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Ceramic tiles: properties and applications. Natural tiles - production, types, pros and cons Natural ceramic tiles elements

Such roofing material, as a natural tile, has been known since ancient times. It has not lost its popularity today, because with its help experts create a spectacular appearance and original style roofs. It is deservedly called the “queen of roofing” for its reliability, attractive visual characteristics and affordable price. It is used to decorate most homes in Europe and America, but nothing compares to this material in its popularity.

Types and features

This material is made from clay and water. This simple combination gives an amazing result: a roof made of natural tiles is resistant to precipitation, durable and attractive to others.

Ceramic tiles can vary in tile shape:

  • flat (another name is “beaver tail” due to its similarity with the tail of this animal);
  • wave (also known as “S”-shaped);
  • with a groove (“monk-nun”).

The scope of use and the option of laying the material depend on these features. Flat tiles laid out with significant overlap; there are cases of laying in a double or even triple layer. The wave-shaped tiles are equipped with special grooves that guarantee strong adhesion. For more complex roofs it is preferable to use the "monk-nun" or "beaver tail" shapes.

By type of outer covering:

  • Glaze. This type of coating is similar to glass. Apply by additional firing. Glaze is considered one of the most aesthetic types of tile processing for laying.
  • Engob. It consists of a small layer of colored or white clay applied to the surface of the tiles and secured by additional heat treatment. It has the same properties as natural tiles themselves, changing their color and increasing resistance to color loss and temperature changes.

What to look for when choosing

When selecting natural tiles, it is necessary to evaluate the following parameters:

  • stylistic features;
  • cost of roofing material;
  • quality characteristics (strength, resistance to precipitation, resistance to fading);
  • ease of installation.

If you live in coastal regions, then you need to select the appropriate tiles. Buy options with a protective layer that will prevent the material from being destroyed by salt air. Residents southern regions must ensure that the roof is protected from excessive influence ultraviolet rays and high temperature.

Where to buy natural tiles in Moscow?

The Krovgrad company offers wide choose roofing materials in Moscow. Here you can find tiles various shapes, with additional coverage depending on design features roof and construction region. Natural tiles vary significantly in price per m2. Here you can choose how budget options, as well as products from famous world brands.

Order natural tiles from us. Make your home a real one architectural masterpiece thanks to the products from our company!


Natural ceramic tiles- one of the most popular and durable materials for roofing work.


Natural ceramic tiles are one of the most popular and durable materials for roofing work. Its service life can be about one hundred years. Munknunn and Rupp Keramik tiles are in particular demand. Stable resistance to external influences, aesthetics, long service life on the one hand, and labor-intensive installation with high cost of work on the other hand. Evaluate the pros and cons before choosing this material.

Types of ceramic tiles from Russian and foreign manufacturers

One of the types of ceramic tiles that are in high demand today is S-shaped tray tiles. It is produced by WIEKOR, which is also known for its lightest groove-type tile with double gutter called “Marseilles”. Groove tiles have proven their strength and reliability for many centuries.

This ceramic roofing tile belongs to one of the traditional forms, fits well into the countryside landscape, and in its modernized design (with a double butt seam) it reliably protects from rain even with gentle slopes with a minimum slope of 18°. In great demand modernized tray tiles with the peculiar name “munknunn” (“monk-nun”) are used. On the roof, the upper curved “tray” overlaps the longitudinal adjacent edges of the two lower - concave ones. These tiles require a slope of at least 40°. Good reviews uses ceramic roofing tiles from Rupp Keramik. Among them, the most famous is the groove tile with an S-shaped profile, the increased longitudinal wave of which not only promotes efficient drainage, but also enhances the contrast of light and shadow, giving the roof a special aesthetic value.

Look at photos of houses with various types of ceramic tiles:

Flat strip tiles, which replaced natural slate flagstones for our ancestors, are the simplest and cheapest. It is also called a “beaver tail,” although this is only one of its many possible shapes.

