home · electrical safety · The best scenarios about a healthy lifestyle are modern. Sketch “Drug Addiction Trial”

The best scenarios about a healthy lifestyle are modern. Sketch “Drug Addiction Trial”

Purpose of the event: Promoting a healthy lifestyle

Objectives: developing motivation for a healthy lifestyle, conscious refusal of bad habits and addictions that contribute to the development of various somatic and mental diseases;

systematization and generalization of schoolchildren’s knowledge about healthy way life;

formation of an active life position.

Design: large: name and epigraph of the event, posters, visual information signs. Form: intellectual game with elements of conversation and student performance

Progress of the event:

Host: Hello, guys! When we meet, we always say “Hello,” and this means that we wish each other health. Have you ever thought about why greeting people involves wishing each other health? Health for a person is one of the main values.

The purpose of today's event is to promote a healthy lifestyle. Let's start with the words of Heinrich Heine: “The only beauty I know is health.”

What do you understand by the word health?

That's right, and also health is a state of complete physical, spiritual and social well-being, and not just the absence of diseases.


Spiritual Physical

The ability to live in harmony with oneself, the absence of diseases, diseases, injuries.

with family, friends, society.

Survey results:

Presenter: Let's conduct a little quiz:

1. What gives a person energy? (Food).

2 “Brave warriors” in the human body fighting pathogenic bacteria (Antibodies).

3.Which great Russian writer, who lived to be 82 years old, adhered to a very strict daily routine all his life? (L.N. Tolstoy).

4. No amount of money can buy it (Health)

5. What fruits, vegetables, and plants are used to treat colds? (Raspberry, lemon, garlic, linden, chamomile, sage).

6. Why is it forbidden to exchange clothes, shoes, or take other people’s hats? (You can become infected with skin infections infectious diseases, lice, fungal diseases).

7. Name a vitamin that is produced in the human body only under the influence sun rays. (Vitamin D).

8. This activity is a natural massage, increases muscle tone, improves heart function (Swimming)

10. Why can’t you exchange clothes, shoes, or take other people’s hats? (You can get infected with skin diseases, infectious diseases, lice, fungal diseases).

11. The smallest organism that carries an infection. (Bacterium).

12. What was grown in “pharmaceutical gardens” in Russia in the 18th century? (Medicinal plants).

13. People spend a third of their lives in this state. IN Ancient China one of the worst tortures was the deprivation of a person of this state. What is this condition? (Dream).

14. Name a vitamin that is produced in the human body only under the influence of sunlight. (Vitamin D).

15. In order to become a truly outstanding specialist in your profession, you need curiosity, hard work, dedication, perseverance, self-confidence and... What else? ( Good health).

16.When you feel unwell, who do you turn to first? (To the nurse)

Svetlana Vasilievna's advice to maintain your health...

Presenter: Sketch “Medical examination”.

Body check.

The school doctor asked Grisha:

Do you have any complaints about your nose and ears?

Eat. Ears and nose get in the way

Wear a sweater with a fleece.

The school doctor asked Dima:

Is everything okay in your head?

The radiologist took a picture

Didn't find anything there.

The school doctor asked Misha: -

Are there any hearing difficulties?

If only you knew how bad my hearing is

I give clues with my left ear!

The school doctor asked Fedya:

Do you want to be cured right away?

Copy less from your neighbors

And you won't be cross-eyed.

Are there any hearing difficulties? -

The school doctor asked Leva.

Eat. One ear flies into

Flies out of another.

The school doctor asked Petya:

How do you sleep at night, boy?

Petya answered the doctor:

Without shoes and in pajamas.

The school doctor asked Lyosha:

Any complaints?

Don't count!

Both mom and dad

And there’s one for grandfather too!

Stage 2.

Host: You and I understand that in order to maintain health, and for it to be enough for a long and active life, it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle, which also involves giving up bad habits - giving up the use of tobacco, alcohol and drugs.

Information block.

(Students' speech)


Smoking is the voluntary poisoning of your body with nicotine and other harmful substances. All organs of the human body are affected by tobacco. Smokers have poor memory, poor physical health, an unstable psyche, and they think slowly. Smokers' skin withers faster, their voice becomes hoarse, and their teeth turn yellow. Tobacco smoke brings great harm"non-smokers".

There are several ways to quit smoking. The main thing is that you need to truly want to free yourself from a bad habit and show your will.


Alcohol is the most common drug that kills a huge number of people every year. This is a poison that destroys human internal organs. A drunk man who has lost his human appearance is an unpleasant, repulsive sight. Many crimes are committed due to drunkenness, families are destroyed, loved ones suffer: mothers, wives, children.


Drugs are an even more serious poison; having gotten used to them, a person cannot live without them, and pays a lot of money to die faster. He becomes a drug addict the first time. With its poisons, the drug acts strongly and quickly. A person who uses drugs does not belong to himself; he will commit any crime for the sake of drugs. Drug addicts have three options: prison, mental hospital, death.

Presenter: The questions of the 2nd stage of the game will most fully reveal this topic; we will talk about how these addictions have a detrimental effect on a person.

(Tickets with questions are laid out on the table. Players choose a ticket and answer the question without preparation).

1. This mixture consists of 200 harmful substances, including carbon monoxide, soot, formic acid, hydrocyanic acid, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, acetylene, radioactive elements and others. Name the mixture. (Tobacco smoke.)

