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What types of light switches are there? Electrical switches. Types and features. Application Swedish company ABB

Accustomed to using the benefits of civilization in Everyday life, people stop noticing them, taking them for granted. This is exactly how we treat lighting fixtures, sockets and switches. Pressing the key, hardly anyone thinks that technology does not stand still and is changing. familiar devices their new generation has already arrived.

Modern building materials, making it possible to make each home special, have caused the emergence of new trends in the organization of home lighting, which could not but affect the devices connecting lamps to the electrical network. A new generation of switches has appeared - beautiful, convenient and functional.

Classification of switches

On this moment switches can be divided according to three criteria:

Device installation type. Depending on the type of wiring, which can be external or hidden, switches are also divided into external or hidden devices.

IN modern apartments Most often, the wiring goes inside the walls or under a layer of plaster, so the switch is installed in a special box, recessed into the wall and fixed with adjustable legs, leaving only the housing outside. These devices have an attractive appearance and come in many different designs.

In old houses with wooden walls and ceilings you can still find open wiring when electric wires are mounted directly on the surface of walls or ceilings using special rollers. Often this method is used to organize power supply, baths or modern houses, the interior of which is stylized “antique”.

The devices for these postings also differ. For external use, larger sockets and switches are used, which are installed directly on the wall using a socket box. Modern models They look good, but they stick out a lot above the surface. But it is easier to maintain and repair such switches than hidden devices.

Wire switching method. The wire inside the switch can be attached in two ways:

For aluminum wires, cores are often secured with screws. For this purpose, a special clamping plate is used to securely fix the cores in the input hole. But over time, the screw fastening may become loose and will have to be tightened.

Screwless fastening is often used when using copper wires. Its design ensures reliable contact between the wire and conductive fittings.

Variety of control methods

According to the control method, switches are divided into the following types:

Such devices look original in the room. There are models with several buttons, decorative finishing and light indication. The choice is quite large, so you can choose a device for any interior.

  • Rope - used for decorative purposes and in places where the lighting fixture is installed high.

Such a switch is easy to find in the dark; they are used in children's rooms so that the child can turn on the light independently.

  • Keyboards are the most popular type of switches. They are beautiful, comfortable, and come in many varieties and colors. Almost all lighting systems for office and residential premises are equipped with them.

The device may have one, two or three keys. This allows you to organize the control of separate groups of lighting devices. Widespread use is due to such advantages as:

- low price;

— easy replacement, repair and installation;

— ease of use.

Such a sensor activates the lighting when a person appears and turns it off when there is no movement in the room. Such devices are most often mounted on the ceiling so that they have a wide viewing angle. They are used to temporarily turn on lights in certain places. For example, on the stairs, where there is such a sensor in each flight, the light will turn on where the person is currently located.

The device is based on a microcircuit instead of sliding contacts. This eliminates the occurrence of short circuits and increases the service life of the lamps several times. There is very little wear on the device, which increases its service life.

  • Remote - are a set consisting of a flat control unit and a remote control. To install, you do not have to drill into the wall; the device is secured using self-tapping screws or even double-sided tape where it is convenient to use it.

The principle of operation of the device is as follows: when you press the switch button, a radio signal is sent to the relay, and it closes or opens the circuit in the phase that goes to the lighting device. The range of action of such a switch can be 20 - 25 m. The power source is a battery, which lasts about 5 years.

The device operates via digital signals and does not create interference. The presence of a control panel makes using such a device even more convenient. Remote switches are often part of a smart home system.

  • Dimmers - allow you to adjust the light intensity and can have a fairly wide range of functions:

— light brightness control;

automatic shutdown;

— imitation of presence;

— smooth switching on – switching off;

The external panel of the device can be equipped with keys, a rotating button, infrared sensor. Dimmers are divided into three large groups:

- for energy-saving fluorescent and LED lamps, equipped with electromagnetic ballast;

— for halogen lamps and incandescent lamps;

For halogen lamps connected via ferromagnetic or electronic transformers.

- reversible;

— checkpoint;

- duplicating.

Externally, these devices resemble a regular key switch, but have a different operating principle. An ordinary switch only opens a circuit, but a switch, opening one circuit, switches the contact to another. This allows you to control in several places at once.

What makes using switches difficult is that you have to create a complex electrical circuit. The cost of the switches themselves is higher than the cost of conventional ones. However, ease of use is constantly expanding the scope of their application.

Thus, modern switches, in addition to their use for their original purpose, they allow you to solve a whole range of problems:

  • save energy;
  • control lighting;
  • complement the interior of the room due to the variety of models and colors.

