home · electrical safety · How to protect your home from damage. Ritual to protect the home from evil spirits. Rituals to help protect the house from the evil eye, damage and evil people

How to protect your home from damage. Ritual to protect the home from evil spirits. Rituals to help protect the house from the evil eye, damage and evil people

In this article: why there cannot be an absolute protection system; We block access routes for intruders; a double door is an unpleasant surprise for a burglar; simulated and real security and warning systems; “panic room” for storing expensive equipment and property.

Every city dweller wants to be among the owners of comfortable country real estate, conveniently located in some picturesque corner of nature not far from a river or lake. In a country house you can take a break from the bustle of the city, Brownian motion on highways and the constant hubbub of the streets, and spend time in the lap of nature with your family or close friends. But for all its advantages, a house outside the city has one serious drawback - the owners often visit it, which dark personalities will not fail to take advantage of. Only reliable doors, roller shutters on the windows of the first floor or agreements with a neighbor who permanently resides on the neighboring property cannot ensure the protection of a country house - a set of measures is required, which will be discussed later in the article.

Ideal cottage protection

Let’s be clear right away - it is impossible to guarantee a country house’s security from professional intruders, since criminals of this category are well aware of most security systems and are able to bypass them without unnecessary noise. However, professional robbers will not break into country houses without full confidence that substantial loot awaits them inside - the risk is too great. Most of the thefts in country houses are carried out by petty amateur thieves, hoping that at least something valuable will fall into their hands. Such criminals “work” roughly, relying on the simplest tools and physical strength - you can and should protect your country house from them.

A set of works to increase the degree of security of a dacha from strangers must be carried out in a non-standard way - the more unexpected difficulties that befall robbers, the more likely they are to abandon the idea of ​​robbing a given house. Go out into the courtyard of your country house and carefully look around - you need to find out how potential robbers can get inside the buildings.

We find and eliminate weaknesses in home defense

A country house either faces the street or is located in the back of a courtyard surrounded by a fence. In both the first and second cases, the robber will prefer to get inside the yard - random passers-by may notice him on the street. Therefore, the first line of defense is the fence and the gate in it.

The fence of the dacha should be strong, high and, ideally, impenetrable to prying eyes. A fence of 2 meters and higher is required; barbed wire can be installed along its end so that it is not visible from the outside, but it does not allow one to pull up along the fence. In principle, the owner of a country house can equip the fence with several rows or rings of barbed wire secured between posts sloping towards the street, but this will affect the appearance of the area. Gates placed in the fence must be locked with mortise locks - any padlock can be knocked down with a sledgehammer or removed with a crowbar. Make sure there are no gaps between the gate leaves and the adjacent fence.

The easiest way to enter the house is through existing entrances and window openings. There are usually two entrances - front and back, each of them must be equipped with a tricky door vestibule consisting of wooden and steel doors. We install the set of doors leading from the courtyard into the house exactly the same as at the front entrance! The wing of the first door facing the outside of the building is made of wood, taking care of a strong jamb and reliable locks. To open it, attackers must spend a lot of effort, and if they succeed, the robbers will face a second, metal door, equipped, among others, with a deadbolt lock, which will be much more difficult to overcome. As a rule, when a metal door is discovered, criminals give up their intentions - opening it will take time, during which they can be discovered. However, additional measures, which we’ll talk about a little later, will help increase the degree of panic among hunters of other people’s property.

For some reason, many homeowners consider windows covered with modern frames to be impregnable to intruders, although opening them is not difficult - in extreme cases, it is enough to break the double-glazed window with a pry bar. Double-glazed windows with a transparent film applied to the glass or made of tempered glass are more difficult to break, but they will not be cheap for the owners. It is better to use an alternative solution - installing roller shutters on the windows of the first floor and, correctly, the second floor, the guides for which are embedded in the walls of the window opening. Since it will not be possible to install such roller shutters on windows without serious modifications, it is necessary to take into account the installation of roller shutters at the stage of construction of a country house. By the way, overhead roller shutters, which are installed on the outside of an existing window, especially those secured with visible screws, are easy to remove.

It is naive to rely on window bars - almost any burglar can remove them using pliers to cut the reinforcement and it will only take a few minutes.

Technical doors, hatches and windows located at a height - if the owners do not think of using them to enter the house, this does not mean that burglars with good physical training will not be able to penetrate through them. Attic windows must be protected with lockable roller shutters, hatches must be enclosed in a steel frame and equipped with a reliable lock, not a rollover valve. If there are doors facing the yard and hatches into the basement, they must also be reinforced with a frame made of steel angle and securely locked from the inside.

