home · Measurements · Corrugated sheeting for a fence - which one is better to choose, taking into account operating conditions. Which fence is better for a dacha and country house: types, advantages and disadvantages, what to make it from Types of fences: which one is better to put on a dacha plot

Corrugated sheeting for a fence - which one is better to choose, taking into account operating conditions. Which fence is better for a dacha and country house: types, advantages and disadvantages, what to make it from Types of fences: which one is better to put on a dacha plot

From this article you will learn:

  • What functions does a fence perform in a country house?
  • What documents regulate the installation of a fence at the dacha?
  • What types of country fences are there according to purpose, design and material?
  • What types of wickets and gates are used today?
  • What rules should you follow when choosing a fence for your dacha?
  • How to build a fence at your dacha with your own hands?
  • What are the exclusive options for building a fence at the dacha?

Fencing a summer cottage in Moscow allows you not only to clearly define its boundaries, but also to protect the territory from entry by unauthorized persons. The question of what a reliable fence should be is of concern to many today. How to choose a fence for your dacha so that it is practical and at the same time pleasing to the eye? Let's find out in our article.

Purpose of a fence at the dacha

Initially, the purpose of the fence was to designate exclusive rights to a land plot. A fence is also necessary to determine the area of ​​territory owned by a particular person. Thus, the main function of a fence is to clearly indicate to the landowner his rights and responsibilities.

The fence, even if it is low, does not allow outside visitors to enter the site or, at least, significantly complicates such penetration. In this case, the fact of the fenced area is directly triggered, so the fence is more of a psychological barrier than a physical one. Many people at the subconscious level perceive land without a fence as “ownerless” with all the ensuing consequences.

The presence of a fence is especially important during construction on a summer cottage. The fence will make it much more difficult for burglars to access tools and building materials, and will also ensure the safety of your children and animals by preventing them from running out onto the road. In addition, a presentable fence is an important evidence of your wealth and excellent taste.

The fence does not have to be the same around the entire perimeter. It is important to isolate yourself from the street passing by with a strong fence. However, there is no point in building a fortress wall from your neighbors, especially if you maintain friendly relations with them.

Rules for installing a fence on the site

When planning and designing a garden fence, you should adhere to the rules regulated by official documents. This will avoid not only fines, but also the need to bring the fence into compliance with the standards in a lawsuit. You should refer to the following documents:

The village administration voices special requirements for the design style in order to avoid a zero cycle at the construction stage, when there is no permanent fence to ensure access for special equipment to the construction site. Usually, in order to avoid difficulties, the owner of the site should choose a fence for the dacha of optimal height, which is 2-3 m.

How to choose the right fence for your dacha: 5 criteria

Let's talk about what an ideal fence should be like:

  1. Reliable from the point of view of site security.
  2. Durable.
  3. Aesthetically beautiful.
  4. Not demanding in care.
  5. Relevant standards.

Which fence to choose for your dacha: types by purpose and material

By purpose

By material

1. Brick fence. This type of fencing is the most traditional in our country. Its upper part does not need a roof and is built from the same brick, in some cases it is laid out in a different way.

Advantages of brick fencing:

  • durability;
  • ease of construction;
  • aesthetic appeal.


  • the need for a cement foundation - the higher the fence, the deeper and, accordingly, more expensive its foundation;
  • high price.

If you decide to choose a brick fence for your dacha, then do not try to save on material. A building made of the same type of brick will look quite dull. For the construction of a permanent country fence, it is recommended to use facing and textured bricks. If you dream of a fence that is ideal from an aesthetic point of view, dilute it with natural stone inserts or forged sections.

We have already found out that a brick fence needs a foundation. To enhance the decorative effect, large stones laid with jointing can be used to decorate the base part. By choosing a fence of this design for your dacha, you will receive not only a reliable, but also a beautiful fence.

2. Fence made of foam blocks or cinder blocks(expanded clay blocks). Installed using the same algorithm as a brick fence.


  • durability;
  • to build the foundation, foam blocks or cinder blocks can also be used, buried in a pit for several rows;
  • ease of operation.


  • quite high cost;
  • Doesn't look as nice as a brick fence.

3. Fence made of concrete panels.


  • such fencing is even more durable than previous options;
  • does not require maintenance.


  • the need for a deep capital foundation;
  • the need for a crane to install the fence;
  • a type of fence reminiscent of a fence in an industrial area.

4. Stone fence. A wide variety of materials can be used for its construction: sandstone, river stone, granite and even pebbles in a wire mesh frame.


  • durability;
  • beautiful view.


  • high price;
  • need for a foundation;
  • complexity of construction.
  • Forged metal fence.

5. Wealthy summer residents who want to decorate the space around them beautifully and respectably can choose wrought iron fence.

The section drawing design is carried out on an individual order, so wrought iron fences are always exclusive. Such fencing is quite expensive and requires only professional installation. At the same time, it should be remembered that a wrought iron fence will delight more than one generation of owners.


  • the most beautiful type of fencing;
  • there is no need for a roof.


  • high price;
  • the basis of the fence are brick or stone pillars, for which it is necessary to pour a foundation;
  • the summer cottage remains open to prying eyes.

6. Cast metal fence, imitation forging.

The benefits are similar to those of a wrought iron fence, but a cast fence is significantly less expensive.

The disadvantages are the same.

7. Metal fence made of corrugated sheets. To install corrugated sheets, metal channels, I-beams or corners, dug or concreted into the ground, as well as pillars made of blocks, stone or brick can be used. If the fence is carefully processed and painted, then you can do without a roof (the so-called dripline). However, experts still recommend installing it as additional protection against rust.


  • durability;
  • ease of installation;
  • reasonable cost;
  • excellent appearance with the right choice of frame and paint.

There are practically no disadvantages.

8. Plastic fence. In all respects it is similar to a fence made of corrugated sheets, differing only in lightness and lower cost. As the basis for the manufacture of such fencing, ready-made modules, hardboard panels or any other plastic are most often used. Depending on the characteristics of the material, the fence can be opaque or translucent.

By choosing a plastic fence for your dacha, you definitely won’t regret your decision.