To be able to turn lighting devices on and off, a switch should be provided in the electrical circuit. If we are talking about apartments or private houses, then switches are used in them different designs. The assortment presented to the consumer’s attention is quite diverse in functionality and design, but when choosing a suitable product you should pay attention Special attention its quality.

What is an electric switch, its scope

Essentially, switches are switching devices that have two operating positions (on-off) and determine the state:

  • an open electrical circuit in which the voltage supply to the lighting device is stopped,
  • a closed circuit that supplies power to the electric lighting device.

Typically, household switches are manually controlled; their scope of application is limited to installation in home wiring, operating within the nominal parameters of the network.

The design of a household electrical switch does not allow it to be used to switch off currents under excessive loads or short circuits. For execution protective functions special automatic devices should be installed - apartment panel switches; they are equipped with current releases, a cut-off mechanism and a system for extinguishing the electric arc.

Types of switches, their features

Each of the switch models is created:

  • under a certain voltage or current in the network,
  • may have special Climatic performance, have an increased degree of moisture or dust resistance,
  • differ in the method of connecting wires or installation option,
  • switching and control method.

Most switch models provide wire connection using different types screw terminals. This time-tested option is being replaced today by a simpler option with spring-loaded terminal blocks; they make it possible to speed up and simplify the process of inserting the wire lug into the clamping device.

However, experts recommend using switches with screw terminals for networks with aluminum wires, which begin to flow over time due to heating, this leads to sparking and weakening of the contact. In order to correct the situation, it will be enough to simply tighten the screws.

It is better to fasten with screwless clamps copper wires- their fastening with a special terminal will be reliable, its implementation is extremely simple and fast.

Depending on the functionality, the switches can be:

  • ordinary,
  • indicator,
  • dimmer.

The design of the switches allows them to be divided into:

  • rotary,
  • changeover,
  • push-button,
  • light-regulating.

Options for installing switches for open and hidden wiring

Wiring in an apartment or private house can be open or closed; depending on its type, you should choose a specific switch model.

Most often, open wiring can be found in country house or in old houses built at the beginning of the last century, the wires in this case are on the surface of the wall, then the switches will need to be installed on surfaces.

IN modern construction It is customary to carry out the wiring hidden, the wires go inside the walls, and the switches are installed in specially prepared recesses. In older models of switches, to fix the entire structure in a certain position, “legs” were provided, which, when installed, rested against the wall.

Modern switches have a more reliable fastening - an installation box is first installed in the wall cavity, and the switch is fixed on it using screws.

Single-, double- and multi-key switches

In stores you can most often find a two-key or one-key switch, but if you set your mind to it, you can find three-key models. In practice, if necessary, have a large number of control keys lighting fixtures, resort to installing several single-key switches and uniting them with a common frame.

Electrical equipment manufacturers from South Korea and the USA produce switches with big amount keys, from 1 to 6, with each key equipped with an indicator light. In models manufactured in European countries, indicator lamps are installed in single-key versions.

In practice, a double switch turns out to be quite convenient; with its help, you can control the operation of two lighting devices from one point.

The advantage of a two-key switch is the ability to:

  • location of a large number of control points in a fairly limited space,
  • groupings of control of lighting devices with separately switched sections, for example, multi-arm chandeliers.

Direction of on/off keys on two-button switch always matches.

The switch should be connected in such a way that there is a break phase wire. Its off position de-energizes electrical appliances and allows for safe servicing. Connection neutral wire produced directly to the devices.

Touch switch, its advantages

The design of the touch device allows you to control electrical devices without mechanical influence. To perform the on or off procedure, just touch the special panel located on the front side of the switch.

The design of the touch panel includes a sensitive element; touching it is perceived as a command to be processed immediately. Arriving at electronic circuit the signal is converted into a form that can be perceived by the switching part, which provides power switching.

Particularly attractive are models configured in such a way that to activate them, it is enough to bring your hand to a distance of 3-5 cm; such switches are indispensable in the kitchen, they eliminate the need to touch their surface with wet or dirty hands.

Built-in touch switches are usually equipped with LED backlight, allowing you to easily find the location of the switch in an unlit room.

The appearance of the touch switches is quite refined, it is a smooth plate with markings, this design allows you to use the touch device in any interior design.

Using this switch you can:

  • turn electrical appliances on and off,
  • change the lighting intensity,
  • change direction luminous flux.