Since ancient times, clay pipes have been used for the construction of water conduits, as well as trays (raw pipe blanks cut lengthwise) - they became the prototype of the simplest tray tiles, which, perhaps, protect against rain better than others. These tiles require a roof slope of at least 40°.

Flat strip tiles are plates measuring 365×155 or 40×220 mm, having a spike at the bottom for mating with. To prevent leaks, they must be laid in two layers to completely cover the seams. This leads to increased material consumption, which, along with the high weight of 60-80 kg/m2, is a significant disadvantage of such a roof.

Ceramic tiles obtained from a clay mass by shaping, drying and firing. As a result of firing at a temperature of 1000ᵒC, natural ceramic tiles acquire a red-brown color. If a glazed layer is applied to the front surface during firing, the tile acquires a shiny colored protective film.

The main suppliers of ceramic tiles on the Russian construction market are: Bunkovsky ceramic plant (Moscow region), Kuchinsky ceramics plant (Moscow region), Pskovkeramika plant (Pskov), Keramik (Kaliningrad region), Norsky ceramic plant (Yaroslavl region), Mitecom enterprise (Zhostovo, Moscow region).In addition, traditional two-slot ceramic tiles from foreign manufacturers imported to Russia from France (Ceric), Germany (Braas), Austria, Finland, Lithuania (Lode), Belarus (Zabudova).

Shape and dimensions of roofing tiles

The crown of the evolution of tile forms was flat stamped or grooved tiles with the highest covering coefficient. For effective drainage, longitudinal grooves and waves are molded into it, and along the contour of the upper and lower sides there are rain barriers in the form of folds and drainage grooves.

Particularly noteworthy is the widespread Lately The S-shaped (“Dutch”) shape of ceramic tiles is an intermediate type between tray and stamped. It is similar to the first by the principle of drainage, and to the second by a locking joint (in some cases only along the longitudinal edge, and in others also along the end).

Here you can see photos of ceramic tiles of various shapes:

Typical dimensions of ceramic tiles are 390×240 and 330×420 mm. The covering is very heavy, the weight of 1 m2 of such covering is 40-70 kg, so the angle of the roof slope must be at least 25°, otherwise you will have to make a very powerful rafter system. The durability of a tile roof is more than 100 years. The Moscow enterprise "BRAAS-DSK-1" produces cement-sand tiles measuring 420x330 mm. It is cheaper, but also less durable than ceramic.

Advantages and disadvantages of ceramic tiles

The main advantages of ceramic tiles include their durability (up to 100 years); high resistance to aggressive external environment; beautiful appearance, wide range of colors and ecological cleanliness. Ceramic tiles also have properties such as fire safety and good ventilation qualities. Also to positive characteristics ceramic tiles include proven installation technology, ease of installation of complex roofs; ease of dismantling the roof (or fragments) if necessary; a wide range of additional elements (snow retention, aero elements, pass-through elements, etc.); low operating costs.

The disadvantages of ceramic tiles in classic version can be attributed to its large mass (leading to an increase in the cost of the entire object, since it is necessary to strengthen everything bearing structures), complexity of installation and very high cost of work. The cost of installing such tiles is comparable to the price of the material itself. In addition, tiles are an extremely fragile material, because in the case of poor-quality firing, their frost resistance is noticeably reduced, since the moisture accumulated in the pores freezes in the cold and breaks the tiles.

Laying ceramic roof tiles

The lack of appropriate practice has given rise to a false opinion about the extreme consumption of wood for tiles. In fact, according to the rule of mechanics on the distribution of forces, a slope made at an angle of 60ᵒ (usual for tiles) is subject to a transverse force equal to only 1/2 of its weight (the famous “side against an angle of 30°”). With steeper slopes, this component tends to zero. In general, natural tiles, oddly enough, turn out to be much cheaper than their imitations made of metal or plastic. Since the main time spent is on installing rafters, sheathing, finishing cornices and gables, none of them has advantages in this regard. At the same time, not a single material is laid at roofing works and is not removed during repairs as quickly and easily as tiles. In addition, the arrangement of connections of small-sized tiles to countless roofing structures is incomparably simpler than large-format materials.

