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Types of roofing materials for different types of roofs. Natural ceramic tiles All types of roof tiles

Tile roofing is becoming more common today - modern homeowners are attracted by an impressive appearance, which the tile gives to the building, its quality factor and century-long service life. The price of such pleasure is high, but manufacturers unanimously claim that the initial investment fully pays off due to trouble-free operation. Is this really so, and what latent shortcomings can be encountered if insufficient attention is paid to the choice natural coating?

Virtue under the microscope - the pros and cons of ceramic tiles

Any more or less experienced builder knows that ideal materials do not exist, and each of them must be used strictly in the recommended conditions. Of course, natural tiles have taken root in the Mediterranean climate of Italy, where they come from, but what about the Russian hinterland? Whether such a coating is able to withstand local conditions and how beneficial it is can be judged by an impartial assessment of its characteristics.

The pride of manufacturers is the dignity of the material

Since the tile is a material made of clay mass, its indisputable plus is environmental friendliness: in the heat such a roof does not emit harmful substances and odors, which is important for a residential building. The special plasticity of the raw mixture from which the material is made is obtained not due to chemical components, but due to the use of several varieties of low-melting clays that have undergone repeated processing.

Clay blanks formed by special units are fired at a temperature of 1000 degrees, after which they acquire the properties characteristic of tiles:

  • simplicity and durability of operation without changing functionality - indeed, tiled roofs do not need regular repairs, tinting and are able to maintain tightness for 100 years, reliably protecting the structure of the house from aggressive weather conditions;
  • original appearance that does not deteriorate under the influence of the sun and acid rain - despite the fact that the tiles are no longer made by hand, the roofing made from them does not look like a typical industrial product and distinguishes the building from neighboring houses special style;
  • fire safety, as well as resistance to sudden temperature changes and frost - the material is non-combustible, withstands the amplitude of temperature fluctuations within 100 degrees and exhibits amazing frost resistance (from 150 to 1000 full freeze-thaw cycles without loss of integrity);
  • high noise, hydro and thermal insulation performance - ceramic tiles do not absorb moisture, slowly heat up and cool down, contributing little to heat exchange with the environment, and are a good sound insulator.

You can forget about roof repair for a long time - under proper operating conditions, it will not be needed over the next 30 years, which most manufacturers vouch for in their warranty obligations. When the need arises, it is not at all problematic to repair a section of the roof, since only damaged elements or, in extreme cases, neighboring ones have to be dismantled.

The disadvantages of a tiled roof

At first glance, the tile coating is flawless, because it allows you to immediately close all the issues on the roof: tightness, environmental friendliness, reliability. However, this apple has some wormholes, and the most significant of them is the cost that is unbearable for the average citizen: the price of an ordinary tile starts from 2 euros per piece, a gable one - from 14 euros, and a ventilation one - from 17.

The gap between desires and possibilities is further exacerbated by the need to professional installation, on the level of which the service life of the coating largely depends. Due to the painstaking and laborious work, it will be necessary not only to find a team capable of somehow laying tiles, but to identify among them real professionals ready to take responsibility for the result.

In addition, tiles are not suitable for every design:

  • a new building should be designed taking into account its mass (1 sq. M. weighs from 20 to 60 kg);
  • bearing structures of the restored building, if they are not sufficiently rigid, it is necessary to strengthen them.

The angle of inclination of the roof is also important - it is optimal if it is located at an inclination of at least 20 and not more than 60 degrees (some types of tiles can be mounted on roofs inclined by 10 degrees).

Since the clay plates are heavy and rather fragile, they should be transported with the utmost care, and it will be necessary to use a heavy truck for transportation, and a crane for loading and unloading. At the time of installation (and it can take 10-12 weeks), you need to take care of a flat area for its storage, equipped with a canopy from rain and snow.

Thus, the shortcomings of tiles do not concern operational issues, and the roof covered with it is really not afraid of bad weather, or rotting and corrosion, or time. However, its characteristics are far from unconditional: most of the positive aspects are inherent only in high-quality material, selected and laid in accordance with the characteristics of the building in general and the roofing surface in particular.

The crucial moment is the choice of model and manufacturer

Potential buyers it is easy to get confused in the extensive classification of materials, which cunning intermediaries do not fail to use. Therefore, before buying, it is worth consulting with an architectural bureau (ideally, with those specialists who originally designed the building) and, based on accurate calculations, make sure that it is possible to use one or another type of tile, and at the same time independently study how they differ.

