on the Internet! And without initial capital it is not easy to do this. With the help of our program, you can easily earn money to enter legitimate serious companies, as well as assemble your own friendly team for long-term work together. which will follow you through projects.


The opportunity to quickly and easily earn money without investment. Quick and easy filling out matrices with income starting from $1000. Your upline partners are placed below you through well-thought-out marketing. Making money with us becomes very “EASY” Feel the full attractiveness of our new marketing!

Our team's mission

Together we build a structure for each team member. Everyone is equalized: there are no firsts, and there are no lasts. You can’t make money on the Internet alone, but TOGETHER SUCCESS WAITS FOR US!!!

We present to you the “EASY” project and the “GARANT” Company. Using our program, you can easily earn money to enter the highly profitable “GARANT” project, as well as assemble your own friendly Team for long-term work together.

Company "EASY". Presentation

We present to you the matrix project “EASY”. The essence of this project is that without having a lot of money, and even from scratch, you and your team create your own structure and earn big money. This project implements several important directions at once!

  • You easily and quickly earn money in this project and help your partners earn it too.
  • This is a store of your funds for participation in legal paying companies along with your team.
  • This is an opportunity to build your structures and teams for the long term working together in the Internet.

Entry is $1.10, of which $1 goes to promoting your structure and $0.10 to maintaining the project. The bottom line is that you either buy 1 additional place from your account to your structure every week, or do a little work in projects proposed by the team, earning an average of $1 per week and buy 1 additional account weekly to your structure. Your invitees do the same. This gives quick and even progress in your structure and allows you and your partners to close your accounts multiple times. Seats are purchased at automatic mode without your participation. The main thing is to have money on your balance sheet.The first payment of $1024 is distributed as follows. Half goes to your wallet. And the second half is for creating an account in one of the team projects. When withdrawing money, a 2% commission is charged. The following payments are distributed in the same way. The entire program consists of 5 levels.

Project "Easy" Effective method work!

Where to begin?To start participating in the project, you need to open a personal account. When opening personal account and purchasing new weekly accounts worth $1.10, you transfer to Perfect Money. Also, in your account there is a “Balance” section, where you can transfer the amount of money you need, and from where $1.10 will be calculated every week for the purchase of a weekly account. All transactions and transfers are made by project participants from their personal electronic wallets.


Type – short indivisible 2x2 matrix of 7 places. Profit depends both on the people personally attracted and on the people received from the sponsor. That is, spillovers from higher-level sponsors are possible. It is also possible to overtake your sponsors.

Level 1. Entrance is 1$ - exit is 4$.

Level 2. Entrance 4$ - exit 16$

Level 3. Entrance 16$ - exit 64$

Level 4. Entrance 64$ - exit 256$

5. level. Entrance 256$ - exit 1024$

Increase in profit – Exactly 4 times more. Mechanism of operation - The matrix closes from left to right, from top to bottom.Matrix type - classic binary 1x2 non-divisible matrix. That is, each user can only have two lower branches (onfirst level) - left and right. These two also have two branches and so on.

Presentation of the company GARANT - Garant

The second program of the Garant company is “Basic”.

The program consists of three seven-place non-divisible matrices.

Entry 500 $ Output 20,000 $.

Payments are phased.

First matrix. Input $500 - Output $4000. The first withdrawal payment is $500 - a return of invested funds from the third partner who came to your first matrix. The next three payments of $1,500 go towards entering the second matrix.

Second matrix. Input $1500 - Output $6000. Of these, the intermediate payment for withdrawal is $1000 after closing the matrix, and the remaining $5000 goes to enter the third matrix.

Third matrix. Input 5000 $ - Output 20000 $. Payments are phased. The first payment is $5,000 for withdrawal as soon as the 3rd partner joins your 3rd matrix. The second and third payments of $5,000 are for withdrawal. And the last fourth payment is reinvestment in the same third matrix.

Earnings from your first reinvestment of $20,000 are distributed as follows: $5,000 goes to reinvest in the same third matrix, and $15,000 goes to the third “Elite” program, which will provide you with passive income.

Earnings from all subsequent reinvestments go to withdrawal.
The program consists of two seven-place non-divisible matrices.

Input $15,000 - Output $180,000.

Payments are phased.

First matrix. Input $15,000 Output $60,000. Payments are staged. The first payment for withdrawal is $15,000 - a return of invested funds from the third partner who came to your first matrix. The next three payments of $45,000 go towards entering the second matrix.

Second matrix. Input $45,000, output $180,000.

Payments are staged. The first payment of $45,000 is divided as follows - $15,000 reinvested in the first matrix and $30,000 for withdrawal. The second and third payments of $45,000 are for withdrawal. And the fourth payment of $45,000 is reinvested into the second matrix.

Receive the first $120,000, with which you can immediately purchase real estate in any corner of the world. All subsequent earnings from reinvestments are distributed in the same way.

Who is the project created for?