2. How does alcohol affect a teenager’s body? (Delays his mental, mental and physical development.)

3. What disease is most often associated with smoking? (Lungs' cancer.)

4. With this disease due to alcoholism, visual deception, hearing, and hallucinations occur. What disease is this? (Acute alcoholic psychosis - delirium tremens.)

5. How long does the average person live after becoming a drug addict?

10 years.

5 years.

12 years old.

6. Why do doctors say that a drug addict is dooming himself to slow suffocation? (The activity of the respiratory center decreases and then inhibits.)

7. Drug dealers reason like this: “drug-addicted rednecks will get away with it anyway,” and add drugs to increase profits...



Washing powder.

8. What effect does drug use have on offspring? (Children born to parents who are drug addicts are mentally and physically handicapped.)

9. At what concentration of alcohol in the blood can death occur? (0.6 – 0.7%)

10. What toxic substances, which destroy the body, does it contain tobacco smoke? (Hydrocyanic acid, hydrogen sulfide, nicotine, carbon monoxide, benzopyrene, arsenic, etc.)

Presenter: All questions of the 2nd stage were answered. Let's count the tokens.

Guys, let's find out with you what it consists of:

Healthy lifestyle.

This is social behavior - i.e. refusal of health destroyers. What can be considered health destroyers? ( bad habits, smoking, drinking alcohol, etc.)

This is personal hygiene, which includes skin care, oral care, and clothing hygiene.

This balanced diet. Proteins, carbohydrates, fats. Nutrition should be complete and include vitamins and minerals.

Motor mode. This includes morning exercises, a swimming pool, sports sections, and hardening. It’s not for nothing that they say that movement is life.

Speaking in the language of numbers, human health depends on:

15% - medicine;

15% - heredity;

15% - ecology;

50% is lifestyle. Please pay close attention to this figure. Your health, both physical and spiritual, depends on what lifestyle you choose for yourself in the future.

Stage 3.

(Students who have collected the maximum number of tokens participate in the 3rd stage).

Host: I invite you to The final stage students who have collected the maximum number of tokens. It will be short. A total of three questions will be asked to the players to determine the winner of the game.

And so, “Questions out of a hat.”

1. For normal functioning, a person needs 2.5 kilograms of this substance per day. What kind of substance is in the hat? (Water).

2. In the hat - substances that a person needs in quantities of only a few milligrams per day. But without them, a person gets sick and gets tired quickly. It’s not for nothing that their name is derived from Latin word"life". (Vitamins, vita-life).

3. Name the personal hygiene item that is in the hat. It should be used at least 2 times a day. (Toothbrush.)

4. Such water in its composition is a complex complex of salts, macro- and microelements, it is not for nothing that it is called “living water”. What's in the hat? ( Mineral water).

5. The hat contains a vegetable that is useful in preventing diseases such as the flu. (Garlic).

6. The hat contains a vegetable that slows down the aging process of the human body. (Carrot).

Presenter: The game has come to an end and while the jury is summing up the results, we present to your attention a fairy tale - a hint, which is called “Turnip”.


A fairy tale is a hint.

An oak tree was cut down near Lukomorye

And the chain was taken to the landfill,

The cat was placed in the shelter,

The mermaid was salted in a barrel...

Why are your mouths open here?

This is a saying, I guess -

The fairy tale will be ahead.

In short, there lived a grandfather

At lunchtime he is a hundred years old,

And he decided to plant a garden,

I decided to plant a turnip.

Grandfather planted a turnip.

The turnip grew and grew

And she grew big, very big.

Grandfather goes to the garden,

He takes the turnip by the top,

Pulls - pulls,

But he can’t pull it out.

Where there! All life

Smoked and drank

It would be better to be friends with sports.

Grandfather called grandma.

Grandma for grandfather

Grandfather - for the turnip,

Pull - pull,

But they can’t pull it out.

Granny earlier

I wasn’t good with sports

And I got myself so many pains!

The grandmother called her granddaughter.

Granddaughter - for grandmother,

Grandma - for grandfather,

Grandfather - for the turnip,

Pull - pull,

But they can’t pull it out.

But where can I help my granddaughter?

He rides a Harley day and night.

I'd rather go to the gym

I would have accumulated strength.

They called Zhuchka.

The bug barely crawled.

Still would! Look how fat she is!

He sleeps all day and “Chappie” eats -

That's where the fat comes out of it!

Bug - for my granddaughter,

Granddaughter - for grandmother,

Grandma - for grandfather,

Grandfather - for the turnip,

Pull - pull,

But they can’t pull it out.

They didn't get the turnip again.

With nowhere to go, the cat was called.

Where can you help a cat?

She's on diets day and night -

I no longer have any strength from these diets.

They sit and cry

They don’t know what to do.

Having abandoned all business,

A mouse came running.

It was not in vain that I came running:

She brought a bunch of sports equipment.

Dumbbells for grandfather

So that your hands don't hurt;

Grandma - a jump rope,

For the sake of health, you don’t regret anything;

Granddaughter and Bug - ball -

The solution to all failures.

Cat - hoop:

Lose weight, day or night.

They worked all week

Then they took up the turnip again.

And they pulled it out!

This is how it happens:

Sport always helps!

Conclusion. Health is an invaluable happiness in the life of every person. We all have an inherent desire to be healthy and strong, to maintain mobility, vigor, energy for as long as possible and to achieve longevity. I hope that today’s event was not in vain for you, you understood a lot and can unanimously say:

"We are for a healthy lifestyle".


