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Read the book The Devil's Right Hand online. Demon Beelzebub - the right hand of the lord of hell The right hand of the devil read online

Lilith Saintcrow

Right hand devil

Dedicated to Kazuo, my best friend.

Non satis est ullo, tempore longus amor.

We will indulge in love while we have the opportunity,

Because it is not durable, alas, but it is transitory.

Sextus Propertius. Elegies, 1. XIX. 25

Warlord: You are looking at a man who can pierce you with a sword without blinking an eye.

Monk: You're looking at a man who wouldn't bat an eyelid if you pierced him with a sword.


The most intriguing is the last theory: perhaps the Awakening was the result of the general evolution of the human race. Before the Awakening, any manifestation of the psionic gift was notorious for its extreme unpredictability, and even the Decree on Parapsychology, despite its noisy praise by Adrien Ferriman's apologists, only laid the foundations for codification and opened the possibility of training psions. However, the sudden rise and widespread spread of psionic and magical abilities cannot be explained by the simple fact that they were included in the legislative field.

The theory of general evolution with inexorable logic leads us to a hypothesis that considers this phenomenon as the result of the intervention of another mind. This conclusion seems self-evident, and the thesis about demonic intervention in genetic code It has already set people’s teeth on edge, turning into a banal cliché. Any sorcerer will explain to you that the human fascination with demonism can hardly be explained without recognizing that demons, as they themselves claim, have had a hand in our evolution in one way or another.

When it comes to dealing with demons, it is important to consider the following. Firstly, their possessive nature. Demons (in which, admittedly, they are similar to people) would rather destroy an object dear to them than allow it to free itself from its influence. Secondly, when entering into a deal with demons, it is important to understand: as in the case of the loa or the etrigandi, their idea of ​​truth does not coincide at all with the generally accepted human one. Often what they consider to be “true” is that the best way meets the requirements of the moment or contributes to the achievement of a goal. Hence the well-known joke that the best sorcerers come from lawyers, and the author of these lines is quite ready to believe it. Strictly speaking, in terms of envy and falsehood, we and demons are equal to each other: we could learn from them, just as they do from us. However, the latter is unlikely, because their species is much older than ours...

Adrienne Spocarelli. Theory and demonology: a guide for beginner magicians.

“This is for you,” Japhrimel said embarrassedly, and before his eyes again became almost human, a runic pattern flashed in them for a moment with green fire.

I blinked and accepted the hefty package, wrapped in blue glossy paper and tied with a wide white silk ribbon. Then she pushed aside the thick leather-bound book and rubbed her stiff neck under the heavy wave of hair. After many hours of reading and deciphering the text, my eyes began to glaze over. White marble behind Japhrimel I saw as if through a veil, and even his face at the first moment seemed unfamiliar.

Then I recognized him and sighed, taking in the familiar smell of cinnamon and musk. Near him, the sign on my shoulder began to burn, burning with the usual sweet pain that made my heart skip a beat. The room was dark except for the circle of light from an antique brass lamp with a green shade.

Alone with Japhrimel there was no need to worry about softening the hoarseness. The tattoo on my cheek curved, the emerald sparkling as it greeted him.

This is true.

Japhrimel touched my cheek with his fingertips, and from this touch a wave of liquid flame slowly, evenly spread across my back. As he straightened up, reluctantly removing his fingers, his long, dark, high-necked cloak fluttered slightly.

A gift for the most beautiful necromancer in the world.

I couldn't help but laugh.

Flattery can achieve anything. I think Gabe is prettier than me, but you are entitled to your opinion.

I straightened up, threw my head back and rolled my neck, working out the stiff muscles.

What is this?

The package was the size of my arm from wrist to elbow and heavy as metal or stone.

Japhrimel smiled, and the pattern of his mouth softened, his dark eyes taking on an almost human expression. It suited him - usually the demon’s appearance was characterized by gloomy ferocity, but now there was an air of tenderness from him, which made my body, as usual, languidly warm up and relax. I looked at the package and touched the bow.