Among the advantages of touch switches, let us recall:

  • simplicity and ease of use,
  • possibility of connecting to different types lamps,
  • fire safety,
  • extending the life of lighting bulbs,
  • efficiency.

Features of models with remote control

A remote light switch is a receiving device that cuts into the wire that supplies power to the lighting fixture. It is controlled contactlessly - using a radio signal coming from the remote control. The remote control is powered by batteries; the operating mode assumes that they can operate without replacement for quite a long period.

The expanded functionality of the remote switch is ensured by the presence of microprocessor controllers in its circuit, which:

  • are able to ensure smooth starting,
  • allows you to change the intensity of light,
  • Allows you to set a timer.

The remote switch is connected depending on what lamps are used for lighting:

  • incandescent lamps - connected like a regular switch,
  • If the lamps are LED or energy-saving, it is recommended to install the switch as close to them as possible.

The advantages of a contactless device include:

  • Possibility of control using any remote control,
  • installation does not require replacement of wiring; installation can be performed at the site where the old device was located,
  • the ability to adjust the level of illumination, which has a beneficial effect on the life of the light bulbs, in addition, it allows you to choose a lighting intensity that is gentle on the eyes,
  • Possibility of switching on and off at a specified frequency.

Touch switches equipped with remote control allow you to perform lighting control procedures at a distance of about 25 - 30 m, i.e. within an apartment or house, without moving from one room to another. The range is determined by the design of the building and the materials used in its construction.

The latest developments by engineers in this area make it possible to control lighting fixtures using mobile devices- iPad or iPhone.

Switch with sensor

The light switch can be equipped with a motion sensor that monitors movements in the room and independently turns on the lighting devices when there are people in the room, or it can have a sound sensor and respond to words, clicks, claps, etc.

Reaction to certain types of stimulus - activation of a contact device responsible for connecting or opening the contacts of an electrical circuit.

The sensor is equipped electronic components which analyze:

  • ambient light level,
  • presence of moving objects.

Features of twilight switches

This type of switches is distinguished by a design that operates on the principle of a photo relay that responds to changes in the intensity of illumination by a sensor. A decrease in the luminous flux causes the sensor to trigger and the subsequent switching on of the lighting device; when the natural shutdown intensity is restored, the lamp will be turned off automatically.

To make the operation of luminaires more economical, twilight switches can be supplemented with presence or motion sensors.

Pass-through switch

The invention of walk-through switches was facilitated by the need to turn the lighting device on and off from different points in the room, this is especially convenient in the case of long corridors - the light can be turned on when starting to move along the corridor, and, accordingly, turned off when moving to the end of this corridor.

This option involves installing two pass-through switches in the network, one at the entrance to the room, the second at the exit. Most often, this option is used in long corridors, stairs, or in the garden, on illuminated walking paths.

If earlier is a reason to install pass-through switch served certain architectural features premises, today it is customary to install them in rooms of any configuration - for example, at the entrance to the living room and near your favorite chair or sofa - so that you can turn off the light without getting up.

By appearance pass-through switches do not differ from conventional ones; their functionality is ensured by the special structure of the contact system.


A separate type of switches are dimmers, which are light-control devices. They are designed to turn lighting devices on and off and adjust their brightness.

The selection criterion will be the load for which the device is designed, for example, if “300 W” is indicated on the dimmer, then with such a dimmer it will be possible to regulate a five-arm chandelier with sixty-watt light bulbs. Experts recommend purchasing such devices with some power reserve.

Electrical switch, secrets of choosing the best electrical switch

  • on inside products must indicate the current strength and voltage for which the device is designed, it is desirable that there is a sign of Rostest, which is a kind of guarantee of the state,
  • You can ensure trouble-free operation by purchasing products from famous manufacturers, visually they are distinguished by clear lines of shape and a smooth, durable surface, the product should not be light - thin plastic with a loose structure will quickly lose its attractive appearance,
  • a quality product must be disassembled into spare parts - body, latches, frame, standardized modules,
  • the kit must contain assembly instructions; its text can be printed on the film packaging of the switch,
  • you should choose models that correspond to the type of wiring and wire material,
  • when choosing, it is advisable to be guided by your knowledge and experience or get advice from electrical specialists - sometimes sellers recommend purchasing the most expensive product that is not popular with consumers,
  • It would not be amiss to make sure that there is no smell of plastic emitted by the switch - an unpleasant aroma is evidence that the plastic is cheap and of low quality; in a confined space of a room such a product can pose a danger to humans,
  • model suitable design should be selected exclusively from products that meet the technical parameters,
  • Taking care of your own comfort, you should give preference to backlit models - using them at night is much more convenient.

