home · Lighting · How to get rid of moths in the apartment. Effective methods and ways to get rid of moths in the apartment. Effective moth remedies in cabinets

How to get rid of moths in the apartment. Effective methods and ways to get rid of moths in the apartment. Effective moth remedies in cabinets

Good day! Every summer, Grandma sorts things out in the closet and hangs them out on the balcony to dry. This year, this tradition was also observed. Going through coats and fur coats, granny found a moth flying out of the wardrobe. And on the things themselves - the pupae of this insect.

This situation shocked her. How and why did she appear, because she always keeps her house clean and tidy. At this time, we just came to visit her. Grandma told us about her problem.

My wife advised her on proven drugs, and after a couple of days, our Antonina Nikolaevna beamed with happiness. All insects were defeated. In this article you will learn: moths in an apartment - how to get rid of, what to use from folk methods, types of pests, what anti-moth preparations exist.

Moth in the apartment: how to get rid of once and for all

This harmful insect has been annoying people for more than a dozen years, and not everyone knows how to remove moths. This small creature creates a lot of trouble and problems. But in order to expel the enemy from your home, you need to get to know him better - to learn the habits and fears of the pest.

Moth in the apartment: how to get rid of

There are many varieties of moths, but we are interested in how to get rid of domestic moths (food, furniture, clothes). If you find a flying moth, you should not chase it, because it is just a harmless male. And at this time, the female lays silvery eggs somewhere in a dark corner, this is a hotbed of danger for your food and clothing.

To find out how to breed a mole, you need to familiarize yourself with its favorite habitats. Most often, the moth nest is located in dark, warm places where there is little fresh air.

The most dangerous are the caterpillars, they then eat everything around. During the day, a small caterpillar can gnaw through a hole in your favorite coat or fur coat. Food products, especially cereals and dried fruits, also suffer.

Moth food how to get rid of

From food (grain) moth most often suffer dry food. Nests are in stocks of flour, nuts, dried mushrooms, dried fruits and various cereals. Indeed, for such a moth, the most important thing is a warm place and lack of ventilation. First you need to sort through all the stocks and pour the products into tightly closed jars, or place them in plastic bags, and tie them well.

How to remove food moth if the products are badly damaged? You have found a moth nest in dry food and it is badly damaged - these foods must be thrown away immediately. Because eating contaminated supplies is very unhealthy.

If the moth has not yet managed to settle in the supplies, but is just starting to start there, such products should be carefully reviewed and the source of infection removed.

How to remove moths from cereals and dry foods. After you throw away the moth nest, in dry products it looks like lumps of cobwebs with larvae and caterpillars. Products (cereals, dried fruits, mushrooms and nuts) must be dried in microwave oven or oven.

It is better to use an oven. The products are placed on a baking sheet and dried for 20 minutes at a temperature of 70 ° C with the door open. Then placed in a tightly closed container. The next step in the question of how to get rid of moths in the kitchen is to disinfect the shelves in the closet where the infected products were located.

To do this, you need to prepare a soapy solution, which thoroughly wash each shelf and cabinet doors.

Then do the same operation, but with clean running water. After drying, treat each groove and slot with table vinegar or lemon juice. To do this, use an ordinary brush, shaving brush or kitchen sponge. Allow cabinets to dry thoroughly for 2-3 hours before filling.

To no longer wonder how to get rid of food moth take advantage of little secrets. Cereals and dry foods are best stored in glass or metal jars with tight-fitting lids. You can also lay out garlic cloves, orange peels or young leaves on the shelves. walnut.

To more effectively repel the pest, garlic cloves can be placed in a container with cereals and dry foods.

Moth in the kitchen how to get rid of with the help of traps. There are special traps for moths, they can be purchased at grocery stores and supermarkets. They look like a triangular box with a sticky substance inside. Such a trap works based on pheromones, which attract moths and prevent them from getting out into the wild.

You need to install traps in food cabinets, and change them every two months. If you have exterminated all pests, it is better to leave the traps to avoid recurrence. How to get rid of moths and prevent their appearance in the kitchen. Don't stock up on too many dry foods.

If you buy cereals or flour in stores, place the food at home for several hours in the freezer.

Or even store cereals in the refrigerator, so you will definitely get rid of the pest. Spend general cleaning in supply cabinets at least once a month.

How to remove a mole in an apartment

Unlike the kitchen moth, which starts mainly in warm time year, indoor moth lives in apartments all year round. Finding the nest of such a moth is a difficult task. But anything is possible if you put in the effort and ingenuity. The moth devours everything in its path, and even if you have hidden your favorite things in synthetic fabric or plastic bags, this is not an obstacle for the moth, and it will easily gnaw its way to the delicacy.

To find out how to remove a mole in an apartment, you need to familiarize yourself with its diet. Moth prefers to devour: fur, felt, natural velvet, book bindings, wax, wool and even feathers. Caterpillars are very tenacious, they can live without food for a whole month.

And they die only at temperatures below zero. Therefore, they can live in an apartment in a secluded dark corner for up to two years.

How to get rid of moths and their larvae? First you need to find the source of the infection - sort through all the things. If there are larvae on clothes, they must be shaken out of the window, and things should be hung out in fresh air and bright sun. Also, a sharp temperature drop kills harmful larvae.

Put things in plastic bag, and place in the freezer for 20 minutes, and then heat at room temperature, repeat the procedure, five times. If the moth wound up on leather, fur or woolen products, it can be removed only with the help of preparations based on dichlorvos. This is the only effective remedy.

The most common location for domestic moths is the closet. How to get rid of moths in the closet. For this, apply special means against the pest.

Naphthalene is often used, but in addition to protecting against moths, it also harms a person. After all, it contains harmful components that lead to unpleasant diseases. Therefore, it is not recommended to use it. When buying a moth remedy, choose one that does not include naphthalene.

The market is busy now modern means against moths, it can be tablets, briquettes or plates. They are placed in a closet and changed every six months. In order not to wonder how to get rid of moths again, you need to prevent its appearance. All woolen items in the closet should be washed, and fur coats and fur coats should be treated with anti-molding agents.

Also, fur products in the warm season should be stored in special covers, or wrapped with thick paper soaked in a moth remedy.

You need to protect not only products, but also the cabinet itself. To begin, do a deep cleaning, vacuum all the nooks and crannies in the closet, and wipe all the shelves with a vinegar-based solution (3 tablespoons table vinegar for 1 liter of water). And let it dry thoroughly, after which you can fill the closet with clean and processed clothes.

How to remove moths in the closet with folk remedies. Not everyone likes to use chemicals, because natural ingredients are much more beneficial for humans. Therefore, dried bouquets of geranium or lavender are placed in the closet. Some people make clove and lavender pillows and place them on the shelves in the closet.

You can also use essential oils: orange, clove, lavender, fir or geranium. A piece of cotton wool or gauze is treated with oils and placed in a closet, so the moth does not come close to your things, and the smell will be wonderful.

Moth does not like cleanliness and fresh air, so the apartment should be ventilated and cleaned as often as possible. In addition to cabinets, moths can start up in carpets and in upholstered furniture. Most effective method moth eradication is to vacuum carpets and furniture at least twice a month.

Particular attention should be paid to cleaning skirting boards. Vacuum all the cracks thoroughly, especially in dark corners, because there are most often moth nests. Also, the larvae can be in the corners of windows or inside the ceiling. The next step in the question of how to get rid of moths is mechanical processing and ultraviolet irradiation.

The moth does not tolerate noise and vibrations, therefore, the infected things are knocked out, combed and shaken off, thus, loosely attached larvae are removed.

The bright rays of the sun inflict a lightning defeat on the moth, and within an hour it dies. Moth is afraid of high and low temperatures. Therefore, to get rid of the larvae, it is enough to freeze or warm them.

If the fabric is fading, you can put the item in the freezer, or use steam to kill the pest. But you need to remember that at low temperatures, the larvae and eggs die within a day.