Classification of natural tile roofing

First of all, it is necessary to define the concept of "natural". So it is customary to call a tile made of baked clay. However, it is often advertised as natural material made from cheaper raw materials:

  • thermoplastic composite - mixtures of thermoplastic polymers with solid fillers and colorants (flammability class B3, frost resistance 200 cycles, service life - 50 years);
  • cement-sand mortar - such a tile for protection from ultraviolet radiation and making it water resistant requires mandatory painting with acrylic paints, it also has a shorter service life - up to 70 years;
  • lime-sand mixture - a silicate coating is obtained in an autoclave, where particles are sintered, and is highly brittle.

Both thermoplastic composite, and cement-sand, and silicate tiles have their own advantages, quite comparable with the advantages of a ceramic counterpart, but their price is also quite high, so it is better to give preference to a clay composition.

The manufacturer has another legitimate reason to call the tile natural - according to its type protective coating or rather, its absence. This type of material is distinguished by a natural, red-brown color, which over time becomes covered with a noble patina. Over giving it high performance you need to work hard, so natural tiles are often the flagship of the brand's product line.

If the surface of the workpiece has been processed, then, depending on the coating, the tile is called:

  • engobed - the material is coated with a special mixture that gives a variety of shades during firing;
  • glazed - the plates are protected by a glass-like glossy layer, as a result of which moisture does not penetrate into the pores of the product.

The advantage of a coating with engobe is the invariance of its color, and the advantage of a glazed roof is its ability to self-clean. At this stage of the choice, many are reasonably guided only by their own aesthetic considerations.

Engobed roofing

How to determine the shape of the elements

The tile petals differ in size and can be small, medium and large format, respectively, their consumption also differs: 20, 15 and 10 pieces per 1 sq. m. The material has a huge assortment in shape, and it is required to determine it based on the climatic zone, the slope of the roof and its design features:

  • antique (Roman) - is considered complicated and is used quite rarely, as it consists of two rows: flat and grooved; the material is usually used for the authentic restoration of ancient buildings with a high roof, located in regions with low rainfall;
  • flat (beaver tail) - is a simplified version of the antique form and forms an airtight coating only if laid with a significant overlap, which leads to a greater consumption of material; This best option for complex curved surfaces;
  • grooved (Munch-Nunn) - like the ancient one, it requires an increased consumption of material, since it also consists of two semicircular elements that form when connected monolithic surface; due to its presentability, it belongs to the elite types of tiles and is mainly used for roofs with a slight (up to 35 degrees) slope;
  • wavy (Dutch) - the tile has an S-shaped configuration and creates a wavy surface from which water quickly leaves; this model is one of the most economical in terms of consumption, suitable for any roofs, therefore, today it is most in demand.

Modern production technologies allow you to create a variety of models, providing them with special grooves for the most reliable connection. Usually, a flat and wavy shape of the material is made into a groove, but models without grooves can also be found on sale. In this case, the tiles have protrusions and / or holes that allow you to fix the coating on the crate and ensure its water tightness.

different forms natural tiles Koramic

Beaver tail shape

How to choose a manufacturer - a list of worthy

Define the best manufacturer ceramic tiles - a thankless job. Each of them has offers for a completely different wallet and taste, and as for quality, well-known brands often have it at a consistently high level. It is worth comparing their products only by assortment, since manufacturers from different countries it is significantly different:

  • Creaton AG (Germany) - the company has a 125-year history of development and offers more than 25 models of ceramic and about 10 models cement-sand tiles, according to reviews, very reliable, but at the same time not cheap.
  • FBM (Italy) is an industrial concern that manufactures products with an impressive variety of colors and textures, the line also includes hand-molded tiles.
  • Margon (Portugal) - the brand has existed for over 60 years, representing building ceramics in mediterranean style; the exact geometry of each product is one of the advantages, which is confirmed in practice by laying masters.
  • Dreadnoght (England) - tiles from the oldest manufacturer in the world (existed since 1805), aged in the traditional English style; the material itself is guaranteed for 75 years, and for the preservation of color - 20 years.
  • Roben (Poland) - the manufacturer positions its products as a budget alternative to Western brands and mainly produces S-shaped ceramic tiles for buildings with a classic roof.

Quality tiles:

  • presented in a wide range of shapes and colors;
  • characterized by a uniform thickness of the coating layer, without chips and microcracks;
  • certified according to DIN EN 538, DIN EN 539-1 and DIN EN 539-2 and backed by warranty.