By purchasing plastic, the price of which remains relatively affordable, the owner can install a fence at the dacha with his own hands, and it will not take much time. Polymers, the most common of which are HDPE or PVC, are manufactured industrially. The main advantages of polymer fencing are as follows:

  • corrosion resistance. There is no need to protect the support pillars and the lower part of the spans from moisture;
  • resistance to aggressive substances. If dirt, gasoline or oil accidentally gets on the fence, they can be easily washed off with water pressure;
  • low density and lightness. Such a fence does not require a foundation; a passenger car or a Gazelle is sufficient to deliver sections or rolls;
  • maintainability of the structure.

Today, there are many polymer meshes on sale (analogous to chain-link), which are often used to demarcate adjacent areas. Popular are sets of racks and sections hung on them (analogous to reinforced concrete openwork spans), used for fencing an area along the street. You can choose a decorative fence “Tyn” for your dacha, installation of which is carried out as follows:

  • PVC stakes are driven into the ground;
  • rods imitating a vine are woven between them to the required level, which allows you to adjust the height of the fence.

The main advantages of fences of this type:

  • possibility of quick assembly;
  • mobility;
  • affordable price.

9. Metal mesh fence. Available in several versions:

  • reinforcing mesh for concrete pouring with a cell size of about 10 centimeters and a rod cross-section of about 8 millimeters;
  • elastic mesh;
  • aviary flat mesh made of metal with different cell sizes.


  • affordable price;
  • ease of installation, no need to build a foundation and capital supports.


  • transparency;
  • such a fence will not provide reliable protection for the site.

10. Wooden fence made of solid panels. It is installed similarly to a corrugated fence, but wooden logs can also be used as posts.


  • a light weight;
  • reasonable cost;
  • attractive look.


  • needs a drip to protect against moisture;
  • requires special treatment against deformation and rotting.

11. Wooden fence made of openwork panels. The advantages and disadvantages of such a fence are similar to the previous option, but there is one significant difference - openwork shields will not protect your site from prying eyes.

12. Wooden fence made of boards. It is characterized by the same advantages as wooden fencing made of solid panels. This type of fence is more difficult to install, because it will have to be assembled from separate boards.

13. A wooden fence imitating a log house (made of horizontal logs). It is worth choosing such a fence for your dacha because it looks very impressive and serves its owner faithfully for many years. Among the disadvantages of this type of fencing is its high cost, as well as the need to build a foundation and install poles.

14. Palisade or its imitation. A palisade is a wooden fence made of posts driven into the ground. The advantage of such a fence is that it looks quite beautiful and stylish. Among the disadvantages are the complexity of installation and the rather high cost compared to wooden analogues.

15. Wattle fence is a wooden fence made of flexible rods on supports.

You should choose such a fence for your dacha for the following reasons:

  • stylish look;
  • ease of installation;
  • reasonable cost;
  • possibility of purchasing ready-made wicker panels.

The disadvantage is that the fence is a symbolic semblance of a fence and is used to conditionally divide the territory.

16. Wooden picket fence. Having chosen such a fence for your dacha, you can install it yourself or purchase ready-made modules from slats. However, it is worth keeping in mind that such a fence is more suitable for protection from dogs and pets than from burglars.


  • affordable price;
  • ease of installation;
  • does not require a large amount of wood.


  • small height;
  • does not block the view;
  • needs protection from deformation and rotting.

17. Plastic picket fence. Such a fence is characterized by the same disadvantages as its wooden counterpart, but at the same time it has the following advantages:

  • wide selection of profiles;
  • reasonable cost;
  • resistance to rotting and moisture.

18. Reed wicker fence. Such fencing is rare in Russia, because finding reed shields in our country is quite a difficult task. This type of fence looks beautiful, is easy to install and can last quite a long time. In addition, it has sufficient height and strength, and also perfectly protects the area from prying eyes.

19. Fence made of plastic bottles. Of course, such a fence is exotic, but it is very popular among summer residents.

20. Fences that are a combination of the above options.

It is difficult to say unambiguously which fence to choose for your dacha, because in this case not only the financial side of the issue is important, but also the individual preferences of the owners. Some people will put up an impregnable three-meter fence and only then will they feel comfortable, while for others an openwork fence will make them happy. Combined options have many fans, because they make it possible to find the optimal solution based on criteria such as reliability, aesthetics and practicality.

21. Hedge. It may well play the role of a full-fledged fence at your dacha. Due to the climate in some regions of the country, it is quite difficult to grow it, but it is quite possible.

When choosing plants for planting hedges, you should be guided by criteria such as frost resistance and unpretentiousness. For example, thuja tolerates summer heat and severe frosts well and remains green at any time of the year. Barberry bushes do not require frequent watering or roofing and can provide reliable protection against the entry of strangers.

The sequence of actions when making a hedge is as follows:

  • Preparation. Along the perimeter of the fence, the top layer of soil (40 cm) should be removed and mixed with fertilizing (humus can be used).
  • Landing. Plants must be planted close to each other, taking into account the emerging crown.
  • Pruning. It is necessary to level the top edge of the fence and remove branches that interfere with the overall appearance.
  • Watering. Plants should be watered after planting and then as needed. Often, dacha owners use automatic drip irrigation for this.

Often, hedges are duplicated by nets located behind them. If you want to build a fence or gate into such a fence, then this must be done at the stage of planting.

Fence design for a summer residence: gates and wickets

Gates and wickets are installed instead of blind sections in front of the main facade of the building and can be duplicated along the perimeter.

Automatic gates are very convenient to use, but their cost is quite high.

Sliding and swing gates that can be opened manually are much cheaper.

Regardless of the material used to make the sections, the durability of the structure depends primarily on the quality of installation of the pillars, which is done using one of the following technologies:

  • only wooden beams or logs are dug in, their lower part must be treated with antiseptics and bitumen impregnations;
  • metal racks can be fixed with self-tapping screws inside embedded elements poured into a reinforced concrete base, or concreted;
  • brick pillars are laid out by installing a mesh every 3-5 rows or using the central reinforcement method (laying 1.5 x 1.5 bricks around the pipe);
  • reinforced concrete sections are attached to reinforced concrete racks, which are fixed inside trapezoidal pedestals resting on the ground without being buried;
  • rubble stone is laid without support pillars;
  • gabions (metal mesh boxes filled with decorative stone without mortar) also do not need racks. Their stability is achieved due to the large surface of support on the ground.