Presentation of prizes to the winners and members of the propaganda team.


Dear friend!
Please take this form seriously and answer all questions, highlighting your chosen answer with a straight line. If you are not confident in your knowledge on a particular question, then underline the answer with a wavy line or add your answer. Two or more answers may be underlined.
Your gender: male, female
Your age? …………………….years
1. What are your hobbies in your free time?
2. Do positive emotions improve your health?
3. How active are you in physical education and sports?
-From time to time
-I don’t do it
4. What sports clubs do you attend?

5. Do physical education and sports affect your health?
6. Do you harden your body?
-Yes, I am
7. Do you think an important condition healthy lifestyle and personal hygiene?

8. Is drinking alcohol dangerous for your health?

9. Is smoking dangerous to health?


10. Have you encountered a problem with drug use?
- No
11. In your opinion, is it integral part healthy lifestyle rational nutrition?

-Don't know
12. Do you follow any special diet?
13. In your opinion, a healthy lifestyle is...?
-Rejection of bad habits
-Personal hygiene
-Optimal motor mode
-Balanced diet
-Positive emotions
-Classes physical culture
and sports
-Proficiency in safe

Scenario "We are for a healthy future!”(prevention of drug addiction, bad habits, promotion of a healthy lifestyle)


    To promote students’ need for a healthy lifestyle.

    Develop the ability to psychologically counteract psychoactive substances.

    To attract the attention of schoolchildren to the problems of combating drug addiction and smoking.

    Education of moral qualities - the desire for a healthy lifestyle.

    Creating conditions for self-development and self-realization of children.


    R developing practical skills to resist bad habits and cognitive interest, increasing the individual level of students.

    Develop the ability to argue your point of view.

    Help students develop a mature, informed position regarding drug use, and understand the depth of this problem.

    Development of cooperation between teacher and students, development of children's creative abilities.

Audience: The script is designed for students in grades 6-7

The script is intended for use on thematic classroom hours for students in grades 6-7.

The scenario was developed for carrying out an extracurricular event to prevent drug addiction, bad habits and promote a healthy lifestyle, developing in adolescents the skills to confront and resist the spread of teenage drug addiction. Performance time: 30 minutes audience: discussion on the issue raised by the mini-play is recommended.

Equipment: exhibition of drawings by pupils, costumes of heroes, multimedia projector, computer.


Presenter 1: Good afternoon guys! Today we will talk about your habits. Each person produces many of them throughout his life, and very different ones. What habits do you have?

Today we will take you on a short trip.

Voice from behind the scenes: Hello, Dear friends! On the radio of the city of Novozybkov. If you want to know last news, then stay with us. Today in our village the grand opening of a new museum took place. Those interested can visit the bright rooms that house unusual exhibitions. One of them is dedicated to bad habits that have a detrimental effect on human health, the other, on the contrary, is aimed at involving people in sports and a healthy lifestyle. Particularly interesting for visitors are such exhibits as frozen figures that can come to life from a simple touch.

Signboard:"Museum wax figures", under it there are frozen figures: Drug addiction, AIDS, drug, sport, healthy lifestyle, good mood. A tour guide and a group of teenagers take the stage.


And in this hall the fiends of hell are gathered,
Standing here are those for whom there can be no mercy.
Do not touch the exhibits with your hands!
Here's Nicotine, or maybe spice - everyone thinks it's ice,
This is Drug Addiction. It stupefies the mind.
And this is AIDS. The disease is terrible and contagious.

1st teenager:

Guys, look! (Is reading.)
"The Ministry of Health warns..."
It’s as if the Ministry of Health doesn’t know
That spices and mixes are in fashion now:
Everyone smokes, in any weather!

2nd teenager:

Okay, we scared...
Here is an interesting exhibit:
Anyone will probably be happy!
Smile, bliss on the face -
Not a showpiece, but perfection!

3rd teenager:

If you are not used to smoking,
What kind of a man are you then!

A teenager touches a cigarette.The exhibit comes to life, singing to the tune of the song “I am Vodyanoy, I am Vodyanoy.”


I am Mix, I am Spice, marijuana.
There is certainly no flaw in me.
After all, I have girlfriends -
All the parties and feasts.
Ugh, what disgusting!
Oh, my life is a tin!
Well, she's in the swamp!
I live like a toadstool
And after smoking, suddenly step down,
from the 10th hunting, hunting!

Guide: Spice is a flavored smoking mixture that contains synthesized cannabinoids, as well as their analogue substances. The use of such mixes is prohibited by law in many countries. It provokes convulsions and respiratory arrest in a person. At constant use This drug causes a decrease in intellectual abilities, decreased ability to work and dementia. Various mental disorders, including suicide attempts, were also noted while taking this substance.

2nd teenager:

You haven't convinced us!
You can take a little:
Everything in moderation, carefully -
And nothing will happen.
Somehow people live!

3rd teenager:

And this one is dragging, look!
Say whatever you want here
But this one definitely got a buzz.
And I would repeat after him!

The teenager touches the exhibit. Drug addiction comes to life and sings to the tune of the song “Alexandra.”


Drug addict, drug addict!
This syringe is for you and me,
We live with one needle,
Look at my face.
Don't be scared, don't be scared!
Hurry up and expand
So that this dose becomes
Your sweet end!