Understanding what tiles are and choosing the material that is optimal in terms of all characteristics is half the battle, because it must also be correctly laid, unconditionally following the manufacturer's recommendations.

Features of installation of ceramic roofing

The range of tiles includes various elements, facilitating installation on different parts of the roof: around gutters and chimneys, above ventilation systems.

The manufacturer provides each model with instructions regarding installation conditions: roof slope, lathing pitch, overlap dimensions, estimated consumption of materials. If the roof has a simple shape, the installation of tiles can be done independently, be sure to consult with experienced craftsmen and take into account some of the nuances:

  • natural tiles are recommended to be laid on a solid plank crate or OSB flooring, strictly aligned with the surface;
  • the smaller the angle of inclination of the roof, the greater should be the overlap of the material (from 5 to 12 cm) and the more reliable the waterproofing of the roof should be;
  • styling ceramic elements can be performed both from the upper right corner to the lower left, and from the center to the edges - the specific method is indicated in the instructions;
  • ordinary tile fastened by special protrusions (hooks), but some elements require additional fixation with galvanized hardware, clamps and wire;
  • if necessary, tiles can be cut using electrical equipment with stone cutting discs.

Professional tiled roof installation

Installation is completed with installation ridge elements- ordinary and frontal. In general, due to the presence of a tongue-and-groove fastening system, laying the material is simple, but it requires great care and patience. That is why, in the absence of experience, it is recommended not to take risks and invite professional builders for this work.

Today, there are various types of tiles that are used to cover the roof.

The types and prices of this material are very different, so before you cover your roof, you need to carefully study all the options available on the market.

Each tile has its own advantages and disadvantages, which also need to be analyzed before buying.

Roofing is most affected by the effects of precipitation, temperature changes and wind.

In addition, the appearance of the coating is also of no small importance, so you need to choose the tiles very carefully.

Sheet varieties of tiles

Sheet varieties of tiles for the roof are sold not separate elements, but in solid sheets, which significantly speeds up the installation process.

These types include metal and bituminous tiles.

The metal tile is made of steel with a thickness of about half a millimeter, coated with a primer layer and a passivating aluminum coating.

Above this peculiar cake are layers of zinc and polymer coating, as well as varnish.

The types of polymers used as a protective layer vary in quality and service life, which entails a wide range of prices for this roofing material.

Polyester is considered the most short-lived, respectively, a metal tile with such a polymer is the cheapest.

Plastisol is very resistant to various atmospheric influences - precipitation, wind, ultraviolet rays.

PVDF (polyvinylidene fluoride) is the most durable polymer, while pural is very resistant to corrosion and for a long time retains its color.

The advantages of metal tiles include low weight, good resistance to stress, rich color scheme and low cost.

However, it also has disadvantages, including a large number of waste during installation and increased noise during precipitation (in order to avoid this, sound insulation is additionally laid).

The service life of a metal tile is from thirty to forty years.

Bituminous tiles are soft and flexible. Often, in the manufacture of modified bitumen, it is applied on both sides to a layer of reinforcing fiberglass.

Such a tile is a kind of layer cake, while different manufacturers the thickness and number of layers of protective materials vary.

Bituminous tiles have many advantages:

  • excellent waterproofing (under the influence of high temperatures from sun rays bitumen melts and glues the tiles together, forming a continuous coating);
  • ease of installation;
  • noiselessness during precipitation;
  • high resistance to corrosion and decay;
  • long service life (up to seventy years).

In addition, such a coating is practically waste-free, has a low weight, copes well with temperature changes, is very flexible and quite cheap.

When installing this type of coating, it must be borne in mind that under bituminous tiles you need continuous crate(It is best to use OSB for this purpose - oriented strand board or waterproof plywood).

In addition, a solid crate is a good sound and heat insulation.

Bituminous shingles are best used for roofs with a slope of ten to twenty degrees, however, it is possible to mount the coating even on vertical surfaces.

This material has a rich color range, and everyone can choose the shade of the coating that suits him.

At the same time, bituminous tiles also have disadvantages - they are combustible materials, an unpleasant odor appears during intense heat, and during frosts they become brittle.

natural tile

Natural ceramic tiles are one of the oldest types of roofing, which has been used since ancient times.

To make it, the clay is shaped, topped with layers of protective coating, and placed in a kiln where it is fired at a very high temperature. high temperatures(over a thousand degrees Celsius).