Another opportunity for burglars to enter the house will be in the garage, combined with the building or located in its basement. It is better to block the entrance opening to the garage with a sliding or lifting sash; garage roller shutters are also suitable - in all cases, the sash should be equipped with a deadbolt lock, which non-professionals will not be able to open.

It is also important to protect outbuildings in the yard with reliable doors and window coverings - after unsuccessful attempts to enter the house through the doors and windows of the first floor, robbers will try to open them in order to steal at least something more or less valuable. In the barn, they can find a ladder to climb to the second floor level of the building in the hope that these windows are less protected than on the first floor.

The measures described above will seriously complicate the task of the robbers, but with time, sufficient equipment and preparation, their goals will still be achieved. Therefore, you should not rely only on locks and steel doors, because it is equally important to detain intruders and preserve your property.

Tracking, control and alarm systems

There are two types of tracking systems - simulated and real. The cheapest way to imitate surveillance is by installing one or two faulty video cameras bought for next to nothing on the facade of a country house, equipping their housing with flickering LEDs powered by a small battery inside the housing of each such “security camera.” You can put one flickering LED on the windows of the facade and those facing the courtyard of the site - together with “video surveillance” they are guaranteed to frighten potential robbers.

Simultaneously with the imitations of the tracking system, it makes sense to install genuine video surveillance, only its infrared IP cameras should be located secretly, placing the video recorder in a secure compartment inside the house - it is most difficult for burglars to track, since there are no cables.

A wonderful means of psychological protection for a dacha is a siren, the sudden and incessant signal of which will frighten intruders and force them to run away. The siren must be connected to a motion sensor installed secretly in the vestibule between the two entrance doors: as soon as the thieves open the first door and see the second steel door, a mournful howling siren is triggered. A good solution would be to link the activation of the blaring siren with the lighting inside the house, which is activated simultaneously with it. A wide range of impressions are guaranteed for robbers!

Let's imagine the worst case scenario - the attackers were not stopped by the entrance doors, the sound of sirens and video cameras, they intend to get to the homeowners' property regardless of the interference. The situation is bad, but not hopeless - you will need a GSM alarm system that reports the intrusion to the homeowner's cell phone and, when arming, to the police or security agency control panel. Upon receiving such a signal, the owner of the country house contacts the police and the criminals will be promptly detained.

There is one more nuance - alarm systems only work if they are supplied with power, and this point is well known to experienced burglars. It is not difficult for attackers to cut the electrical wiring of a house and wait a couple of days until the backup batteries are completely discharged, so it is important for the homeowner to receive alarm signals not only when there is unauthorized movement in the house, but also when there is no power supply. Often such signals are ignored by dacha owners, because power outages in Russia, unfortunately, are commonplace - this is exactly what robbers are counting on!

Before a long absence, you need to remove all valuable property from your country house - if possible, then household appliances along with garden equipment. If it is impossible to do this, it makes sense to arrange a secret “panic room” in the house, the entrance to which, for example, is hidden by a closet from ceiling to floor, and there are no other openings - in addition, steel roller shutters will help to block access to this room, which can be easily overcome difficult.

Finally, if you do not save your property, then insuring the building and property inside it will help compensate for losses from the actions of intruders - the cost of payments will be about 1-1.5% of the value of real estate and property.

Please note that the source of information for burglars in most cases is the homeowner, his family members, relatives and friends, as well as employees of companies that installed security and alarm systems. No one except the homeowner should know the exact location of the security and alarm system devices; before leaving the country house, he needs to personally verify that the systems are working properly and that all windows, doors and hatches are locked. Be careful and pedantic - any mistakes you make in home defense matters benefit the robbers!

A needle sticking out in the trim of the front door of a family home, soil at the threshold, or other incomprehensible things found in the apartment make one think: “how to protect the house from damage and the evil eye,” because everyone knows about witchcraft through linings. You should take care of protecting your home in a timely manner - find out how to do it correctly!

Where does negativity come from in the house?

The influence of magic is such that actions such as the evil eye or damage bring discord into the family and serve as a source of misfortunes that suddenly befall people. And they often allow negativity into their home. Therefore, it is better not to wait until trouble comes, but to protect your place of residence from invisible attacks, to put it mildly, by bad individuals.
Since the evil eye is often applied unconsciously, unlike intentional damage, it poses a short-term danger. The consequences of its impact are easier to neutralize.