We use chemicals

It is very difficult to get rid of moths without the use of chemicals. Now in supermarkets and shops you can find a lot of anti-moth products. There are plates, and tablets, and briquettes, and sprays, there are even anti-molding sections. Plates, briquettes and tablets are considered the most economical.

They include an alloy of naphthalene and camphor. Such funds (plates, briquettes, tablets) are placed on the upper shelves of cabinets and bedside tables. Heavy vapors of camphor and naphthalene gradually sink down, thus preventing the reproduction of moths.

Funds are valid for six months. This method is really effective, but in addition to destroying moths, it harms the human body. Before use, the tablet or plate must be wrapped in gauze.

How to remove moths with anti-moth sections. This method is the most convenient, but before using it, you need to carefully read the instructions. In a room of 15 m 2 there should be only one section. Also, you need to install it away from food, and children's hands.

Before use, the protective tape is removed, and the section is placed in the upper corner of the cabinet. You can choose the aroma of such a section (lavender, mandarin, chamomile). If you have a small child, you can purchase a special section to protect children's clothing.

One anti-moth section spreads vapors that are deadly for moths per 0.5 m3, and can serve for six months. Then the device should be replaced.

When using any chemical agent, you need to read the instructions in detail in order to reduce the risk of harmful substances entering your body.

Folk methods

The use of naphthalene refers to folk remedies, our great-grandmothers also resorted to it. But how disappointed they would be when they found out that naphthalene only scares away adult moth, and the larvae and caterpillars do not suffer a bit.

Also, naphthalene produces saturated steam, from which cancer can develop, as using folk remedies, you need to remember that they only scare away a new moth of animals, and in humans. Therefore, the use of such a tool is not recommended.

If you have larvae and caterpillars, only chemical agents will help.

Mole how to get rid of with the help of herbs and essential oils. As you know, the moth does not tolerate strong odors, therefore, natural lavender essential oil is used to scare it away. A piece of cotton wool or gauze is impregnated with this oil, and placed in a closet. You can also hang dry lavender branches wrapped in gauze.

In addition to lavender, moths do not tolerate other smells: garlic, orange, strawberry soap, kerosene and tobacco. Therefore, you can make small rag bags with these components, and put them on the shelves in the closet. Garlic is most commonly used to control grain moths.

To do this, an unpeeled clove is placed in a container with cereals, so you will definitely get rid of moths once and for all.

How to get moths out with houseplants. Coleus and fragrant geranium are very unpretentious helpers in the fight against moths. Growing such a plant is as easy as shelling pears, and it will bring a lot of benefits, because moths cannot stand its aroma.

Since you won’t put the flowerpot in the closet, tear off a few leaves from the bush and lay them on the shelves, when the leaves dry, renew them. If you use plants and essential oils to control moths, remember that they only repel moths, not kill their larvae and eggs.

Tips: how to remove and avoid the appearance of a pest

In order to avoid the appearance of moths, you need to regularly ventilate the apartment. Deep clean at least once a month. Wipe walls, shelves, furniture, windows and chandeliers. Moths can land where you least expect to see them.

For example, on the spine of a book, or in old trash hidden on the mezzanine. Therefore, the most important advice is to throw away everything unnecessary. Why keep things that have already outlived their own? After all, keeping old junk, you risk paying with a hole in a new fur coat. Therefore, be realistic, and without a doubt say goodbye to junk.

Also stocking up on dry foods, do not shop for a year. Buy everything in moderation, and store cereals in a glass or metal utensils with tight-fitting lid.

It is better not to use plastic bags for storage, because a pest can get into them very easily. In order not to think about how to get moths out of dry foods, buy good quality flour and cereals. Because cheap cereals contain dust, in which they say it’s easier than ever to get started.

After purchasing dry foods, it is better to place them in the freezer for an hour, so you will avoid the appearance of moths. Many people think that moths do not like dirty things, this is a colossal mistake. In dirty things, moths wind up faster, and consume such things with great appetite.

Therefore, only clean, washed items should be in the closet. Note that moths never eat clothes that you often wear, their favorite delicacy is things hidden away.

The most interesting fact is that the moth does not tolerate the aroma of a fresh newspaper. That is why our ancestors wrapped their woolen scarves and fur hats in newspapers. You can also lay out dry orange peels and horse chestnut kernels in the closet, their aroma repels moths very well.

Kerosene is considered another effective remedy, but its smell can disable not only moths, but also humans. Therefore, it is not recommended to use it, although in the army this is how the pest is poisoned. How to remove moths in hard-to-reach places.

Aerosols are used to prevent the appearance of moths in dark corners, on favorite clothes or on book spines. Before using them, read the instructions, and spray the product in the right places.

Most often they are applied to furniture upholstery, a shelf with books, clothes, dark corners and chandeliers. Also, do not forget about upholstered furniture, folding sofas, mezzanines and pantries. Moths can start up where there is dust and dirt. Therefore, carefully clean the premises, do not leave any places uncleaned, because it is in them that moths can start.

Folding furniture should be vacuumed not only from above, but also inside, paying due attention to the corners. In order not to worry about how to get rid of domestic moths, all things hidden in sofas, pantries or mezzanines should be packed. It is also better to immediately treat things with special anti-molding agents.

If you are not a supporter of chemistry, use folk remedies. And wash the places themselves with soapy water, and ventilate. Then place things, and lay out the branches of lavender.

During cleaning, do not forget to vacuum the twisted carpets, because they most often contain a source of infection. Also air your winter clothes at least once a month during the warmer months. If you follow all the tips and keep your apartment clean, you can not think about how to get rid of moths, but also prevent their appearance.

Many blame the flying moth butterfly for all troubles. It is believed that she is the main pest, eats furs, wool and spoils her favorite things. But as it turned out, this is a false accusation. The moth is not to blame for anything, it does not feed on anything at all. Its main task is to lay eggs and die.

This is where the problems begin, because the newly minted caterpillars are very voracious. And the mother moth is prudent, and lays harmful testicles in furs, carpets, wool, etc.

So babies after birth have something to eat. Caterpillars can only do one thing - it is and is almost constantly. What is most interesting, synthetic fabrics are not absorbed by caterpillars, so they consume them faster and more than ordinary wool or fur.

The caterpillar builds a cover for itself from the eaten wool, which it subsequently feeds on. How to get rid of moths and prevent their occurrence. To do this, you need to find places where the moth lays its eggs. After all, they sometimes cause irreversible damage to your favorite things.

As you know, moths cannot gnaw through paper or a cardboard box. Therefore, pack clean things in such materials, and put lavender or other means in them.

Recall the most important rules for the destruction of the pest. The moth does not like cleanliness, fresh air, and bright sunlight. Most often, nests are located in dark places (cabinets, shelves, corners). It is necessary to get rid of eggs and caterpillars, because the flying moth itself is harmless.

The eggs are silvery white in color, and the caterpillars reach a height of one centimeter, and you can recognize them by their black head. You can get rid of the moth family only with the help of chemicals, since folk remedies only scare away the moth.

Anti-molding agents must be used very carefully, following the instructions.

After removing the wrapper, tablets, plates and briquettes are best placed in a gauze bag, and only then sent to the top shelf. In order not to worry about how to get rid of moths, keep your entire apartment clean.

Do not allow the accumulation of dirt, dust and unnecessary things, because in addition to moths, other harmful and dangerous pets can also be found there. Having familiarized yourself with the types of domestic moths and methods of dealing with it, you can easily secure your home, clothes and food.
Source: "jossy.ru"

Fighting moths at home

The moth is a rather annoying and nasty insect that creates a lot of problems and damages things and products. Today, there are about 30 species, each of which lays larvae in certain places, ranging from clothes to cereals.

Some try to kill them, but as practice shows, there is no sense in this, because. they destroy mainly males, which do no harm to things, but females lay larvae in different places and our main goal is to get rid of them, but they usually hide in various places. How to deal with such insects.

Of course, you can purchase various chemical control agents, but there is the option that children will accidentally pick them up or pets will try to taste them.

Today we will tell our readers how to get rid of moths in an apartment with folk remedies.