A fence made of wooden beams has the only advantage - a simple mechanism for fastening the sections. When thinking about which fence to choose for your dacha, take into account that wood needs to be painted regularly, and its resource is much less compared to rolled metal and brick. To fix the spans to the brickwork, the sections are secured with anchors into blind holes drilled in the stone, or embedded elements are left in the seams. Using special equipment, metal purlins are welded to posts made of the same material.

There is also a more exotic method that allows you to fix the horizontal crossbars on which the picket fence is hung. It involves using thread cut from a plastic bottle. You should tie it crosswise around the structural elements, and then quickly heat the knot with an open flame until the material melts completely. A significant disadvantage of such a connection is the zero maintainability of the units.

Gates and swing gates are hingedly installed on posts; the sliding sections move along the fence on lower and upper rollers. To hide the location of the entrance and ensure unity of style, the entrance group is lined with the same materials as the fence sections. To make the exterior of the fence more attractive, it is decorated with forged openwork elements and expensive cladding.

Exclusive fence for your dacha with your own hands

Today you can choose a stylish and beautiful fence for your dacha from the many options on sale, or make an original fence with your own hands.

An excellent solution for optimists with a sense of humor would be a multi-colored, cheerful fence assembled from scrap materials. A picket fence can be used as a basis for the construction of such a fence. When choosing a color scheme, you can give complete freedom to your imagination. A riot of colors or delicate pastel watercolors - it all depends on your personal preferences and character traits. Even a simple hedge made of branches and snags will look like an exclusive creation of a designer thanks to a well-chosen combination of colors.

When choosing paint to paint your garden fence, don’t skimp on good quality. The coloring matter should not only be bright and juicy, but also resistant to natural influences. Thanks to this, your dacha fence will delight you with its diversity for more than one season.

The selected fencing style must match the overall design of the site. Colored wattle fence will look great next to a simple wooden house, but white stone mansions in such a frame will look ridiculous. Many owners of summer cottages use the theme of fairy tales when organizing a fence, so today palisades decorated with illuminated clay pots and fences in the shape of colored pencils are no longer uncommon.

You can also choose the gabion fence shown in the bottom photo. The structure, consisting of mesh cages with horizontal jumpers, is installed without support pillars. The cages are assembled at the installation site, filled with decorative stones of different colors and sizes, and then covered with the same mesh on top. This type of fencing is characterized by mobility and aesthetic appeal; it can take any shape and be used as a high-quality terrace structure.

If you have a large amount of used car rubber at your disposal, you can assemble it into a full-fledged fence for your dacha. To do this, it is enough to lay the tires horizontally or vertically in a checkerboard pattern, and then fix them from the inside with self-tapping screws. To paint the cylinders, use acrylic paint of any color.

By using the listed technologies and available materials, you can significantly save on construction and install a fence for your dacha that perfectly suits your preferences.

When choosing a fence for your dacha and materials for its construction, take into account the following factors:

So, if you want to build a fence for your dacha, you can do all the work yourself or turn to the help of specialists. A summer resident with certain skills and knowledge can choose the first option. However, the second option involves considerable costs.

Instructions for building a fence for a summer house with your own hands: brick and wood

Brick fence

To greatly facilitate the work of reinforcing the masonry, it is recommended to buy ready-made fence posts.

If you decide to choose a brick fence for your dacha, familiarize yourself with the technology for constructing spans with pillars made of this material:

To save on the cost of material, only pillars are laid out of brick, with polymer, metal, and mesh sections hung on them.

Wooden fence

If you choose a wooden plank fence, you can use the following manufacturing technology:

  • we mark the territory;
  • we install pillars every 3 - 2 m, treat their lower part with bitumen primer;
  • we mount shoulder straps from a 5 x 5 cm bar, fix them with self-tapping screws to the outer surface of the racks or butt them in the middle with brackets;
  • we fasten the jam (horizontal board at ground level) to prevent wood rotting;
  • we fill the sections end-to-end and overlapping with vertical boards.

A linear meter of such a fence made of edged boards 2 m high is 1.5-2 thousand rubles. Using a semicircular picket fence, you can decorate the fence in the form of a picket fence. Owners of houses made of rounded logs should choose fencing made of the same material.

If you are looking for a budget option, you can choose a picket fence made from edged boards as a fence for your dacha. Vertical strips are usually installed at intervals no greater than the width of the board.

Classic wooden wattle fence is perhaps the most inexpensive fencing option. First you need to drive the posts into the ground, then weave prepared willow twigs between them.

Which fence to choose for your dacha: photo gallery

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A good fence not only serves as a way to protect against uninvited guests and unwanted glances, but also serves as a calling card for your home or property. Today there is a huge amount of building materials for erecting a fence. How to make the right choice? First you need to decide on the function and purpose of the future fence. If the fence will protect the front part of the house from the street or from neighbors, then it is necessary to build an impressive, powerful fence. Metal, corrugated sheets, brick can be used here. Fences inside can be built from simpler materials: wood, chain-link mesh, artificial stone. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Materials for making fences

A concrete fence is built rather slowly, but in terms of price and quality it ranks first. Concrete is durable and unpretentious in material maintenance. Lately, stacked concrete fences have become very popular and have many advantages:

But it also has its drawbacks:

  • has a larger design compared to a metal or wooden fence;
  • insufficient ventilation of the area;
  • afraid of temperature changes and displacement of unstable soil. If during installation you do not take into account certain nuances in technology, then after winter the fence along with its sections may simply fall apart.

Wooden fence

The spread of wooden fences can be explained by many various lumber and reasonable prices for them. They also harmonize with the garden, the environment, and different materials. But at the same time, such a fence needs special care during its operation.

Metal and wrought iron fence

Metal and wrought iron fences are also not inferior by its popularity today, in design and style, it forms an integral ensemble with the territory of the house. The production of this type of fence occurs by individual order. There are a huge number of styles - from classical baroque to modern modern or minimalism.

Wrought iron fences are mainly made of metal. Often in the overall composition of the fence a stone is inserted. A wrought iron fence is an important part of home security; it should not only be elegant and beautiful, but also durable and reliable.

Among the advantages of metal fences are:

  • aesthetic appearance;
  • does not require constant care;
  • the possibility of erecting a fence according to an individual drawing;
  • ease of manufacture;
  • the ability to implement diverse design ideas;
  • relative cheapness of finished products;
  • is not subject to any corrosion.