The corruption present in the ancestral monastery can bring a lot of grief. The longer it lasts, the worse the events unfolding in the house.

Contrary to popular belief that household damage can only be caused by a stranger, there are other reasons for its occurrence:

  1. Suicide committed in a property. The restless soul of a suicide may remain and harass the new owners so that they move out.
  2. Damage caused to one of the apartments in a high-rise building can spread to neighboring ones (nearby, above, and below the floor).
  3. The house was built on a site where a cemetery was previously located.
  4. A neighbor returning from a funeral can “infect” your apartment with a curse if the soles of his shoes are smeared with cemetery soil.
  5. Perhaps a residential building was erected at the site of an energy fault. Where entities from another dimension enter our world.
  6. Evil also penetrates into one’s home with the help of things bought in an antique shop. They may contain negative energy, which will subsequently charge your home.

Any negative impact shows visible signs after some time. The evil eye or damage to a house is also easy to recognize.

Health and behavior of household members

  1. With prolonged exposure to evil forces, people living in uncleaned premises experience serious problems. They subsequently develop into chronic diseases.
  2. Being in a damaged house, all its inhabitants, without exception, feel constant drowsiness. Sound and long sleep does not help get rid of this condition. On the contrary, after waking up, the feeling of fatigue and the desire to sleep only intensifies.
  3. Losing themselves in sleep, people find themselves in the grip of terrible and disturbing nightmares in which someone is pursuing them or they are in danger of an unknown danger.
  4. A married couple whose apartment or house has been attacked by ill-wishers is unable to conceive their first child. Tests and medical examinations do not reveal any abnormalities.
  5. Animals behave unnaturally, they are always alarmed by something. They can start shitting anywhere, even if they have long been accustomed to the litter box or the street.
  6. At home, a person becomes sad, and being outside its walls, he notices that he has absolutely no desire to return to his native roof. Looks for reasons to stay late at work or take a longer walk.
  7. When the evil eye or other negative influence takes effect, an unfriendly atmosphere reigns in the cursed house. Residents constantly quarrel among themselves even over the most ridiculous reasons.
  8. Individuals who are weak in spirit are more likely to reach for the bottle, feeling the hopelessness of what is happening. Naturally, this does not have the best effect on a person’s career and relationships with others. Loss of a job and loneliness are the extreme degree of negative influence from the outside.

Interior decoration and comfort

  1. The rooms of a dark-exposed home look dark and gloomy in broad daylight. Even if the weather is great outside or the windows face the sunny side.
  2. Home comfort is completely absent in such a room. Houseplants wither, food burns or turns sour, appliances break down, floorboards creak. Tapping and cracking noises are heard.
  3. The constant smell of rot haunts the owners; general cleaning and airing do nothing.
  4. , present in a living space, can interfere with household members’ career growth. Frequent dismissals from work, demotions and salary reductions - all this can be the consequences of someone’s machinations.
  5. Infestation of insects such as moths and cockroaches, and sometimes rodents. If all possible attempts to get rid of them do not lead to success, it’s time to diagnose damage.

If you observe any of the above-described signs in your home, this is not a reason to panic and proceed to exorcism (for example,). To finally verify the presence of evil, it is necessary to perform a ritual to identify magical interference.

Method 1. The easiest way to detect damage is made using a lining. When cleaning your apartment (house), you may stumble upon needles, scattered earth and other strange objects. An unpleasant surprise may await you in the corner of one of the rooms or near the front door (from the outside or inside).

What to do with the find

Since a ritual was performed over the object, it cannot be handled with bare hands. Take it wrapped in a cloth or paper. You can sweep the enchanted item with a broom, but then you will have to say goodbye to it too. The lining cannot be thrown into the trash can. Throw it into the river or dispose of it by burning.

Method 2. Table salt will help identify negative messages sent to your home. To do this, it is necessary to consecrate it. Then pour the crystals into a hot frying pan and keep on low heat for about 20 minutes. In a clean room, the salt turns a little yellow when frying. In a damaged home, it crackles and takes on a black or dark brown tint.

Method 3. The simplest and at the same time effective way is to check the space with a church candle. Take it in your hands and light it. Walk around all the rooms in the room with a candle, paying attention to every corner. If somewhere a light begins to crackle and smoke, intervention has undoubtedly occurred.

