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Rating of motion sensors for turning on lights. All about choosing the right motion sensors. What will we include

A motion sensor is a device that detects the movement of objects.
In everyday life, this is an electronic infrared sensor, the task of which is to detect the presence and movements of a person in the space that he controls.

Scope of application

When motion is detected, it generates a control signal, which triggers the established algorithm of actions and connects power to electrical devices, most often lighting.

Mainly used for the following purposes:

  • Security (for example, starts a video camera);
  • Signaling;
  • Control of access to premises;
  • Lighting control;
  • System management " smart House» (regulates lighting, ventilation, air conditioning, heating, opening automatic gates(doors), and other mechanisms depending on the presence or approach of people).

Advantages of using motion sensors for lighting:

  1. Saving 50-80% of consumed electricity.
  2. Convenience
  3. Save time and effort - the light turns off automatically
  4. Automatic switching on. This is the main advantage. Now you don’t need to stumble around an unlit house, fumbling for the light switch to street lighting
  5. Safety. Excellent system for repelling uninvited night guests, also prevents accidents on the stairs in the dark
  6. Hospitality: it's nice when the lights turn on when approaching the house
  7. Ability to control ventilation in toilets and bathrooms
  8. Turn on the light only when there is insufficient light level.

Types and features

When choosing a motion sensor, you need to know and take into account their variety of characteristics, which are designed to maximize the efficiency of using the device in a particular case.

Device structure

Here is a fairly extensive list of varieties:
Type of radiation used:

  • Microwave;
  • Infrared;
  • Combined;
  • Ultrasonic;


  1. Outdoor perimetric;
  2. Peripheral;
  3. Internal;

Location method:

  • Ceiling (360 degree view);
  • Wall-mounted;
  • Corner (most convenient way installation);
  • Universal (includes fasteners for all different locations);

Control method:

  • Automatic;
  • Forced shutdown option;
  • Operation range adjustment function;
  • Remote;

Operating principle of the device

IR motion sensors detect changes in thermal (infrared) radiation. Each object has its own temperature and emits an infrared spectrum. The radiation from the object is alternately focused through lenses or mirrors onto a sensor, which registers it and this serves as a signal to trigger the necessary actions.

Microwave (microwave) motion sensors: The microwave motion sensor emits electromagnetic waves (frequency 5.8 GHz). They bounce off objects and return to the sensor. The Doppler effect is used - a change in the frequency of a wave that is reflected from moving objects. If changes in reflected electromagnetic waves are detected, the device processor activates the required action algorithm.

Operating principle of combined devices. These motion sensors combine several types of motion detection. Used when precise recording of movements is necessary. Parallel motion detection technologies make the sensor work as efficiently as possible, as they complement each other, replacing the shortcomings of one technology with the advantages of another.

Main selection criteria

When choosing a motion sensor for lighting, pay attention to all the specifications of motion devices shown, the disadvantages and advantages of sensor types.

Choose a model taking into account:

  1. External or internal use?
  2. Actual installation location? (near or inside the house, pillar, wall, corners, ceiling, size of the sensitivity zone). This criterion determines the coverage angle and the number of sensors.
  3. Degree of protection from the external environment.
  4. Installation method.
  5. Power of connected equipment (W).
  6. Relationships between active and passive zones, obstructions to view.
  7. Trigger zone and detection radius.
  8. Nature of application. For example, in schools it is recommended to install devices at a height inaccessible to children.
  9. Additional push button switch to control lighting manually.

Having chosen a model, build a communications system for it and prepare the installation site. Motion detectors outside the house need protection from outsiders. The housing must be hermetically protected from dust and moisture, the level of protection is measured from IP 20 to IP 55.

pay attention to temperature Range, permissible for operating the detector.
Use wireless standalone devices, if laying cables is impossible for some reason, or will be located far from home.

Choose combined sensors, if there are many interfering objects in the scanning area.
Some lenses leave a blind spot a meter above the floor to avoid taking into account the movements of pets. The device has a detection radius specified by the manufacturer. Do not try to increase it by fixing the device higher than specified in the specification, as this will only reduce the efficiency and even create “blind” spots.

The correct operation of the most popular type of device, with an infrared sensor, most depends on external factors: size and intensity of thermal radiation of the object; temperature difference between the object and the environment (the greater the difference, the further the detection distance); weather conditions: snow, rain, fog; direction and speed of movement of the object through the scanning area. So it’s up to you to decide whether to install the IR device outside the house, on the street.

The price of products on the current market is the most varied - starting from just $3 and up to the sky-high, but not the maximum, $200. We recommend not choosing the cheapest ones, since their service life is short and you will have to buy new ones often. Against this background, the more expensive ones are much more economical.

Proper placement of devices

There are a huge number of different motion sensors and each of them is designed for a specific task: to start a pump from a fountain, to illuminate a pool. Consider the size of the space, the placement of windows and doors, because all this affects the correct operation of the device.
When connecting the device, consider the following nuances:

  1. Pollution.
  2. Any obstacle in the controlled visibility area (trees, bushes) can lead to a false alarm.
  3. Use waterproof wires outdoors.
  4. Do not install the sensor in front of devices that emit light or electromagnetic radiation.
  5. Works only at a given angle and in a given direction.
  6. Select lamps according to power, with a margin of 15%.