Disadvantages of metal fences:

  • lack of protection from wind and prying eyes;
  • lack of protection against small animals entering the area.

From corrugated sheets

A fence made of corrugated sheets is chosen by most customers due to its practicality for a personal plot, a country house or a summer house. The basis of the corrugated sheet is galvanized metal sheet; it is painted in a special way. Corrugated sheeting today is the most popular material for the construction of fences. A distinctive feature from other materials is its durability and practicality; it also benefits price policy.

Corrugated sheeting can protect against noisy influences from the outside, and also serves as an insurmountable barrier for pets. It goes well with any design thanks to the large selection of colors of the coating, which is of high quality and impact resistant moisture, fading and other factors.

But, as we know, nothing is perfect, and a fence made of corrugated sheets has its drawbacks. He is deaf, from him a lot of shadow is formed, and this is not always good for plants; the gaze stumbles upon the wall. Another disadvantage is buying expensive metal pipes, which are necessary.

Brick fence

The brick fence effectively shows refined taste owner and solves the problem of home safety. A brick fence combines well with other building materials: metal, wood, stone. Green spaces original and interesting decorate the fence and give it an attractive appearance.

If the question is what materials to use for fencing manufacturing with your own hands, and so that they are also not too expensive, you can give preference to the following options:

  • corrugated fence;
  • wooden fence;
  • brick fence;
  • fence made of concrete (curly) sections.

Technology for building a fence from corrugated sheets

First of all, it is necessary perform markup fence installation locations. A cord is pulled from the extreme points on one side, along which the subsequent marking of the installation is carried out. support pillars. They can be used as metal pipes, wooden beams or profiles. If pipes or metal profiles will be used, then before installing them you need to paint them, attach some material on top preventing the corrosion process and moisture ingress.

The next stage consists of preparation necessary recesses for installing fence posts. Using a special hand drill, holes are made with a depth of 70-100 cm. Support columns are installed in them by compacting or concreting. Moreover, the first method is different lower cost, and the second will provide higher mechanical strength.

For the correct technology for concreting columns, a concrete solution is used in proportion 1:3:4, respectively cement: sand: crushed stone, which is diluted with water. It is better to start mounting from the outermost posts, and then using pulling the cord install subsequent ones, the height of which should be the same. The installation must be checked using a building level or plumb line. The next step should be performed only after absolute concrete hardening, i.e. after 2-3 days.

After finishing work with the posts you need to secure them special jumpers(logs) for direct installation of corrugated sheets. The best option would be to weld them to the posts, but a bolting method is also possible, for which mounting holes are made in advance. Can be used as a lag corner 40×40 mm or square pipe 25×40mm, their quantity to the height of the fence two meters should be at least 2 pieces. After constructing the frame, you need to coat it again with paint and varnish.

The last stage will be material fastening to the frame itself. For this purpose, it is better to use special self-tapping screws, which are screwed to the frame with a screwdriver or an electric drill with a bat. Self-tapping screws are attached to the inside with an interval of 100−150 mm. To cut corrugated sheets, you can use a grinder with a cutting wheel. The edge formation areas are trimmed using a file. In addition, it is recommended to fill the space between the corrugated sheet and the ground surface with a concrete composition or cinder block, which will allow extend operating time fence

Technology for constructing a wooden fence

To begin with, in order to protect the tree from rotting, you need to cover it with any protective base. Then you need to decide on the height and proportion of the fence. Next comes the construction process itself.

  • What's next is done marking under the pillars along a stretched cord. The distance between the posts will be 2-3 m, and the height of the recess under them will be 1-1.5 m.
  • After installing the posts at the top and bottom of the fence, a cord is pulled, in this way the location of the veins is determined.
  • The last step will be nailing the picket fence.
  • Technology for constructing a concrete fence

    Concrete fence being built much easier, than a wooden fence. The most difficult thing will be hold the line in other words, install the fence evenly. Therefore, there is a possibility that the pillars will be placed again, and this is not easy, since they weigh 80 kg. For such work three people will be needed.

    So, first you need stretch the cord to a height of 0.5 m from the ground. Then, every two meters, recesses 50 cm deep are made. In these recesses pillars are being installed and leveled with building level. They need to be fixed; for this, large crushed stone or broken brick is used. A rail is inserted into the groove of the post and inserted into the next post. The latter should stand so that the rail exactly corresponded to the level readings. Then the second post is fixed, the slats remain in place. After installing all the pillars, a solution with the proportion is poured into the holes 4:1. The concrete must harden. Therefore, after 3 days you can proceed directly to assembling the fence.

    An absurd fence can vulgarize even the most presentable house or an exemplarily well-groomed summer cottage. A well-made fence, thoughtfully and creatively designed and built from the best materials, can add status to even the most modest property. So this is a very serious design, if we also take into account its main, that is, security functions.

    Basic requirements for a fence

    The large number of types of building materials from which fences are constructed is due to the huge variability in the requirements placed on them by the owners. Some want to radically secure their possessions from the penetration of any uninvited guests, and therefore they erect almost fortress walls.

    For others, it is enough just to protect their territory from the indiscreet glances of passers-by. Still others need not so much to protect themselves from external intrusion, but to prevent the unwanted exit of children and pets.

    And some even make transparent fences so that they do not block the light for garden plants, and at the same time protect them from the wind. Others are not afraid of either indiscreet glances or drafts and build themselves an intricate fence of forged openwork metal patterns.
    In general, the requirements for future fencing on the part of the owners are mainly determined by tastes, ambitions and financial situation. But there are still generally accepted criteria that all fence designs must follow, no matter what style and what materials they are made of.

    The main one is compliance with the basic norms and rules established by law for the construction of fences. This concerns the legal side.

    And from a practical point of view, the main requirement for fences is their strength and durability. Nobody needs a fence for one season. Decent appearance - this is also what most owners strive for today, with rare exceptions, even with modest family budgets.

    Did you know? The world's longest fence was built in 1885 in Australia. The structure, stretching over a length of 5,614 kilometers, was designed to protect flocks of sheep from attacks by the wild dingo dog.

    Main types

    The owner of the future fence, having decided for what purposes the fence is mainly intended, and having enough funds for construction, nevertheless stops at a problem. And this problem is choice.