Our project was created for people who do not have enough money to start a business on the Internet! And without initial capital it is not easy to do this. With the help of our program, you can easily earn money to enter legitimate serious companies, as well as assemble your own friendly team for long-term work together. which will follow you through projects.


The opportunity to quickly and easily earn money without investment. Quick and easy filling out matrices with income starting from $1000. Your upline partners are placed below you through well-thought-out marketing. Making money with us becomes very “EASY” Feel the full attractiveness of our new marketing!

Our team's mission

Together we build a structure for each team member. Everyone is equalized: there are no firsts, and there are no lasts. You can’t make money on the Internet alone, but TOGETHER SUCCESS WAITS FOR US!!!

We present to you the “EASY” project and the “GARANT” Company. Using our program, you can easily earn money to enter the highly profitable “GARANT” project, as well as assemble your own friendly Team for long-term work together.

Company "EASY". Presentation

We present to you the matrix project “EASY”. The essence of this project is that without having a lot of money, and even from scratch, you and your team create your own structure and earn big money. This project implements several important directions at once!

  • You easily and quickly earn money in this project and help your partners earn it too.
  • This is a store of your funds for participation in legal paying companies along with your team.
  • This is an opportunity to build your structures and teams for long-term collaboration on the Internet.

Entry is $1.10, of which $1 goes to promoting your structure and $0.10 to maintaining the project. The bottom line is that you either buy 1 additional place from your account to your structure every week, or do a little work in projects proposed by the team, earning an average of $1 per week and buy 1 additional account weekly to your structure. Your invitees do the same. This gives quick and even progress in your structure and allows you and your partners to close your accounts multiple times. The purchase of seats occurs automatically without your participation. The main thing is to have money on your balance sheet.The first payment of $1024 is distributed as follows. Half goes to your wallet. And the second half is for creating an account in one of the team projects. When withdrawing money, a 2% commission is charged. The following payments are distributed in the same way. The entire program consists of 5 levels.

Project "Easy" An effective method of work!

Where to begin?To start participating in the project, you need to open a personal account. When you open your personal account and purchase new weekly accounts worth $1.10, you make a transfer to Perfect Money. Also, in your account there is a “Balance” section, where you can transfer the amount of money you need, and from where $1.10 will be calculated every week for the purchase of a weekly account. All transactions and transfers are made by project participants from their personal electronic wallets.


Type – short indivisible 2x2 matrix of 7 places. Profit depends both on the people personally attracted and on the people received from the sponsor. That is, spillovers from higher-level sponsors are possible. It is also possible to overtake your sponsors.

Level 1. Entrance is 1$ - exit is 4$.

Level 2. Entrance 4$ - exit 16$

Level 3. Entrance 16$ - exit 64$

Level 4. Entrance 64$ - exit 256$

5. level. Entrance 256$ - exit 1024$

Increase in profit – Exactly 4 times more. Mechanism of operation - The matrix closes from left to right, from top to bottom.Matrix type - classic binary 1x2 non-divisible matrix. That is, each user can only have two lower branches (onfirst level) - left and right. These two also have two branches and so on.

How to get $1024 in the Easily club and go to Garant!

Presentation of the company GARANT - Garant

The second program of the Garant company is “Basic”.

The program consists of three seven-place non-divisible matrices.

Entry 500 $ Output 20,000 $.

Payments are phased.

First matrix. Input $500 - Output $4000. The first withdrawal payment is $500 - a return of invested funds from the third partner who came to your first matrix. The next three payments of $1,500 go towards entering the second matrix.

Second matrix. Input $1500 - Output $6000. Of these, the intermediate payment for withdrawal is $1000 after closing the matrix, and the remaining $5000 goes to enter the third matrix.

Third matrix. Input 5000 $ - Output 20000 $. Payments are phased. The first payment is $5,000 for withdrawal as soon as the 3rd partner joins your 3rd matrix. The second and third payments of $5,000 are for withdrawal. And the last fourth payment is reinvestment in the same third matrix.

Earnings from your first reinvestment of $20,000 are distributed as follows: $5,000 goes to reinvest in the same third matrix, and $15,000 goes to the third “Elite” program, which will provide you with passive income.

Earnings from all subsequent reinvestments go to withdrawal.

The third program of the Garant Company is “Elite”.

The program consists of two seven-place non-divisible matrices.

Input $15,000 - Output $180,000.

Payments are phased.

First matrix. Input $15,000 Output $60,000. Payments are staged. The first payment for withdrawal is $15,000 - a return of invested funds from the third partner who came to your first matrix. The next three payments of $45,000 go towards entering the second matrix.

Second matrix. Input $45,000, output $180,000.

Payments are staged. The first payment of $45,000 is divided as follows - $15,000 reinvested in the first matrix and $30,000 for withdrawal. The second and third payments of $45,000 are for withdrawal. And the fourth payment of $45,000 is reinvested into the second matrix.

Receive the first $120,000, with which you can immediately purchase real estate in any corner of the world. All subsequent earnings from reinvestments are distributed in the same way.