If the sensor does not cover the entire territory, use a connection diagram for 2 or more movement clamps and a street lighting fixture. Sometimes it is necessary to connect several powerful light bulbs (to illuminate the yard), then use a magnetic starter.

Install a magnetic starter between the sensor phase and the lamp, and its coil on the other side of the lamp. Models with a fixed viewing sector are installed in a convenient place, but always with doors in their field of view, then the light will turn on when they open.

Very useful device

Motion sensors for lighting control have become extremely popular today. Used in the most incredible establishments and places: hotels, offices, administrative buildings, educational institutions, gyms, parking lots, retail establishments, bathrooms, swimming pools, fountains, on the roadway and sidewalks.

An infrared motion sensor to turn on the light is modern equipment, allowing to significantly reduce inappropriate use electrical energy, thereby increasing the level of energy saving and reducing the financial costs of paying for electricity. There are options suitable as home use, and for installation in large rooms or outside buildings and structures.

There are enough ways to save energy, one of which is a sensor to turn on the light. The main factors for equipment operation are the following conditions:

  • Emergence of movement in a controlled area.
  • Deviation in established indicators level illumination in controlled territory.
  • Change in noise level, if a noise sensor is installed to turn on the light.

All objects surrounding a person, especially those of organic origin (animals and humans), have a different temperature from each other, which means they emit radiation invisible to the human eye. infrared light. Inanimate objects also emit infrared color, but their temperature is closely related to changes in its environment, for example with prolonged exposure sun rays or close proximity to heating devices.

The principle of operation of the motion sensor is based on reading these changes, since it is equipped with a system of lenses equipped with elements responsible for recording changes in the level of infrared light called pyrodetectors. Depending on the specific model, the number of pyrodetectors varies within from 20 to 50 pieces.

The higher this indicator, the more objects, including small size, the device can recognize light. Each of the installed lenses is responsible for a specific sector in the overall controlled area. Accordingly, the coverage angle, which may have implications from 60 to 110 degrees in increments of 20, as well as the values at 180, 220, 300 and 360 degrees.

When an object moves in the controlled area, the temperature of which differs from the surrounding environment at least 50 C upward, motion sensors are triggered to turn on the lights. As objects move, the input and output signal changes at each pyrodetector in its coverage area.

The light stays on in the room until at least one of the sensors stops receiving a temperature change signal. After there is no more movement in the controlled area, at the end of a specified time interval, the output relay is switched off and the light turns off accordingly.

For light detectors installed in a motion sensor characteristic feature can be called the presence of sensitivity, which is responsible for how far an object must be from them in order for movement to be noticed. The smaller the size of the object, the closer it must be located to the device for it to work properly.

When movement occurs in only one sector, i.e. If a small object moves directly or in place, then the relay does not operate and, accordingly, the light does not turn on.

Installation and installation of sensors is carried out only when the electricity is turned off.

In addition to infrared, there are other types of motion sensors for lighting:

  • Ultrasonic. The principle of their operation is based on the reflection of high-frequency sounds from objects and objects in the room, or rather the results of this reflection.
  • Microwave They work similarly to ultrasonic ones, but send short-wave signals into the room, triggering when their level changes as a result of reflection from objects and objects in space.

These two types belong to the category of active equipment; the infrared version is classified as passive devices.

Characteristics you should pay attention to when choosing

To get the maximum benefit from the ultimate goal of purchasing and installing a light sensor to turn on the light, you need to pay attention to several basic characteristics of the equipment:

  • Area of ​​use. The location for subsequent installation of the device should be determined in advance, i.e. will it be outdoor or internal option. Because the different manufacturers They offer models that differ from each other in technical and functional equipment. So there are options with increased level protection from moisture and dust. Mounting methods also differ; mainly on the market there are mounted options installed using support holders or built into the surface.
  • Since the equipment in its simplest form is a light bulb with a motion sensor, then important point is the definition light source power, connected to the sensor. Depending on the specific model, the recorder may have an operating voltage from 200 W and more. Special attention power is given to the indicator in the case of combining a sensor with energy saving lamp. When the lighting device has a larger load than specified by the equipment manufacturer, the installation of an additional relay or the installation of several sensors will be required.

If the lighting device has a larger load than specified by the equipment manufacturer, the installation of an additional relay or the installation of several sensors will be required.

  • The next important indicator is viewing angle. When installing outside the building, the best option is the indicator for given value within 180 degrees. It is possible to choose a device with two sensors, which in total have the required 180 degrees. Indoors, to use maximum capabilities, an option with 3 sensors is suitable, totaling a viewing angle 360 degrees, this option is suitable for installation in the ceiling. For working outdoors and on the street, the best option is to choose a recorder with the largest viewing angle. An option with fewer pyrodetectors is suitable for an apartment.
  • A separate characteristic is possibility of combination specific device with a specific type of lighting fixture or type of lamp. There are models on the market that allow you to combine a light sensor to turn on the light with any of existing species lamps and types of lighting equipment. So you can choose the option of a sensor mounted in the cartridge, and even a switch.
  • It is equally important to know radius of action specific device. The range of action refers to the maximum possible distance from a moving object to the equipment for detecting it. In most cases, infrared sensors cover an area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe size 12 meters.
  • It is important to make a choice two-pole or three-pole option. Two-pole models are suitable for installing incandescent lamps. In this case, the connection is serial. Three-pole ones allow you to connect energy-saving options.