After that, a layer of glaze is applied to the surface of the tile. different colors, which determines the rich color range of this material.

When buying, you need to pay attention to the following nuances:

  • tiles should be smooth, without cracks, chips, pits or bumps;
  • the edges must be even;
  • when tapping on a quality ceramic coating, a clear sound should come out, in no case rattling.

When buying high-quality ceramic tiles, you can be sure that this coating will last on the roof for more than a hundred years.

In addition to a long service life, this material has excellent sound insulation and excellent resistance to corrosion and low temperatures, does not burn and is made of environmentally friendly products.

Ceramic tiles can be laid on roofs with a large angle of inclination (from twenty-five to sixty degrees), which its counterparts cannot boast of.

In addition, there are gaps between the ceramic tiles, which allows the roof to be ventilated and excess water to evaporate.

At the same time, this is also a disadvantage, since excess moisture will get into these cracks. The problem is solved with additional installation waterproofing layer (roofing material, film).

With all the advantages, ceramic tiles have a number of disadvantages. First of all, it is very heavy.

If you plan to cover the roof with ceramic tiles, then you need to install more rafters, or use wooden beams of a larger section for this.

In addition, such tiles are quite fragile, so they can easily collapse under high mechanical loads.

According to experts, to mount ceramic tiles on complex roofs rather difficult because it requires a lot of additional elements- waterproofing, crate, fasteners.

It should also be noted that ceramic tiles are not easy to cut with any tool.

The main disadvantage of this material is very high price. Compared to metal or bituminous tiles, the cost of ceramic tiles is four to five times higher, which is clearly not affordable for everyone.

On the other hand, such high price pays for itself with a long service life and ease of maintenance.

In addition, the building with a roof covered with ceramic tiles has a beautiful appearance, which is also an important factor.

Modern types of coverage

In the last decade, cement-sand tiles have become very popular. It is made from high quality sand, iron oxide pigments and limestone.

The raw materials obtained as a result of mixing these components are placed in special molds and fired at a temperature of over six hundred degrees Celsius.

Cement-sand tiles are widely used due to their good strength, resistance to weathering and environmental cleanliness.

The material does not burn, does not emit any harmful substances into the environment, has good sound insulation and excellent frost resistance, is protected from moss and fungi.

The service life of cement-sand tiles is also quite long (manufacturers claim that the roofing will last more than a hundred years).

Often this material is impregnated with polymer paint, which protects the tiles from fading.

It has the same disadvantages as natural ceramic coating- a lot of weight, requiring a continuous crate, the complexity of installation, the need to install an additional layer of waterproofing.

However, the cost of a cement-sand coating is much lower than that of a ceramic counterpart, and the appearance is no worse. The roof will be well protected with this coating.

Relatively recently appeared on the market the new kind tiles - polymer sand. For its manufacture, high quality sand, molten polymers and dyes are used.

Unlike ceramic and cement-sand coatings, polymer-sand tiles are first fired in a kiln at high temperatures and then hot pressed.

Based on the reviews of people who have tried this type of roofing material, it is almost impossible to destroy it.

In addition, the polymer sand coating is very weather resistant: it does not burn, it is easy to install, and it is not afraid of cold temperatures.

If desired, even an inexperienced builder can handle the installation of the material. It is practically not necessary to take care of it: it does not need touch-up and repair, it is enough to wash the roof every few years.

Thanks to the polymer coating, moss and other plants do not appear on it. The service life of polymer-sand tiles is also quite long, the material is not covered with plaque over time, and is light in weight.

The cost of such a coating is cheaper than the price of its ceramic counterpart, but more expensive than cement-sand tiles.

To date, there are a great many types of tiles for roofing and a choice suitable option quite difficult for its roof.

Each type has its own advantages, disadvantages and different appearance, so you should study all the options before making a purchase.

It must be remembered that the service life of any type of tile is quite long and it is often not necessary to change the roofing material.

That is why the choice of roof coverage should be approached as responsibly as possible, carefully weighing the pros and cons.

Practicality, functionality, durability - all these advantages soft tiles set it apart from others roofing.

What features this material has, how to prepare a base for it and what technology to mount it with - you can find out below.

First of all, consider the pros and cons of flexible tiles.

