home · Appliances · Finger gymnastics card index on the topic. Finger gymnastics Methods of protection from the negative impact of the urban environment

Finger gymnastics card index on the topic. Finger gymnastics Methods of protection from the negative impact of the urban environment


This is my umbrella.
I walk with him in the rain.
Let the rain drum.
I'll stay dry.
And here is my book.
I can read it.
I can give you some pictures
Show in it.
This is my ball
Cheerful, funny.
I'm leaving him
Over your head.
Here's my kitten
I stroke him
He purrs
For me alone.

I want to build a house
So that there is a window in it
So that the house has a door
So that the pine tree grows nearby
So that there is a fence around
The dog guarded the gate
So that a bug lives on the grass
A fast spider was running
It was sunny, it was raining
So that the tulip blooms in the garden
So that there is a peephole on the house
And behind the house there lived a hedgehog.


Our cat has ten kittens
Now all the kittens are in pairs
Two fat, two nimble
Two long, two tricky
Two little ones are the most beautiful


There is a house made of logs in the forest
There is a window in that house
Look out that window
The house is quiet and dark.
We quietly fist
Let's knock on this house
Some animal came out
“WOOF,” he said and locked the door.
We raise our fists louder
Let's knock on this house
Some animal came out
“BEE,” he said and locked the door.
Loud, loud fist
Let's knock on this house
Some animal came out
“MUU,” he said and locked the door.
Pussy looks out the window
“MEOW-MEOW,” he says.
Stop knocking on our house
Let me get some sleep.


A flower in a flowerbed grows and blooms.
Waiting for guests to come over, basking in the sun.
A bug came running to him to swing.
The breeze sways and sways.
A moth came to the flower for juice
The breeze sways and sways
A bee flew to a flower for food
I swayed a little and collected honey
But then the bee and the moth flew away,
The bug ran away and the flower remained
He will stand in the sun basking.
And the sun will set, our flower will sleep.


Five funny pigs
They are standing behind the gate.
These piglets are waiting
What will they bring to eat?
Five funny pigs
They look through the cracks from below.
They run back and forth
Where is the delicious food?
Five funny pigs
They knock on the door with their hooves.
Suddenly this door opened
You can run out now.
Five funny pigs
They squeal loudly with joy.
Here's the trough, yes, yes, yes
And it has delicious food.
Five funny pigs
They really want to eat
And in the trough at the same moment
Jump with your head and feet.


The little boy went to bed
On the palm of your hand, like on a bed.
And when it got cold
He covered himself with a blanket.
And he lay there all night.
And when he got up in the morning,
He began to raise his brothers,
To play with them.


Little caterpillar
Crawling along a leaf
Leaf like candy
Gnawing all day
Finally got enough
A cocoon suddenly spun.
In a cocoon like a doll
I slept through the winter.
And in the spring that doll
Tired of sleeping.
Turned into a butterfly
To fly everywhere.


Here's the left and right
That's just their name.
Inseparable girlfriends
The two always go together.
Both left and right
Let's go for a walk alone
Found a big puddle
And they began to jump in it.
All wet and cold
They can barely walk
Suddenly left and right
We met a lion.
And he opened such a mouth
And he growls so scary
That the left one runs home
And the right one runs.
We reached the house.
Look: both are here.
But they just forgot
What are their names now?
Where is the left, where is the right
You can't figure it out yourself.
Take a quick look
And tell them!


And I have a cup
And a teapot.
I'll pour tea into your cup
Have tea with me.

Little Katya was smart.
I found work for all the animals in the room.
The dog washes the cups with its tongue.
The mouse picks up crumbs under the table.
The cat scratches the bench with its claws.
A pockmarked hen sweeps the floor with its wing.
Katya cooks porridge for her animals.
He praises them for their work and spoon feeds them.


Five ducklings are swimming forward, a duck is waiting for them on the shore,
but only four ducklings returned to their mother.
Four ducklings are swimming forward, their mother is waiting on the shore,
but only three of the ducklings returned to their mother.
Three ducklings are swimming forward, their mother is waiting on the shore,
but only two of the ducklings returned to their mother.
Two ducklings are swimming forward, their mother is waiting on the shore,
but only the last of the ducklings returned to their mother.
Here one is swimming forward, his mother is waiting on the shore.
And immediately, together, five ducklings returned to their mother.