    Nowadays, the construction industry offers a large number of all kinds of materials that can equally satisfy one or another fantasy of the owner of the future fence. This includes stone in all its various forms, and traditional, time-tested wood, reinforced with modern technologies, and, of course, metal, and plastic, which is quickly becoming fashionable.


    Metal fences are extremely varied not only in appearance, but also in cost. These include affordable fences made from chain-link mesh and very expensive forged metal patterns on strong foundations.

    Corrugated sheet

    Fences made from metal profiles are quite solid in appearance, reliable, easy to install and relatively inexpensive.
    They are made from profiled, that is, non-smooth, metal sheets, sprayed with a special anti-rust compound.

    To build a fence from corrugated sheeting, in addition to the fence itself, you also need metal posts and logs. The pillars are lowered into dug holes and concreted into them, then the logs are welded to the pillars, and sheets of corrugated sheets are attached to the logs using self-tapping screws. No foundation is required for this fence.

    Corrugated sheeting is quite light, and if the fence is not high, then you can not concrete the pillars, but simply bury their ends deeper and carefully compact the earth around them. To avoid damaging your hands on the sharp edges of the metal profile when operating the fence, safety plastic caps are placed on its upper part.

    Apart from the fact that such a fence is not very powerful, and sooner or later it will nevertheless undergo corrosion, its owners do not find any other shortcomings.

    Video: DIY corrugated fence installation

    Did you know? The most original fence in the world can be considered the fence built in New Zealand. The design consists exclusively of bras. Some of the tourists who see the sight also contribute to the lengthening of the fence.


    Fencing made from this material is most in demand in summer cottages. It is inexpensive and does not create shade for plants. The cheapest fence is made from black chain-link mesh, but it is also the most short-lived, since such a mesh, if it is not painted, very quickly begins to rust.

    Galvanized mesh is much more resistant to corrosion, and the most durable and outwardly impressive is the relatively recently widespread mesh, coated with a solid layer of polymer. But it is noticeably more expensive than galvanized.
    Chain-link fencing is erected in two ways. In the first case, it is attached using a tension method, that is, along its entire length, to pillars well fixed in the ground using clamps, wire or hooks attached to the supports.

    In the second case, the fence is built from rectangular sections, which are made from metal corners or narrow pipes with a mesh attached to them by welding or bolts. The sections are attached, again by welding or bolting, to supports that are anchored in the ground with or without the aid of concreting.

    The obvious disadvantages of this type of fencing include their weak ability to resist the arrogant intrusion of uninvited guests and their permeability to the indiscreet glances of passers-by. The latter, however, can be easily mitigated in summer by planting climbing plants along the fence.

    Video: installation of a chain-link fence


    This type of fence is the most expensive in terms of financial costs and labor-intensive to install. But on the other hand, he looks extremely respectable, elitist and is capable of decorating any estate. In addition, it is very strong and durable, as evidenced by forged fences that have survived for many decades.

    Did you know? One of the most common surnames in the world comes from blacksmithing: Russian Kuznetsov and Kovalev, Ukrainian Kovalenko, Polish Kovalsky, English Smith, German Schmidt, Spanish Herrero.

    In addition to purchasing forged metal parts, which are often single copies and represent a true work of art, installing such a fence requires digging a strip foundation at least one meter deep along its entire length to strengthen the supports.

    It is clear that all these operations cannot be done without specialists, especially since a special lift is required to attach forged metal parts to the supports. In addition to the exorbitant cost, one of the disadvantages of such fences is their transparency to prying eyes.


    This is the most traditional material for fences. And it has been used for centuries for wattle fences, plank fences and picket fences.


    As a rule, it is not built, but grown. Tall plants from one to three meters in height that grow slowly but surely are best suited for it. First of all, these are woody plants.

    Different types of thuja are especially in demand today for such hedges. Their main advantage, in addition to the external surroundings and sufficient “impenetrability,” is that they are evergreens and do not shed their plumage in winter.
    Often, around the perimeter of the site, openwork structures are built from thin wooden planks, which serve as support for various kinds of climbing plants. However, while looking very elegant in summer, such hedges look much worse in winter.

    In addition to this drawback, there is also one: the hedge has to be constantly looked after. Yes, and protection from external invasion is very conditional.


    Such a fence in the form of a fence gives the site a purely rural look - and this has its own charm. There are practically no fundamental difficulties in its construction. Pegs for supports are driven into the ground, between which the vine is woven.

    The cheapness of such a fence is obvious. However, in practice it turns out that weaving vines to make a decent wattle fence is not such a simple matter. This requires some pretty serious skills.
    There is another problem with this type of fence - it is extremely short-lived and very quickly loses its “marketable” appearance.

    Important!A wicker fence made of vines is never painted.

    From timber

    A fence made of wooden beams has many advantages. The main ones are the 100% environmental friendliness of the material, its comparative cheapness and ease of construction of the fence.

    In addition, the variety of types of fences that can be erected using timber also looks attractive. This is a palisade with the ends of vertical beams pointed at the top, and a “herringbone”, when horizontal beams are laid overlapping each other, leaving space for ventilation of plants growing behind the fence.

    There is also a classic method of constructing a fence made of timber and lattice. The advantages of this type of fences also include a variety of supports. In addition to wood, they can also be brick, metal or reinforced concrete.
    The only drawback of such fences is the relative fragility of the tree. But if it is carefully treated with modern wood protection products, then such a fence can last for decades.

    From boards

    Many people associate a plank fence with the primitive fences around construction sites that prevailed in the past. However, today a fencing made of boards can look solid, visually attractive and even stylish.

    For example, a fence made of sanded, tinted and varnished slab can decorate the most advanced estate. You can also place the croaker on the fence with an overlap. And even ordinary boards are made to look like a slab, cutting their edges accordingly.

    You can also create different types of fences from edged boards. For example, if you don’t nail them bluntly, as was done before, joining one to the other only on one side, but fasten them overlapping on both sides. Often today, when constructing a fence, they combine the use of boards with timber.
    But the most fashionable trend in the construction of plank fences today is wickerwork made from thin boards. Many variants of these different braids have already been developed.

    A fence made from boards is environmentally friendly, inexpensive and quite easy to install. Previously, it was short-lived, but today, when there are many means of preserving wood, a board fence can last about 15 years.