  1. An excellent means of struggle is dry lavender grass, which should be placed in small canvas bags and put in things, cabinets in the pantry, where you keep cereals and flour, which is so greedy for moths. The moth cannot stand the smell of lavender and will quickly disappear.
  2. Also, moths cannot live where you lay out dry crusts from tangerine or orange, small bouquets of twigs and leaves of walnuts, tobacco and bitter wormwood.
  3. Make it a rule every summer to take out all the clothes to dry and always under the sun - the moth really does not like sunlight and immediately dies.
  4. Frost has the same effect - take clothes outside in winter or outdoor balcony and in an hour, all the moth will die from sharp drop temperature.
  5. If you find clothes on which there is a nest with moth larvae, then in winter we take it out to the balcony and then wash it in hot water or put in the freezer if it takes place in the summer.
  6. Aired things should be packed in plastic bags and shifted with citrus peels or lavender.
  7. You should store flour and cereals in tightly closed glass containers and at least once a month, check them for the presence of larvae.
  8. Love to admire indoor plants- put a geranium, which we destroy the moth. Place flower pots close to the closet with things and in the kitchen.
  9. Get lavender oil at the pharmacy, soak tampons or pieces of material in it and wrap them with polyethylene, which you pierce in several places with a thick needle and place in a place free from things in the closet.
  10. The essential oil will begin to evaporate and saturate the air in the closet and the moth dies. The action of the tampon lasts two weeks, then it should be changed to a fresh one.

In order to destroy the moth and prevent it from reappearing in your house in the future, you need to know what the moth loves and what it avoids or is afraid of.

Of the many known to science species of moths, we confine ourselves to consideration of species living in residential buildings. For the kitchen, this is a grain moth, and in living rooms, carpet, felt, furniture, clothes and fur coat types of moths can exist quite comfortably.

Fight against grain moth

In the presence of comfortable conditions- high humidity and lack of ventilation, the grain moth becomes a full-fledged hostess in the kitchen. Having gained access to grain crops and their derivatives, female grain moths lay eggs on them in large quantities.

Small larvae, hatched after some time from laid eggs, with incredible appetite eat everything edible around them: buckwheat, rice, wheat, rye, barley, flour, pasta and dried fruits. The grown caterpillar connects individual grains with a web, sticks them to itself and drags this food supply behind it, crawling from place to place.

At the end of the development phase, the caterpillar finds a secluded place in the crevices of lockers or behind baseboards, creates a cocoon around itself and turns into a chrysalis, from which a moth butterfly eventually emerges.

All types of cereals, flour and dried fruits should be stored in tightly closed containers. If the products still could not be protected from moths, we study the degree of their spoilage. If the cereals are badly spoiled by the larvae, we immediately get rid of them.

If the moth caterpillars have just started their “work” and did not have time to spoil food stocks, we carefully sort out such cereals in the microwave for 3-5 minutes or in the oven gas stove at a temperature of 700 C for 20 minutes. The oven door must be left ajar.

You can destroy the eggs and larvae of the kitchen moth by subjecting the cereals to cold treatment. A temperature below 00 C and half an hour will be enough.

All cabinets, shelves, drawers in the kitchen are washed with warm soapy water, and then we go through them again with clean water. We smear each groove, each slot, each hole with a brush dipped in vinegar or saline.

After carrying out a titanic work to remove the "uninvited guests", it remains to put sprigs of geranium or lavender in the kitchen cabinets and on the shelves, pour a handful of tobacco or citrus fruit peels - all these smells will scare away moth butterflies, which means that the appearance of eggs and larvae of this voracious insect is more for us does not threaten.

Wool moth fight

A community of clothes, carpet, felt, furniture and fur coat moths that feed on fur, carpets and wool, for convenience, we will call one collective name - wool moth. Representatives of this family of domestic pests are outwardly similar to grain moths, but are extremely tenacious and resistant to temperature extremes.

They breed and multiply all 12 months of the year, they can go without food for more than a month, but if they find something edible for themselves, they are able to gnaw through polyethylene film or synthetic fabric, which have become an obstacle to the treat.

They feast on almost everything: fur, felt, wool, velvet, feathers, book bindings, wax - this is an incomplete list of what wool moth caterpillars are able to eat.

They live for about two years, then turn into a chrysalis, from which a moth butterfly later flies out. Without fail, we regularly clean the apartment: we clean carpets, upholstered and hard furniture. Moth larvae eggs are loosely attached to the villi and fibers of carpets and clothes, so by vacuuming or shaking these items, we can quite easily get rid of pest eggs.

We dry and air all things at least four times a year. Fresh air and bright sunlight are detrimental to woolly moths. We clean and wash winter clothes, pillows and blankets before storage.

Do not forget that stains of dirt, grease or sweat are a favorite delicacy of woolly moth caterpillars; it is from such spots that these pests begin to eat, subsequently eating away fabric or fur along with the dirt.

On the shelves and in the section of the wardrobe, we place, as in the case of grain moth, tobacco, citrus peel, sprigs of lavender or geranium, a piece of cotton wool moistened with fir or lavender oil.


Fumigation preparations in the form of tablets, plates and sections are placed on the upper shelves of wardrobes and wardrobes. The active substances that make up these preparations evaporate and, falling down, saturate the air with vapors that repel moth butterflies. Naphthalene, Antimol and Prayer operate for six months.

We process clothes, upholstered furniture and carpets with contact agents in the form of solutions and aerosols. Supromit, Aeroantimol, Suprozol, Dichlorvos and Neofos preparations destroy both butterflies and caterpillars and eggs harmful insects. Contact means against moths are valid for three months.

The flying moths that cause your "applause" are harmless male insects.

Therefore, while you are chasing them, female butterflies make their way through the cracks in furniture and folds of clothing into darkened and secluded places to start laying eggs, from which voracious and omnivorous offspring will then hatch. It is better to prevent moths from entering the apartment by taking preventive measures in advance and regularly. And may there never be this uninvited guest in your house!
Source: "globuslife.ru; goodmaster.com.ua"

Insect control methods

Moths (lat. Heterocera) - the collective name for relatively small insects from the Lepidoptera order (butterflies (Lepidoptera). Ordinary moth is a small butterfly whose larvae (caterpillars) feed on keratin (horny substance) extracted from wool, hairs of fur coats, carpet pile .

It is because of the nutrition of keratin that moths are classified as keratophages, i.e. organisms that feed on keratin. Eating keratin, the larva leaves behind waste products, thereby spoiling the products. Of course, the moth larva is not able to eat the whole fur coat or carpet, but it is not a problem for her to permanently spoil the presentation of the product, because. one larva can easily do through hole in an ordinary woolen or semi-woolen sweater in just a day!

Caterpillars (larvae) of moths are able to digest not only keratin, but also other hardly soluble substances.

Therefore, in addition to keratin, they can also eat technical felt, which is used for heat and sound insulation, bristles, feathers, fur, leather, dried meat and fish, book bindings, museum collections, etc.

In search of food, moth caterpillars are able to gnaw their way through materials in which they cannot develop (cotton, silk, synthetic fabrics). The moth goes through several stages in its development: laying eggs, from which caterpillars, pupae and, in fact, moth butterflies themselves, are born.

We often see butterflies fluttering around the apartment. The life span of a moth is 1-2 months.

I want to note that it is necessary to fight not so much with butterflies, but with the laid eggs that they lay and the caterpillars that subsequently appear from them, because. it is the caterpillars that cause all the damage to the products. At one time, the female moth lays up to 100 eggs.

It is important to know that moth butterflies do not like sunlight and prefer to live in dark and secluded places, such as in a closet with clothes or in linen chest of drawers. The hatched larvae (or caterpillars) also prefer not to be seen by a person and live modestly in dark corners, usually in the woolen things themselves, where they are almost impossible to detect.

Or it is possible, but only after they destroy part of the clothing with great appetite to such an extent that it is no longer possible to visually not notice the problem. After the caterpillar has successfully pupated, it magically turns into another butterfly moth, ready to lay eggs again and again.

Some types of moths, such as clothes moths, can breed all year round in an ordinary city apartment!