The soft tile has many benefits:

  • Aesthetic appearance. Ruler soft roof It is distinguished by a variety of colors and shapes, which allows you to decorate the roof in any style. In our country, the brand is very popular, with which you can create rectangular, oval, hexagonal and many others. geometric shapes roofs
  • Resistance to mechanical damage, pollution, water, mold and temperature changes. The operating temperature range is from -45 to 110 0 C, which is great for Russian frosts.
  • Durability. With, operation and periodic maintenance, a soft tile roof will last more than 50 years.
  • . In the event of a breakdown, any structural element can be easily replaced without rearranging a whole row. At the same time, the surface of the tile does not fade and does not peel off over time, which eliminates the need for regular touch-up.
  • Easy installation. With the appropriate skills and tools, installing a soft roof will not take much time. And this is not to mention the minimum waste during the process.

Unfortunately, the coverage is not without some shortcomings:

  • Strict requirements for conditions and temperature during installation. You can lay tiles at a temperature of + 5-10 C. The same applies to climatic conditions: it is strictly forbidden to lay tiles in the rain or when high humidity, since the base of the material will begin to rot.
  • high cost, which is not particularly felt due to the service life of the coating.
  • Difficulty of installation. Soft roofing needs reinforced beams and walls for installation. That's why specialized companies use conventional frame technology.

Positive qualities of tiles

Composition and technical characteristics

Tiles are produced in the form of individual plates, which have width within 0.3 - 0.45 m, thickness 3 - 5 mm and length up to 1 m. Composition of soft tiles:

  • front part: ceramic granulate made of basalt or mineral wool;
  • multilayer construction of bitumen and the base material - non-woven polyester or fiberglass;
  • rear end: self-adhesive type bituminous layer, protected by a polyethylene film. The film is removed before installation.

The main material from which the tiles and the insulating carpet under them are made is non-woven polyester, fiberglass with bituminous impregnation. The first one is distinguished by high tensile strength, due to which it is used in areas where there is a maximum load among the entire structure - these are skates, valleys and other junctions.

The structure of flexible tiles - photo

Fiberglass coating is cheaper than polyester models, and therefore it is used as the main coating and in places without requirements for increased strength. More details and characteristics .

Statistically, more than 30% of heat escapes through the roof, which forces a responsible approach to the choice of insulation.

Preparation as a guarantor of durability: roofing cake for shingles

Before installing soft tiles, it is necessary to carry out a series of preparatory work For :

  • provide;
  • mount;
  • apply waterproofing (this stage can be combined with vapor barrier);
  • create a system.

After that, you can go directly to the installation shingles.


When arranging roofing cake the sequence described above must be strictly observed. However, the insulation step can be skipped if an attic is planned cold roof limited to the installation of a waterproofing layer.

roofing cake

Flexible tiles - preparation of the crate

The crate acts as structural strengthening and provides ventilation to the roof. During installation, the bars of the counter-lattice are first laid, and on them - the main part of the crate. It is they who form the gaps included in slope ventilation system, which provides air circulation, condensate drainage and minimizes rotting of the rafters.

For flexible tiles use solid plywood sheathing, oriented strand board and other smooth materials without joints. Before installation, it is recommended to make sure that the humidity of the plates is less than 20%.

The plates themselves are installed "in a run" with a gap no more than 2-3 mm. When choosing the pitch of the rafters and battens, they are repelled by the possible load that the roof will experience. It depends on climatic conditions, precipitation, temperature, wind and the general design of the building.

Soft tiles are suitable for arranging the roofs of private houses and cottages, as well as country baths and other structures.

Lathing for soft tiles


If necessary, an insulated room or attic is used for insulation for flexible tiles. Recommended by specialists based on basalt or glass wool. They are easy to install and are suitable even for hard-to-reach places. At the same time they do not form cold bridges and well protected from temperature extremes.


Minimum material thickness - 150 mm, and for regions with severe frosts200 mm or more.

Laying and installation of the coating

For a sloping roof, it is necessary to use, which will perform the functions and. For roofs with steep pitches the angle of inclination is more than 20 0 it is possible to not completely lay the layer. It will be enough to get by with insulation on the ridge, panels at the ends and cornice overhangs.

The most important stage of work during installation is the installation eaves tiles and first row. It is necessary to strictly follow a clear direction along the entire row and observe equivalent distances. The tile is fastened with the help of special holes that are made in the factory.