If the light switch is selected for a sauna or bathroom, or will be installed outdoors, then the requirements should include a point about increased moisture resistance, equipped with a special rubber or plastic casing.

When installing a switch in a public space, it is rational to purchase vandal-proof models - they are made of metals or heavy-duty plastics, the internal part is made of non-conducting durable composite materials. It is almost impossible to damage such a switch.

When installing lighting, use different kinds switches, which are selected depending on the parameters of lighting equipment and interior design. To choose suitable model, you need to know what types of switches there are - what is their difference in terms of installation method, connection and principle of operation.

Hidden and outdoor installation methods

The very first thing you have to decide is what type of switch is needed, which can be indoor or outdoor.

In the first case, installation is carried out inside the wall, for which holes of the appropriate size are cut in it. This type of device is used most often, since the wiring is mainly laid in a hidden way.

External switches are used either in wooden houses, in which wiring is most often done open type, or when lighting devices are laid according to a temporary scheme - in this case, in order not to cut the walls, the wires are laid on their surface.

In terms of design, switches for hidden installation more attractive, since only their front part is visible on the wall.

Attaching wiring to switch terminals

For installation in household lighting systems, only two types of wiring fastenings to the contacts of switches are used - screw and screwless.

A screw connection is a standard, more familiar, familiar method of fastening when the wire is inserted into a terminal that is bolted to the base. This fastening method has one drawback - under the influence electric current all conductors vibrate a little, so over time such a connection may weaken, especially if the core is multi-wire.

A screwless connection is essentially a spring clamp - into which the wire is inserted and then fixed. The shape of the clamp prevents the core inserted into it from spontaneously falling out, and the spring neutralizes vibrations caused by current, so this connection does not require periodic tightening of the contacts.

The disadvantages of screwless connections include the small contact area between the wire and the clamp and the fact that they are not designed to connect aluminum wires.

In case of emergency aluminum wires You can still use it, but to do this you will have to additionally buy a special lubricant, which must be used to coat the wires before fixing them in the clamps.

In practice, there is not much difference between the use of certain switches since modern lighting devices have low power. Therefore, the current passing through the terminals is small and does not have a noticeable effect on either bolted connections nor on the clamps.

Switching method

This is often the main criterion by which switches are selected. In addition to differences in the internal filling, the connection method directly affects the design of the device - whether it will be universal, retro style, or vice versa - any of the modern trends.

Standard keyboards

This is the most common type of switches. They are made for outdoor and internal wiring– they are distinguished by their simplicity of design and ease of use. The principle of operation is as simplified as possible - inside such a device there is a mechanical two-position switch that closes or opens the electrical circuit.

Often, several lighting devices are turned on from one point - for example, it could be a toilet and a bathroom, or just different lamps on one chandelier, which requires several switches. In order not to clutter up the wall space, switches are made with two, three or more keys.

In turn, the following types of light switches can be classified as this type:


Their contacts operate in tandem with a spring mechanism - when the button is pressed, they close, and when pressed again, the circuit opens. Initially, such switches were installed on table lamps, and then such a mechanism began to be installed on wall-mounted models. They are somewhat more expensive in cost than standard key switches, but this is compensated by some non-standard solutions.


In essence, this is a slightly modified version of a push-button switch - a lever has been added to it, one arm of which presses the button, and a rope (chain) is connected to the other.

Most often, such devices are used as a design move, but they also have some practical advantages: They are much easier to find in the dark and are also easier for a child to reach.


Fundamentally their electrical diagram They are no different from keyboards - they also have only two positions, but turning the lighting on and off occurs after turning the knob on the body. They are used quite rarely, but are still popular when creating open wiring in a retro style. Unlike two- and three-key switches, the design of the rotary switch is intended only in a single version.


The simplest design is that when the slider moves, the contacts are connected and the circuit is closed. When the slider moves back, the latch stops holding the contacts and they are separated under the action of the spring. For a number of reasons, they are used only to turn on portable devices - for stationary lighting it is more practical to use other designs.

Pass-through switches

In fact, these are not switches, but two-position switches that close one or the other branch of the electrical circuit. The basis of their electrical circuit is three contacts: one at the input and two at the output - switching connects the incoming wire with one of the outgoing ones. The peculiarity of their design allows, when using two switches, to assemble a circuit in which one light source will be turned on and off from two different places.