Ceramic tile roofing is aesthetically pleasing and lasts a long time, but what is the cause of cracks that appear in the tiles over time? As experts note, this occurs due to deformations wooden frame roofs under wind and snow loads. The roof structure should be strengthened, which can be done by padding the rafters with boards 38 mm thick and 15-18 cm wide, connecting several (3-4) rafter legs.

Attention! Condensation can damage tiles! Water is very dangerous both in the material itself and in direct contact with it. Natural tiles, saturated with moisture, can simply crumble during frosts.

What to do when the hardened joints of the tiles chip away? The cracks that appear are replaced with a fresh solution consisting of two parts sand and one part lime with the addition of flax fiber (tow). The mortar is laid between the tiles on the attic side.

It will be easier to cut the tiles if you first soak them in water for 24 hours.

Groove tiles have grooves along the longitudinal edges, a tab at the bottom (a boss with a hole for the wire), and a breaker ridge at the top. All these parts provide leak-proof connections, so the groove tiles are laid in one layer. To prevent it from being blown away by the wind, when laying ceramic tiles across a row, they are tied with stove wire to nails driven into the sheathing beams. 2-3 months after laying the roof, when its settlement has passed, the cracks with inside coated with clay-lime solution. The ridge and ribs of the slopes are covered with special shaped tiles. In places where grooves, protective aprons of pipes are installed, dormer windows and wall drainage gutters are laid with sheets of roofing iron.

Construction of a roof made of cement-sand tiles (with photo)

Clay (ceramic) and cement-sand rolled roofing tiles are rightfully combined under the common name “natural”, since the raw material base of cement is essentially the same clay, more precisely, clay-carbonate marls. Durability cement-sand tiles for a roof (primarily in terms of frost resistance), like a clay roof, it is 100-150 years, that’s why guarantee period its replacement period is 30 years.

As can be seen in the photo, cement-sand tiles, thanks to volumetric painting, retain a constant color during operation:

Painted mortar mixture, consisting of Portland cement, quartz sand, alkali-resistant pigment and water, pressed under high pressure. The material is characterized by precise dimensions, strength and great design. A distinctive feature of cement-sand tiles is that they gain strength during operation. This is due to the chemical and physical properties of Portland cement.

Polymer-sand device cement tiles is polyethylene waste mixed with hot sand and dye. All this is melted and then pressed into finished products. Such tiles are characterized by high impact strength and resistance to mold and fungi. Its weight is slightly less than ceramic or cement-sand tiles.

Natural tiles are one of the most old types of roofing materials. Also in Ancient Greece its inhabitants covered their houses with marble and pottery natural tiles. This tradition was continued by the ancient Romans.

This roofing material appeared on our land much later, namely at the end of the 19th century, when the brothers Gustav and Matthias Schiffer came to St. Petersburg to build a carousel in Tsarskoe Selo. They were the first to open the production of this tile in Russia. Therefore, without further ado, we can say that natural tiles are time-tested roofing.

Other names for natural tiles - ceramic or clay tiles. It is obtained by firing special low-melting clay (with various additives) at a temperature of 1000°C. The color of the natural finished product is most often red-brown. But there are other colors: brown, cherry, black, green, blue, yellow and gray. Sometimes, to improve water-repellent properties Before sending the blanks into the oven, they are coated with a special glaze. The size and weight of the finished tiles are usually 30x30 cm and 2 kg, respectively.