    From a picket fence

    From a picket fence, that is, from slats of planed boards, a mini-fence is obtained, since picket fences are not made very high very often. In addition, a gap is usually left between the slats. Therefore, a picket fence is usually not very high and “translucent.”

    Important!The gaps between the pickets on such a fence should not exceed the width of the slats themselves.

    Building such a fence is quite simple. To install it, you need supports in the form of strong wooden beams or metal pipes. Also required are veins, that is, long wooden beams with a cross-section of at least 40 millimeters, which are attached to the upper and lower parts of the supports, and to which pickets are then nailed.
    Well, of course, you need the pickets themselves. Here there is room for the owner’s imagination, since these slats can be varied in both shape and color. The advantages of such fencing are its environmental friendliness, low cost, ease of installation and attractive appearance. And its disadvantages are its weak security qualities and poor insulation from immodest glances.

    Brick, stone, blocks

    The stone fence is famous for its fundamental nature. It is from these materials that those who gravitate towards fortress walls build fences around their estates. Today, stone fencing is made from traditional brick, natural stone, cinder block and concrete, as well as modern besser and brick.


    You can use different types of bricks for a fence, and the appearance, durability, and frost resistance of the fence will depend on this. For example, red brick fencing is often plastered, but sometimes designers leave it in its pristine condition.
    The facing brick does not require any additional processing, and the use of frost-resistant bricks guarantees a beautiful appearance of the fence and its exceptional durability.

    A brick fence requires a strong foundation and careful masonry. Only professionals can build it. Hence the high cost of building such fences. It increases even more if such fences are made combined, using, in addition to brick, natural stone and wrought iron during construction.

    Did you know? Brick firing began for the first time in Ancient Egypt, which is mentioned in sources more than five thousand years old.


    Concrete fences have gained a reputation as the most practical and reliable among other types of fences. They are divided into several types, which depend on their production technology and installation method. Such fences are decorative with predetermined patterns, colors and shapes.
    Manufacturers produce over three hundred models of decorative concrete fences. And there are stacked fences that are assembled section by section from separate blocks that have different textures and patterns.

    The most reliable are monolithic fences, which are powerful solid slabs with or without a pattern, and require a very strong foundation for their installation.

    There are also concrete blocks for fences and free-standing fences that do not require a foundation. Concrete fences can be either double-sided, that is, with a pattern on both sides, or one-sided.

    The advantages of concrete fences include their strength and record durability. Of all permanent fences, concrete ones are the most economical. However, almost all of them require strong foundations and lifting equipment. Compared to simple wooden or metal fences, concrete ones are significantly more expensive.

    From Besser

    Besser are artificial blocks imitating natural stone, made like paving slabs. Fences are built from them in the same way as from brick or cinder blocks, and they require strong strip foundations.

    This material is beautiful, durable, strong, which property only intensifies over time, is varied in design, can be used in the construction of supports, and is frost-resistant. The disadvantages include its price, which is quite high, although not exorbitant.

    From brick elements

    Actually, a brick is the same brick, which is proven by the translation of the English word “brick”, which means “brick”. However, manufacturers and trade managers claim that the construction of fences from brick elements is noticeably cheaper than from ordinary brick or stone.

    It's all about construction technology. Fences made from brick elements, for example, do not require expensive strip foundations, which significantly reduces the cost of the fence. In addition, when constructing fences from these elements, cement mortar is not used, which again reduces construction costs.

    Bricks come out of the factory conveyor already pre-equipped with special grooves and tenons, with the help of which the elements are tightly interlocked when installing the fence.
    This material gives the appearance of torn stone. Fences made from it turn out to be very solid-looking, they are resistant to external influences, the paint of four standard colors - red, brown, gray and yellow - does not fade in the sun even after many years of exposure to it.

    But, although the construction of fences from brick elements actually saves money on the foundation and cement masonry, the cost of the elements themselves is quite high.

    Plastic fences

    Fences in the construction of which plastic materials are used belong to a new generation of fences. Plastic is becoming an increasingly popular and in-demand material. The most commonly used plastics are PVC, siding and polycarbonate.


    This mysterious abbreviation, which is now well-known among many fence builders and their customers, denotes the thermoplastic polymer polyvinyl chloride. The material is wonderful in many ways. It is very durable and is not afraid of moisture, fire, or frost.
    In addition, it is easy to install, looks very impressive, can last up to 50 years without significantly changing its appearance, is light weight, environmentally friendly, easy to maintain and relatively inexpensive.

    PVC can be used to construct fences in the form of a solid fence, picket fence, wattle fence or a combined fence. Moreover, the owner of the estate is able to do this on his own without inviting specialists. The only drawback of this material so far is its shortage in retail chains.


    Siding is a kind of corrugated sheeting, especially when this new material is also made of metal. It’s just that the siding panels look like narrow and long strips. Among the differences: the presence of mounting grooves in the siding makes the fastening of the panels on the fence invisible, while with corrugated sheeting the entire fastening is exposed.

    Important!Siding panels can be made, in addition to metal, also from wood, polyvinyl chloride and fiber cement.

    Plastic siding panels are the most in demand today. They are made from polyvinyl chloride, which has a cellular structure, are very durable and strong, do not absorb soot and dust, are easy to clean, are not afraid of fire, are quite easy to install and are quite affordable.


    Fences made from this plastic are quite expensive, but the advantages of the material prove that it is worth it. Polycarbonate, which has the same light transmittance as glass, is flexible and durable. It can be transparent, or maybe even translucent, letting light into the fenced area, but inhibiting other people’s indiscreet glances.

    This material, which has a cellular structure, is not afraid of moisture, corrosion, frost, or sun. One of the important advantages is its ability to act as sound insulation. The cellular structure of polycarbonate inhibits external sounds, creating comfortable conditions in the area.

    For all its advantages, this material is not without some disadvantages. It is quite impact-resistant, but is inferior to brick, concrete and wooden fences in its ability to withstand impacts from thrown stones or scratching from sharp objects.

    How to make a choice

    The market today offers building materials for fence construction in abundance. And here the problem of choice arises in full force: how not to drown in a sea of ​​proposals and choose the best option. Here you can’t do without prioritizing the list of desired qualities for the future fence.