To protect your abode from attacks of bad energy, try performing a ritual with salt. It will not only protect against subsequent magical attacks on your family, but will also overcome the current evil eye. You don't have to do anything super complicated. Just sprinkle the threshold of the apartment saying:

I pour white salt, pour it out,
I don’t allow cursed evil into my house.
He can't fit through the cracks,
You can't get in through the windows or doors.
Who wants to enter my house with evil,
Salt will stand in the way of this.
I address myself, servant of God (worldly name),
To the strong elements,
To the almighty elements.
I will find support in them.
Be that way. Amen.

It happens that guests arrive without an invitation. And sometimes these may be people whom you are not happy to see, but for some reason you cannot keep out. You can protect the palace from ogling visitors by spilling a little salt on the threshold after they leave. Imagine that it protects your home from evil.

If it happens that damage or the evil eye is already taking effect, you can try to clean the room yourself, following the instructions:

  1. Sprinkle every room with holy water, making sure to get into the nooks and crannies.
  2. Perform an additional ritual of getting rid of evil. Take several onions (according to the number of rooms in the house), peel them.
  3. Thread a red thread into a gypsy needle and pierce one onion.
  4. The thread must be tied so that the vegetable can be hung. Repeat the procedure with the remaining onions.
  5. When everyone is ready, hang them around the rooms.
  6. After seven days, remove the amulets and wrap each one in a separate sheet of white paper.
  7. Light a fire in a vacant lot or forest and throw all the bulbs there. Make sure they burn completely.

Not only your home, but also the surrounding area needs protection from the evil eye. Before starting work in the garden, say the following words to the ground:

Zemlitsa, the maiden is red,
You are protected from evil eyes,
From the speeches of blacks I am spellbound.
Don't interfere with my work,
In the future, just help.
To be my way. Amen.

The text of the plot can be repeated daily.

To ensure that your labors on the land yield a good harvest, do not be too lazy to read the following spell against the evil eye before planting:

There is a small temple on a steep mountain.
The power of God is in that temple. Blessings spread across the mountains,
When the bell is struck for the first time, the guards will all fall to the ground,
When heard in the second, treasures will be revealed,
As soon as the third is heard, my garden will get it.
And that temple in the mountains is St. Savva’s, a prayer service is served for him. Amen.

Some simple rules will protect you from damage and preserve the joy of staying in your own home (apartment):

  • When you arrive, wash your hands and perform ablution with holy water.
  • Leave negativity outside the walls of your home. Do not retell quarrels or unpleasant situations that you witnessed on the street or at work.
  • Periodically invite the priest to consecrate your shelter.
  • Ennoble your home with living plants, amulets and icons.
  • Offer prayers to the Lord daily with gratitude in your heart. Ask

Many owners rarely visit their summer cottages during the winter months. The harvest is harvested, autumn work and insulation are completed. Now is the time to take care of protecting your property from theft for 3 months. Simple but effective ways will help you protect your dacha.

Protecting your dacha: precautions

According to statistics, theft at dachas occurs more often in winter than at other times of the year. During the season, the sites are always crowded, but in cold weather it’s the opposite. Although they can climb into the house on a dark summer night. It all depends on what you have stored in your dacha and who knows about it. Even in the simplest area, thieves will be interested in gardening equipment (for scrap metal, for sale in general), and building materials. In lived-in homes, the list may expand due to electronics (both new and old, from which copper or even gold parts can be smelted), household and cutlery, bedding, dishes, valuable rare items (samovar, icon, etc. .).

Attention! Most often, in any dacha plot, thieves try to get hold of the harvest. The beds are “cleaned up” with both ripe and unripe vegetables, berries and fruits.

Typically, dachas located far from homes are visited by drinkers. The goal is to find something to sell to get money for alcohol and snacks. Thieves will not be stopped by modesty and the small size of the house. For homeless people, your cottage in the country can also become a place of temporary residence when it comes to winter.

There are practically no serious burglars in the practice of dacha thefts - they are not on the same scale, so there is no need to take ultra-modern measures to protect the site. But minimal economical ones are a must.

Advice. It is better to find out the features of the winter life of a dacha cooperative from future neighbors even before purchasing: how often dachas are opened and how they deal with it.