Types of natural tiles

Petal shape:

  • Flat (beaver tail)- ceramic tiles that have a flat shape. Its installation is carried out using nails or clamps. The main disadvantage of this type of ceramic tile is its massiveness. Since, due to the installation features (one tile has 2 holes, each of which serves connecting element for it and the overlying tile, i.e. The tiles are laid in an overlap of 1/2 of its width) and the roof is made of two layers.
  • Groove (tape and stamped)- These are tiles with a complex profiled shape. Its main distinguishing feature is the grooves and ribs with which the tiles are connected to each other. Unlike the previous one, this roof is single-layer. This is the most waterproof type of tile.
  • Wavy (wavy)- the most common type of natural tile. Can be either single layer ( S-shape), and two-layer. The tiles are often connected to each other using grooves, which ensure accuracy of installation.
  • Grooved ("monk-nun" or munch-nunn) - this type tiles consist of 2 layers: upper layer- convex tiles (munch or "monk"), the lower one - concave tiles (nunn or "nun"). This roof has good performance by water permeability. In addition, due to appropriate installation, this coating does not require additional ventilation. The main disadvantage here is the high cost, since the coating requires 2 times more material per unit area.

By tile size:

  • Small format- more than 20 pieces per 1 sq.m. roof surface.
  • Medium format- from 10 to 20 pieces per 1 sq.m. roof surface.
  • Large format- less than 10 pieces per 1 sq.m. roof surface.

By protective coating:

  • - these are tiles without additional coating, which have their natural color (red-brown). The peculiarity of this coating is that this coating darkens over time and becomes covered with a patina.
  • Glazed- tiles obtained by applying a glassy substance to the workpieces, which during the firing process forms a glossy surface. The glaze here acts not only as a decorative feature, but also as an additional protective layer, preventing moisture from penetrating into the pores of the ceramic product.
  • Engobed- in the production of this type of ceramic tile, powdered clay is used, which, after mixing with water and mineral additives, coats the workpieces. The result is products of certain colors with a matte or glossy finish.

Main characteristics of ceramic tiles

Index Meaning Note


from 450 rub./sq.m.

for 2014

Service life until 1st repair

Service life before replacement

more than 100 years

depends on operating conditions

Difficulty of repair

depending on the type of natural tile, it will be necessary to dismantle either only the damaged element, or the damaged element with adjacent ones

Changes under point load


ceramic tiles can withstand up to 250 kg of point load

Soundproofing properties


due to its mass and volumetric structure, this type of tile is an excellent sound insulator

Fire safety (flammability)

non-flammable material

Min angle of application

Weight 1 sq.m.

very heavy material

Roof surface requirements

solid flooring

nails, screws, lock joints

The method of fastening depends on the type of ceramic tiles

Softening point

more than 1000°С

Under natural conditions, softening of the roof does not occur

The influence of negative temperatures


this type of roofing is “not afraid” of any natural negative temperatures

Impact of hail

in most cases absent

hail on ceramic tiles leaves virtually no damage, i.e. In case of large hail, minor chips are possible

along the slope (vertical) - 0.5 tile width

across the slope (horizontal) - 0.5 tile lengths

Typically, the overlap of the tiles on each other in the vertical and horizontal directions is A/2 and B/2, where A is the length of the shingle, B is its width

Pros and cons of natural tiles

Pros (+):

  • environmental friendliness - this is the most environmentally friendly roofing, since its main component is clay;
  • durability - this type of roofing can serve for more than one generation;
  • fire safety - natural tiles do not burn and do not support combustion;
  • resistance to aggressive environments and solar radiation - ceramic tiles do not fade in the sun and do not change their appearance when exposed to acid rain;
  • sound absorption - this type of roofing perfectly muffles external noise;
  • ease of use - in most cases, ceramic tiles do not require any maintenance, i.e. in relation to it, the words “cover and forget” are quite appropriate;
  • has antistatic properties - clay tiles do not accumulate electric current.

Cons (+):

  • high cost - this is one of the most expensive representatives of roofing materials;
  • heavy weight - ceramic tiles require reinforced truss structures;
  • requires careful handling - in order to maintain its appearance, this tile requires care during transportation and installation;
  • labor intensity - installation of a roof made of ceramic tiles is a very painstaking and time-consuming task (it will take at least 12 weeks to cover an average-sized roof);
Accessories Brands

Ceramic tiles - how can expensive roofing help you save hundreds of thousands of rubles?