Advantages of a sensor for turning on the light

Installation circuit breaker light completely solves the problem of finding the light to turn on. What is convenient in public places with low levels of lighting in daytime days (entrance area at the entrance of a residential building, storage room, etc.) or in unfamiliar premises. Use allows you to reduce the number of additional actions performed by a person. So among the main advantages in favor of choosing infrared sensor movements to turn on the light can be called.


The point is that when the switch is located on long distance from the entrance to the premises, there is no need to search for it at low light levels, which may result in injury (falling, colliding with objects, etc.).


May be both financial and time. There is no time spent searching for the switch, the light does not come on when there is no one in the room and, accordingly, the amount of time for which the payment for consumed electrical energy is reduced.

The use of sensors allows you to reduce the number of additional actions performed by a person, as well as eliminate the possibility of injury.

Energy saving

A good energy saving indicator follows from the previous point. This solves the problem of energy consumption as a result of the light source not being turned off in time.

High level of device functionality. Manufacturers offer models that operate wirelessly. There are options with the ability to connect not only lighting fixtures, but also others (stereo system, TV, etc.).

The first three main advantages of choice correspond to any of the similar equipment models offered on the market.

How to connect a motion sensor

Connection diagram

Connecting a motion sensor for lighting is a procedure that does not differ high level complexity, but quite specific, the implementation of which requires certain experience and knowledge. Experts identify several basic equipment connection diagrams, namely:

In the case of a serial connection, the entire process of controlling lighting indoors or outdoors is carried out in automatic mode and is regulated by the equipment itself. When should the light be on? long time and while the object will not move or will be outside the controlled area, a manual switch is installed parallel to the equipment.

Sensor connection diagram

A good example of the convenience of installing a switch is a garage with an inspection hole. Being in a hole, a person does not fall into the sensor’s operating area, but needs a constant source of light. After finishing work, you can turn off the light manually.

For large rooms, it is necessary to install several elements, the connection of which occurs from one phase in parallel. When any of the sensors in the network is triggered, the circuit closes and all the others turn on.

Connection diagram with magnetic starter

Installation of a magnetic starter is required when using a powerful light source or connecting other types electrical equipment in addition to lighting lamps.

The video clearly shows how to connect:


Equipment installation also has several important nuances, among which are:

  • Providing protection from the influence of external factors for which a specific model is not designed, which can lead to false operation or blocking of operation.
  • Providing access to the detection zone.
  • Network connection type supply of electrical energy.

Any model is connected using special terminals. The standard and frequently used option is 3-pin terminals, sometimes 4-pin terminals are used. The decoding of the markings installed on the terminals is as follows:

  • L- denotes phase. Most often this is a red or brown wire.
  • N – zero, always wire blue.
  • L, which has an additional stroke or arrow, as well as the letter A, denotes a lighting device.
  • PE - grounding.

Most manufacturers adhere to standards in terms of choosing wire colors; exceptions to the rules are allowed. Therefore for correct connection It is advisable to additionally determine phase or zero using an indicator.

After execution installation work Adjustment of the sensor is mandatory for comfortable operation of the equipment in the future. It takes place in several main stages:

  • Adjusting the motion sensor to turn on the light means adjusting the sensitivity level of the sensor. Setting this indicator allows you to reduce the risk of false alarms (in particular with slight movement, response to animals, temperature changes in heating system or due to the operation of the air conditioning system, etc.). When a model equipped with a photoelectric sensor is selected, instead of the sensitivity level of the sensor, the illumination threshold is adjusted, when changed, the equipment comes into action.
  • The user has the opportunity set operating time equipment. This indicator refers to the time period before the lights turn off in the absence of movement in the controlled area.
  • When the sensor is also triggered by the noise level, then adjustable microphone sensitivity. Convenient to produce this procedure when using a portable sound source, changing its volume within the range of the sensor.

In most models, you can track whether changes in settings have occurred or not by monitoring the installed LED indicator, changing its blinking frequency when the equipment is turned on.

Popular manufacturers, models and their prices

The cost of the device is directly related to the number of standard and additional packages of functions, methods of receiving the signal and the country of manufacture. To simplify your selection suitable model You can give a small rating of the most popular options:

  • The sensor model is in great demand on the market Camelion LX-20B. average cost device is within 750 rubles. The device has a wide viewing angle with an indicator 360 degrees, installation possible on the ceiling.
  • The next option can be called Camelion LX-39/Wh, which you can buy for 650-700 rubles. Has a smaller viewing angle than the previous model - 180 degrees, but differs in its maximum range – 12 meters.
  • Rev Ritter has a higher cost than the previously mentioned models. Price starts from 850 rubles. Coverage angle is 360 degrees, and the range of action 7 meters. A good option for installation in the entrances of apartment buildings, bathrooms, storage rooms and other rooms with similar characteristics.
  • Expensive, but very high-quality equipment can be called Orbis Circumat 360 produced by an Italian manufacturer. Average cost starts from 4000 rubles. Can be installed on the ceiling up to 4 meters high, the operating range of the equipment is 7 meters, which is sufficient for most rooms subject to indoor installation.