Guide: Drug addiction – most dangerous disease, in which internal organs are deeply affected, neurological and mental disorders occur. Intravenous drug use leads to AIDS infection.

1st teenager:

We learned about AIDS in school,
They told us a lot about him.

2nd teenager:

Well, who is afraid of AIDS here?
He hasn't reached us yet!

The teenager touches the exhibit. AIDS comes to life and sings to the tune of the song “There are so many good girls.”


And AIDS will come unexpectedly,
When you're not expecting it at all.
And every day and evening will become
It looks like horror and a nightmare.
And you will die...

Guide: the threat of HIV infection poses a great danger to everyone. Modern medicine has neither medicines nor a vaccine against HIV. The only measure of protection is prevention! They become infected as a result of using unsterile syringes for injection, mainly by drug addicts;

2 leading:Here's a whole bag of weed roll-your-own cigarettes.
Syringes contaminated with AIDS for landfill.
That's the drug lords' dirty money
The evil of evil dens is reflected in them

The forbidden fruit is sweet, I don’t argue, of course,

No one is holy, all people are sinners,

But we must hold on, try to live better,

and evil temptations - beware of sins.


Our last exhibit is a wall with the title “Life is short...”. There are photographs on it famous people who ended their lives young, addicted to drugs.

great poet, actor Vladimir Vysotsky used drugs. It was his a big problem. He made desperate attempts to recover from drug addiction, but it was too late. On July 5, 1980, Vysotsky passed away. His death was unexpected for his fans.

A teenager imitates pop idols, pasting their silly faces on the walls of his room. Try to convince eighth-grader Vasya that “weed” is bad if his favorite pop stars in the body, radio, and magazine interviews without regret admitted (and admit) that they took (or are taking) drugs.

Marilyn Monroe - according to one version, the actress died of a drug overdose.

Kurt Cobain, leader of the band Nirvana, committed suicide by taking a large dose of drugs.

Judy Garland, actress and mother of Liza Minnelli, died of alcoholism and drug overdose.

Jimi Hendrix, a super guitarist, died after taking a large dose of drugs in London.

Elvis Presley - the most likely cause of death is drug addiction.

Alexander Bashlychev, a rock bard, jumped out of a window. One of possible reasons– drugs.

Anatoly Krupnov, founder of the Black Obelisk group, died of cardiac arrest after years of heroin use.

Igor Sorin - one of the "Ivanushki" - jumped out of the window. One version of suicide is an overdose of LSD.

Guide: And you and I move to the next room, in which the exhibits are the exact opposite. (Teenagers, together with the guide, move to the next room)

Presentation “Living so great is great!”

1st teenager:

What kind of exhibit is this, I’m probably happy about it

He smiles back and doesn’t look like a grandfather at all. (Touches with his hand)

Sports and healthy lifestyle

Being healthy is fashionable!
Friendly, fun, cheerful
Get ready to exercise.
Recharge your body!
Adults and children know
The benefits of these vitamins:
Fruits, vegetables in the garden -
Everything is fine with your health!
You also need to toughen up
Take a contrast shower,
Run and walk more
Don't be lazy, get enough sleep!
Well, with bad habits
We will say goodbye forever!
The body will thank you -
It will be the most best view!

2nd teenager: Look at him,

didn't notice anything? (pushes neighbor)

He has a lot of medals, cups are burning with gold

He himself is strong, fast, brave

And everyone talks about him.

3rd teenager

Better than sports study

And don’t wallow in withdrawal symptoms.

And to live with dignity in the world.

Guide: Well, you’re probably also happy about this exhibit. (I’m in a good mood when it comes to the exhibit), music plays and the guys are invited to a flash mob (music plays)


We are on the way to health,
Let us pass
To stadiums and swimming pools,
Exercise machines, horizontal bars,
Well, having fun with the "glitches"
Leave it to the fools!
One, two! There will be sports!
Let's not let us be killed!
Three four! Stop, drug!
We stand together against it!
Presenter 1:It’s excellent to be healthy,

You don't need to live with medications,

Communicate freely with friends

Forget about your troubles.

Presenter 2: Healthy life more interesting,

Let someone not understand me.

May everything be wonderful with us,

Let health live in people.

Guide: I presented to you

Images of human life.

You make your choice yourself,

A healthy life is my choice!

Leading: And Life is like a butterfly with spring,

Finds new color.

You look at her sometimes -

You see the colors of the bright light.

Nobody probably wants

Turn her into a bloodworm

It's so simple: smoking,

Use drugs.

All troubles will begin only after,

And you can't solve them

Where to get money - all the questions

You won't want to live.

Everything will become indifferent to you:

What is life, what is death, it’s all the same,

But in life, health comes first,

We realized this a long time ago.

Our event ends with a flash mob, in which everyone can take part, “Morning gymnastics” A-studio.

Expected Result- formation in adolescents of the need to fight temptations (drugs), to cultivate the need to resist negative phenomena in youth environment, the ability to say “no” in the right situation, show friendly concern to people caught in difficult situation, to form an active life position in adolescents.


Purpose of the event:

Promotion of healthy lifestyles


Formation of motivation for a healthy lifestyle, conscious refusal of bad habits and addictions that contribute to the development of various somatic and mental diseases;

Systematization and generalization of schoolchildren’s knowledge about a healthy lifestyle;

Formation of an active life position.

Location: school assembly hall.

Form: interactive conversation with elements of conversation and presentation by 10th grade students from presentations “We choose health!”