Last time he gave me a leather-bound book, The Ninth Portal of Hell, by Perez-Reverte. Tom was in perfect condition, as if he had come out of an old Venetian printing house not a thousand years ago, but had just been or had been in a stasis chamber the entire time. This house, a villa of gleaming white marble in the Tuscan countryside, was also his gift. I once mentioned that I was tired of traveling, and one evening after dinner he handed me the keys to this house.

In my dark library only one was burning desk lamp, and everything froze, drowning in darkness. But as soon as I looked up from studying the books, I heard footsteps and other muffled sounds from the neighboring rooms: the servants were doing everyday household chores.

Everything went as usual, but for some reason I felt uneasy. I really wanted to get rid of some kind of premonition. Looks like my little foresight was working overtime.

“Oh gods, I hope that’s not the case. Well, I’ve already had plenty of entertainment, more than I can endure in one life.”

I rubbed my eyes once more and untied the cool, smooth silk ribbon while trying to control my yawn. I was deciphering for three days, my strength was running out.

You don't need to give me... gifts. Oh Gods!

From under the glossy paper appeared a figurine made of perfectly polished obsidian: a woman seated on a throne with a lion’s head, above which a golden disk glowed slightly in the dusk. I let out a sigh of amazement.

Oh Japhrimel. Where are you…

He sat down in the chair opposite me. Soft light lamp full spectrum cast shadows on his gloomy face, causing the green flashes in his eyes to generate a dancing glow, like tongues of flame. When he looked at me, green sparks flashed in his eyes.

Do you like it, Dante?

What a question! As if there could be any doubt.

I took the figurine and stroked the polished stone. Like all his gifts, it was perfect, and that perfection made my heart melt in that familiar way. However, the strange feeling did not go away.


I heard you call out to Sekhmet.

He stretched out his long legs, just like an ordinary mortal man. His eyes darkened again, his gaze caressingly sliding over my skin.

Do you like her?

Of course I like it, fool! “I ran my finger along the smooth shoulder of the statue and lightly scratched it with a long nail coated with black varnish. - She is gorgeous.

Our eyes met, and the demon mark on my shoulder heated up, sending heat through my skin and deep into my body, down to my bones. This non-physical contact was very intimate.

Is there something wrong?

His smile faded slightly.

Why do you ask?

I shrugged, feeling the subtlest pang of guilt. It is simply indecent, in response to such courtesy, to show your neurotic inability to believe in something simple and selfless.

I probably have a bad feeling from human relations. They start showering you with gifts, usually for good reason.

“I receive gifts every other day. Books, antiques, weapons that I don’t even know how to use. I feel like I'm being pampered too much. Or as if they were paying me. Dante Valentine, necromancer and kept woman. What does it sound like?

Ah, that's it. - He smiled again with relief. “So it’s just human suspicion.”

I made a face and stuck out my tongue. Japhrimel laughed.

“Well, stop having fun,” I said, barely holding back laughter.

I'm just pleased to please you. Also, let me remind you that it's time for lunch. - He bowed his head, hiding a smile. - Emilio tried his best, he wanted to distract you from the dusty papers.

I made a grimace again, put the figurine on the desk and stretched, cracking my knuckles.

So I'll probably get fat.

“This cipher seems to be a little easier than the previous one. Probably Ronson code with a shifting alphanumeric base. I hope his diary will contain new information about the psychology of demons - it will always be useful. The treatise on wings turned out to be invaluable.”

Previously, I had no idea that a high-ranking demon becomes very vulnerable by closing the protective cover of its wings around another creature.

You think? - Japhrimel's smile became wider. - It would suit you. Let's go. I need your company.

I suddenly felt warm from this confession: he not only likes my company, he needs it.

Great. You know, I was really very interested in this research. Previously, I never had enough time for this.

“I was too busy paying off my loan. And she preferred to spend what she got as quickly as possible, just not to think about anything.”

Stretching again, I smoothly rose to my feet, picked up the figurine, wrapped it back in the blue glossy paper and extended my hand to him.

You probably want to persuade me to change for dinner.

I so rarely see you in a dress, khedaira. And black velvet suits you very well.