Overall, there are a number of benefits to using a motion sensor to turn on your lights. Due to the fact that there are different models on the market in terms of functionality, technical equipment and in different price segments, choosing an option that fully meets your material capabilities and equipment requirements is not difficult.

Microwave motion sensor TDM DDM-01, which is discussed in the article. Appearance.

Today I am publishing an article about the TDM DDM-01 microwave motion sensor, which I recently installed. The motion sensor is positioned as a sensor for turning on the light, but it has many applications. In particular, in security systems.

I have about a dozen articles on topics related to motion sensors,. I recommend reading these articles.

As always, I post all the information, photos, instructions on the topic.

First, let's look at

The operating principle of a microwave motion sensor.

Unlike an infrared sensor, where the signal to turn on is a change in the thermal environment, microwave sensor The operating principle is completely different. As the name suggests, this sensor responds to changes in the radio frequency (microwave, microwave) field, which it itself generates.

The DDM-01 microwave motion sensor emits high-frequency electromagnetic waves at 5.8 GHz or so. The sensor then reacts to changes in reflected waves that may be caused by moving objects in the monitored area. Moreover, the object can be not only warm-blooded, alive, but anything at all. The main thing is that radio waves are reflected from it. And at such frequencies they are reflected from any object, albeit slightly differently.

The principle of radar, or radar, is used, in which an object is not only detected (in this case this is not necessary), but also its most important characteristic- speed. And if the speed is not zero, then the object moves, and if it moves, then the sensor is triggered! This is called the Doppler effect.

For those who don’t know what this is, remember how the sound of a racing car changes when it passes by you. Although the speed of the car does not change, however, the sound changes significantly. Based on measuring the difference between the initial and final frequencies, you can use a formula to accurately calculate how fast the car is moving. Or any other object.

The Doppler effect is used in the traffic police, in radar, and in everyday life)

The sensor detects the movement of an object, both approaching and moving away. Moreover, as practice has shown, approaching directly to the sensor gives a greater effect in terms of detection than passing nearby. Again, the Doppler effect is to blame; I wrote above why this happens. But all this is very conditional; the real detection zone will be discussed below.

I studied this subject almost 20 years ago, I’ve forgotten a little, and I’m “confused in the readings.” Experts in radar and radio wave propagation - please comment.

Characteristics of the DDM-01 sensor

Here is what is written on the sensor packaging:

Here, in principle, the parameters are the same as for a conventional infrared sensor, only the points differ, which depend on the principle of operation.

Here is the sensor nameplate with its parameters:

There is a type of sensor - DDM-02. This model differs only in design.

More details on the characteristics, operating principle, installation and connection can be found in the instructions for the DDM-01 and DDM-02 sensors, which can be downloaded at the end of the article.

Which sensor is better - infrared or microwave? Comparison.

The most important difference between microwave sensors and common infrared sensors is that they can see “through” any obstacles. Of course, different obstacles introduce different attenuation, but still, infrared will not see movement through drywall, much less through brick. And microwave is easy!

This feature has both pros and cons. The advantage is that the microwave sensor can be hidden behind a wall, around a corner, in the attic, in a hollow ceiling, and at the same time it will not spoil the interior with its presence.

In reality, this plus can turn into a minus, and there will be false, unnecessary positives.

For example, you placed a sensor in the hallway, pointing it through the wall to the street. The idea is a warm and dry sensor, but turns on the light when a person approaches the porch. However, the sensor will also respond when the owner walks along the hallway - at this time the light will turn on outside, although there will be no one there.

This option has a significant advantage - the sensor is located in the room (for example, in the vestibule ceiling), and the light turns on outside. No vandal can get it and turn it off.

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Subscribe and read the article further:

Another plus of the microwave sensor is that its operation does not depend on temperature in any way. environment and object. And infrared works uncertainly if the temperature of the air and the object are close.

Device of the TDM DDM-01 sensor

Open the sensor housing. As usual, such devices are assembled with latches and a couple of screws.

This antenna in the middle is exactly the same emitting and receiving element.

View from a different angle of the power relay. It is this relay that burns out if the sensor is connected incorrectly:

As can be seen in the photo, only three wires come to the microwave module. Apparently, this is quite enough for its functioning. Raise the module

and we see the power circuit capacitor underneath it. There are no inscriptions on the microwave module itself, except for the date at the top.

Photo printed circuit board solder side:

Installation example

I'll tell you how I installed such a sensor. Firstly,

Connection diagram

The connection diagram is indicated on the sensor body:

It’s hard to see white on white, so I drew this diagram:

As can be seen from the connection diagram, it absolutely corresponds to the connection diagram of a conventional infrared motion sensor - common zero, phase input and phase output. Link at the beginning of the article.

The colors of the wires are not important, but I was attached to the colors of the wires that are indicated in the instructions (the operating manual can be downloaded at the end of the article) for the DDM-02 sensor.