At the moment, the number of moth species according to various sources is about 40 pieces. Some are agricultural pests, others are domestic. The most famous domestic pests are fur moth, clothes moth, furniture moth, grain moth. Of the agricultural pests, the barley moth, as well as rye, cabbage and apple moths, can be especially distinguished.

moth species


  • Fur moth (Tinea pellionella)
  • Insect of brilliant clay-yellow color, forewings in front of the middle often with two small dark dots and one larger one behind the middle. The lower wings are light gray, with a yellowish sheen, spanning 15-16 mm. It feeds mainly on clothing made from natural materials.

    The caterpillars are white, worm-like, almost naked, with eight very short abdominal legs, with transparent skin through which the contents of the stomach are visible; brown head.

    The caterpillar attacks mainly furs, lives in a portable case and gnaws all the hair in its path, regardless of whether it eats them or not.

  • Furniture moth (Tineola biseliella)
  • Butterfly of a brilliant light yellow color, with a rusty-yellow head and slightly brownish front wings at the base. Separated into a special genus due to the absence of labial tentacles.

    This species, described by the St. Petersburg entomologist Hummel (“Essais Entom.”, III, 1823), was later investigated by Radoshkovsky (“Proceedings of the Rus. Ent. obsh.”, III, p. 44 channel.) Furniture moth caterpillars feed first on the hair stuffing of furniture , and before pupation, they go outside and eat through winding paths in the furniture cover, while following the direction of the patterns of matter; pupate on bottom side chairs, sofas, etc., where whole nests of their white, silky cocoons gradually accumulate.

    The development of caterpillars in winter lasts about 5 months, and in summer - 2 months. Pupation begins in February. Butterfly flight continues in March, April and May; fly again in July and August.
  • Grain Moth (Tineola granella)
  • Silvery-white insect, with a brown variable pattern on the forewings and with a gray abdomen and hindwings, up to 15 mm in span. Butterflies fly twice: in spring and at the end of summer. Each female lays up to a hundred eggs on bread grains: rye, barley, wheat, etc., gluing 1-2 eggs per grain.

    The caterpillar combines several grains into a bundle, braiding them with cobwebs, and feeds on them, holding itself among them in a cobweb cover, crawling, dragging the entire bundle behind it.

    It pupates here in the crevices of floors, walls, etc. It also attacks dried fruits and all kinds of seeds, in addition, it is able to develop in rotten wood and in tinder fungi.

  • Barley borer (Gelechia (Sitotroga) cerealella)
  • Sometimes also called grain moth. Up to 17 mm in span. Light brown, sometimes with dark spots and a longitudinal stripe on the front wings. Hind wings grey. The labial tentacles are long and rise above the head like horns; their last segment is shiny, black, hairless. Butterflies fly in June and September.

    The first lay their eggs on the ears of winter crops ripening by that time (barley, winter wheat, sometimes rye). The caterpillar enters the inside of the grain and gradually eats away all its contents without touching the outer film, so that the outside of the grain seems normal.

    In August, when the bread is already harvested, the caterpillar separates half of the grain filled with its feces with a longitudinal silky partition, pupates in the clean half.

    The butterfly flies out of the grain through a small round hole already in the barn or near the stacks and again lays eggs on the surrounding grains. The second generation of caterpillars develops in the same way in barns, and then the next generation of butterflies flies earlier - in March.

    If the grains infected with young caterpillars fall into winter crops, then the development of the caterpillar in them does not stop underground, but proceeds more slowly and ends in May.

  • Rye moth (Ochsenheimeria taurella)
  • 13 mm in span, yellow-brown, whitish hindwings, brown near margin, antennae black at base. It flies in Central Russia at the end of summer and lays eggs on wild cereals and on winter seedlings.

    The caterpillar feeds on the core of the stem, winters here and in the spring continues to eat away the stems, attacking their younger parts under the ear; eaten ears get sick and dry up. It pupates in late June in a white silky cocoon between the leaves.

  • cabbage moth(Plutella cruciferarum)
  • 15.5 mm in span, forewings brownish-yellow, with oblique brown stripes and along the posterior margin with a white wavy stripe. Hindwings brownish gray. The head and back are white. Antennae with white rings.

    They fly for the first time in spring. They lay eggs in heaps on the leaves of various cruciferous, colza, horseradish, especially on cabbage and rapeseed.

    Caterpillars are green, with brown heads, eat young leaves during July, and here at the end of July they pupate in trellised cocoons. Butterflies fly for the second time in early August, and during the autumn the second generation of caterpillars develops, which pupate for the winter.

Fighting methods

Products heavily affected by moths will have to be thrown away, and those in which there are few insects can be sorted out and dried in the oven, opening its door ajar, at a temperature of 60–70 ° C for 15–20 minutes. You can use a microwave for the same purpose.

The cabinet where the food was stored and the mole lived should be washed from the inside with warm soapy water, and then clean water; smear grooves and cracks with table vinegar with a brush. Keep the closet open until dry.

Sunbathing in insects leads to protein coagulation. Under the influence of direct rays of the bright sun, moth eggs die within an hour. And in very hot weather in summer - within 30 minutes. Affected items are treated with preparations based on dichlorvos.

A more radical means of destroying moth caterpillars does not yet exist. In addition, dichlorvos is the only sure remedy against kozheed. Heat treatment is also detrimental to these harmful insects.

If it is possible to expose the infected thing to high temperatures without risk, disinfestation can be carried out by boiling or steam.

Freezing also leads to the death of insects at all stages of development. Eggs and feeding larvae of skin beetles die within a day.


The cheapest option is tablets and briquettes, which are an alloy of naphthalene and camphor. Tablets are traditionally placed at the top of cabinets. Heavy vapors of naphthalene and camphor sink down, preventing moth butterflies from laying eggs on clothes.

These ancient remedies would be good for everyone, but they are by no means safe for human health, especially in high concentrations.

  1. "Antimol" in tablets is hung in a cabinet (3-4 tablets per cabinet). Throw them out after two weeks.
  2. Dezmol is an effective drug, it is also used as Antimol.
  3. "Molemore" can hang in the closet for six months, but you need to use no more than two records in one room.
  4. "Suprosol" - anti-moth drug in aerosol packaging.
  5. Supromit is a liquid preparation for the destruction of moths with a pleasant smell. They process the walls of cabinets, clothes. Valid for several months.
  6. "Mosquitol" - plates against moths.
  7. "Reid antimol" - in the form of an aerosol, gel and plates.
  8. "Trap - antimol - spray."
  9. Advanced moth plates are devoid of bad smell.
  10. According to the manufacturers, they destroy moths and larvae, repel carpet bugs and skin beetles. The combat readiness of the plates can be expected within 6 months.

  11. Moth sections are the most civilized form of anti-moth preparations.
  12. They can be scented with lavender, mandarin and chamomile. Special sections are produced for the delicate protection of children's things. It is necessary to remove the protective tape and place the section on the top of the cabinet. The anti-molding action of one section extends to 0.5 cubic meters. m. It will be necessary to replace it with a new one in 4-6 months.

However, the warnings on the packaging that in a room up to 15 square meters. m. You can use no more than two sections, and store the product separately from food in places inaccessible to children, clearly indicate the toxicity of these repellents. Due to the fact that chemicals have different odors, sometimes not very pleasant, I recommend not to purchase such products in spontaneous markets, or from hands.

As well as means, packaging and name that at least you may doubt, and even more so with incomprehensible inscriptions not in Russian.

This is primarily a security measure, because. it is not clear how such means can affect human body, and so that the struggle with pitch does not turn into more serious problems.

Folk remedies

Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers did not know a more effective remedy for moths than naphthalene. However, as it turned out, he only scares away moth butterflies from clothes, but cannot destroy either eggs or caterpillars. In addition, according to the latest scientific data, volatile naphthalene is classified as a possible carcinogen leading to the development of cancer in humans and animals.

Lavender and fir essential oils can serve as natural and safe moth repellants. Bouquets of dry lavender in gauze, swabs soaked in lavender or fir oil will protect things stored in the closet from moths.
The moth does not tolerate the smell of camphor and pieces of cedar wood.