Responsible: Filatova T.A. - Deputy director of VR.

Progress of the event:

Leading: Hello guys! I I'm telling you "Hello", and this means that I wish you all health! Have you ever thought about why greeting people involves wishing each other health? Health for a person is one of the main values.

And our goal today is to promote a healthy lifestyle, to awaken in you sustainable motivation for a healthy lifestyle, so that after this event you consciously give up bad habits, if you have them.

I will start the event with the words of Heinrich Heine: “The only beauty I know is health.” Yes, I agree with this statement and add that health is a state of complete physical, spiritual andsocial well-being, and not just the absence of disease or physical defects.

Spiritual and physical health are 2 integral parts of human health. They must be in harmony. Physical health

affects spiritual life. Spiritual health is achieved by the ability to live in harmony with oneself, with family, friends and society.

Today we will try together to answer the question of what a healthy lifestyle is.

You and I understand that in order to maintain health, and for it to be enough for a long and active life, it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle, which also involves giving up bad habits - giving up the use of tobacco, alcohol and drugs.

Presentation by 10th grade students “Bad habits”

What do you think a habit is? (A habit is a person’s ability to get used to some actions or sensations.)
– What are the habits? (Good and bad, harmful and useful.)
- Which good habits You know? (Brush your teeth, do exercises, play music, dance, sports, pick mushrooms, etc.)
– What habits are harmful to a person? (Smoking, drinking, drug addiction, gambling, etc.)
– How do you understand the proverb: “Poverty comes from laziness, and illness comes from intemperance”? If a person is not accustomed to work, he will be poor. And if he doesn’t get used to fighting his bad habits, he will get sick. So, guys, we found out that bad habits arise from a person’s inability to control himself. Bad habits bring poverty and disease to a person.

We have prepared a game for you "Lucky case".

1. Do you agree that exercise is a source of vigor and health? Yes

1. Is it true that lack of sun causes depression in people? Yes

2. Is it true that chewing gum preserves teeth? No

2. Is it true that in summer you can stock up on vitamins for the whole year? No

3. Is it true that chocolate bars are among the 5 most unhealthy foods? Yes

3. Is it true that you should drink 2 glasses of milk every day? Yes

4 Is it true that bananas lift your spirits? Yes

4Is it true that sugary drinks are among the 5 most unhealthy foods? Yes

5. Is it true that more than 10,000 people die from smoking every year? Yes

5. Is it true that a minute of laughter is equal to 45 minutes of passive rest? Yes

6. Is it possible that carrots slow down the aging process of the body? Yes

6. Do you agree that stress is good for your health? No

7.Is it true that there are harmless drugs? No

7. Do you agree that potato chips are healthy? No

8. Is it true that night owls like to work in the morning? No

8. Is it true that sausages are good for health? No

9. Is it true that most people do not smoke? Yes

9. Is it true that a young growing body requires 30 types of different foods every week? Yes

10.Is it easy to quit smoking? No

10 Is it true that one injection can make you a drug addict? Yes


Smoking is the voluntary poisoning of your body with nicotine and other harmful substances. All organs of the human body are affected by tobacco. Smokers have poor memory, poor physical health, an unstable psyche, and they think slowly. Smokers' skin withers faster, their voice becomes hoarse, and their teeth turn yellow. Tobacco smoke causes great harm to non-smokers.

There are several ways to quit smoking. The main thing is that you need to truly want to free yourself from a bad habit and show your will. ( accompanied by slides about the dangers of smoking)

My choice is not to smoke

Positive consequences

Negative consequences

I will not be susceptible to bronchopulmonary


I reduce the risk of developing lung cancer and diabetes.

I will have a healthy complexion.

Less susceptible to vascular diseases.

Teeth deteriorate faster and have a yellowish color.

Earthy complexion.

Spasms of blood vessels in the limbs and brain, leading to loss of performance.

Now let's look at situations that can happen to each of you.

    The older brother asks you: “Take your father’s cigarette without him noticing, and give it to me.”

    High school students smoke in the schoolyard. One of them offers you a cigarette: “Light it!”

    You came to your friend's house to play computer games. His parents are not at home. On kitchen table you saw beautiful bottle in a wicker basket. A friend says: “This is good grape wine. Let's try".

    Marina says: “I invite you to my birthday. The ancestors won’t be there, but my sister and friends promised to come.” You know that your sister’s friends smoke and drink, so you don’t want to go to Marina.

- Well done! You have completed the task, and now we are sure that in such situations you will not be confused and accept correct solution.


Alcohol is the most common drug that kills a huge number of people every year. This is a poison that destroys human internal organs. A drunk man who has lost his human appearance is an unpleasant, repulsive sight. Many crimes are committed due to drunkenness, families are destroyed, loved ones suffer: mothers, wives, children. ( accompanied by slides about the dangers of alcohol)

My choice is not to drink alcohol

Positive consequences

Negative consequences

My heart, liver, kidneys will be healthy

I will have a clear, bright mind.

There are no quarrels in the family, no drunken fights.

The body is not in stressful situation.

Safe arrangement of your personal life.

Decreased memory, intellectual capabilities, absent-mindedness.

Personality degradation.

Quarrels, scandals in the family.

Inability to arrange your personal life.

Indiscriminate choice of friends.

Change in appearance “the face of an alcoholic.”

Early death.