He covered my hand with his palm and stood up, and I did not feel his pressure at all; stepped towards me and ran his hand over my forearm. I was barefoot, wearing a silk T-shirt and jeans. Of the equipment nearby, the only one leaning against desk a sword filled with energy. This weapon almost never left its sheath, with the exception of training battles. I continued to practice so as not to lose my fighting skills. Perhaps, now that I had a demon on my side whose muscles had far greater dexterity and strength than humans, I did not need to worry about this, but a life spent in battle develops habits that are not so easy to break. And it doesn't matter how protected you feel.

However, the thought of having a demon next to me and not having a sword at hand no longer made me feel insecure or panic like it used to.

“Wow, he’s the only creature on earth whom I trust when I’m not armed myself.”

I leaned towards Jaf, laid my head on his shoulder and felt how tense he was. I haven’t noticed such tension since the first days after leaving Saint City. He was comforted by my closeness, and I learned that it was best to just lie still in his arms from time to time, letting him touch me. This brought relief to both of us. I was already getting used to the strange feeling of being unarmed in the presence of a demon.

Fallen demon. "A"nankimel" is a word that I have not yet been able to understand.

Are you talking about that black velvet case? My breasts will just fall out of it! - I said cheerfully, remaining motionless in his arms.

Little by little the tension subsided.

And what breasts! The very first thing I noticed when I saw you,” he said, as usual, in a calm and ironic tone with a hint of slyness.

“The first thing you noticed was my annoying human habit of rudely asking off-hand questions.”

I rubbed my cheek against Japhrimel's shoulder to calm him down. It took me a long time to stop paying attention to what his long black cloak was made of. Here I managed to make progress.

He stroked my hair, running his fingers through the long inky black strands. I often thought about cutting my hair shorter, but every time Japhrimel caressed it, I put off the inevitable cut. It’s enough that I don’t have to dye my hair anymore, my hair has taken on its natural color - it’s turned black. Black and silky.

Exactly the same as his. And my skin was only a few shades paler than his, and my personal demonic scent, although lighter, was essentially the same.

What, my inquisitive?

Is there something wrong? - I wrapped my arms around him free hand and squeezed lightly, making it clear that she was serious. - You…

“I know this is your mood, Jaf. It's like you're listening to something I can't hear, and you're listening warily, and it makes me nervous. You are very delicate and try not to hurt me, but at such moments I want you, as happened once, to forget and let me feel your claws.”

What could be wrong when you're in my arms, hedaira? - He lightly touched my cheek with his lips. - Let's go to. Dinner is waiting for us. Then, if you want, I'll tell you a story.

What story?

“You want to distract me like a child who needs to go to bed. Well, have it your way."

I didn't often let him know how old he was, and I suspected that Japhrimel himself refrained from reminding him of it either. Amazing tact; It never occurred to me before that demons were capable of such a thing. It's funny how strictly they follow all the laws and formalities, even if their idea of ​​​​objective truth does not coincide with people's. Another question, the answer to which you will not find in any book: can such formalism be considered a manifestation of tact?

Japhrimel made one smooth motion and handed me my sword, then kissed me. A chaste kiss on the forehead.

Any story you want. Choose for yourself.

Emilio has outdone himself. Bruschetta, calamari, soft garlic bread and fresh mozzarella cheese, spring lemon cake, creme brulee. Fresh strawberries, stewed asparagus. Olives - I didn’t like them, but Emilio adored them and didn’t think that anyone could stand them. After all, we are in Tuscany. What's a meal without olives?

The olive trees on the tawny hills were older than the Hegemony itself. I spent many evenings under their crowns, intently bending over the encrypted diary of the magician. Japhrimel lay nearby and luxuriated like a cat, stretched out in the dappled shade of a gnarled tree with leathery greenish-yellow leaves, while the heat of the day slowly floated from the terraced hills and the sky became like velvet, dyed indigo and strewn with dry stars. Then we walked slowly home along the dusty paths, his arm around my shoulders, and my books swinging in an old-fashioned strap fastened with buckles. Schoolgirl and demon.