You can also use vinegar in the fight against moths: Pour a few tablespoons of vinegar into a hot pan, and close the pan in the closet.

Just do it carefully so as not to harm yourself and your property with a hot pan. Feverfew powder (Caucasian chamomile) can help get rid of flying moths. 3-4 grams of this powder are scattered on 1 meter of area. Butterflies do not like moths and the smell of tobacco, pepper, dry orange peels, strawberry soap.

The moth cannot stand the smell of the leaves of domestic plants such as coleus (aka “nettle”) and geranium. The fresh leaves of these undemanding plants from time to time put in the wardrobe to replace the old ones.

However, remember that everything herbal remedies serve only as repellents.

They scare away moth butterflies, protecting things from the invasion of insect pests. If the moth has already occupied your closet, putting a bunch of lavender in it is useless. You have to resort to chemistry.


All groceries should be stored in tightly closed jars or, in extreme cases, well tied plastic bags. The larvae cannot stand bright sunlight and fresh air. That is why things that are often “in use” are not afraid of moths.

And about winter clothes sent to the closet for the summer, you need to take care of in advance. Moth caterpillars begin their meal with dirty and sweaty spots, eating away the fabric clean along with the dirt. Therefore, to prevent the appearance of moths, clothes must be cleaned and washed before storage.

After cleaning, fur and woolen items are placed in plastic bags, and fur coats are placed in cases made of thick paper with an anti-moth preparation.

Shake things well before packing: moth eggs are not too firmly attached to the fibers of fabric or fur, so they will fly off.

  • Carpets and fur coats are sprayed with the Antimol Contact liquid preparation before they are put away for storage, and when the products dry, they are wrapped in plastic wrap and placed in a closet. This protects them from damage by moths for 3-5 months.
  • To prevent the appearance of moths, we advise you to regularly ventilate and clean the apartment as often as possible.
  • And also clean upholstered furniture and carpets at least 1-2 times a month (most effectively with a vacuum cleaner). Preferably with the use of disinfectants, for example, monochloramine.
  • When vacuuming, special attention is paid to the processing of cracks between skirting boards and walls, in the floor, spaces between walls, furniture and the floor.
  • Here, larvae of skin beetles and pupae of moths are concentrated to the greatest extent. Adult leather beetles often accumulate in shades or on windows, where they can be easily collected with a vacuum cleaner.

  • Moth butterflies do not tolerate the smell of printing ink, so during storage, some things can be wrapped with newspaper, which will be a reliable “screen” against moths.

Since moths do not like the smell of cedar, fur coats or other similar products can be hung on hangers made of cedar wood, the smell of which will scare away the moths, and things will be saturated with a pleasant fresh aroma of wood.

The moth feeds on the horny substance contained in fur and woolen products, therefore it is called an insect keratophage. One small larva only needs one day to gnaw a hole in your favorite sweater! However, this insect does not disdain organic matter, so the question of how to deal with moths in an apartment is always very relevant.

Types of apartment moth

Depending on taste preferences, moths can be of several types:

1. Kitchen:

  • Barn - settles in nuts;
  • Flour - prefers flour;

  • Potato - found in potatoes;

It looks like an adult potato moth and its larvae, which settle in a potato and feed on its pulp

  • Cereal - lives in cereals;

  • Fruity - loves dried fruits.

2. Room:

  • Clothes is a butterfly up to 22 mm long with light yellow wings, purple-brown at the base. It feeds on wool, which is present in outerwear, upholstery of upholstered furniture, carpets, sweaters, suits, etc. It is also attracted to pet hair and textiles contaminated with sweat, food and urine. Larvae, similar to caterpillars, hide in the folds of tissues. Egg clutches are located on inside clothes. The hatched larvae gradually gnaw through the tissue, leaving only a thin top layer intact;

  • Fur coat - a small yellow butterfly with a slight sheen and a wingspan of up to 1.5 cm. The larvae have white translucent skin, which makes them look like worms. Fur coat moth chooses felt, wool, down, fur, felt and feathers. She is very gluttonous - she gnaws moves in everything that she meets on the way, regardless of whether it is suitable for food. It is very easy to notice the traces of the activity of this pest - the fur coat begins to shed, fur villi literally pour out of it. Adult females have the ability to reproduce very quickly;

  • Furniture - is a small (only 1 cm) light yellow butterfly with brown wings at the base. Often settles in the upholstery of upholstered furniture, eats both natural and synthetic fabrics, so it is very difficult to deal with it. The eggs are laid in crevices of wood, at the bottom of upholstered furniture and at the back of upholstery. First, the larvae eat textiles and the inner filler of a sofa or chair. Then they get to the wood, chewing through whole passages that run parallel to the pattern;

  • Carpet - refers to the most sustainable these pests. Its larvae are omnivorous - they eat fur on fur coats and collars, leather on shoes, jackets, bags and coats, as well as floor coverings. Carpet moth lays its eggs in the depths of the pile and other hard-to-reach areas. She is not afraid of the smell of camphor and naphthalene, so preparations containing these agents are absolutely useless.

Interesting! The adult moth does not have a mouth, so it does not need food. Only the larvae do harm. Butterflies live no more than a week, but even in such a short time they are able to lay about 150 eggs. Under good conditions (poor ventilation, high humidity and heat), the reproduction of these pests is almost continuous.

First measures

Having found a gray butterfly in your apartment, do not waste time in vain - immediately get down to business. This will not allow moths to breed and finally spoil things or food supplies:

  • Inspect the room for a moth nest. It must be eliminated, and the place vacuumed or washed with warm water;

  • Shake clothes and bedding to get rid of hidden insects. You can use a clothes brush, carefully processing all pockets, folds, seams with it;

  • Place everything that is possible for a day in a cold place, warm it up under the rays of the sun, wash it at high temperatures, or take it to a dry cleaner;
  • Perform general cleaning. The contents of the bag from the vacuum cleaner should be shaken out as far as possible from the house.

How to get rid of moths - folk recipe

How to scare away moth folk remedies? We offer an overview of the most reliable and time-tested recipes that will solve the problem without harm to your own health.


For a long time this tool was considered one of the best, but in recent years its popularity has declined significantly. The reason for this was the large-scale use of naphthalene, which led to the development of resistance (addiction) in most populations. In addition, it turned out that the drug is harmful to human health, as it is carcinogenic and provokes the development of malignant tumors.

Strong-smelling spices and plants

Moth, like most insects, does not tolerate strong aromas, so mint, tansy, tobacco, geranium, chestnuts, eucalyptus, cloves, twigs can be used to combat it. walnut tree and lavender. Tobacco is harvested during the flowering period, tied into bunches and laid out on window sills and in cabinet shelves. You can also use dry tobacco leaf. It is filled with fabric bags, which are hung in places where pests appear. It is good to grow a pot of geraniums in the kitchen - it will protect your home from kitchen moth attacks. Chestnuts can be laid out only in those rooms and cabinets that are well ventilated. Otherwise, they will quickly become moldy.

In addition to plants, most well-known spices also have a pungent odor - allspice, cloves, vanilla, etc. To scare away the pest for a long time, pour the spices into bags and place them in the apartment.

Strong fragrance soap

Another effective remedy for moths, which housewives have been using since ancient times. Soap (household or toilet) is laid out in the pockets of outerwear, as well as between things on the shelves. Pleasant amber and pest protection guaranteed!

Essential oils

A traditional remedy in the fight against indoor insects. Feel free to use esters of lavender, eucalyptus, mint, orange, mandarin, rosemary and geranium. They will protect your home and scent your laundry and outerwear. It is enough to put a few drops of ether on a cloth or paper napkin and spread them out in the apartment - where the moth likes to be.


All citrus fruits have a very strong smell that repels pests perfectly. Arrange fresh orange, tangerine, lemon or grapefruit peels on the shelves of wardrobes and kitchen cabinets. Replace them when dry.

The zest of a lemon or orange, laid out in cabinets, will help scare her away and drive her out of your home.