Complete installation takes seven steps:

  1. A special carpet is laid on the covering of the crate in areas where the structure experiences the maximum load. These are the ends of the roof, valleys, overhangs and junctions. The carpet is spread over the base along the eaves, the resulting seams are sealed and glued. After gluing, there are edges that fixed every 20 cm. When laying in valleys, it is necessary to leave the carpet at a distance of 7 cm, and then glue the resulting edges with a width of at least 10 cm after cutting. To avoid damage to the carpet when cutting tiles, it is recommended to place a thin plank or piece of plywood under the tiles.
  2. Installation of metal cornice and front strips. This will protect the structure from decay and moisture, fix the carpet more firmly along the cornices and frontal joints. The cornice-type plank is fixed with nails, which are located in a checkerboard pattern with a step of 10 cm. Also, on the cornice overhang, it is necessary to equip a 2 cm thick entry. Gable strips are subsequently mounted according to exactly the same principle.
  3. Arrangement of valleys. An important stage of work, since in these areas the roof made of soft tiles is especially susceptible to destruction from moisture. For sealing, a carpet is laid in the valleys, and its edges are fastened with nails. Step between nails - 10 cm. To ensure water resistance, a waterproofing carpet is used, which is installed in 10 cm increments. The color of the carpet should be matched to the appearance of the tiles.
  4. Eaves tiles: installation on overhangs. This element is mounted on top of the metal protection, cornice and carpet. Removed from shingles protective film, then the tiles are laid to the eaves and nailed in the places of perforation. The next step is the laying of ordinary tiles, the sheets of which will overlap the places where the cornice is attached.
  5. using our online calculator.
  6. Installation of ordinary tiles. It is laid on top of the cornice row. This type tiles have figured cutouts that form the pattern of the roof and special recesses for precise joining of tiles. Start laying from the center of the slope, moving towards the ends. For even installation, it is recommended to make horizontal markings with chalk. It will especially help in cases where the roof has places with broken geometry. All tiles are nailed in 2-3 cm increments, four nails are needed per tile. If the slope is 45 0 or more, then six fasteners will be needed. Subsequent rows of tiles are laid in such a way that bottom edge petals was on the same level with the grooves of the tiles of the previous row.
  7. Installation of tiles on skates. For installation in skates, it is necessary to separate special sheets of tiles (they have a size of 0.25-0.33 m) and perforation lines. After separating the sheets, the fragments of the tile are laid on the ridge, and then they are nailed with two nails on each side. Each row of tiles must overlap the previous one. with an overlap of 2-5 cm. It is necessary to cut the tiles along the ridge so that the waterproofing layer is open by 7.5 on both sides. As for the roof at the place of trimming, it must be treated with glue for at least 10 cm and glued.
  8. Installation of tiles on valleys. In places where a roof made of flexible tiles adjoins vertical surfaces, a triangular block of wood is installed. This will reduce the risk of shingle deformation at the folds. At the same time, ordinary tiles, together with the lining carpet, should go over it. Next step - installation of valley carpet 30 cm high above a vertical surface and roof slope. Its edges are smeared adhesive composition, and its upper edge with a silicone-based sealant. After that, everything is covered with a metal bar.

The first example of a soft tile roof - photo

The second example of a shingle roof - photo

At slopes angle from 30 0 apply roofing strips and from metal. They are installed at the junction, end (wind slats) and eaves (drip slats).

Soft tiles are a durable and stylish roof that will allow you to take care of the roof of the building for many years. It remains only to correctly prepare the design and carry out the installation.

Useful video

Answers to questions about flexible tiles in the following video:

The company "Roof Shop 4 Seasons" offers roofing materials for low prices. Delivery is carried out in Moscow and the Moscow region. Our managers will help you choose and buy necessary types roofing for roofs of any shape. Wide range available color solutions and sizes at the best price for square meter. In our sales offices, products are represented by the most popular types of roofing. We are official dealers of well-known world manufacturers.


How to choose a roofing

In order to make it easier to decide on the choice of roofing, you need to pay attention to some criteria - these are:

  • 1) Estimated load. Some roofing materials are quite heavy and this will need to be taken into account even at the construction stage, reinforcing truss system and foundation.
  • 2) Environment and climate. Analyze the location of the house. Is there a lot of vegetation around? Are there roads? What climate. For example, for buildings located in a dense pine forest, it is better not to choose a rough coating surface, otherwise all the needles will accumulate on the roof. And for buildings in the coastal zone, you should not choose a material subject to corrosion.
  • 3) Design architecture. Based on the complexity of the roof, the number of slopes, their angle of inclination and kinks, one can understand how difficult it will be to install this or that coating. How much trimming will remain and whether the waterproofing will be reliable. In this matter, it is better to consult with professionals by calling the numbers listed on the site.