Externally, such switches are no different from standard keyboards, but there is one peculiarity in the way they are switched on.

If regular ones have strictly marked “on-off” positions, then at checkpoints they can constantly change.

For example, there are two switches, the keys of both are in the “down” position and the lighting is off. When you switch the key up at the first point, the light will turn on. Then you need to turn off the lighting at the second point, for which the key on it also switches (from the lower position to the upper one). Now, in order to turn on the light at the first point, you must lower the key to the “down” position, etc.

Cross (reversible)

Made for use in conjunction with pass-through switches, if you need to turn on lighting from three or more places. The circuit of such a switch consists of four contacts - two each at the input and output. In one position, the incoming contacts are closed with the outgoing contacts corresponding in location (1 with 3, and 2 with 4), and when switching they change places (1 goes to 4, and 2 to 3).

It can be seen from the diagram that, if necessary, the cross switch can be used as regular switch, but since its cost is slightly higher than the standard model, the feasibility of such a solution will be questionable.

Switches-dimmers (Dimmers)

The second name of such switches comes from English word dimmer, which translates as dimming and comprehensively characterizes the capabilities of this class of devices - a smooth change in the light level from maximum to complete shutdown.

Essentially, this is a variable resistance resistor that is installed in an electrical circuit in series with the load.

Every cinema visitor could see an example of how such switches work - when the lights gradually start to go out, it means the movie is about to start and you need to quickly take your seats if you haven’t managed to do so in advance.

At home, such switches will be useful for setting the desired lighting intensity, because, for example, reading and watching TV require different brightness.

Such a regulator will also be useful if the family has Small child, who may be frightened by an unexpected change in lighting.


These types of switches are manufactured on the basis of two fundamentally different circuits. Initially, they used the presence in the human body of a certain electrical capacitance– this device is based on a capacitor circuit. After touching the contact, the capacitance changed and a signal was given to turn the lighting on or off. Even in the original version, such a light switch made it possible to smoothly adjust the level of illumination - if you simply touched the contact, the lamp turned off immediately, and if you held your finger on the contact plate, then gradually.

Modern devices are equipped with miniature displays, like a screen mobile phone, and control occurs via a microcircuit. This allows you to add to such switches additional functions: timer, backlight, etc.


An interesting solution that allows additional device turn the lighting on and off from any part of the room. From which device is there how? undoubted advantage such obvious disadvantages that it is recommended to consider installing it in conjunction with another switch.

The disadvantages include spontaneous operation, for example, if you open champagne or simply clap a child for reciting a poem.

If the switch is configured or placed incorrectly, it will not always work the first time - this is especially true for budget models.

It is also necessary to take into account that sooner or later the light will need to be turned on silently, and also, such switches cannot regulate the level of illumination.

Remote controlled

These devices are one of the stages in the development of the concept “ smart home" After installing such switches, the lighting can be adjusted using the remote control remote control: turn on, turn off, mute - the full range of functions depends on the manufacturer.

Since all control is carried out both from the remote control and directly from the switch, the disadvantages of such a device are minimized, and they consist in the need to keep the remote control at hand and at the same time try not to sit on it and avoid other mechanical influences.

Obviously, the cost of such devices will be an order of magnitude higher than that of standard switches.

Additional functions

Smart home switches are not limited to just a remote control function - they are manufactured in a variety of variations, including the following:

Illuminated switches. It is very convenient to see where it is located if you go into a dark room. And just at night the light will be a landmark, thanks to which you know which way to go if the night light is not on. The disadvantage of such devices is parallel connection LED - if the lighting device is a fluorescent lamp (or housekeeper) with a starter, then the capacitor will be gradually charged through the LED. When it is fully charged, it will release the accumulated electricity to the lamp and it will begin to glow for a short moment - usually this is very annoying.

Control switches. They are installed in the case when the lamp is in one room, and the light switch itself is in another. There is a control light on the body that lights up when the lighting is turned on - this allows you to assess from afar, for example, whether you forgot to turn off the light in the bathroom.

Timer switches. After a certain predetermined period of time after turning on, such a switch will turn off the light. Most often used in hallways, basements or toilets. Advanced models can give voice warnings that the lights are about to turn off.

Switches with motion sensor. They turn on the lighting when an object moves past them, which significantly saves energy - the lamp does not shine all night, but for several minutes.

The disadvantage of budget models is that they are able to detect movement only in a perpendicular plane, and if you go directly to the sensor, it will assume that nothing is happening.