Drugs are an even more serious poison; having gotten used to them, a person cannot live without them, and pays a lot of money to die faster. He becomes a drug addict the first time. With its poisons, the drug acts strongly and quickly. A person who uses drugs does not belong to himself; he will commit any crime for the sake of drugs. Drug addicts have three options: prison, mental hospital, death.

(accompanied by slides about the dangers of drugs spice and nasvay)

My choice is no to drugs

Positive consequences

Negative consequences

Have a family.

Taking care of the family.

Good health.

Achieving your goals.

Preservation of material resources, their use for household needs.

Drug addiction.

Lack of moral principles.

Violation of the law entailing criminal liability

Lack of a normal family.

A person is constantly looking for psychoactive substances.

Constant financial difficulties.

Lack of work, constant income.

Numerous diseases caused by dysfunction of organs.

Risk of getting AIDS

Decreased visual acuity and hearing.

Early atherosclerosis.

Early death.

A healthy lifestyle is a social behavior - i.e. refusal of health destroyers. What can be considered health destroyers? (bad habits, smoking, drinking alcohol, etc.)

This is personal hygiene , which includes skin care, oral care, and clothing hygiene.

This is a healthy diet . Proteins, carbohydrates, fats. Nutrition should be complete and include vitamins and minerals.

Motor mode . This includes morning exercises, a swimming pool, sports sections, and hardening. It’s not for nothing that they say that movement is life.

Speaking in numbers, human health depends on:

15% - medicine;

15% - heredity;

15% - ecology;

50% is lifestyle. Please pay close attention to this figure. Your health, both physical and spiritual, depends on what lifestyle you choose for yourself in the future.

"Questions out of a hat."

1. For normal functioning, a person needs 2.5 kilograms of this substance per day. What kind of substance is in the hat? (Water).

2. In the hat - substances that a person needs in quantities of only a few milligrams per day. But without them, a person gets sick and gets tired quickly. It’s not for nothing that their name is derived from the Latin word “life”. (Vitamins, vita-life).

3. Name the personal hygiene item that is in the hat. It should be used at least 2 times a day. (Toothbrush.)

4. Such water in its composition is a complex complex of salts, macro- and microelements, it is not for nothing that it is called “living water”. What's in the hat? (Mineral water).

5. The hat contains a vegetable that is useful in preventing diseases such as the flu. (Garlic).

6. The hat contains a vegetable that slows down the aging process of the human body. (Carrot).

Health is an invaluable happiness in the life of every person. We all have an inherent desire to be healthy and strong, to maintain mobility, vigor, energy for as long as possible and to achieve longevity.

Exercise “Wall of Health”

And at the end of our event, we will assemble a “Wall of Health” with you. On our table there are colorful bricks on which many interesting and useful activities are written, but among them there are also bad habits. (Play sports, read books, eat a lot of sweets, eat a lot of fried and smoked foods, do morning exercises, watch a lot of TV, take care of your clothes, harden yourself, smoke, wash your face, play computer games for a long time, spend a lot of time outdoors, brush your teeth, not brushing your teeth, drinking alcohol, eating right, following a daily routine, studying on time, playing music, drawing, biting your nails, helping your mother). Each of you will choose the brick you like and, after reading, decide whether to attach it to the “Health Wall” or throw it in the trash.
Children take turns coming to the table to the music and, having made a choice, attach bricks to the image of the wall. You can invite students to comment on their choices. Well done! You've done everything right choice, so we have a strong wall.

Movie« School is a territory of health.”

Leading: Guys, today we talked about the fact that health is the greatest value for a person. Our health is influenced by many factors: climate, politics, economics, and much more. There are some things we can't change. But a lot depends on us. To be healthy, to live happily ever after, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle. And this is within the power of every person. The choice is yours!

We invite you to take an active part in the poster competition “It’s fashionable to be healthy.”

Both school and family fight
    We are by the sun and by the wind
They took on a fiery enthusiasm,With alcohol and smokingWe are having an argument today.
    When only functions are rushing around in your head,
When the spellings froze in the eyes, Diseases are so easy to treat here, Let's quickly run to the gym.
    Physical education helps us live,
We will become as light as light fluff. We develop muscles: In a healthy body healthy mind!
    We have been friends with sports since childhood,
He always brings us closerWithout parents, of courseWe are nowhere in sports either.
    Games and hikes together,
Relay and tournament Let's go to nature together Let's discover a healthy world!
    Helps to be healthy
We have both school and family.After all, the unity of spirit with body isThis is the only goal for us!
(Sports dance) Leading: Not only sports and trips to nature help us stay healthy. Our school does a lot of work to promote a healthy lifestyle.Leading: Communication hours and parent meetings about the benefits of vitamins, the need for hot mealsLeading: Competitions, quizzes, matinees, evenings, lectures on the topics:
    “Our health is in our hands!”
    "Three pillars of health"
    "Family - healthy lifestyle"
    « Ten rules of health"
    « Travel to the country “Health” and others.

Leading. Work is systematically carried out at school to combat bad habits.

  • What are bad habits?