What does a European have that a Russian doesn’t? Thrift and foresight are the main features that distinguish us in our views. That is why 87% of roofs in Europe and 1/3 of roofs worldwide covered with natural tiles, and we are still looking for ways to “eat fish and ride a horse.” Now we will prove why ceramic tiles in Russia are a profitable roofing material and will expose all the myths and legends wandering around construction forums and robbing you of your sleep and peace. So let's get started.

What are ceramic tiles and how to distinguish quality products from fakes?

glazed coating provides additional strength and durability to the tiles

This is a small-piece roofing material made from natural raw materials: clay, water and plasticizers. The production of ceramic tiles consists of three main stages: preparation of raw materials, molding of the shard and firing. Ceramic (pottery) clay - mixed until smooth, to which plasticizers are added to facilitate molding.

The tiles are produced in two ways: stamping and tape. In the first case, tile tiles are pressed in special metal molds, in the second, a strip is formed, which is subsequently cut into individual tile tiles. Next, the resulting semi-finished product is fired in a special furnace at a temperature of about 1000 °C.

In order to obtain truly high-quality ceramic tiles, the characteristics of which will fully meet all requirements and GOSTs, manufacturers strive to ensure low porosity of the material. And for this, clays with a minimum content of impurities are used. To compact the top layer of tile products, the following is applied to their surface:

  • special clay - engobé, which partially melts during firing and forms a dense layer.
  • a glazed coating that, when heated to 1000 °C, forms a protective layer.

Quite often, unscrupulous manufacturers try to reduce the cost of the material by adding various dyes and other inclusions. An increased content of additives during firing can lead to the formation of pores and even cavities in the shards, which reduces the frost resistance and density of ceramic tiles several times. Even if the appearance and geometry of tiles imitating famous brands, will be acceptable, then no one guarantees the durability of such products.

We do not urge you to spend a million dollars on a roof of 300-400 square meters, buying the elite and most expensive brands of England and France. You can always find a compromise and buy certified products of average cost from European and domestic factories that will provide a guarantee up to 50 years! It's ceramic braas tiles, creaton, abc, tondach, etc.

8 advantages that only ceramic tiles have

Choose tiles with a frost resistance rating of at least 400 cycles to ensure they do not break down after the first winter.

  • Phenomenal durability. Natural ceramic tiles are the only roofing material that fully complies with the strict criteria of capital construction. According to the Braunschweig Research Institute, its service life is more than 100 years. Your great-grandchildren will proudly live under the roof of your house!
  • 100% environmentally friendly. Made from natural raw materials, natural clay, and fired in ovens using natural gas ceramic tiles are 100% environmentally friendly, as is their production. This ensures complete safety for environment and human health.
  • Incredibly attractive. Braas ceramic tiles, which imitate most roofing materials, are rightfully considered the standard of style and beauty. But no other material will be able to replicate such a variety of shapes and color palette of natural tiles. This is the only material that does not fade or lose its attractiveness over the years, but becomes even more beautiful.
  • High practicality. A tiled roof is akin to a Lego constructor: by strictly following the instructions, anyone can lay it roof covering. The same cannot be said about installing a seam or copper roof, where you simply cannot do without professionals and specialized equipment and tools. Unlike other materials, laying ceramic tiles can be done all year round in any weather and can be reinstalled when needed. full analysis roofs.
  • Unique fire safety. Clay fired at high temperatures (at least 1080°С) turns into ceramics, so there is simply nothing to burn in it. Unlike flexible bitumen shingles combustion-sustaining (class G4), ceramic tiles belong to non-flammable materials (NG), which means you are guaranteed to be free from the possibility of a fire if fire hits the roof.
  • Minimum windage. A tile roof can withstand a violent storm and not a single heavy tile will fly off. This was fully proven by the hurricane of 1998, when metal tile and rolled steel sheets flew off like feathers, while natural tile roofs remained unchanged.
  • Excellent heat and sound insulation. Having low thermal conductivity, checker ceramic tiles slowly heat up and cool down, so the rooms of the house are warm in winter and cool in winter. summer heat. The sound of rain and birds walking on the roof will also not disturb your peace, which cannot be said about a metal coating.
  • Excellent ventilation. Thanks to the wave and the castle roofing tiles ceramic, the under-roof space is ventilated naturally, and, for example, soft roof during service it “sinters” into monolithic coating, which requires additional costs for the installation of special aerators.