Five little shells, look at them quickly.
“Shhh,” the wave said, only three left.
Three small shells lie in the sea grass
“Shhh,” the wave said, only two left.
Two small shells. The wave is running again.
“Shhh,” the wave said, “one shell.”
The last shell lies in front of you.
“Shhh,” the wave said, “there’s not one more.”


He flew, he flew, and landed on the top of your head. (2p)
This is a funny little ball.
This ball wants to play with you.
He flew, he flew and landed on your nose. (2p)
This is a funny little ball.
This ball wants to play with you.
He flew, he flew and landed on your tummy. (2p)
This is a funny little ball.
This ball wants to play with you.
He flew, he flew and sat down on your legs.
He jumped at his feet, and then suddenly burst: “Bang!”

A bunny sits on a hill in a field.
He warms his ears and moves them.
The bunny went to the garden to get cabbage.
The bunny found a cabbage there.

The clubfooted bear was walking through the forest,
I chose a place for my den.
I began to dig the ground under a tall pine tree,
I dug a den and went to bed.
Star-snowflakes fell from the sky,
Snow covered the paths, houses and forest.
And all winter the wind rustled in that forest.
And all winter the bear snored under the pine tree.

The mouse climbed for the first time
See what time it is.
Suddenly the clock said: "BOM" -
The mouse rolled head over heels.
The mouse climbed in a second time
See what time it is.
Suddenly the clock said: "BOM-BOM" -
The mouse rolled head over heels.
The mouse climbed for the third time
See what time it is.
Suddenly the clock said: "BOM-BOM-BOM" -
The mouse rolled head over heels.

We sit in a circle with tambourines,
We want to talk.
And to say: “I see you”
We will knock together - once.
We want to say hello
And again we knock.
“Hello, hello,” we are those words
We knock once and twice.
And to say: “It’s time to play”
And dance together
Don't say anything
And knock - one, two, three.

Like kittens, we walk quietly in pairs, in pairs we walk,
and now we’ll jump together: “Meow-meow,” we’ll sing.
and now we’ll jump together and sing a song.
Like kittens, we walk quietly in pairs, in pairs we walk,
and now we’ll stamp our feet together: “Meow-meow,” we’ll sing.
and now we’ll stomp together and sing a song.
Like kittens, we walk quietly in pairs, in pairs we walk,
and now we’ll turn around: “Meow-meow,” we’ll sing.
and now we’ll turn around and sing a song.
Like kittens, we walk quietly in pairs, in pairs we walk,
and now let’s clap our hands: “Meow-meow,” we’ll sing.
and now let’s clap our hands and sing a song.


Comfortable seat and music playing
The car is driving fast (2p) and the engine is knocking.
Now we are going faster, the engine is knocking louder.
Let's go even faster (3r) even faster.
We turned right, and there was a ditch ahead
And we are shaking and shaking (3p), but we are moving forward.
We hit the brakes, and now we’re standing still.
The cars started honking (3p), we were honking louder than anyone else.
I'm driving, driving, driving, I'm turning the steering wheel.
The car (3p) takes me where I want.

The centipede runs well
Stomps his feet so hard the floor shakes
Even if your legs walk all day
don't get tired, don't get tired.
The one who came last, let him run forward,
And the very first thing that pops into my head.

Neighbors can be pushed, pushed, pushed. (2p)

You can whisper, whisper, whisper to your neighbors. (2p)
Neighbors can be hugged, hugged, hugged. (2p)
Neighbors can be tickled, tickled, tickled. (2p)

© Zheleznova E.

Finger gymnastics in verse and finger games not only affect the development of speech, but their beauty is also that they instantly switch the baby’s attention from whims or nervousness to bodily sensations - and calm them down. This is an interesting activity when the child has nothing else to do (for example, on the road or in line).

Ay, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo!
A raven sits on an oak tree,
He plays the trumpet
In silver.

A swan floats along the river.
Above the bank the little head is carried.
He waves his white wing,
He shakes some water onto the flowers.

Snail, snail!
Show me your horns
I'll give you a piece of the pie
Donuts, cheesecakes,
Sweet flatbread, -
Stick your horns out!

Simple rules of the game

1. Try to involve all fingers in the games (especially the ring and little fingers - they are the laziest).
2. Be sure to alternate three types of movements:

How else to activate your fingers

1. Give a newspaper, sheets of paper - let him vomit (just be careful not to put these “pieces” in his mouth).
2. Thread large buttons onto a strong thread and let them sort through them.
3. Give wooden beads, abacus, pyramids.
4. Draw faces on the plastic plugs and place them on your fingers. You will get a finger theater.