Switches with presence sensor. One of the most advanced models - capable of capturing infrared radiation, which always comes from a person, and based on this determine that the room needs to turn on the lighting. Accordingly, the light will not turn off while the person is in the room, so such a switch can be installed in the bedroom only if it is additionally equipped with a remote control.

What criteria should you use to choose a switch in the following video:

As a result, standard switches are not all that the lighting market has to offer. To do right choice you need to assess your needs and willingness to put up with the possible shortcomings that each type has household switches. It is also worth remembering that these devices are installed for more than one year and there are not many of them in the house. Therefore, if the budget issue is not too pressing, then saving on good switches is unlikely to be justified.


It is necessary to choose the right types of sockets and switches in order to ensure their safe operation in various conditions.


Modern views electrical outlets and switches ensure uninterrupted operation household appliances. It is necessary to choose the right types of sockets and switches in order to ensure their safe operation in various conditions. The article on this page lists the most common types of sockets and switches and provides their brief characteristics.

Sockets and switches are electrical installation products and are the most important element any home electrical network. Recently, in addition to the already well-known classic examples of these devices, many new varieties have appeared.

However, the principle of their operation remains the same.

Receptacles are part of the plug connection along with the plug. These components are called “mother” and “father”, respectively.

They are used to connect electrical appliances, without which it is unthinkable modern life. There are many varieties plug sockets. To make your choice, you need to know some technical details.

Socket device

The socket device includes all the necessary parts for conducting electric current.

Elements of the device of any outlet:

  • contacts;
  • base (or block);
  • protective case.

Contact- the main working element of the socket. It is through it that energy is transferred from power cable to the contacts of the connected device.

Contact material - metal alloy, having a certain elasticity for reliable connection of the pins of the plug with the socket. On the one hand, the contacts are connected to the power conductor using screw or key clamps, on the other, they interact with the plug.

The technical characteristics of the contacts are great importance. Old style sockets are designed for Rated voltage at 220 - 230 V and a current of 6.3 - 10 A. These values ​​are much less than in modern sockets, for which the permissible current is 10 - 16 A.

The total power of electrical appliances that can be connected to an outlet depends on these indicators. For an old-style outlet it is 1386 W (6.3 A x 220 V), for a modern one it is 3520 W (16 A x 220 V). Thus, modern sockets are almost three times larger than older models. This is due to the increase in power of household electrical appliances. If the apartment has old-style connectors, then when connecting to them washing machine or air conditioner, the contact material may not withstand.

In addition, at modern sockets the distance between the output contacts is larger and the diameter of the plug pins is larger (4.8 mm instead of the previous 4 mm).

Nowadays, three wires are installed in sockets - phase, neutral and grounding; in old models there were only two of them: phase and zero. New devices are also equipped with special grounding conductors. When connected to old socket this protection will not work, which is absolutely unacceptable from a security point of view. And the point is not so much in the design of the sockets, but in the supply power network, which may or may not have a grounding system. Last option often found in old houses.

Socket block

The socket block is the base of the socket, what holds the contacts and the protective housing. It can be made of carbolite (in old samples) or ceramics. Ceramics - beautiful dielectric material, durable and fire resistant. Its only drawback is fragility. Sometimes the sockets are made of special plastic, as, for example, in Wessen sockets.

The socket block can be used as a regular outdoor power socket. If the socket is built-in, the block has fastenings for installing it in the socket box. In addition, the block can serve as a blank for self-made extension cords In this case, a cord of the required length (usually PVA) is attached to it, to the end of which a plug is mounted. In addition to regular household extension cords, there are portable ones. They are used for various construction work or outside the home, for example.

Socket protective housing

The protective housing of the socket is outer cover connector with holes for a plug. It performs protective and decorative functions.

In certain types of sockets, special devices: protective curtains, covers, plug ejection buttons, backlight, etc.

The material used is heat-resistant, unbreakable plastic; sometimes the body is decorated with a variety of inserts, which can be selected in accordance with the interior or planning elements.

All types and types of electrical outlets and their photos

There are various types of sockets that allow you to solve specific problems. All types of sockets are divided according to their purpose and installation method. The main types of electrical outlets are designed to connect household appliances. You can see different types of sockets in the photo, which are attached below to the description of their types.

Recessed closed type socket outlet

The recessed type socket is mounted with hidden wiring in installation boxes (socket boxes): the block together with the contacts is immersed in the wall, while the protective housing almost does not protrude from the plane of the walls.