Wall installation

I was faced with the task of installing a sensor above the ceiling on a wall in a closet. The sensor is in the corner, the right wall is the corridor, the left is the bedroom, and a meter to the right is the wall of the neighbor’s apartment:

Installing a microwave detector in a pantry. Installation process

Instead of a light bulb, as in the diagram, I have a 12 V power supply connected direct current, from which LED light bulbs are powered.

For such power supplies and how they are connected for power LED strip, .

The bulbs are convenient because they have a common socket for G4 halogens, and can be used where halogens previously stood.

To begin with, let me remind you that we are all penetrated by microwave electromagnetic radiation with frequencies exceeding 1 GHz. And the fact that the DDM emits a signal with a power of 0.01 W may cause natural concerns.

10mW (0.01W) – is it a lot or a little?

The most dangerous source of microwave radiation in our apartments is the microwave oven (microwave). Its radiation power is about 1000 W! AND The best way To protect yourself, turn it on less often, and stay at a distance while working.

If you compare it with a cell phone, whose power can reach up to 1 W, then this is negligible, the difference is 100 times. Especially when you consider that we ourselves bring the phone close to our head, and the microwave sensor is located at a distance of several meters. But the power decreases in inverse proportion to the square of the distance.

To reduce the harm from a cell phone, I do it simply - when calling a subscriber, I do not hold the phone to my ear for 5 seconds, because anyway, it takes time to dial the number, get through and respond to the subscriber. And just during these 5 seconds the phone communicates with the tower on maximum power, and only then reduces the power to optimal.

Other harm - Wi-Fi routers, which emit an “Internet signal” for us everywhere. They have a power of about 0.1 W, which is 10 times more than from a DDM sensor. But the devices that the router “works on” are also transmitters - after all, they not only receive, but also transmit the signal to the router!

I live in a high-rise building, and if I search for available access points, there will be at least 10 of them! And that’s all – microwave transmitters! Does anyone have any idea how they work? Therefore, I removed the router from the living room, where the system unit is located, into the hallway. The signal is quite enough for reliable reception at the farthest point of the apartment. And even one and a half floors below!

In addition, the harm from the microwave sensor is neutralized by the high frequency, due to which all the power is absorbed in top layer does not penetrate the skin or enter the body. However, the words “power is absorbed” are very loud, since the power is negligible.

In conclusion, I will give a table that summarizes all the data on microwave powers:

Regarding the microwave, it is worth saying that its power is compensated by shielding and short exposure time (several minutes a day).

Instructions for sensor DDM-01 and DDM-02

The promised instructions (Operation Manual and Data Sheet) for the microwave motion sensor TDM DDM-01 and DDM-02.

Download instructions from Google Drive.

I am also posting the instructions and operating manual for a similar sensor from F&F EuroAvtomatika (Belarus). Although, there is a suspicion that both sensors are made at the same Chinese factory.

Download instructions for the microwave sensor F&F DRM-01 from Google Drive.

Where can I buy

Among the negative properties of microwave sensors is their high price. Indeed, compared to a regular one, it costs about 2-3 times more. In addition, the range of such sensors is very narrow, and in some cities it is extremely difficult to buy DDM sensors.

I suggest a solution - buy such sensors in China, on AliExpress.

Request to comrades!

Because the practical information There is very little information on such sensors on the Internet, please share your experience on installation, configuration and operation. I look forward to your feedback and questions in the comments!

Devices with the ability to detect moving objects are now widely used to ensure their own safety. Motion sensors for turning on lights activate home lighting for trouble-free movement through a dark area of ​​the house, notify about the presence of strangers, and transmit a signal to the remote control of a security organization in the absence of the owners.

In a word, it is a necessary and useful thing. About the types, advantages of this or that type of device, self-installation– described below.

Read in the article:

The essence of the design is the principle of operation of motion sensors, types, advantages and disadvantages

The sensor works by recording movement with built-in sensors. They, in turn, are connected to a device that has a light or sound function - a lamp, flashlight or other equipment. Once in the “field of view” of the sensitive elements, a moving object risks being detected in the first seconds, which is notified to the owners by a connected alarm.

Important! The detection function is limited by range or viewing angle. Therefore, it is important to correctly install the street light sensor to turn on the light in such a way as to cover as large an area as possible.

The types of sensors are varied:

  1. By location – external, internal.
  2. By type - ultrasonic, UHF-based, infrared and combined.


External motion sensors to turn on the lights will help prevent entry into the area. They cover and control most local area, therefore, as a rule, several of them are purchased to monitor the perimeter of the site. Response radius – up to 500 m.


They are weak to external weather manifestations. Strong wind, rain, hail and other precipitation can damage devices or reduce their efficiency. Inside, in a calm environment, moderate humidity, the sensors are active and effective. Designed primarily for turning on light in a dark room, lighting stairs, locks and other places without activating the main electricity.


These outdoor motion sensors for perimeter security are based on the principle of reflecting waves that are not perceptible to the human ear from surrounding objects. Naturally, the frequency of impulses of the living differs from others. It is the changes that are recorded by sensors. The disadvantages of the device are the following: they irritate pets, there is a reaction only to fast-moving objects, recording of “guests” of flora and fauna - this causes irritation, especially at night, small area coverage. But at the same time, the sensors are a budget option that is resistant to external manifestations.