This is only a small fraction of the games and activities that can captivate a child and spend time usefully.

Several finger gymnastics exercises for children in verse!


I want to build a house
(Fold your hands like a house and raise them above your head)
So that there is a window in it,
(Join the fingers of both hands into a circle)
So that the house has a door,
(We connect the palms of our hands together vertically)
Nearby for a pine tree to grow.
(We raise one hand up and “spread” our fingers)
So that there is a fence around
The dog guarded the gate,
(We join our hands in a lock and make a circle in front of us)
It was sunny, it was raining,
(First, we raise our hands up, fingers “spread”. Then we lower our fingers down, making “shaking” movements)
And the tulip bloomed in the garden!
(Put your palms together and slowly open your fingers - “tulip bud”)
Friends - gardeners

Thick and big finger
I went to the garden to pick plums.
(The palm is gathered into a “fist”. Bend the thumb, straighten it, then bend it halfway. Bend it again, and so on several times)
Index from the threshold
Showed him the way.
(We bend the index finger, then “bend and unbend”)
The middle finger is the most accurate
He knocks plums off the branch.
(We bend the middle finger, “bend and unbend” it. At the same time, you need to try not to bend the index and thumb)
Nameless picks up
(We also bend the ring finger, try not to move the previous fingers)
And the little finger is gentleman
Throws bones into the ground!
(Bend the little finger)


A boat is sailing along the river,
(Press the lower parts of the palms against each other, the upper parts are open - showing the “ship”)
He floats from afar
(Attach horizontally left hand to the eyes - “look into the distance”)
There are four very brave sailors on the boat.
(Show 4 fingers)
They have ears on top of their heads,
(Put both palms to your ears)
They have long tails
(We connect the fingertips of both hands together and then slowly spread our arms to the sides)
And only cats are scary to them, only cats and cats!
(We show two palms open from ourselves, then bend the fingers slightly - we get “claws”)
At the end of this game you can ask the child:
-What kind of sailors were on the ship?
Answer: mice

I will press two palms,
And I will sail across the sea.
(Press both palms together, without connecting your thumbs)
Two palms, friends, -
This is my boat.
(Make wave-like movements with your hands - “the boat floats”)
I'll raise the sails
(Hands joined together in a boat shape, raise your thumbs up)
I'll swim in the blue sea.
(Continue wave-like movements with your hands - “boat”)
And on the stormy waves
Fish swim here and there.
(Completely connect two palms to each other to imitate fish and again wave-like movements - “fish swim”)

The mouse snuck into the hole,
(We make sneaking movements with both handles)
It was locked with a padlock.
(Slightly wiggle your crossed fingers)
She's looking through the hole
(Make a ring with your fingers)
The cat is sitting on the fence!
(We put our hands to our heads like ears and move our fingers)


(Hand clenched into a fist)
We shared an orange.
(Turn your fist left and right)
There are many of us, but he is alone!
(With the other hand we extend the fingers folded into a fist, starting with the thumb)
This slice is for the hedgehog,
(Extend the index finger)
This slice is for the siskin,
(Extend the middle finger)
This slice is for ducklings
(We bend the ring finger)
This slice is for kittens
(We bend the little finger)
This slice is for the beaver,
(Turn the open palm left and right)
Well, for the wolf - the peel.

05.12.2013 16:18:27,

Lyuba Grubtsova
Lesson summary “The house where I live”

"House, in where I live»

Target: Summarize and systematize children’s knowledge about their home; clarify knowledge about your place of residence;

Teach children to make a whole from parts.


Educational area "Social and communicative development"

Create conditions for the formation of kindness, friendliness, goodwill.

Educational area "Cognitive Development"

Strengthen knowledge of home address;

Knowledge about parts of the house;

Purpose of rooms in the apartment;

Improve different types attention, memory, logical thinking;

Expand and enrich children’s knowledge about human housing;

Educational area "Speech development"

Practice forming complex adjectives;

Replenish the active dictionary with antonyms;

Improve children's ability to solve riddles;

Teach children to answer questions based on a plot picture;

Develop free communication with peers and adults;

Develop speech hearing, speech rate, speech breathing, intonation expressiveness;

Continue to expand and activate your vocabulary;

Children's use of verbal and nonverbal communication.

Educational area "Artistic and aesthetic development"

Develop the ability to perceive music emotionally.