    Easy to install

    Many summer residents prioritize the possibility of building a fence on their own. And here the ease of installation, assembly or construction of the fence comes to the fore.

    It is advisable to do without labor-intensive and expensive strip foundations, heavy panels that cannot be handled without lifting equipment, and other construction issues that require inviting specialists. In this regard, corrugated sheets, picket fences, siding panels, PVC, boards, timber and chain-link mesh are good.


    For a large number of people, the cost of the future fence is often decisive in their choice. And here the chain-link mesh comes out as the leader in the minimum cost of materials. Quite affordable prices for corrugated sheets, picket fences, boards and timber. Prefabricated fences made from polyvinyl chloride and siding panels made from it are relatively inexpensive.

    Reliability and durability

    These factors are also important in the list of priority qualities of building materials. For example, the cheapest fence is made from black chain-link mesh. But it is also the most short-lived, even if painted. Concrete fences last a very long time, but they are expensive and very difficult to construct.

    Did you know? Concrete has been known to mankind for more than 4,000 years. It was especially popular in Ancient Rome, for example, the dome of one of the most famous historical monuments of Italy - the Pantheon - is still the largest in the world made of unreinforced concrete.

    Previously, wooden fences were not very durable. However, modern means of protecting wood from pests and external influences have significantly increased their service life. Well, properly installed plastic fences can be guaranteed to last for half a century.


    The time for rickety fences and crumbling wattle fences is becoming a thing of the past. Today's owners of estates, rural farmsteads, and summer cottages, even with a minimal budget, when erecting fences, think not only about the cheapness and durability of the future structure, but also about its external attractiveness.

    Absolutely all building materials intended for the construction of fences are produced today not only with an eye to their purely consumer qualities, but also taking into account the aesthetic requirements of consumers.

    Concrete panels are decorated with drawings, the size and shape of the cells of cheap chain-link mesh become more diverse, and the color of the besser becomes brighter and more attractive, the edged board is cut in a figure, the siding panels are designed more and more picturesquely, some of them simply cannot be distinguished from natural wood of valuable species.
    So aesthetics, which was previously limited to fence paint during the construction of fences, is now far from being low on the list of priorities.


    We can safely say that the formula “demand creates supply” in the market of building materials for the construction of fences today has been supplemented by a variation in the form of the trend “supply creates demand.”

    New materials are appearing on the market that consumers never even thought about. And we’re not just talking about revolutionary plastic materials that were previously simply unthinkable. Wood, used for centuries, is now processed with such high quality that its durability can outperform many traditionally durable materials.

    The metal is coated with zinc, aluminum or polymers so well that it can stand in the rain and winds for fifty years without any corrosion.
    Today there are a number of “brick” counterparts that differ from each other not only in appearance, not only in their composition, which affects resistance to moisture, wind and frost, but also in the scientifically developed arrangement of voids inside themselves.

    In general, today’s market for building materials for the construction of fencing is capable of not only satisfying any customer’s needs, but also offering him a product that exceeds all his wildest expectations.

    A dacha is, first of all, your own land. A standard six-acre plot of land makes it possible to realize your dreams of owning your own home. And, like any property, it is fenced off and separated from the rest of the space.

    Most country houses are houses for seasonal residence, so the construction of a permanent fence is not advisable.

    Saving money is the main issue that concerns the developer when solving any dacha issue. And the construction of a fence for a garden house is no exception.

    But any private owner wants his fencing to be not only cheap, but also beautiful and reliable. Will an inexpensive garden fence be able to meet these expectations?

    Which fence is cheaper?

    The cost of the fence is affected by the choice of its size and design.

    A tall fence will naturally be more expensive than a low one, and a solid fence will be more expensive than a transparent one.

    A fence that is attached to dug-in or concreted posts will be cheaper than a fence mounted on a strip foundation.

    Having decided on the design, we move on to choosing the material from which to build the fence.

    Options for inexpensive fencing for a summer residence

    Wooden fence

    Building an inexpensive wooden fence is a smart option. It is inexpensive, beautiful and easy to install. There are several varieties of such fences.

    • Picket fence, board (edged and unedged).
    • Ranch fence.
    • Wattle (intertwined rods).

    The most popular material for a country fence is picket fence. It consists of wooden planks with a thickness of 18 to 22 mm and a width of 7 to 14 cm. The height of such a fence can be chosen in the range from 1.2 to 4 meters. To fasten the picket fence, horizontal beams-purlins are used, fixed on wooden (oak), metal or concrete posts.

    Anyone who believes that a picket fence cannot be used to make a beautiful fence is mistaken. There are many examples of original designs made from this material.

    A picket fence fixed at an angle forms an openwork fence

    The estimated cost of a picket fence is 700 rubles/m2. The final price of the fence depends on the chosen installation option. Installing a picket fence in a checkerboard or herringbone pattern increases the price of the structure by 15-20%. A strip foundation, instead of simply driving columns into the ground, adds 20-25% to the cost.

    Fences made of thin wicker boards and blockhouses are more expensive (from 1000 rubles/m2). A fence made of wicker boards attracts attention with its original appearance, and a fence made from a blockhouse wins the hearts of summer residents with the quality of its wooden frame.

    Wicker fence

    Wooden blockhouse fencing

    A fence called the Ranch came to us from the Wild West. Its main feature is the use of wide horizontal boards or beams mounted on low wooden posts.

    Ranch fence - cows won't get through, kids will climb over

    The obvious disadvantage of such a fence is the weak protection of the site from entry by unauthorized persons. It is understandable, since this fence was created for a vast area of ​​pasture. In terms of the cost of materials and labor, a Ranch fence is comparable to the price of a picket fence.

    Fans of rustic style will certainly be interested in wattle fence - a fence assembled from hazel or willow branches. It is original, quite strong and durable. If you really want to, you can master the technique of weaving branches with your own hands in a matter of hours. If you don’t have time to do manual creativity, then you will have to pay from 500 rubles per 1m2 for the manufacture and installation of a fence.

    We advise anyone who is planning to build an inexpensive fence for their dacha to pay attention to unedged boards. By freeing it from the bark, sanding it and opening it with varnish, you will get a beautiful fence for your summer cottage at a minimal price (450-550 rubles/m2).