Basics of summer cottage safety

A dacha is the same private house. Therefore, the same principles and techniques apply to protect it:

  1. Fence. A reliable fence is the first means of protecting your territory. It will become an obstacle to the entry of many animals. A fence made from edged boards or chain-link mesh is a proven option. This, of course, is not 100% protection of the dacha from thieves, but it is quite acceptable. Especially if you stretch a barbed spiral along the top edge. A diameter of no more than 0.5 m is suitable. Such a fence will be able to protect the dacha even during a prolonged absence of the owners.
  2. Timeliness. Try to harvest the crop on time, without delaying it.
  3. Good neighborly relations. In warm weather, neighbors in the area will be the first to sound the alarm if they see a stranger in your dacha. It would be nice to meet and establish friendly relations with the inhabitants of nearby plots.
  4. Lock. You should approach the choice of locks for your dacha responsibly. If you use a mounted one, it should be massive. Make sure that precipitation does not fall on it, otherwise in the spring you will not be able to open the room yourself.
  5. Gardening partnerships. As a rule, summer residents are united in a common village. It already provides minimum security measures for all areas:

Make sure you have a secure lock

  • watchman's work;
  • organizing voluntary duty at the dachas of members of the partnership;
  • the presence and integrity of the common fencing of the gardening association.

Advice. Experts advise installing a mortise lock on your dacha. A mounted analogue will immediately tell intruders that there is no one in the house.

The simplest ways to protect your dacha from thieves

Before thinking through security measures for your site, take advantage of popular experience. Recommendations from experienced summer residents on how to protect their summer cottage:

  • The higher the fence, the better. But, having penetrated the opaque fence, the thief will become invisible to the watchman or neighbors. Therefore, it is better to opt for a chain-link or similar translucent option.
  • Strengthen your front door, but don't overdo it. A strong metal structure is not capable of protecting a wooden house - an attacker can simply cut it around the perimeter.
  • Window bars are very effective. The only condition is reliable doors. A thief will not climb through a window if he can enter through a traditional entrance.
  • Use shutters on the windows. The conditions are the same as for gratings.
  • Use LEDs with relays. Hang several pulsating tiny red lights under the roof around the perimeter of the building. From a distance they could easily pass for alarms.

  • Print and post a warning sign in a visible place that reads: “Warning! The building is guarded by private security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.” It is unlikely that anyone will want to check the veracity of this statement.\
  • Make dummies of video cameras and stick a warning about video recording at the dacha. It is especially effective if the crafts are deliberately disguised. On the other hand, the desire to get a video camera can become an additional incentive for a particularly reckless lover of easy money.
  • In winter, don’t be lazy to visit your dacha from time to time: trample the paths, remove snow, etc. This way you will create the effect of the presence of people.
  • If we are talking about the warm season or your dacha has heating, invite friends or acquaintances to stay while you are away.

Attention! All tricks are appropriate only against those people who do not know you closely and do not know the real state of affairs at your dacha.

How to protect your cottage with doors

Strengthening a wooden door in a country house is not expensive and quite simple:

  • cover with tin or sheet of steel;
  • apply steel protection for the lock;
  • reinforce the door frame with metal corners.

For extra strength, drill several holes (10 mm each) in the end of the box and drive metal pins into them. After strengthening, be sure to check the hinges. If they are too weak, a heavier door will lead to sagging and problems with opening and closing.

You can install a steel door in a country house. You should not buy a copy with elaborate external decoration - an economical option is suitable if we are talking about protecting the dacha. Characteristics of the door and features of its installation:

  • steel sheet - thicker than 2 mm, so that the material does not lend itself to a kitchen knife;
  • the door must open outward, otherwise it can be knocked inward;
  • To be sure, secure the structure with a pair of complex, diverse locking mechanisms.

Such a door is an excellent defense if all other parts of the house are impregnable. It can only be opened with an autogenous gun, and this is too noisy and bright. Still, the best way to protect your dacha is caution. Take your valuables home and celebrate the New Year calmly.


Protecting a private home is the responsibility of the homeowner himself. No one will take care of how to protect a private home from thieves except you.


Protecting a private home is the responsibility of the homeowner himself. No one will take care of how to protect a private home from thieves except you. There are many methods to secure your home. Many people install security alarms on their windows, others install high-security doors - there are many options on how to protect your home.

On this page you will learn about home security rules: protecting windows from intrusion, home security alarms, security sensors for windows and other ways to protect yourself from thieves.

How to protect yourself from thieves: high security doors

The most effective door locks are those in which the key unlocks the locking system rather than turning the component parts of the mechanism. A safe lock with pins that extend in four (90°) directions, or even better, a reinforced cylinder mortise lock with five pins and a steel escutcheon is the first level of relatively “safe” locks for wooden, steel, or aluminum sliding doors.