Educational area "Physical development"

Develop the ability to form a semicircle;

Orientate yourself in space;

Develop the ability to walk freely;

Maintain coordination of movements;

Develop various types movements (jumping, squatting, walking, clapping); - develop fine motor skills;

Forming a desire to lead healthy image life;

Equipment: presentation on the topic "House, in where I live» , demonstration material on the topic, sectional samples of different houses,

house models from different materials, recording music for finger playing, children's drawings on the topic "House, in where I live»

Preliminary work:

Making house models;

Holding a drawing competition "House in where I live» ;

Learning riddles, dynamic pauses, finger gymnastics.

Individual work:

Learning riddles and showing dynamic pauses, finger games. (Arina T., Polina S., Vika T, Maxim Yu)

Guys, look how many guests came to us today.

Stand next to each other

Like a month - in a semicircle!

Let's greet each other.

Hello, golden sun,

Hello, the sky is blue,

Hello, free breeze!

Hello, little oak tree!

We live in the same region -

We welcome you all!

Educator: - Guys, today we have gathered to play a little. But this game is not simple, we will learn by playing.

Educator: Listen poem:

They say there was such a case somewhere,

People were driving home from work.

We just got there, suddenly - miracles:

Everyone has forgotten their addresses.

They search, they worry, they look around,

Residents are rushing about: “Where is our floor?”

Everything is confused, everything is lost!

Fortunately, this only happened in a fairy tale.

I told you about this on purpose

Where do you live?

Where was your house built?

And are you familiar with the house?

Educator: - What is this story about?

Children: - About the house.

Educator: - Today we will talk about houses, what they are like, what they are made of, what material they can be built from.

Educator: - Do you know your home address?

Raise your hands, those who live on Domostroiteley Street, stomp your feet, those who live on Cossack Meadows Street, clap your hands, those who live on Zapadnosibirskaya and Vereskovaya Streets, jump, those who live on Mebelshchikov and Lesoparkovaya Streets.

Educator: - I suggest you collect puzzles of houses.

Let's look at the drawings of houses.

Educator: - What kind of houses are there?

Children: - Houses are different.

Educator: I suggest you play a game "Say it the other way around"

Didactic game "Say it the other way around"

One-story house - multi-story house

Big house - small house

Old house - new house

An old house is a strong house

High house - low house

Educator: - Nijat and his mother prepared for us a story about their home, in where they live.

Educator: - Yes, the houses are really different. Name what parts the house consists of.

Children: - Window, roof, doors, wall.

Educator: - Why is a door needed in a house? Roof?

Children: - The roof protects from snow and rain. A door to prevent strangers from entering.

Educator: -What are walls for?

Children: - Protects from snow, cold, rain.

Educator: - Why do we need windows in a house?

Children: - Windows are needed to keep the house light.

Educator: - I suggest you play a game.

Finger game "New house"

Knock-knock-knock, knock-knock-knock!

Take the hammer my friend!

(Hit fist on fist, alternating hands)

We will build a new house

There is a window in the house.

(The thumbs are folded into a shelf, the rest are connected "roof")

There is another one, higher.

(Raise your hands up without changing the position of your fingers)

There is a pipe up on the roof.

(Raises a clenched fist with the index finger extended upward)

The house is ready, we invite guests:

Come quickly!

(Inviting hand gesture)

Educator: - Let's show “Why do people need houses?”


If it's raining outside, (wave your arms in front of you)

If an evil blizzard blows, (wave your arms from side to side)

We will hide in a house under a roof, ( "roof" above your head)

We won't be afraid of rain and snow then! (they stomp their feet on the spot)

Educator: - And now Kirill and his mother will tell us about their house, in where they live.

Educator: - I suggest you sing a song about home.

Finger game "House"

I want to build a house

So that there is a window in it

If only the house had a door

So that a pine tree grows nearby

So that there is a fence around

The dog guarded the gate

So that a bug lives on the grass

A fast spider was running

It was sunny, it was raining,

So that the tulip blooms in the garden

So that there is a flag on the house

And behind the house there lived a hedgehog.

Educator: - Let's figure out what materials houses are built from?

Children: - Made of brick, stone, glass, etc.

Didactic ball game “Tell me which one?”

If the house is built of brick? Brick.

If the house is built from panels? Panel.