Like all psions, I received a basic education as a magician. Since the times before the Awakening, magicians dealt with both energy and psychic phenomena, so they mastered all the techniques, so the set of disciplines in the early stages of training was not too different for a necromancer, shaman, skinlin or any other psion, whatever you call him . True, in our time, real magicians receive in-depth magical training to weaken the barriers between worlds and establish contacts with hell. It took decades to master this complex program. This is why most magicians took on some kind of work during their training, most often joining corporate security services. Japhrimel did not prevent me from buying shadow diaries at not entirely legal auctions, but he never wanted to explain what “fallen” meant. Moreover, he did not agree to help me decipher these writings... I will be very lucky if the magicians agree to take me on as a student, when Jaf is constantly wiping himself nearby. He is much more interesting to them than me, even if I manage to persuade at least someone to accept into the circle of psions a person who is somewhat too old for an apprenticeship.

Dinner served in the spacious dining room with high ceiling and the dark oak table for sixteen people, covered with a crisp snow-white tablecloth, took a long drink. I savored the food, and Japhrimel amused himself by folding the pages of my notes into origami animals, challenging good manners. Even if some of the extracts were lost, it was worth it: the figures themselves were beautiful, and the amazingly graceful movements of his golden fingers, and the way he presented me with the fruits of his labors, almost with an embarrassed look.

Emilio, a portly New Talian with a thick mustache - he was deservedly proud of it - waltzed out with a dish on which lay something... that could not possibly be there.

His sonorous voice echoed from the warm white stone walls. A crimson tapestry from an antique shop in Arrieto shook against the wall, disturbed by a slight whiff of warm air penetrating into the high open windows. The sword leaning against my chair rang softly.

It's my fault. - Japhrimel’s lips again, which happened infrequently, curved into a smile. - I suggested it.

Did you suggest "Chocolate Murder"? “It took me an effort not to laugh.” - Japhrimel, you don’t eat this kind of stuff at all.

But you love it. - Japhrimel leaned back in his chair, an origami hippopotamus perched on his palm. - The last time you ate chocolate...

My cheeks felt hot, and I was glad that I didn’t blush often.

Let's not talk about this.

I glanced at the porcelain plate Emilio had brought. Perfect, moist, airy, fluffy, chocolate cake with almonds - real almonds grown on trees, and not syntoprotein fakes of natural fruits. For the fallen and his khedaira - the best!

Sobered by the thought, I stared at the still-hot treat, topped with whipped cream and chocolate chips, the brandy-soaked cherries arranged in a perfect arc along the edge of the plate. I felt an aroma that still hinted at the delicate moment of turning sugar into caramel.

Oh,” I sighed. - This is amazing, Emilio. You're worth so much Furthermore what they pay you.

He waved with wide palms with plump, soft fingers. He didn't have calluses, not like I did. Our cook was not trained in military affairs, and there was no need for this - who would think of killing a portly Talian culinary expert who wore stained white aprons and accompanied every word with sweeping gestures of his plump hands. Emilio behaved easily with me - he was one of those few normals who was not frightened by my presence.

Ch"cosa, s"gnora, I'm not cooking for him, signora, I'm cooking for you. Help yourself. At least one.

I'm even scared! It's so beautiful.

I carefully picked up my fork and glanced sideways at Japhrimel, who seemed amused by what was happening. The paper hippo disappeared from his palm. Emilio waited, trembling with impatience.

No, I don't have the determination. You'll have to do it yourself.

Emilio was scared as if I had offered him to cut and taste his own mother, his mustache even began to tremble. I offered him a fork.

Lilith Saintcrow

The Devil's Right Hand

Dante Valentine-3

Dante Valentine-3

Original: Lilith Saintcrow "The Devil's Right Hand"


In the blue crystal hall of death.

Transparent crystal souls swirled around me. I’m used to it - after all, I’m a necromancer - but I didn’t see one soul among them. No unique features that I could recognize, no crystalline replica of the wheat-gold tousled hair and blue eyes that was forming.

I looked for him and was glad when I didn’t find him. If he's not here, then we won't meet.

My gaze fell on the other side of the bridge, where Death stood; his graceful canine head tilted slightly in greeting.