Sensitive motion sensors to turn on the lights. The temperature of the human body is high compared to the rest of the environment. The difference is captured by a touch sensor with lenses and mirrors, then sending a signal to a light or sound device. The quality of the device is determined by the number of photosensitive lenses - the more there are, the better the “catching” ability. The advantage of the sensors is safety for households and pets, good accuracy and detection range. However, in this case, the device can “confuse” the heat of the human body and a boiling kettle, for example. Many owners note poor adjustment and unresponsiveness of objects whose coating does not transmit IR rays.

Microwave sensors

The action is based on the principle of operation of a motion sensor using the radar method - sent signals are received back. If the frequency changes, a chain reaction occurs that turns on the sound or light device. Pros: high sensitivity, even through obstacles - a wall or glass. Disadvantages: high cost, triggered at the slightest provocation, adverse effects on the human or animal body. Such devices are used primarily for monitoring business or warehouse areas.

Combined instruments

As a rule, they combine infrared radiation and UHF. Among the advantages are maximum sensitivity and wide coverage area. There are practically no downsides except for one drawback – high cost.

Review of manufacturers and prices

To correctly select a motion sensor, you need to know two parameters - operating conditions (external or internal viewing) and controlled load (power lighting device). For the convenience of consumers, we offer separate sensors or lamps with built-in sensors. Let's look at some models:

LED-FL-10Combined device for external viewing at 120⁰Product from the Euroelectric company (EUROELECTRIC). Compact dimensions LED lamp– 100*125 mm – with built-in sensors, allow you to install the device in an inconspicuous place, invisible to the eye of intruders, without spoiling the overall concept of the interior. Power luminous flux at 800 lm - only 0.1 kW. The viewing angle of the models from the manufacturer allows you to purchase both a motion sensor to turn on the lights on the street with a requirement of 180–360⁰, and a simple ceiling structure For front door with a parameter of 20⁰. The average price is 940 rubles.
Feron/LX19BIndistinguishable from a household switchThe increased power of 0.6 kW allows the sensor to operate at a distance of 9 m and with a 120⁰ field of view. Such a device, with its low cost of 250 rubles, is suitable for country houses with seasonal accommodation. The laconic design of the model does not attract attention - externally the sensors resemble ordinary household switches.
KOMTECH/DD-IK 301A universal model that fits into your home designThe model allows you to monitor the territory at 180⁰. The disadvantage of this option is the short distance - only 6 m. The disadvantage, however, is more than compensated by the protection factor - 44. Such a device is not afraid of natural manifestations. Interesting design that fits into the concept of modern country house. The price is small - up to 560 rubles
Technolight/ST12The optimal choice for the garden and homeBy analogy with the previous model, this motion sensor for turning on the light has a viewing angle of up to 180⁰, but with an impressive distance of up to 12 m. This increases the chances of protection - intruders will be noticed earlier. Interesting performance in black and white design. An acceptable cost - 520 rubles - and a high IP protection index - allow us to call the model optimal when choosing.
ASD/DD-020B-WDisguised in a plasterboard ceiling, it is an independent interior itemCeiling motion sensor with a 360⁰ view, fully compensating for a short range of 6 m. High price– 650 rubles – due to low energy consumption and stylish design (for built-in lamp).

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“When choosing, they are also guided by other parameters of the detector - design (if internal installation is required) and protection from humidity (respectively, external).”

How to install motion sensors to turn on the lights yourself

The low power of the sensors allows you to install them yourself, with known safety precautions - turning off the power supply, the presence of control tools (indicators). Each device is supplied with a diagram of a motion sensor for lighting and instructions with the described connection steps. Following them, installing and configuring the device is easy. So:

  1. If sensor purchased with a built-in battery, then installation consists of making the right choice places for fastening and, in fact, the fixation itself to the wall or ceiling. With devices operating from a 220V network, the work is more scrupulous.
  2. You should carefully inspect the detector housing. The letters L and N mean the working and zero phase, respectively. The connection to the lamp is connected to the working phase connector - the wire is stripped and fixed to. Even if there is a mix-up, the device will not be damaged, it will just not work.
  3. Before installing a motion sensor to turn on the light, you need to apply voltage. If the indicator does not light up, then it makes sense to wait up to 1 minute - some models require time to “boost”. If everything is satisfactory, the sensor is attached to the surface using appropriate fasteners.

Device setup

Typically, the motion sensor housing has a setting knob with a specific scale or several switches - from 2 to 4 pieces. They have their own letter designations and direction of rotation. For example:

  • LUX. Light threshold. Means the amount of daily or electric light, at which the detector does not work. To check, it is set to maximum, then according to needs.
  • TIME. Response period and delay light signal. After the specified time has elapsed, the sensor turns off. If the movement continues, the device turns on the lighting again. Initial setting to minimum.
  • SENS And MIC. Sensors and microphone - respectively. Settings are on infrared, ultrasonic and combined models. The first parameter is adjusted to the maximum value, the second – to the minimum.