If the house is built from blocks? Blocky

If the house is built of stone? Stone

If the house is built of concrete? Concrete

If the house is built of wood? Wood

If the house is built of logs? Log

If the house is made of plastic? Plastic

If the house is made of gingerbread? Gingerbread

If the house is made of glass? Glass

If the house is made of snow? Snow

If the house is made of ice? Ice

(The teacher listens to the children’s answers and corrects them if they are wrong)

Educator: - I propose to show how an ice house is built.


Take it, kids, white lump (make a small circle in the air with your hands while bending forward) ;

We will pour water on it, (sit down, "lifting the bucket and pouring out the water")

The house will be icy (torso tilts to the right - left, hands on the belt)

We put one after another, (tilt left and right, taking lump after lump and folding them one on one;)

So they sculpted the house. (stretch on your toes, arms up (big house)

Educator: - Guys, there are also parts inside the house - different rooms, which are called differently. The guys have prepared riddles about the rooms for you, try to guess them.

This room meets

Everyone who comes to our house. (Hallway)

Everyone in this room together

Family gathering

Sometimes have fun

Sometimes to play

Watch TV for everyone

Sweet Dreams -

I dream at night

Always in this room.

And in the morning

Sun beam

I will be there sometimes. (Bedroom)

It happens in this room

Most often our mother,

Sometimes he runs away here

Porridge from a saucepan. (Kitchen)

We brush our teeth, wash our hands,

In the evening we go swimming.

Every morning we are without boredom,

We just wash ourselves. (Bathroom)

Educator: - Let's show what parts are in each room.

Articulation gymnastics "Teremok"

We open our mouth - home,

Who is the boss in that house?

The owner of it is the TONGUE,

He lay down comfortably in the house.

This house has two walls.

These are the CHEEKS we can see.

The walls can be drawn into the house,

And then it swells like a balloon.

There is a floor in our house.

We'll show you the lower jaw.

This is the lower jaw

Movable in the house.

The ceiling is up inside,

This is the palate. Look.

You can touch the sky

Knock and stay there.

The entrance to the house is locked.

There are different doors.

Doors are teeth. Carefully.

They close securely.

Lip doors are flexible.

They can become a smile.

They can gather into a tube,

Then smile again.

Our tongue doesn't get bored.

In the house he composes fairy tales.

He will tell these tales

And it will show the movements.

Educator: - You know that different nations have their own houses and have their own names. I invite Lyosha and her mother to talk about their home. (plague)

Educator: - Well done, each of you has a wonderful story about your home.

One day a house was born on the street. And he began to grow. Grew up and grew up. At first it was one-story, then two-story, then three-story, four-story... ten-story! Now this is not a house, but a multi-story building. It grew because builders built it.

Game summary: Educator: - What did we talk about today, guys? (Children answer.)

Time is running fast. Soon you will become adults and everyone will be able to build their own house.

Educator: - Now I suggest you go to a group, and like real builders, build the house you would like.

Children: - Large, bright, cozy, spacious, comfortable, wooden.

Educator: - I believe that all your dreams will come true.

Grow up and always be friendly and cheerful. Thank you.


This little bug

Walks on the ground*

We move our fingers over our feet.

Find a sweet leaf

And it bites him.

We pinch the feet.

To eat another leaf,

He wants to climb higher.

We move our fingers over our legs (from feet to knees).

This little bug

Walking on the grass...

We move our fingers over our knees.

This little bug

Walking through the bushes...

We move our fingers over the stomach.

This little bug

Climbs higher

We move our fingers over the chest.

So he found a hole,

“The bug crawls” into the dimple on the shoulder near the neck.

He lies down and rests.

We clench our fingers into fists.

He won't bite you

He wants to get some sleep.

We lower our heads down and close our eyes.


Somehow a gray goat

I went into the garden to eat.

Index fingers straightened

Fingers are pressed to the forehead. Let's go forward.

Looked around -

There is food here and there.

We turn in one direction or the other.

There is grass under the hooves,

We lower our chin.

And above your head there is foliage.

Raise your chin up.

Bend over and eat the cabbage

We lean down.

And at the top there are large pears.

We stand on our toes and stretch up.

Cucumbers grow behind

Let's turn back.

The bushes are blooming ahead,

Let's go back.

On the left is a young onion,

On the right is a delicious zucchini.

Half turns left and right.

Here - a hundred berries, there - two hundred,

Tilts left and right.

The goat is spinning in place.

Let's spin.

And while he was choosing,

The dog chased him into the barn.