    This is smoking!
    This is alcoholism!
    This is drug addiction!
    They are harmful to human health.
    The saying is true: “If you lose money, you lose a little; if you lose time, you lose a lot; I lost my health - I lost everything!”
    But do we always take care of our health?
    No! (Together)
    Birds die if you just bring a glass rod soaked in nicotine to their beak.
    A rabbit dies from one fourth drop of nicotine.
    Dog from one second drop.
    For humans, the lethal dose is 2-3 drops.
    Each cigarette smoked reduces human life for 5.5 minutes.
    Smoking causes great harm to children's bodies:
    Digestive disorder
    Heart diseases,
    Memory impairment
    Slowing of mental and physical development,
    One more bad habit Alcohol is a detrimental factor to human health.
    10-20 seconds after consumption, alcohol reaches the brain.
    Alcohol circulates in the body until complete decomposition within 2 weeks. At the same time, the heart, liver, and kidneys suffer.
    The brain reacts even to tiny doses of alcohol: memory and attention decrease, sensitivity and sincerity disappear,
    Cynicism, anger, and aggressiveness appear.
    There are no healthy alcoholic drinks!
    Figures and facts:
    There are 160 bottles of vodka per man in Russia per year.
    Thousands of people die every year from alcoholism before they reach 30 years of age. We cannot be at peace when this happens!

It's getting very scaryIf you hear this terrible word “plague”!Over the planet, over the whole worldShe is raising her black hands!

    Addiction! One of the most terrible human habits and diseases.
    The drug, like a merciless executioner, demands: kill, steal, get the next dose, take it!
    Drug addiction has given rise to an incurable and terrible disease - AIDS!
    Let's say NO to drugs!
    Let's bring drug addiction to justice!

Sketch “Drug Addiction Trial”

Judge. Dear jurors, spectators! An application was received in our court. The injured party - Maternal Pain - asks to find the defendant's party - Drug Addiction - guilty. The prosecutor speaks.

Prosecutor. IN last years one of the most serious problems drug addiction is becoming a problem, the spread of which is occurring in Russia at an alarming rate. More than 20 thousand crimes are committed due to drug addiction. Over the past 10 years, the number of deaths from drug use has increased 12 times, and among children - 42 times! An emaciated body with punctured veins, a detached look from expressionless eyes. Incoherent speech. And most importantly - a complete lack of interest in life, indifference to what is happening around. A drug addict needs nothing...except for a dose: Here he drags along, almost dying.
In a minute -
Where I got it, God knows!About the joys of an artificial paradise The world can You can read it on his face!..And how many of them are now wandering around the world,Whose fate is sometimes sweet, sometimes hard!..From this simple powder...Judge. The floor is given to the accused - Drug addiction.
Addiction. I am accused of having a destructive effect on the younger generation. I've killed a lot of teenagers and I'm glad about it! Everyone who deals with me does not have to have an education or hobbies - they still won’t be able to use their abilities. You won't live long enough. You don't need friends either. Drug addicts have no friends. And what a pleasure it is to watch how drug addicts steal everything from the house for the sake of a dose, even going to murder! And withdrawal is the pinnacle of my work! This pain is inhuman. It was as if a whole gang of sadists had climbed inside. Bones are flattened, joints are twisted, and insides are torn apart. You start to slowly go crazy. It is difficult to break up with me: it is painful and difficult. Even if you are cured, a return can occur even after 10 years! it is the brain that will give the order to return. And next to me is my constant travel companion - AIDS. So - welcome to an artificial paradise, from which there is no way out except one - death!
Prosecutor. Now listen to the main witness, whose words cannot remain indifferent. This is Mother's Pain.
Maternal Pain. My dears! I know from my own experience how difficult it is to lose children. Believe me, not a single mother, not a single father wants harm to his child. The pain of the death of a child remains for life. But can existence without you, without a son or daughter, be called life? A child is a drug addict - it’s scary! Children, don't die, don't make us unhappy! Don't deceive us anymore, don't roll around in pain. We no longer have strength and tears! We are tormented by fear when you leave: maybe you are already dead! No!!! Come back, we will save you, we will save you with our love!
Judge. So, gentlemen of the jury, you must make a fair verdict, it is necessary to rid our world of the grief and suffering that the terrible word brings to people - DRUG ADDICTION!
  1. Drug addiction is a scary word:
It contains the suffering and pain of mothers,

Ready for any action

For the sake of the lives of lost children. 2. It contains stingy fatherly tears And hundreds of destinies ruined, It contains a threat to future life And fragments of broken hopes.
3. This word sounds like a curse Bringing only grief and fear. We must rise up to fight it: Our life is only in our hands.
(Students come out with lit candles)
  1. We live in a wonderful century,
You and I are lucky In the 21st century You and I have been given the gift of living.
    We dream of good things
And we want everythingWe didn’t get sick and livedA very long time on Earth!
    Life is a blessing! This is a gift that is given to a person only once.
    And it depends on us what content we will fill our lives with.
    It's great when a person strives to fulfill his dreams!
    It's great when the sun is shining and the birds are chirping!
    It's great when you have real friends and when you are loved and waited at home!
    It's great to be surrounded by happy and healthy people!
    It’s great when the fire of goodness and faith in the best burns in your soul!
    Fire has long been considered a symbol of energy, struggle, and a symbol of faith in the best. Let the sparks from this fire ignite in the heart of every person the belief that the 21st century will be a century of prosperity, happiness, peace, and harmony.
    A century of healthy life!
(Song to the tune of “Hope”)
The topic is very importantGathered us together in this room,Both school and family fightWe stood up for a healthy lifestyle.We say “NO!” to drugsAnd smoking, and alcoholism,How much trouble they brought us,How many young lives have been stolen!
Chorus: Health! There is nothing more important than himAfter all, children know about this too.Let the undying light flashHealth on our planet!