Behind my god stood a dark figure, flames crackling around the woman's features. An orange light surrounded her lion head. For a moment a stream of fire and smoke blinded me; I raised my sword, protecting myself from the energy that could burn me to the bone.

The last theory is the most intriguing: what if the Awakening itself was caused by the collective evolution of the human race. The psion talent, before the Awakening, was considered unreliable. The Parapsychologists Act, which gave psions the opportunity to develop their abilities, could not independently calculate the emerging Talents and magical abilities until they were enshrined in law - despite the loud protests of the Adrian Freemen.

The implications of the theory of collective evolution are a clear concept for which other minds are responsible. The ancient sayings about demonic interference in the human genetic code were superficial and discussed so many times that they became clichés. But any Magi will tell you that the effects of demonic charm on humans cannot be explained, besides, they helped our evolution, as they claim.

The first law when working with demons is their possessive nature. A demon would rather destroy the object of his love than allow him to escape; in this they are similar to people. The second law is very important: demons and people have different ideas about the truth. For demons, truth can be anything that helps achieve a certain goal or a certain conclusion. This is how a popular joke emerged that lawyers make good Magicians, which the author can believe. But one thing is certain: we also learned jealousy and deception from demons, or they adopted this tendency from us as a disease - and the latter is unlikely, considering how ancient their race is...

– from Theory and Demonology: A Manual for Magicians.

Adrienne Spocarelli.

Chapter 1

“This is for you,” Japhrimel said shyly. For a moment, his eyes glowed with green fire in an angular runic pattern, and then went dark again, becoming almost human.

I blinked and took the package. It was heavy, wrapped in blue satin with a wide white silk ribbon tied in a bow. I pushed aside the large leather-bound book and rubbed the back of my head, my hair falling in heavy waves over my shoulders. Due to the long reading and solving of codes, I could not focus my vision, the white marble behind Japhrimel turned into a blurry stripe. For a moment his face looked strange.

Then I recognized him again and inhaled the familiar smell of burnt cinnamon and musk. The mark on my shoulder flared at his proximity, a familiar sweet pain that took my breath away. The room was dark except for a circle of light from a full-spectrum sconce lamp with a green shade.

Certainly. - Japhrimel touched my cheek with two fingers, slowly sending, even casting, liquid fire down my back. His long black coat with a stand-up collar moved slightly as he straightened up, reluctantly removing his fingers from my cheek. - The most beautiful necromancer in the world.

This made me laugh.

Flattery helps everywhere, doesn't it.

I think Gabe is prettier, but you have a right to your own opinion. - I stretched, turned my head back, stretching my stiff muscles. - What is this? “The package was the size of my hand, from wrist to elbow, and its weight resembled metal or stone.

Japhrimel smiled, his lips curved and softened, his eyes dark with an almost human expressiveness. It suits him very well - he was terribly gloomy, as always. His gaze was gentle and, as usual, my body was filled with a strange warmth. I looked at the package and touched the tape.

The last gift was a well-preserved copy of Perezrevertov's The Nine Portals of Hell, in excellent leather binding, written in old Venice about a thousand years ago - and has lain untouched since then. The house was also a gift, a snow-white marble villa on the outskirts of Tuscany. I said I was tired of traveling and, one night at dinner, he gave me a key to the house.

The darkness of the library surrounded me; not a single lamp worked anymore. Now that I looked up from my research, I didn’t need to listen to hear footsteps in the corridor - servants and cooks, security network There was a buzz around the house, everything was as it should be.

Why was I so worried? If I didn't know myself, I would say that my nervousness is a warning. Premonition, my little gift of foresight, works constantly.

Oh gods, not this. Now I have everything I could want.

I rubbed my eyes again and pulled at the silk ribbon that slipped between my fingers. Another yawn escaped my lips. I've been deciphering the codes for three whole days and soon I need to let off some steam.

You shouldn't have given me... oh god...

Satin fell, revealing a figurine of a woman with a lion's head sitting on a throne, made of perfect, shining obsidian. The sun disk around her head was made of pure gold and shone in the dim light. I let out an ecstatic sigh.

Oh Japhrimel. Where are you…

He sat down in the chair opposite me. Because of the soft light from the spectral lamp, shadows slid across his gloomy face, making the green fire in his eyes look like sparks from a fire. The sparks in his eyes always lit up when he looked at me.