Expert opinion

ES, EM, EO design engineer (power supply, electrical equipment, interior lighting) LLC "ASP North-West"

Ask a specialist

“If you want to make the sensor inconspicuous, it is important to choose a location for it in advance. In case of incorrect position, covering or masking it with something is not recommended. This reduces the sensitivity of the device.”

Table with pictures for installation:

ImageInstallation stage
Choosing an installation location
Inspection of the attached diagram

We strip the wires and connect them to home lighting

Configuring the sensor using the keys

Useful recommendations before connecting a motion sensor for lighting

For durable and, most importantly, quality work, it is important to observe several points before connecting motion sensors for lighting and after:

  1. Plastic instrument cases are fragile. The polymer lens is particularly sensitive - important element detector optics. The fragile system must be handled with care before and after installation.
  2. External motion sensors for turning on lights often burst in the cold or become deformed when exposed to direct sunlight. It is better to avoid such installation locations. As well as excessive humidity. If there are no protected places, visors are installed above the devices.
  3. Internal sensors are not located near or household appliances with UHF technology, infrared radiation and other functions that may cause interference. The maximum proximity is described in the instructions.
  4. Sensors must not be installed with incandescent lamps. The effect will be permanent, since the thread does not cool down immediately, and the device, designed for temperature changes, will regularly send a signal to activate electricity. “Light music” is provided.

Initial setup home sensor movement to turn on the light does not guarantee complete safety. You will need to adapt the system completely to your own lifestyle - the presence of a stranger, and not animals or the fluttering of leaves in the wind. If you are not completely confident in your abilities, it is better to use the services of professionals. They will provide reliable results.

Video review: how to connect a motion sensor

As a result

So, the algorithm for your own safety or home property is as follows:

  1. Select a suitable sensor, focused on heat, motion, or ultrasound of a moving body.
  2. Calculate the location for installing the selected option. It must be protected from external manifestations by a visor. If you need to mask the sensor, the location is chosen in advance - you cannot cover the device, this will reduce its activity or completely block it.
  3. Carry out installation in accordance with the instructions. If there is not enough knowledge (although no special knowledge is required) or there is no time for independent work, you should contact professionals.
  4. Set initial setting. Based on the results, adjust the sensor to your own needs.

There are practically no difficult moments. And confidence in one’s own safety and in one’s “earned by back-breaking labor” will increase.

A motion sensor is a detection device that is convenient to use in conjunction with an alarm system, lighting devices, a video peephole, a hood, sound and other equipment. The principle of operation is that the sensor, which detects the presence of an object in its coverage area, transmits power to the device connected to it. The most common are motion sensors for turning on lights (for example). They are used in garages, basements, staircases, in the corridors, in front of the entrance, for the local area.

Criterias of choice

In order not to make a mistake in choosing a sensor for automatically turning on lighting devices, you will need to delve a little into the technology of their operation and know exactly the following:

Application area

Application area. It is necessary to decide in advance and choose where and how the device will be mounted (outdoors or indoors), since there are moisture- and dust-proof options; as well as different mounting methods: mounted, built-in or on brackets. The power of the lighting device to which the connection will be made. There are sensors on the market with operating voltages of 200 W and higher. For example, you will need an expensive element with a maximum coverage angle of the scanned area (180 - 360 degrees), and in the entrance, on the stairs, you can install the most economical option. It is especially important to pay attention to the power if you plan to combine the device with a fluorescent or energy-saving lamp. Before purchasing, the total load must be calculated. If it exceeds the load specified in the instructions, you will need to install an intermediate relay or distribute the load between two devices.

Viewing angle

Viewing angle. The parameter varies in the range from 20 degrees (such devices are mainly used to record entry/exit events) to 360 degrees (scan the area around within a given radius).

Lamp type

Lamp type. It is acceptable to use sensors with almost any lamps (LED, incandescent, halogen, energy-saving, etc.) and lighting devices. Manufacturers even offer sockets and switches with built-in motion sensors, which are convenient to use at home or in the office.

Lighting range

Radius of action. Characterizes the maximum distance of an object from the device at which a moving object can be detected. For infrared sensors, this radius is about 12 meters, which is quite enough for most living spaces and corridors.

Two-pole or three-pole

Two-pole or three-pole. Bipolar sensors are used only in combination with incandescent lamps. They are connected in series. Three-pole models are more versatile and can be used with any type of lamp.

Motion sensors

The detection zone cannot cover the entire room, so to plan it correctly, you need to determine a place with the specified visibility parameters and install the device at the height recommended by the manufacturer.

Operating principle and advantages

The operation of the device is based on closing the power circuit when detecting movement in the control zone. Indication occurs through various technologies, depending on the principle of operation of the motion sensor. For example, infrared detects changes in the level of thermal radiation (an increase in ambient temperature by more than 5 degrees Celsius).

A street sensor will ensure safe movement at night

Motion sensor on the switch

The use of motion sensors to turn on lights provides the following advantages:

The disadvantages of such sensors include: high cost and the difficulty of installing and configuring sensors to function properly.

Difference from presence sensor

Ordinary people do not always clearly understand the difference between motion sensors and presence sensors. And the difference lies in the technology itself for determining the presence of an object in the zone. So, The motion sensor is not always able to “notice” a slowly moving object. But presence sensors suffer from the fact that they react even to a draft or small rodents when used in warehouses.