Bowing our heads, we run away from the “dog”.

One hand is a "snake". The fingers are closed tightly. The hands of an adult or another child are a “path”.

Look, friends,

I have a snake!

Slowly rotate your hand.

On the sofa, on the carpets

Can crawl here and there.

We perform slow wave-like movements with our hands. The “snake” crawls along the path, the first finger is pointed down (mouth). At first it crawls slowly, and then gradually speeds up the pace (in accordance with the spoken text).

Although the snake has no legs,

Very fast down the road

Opening your mouth wide

Crawling after frogs.

The fingers are closed again into a pinch. We twist our hand (as if looking around).

This snake has no eyes

And I caught it this time

Not frogs, not dragonflies,

Wave-like movements of the hand.

And the child by the nose.

The “snake” grabs the playing partner’s nose.

One hand is a “hammer” (we clench our fingers into a fist). The second hand (or the hand of the playing partner) is nails. Stands on a table or knees, leaning on the elbow, fingers spread. The “hammer” knocks on the “nails” - on each finger in turn.

Bom, bom, bom, bom,

We hit the nails with a hammer.

The nails don't get driven in

They just bend over.

Fingers - nails - bent. The fingers of the other hand are pincers. They close into a ring (first-second, 1-3, 1-4, 1-5, at the discretion of the players) and “rip out the nails” - we alternately pull the fingers of the other hand, straightening them.

So, you need to take pliers,

We'll pull out the nails.

I pulled, pulled, pulled,

I straightened all the nails.


These fingers pinch

Using your thumb and index finger, pinch the palm of your other hand (or your mother’s palm).

These fingers are walking

The index and middle fingers “go” along the other hand.

These people love to chat

The middle one and the nameless one move, rub against each other (rustling).

These are for a quiet nap,

We press the ring and little fingers to the palm.

And the big brother with the little finger

They can wash themselves clean.

We twist the thumb around the little finger.


Our Katyusha was smart:

She gave work to all the animals in the room.

The dog washes the cups with his tongue,

The left hand is a cup, we scrape the fingers of the right hand along its palm in a “pull away” motion back side fingers.

The mouse picks up crumbs under the table.

Grasping and pinching movements of the right hand from the palm of the left.

The cat scratches the bench with its claws,

Cross the palm of your left hand with bent fingers (claws).

A pockmarked hen sweeps the floor with its wing.

Sliding movement of the edge of the palm of one hand over the other.

Katya cooks porridge for her animals

Use the index finger of the right hand to make rotational movements in the palm of the left hand.

She cooked some porridge and fed them with a spoon.

“Scoop the porridge out of the saucepan” with your left hand (spoon), stretch your left hand forward (feed the animals).

I want to build a house

Hands above your head like a house.

So that there is a window in it,

Hands before eyes. The ends of the fingers are closed into a “window”.

So that the house has a door,

The palms are turned towards you, closed at the sides.

So that the pine tree grows nearby

Fingers spread out. We pull our hands up.

So that there is a fence around

Hands in front of you in a ring, fingers connected.

The dog guarded the gate.

One hand is a “dog”, disconnect the little finger from the other fingers.

There was sun

Cross your hands, fingers spread.

It was raining

"Shaking" movements

And the tulip bloomed in the garden

Forearms are pressed. Petal fingers point up.

Little rabbit with big ears

Press the brushes to the head like ears.

pink nose,

Use your index fingers to touch your nose.

Funny mustache

Index fingers pressed to lips.

Digs a deep hole for himself

With strong paws in soft ground.

Digging a hole (knees).

He cleans his own fur

"Cleaning the fur."

Or sleeping.

We fold our hands and place them under our cheeks.

The rabbit's ears are always moving.

We move our “ears”.

He hears the steps of foxes and wolves,

Hiding in his hole from enemies

Huddle into a ball or hide in your mother’s lap.


The hand is clenched into a fist. Thumb above.

My turtle lives in a box

The hand lies on the other palm (or on the palm of the playing partner).

Bathing in the bath

Wave-like movement of the fist in the air.

It's crawling on the floor.

The “turtle” crawls along the other hand (its own or a playing partner’s).

I will carry it on my palm,

Hands return to their original position.

She won't want to bite me

Negative head gesture.

Under the lid -

Close your fingers and turn your palm down.

small pot,

Press the fist of your other hand to your palm. Thumb inside.

Opened the lid -

Turn the “lid” palm up.

Mouse - hop!