    The overlapping of unedged boards makes the fence very durable

    Regarding the durability of wooden fences, the following must be said: the service life of autoclaved wood increases to 30 years. The service life of an ordinary, painted board does not exceed 15 years.

    Metal fences

    Metal has always been more expensive than wood, but here, too, summer residents can find acceptable options for themselves:

    • Rabitz.
    • Corrugated (woven) mesh.
    • Welded rolled and flat welded mesh (3D).
    • Euro picket fence.
    • Profiled sheeting.

    Chainlink mesh – guest from Australia

    The cheapest fence can be built from chain-link mesh. It is available in different heights (1.0-3.0 meters), lengths (10-18 meters) and cell sizes (20-100 mm). To protect the wire from corrosion, galvanizing and polymer coating are used.

    You can install such a fence by rolling out the mesh and fixing it to metal or concrete posts. The second option is the production of mesh sections (frames from angles or pipes) and their installation on poles.

    The durability of mesh fencing reaches 30 years. They do not shade the area and create a serious barrier for uninvited guests. The average cost of 1 m2 of turnkey chain-link fence is 160-240 rubles/m2.

    Corrugated mesh

    It is not designed for fences, but for sifting crushed stone and gravel (screens). Steel corrugated mesh is made from bent wires using the perpendicular weave method. The main advantage of this material over chain-link is its higher rigidity.

    Corrugated (caned) mesh does not come in rolls, but in flat sections measuring 1.75 x 4.5 meters. By fixing it on the posts, we will get a high and durable fence. In terms of price, it is significantly more expensive than chain-link (400 rubles versus 80 per 1 m2). Saving on posts (the width of the section is 4.5 meters versus 2.5 m for the chain-link mesh) does not help the situation.

    Welded mesh

    Discussions about which fence is cheaper drew our attention to rolled welded mesh. The estimated cost of a turnkey fence made of this material in 2016 is 400 rubles per 1 m2.

    Welded mesh 3D

    Steel wire mesh (3D) has been very popular among summer residents in recent years. Anyone who does not like chain-link fences can order a fence made from this material.

    The unusual name 3D can be explained in two ways. First of all, it tells us that this mesh is not flat, but formed by bent wire with a diameter of 3.5 to 5 mm. The second reason is a marketing move that fixes the material in the buyer’s mind thanks to the general passion for spatial technologies.

    Welded 3D mesh is produced in sections with a height of 0.33 to 3.33 meters and a length of 1.5 to 3 meters. The cost of its turnkey installation is from 500 rubles/m2.

    Euro picket fence

    The habit of adding the prefix “euro” to the name of the material worked this time too. In essence, it does not explain anything, but it sounds modern and beautiful. The popularity of wooden picket fences prompted stamped metal manufacturers to create something similar. The result is a very aesthetic and durable material.

    In terms of service life, wood cannot be compared with it. In addition, a fence made of Euro picket fence does not require periodic painting and antiseptic treatment. The protective polymer film used to cover galvanized steel retains its color and integrity for 25-30 years.

    Installation of a European picket fence, taking into account the cost of materials and labor, starts from 800 rubles per 1 m2.

    The use of European picket fences of different colors and its non-standard installation make the fence attractive

    Corrugated sheet

    The undisputed leader in dacha fence construction. The reasons for its popularity are simple installation and durability. To this we can add a huge selection of colors and textured patterns of corrugated sheets.

    Fence made of corrugated board with imitation wood. Looks great, lasts a very long time

    Considering the high demand for fencing made of corrugated sheets, we will give several recommendations for the selection and installation of this material:

    • It is advisable to use corrugated sheeting with a thickness of 0.5 mm. It is not much more expensive than 0.4 mm thick flooring, but it will not become covered with dents and will not lose its attractiveness.
    • If we take the distance between the supports to be 3 m, then under the influence of wind loads, the fence will begin to bend and may lose its original appearance. Therefore, the support spacing should be no more than 2-2.5 m, ideally 1.5 m.
    • The support pipes must be dug to a depth of at least 1.5 m, and they must be concreted.
    • The fence post must be made of a 60-80 mm pipe, with a wall thickness of at least 2 mm.
    • It is necessary to take corrugated sheeting with a double-sided polymer coating, since galvanized decking (without painting) becomes stained after two years, loses its shine and may begin to corrode.

    The cost of a fence made of corrugated sheets without taking into account the work is lower than the price of a fence made of Euro picket fence and is approximately 650-900 rubles per 1 m2.


    When thinking about what is cheaper to make a fence from, do not lose sight of such a popular material as cellular polycarbonate. It is durable and beautiful, and framed from a steel profile it creates a fairly strong enclosing structure.

    Cellular polycarbonate fence

    There are two options for installing polycarbonate: on steel logs (purlins) or in profile sections. The first method is cheaper. Its price starts from 1000 rubles/m2. Installation in sections is more expensive (from RUB 1,500/m2), but allows for a more durable structure.


    To install the fence, you can use either flat or corrugated asbestos-cement slate. The first one is stronger because it is thicker.

    Installation of large-format flat slate (1.5x3 meters) is faster than installation of smaller wavy slate (1.75x1.125 m). The slate is placed on steel profile purlins welded or bolted to metal posts.

    Slate fencing is characterized by high strength, resistance to frost and heat. It is more durable than wood and is not afraid of corrosion like metal. A significant disadvantage of slate is its fragility. Another disadvantage of a slate fence is its nondescript gray appearance. It can be easily corrected by painting with special paint.

    The average cost of slate fences (including labor) is 800 rubles/m2.


    The first place in terms of availability is occupied by fences made of chain-link mesh (200 rubles/m2).

    The third position can be awarded to fences made of corrugated sheets, slate, blockhouse and edged boards (700-1000 rubles/m2).

    Fence installation

    In order for the fence to be very inexpensive, you need to build it yourself. The main points to pay attention to during installation:

    • The load-bearing structure of the fence is made in accordance with the weight of the fence leaf.
    • The basis of the supporting structure must be reliably deepened and fixed in the ground.
    • Depending on the filling of the fence, the pitch of the supports is determined.
    • Before installing the type of fence you have chosen, be sure to inquire about the technology of its installation and consult with a specialist.

    The fence is installed, let's sum it up: if you wish, you can always choose a fence for your garden plot that will be beautiful, reliable, and relatively cheap.