Double recessed socket is used to connect two plugs. The built-in version of the double socket is suitable for installation in one socket box, since it has one block at the base standard size. If you need to connect a closed type socket with more than two sockets, then install blocks for three or four plugs ( open wiring) or install several single-socket sockets side by side and put a frame on top (hidden wiring).

Open non-recessed type sockets

Open surface mounted sockets are attached to the wall surface. The protective housing surrounds the connector on all sides, without leaving contacts exposed, as is the case with hidden sockets.

The non-recessed type socket with grounding is designed for installation in electrical networks where there is grounding. These outlets have contacts connected to a ground wire.

Additional devices are installed in the body or block of such sockets: lighting, protective curtains for children, covers that protect against moisture, a plug ejector or a shutdown timer.

May meet combined types sockets For example, a double built-in socket with grounding or a single-socket external socket without grounding (marking b/z).

If the socket is not the final one in the electrical circuit and power wire, energizing it, goes further to the next outlet, it is called a pass-through. Such sockets are mounted with boxless wiring.

Types of television sockets

In addition to power, there are also types TV sockets for data cable ends.

Antenna socket. Its difference from a conventional power socket is that instead of two holes for the pins of the plug, it has a connector for the tip of the antenna cable. Such sockets are installed in places where televisions are located.

Types and types of telephone sockets

All types telephone sockets designed for a telephone connector. There are several types of telephone sockets - from simple ones, installed next to the telephone, to complex ones, having the appearance and size of a power socket. Some types of telephone jacks can be used to connect to the Internet.

A computer socket is very similar in appearance to a telephone socket, but differs in the size of the cable lug and the number of contact wires. Used to connect to the Internet and connect computers to each other.

Sometimes antenna, telephone and computer connectors are combined in one socket housing.

There are also power connectors - plug connections designed for connecting various electrical appliances to single-phase and three-phase networks. They are rarely used in everyday life. The electric stove is connected using the power connector, welding machine or a concrete mixer.

IN different countries plug connectors may differ greatly from each other. For example, hair dryer Russian production cannot be connected to a French socket. If it is necessary to connect mismatched connectors, special adapters are used. By the way, the so-called Euro sockets are a German standard.

Types of Electric Light Switches

Like sockets, switches consist of three main elements (contacts, block and protective cover), which are made of the same materials. Types of electrical switches are designed for hidden (built-in) or external (surface) installation. This is where the similarity between switches and sockets ends.

Unlike sockets, which are used to connect to the electrical network, all types of light switches act differently - they break the electrical circuit. There are no moving elements in the socket; in the switch, the entire operating principle is based on a changeover contact, which, by changing its position, opens or closes the circuit. In addition, only one wire fits to the switch - phase. Some types have a contact for connecting a ground wire.

There are several types of switches.

Key. A device with one key or button. Used when you need to turn one light source on or off. To save space, switches are installed with two, three or a large number of keys, which are capable of controlling several light sources independent of each other, sometimes located in different rooms. Pass-through (switch). Allows you to control one light source from two different points. Outwardly, it is no different from a key switch. The difference lies in the number of contacts: a single-key switch has three instead of the usual two, and a two-key switch has six instead of three. A walk-through switch is very convenient: you can, for example, turn on the light using the switch at the entrance to the bedroom, then walk into the room, lie down in bed and turn it off using the switch at the head of the room.

With backlight. An indicator light is built into the body or on the keys of such a switch, which glows in the dark. When you enter the room, you will immediately see where it is located, and you will not have to look for it by touch.

Control. In appearance it is similar to a backlit switch, but its operating principle is exactly the opposite. The indicator light is on when the light is on and off when the circuit is open. By the appearance of such a switch it is easy to determine whether the lighting is turned on in a remote room.

Shockproof and dustproof and waterproof. They have increased mechanical strength and protection from moisture and dust. Installed outdoors, in bathrooms, etc.

Dimmer (dimmer)- lighting switch-controller. Recently, such switches have become popular. By smoothly turning the knob or pressing the dimmer button, you can plunge the room into twilight or fill it with blinding light. There are dimmers that are not controlled manually, but using the TV remote control or voice commands. Such a dimmer costs six to seven times more than a key switch. The dimmer has some disadvantages. For example, it creates radio interference. In addition, dimmers cannot be used in conjunction with energy saving lamps(ballast), and connected in series, they behave unpredictably.

Push-button or linear. They are mounted directly on the wire. Most often they are used in floor lamps, sconces and other lighting equipment.

With timer. It has a clock mechanism that turns the light on or off at specified intervals. With such switches, you can install various sensors that are triggered by sound, light or motion. They are mounted in the switch housing.