We sharply raise our thumb.

Look: the rainbow is above us,

Draw a semicircle with your hand above your head (swinging motion).

Over the trees

Raise your hands up, fingers open.


Hands folded over head.

And over the sea, over the wave,

Draw a wave with your hand.

And a little bit above me.

Touch your head.


This is my umbrella

I walk with him in the rain

We raise right hand above your head, bend it (umbrella).

Let the rain drum -

I'll stay dry.

“Drum” with the fingers of the left hand on the right (umbrella).

And here is my book,

We press our palms together, elbows bent.

We open our palms like a book.

I can give you some pictures

Show in it.

We extend our arms, palms open.

This is my ball

Very clever, funny

Squeeze your fist and rotate your hand.

I'm leaving him

Over your head.

The ball “jumps” over your head, hitting the palm of your other hand (or the palm of your playing partner).

And here is my kitten,

I stroke him

He purrs like this

For me alone.

We stroke one hand with the other one by one.

Sokolova Lyudmila




Educator L.P. Sokolova

Target: Formation of the foundations of patriotism, respect for the Motherland, national culture city ​​of Kamenka.

Tasks:Develop children's cognitive interest.

To develop singing and dancing skills in national traditions.

Promote unity childish-adult team.

Progress of the event

Children in folk costumes with a teacher enter the hall.

Greeting song "Hello, palms"

IN: Good evening, dear children, dear parents! Today we have gathered to talk about our city Kamenka. about what he was like in the distant past and about what he has become now

Video “Happy birthday, Kamenka!”

In the distant 18th century, on the site of our city there was a small village of Dmitrievskoye - only 8 courtyards. After being through it built Railway Moscow-Penza, the population has increased. The economy began to develop. Local landowner Count Voeikov began construction of his estate. Please note that this is a real palace, with columns in Italian style. Of course, the common people do not live in such mansions, but in huts that were stacked opposite each other, forming streets. Already in those days, different peoples lived here - Russians, Tatars, Mordovians, Chuvashs. Let's take a closer look at the layouts of their homes, how these houses are similar, how they differ.

Looking at and talking with children "How house built» (walls, roof, windows, door, hut decoration)

IN:Children, do you want to try? build a house like this?

Finger gymnastics "I I want to build a house so that there is a window in it"

I I want to build a house so that there is a window in it,

So that there is a door in the house.

And there's a big fence around

So that the dog guards the entire yard.

So that the tulip blooms in the garden, and

A bug was running in the grass, a very fast spider.

So that the sun shines

It was raining, and a hedgehog lived behind the house.

Construction floor constructor houses "Builder"

And who will live in our house?

Song “There is a house made of logs in the forest”

Children, look who lives in our houses?

Here is a Matryona doll in Russian folk costume.

Russian families lived in such a hut made of logs, with platbands and shutters.

And among us there are also many Russian children, and for the holiday they dressed up in folk costumes.

Russian folk dance "Dancing"

And in this house there is an Alfia doll, she is dressed in the Tatar national costume.

And our children came in Tatar national costumes, look how beautiful they are!

Tatar folk dance.

Now 40,000 people live in our city and among them are Russians, Tatars, Uzbeks, Moldovans, Ukrainians, Kyrgyz, we are all very different, but there is one thing in common - We all love our city!

It's not the capital, so be it

Kamenka - I'm proud of you!

Mom and dad got married here

You, our city -

the best!

And today Raisa Ivanovna Gles, the author and performer of songs about our region and the city of Kamenka, came to visit us!

Song "Kamenka"

Song “Our land is Penza!”

This concludes the holiday, I wish everyone only joy!

Publications on the topic:

Once, looking at the illustrations in N. N. Gusarova’s manual “Conversations on a Picture: Seasons,” the guys and I noticed that one.

In our group, together with children and their parents, we held a community on the topic Fire safety. The goal of our community is to form.

Children and adults community “My Sports Family” Goal: Continue to organize parents and children to participate in joint activities. Objectives: Learn to walk and run without bumping into each other.

Children and adults community “Farewell to potties” Goal: Continue to organize parents and children to participate in joint activities. Develop motor activity, attention.

Children and adults community “Learning to play together” Goal: Speech development in children Objectives: Continue to adapt children and adults to kindergarten; Develop fine motor skills, speech, memory.

Children and adults event“Santa Claus’s birthday” Based on the project “Child, folk culture And family traditions" IN 1 younger group"Okay."