Scenario competitive game program

"We are for a healthy lifestyle"

Compiled by: methodologist for educational and preventive work

MBOU DO "Chainsky DDT" Romanova Irina Gennadievna


1.Formation of children’s positive attitude towards a healthy lifestyle.


1. To consolidate children’s knowledge about a healthy lifestyle.

2. Instill in children a caring attitude towards their health.

  1. Form an active life position.

  2. Develop creativity, memory, attention, cognitive interest.

(The guys are divided in advance into three teams - three squads. The game program takes place at the tables. During the game, the guys receive tokens in the form of green leaves. At the end of the game, the leaves are attached to the base of the tree. The team whose tree has the most leaves wins).

Progress of the event.

Leading:- Hello guys!

Have you ever wondered what meaning this word has?

With these words they greet each other, wishing them health. Are you guys in a good mood today? They say that " Good mood- half health!

I am very glad that everything is fine with you! People say: “Everything is healthy for a healthy person.” Healthy man he is handsome and pleasant to talk to, easily overcomes difficulties, and truly knows how to work, study, and relax.

And today I invite all of you guys to take part in a game dedicated to a healthy lifestyle.

Now let's find out a little more about each other.

Raise your hands those who...

1. loves ice cream;

2. does exercises in the morning every day;

3. brushes his teeth every day;

4. loves to ride a bike;

5. poured over cold water in the morning;

Well done!

Who can say what a healthy lifestyle means?

Of course, you are all right. A healthy lifestyle is compliance with all rules and regulations to maintain good health.

Today I invite you to play a game with me, the theme of which is “We are for a healthy lifestyle.” During the game, for correctly completed tasks, you will receive green leaves. And at the end of the game you will attach the leaves to the base of the tree. The team with the most leaves on the tree wins.

And the first competition is called:

Competition “Nice to meet you!”

You need to come up with a team name based on a healthy lifestyle theme and choose a captain.

Warm-up competition " Folk wisdom»

Since ancient times, our ancestors have noticed what helps maintain health and what destroys our lives. Folk wisdom has accumulated many proverbs and sayings on the topic of a healthy lifestyle. The competition will show whether you are well versed in them. On the pieces of paper are the beginnings of sayings and proverbs; your task is to finish them (connect the beginning and end with arrows). (for a correctly completed task - 3 leaves).


Move more, you will live...

...a walk

Moderation is the mother...


... you'll do

… I

If you eat everything, then food...

...you lose

...from a young age

If you don't get enough sleep, your health...

... cripples

Good word heals, but evil...

... in the warmth

Competition "Trouble"

Your task is to collect a word from letters related to health. Which team is faster?


Competition "Pantomime".

Team captains choose cards with the name of the sport on them. One team shows a pantomime, the others guess what kind of sport was shown. (If the teams guess correctly, the team that showed gets three leaves).

Competition "You can't buy health - your mind gives it"

The facilitator asks questions that require affirmative or negative answers. For each correct answer, the team receives one piece of paper. (Raise signs “YES” or “NO”).


    Do you agree that exercise is a source of vigor and health? (Answer: yes.)

    Is it true that chewing gum preserves teeth? (Answer: no.)

    Is it true that you should brush your teeth once a day? (Answer: no.)

    Is it true that bananas lift your spirits? (Answer: yes.)

    Is it true that carrots slow down the aging of the body? (Answer: yes.)

    Is it easy to quit smoking? (Answer: no.)

    Is it true that lack of sun causes... Bad mood? (Answer: yes.)

    Is it true that in the summer you can stock up on vitamins for the whole year? (Answer: no.)

    Is it true that you need to drink two glasses of milk every day? (Answer: yes.)

Competition "The Most Accurate"

The task of the teams is to take turns throwing “oranges” into the baskets of whose team collects the most. (Leaves are distributed according to the number of oranges in the basket).

Competition "Health"

Now let's look at this Magic word"HEALTH". Think of words related to health for each letter of this word. Each word will bring the team one leaf.

(Z – exercise, D – diet, O – rest, R – daily routine, O – glasses, B – vitamins, E – food).

Now it's time to sum up the game. Each team attaches the earned leaves to the bases of the trees; whichever tree has the most leaves, that team wins.

Everyone should definitely know:

Health must be maintained.

You need to eat right

You need to play sports

Wash your hands before eating,

Brush your teeth, temper yourself,

And always be friends with water.

And then all the people in the world

They will live for a long, long time.

And remember your health

Can't buy it in the store.

Take care of your dress again, and your health...


Move more, you will live...

...a walk

Moderation is the mother...


Keep your head cold, your stomach hungry, and your legs...

... you'll do

Greet the morning with exercises, see off the evening...

… I

If you eat everything, then food...

...you lose

You will be tempered from a young age, for the rest of your life...

...from a young age

If you don't get enough sleep, your health...

... cripples

A good word heals, but an evil one...

... in the warmth

Take care of your dress again, and your health...


Move more, you will live...

...a walk

Moderation is the mother...


Keep your head cold, your stomach hungry, and your legs...

... you'll do

Greet the morning with exercises, see off the evening...

… I

If you eat everything, then food...

...you lose

You will be tempered from a young age, for the rest of your life...

...from a young age

If you don't get enough sleep, your health...

... cripples

A good word heals, but an evil one...

... in the warmth