Recently, when designing a lighting system, not only technological, but also design aspects are taken into account. Comfortable, economical and advantageous lighting depends on how correctly the appropriate type of electrical switches are placed. The choice in favor of one or another connection option is made based on the characteristics of the rooms and their purpose.

Types of switches

A wide range of switches allows you to choose the most favorable lighting option. Most often, the modern consumer gives preference the following types switches:
  • One-, two- and three-key.
  • Passable.
  • Cross.
  • Resistive, dimmers.
  • Timer.
  • With backlight.
  • Control.
  • Automatic.
  • Anti-vandal.

These switches control the lighting. Their difference lies in the connection method and functionality.

Features of single-key switches

This type of switch is the most common among household consumers. Technologically used in circuits with a single lighting device and serves to turn it on and off. Single-key electrical switches perform their tasks by breaking (shorting) one of the paired wires connecting the network to a light source (chandelier, lantern, lamp, etc.). Suitable for residential and non-residential premises - bedrooms, living rooms, kitchens, bathrooms, etc.

Advantages of using two-gang switches

A two-gang switch allows two lights or circuits to operate independently of each other. It is useful for controlling lights located in different parts yard, or one lighting fixture with two lamps. Installed in zoned rooms (for example, bathroom and toilet) or rooms with two-component chandeliers.

In what cases is it necessary to install three-key switches?

The operating principle of two- and three-key switches is similar. The latter allow you to simultaneously turn on and off three light sources. The main disadvantages of this type are installation difficulties and low reliability. To avoid problems during installation and further operation of three-key switches, you should use the services of a qualified electrician.

Electrical switches in modern stores offering various products for the home and repairs, in the vast majority of cases, are represented by such types of devices as:

  • A European-made design that has more than three keys is impossible to find today. But if just such a device is required to solve a particular problem, then it can be made by combining several products with one key in one frame.

  • If we talk about Japanese or made in China, then here you can easily find a switch of absolutely any design, for example, a product with six keys. Each of them has its own indicator light, which makes it easy to identify the button needed to turn on a particular lamp at night.

Functionality of pass-through switches

These switches, installed in two different places, control one light source or an entire unit. This configuration is convenient and economical, so it is suitable for organizing the lighting of large corridors, landings and huge rooms. To turn the lighting device on and off, just go to one of the two switches.

Cross switches

Cross electrical switches are an improved modification of walk-through switches. The latter allow you to control lighting from two places, but for large premises This is not enough. Cross switches are installed at three or more points, so they are best suited for controlling lighting fixtures and electrical circuits in large industrial premises (warehouses) or entrances to high-rise buildings.

Expanded capabilities of resistive switches, dimmers

This type of switches is designed not only to turn on and off the light source, but also to regulate the intensity of lighting. It is important to know that one or another dimmer () usually controls a certain number of light bulbs, the power of which, of course, is limited. However, the technology of some lighting devices cannot be adjusted. They are incompatible with energy-saving appliances, but work effectively in tandem with spotlights or standard incandescent lamps.

Among the most understandable to use and constructively simple switches should be highlighted devices equipped with special lighting , and control switches. Both some and other products have a special light indicator that lights up when the light is turned off and goes out, respectively, when it is turned on. With this element you can easily find the switch in the dark. If we talk about control devices, their indicator lights up when the light is turned on. These electrical switches are ideal for garages and basements because they allow you to determine whether the lights in the room need to be turned on or not.

The most popular today circuit breakers , which, in addition to turning the lights on and off, can protect the electrical network from possible overloads, and also eliminate any possibility of breakdown of household electrical appliances. Such devices are not only capable of performing their basic functions when in good condition electrical network, but can also automatically turn off power in the event of an emergency.

They are becoming more and more popular today anti-vandal electrical switches , used primarily in various public spaces. Such devices are able to withstand various external influences and damage, and high-strength metals are usually used for their manufacture.

The wiring diagram must indicate the points where the switches are planned to be installed. When choosing a location for their placement, you must be guided by the following principles:
  • The main light source is controlled by a switch located on minimum distance from the door. The placement height is usually 80 cm from the floor level.
  • Before installation, you should decide on the location of the furniture. Cabinets, sofas and tables should not restrict access to the switch.
  • Installation of switches in rooms with high humidity(bathrooms and kitchens) requires compliance with GOST. Thus, it is allowed to place the switch at a distance of at least 60 cm from the sink (bathtub) or in an adjacent room.