Do you like it, Dante? - The usual question, as if he doubts it.

I took it in my hands and felt the irregularities on the smooth stone. Like all his gifts, she was

Dante Valentine - 3

Dedicated to Kazuo, my best friend.

Non satis est ullo, tempore longus amor.

We will indulge in love while we have the opportunity,

Because it is not durable, alas, but it is transitory.

Sextus Propertius. Elegies, 1. XIX . 25

Warlord: You are looking at a man who can pierce you with a sword without blinking an eye.

Monk: You're looking at a man who wouldn't bat an eyelid if you pierced him with a sword.

The most intriguing is the last theory: perhaps the Awakening was the result of the general evolution of the human race. Before the Awakening, any manifestation of the psionic gift was notorious for its extreme unpredictability, and even the Decree on Parapsychology, despite its noisy praise by Adrien Ferriman's apologists, only laid the foundations for codification and opened the possibility of training psions. However, the sudden rise and widespread spread of psionic and magical abilities cannot be explained by the simple fact that they were included in the legislative field.

The theory of general evolution with inexorable logic leads us to a hypothesis that considers this phenomenon as the result of the intervention of another mind. This conclusion seems self-evident, and the thesis cited by its supporters about demonic intervention in the human genetic code has already set teeth on edge, turning into a banal cliché. Any sorcerer will explain to you that the human fascination with demonism can hardly be explained without recognizing that demons, as they themselves claim, have had a hand in our evolution in one way or another.

When it comes to dealing with demons, it is important to consider the following. Firstly, their possessive nature. Demons (in which, admittedly, they are similar to people) would rather destroy an object dear to them than allow it to free itself from its influence. Secondly, when entering into a deal with demons, it is important to understand: as in the case of the loa or the etrigandi, their idea of ​​truth does not coincide at all with the generally accepted human one. They often consider “true” to be that which best meets the requirements of the moment or contributes to the achievement of a goal. Hence the well-known joke that the best sorcerers come from lawyers, and the author of these lines is quite ready to believe it. Strictly speaking, in terms of envy and falsehood, we and demons are equal to each other: we could learn from them, just as they do from us. However, the latter is unlikely, because their species is much older than ours...

Adrienne Spocarelli. Theory and demonology:

guide for beginner magicians .

Chapter 1

“This is for you,” Japhrimel said embarrassedly, and before his eyes again became almost human, a runic pattern flashed in them with green fire for a moment.

I blinked and accepted the hefty package, wrapped in blue glossy paper and tied with a wide white silk ribbon. Then she pushed aside the thick leather-bound book and rubbed her stiff neck under the heavy wave of hair. After many hours of reading and deciphering the text, my eyes began to glaze over. The white marble behind Japhrimel seemed to me as if through a veil, and even his face at first seemed unfamiliar.

Then I recognized him and sighed, taking in the familiar smell of cinnamon and musk.

After another mission, the necromancer mercenary Dante Valentine, together with her lover, the fallen demon Japhrimel, barely alive, come to their senses in an old house in Tuscany. But they are unable to enjoy their vacation and completely heal their battle wounds. Suddenly, the Prince of Darkness calls them again, this time the devil wants to hire Dante and her friend to destroy four demons who have escaped from hell. The trail of demons leads them to the east of Europe, to Sarajevo, the monastery evil spirits and all kinds of dangerous creatures from the underworld. Only here Dante and Japhrimel begin to gradually realize what the devil’s true goal was in sending them in pursuit of demons.

One of the brightest mystical series recent years brings to the stage a new cult heroine - an experienced necromancer and a desperate fighter against evil spirits, Dante Valentine!

The work belongs to the Novels genre. It was published in 2010 by Eksmo Publishing House. The book is part of the Twilight series. On our website you can download the book “The Right Hand of the Devil” for free in fb2, epub format or read online. The book's rating is 4.21 out of 5. Here, before reading, you can also turn to reviews from readers who are already familiar with the book and find out their opinion. In our partner's online store you can buy and read the book in paper version.