Natural remedies only scare away the moth, and do not kill it. In case of mass infection, they are unlikely to help you - in this case, you should give preference to chemical insecticides.

See more folk remedies (video):

fly traps

If a moth has flown into your house and you can't catch it, hang some sticky fly traps in the room. After some time, the butterfly will definitely stick to it.

Chemical agents against moths

Moth control at home cannot do without the use of chemical insecticides. They are represented by sprays and aerosols. Among the most effective are:

  • Dichlorvos - they can only spray cabinets;
  • Armol - acts on all surfaces (textiles, furniture, wood). To process a small apartment, one can is enough;
  • Clean house - it should not be sprayed on clothes;
  • Raptor is an excellent fast-acting drug that allows you to destroy the entire population of insects as quickly as possible. Thanks to a special formula, the aerosol enters the insect's body through chitinous membranes and respiratory tract. This aerosol is non-toxic and has no unpleasant odor. It is suitable for processing clothing and wardrobe or upholstered furniture. The main thing is not to use it in the kitchen;
  • Antimol is a universal remedy;
  • Morimol, Phoksid, Mittoks, Supromit - insecticidal solutions that serve to protect carpets and upholstered furniture.

Aerosols sprayed in a room or closet kill not only adults, but also larvae. The preparations are easy to use, differ in affordable cost and do not require additional preparation. It is necessary to close all windows, wait a few hours, and then thoroughly wash and ventilate the room. Clothes and other textiles should be machine washed. Not only things are subject to processing, but also the wardrobe in which they are stored, as well as carpets and furniture upholstery.

When using sprays, follow the instructions clearly - this will allow you to quickly get rid of the kitchen and room moth.

Moth fumigators

Fumigators are simple and long-term means of dealing with apartment moths. Plug in the appliance and let it do its job, the principle of which is to heat up the insecticide plate and vaporize the chemicals into the air. In some models, the plates are replaced with a special liquid - both options work equally well. The most famous fumigators are Raid, DiK-3 and Mosquitall.

The fumigator has a small size - approximately 95 * 60 * 50 mm. The affected area covers up to 30 square meters. m. The device can be placed in any cabinet - an extension cord will help you with this.

Attention! Fumigators have a delayed action - they do not work immediately, but within 3-14 days. This small disadvantage is compensated by a lower degree of toxicity than, for example, aerosols.

Moth traps

For those who prefer efficient and safe ways moths, we recommend using the Swissinno traps. These devices do not contain chemical insecticides, so there can be no talk of harm to health. The trap is like a house with sticky walls. Attracted by the appetizing smell coming from inside, the butterfly flies in and sticks to the walls. The design is thought out so that the insect can easily find the entrance - it is open from all 4 sides. Using the house is very simple - you just need to glue the device to a fat-free surface.

Sections from the moth

Home methods of dealing with moths include the use of special sections. They are produced by Raptor and Mosquitall. They have a preventive effect and are designed to repel pests. Sections are attached or suspended plates with different aromas - lavender, chamomile, tangerine, etc. The action of two pieces covers 1⁄2 sq. m. cabinet area. They need to be changed at intervals of 1 time in 4 months.

Advice! Insecticide sprays, fumigators and sections should be kept away from food and out of the reach of children.

How to remove kitchen moth?

You need to get rid of the kitchen moth immediately, otherwise it will ruin all food supplies. For this you need:

  • Conduct an audit in the stocks of cereals, sugar, flour, dried fruits, nuts, etc. Gray plaque, cobwebs and sticky lumps indicate that pests have already been here. Food damaged by larvae will have to be thrown away. Ignite the rest in a hot oven for 20 minutes;

  • Wash cabinets, shelves and other food storage places with washing gel and treat with sprays or fumigators;
  • Arrange garlic cloves, citrus peels, lavender sprigs, bay leaves, and other scented herbs all over the shelves.


You know how to deal with apartment moths, but do you know how to prevent re-infestation? Preventive measures will help you with this:

  • All things in the lockers must be clean, especially those that are put off until the next season;
  • Wipe Periodically internal surfaces cabinets and wardrobes, treat them with disinfectants or vinegar solution;

  • Ventilate the house regularly and clean;
  • Clean carpets and upholstery of upholstered furniture with water and disinfectants about once a month;
  • Products made of fur and wool must be wrapped in clean plastic bags or newspapers (the insect cannot stand the aroma of printing ink), and fur coats should be placed in thick paper cases. It does not hurt to sprinkle them with an anti-moth preparation;
  • Carpets, blankets, rugs, pillows, etc., take them outside at least 2 times a year for airing and knocking out;
  • Winter shoes sent for storage also need to be prepared. To do this, remove the insoles, wash them well and dry them completely. Put tobacco, lavender or ether-soaked wipes in the shoes themselves.

Another distinguishing feature of this annoying pest is persistence. In an effort to get to a "delicacy" fur coat or woolen coat, the insect can easily overcome fabric and polyethylene covers. Accordingly, one should not rely on these methods of protection.

Another type of moth is food, it is distinguished by fertility. For your life cycle the butterfly lays about one and a half hundred eggs, from which very voracious caterpillars later hatch. You can find them in the process of auditing on kitchen shelves or in cabinets. Not to notice the traces of the appearance of the pest is quite difficult. But there is simply no other method of dealing with moths, except for the complete disposal of the discovered clutches, in this case.

In rooms where ventilation is often performed, and things in cabinets do not hang idle for most of their "life", it is almost impossible to meet pests. Their best friends- dirt, dust, high humidity and lack of direct sunlight. Moreover, even if a pale cream butterfly was seen in the premises of a house or apartment, the fight against adults will not give a visible result. The thing is that they have no desire to damage things from natural materials. And the main danger is the larvae, which at the stage of pupation require a significant supply of vitality.

There is no effective "folk" or "home" remedy for the destruction of winged individuals. They can only be scared away from cabinets and food storage areas using a variety of substances and plants with a sharp aroma. But with the larvae, you can and should fight with all available means.

  1. Clothes and shoes put away in the closet are clean and dry. The fabric that has retained particles of human sweat and skin is a more tasty bait for the pest.
  2. You follow the rules of seasonal storage of wardrobe items. Fur coats, for example, are stored in special cases, hats - in cardboard boxes, scarves and hats - on special holders, shoes - without insoles.
  3. All storage areas are adequately ventilated, located outdoors with a high level of humidity, and regularly ventilated.
  4. Containers for storing cereals and other bulk food products have a sealed lid.
  5. Cleaning is done in a timely and thorough manner - grease, dirt, dust attract moths like a magnet, signaling that there is something to profit from in the room.

The fight against moths requires a considerable investment of time and effort. It is not worth adding to the enemy's chances of success by capitulating before he has time to attack. Make sure that your closets are always in order, and your clothes are regularly ventilated and stored in proper conditions. In this case, it will be much easier to defeat the pest.

Folk methods of struggle: fragrant salt, lavender and tangerine

How to deal with moths if you have already noticed the appearance of adult insects in the house? First of all, you should carefully check all the premises of the apartment for the detection of egg clutches. For preventive purposes, it is worth:

  • inspect cabinets;
  • dry feather beds and feather pillows;
  • arrange ventilation in all possible locations insect habitat.

In addition, it is worth taking care of preparing repellers that will not allow moths to even come close to clothes in the future. Of course, naphthalene immediately comes to mind, with its aroma quite capable of knocking down not only a flying insect, but also a person. The aroma of this substance until recently was considered perhaps the only defense against the invasion of voracious butterflies. But today it's proven negative impact substances they release on human health. That is why, for the purpose of prevention, it is better to use more gentle measures of influence. To scare away the moth will help:

  • Plants with a strong aroma."Charms" hung in wardrobes: sprigs of lavender, tansy, geranium, mint, cloves, will become not only a natural deodorant for clothes sent to long-term storage, but also scare away uninvited guests. True, modern individuals here too have learned to overcome their natural aversion to strong odors and can take risks in order to lay their eggs in a particularly luxurious fur coat. And aromatic components do not act at all on the larvae.