Of course, wooden doors in a house are more aesthetically pleasing; two are better, one opens outward, the other opens inward. Alas, aesthetics are not a reliable matter; high-security security doors made of alloy steel of various designs, available on the market, will protect the house more reliably.

These doors are not just hung on hinges, now everyone knows that steel pins (at least 10 cm in length, at least 1 cm in diameter) are driven into the frame (where it connects to the door) and holes are made in the door. If you close such a door, you can remove it from its hinges not only in case of robbery, but also if the lock is jammed or the key is lost, only with the help of special jacks or an angle grinder. In addition to the pins, the door should be equipped with an optical peephole with a 180° viewing angle so that you can inspect the entire landing.

Let's return to locks and list a few more systems recommended by experts:

  • rim lock with six-turn deadbolt;
  • a similar deadbolt lock with a chain, the body and receiver of which are made of alloy;
  • a lock with a double-sided bolt that closes on both sides of the door, the body and bolt are steel;
  • overhead lock with a limiter, the bolt is opened with a key from the outside, from the inside - with a round handle.

Electronic combination locks of various designs allow you to open the door by typing a specific code, or using magnetic cards (for you and your family members).

Factory-made serial locks are highly reliable; the keys to them are made automatically using the random number method. There are also keys with audible key fobs, which can be found by the response of an audio signal to a conventional sound, of course, if you have lost this key in a known place.

How to protect your home from burglars: protecting windows from intrusion

One of the main recommendations on how to protect your home from burglars is to strengthen the windows with steel frames, as well as install reliable window locks, metal shutters, and latches. In sash windows, install a frame stopper that leaves a small gap for ventilation.

The best way to protect windows, vents and balconies, just like hundreds of years ago, is metal bars. If you have the financial means, order forged grilles, which use durable rolled steel in combination with elegant blacksmith patterns. When protecting your windows, remember that at least one window should be equipped with an opening grill in case of fire.

Protecting windows from thieves: spatter layering

There is another modern way to protect windows from thieves, a kind of glass shield - spatter layering.

Spatter layering - applying a film of material to any surface; the combination of thick and thin layers makes up a complex multilayer structure. This process allows you to obtain a transparent film that does not distort the view from the window, and the high-quality alloys used make the film durable and wear-resistant.

After metallization, the film is glued to the glass using a special technology. Then additional layers are glued on: a transparent film to enhance strength, a tinted one to give the desired tone, or a protective anti-scratch film that can be cleaned with any glass detergent. Films are glued to the inner surface of the glass; the glued film is indistinguishable on the glass.

Spatter layering technology makes it possible to obtain increased impact resistance, imparting the properties of safety glass, thermal insulation, protection from ultraviolet radiation, increased fire resistance, noise protection, tinting; protects the privacy of residents and gives the glass one-way visibility.

Even the thinnest films make glass safe; broken glass does not crumble into fragments, but remains on the film. Such glass prevents dangerous fragments from scattering in interior spaces and from falling onto sidewalks when the glazing breaks.

How to protect the windows of a private house from thieves

Let us note one more “safe” property of glass coated with film. The metallized surface absorbs microwave radiation and, therefore, partially protects against interception of radiation containing information; for example, it is more difficult to eavesdrop on conversations indoors using special devices. Owners of individual houses of average income will be of little interest in this property of glass.

Metal-coated films, in addition to protecting windows from thieves, can reflect infrared radiation, which avoids overheating of rooms in hot weather and reduces heat loss in winter. Finally, solar control film filters out up to 99% of ultraviolet radiation, and ultraviolet rays are successfully absorbed not only by tinted films, but also by transparent films.

Security alarm in a private house

The simplest of all security alarm systems for a home is an alarm device that, when a stranger enters, turns on a siren or transmits a signal to a portable remote control. The systems register an intrusion (when the pressure in the room changes, when a door is opened, or when an infrared radiation zone is crossed).

Home security: door and window alarms

The Listener system reacts to changes in pressure. When a door or window is opened, the siren sounds after a warning signal.

The security alarm system in a private home, Digital Security Control, when a stranger enters, turns on the siren, and a recorded message is transmitted over the phone to two pre-selected phone numbers.

You can equip the doors with additional electronic light and sound alarm systems so that no one can take the owners by surprise.