Types of motion sensors for turning on lights

When choosing a device, you need to have an idea of ​​the types of sensors and their features. Motion sensors differ according to the location of installation, operating principle, type of power supply and other criteria.

At the installation location:

  • street;
  • for premises.

to turn on the light it can operate in wide ranges up to 500 meters inclusive. More expensive ones may have a larger sensitivity area professional devices. Street sensors distinguishes resistance to temperature changes.

Room (household)– are not protected from temperature changes, so they fail when installed outdoors.

The external sensor can be mounted using brackets different types both on walls and ceilings, and on internal or external corners. Built-in - installed in boxes for installation under a switch, or, alternatively, under a lamp in a prepared hole in the ceiling.

By food type:

  • from the network;
  • from battery;
  • from batteries.

According to the technology used:

  • infrared;
  • ultrasonic;
  • microwave.


This device is a sensitive thermometer. When an object with the temperature it is set to appears in its range of action, the device turns on the light. The correct operation of the infrared sensor can be interfered with by air flows coming from radiators and air conditioners.

False alarms are possible in the presence of warm-blooded animals. All this must be taken into account when installing the sensor and setting its operating parameters. It is mainly used indoors, as it is sensitive to changing weather conditions and direct sunlight.


It first emits sound waves in the frequency range of 20 to 60 kHz. The reflected sound is then captured and analyzed by the sensor. When the frequencies of the reflected signal shift, the sensor detects the presence of a moving object in its coverage area and turns on the lighting. The range of ultrasonic sensors is not high, they may not work when objects move slowly.

The use of technologies using ultrasound is unacceptable in areas where pets live. Animal hearing is different from human hearing. Animals become nervous and aggressive from constant sound exposure. They may experience mental disorders, changes in character, and disobedience.


The operating principle of a microwave motion sensor is similar to an ultrasonic one, but uses an electromagnetic wave instead of a sound one. Small dimensions allow you to hide the device during installation. The range of this type of sensor can be very large and depends on the power of the microwave transmitter and the sensitivity of the receiver.

The operation of the sensor is not affected by the environment. It can cover rooms even behind a partition. The biggest disadvantages of this device are its price, high sensitivity, which causes it to trigger when moving outside the intended detection zone, and the harm of long-term exposure to microwaves on humans and animals.

How to properly connect a switch

Connecting motion sensors is not technically a difficult job, but it is specific and requires experience and special knowledge. It is preferable to turn to specialists for such a service. At incorrect installation There may be false alarms or triggering blocking.

Key points to consider during installation:

  • providing a detection zone;
  • protection from external factors that can cause false alarms or blocking of operation;
  • connection to electrical wiring.

Install it yourself

Motion sensors are connected using a terminal. Usually the terminals have 3 pins, less often – 4.

Terminal marking:

  • L– phase (for brown or red wires);
  • N– zero (blue wire);
  • L with a stroke or arrow, or a letter A– for a lighting device;
  • RE– protective grounding.

The colors of the wires may differ from the standard, so the most reliable way is to determine the phase or zero using an indicator.

Connection diagrams

There are several basic schemes for connecting sensors to lighting:

  • sequential;
  • parallel;
  • for several motion sensors;
  • using a magnetic starter.

With a serial connection, lighting control is completely transferred to the motion sensor.

In cases where it is necessary to turn on the light for a long time, and the object will not be in the sensor detection zone, a switch is installed parallel to the sensor. An example of such a need would be the use of a motion sensor in a garage with an inspection pit.

While in a hole, or doing repairs under a car, a person still needs lighting, but his movements are not captured by the device. After finishing work, you need to manually turn off the light with the switch, but it will turn on again thanks to the motion sensor and turn off after the object leaves the detection zone.

In long or large rooms there is a need to install several motion sensors and connect them to lighting. Under these conditions, the sensors are connected in parallel and from one phase. The activation of one of the sensors closes the circuit and turns on the lighting in the entire corridor.

The use of a magnetic starter is mandatory when connecting several powerful lamps to the motion sensor or additional electrical equipment.

Checking and setting after installation

Motion sensors designed to turn on lighting fixtures have the following set of adjustable parameters:

  1. LUX– illumination indoors or outdoors, at which the sensor starts to turn on the lighting fixtures. When installing, set it to maximum.
  2. TIME– the time that the device continues to illuminate after the moving object has left the detection zone. Usually set to 10 seconds or higher if the corridor is long enough or the door is opened with keys behind a partition outside the detection zone of the sensor.
  3. SENS– sensitivity of the device, a parameter that affects the motion detection range. Initially set to maximum. It may be necessary if interference motion enters the detection zone, and reinstalling the sensor is difficult. An example would be turning on the light landing due to a moving elevator car or flickering branches outside the window.
  4. MIC– if your sensor has a noise setting, set it to minimum to eliminate false alarm from a child's scream or the barking of a neighbor's dog.


This video will tell you how to properly install and connect a motion sensor.

Installing lighting motion sensors is a step towards smart home technologies that improve the quality of life and save resources. Making the right choice of model and installing devices with your own hands is within the power of a person even with minimal knowledge in the field of electrical engineering.