  • Fragrant soap. It works by analogy with other repellers. Notes of mignonette, lily of the valley, pine needles, citrus fruits are considered especially effective. Among the advantages of this method is the absence of marks on clothes that plants sometimes leave.

  • Essential oils. Concentrated formulations easily cope with their purpose, scaring away moths within a radius of tens of meters. It is enough to put them on a napkin and send them to the closet. But the garments themselves should not be covered with oils - they leave greasy stains that are not very aesthetic and difficult to remove.
  • Orange peel. The bright aroma released by the peel of citrus fruits as it dries serves as a natural deodorant and repels harmful insects. Zest can be used not only in wardrobes, but also in kitchen cabinets, which distinguishes it from all other means.

It is worth considering that in any case, it will not work to fight the moth without the use of radical measures of influence. Specialists of the company "ECO-CAPITAL" advise:

In the fight against adults, one should not forget that the main danger is the larvae. It is they who spoil clothes and carpets, gnaw through home textiles and are well camouflaged in the depths of cabinets and other pieces of furniture. You can't get by with a "cosmetic" effect. Cardinal measures are needed that can lead to the death of clutches of eggs and larvae at any stage of development. Otherwise, instead of your favorite clothes sent for seasonal storage, only worthless rags riddled with the mouths of voracious pests will remain in the closet.

Means of effective struggle: what is the mole afraid of

Before you deal with moths in an apartment, you need to identify its habitat. Clothes and linen individuals live in residential premises. Grain lovers and cereal crops- in the kitchen. It is from this factor that the choice of insecticide will depend in the future. In particular, you can use:

  • Aerosol preparations. Dichlorvos and its analogues do an excellent job with flying insects and are poisonous to their larvae. True, spraying pesticides inside cabinets should still be done with precautions. And after some time after processing, all clothes will have to be thoroughly ventilated. Sprays are not suitable for combating food species moth. Here it will be much safer to use thermal exposure. However, there are also universal drugs - such as "Armol" or "Raptor".
  • section elements. They are also called deodorants. Outwardly, they look like pieces of ordinary soap, they are hung up and laid out in cabinets in order to prevent and repel insects. Not poisonous to humans and animals. Produced by most major manufacturers.

  • Electrofumigators. Like other agents of this spectrum, they are effective against flying insects. Moth control in this case will be effective only if adult insects have not laid eggs.

  • Thermal impact. Like other insects, pests of this type are afraid of thermal exposure. The premises where the moth settled can be frozen out, thus killing the larvae, or treated with a steam generator. Ignite the cereals in the oven or in a dry frying pan.

How to get rid of moths in an apartment and house with the help of professionals

offer professionals? First of all - to abandon the ideas of herbal medicine. You can win here only with the help of proven insecticides. Moreover, even their experts suggest not spraying locally, wasting time and effort, but spraying in the form of a cloud of water suspension that can sink into the most inaccessible corners of the premises where a larva or adults can live.

This method is applied with the help of technical means called "fog generator". By supplying the insecticide from a pressurized tank, the specialist controls the treatment process in real time and can ensure the creation of a directed steam flow to the most dangerous areas in terms of insect larvae.

The hot mist generator combines the spraying of pesticides with thermal effects. This approach makes it possible to guarantee the total destruction of all individuals and ensures the longest and most effective protection in future. However, you can take care of preventive measures in advance by ordering the installation of barrier protection using special chemicals in the company "ECO-CAPITAL".

Prevention measures

Upon completion of the work performed by professionals, the moth will leave your home for a sufficiently long period of time. And in order to avoid her return, you should remember to follow simple security measures:

  • cereals and bulk products must be stored only in hermetically sealed containers;
  • fur coats, sheepskin coats and coats must be cleaned before being sent for storage;
  • clothes to be washed - handle at the highest possible temperatures;
  • do not mix clean linen and clothes with dirty ones;
  • regularly ventilate wardrobes and wardrobe items stored in them.

By following these simple rules, it is possible to avoid the reappearance of the moth where it has already been expelled. If the reason for creating favorable conditions for the reproduction of insects was the increased humidity in the dressing room, it is worth moving the cabinets to where they will be regularly exposed to direct sunlight.

Moths in the kitchen are not only flying moths, but also their pupae, larvae and eggs.

  • This means that in order to remove pests forever, you need to deal with them comprehensively - find and eliminate the outbreak, clean the furniture / ceiling, throw away everything that was infected and process potentially infected products.

Food moth is of different types. Most often in the kitchen in a city apartment you can find: flour moth, a little less often - cocoa moth (very similar to clothes moth) and southern barn moth (the fight against it is more difficult than with others). Where do they come from even in the cleanest kitchen cabinets?

  • Tiny, almost invisible eggs find their way into the kitchen in packages of cereals, cereals, biscuits, dried fruits, flour, spices and other groceries. Then, within a week, food moth larvae hatch from them, which subsequently pupate and turn into moths.

In this material, you will find step-by-step instructions on how to get rid of food moths, what preventive measures to take to avoid its reappearance, and how to save food if it is a pity to throw it away.

Step 1. We are looking for a hotbed and infected products

Moth eggs look like small white grains stuck together, similar to semolina. The larvae first look like small whitish worms, and then they grow to 1.27 cm and have black or brown heads. Another clear sign of food contamination is cobwebs, as in the photo below.

To get rid of food moths, the first thing you need to do is:

  1. Inspection of kitchen cabinets and products. Inspect all the supplies that are stored in the kitchen cabinets - you need to find not only the source, but also the products already infested with larvae and eggs.
  • Do not forget to check unpacked groceries, because moths easily eat through cardboard, foil and polyethylene.
  • Pay special attention to the edges of the jar lids - they may have a moth cobweb.
  • Remember that not only groceries can be contaminated, but also animal feed, bird seeds, fishing bait, that is, almost everything that is not stored in the refrigerator.
  1. Ceiling inspection. Ceiling, ceiling moldings, wallpaper edges and chandelier base. The moth loves to hide in dark crevices and corners.
  2. Inspection of cabinet tops. Here you can also see moth cocoons.

By the way, if you doubt whether there is a mole in your kitchen at all or, say, whether it was possible to bring it out after cleaning, then inspect the room at night - adults will gather around a burning chandelier.

Step 2. We carry out a total cleanup

  1. Eliminate the source and products that show clear signs of contamination. As soon as you find which product has become a source of insects, wrap it tightly in a plastic bag and immediately discard it, or better yet, burn it completely.
  2. Do a thorough cleaning. Empty the kitchen cabinets and take out the shelves, then vacuum them and the inside walls of the cabinet, paying special attention to the corners and crevices.
  • A vacuum cleaner (without a nozzle or with a small nozzle) will tighten the hidden moth and prevent unobtrusive eggs from remaining in the closet. This method is very effective, so if you do not have a vacuum cleaner, you should ask your friends for it. The main thing after the procedure is to throw out the bag or freeze it in the freezer for 3-4 days.
  1. Wash all containers and jars. This can be done with vinegar solution or laundry soap. The container in which the contaminated products were located should be frozen for 3-4 days or heated in the microwave for 5 minutes.
  2. Vacuum the ceiling. If you find moth settlements on the ceiling, ceiling plinths, tops of cabinets, near the chandelier, and also under the edges of the departed wallpaper, then vacuum these places too.

Step 3. Kill the adults and put up the traps

How to catch adults who have already scattered to the corners of cabinets and kitchens? Males (by the way, harmless, but fertilizing females) can be caught using a glue trap (photo below). The principle of its operation is simple - a trap treated with female pheromone attracts males and “catches” them, and without males, moths, of course, cannot reproduce. Thus, pheromone traps will help prevent the re-emergence of insects.

  • You can buy such a trap for 200-300 rubles in online stores and household chemical stores.

Females, on the other hand, will have to be killed by traditional methods - a fly swatter or a rolled-up newspaper, since they fly poorly and slowly, it is not so difficult to do this.