Security alarm sensors for windows

The Ablou wireless system (Finland) generates an alarm if the infrared alarm sensor on the windows detects movement in the protected area.

Systems with automatic dialing contain several sensors - infrared sensors, smoke detectors, sound sirens and security alarm sensors for windows and doors that respond to opening.

Private home safety rules

In order to avoid becoming a victim of burglars, you must follow the following home safety rules:

  • do not bring strangers into your home;
  • do not open the door at the first bell, first look through the door peephole. If the callers are unknown to you, and there is no one in the apartment except you, do not open the door, even if it is on a chain;
  • if the callers identified themselves as police officers, gas service workers, electricity network representatives, housing office mechanics, etc., make a follow-up call to the relevant services and wait until one of the neighbors comes out;
  • often criminals try to get into a house under the pretext of selling cheap goods, providing services at home, soul-saving conversations with various missionaries, etc. - there are a variety of options. Warn your children and elderly parents about this;
  • with children and household members, you can set a special entrance password known only to them;
  • when leaving home, be sure (even if it’s hot outside) to close the windows and balcony doors;
  • when the lights are on, it is advisable to close the curtains (a “specialist” can determine the owner’s wealth based on the chandelier alone);
  • do not leave notes at the door like “I’ll be there in 5 minutes” - even three minutes is enough for a professional not to leave empty-handed;
  • When leaving home, do not turn off all the lights, leave the radio on;
  • when going on vacation or a business trip, even for a short time, warn your reliable neighbors so that they keep an eye on your apartment and visit you from time to time;
  • if you find a piece of a match or a thread in the door crack of your apartment, be careful: perhaps the apartment is being watched to find out if you are at home;
  • When leaving for a long time, it is better to take valuables to your relatives or hand them over to a bank or pawnshop. And if you decide to make a hiding place, keep in mind that an experienced burglar knows the traditional tricks of the owners: looking for money and valuables in the trash can, refrigerator freezer, drain tank, under baseboards, in books or a stack of fresh laundry;
  • if you advertise your intention to sell something valuable, it is better to act using the phone number of an intermediary;
  • do not leave expensive things in sight;
  • reduce the volume of the phone call so that it cannot be heard outside;
  • do not trust the telephone answering machine with information about your departure and arrival day. Otherwise, he will become the best “guide” for thieves;
  • keep at hand a telephone directory with the numbers of emergency services - police, ambulance, fire department, as well as those who can come to your aid. It's even better to remember these numbers;
  • install an automatic machine that would periodically turn on the lights in the evening when you are away from the apartment;
  • do not leave the door open, even if you go down to the mailbox for a minute;
  • As soon as you return home and enter the apartment, look around. If you suspect that something happened during your absence, it is better to leave the house (apartment). Do not enter the home if you find the door is open. Contact your neighbors, call the police. If there is clearly someone there, close the door with the key and leave it in the lock. If there is no one, but the usual order is disrupted, do not touch things: the police will need to see the picture of the crime;
  • When returning home, keep your keys at hand so as not to stand for too long, rummaging through your bag;
  • be careful when entering the premises: the criminal may already be waiting for the victim in the elevator or nearby so that he can enter the house without witnesses, using threats; the victim’s reaction depends on her preparedness, courage and ability to react quickly in a critical situation; composure, the ability to compromise, and cunning play an important role;
  • try to remember the signs of the armed criminal to facilitate his identification.

Unfortunately, our home can easily become the target of energetic attacks, conscious or unconscious, which will inevitably affect our entire life. Fortunately, there are many proven recommendations on how to protect your home from the evil eye and damage.

It's worth starting from the doorstep

A threshold is a boundary. The border in the general sense: between internal and external, between one’s own and someone else’s, between safe and dangerous. And as you know, borders need to be closely monitored.
If there is something lying near your threshold - seed shells, sand, even water - this is a reason to be wary. Very often, damage is caused by throwing any garbage at the doorstep, which a person most likely simply will not pay attention to.
To protect the house, you need to pour salt on the outside of the threshold and, standing on the inside, mentally ask the salt to protect the house and not let trouble in. However, if negative energy has accumulated in the house - flowers do not grow, dishes often break, household members constantly quarrel - before carrying out this simple protective ritual, it is necessary to carry out energy cleansing.
To protect against evil spirits, garlic and onions, as well as thistle and mint pods, are hung above the threshold. For good luck, they hang a horse's shoe, and to protect against the evil eye, they hang rowan or spruce branches. In addition, you can sprinkle wormwood under the rug, and if you put a bunch of St. John's wort under the threshold, a person with evil intentions will not enter your home. You can also stick a needle with cotton or woolen thread into the lintel of the front door, always from the inside.