Three popular rumors about ceramic tiles completely debunked!

If you have chosen natural ceramics as a roofing material, you are probably haunted by doubts, and rumors and opinions of friends are toying with your mind. What if the foundation and walls cannot withstand the massive roof? But what if such a roof will cost you more than you expected and maybe you started this whole mess in vain... There is no need to panic, now we will clearly analyze all the listed points and you will look at the world with a fresh look.

Myth 1st. Mega heavy.

90% of developers are sure that for a roof made of ceramic tiles, the mass of which is 60 kg/m2, you need a massive device truss structure. But practice has shown that the material consumption for construction under ceramic tiles increases only by 5-10% compared to a light roof, since the main factors in the calculations are wind and snow load. Concerning load-bearing walls, then if they are made of aerated concrete, brick, logs or timber, they have a large margin of safety, which means they do not need reinforcement. You also don’t have to worry too much about the foundation, because the roof’s share in the total design load is only 3% , and when multi-storey construction and even less.

Installation of ceramic tiles is simple and quick

Myth 2. It takes a long time and is difficult to install.

Despite the fact that tiles are a small-piece material, there is not a single material that can be installed during roofing work and removed during repairs so simply and quickly. Since the main costs go to installing rafters, sheathing, finishing gables and eaves, no other roofing has advantages in this regard. In addition, the installation of ceramic tiles to various roof structures and junctions is several times simpler than large-sized materials.

Domestic practice has shown that thanks to the tiled “scales” it is possible to hide even such defects as non-parallelism and non-rectangularity of the sides of the slope, which were laid down even when the base was broken. Large-sized profiled material will not be able to hide such flaws, no matter how you look at it.

Myth 3. It is not economically rational.

This statement applies only to those who decide to cover a shed at their dacha with such tiles. If we talk about houses and cottages for year-round use, then it is simply impossible to come up with something better. average cost 1 m2 of ceramic tiles – from 1400 rubles, while metal tiles 450 , and flexible tiles are about 340 rub./m2. Yes, it's in 3-5 times cheaper, but such a roof will last you several times less, even with high-quality installation. Even copper in our harsh climate is destroyed by merciless corrosion, not to mention budget materials. Hundreds of years of reliable service of ceramic roofs in damp Germany and Foggy Albion - here are proven facts that do not require proof!

Remember, that you have to pay for QUALITY, and pay a lot! At the same time, the invested funds will more than pay off for you in terms of durability and the absence of costs for regular repairs and maintenance. And if you add here extraordinary beauty and respectability, then the economic benefits are obvious.

Where can the material be used?

Tiled roofs are excellent for private cottage construction, office buildings and commercial establishments built from the most various materials. I would like to note that this The best decision For wooden house: the additional weight of the ceramic tiles presses the structure wooden box, which reduces the amplitude of changes in the height of the walls of the house due to seasonal changes in temperature and humidity. The widest range of profiles and variety of shades, additional elements and accessories allow you to create the most complex configuration and give it unique style and special charm.

Ceramic tiles, which you can buy from our company at 17% cheaper, are represented by the best domestic and world brands. Make a profitable investment in the future of your home, and also order the installation of tiles from our company, and it will reward you with unique comfort and a luxurious look.

Tiles are a piece of roofing material that has a centuries-old history, technology and traditions.

The word "tile" is translated into English language like "Tile". This word can be found in the names of many roofing companies and companies.

The use of tiles as a roofing material has a long history and goes back to ancient times (c. 7th century BC - 4th century AD). Since ancient times, ceramic tiles have been used as roofing material in Europe, China, India, etc.

Currently, natural tiles are classified as elite roofing materials, giving the structure a special status, appearance and solidity. The advantages of tiles certainly include their durability, which is perfectly illustrated by the tiled roofs of castles and houses built in past centuries.