One of the most popular types roofing materials. It is light weight and easy to install. Great for houses with straight slopes, located in places with any vegetation. For climates with a heavy snow load, it is recommended to install tubular snow guards. Sheets of metal tiles can be made to size, from 0.47 to 6 meters long.

Ondulin roofing

It has a rough surface that is not subject to rotting and mold. Produced in the form of modular corrugated sheets. One of the main advantages of Ondulin roofing is quite democratic price per square meter. And the service life of such a roof reaches 50 years.

Soft tiles can be used on buildings with architecture of any complexity and a roof slope of 10 degrees. It is laid on a solid base of moisture-resistant plywood or edged board. The soft roof prevents the avalanche of snow, is not subject to corrosion. Does not require structural reinforcement.

natural tile

Undoubtedly, this is the most environmentally friendly roofing material, the service life of which reaches a hundred years. But it is also worth noting that the laying of such a coating should be provided at the design stage and strengthen the building.

In fact, a symbiosis between metal and shingles. It consists of modular sheets of galvanized steel of various profiles, covered with painted basalt chips. Protected from corrosion, have good sound insulation, prevent snow from falling. Can be used even on roofs with lightweight construction.


Decking is a very popular roofing material, it easily tolerates strong temperature and humidity changes. His qualities and protective properties do not deteriorate under the influence of solar radiation.

Decking is made from galvanized steel polymer coated, and without it. For rigidity and extension of service life, the sheet is given a trapezoidal or wavy shape. Products are easy to use and do not require special additional care. It is distinguished by ease of installation and the absence of additional costs for the truss structure.

Our company offers you a whole world of roofing and other building materials for roofing. country house or cottages!

A high-quality roof should not only attract with its appearance, but also provide reliable hydro, heat and sound insulation. Among the many roofing materials, one of the leading places in terms of saleability and popularity is occupied by tiles. This material can be made from various raw materials, and, depending on this, it can be divided into types that will have certain qualities and characteristics. In addition to its aesthetic appearance, tiles are a very functional material and are excellent for roofing residential and office buildings.

Tiles can be made from various raw materials, and, depending on this, they can be divided into types that will have certain qualities and characteristics.

This article discusses the types of tiles, their main advantages and disadvantages are given, allowing any homeowner to choose suitable material for the roof of the building. When choosing a tile, you need to consider climatic features region, financial possibilities and, of course, the type of construction.

metal tile

Metal tile - one of the most common types, is supplied in the form of profiled sheets and tiles. Appearance metal tiles very similar to the natural counterpart. It is made of galvanized steel, which is processed various methods for increase performance characteristics. For example, metal tiles can be coated with acrylic paints, primers, decorative layers and other materials. Tiles can have a variety of shapes: from scales to wavy folds.

The main ones include:

  1. A wide range of shapes and colors, allowing you to choose the most suitable appearance, which will be in perfect harmony with the building.
  2. The simplicity of the roof: the material is mounted on wooden crate, and if the installation is carried out during the restoration, then the old wooden crate can become the basis for the metal tile.
  3. Installation is not particularly laborious, and if the roof does not have a complex configuration, the homeowner can carry it out on his own.
  4. Long service life: subject to correct installation And quality material the metal tile can keep the qualities for 40-50 years.

Disadvantages of a tile roof:

  1. During installation, care must be taken that the roofing material does not come into contact with bitumen, otherwise the service life will be significantly reduced due to corrosion and other adverse processes.
  2. The metal tile does not show such soundproofing properties as its counterparts, therefore, before installation, the consumer should pay attention to soundproofing materials.
  3. In the cold season, the snow cannot completely leave the surface.

It should be noted that the cost of a metal tile is consistent with its quality, so this material can be considered an effective and functional roofing.

The scheme of the roofing pie: 1. rafter 2. counter-rail, bar 3. waterproofing film 4. vertical lathing 5. initial horizontal lathing 6. horizontal lathing 7. additional lathing bars 8. frontal board 9. gutter hook 10. cornice strip 11. metal tile sheet 12. ventilated ridge 13. seal 14. skylight 15. insulation 16. vapor barrier film 17. ceiling decking (mansard) 24. finishing strip 25. J-bevel 26. J-profile 27. soffit.

Ceramic tiles

Ceramic tiles - construction material, which consists of clay and other components. The technological process is based on the creation of certain forms of previously prepared mixtures, which include, in addition to the base material, various plasticizers that increase the strength functions of the product. Ceramic tiles are manufactured at high temperatures, up to 100°C. quality heat treatment will allow the material to better tolerate temperature changes and increase frost resistance. Each developer is advised to study the advantages and disadvantages of ceramic tiles even before purchasing them.