Onions for protection

Few people know that peeled onions can absorb any disease or destructive energy. How to protect your home from damage, the evil eye, and unkind people using this affordable remedy?
For the ritual you will need three small onions, it is better if they are about the same size. Each is cleaned and pierced from the bottom up with a needle and red wool thread. The thread is tied in a loop around the bulb and hung in a secluded place. Each bulb must be hung in a separate room. They hang for seven days, and then they are removed, placed on clean sheets of paper (without cells or lines), sprinkled with salt on each bulb and wrapped in paper, after which they are burned in the fire.
This ritual is performed both to cleanse the home and to protect it.

Protection from uninvited guests

If you are unexpectedly visited by not the most pleasant guests, use a simple ritual to protect yourself from possible negative consequences: after the ill-wishers leave, sprinkle salt on the threshold, imagining how it protects your home from the penetration of evil.
You can secure your home with pins stuck into the openings of windows and doors. For each opening you need to take four pins and, at a large angle, almost parallel to the wall, with the tip towards the center of the opening, stick them in the four corners.
A well-wisher will not come to a house protected in this way, and if he does come, he will feel such discomfort that he is unlikely to want to return.
You can also ward off enemies with the help of a talisman knife. Buy a new knife and read prayers over it every day, or simply ask for protection in your own words. Treat him like a living being, and he will protect your home from ill-wishers and unpleasant guests.

Protection from evil spirits

For the ritual you will need wormwood, holy water and a large candle. Dry wormwood branches need to be tied with black thread so that the bundle passes into the neck of a vessel filled with holy water.
After sunset on any day except Saturday, you need to wash your hands, feet and face with warm water and, standing in the middle of the room, into which the moonlight penetrates well, read the Lord’s Prayer three times. In this way, you cleanse the house of accumulated negativity and prepare it for the protection ritual.
Take a vessel with holy water in your right hand, and wormwood in your left. Turn to the east and, dipping a bunch of wormwood into holy water, sprinkle it on the wall from top to bottom, then from left to right, in the form of a cross, saying: “Lord God, the Great, Eternal, Magnanimous, the evil demon of execution, the devil, who builds intrigues, and us, people earthly ones, have mercy. Take away the evil spirits from this house and from all Your sons and daughters (names of household members) living in this house. Amen".
Repeat the same on all four cardinal directions, rotating clockwise. When finished, pour the water under a tree or flowers in your yard. Wormwood can be used in other rituals.
To strengthen protection during the week, read the Lord’s Prayer every evening before going to bed.

Strong home protection

How to behave in order to protect your apartment from damage, the evil eye and misfortune if you know for sure that something threatens the safety of your home? There is a powerful ritual that will help protect your home and your loved ones, but you should not use it without unshakable confidence in its necessity.
Since unnecessary actions inside the house can interfere with the free movement of the necessary energies, it is highly desirable that during the ritual there is no one in the apartment except you.
Buy a church candle in advance. It is important that the candle is not lit earlier, otherwise the ritual will not give the desired result.
The ritual is carried out on the fifth lunar day, after sunset. Wash your hands, feet and face with warm water, put on clean clothes, and comb your hair. Take a lighted candle and, turning to the east, cross the wall with it three times, reading the prayer: “Lord Almighty, my Merciful God, bless my abode and deliver me from the machinations of the evil one, from the snares of the devil, from black misfortunes. Bring the Divine spirit into my home. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".
Then turn to the west and, having crossed this wall three times, read: “Most Holy Mother of God, save my hearth from a thousand devils, save me from the malice and envy of men. May the spirit of the Divine infuse into my home. Amen".
After this, turn to the south and repeat the same thing with the prayer: “Seraphim, cherubim, guardian angels, archangels, come to my aid, save my house from the machinations of witches and sorcerers, infuse the spirit of God into my home. Amen".
Finally, do the same, turning to the north, reading: “All dominions, powers, powers, martyrs are all holy, hear me, protect my shelter from evil, from misfortune, from the envious and from the hater, from the rapist and from the thief, from disasters of all kinds. Bring into my house the spirit of the Divine Almighty, All-Powerful. Amen".
Go to bed yourself and leave the candle to burn out.