With the development of science and modern technologies, the quality of natural tiles has improved, and the range of shapes and colors has expanded significantly. Today you can choose tiles of almost any shade: from yellow to black, with a glossy or matte surface.

Types of natural tiles

There are two types of natural tiles: ceramic And cement-sand.

Ceramic tiles is a roofing material that has been used for centuries, and cement-sand tiles are its “younger” analogue, which appeared after the invention of cement in 1825. Both of these materials have the same scope of application, roof structure requirements, technical specifications, the range of components and accessories are very close in appearance, consist of natural mineral components.

However, their composition, as well as production methods, differ significantly. Ceramic tiles are made on a clay basis, and cement-sand tiles are made on a cement base.

Ceramic tiles (clay)

Ceramic tiles are deservedly called "queen of tiles".

Applicable name - Ceramics.

It is made from special types of clay. According to the recipe, special plasticizers are added to it. The shards are formed using the tape method or stamping:

  • with the strip production method, strips of solid compacted clay are cut into separate elements before firing
  • stamped tiles are pressed in special metal molds.

The shards are then fired at a temperature of about 1000°C.

Clay quality and heat provide low porosity and high strength of the material. Natural color clay tiles- “terracotta”, shades depend on the characteristics of the raw material base (yellowish indicates the presence of calcium in the clay, brownish - manganese, red shades - iron) and firing conditions (dark tiles are fired twice). A variety of colors and shine are provided by applying engobe (colored clay) and glaze (vitreous coating) to the surface of the tiles.

The roofs of many Western European cities are covered with ceramic tiles. According to various estimates, the share of ceramics in Western Europe accounts for 70-75%

Cement-sand tiles - TsPCh

Cement-sand tiles are made from a semi-dry mixture of sand, cement and water. Lime and gypsum are also added to the mixture. The natural color of the mass is gray (like concrete), so mineral pigments are added to the composition to color it. Shape shards tape method, after which they are coated with an acrylic-based dye, which seals the front surface of the products and makes them smooth. Then the tiles are dried at a temperature of 60°C and kept in a warehouse for some time.

The production of CPC is simpler and less energy-consuming than ceramics, so its price is an order of magnitude cheaper. At the same time, CPC is superior to ceramics in strength and frost resistance and is not characterized by fragility like ceramics, which often complicates the transportation of the material.

Differences between ceramic and cement-sand tiles

  • Surface texture: ceramics - absolutely smooth, CPC - slightly rough
  • Thickness ceramic tiles- 10-15 mm, for cement-sand - about 30 mm
  • Shape - The edge of cement-sand tiles is usually chopped off, while ceramic tiles have smoother shapes, deeper grooves and locks, a more graceful profile
  • The variety of models of ceramics is greater due to the variety of technological methods for its production
  • The color range of ceramic tiles is much wider than that of cement-sand tiles.

On the roof, the differences between the materials are barely noticeable and do not affect the quality properties of the roof itself.

Qualitative differences between natural tiles and other roofing materials

The advantages of natural tiles include: long-term operation, resistance to external influences such as moisture, severe frost, strong wind, ultraviolet, exposure chemical substances. Among the unique qualities: environmental friendliness and, of course, reusability, since the covering elements can be easily removed from one roof and laid on another. And if individual tiles are damaged during service, replacing them will not be difficult.

The tiled roof protects the house well from noise and overheating, helps preserve the roof structure (the roof is well ventilated, with bottom side no condensation forms). It is also important that when using tiles there is no waste; the high accuracy of the dimensions of the elements ensures full compliance with design calculations.

BUT! Different types shingles can vary greatly in quality. Thus, increased porosity and the presence of cavities in the thickness lead to cracking of tiles when freezing. Other disadvantages characteristic of both ceramic and CPC include a violation of the geometry of the shards, which causes cracks to form in the coating through which water can penetrate. Well, the most common disadvantage that competitors of natural tiles try to play on is the heavy weight of this material.