Step 4: Handling Potentially Infected Products

So, you've thrown away the source product and the food with clear signs of contamination, but what about the rest of the supplies that appear clean on the outside or were slightly contaminated?

The easiest way is to throw them away, but if you want to, you can save potentially contaminated food in the following two ways:

  • After sifting and sorting out cereals, flour or other product, keep it in the freezer or on the balcony (in winter) for at least 3-4 days.
  • After pouring the product onto a baking sheet, heat it in the oven at a temperature of 60 degrees for at least 40 minutes. Before warming it, of course, you need to clean it.

Keep in mind that the first method of processing, although longer, retains all the vitamins and nutritional properties of food.

Step 5. We carry out prevention and protect products

  1. New or cold/heat processed foods (including pet food) should be poured into glass, thick plastic or metal containers/jars with tight-fitting lids. This will protect the supplies from the penetration of moths and prevent them from escaping outside the container. Recall that cardboard, paper, foil and plastic bags are easily eaten by it.

  1. In the fight against moths in the kitchen, a folk recipe is also useful - storing products with natural repellents:
  • With a couple of bay leaves;
  • With peeled, but not cut garlic (a couple of heads are enough);
  • With orange peels.

  1. On the shelves, you can also lay out one of the following, either: sprigs of lavender, birch leaves, geranium, wormwood, rosemary, laundry soap or strong-smelling essential oils. For example, fir oil is suitable, with which you can moisten a cotton pad and leave it in the closet.

Remember that these folk remedies will scare away the adult moth, preventing it from laying eggs in food and on the shelves, but they will not work on the larvae. Moreover, if you suddenly put a package of infected cereal on a shelf with lavender, then the moth larvae will not die in it, and the butterflies that will appear later will no longer be afraid of the smell of lavender. That is why it is necessary to deal with domestic pests comprehensively.

In total, there are about thirty varieties of moths (woolen, carpet, cabbage, grain, etc.). For convenience, the entire complex classification was reduced to two pest names: clothing and food. The first lives in a closet with clothes, eats products made of fabric, paper and leather. The second lives in the kitchen or pantry, destroying groceries and edible waste.

The real danger is not adult moths, but their offspring - larvae and caterpillars. Therefore, in order to get rid of moths in the apartment once and for all, it is necessary to find and destroy all egg clutches - quickly block the path for reproduction for the pest.

  • Show all

    Fighting moths in the closet

    The clothes moth is unpretentious: it devours any kind of fabric, down and feathers, skin and fur. Even covers made of dense matter or cellophane will not stop her. A powerful mouth apparatus will allow you to gnaw through micro-holes in obstacles and get through them to any textile product. Attacks are not only things from the closet, but also interior items: books, pillows, curtains, furniture upholstery, carpets.

    The fight against clothes moth is carried out according to the following plan:

    1. 1. Pull out all its contents from the closet: get clothes from the shelves and from the hanger, take out the shoe boxes. Inspect carefully.
    2. 2. Treat the surface with a warm concentrated soapy solution both inside and out. Most often, female moths arrange oviposition in hard-to-reach places: in the corners and seams of furniture, at the junctions of two parts, on the back surfaces of boxes. Such places should be cleaned thoroughly.
    3. 3. A proven recipe: wipe the cabinet walls, drawers and shelves with table vinegar. It will strengthen the result of the previous action, seep into the narrowest cracks and kill the eggs ripening there.
    4. 4. Provide fresh air to the room. Leave the closet wide open to ventilate.

    Note! If you miss at least one clutch, then the moth will breed, and the whole procedure will have to be repeated again.

    Moth control at home involves the use of water and vinegar. They are harmless to ordinary wooden and plastic furniture, but can damage the coating of valuable materials. If there is a fear of spoiling an expensive piece of furniture, it is better not to try to expel insects on your own, but to seek help from the SES.

    Processing of clothes and home accessories

    Clothes moth eggs are often attached to fabric fibers. Therefore, all the contents of the wardrobe must be sorted and processed. To begin with, the clothes must be carefully examined. Heavily damaged and spoiled items should be put in a tight plastic bag and thrown away as soon as possible. All other wardrobe items - no matter whether damage is visible on them or not - can be seriously processed in one of the following ways:

    1. 1. Washing. At medium or high temperatures (based on the type of fabric and the product itself) with the obligatory addition of chemical cleaners that will etch the moth from the inside. The method is effective in relation not only to clothes, but also to bed linen and pillows.
    2. 2. Boiling. For things that are not afraid of exposure to high temperatures.
    3. 3. Steaming or ironing.
    4. 4. Spraying with Dichlorvos or its derivatives.

    Other possible breeding grounds for moths - books, lampshades, paintings, shoe boxes - must be well shaken out and placed in direct sunlight for at least an hour. Ultraviolet is detrimental to insect pests, so long "sunbaths" will help fight the larvae. Trempel for clothes, photo frames and hard household items are recommended to be wiped with soapy water or vinegar.

    Removing moths in the kitchen

    The food moth is as persistent as the clothes moth. Thanks to its high level of adaptability and powerful jaws, it feeds on everything that gets in its way. Favorite treats are:

    • tea, cocoa;
    • cereals, beans;
    • pasta;
    • flour;
    • crackers and biscuits;
    • flakes;
    • food for pets;
    • potatoes and cabbage;
    • dried fruits.

    The pest can settle everywhere, so the fight must be carried out throughout the kitchen.

    First you need to completely free cabinets and mezzanines from cans and boxes. Clean interior and exterior surfaces of furniture with soap and vinegar. Kitchen utensils and utensils for storing groceries:

    • wash;
    • douse with boiling water;
    • dry in the sun in a room with access to fresh air.

    Sorting inventory. Products contaminated with moths can be distinguished by the following features:

    • On the walls of the dishes, a gray, white or brownish coating is noticeable - insect excrement.
    • There is a light grayish cobweb under the lid.
    • Larvae/eggs found in product or dish.

    Note! All packaged goods must be opened and inspected, as moths eat through any soft factory packaging (foil, cardboard and cellophane).

    Food Processing

    All products in doubt must be destroyed. However, moth larvae are often found in large stocks, which are a pity to throw in, for example, in a grocery warehouse or in the cellar of a private house. In such a situation, food can be saved by heat treatment:

    1. 1. In the oven. Hourly heating at 60-65⁰С is completely safe for dry cereals, flour, beans, but detrimental to moth larvae. Upon completion of the procedure, the product must be cooled and separated from the corpses of pests (groats - sorted out, and flour - sifted). After - sprinkle in a proper container and close tightly.
    2. 2. In the refrigerator. Those stocks that cannot be fried without harm to their quality should be placed in freezer for 3-4 days. Extreme cold will kill all life forms during this time. Then it remains only to choose the eggs and larvae.

    Note! The most effective is the combined method: primary roasting in the oven and subsequent storage in the freezer.

    professional tools

    Products of the chemical industry, specially designed to combat the offspring and adults of harmful moths:

    1. 1. Aerosols (Raptor, Difox, Antimol). Retain their effect for a period of six months to a year. After washing, things are processed again.
    2. 2. Tablets (Antimol, Dezmol). A set of 5 tablets is required per unit of area (eg cupboard). They are wrapped in gauze and placed on the top shelf. From there couples active substances spread throughout the space.
    3. 3. Sections (Raptor, Mosquitoll). They poison ripening pests with an insecticide that is completely safe for humans and pets. They have an effect for 4-5 months.
    4. 4. Plates (Molemor, Prayer). They work for at least six months. It is enough to place one plate on the top shelf, and all the moths living in the cabinet will die out.
    5. 5. Liquid preparations (Mottoks, Phoksid, Morimol). Designed to protect fur coats, carpets, fur collars and hats. After processing, it is recommended to place the clothes in a special cover or a tight plastic bag.
    6. 6. Gels (Raptor, Antimol). Flat polymer capsules designed to be placed on a hanger. It is enough to place 2 capsules in a medium-sized cabinet. The duration of the gel is from two to five years.

    Note! The listed funds must be used strictly according to the instructions and thrown away immediately after the expiration of the service life.