The main disadvantage of this roofing material is poor tightness - atmospheric precipitation in the form of rain, snow or dew easily penetrates into the gaps between the tiles. This problem can be easily solved: a waterproofing material is laid on the roof surface in front of it, which prevents the penetration of moisture. Roofing material and various types of films can be used as such material.

During transportation, the tile must be well-equipped, as its fragility can lead to damage to the material. Ceramic tiles have a significant weight, so often unloading at the facility becomes impossible without additional equipment. The hardness of the material does not always allow you to quickly separate it with a cutting tool.

The advantages of this roofing material include its durability. A tile roof that has been properly installed can last more than one century. Such a roof has excellent reliability, so aggressive atmospheric conditions will not harm it in any way. The tile does not require repair or maintenance, which is undoubtedly a significant advantage.

Ceramic tiles have an excellent appearance and can easily be embodied in any architectural ideas. In addition, she shows high level soundproofing, which will not allow rain and hail to disturb the acoustic comfort in the room.
Ceramic tile is a fire-resistant material that will not contribute to the spread of fire during a fire. During the manufacture of this roofing material, only environmentally friendly products are used that do not cause the release of toxic gases.

You need to understand that a significant part of the service life of this material will depend on the quality of installation, so it is advisable to entrust the installation of tiles to highly qualified specialists.

bituminous tiles

If the consumer is interested in using bituminous tiles, it should be noted that it is suitable for those whose angle does not exceed 12-15 degrees. The basis of such material is a flexible plate, which is processed by various minerals. These substances can have a different shade, which allows you to choose the color on an individual basis. Like other types of this roofing material, shingles must be mounted on a wooden crate.

The advantages of shingles include excellent cutability, workability and flexibility. Due to the elasticity of the base material, it can take on various forms and is great for. In addition, waste during installation, as a rule, does not exceed 5%, allowing the material to be used almost to its full extent.

Device eaves overhang for ceramic tiles: 1. Gutter 2. Overhang apron 3. Ventilation tape 4. Overhang air element (levelling bar).

For example, waste from other roofing materials can be up to 50%, which is at least not economical. The low weight of the material makes it easy to transport it to the installation site and does not exert significant pressure on the roof surface. The bituminous tile perfectly maintains change of climatic conditions and temperature drops, and also perfectly resists external factors. Thanks to the coating, bituminous tiles do not rot, and fungi and bacteria do not spread on its surface.

The service life directly depends on the quality of the installation and can range from 10 to 20 years or more. The surface of the tile does not need careful maintenance, and the repair of broken tiles is very quick and easy. To do this, cut out the damaged tiles and replace them with new ones. The cost of the material is relatively low, and its properties allow the roofing of roofs of various configurations.

But, like any material, bituminous tiles have a number of significant drawbacks. For example, a solid crate is required for installation, which increases the weight of the overall structure. This drawback can be considered from the other side: a continuous crate will play the role of sound and heat insulation. Before installing bituminous tiles, you need to take into account that it does not allow moisture and steam to pass through, therefore, during the installation of tiles, various waterproofing materials. Due to specific features, the material is not recommended to be installed in the cold season. The main disadvantage of bituminous tiles is a difficult installation.

Cement-sand tiles

Cement-sand tiles got their name from the main components: cement and sand. Whole technological process consists of three main operations: creating a base material from raw materials, giving certain form and coating with paints and varnishes.

The price of cement-sand tiles is very different from analogues, but in terms of its properties and qualities it is not inferior to them. The material is environmentally friendly and does not pose a risk to the health of people around. Its outstanding strength allows it to be installed on roofs of complex configurations, and also provides excellent resistance to external and atmospheric factors. Such a tile roof will perfectly protect against the penetration of extraneous sounds, and moss and other plants will not develop on its surface.

The disadvantages include everything the same as for ceramic tiles. For example, cement-sand tiles are very fragile and heavy, hard to install and transport. Such roofing material is suitable for regions with a relatively low frequency of precipitation. Before installation, it is necessary to install waterproofing, since the structure of the cement-sand tile perfectly passes moisture.

To increase the waterproofing properties, it is recommended to treat the surface of the tile with various emulsions and paints. In addition to the aesthetic side, they can significantly extend the life of the material.