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Non-flammable soundproofing materials. Materials for waterproofing. Soundproofing principles - how noise is measured

If you are wondering what sound insulating material choose for your apartment, it means you are concerned about the issue of excessive noise in the premises of your home. Just as often as the rest of the room’s surfaces, craftsmen today try to make the ceiling soundproof. This simultaneously makes it possible to achieve more impressive thermal insulation characteristics of the ceiling.

Types of sound absorbers for ceilings

You can choose organic and inorganic materials for soundproofing work. Among the first are those based on polystyrene foam, particle board or ecowool. The use of such noise absorbers implies ease of installation, affordable price and environmental safety.

Soundproofing material such as polystyrene foam is found today, perhaps more often than others, in insulation systems. It perfectly retains heat in the room, but is of interest to rodents.

Among inorganic materials, stone wool can be distinguished, which is durable and safe for human health. The cost of this insulation is very affordable, which acts as a positive feature. Stone wool can withstand low and high temperatures ranging from -60 to +400 degrees. This indicates that this insulation copes well with high humidity conditions.

Work options

Soundproofing material can form the basis of different ceiling systems, for example, mineral wool can be installed in the hollow space of the grid system. The canvases fit perfectly between the frame elements. But if you decide to use polystyrene foam, it is not recommended to use glue to attach it, since the slabs have a weight under which the material can move away from the base over time and cause even more noise. You can also use glass wool, but you should remember that this material must be well protected, since its elements can pose a danger to human health. In connection with this requirement installation work using glass wool can be accompanied by more significant labor costs. When using gypsum board as a finishing coating, special attention should be paid to joining the sheets, since sound penetrates well through the cracks.

Soundproofing material is usually attached between the waterproofing, which is installed on the subfloor, and the base ceiling.

Soundproofing materials for walls

If you decide to get rid of noise in a room in a comprehensive manner by also sealing the walls, you can choose soundproofing systems, which are designated by the abbreviation ZIPS. They perform several functions at once. By installing them, you prepare the surface of the walls for subsequent finishing. This material contains an insulating layer and gypsum board. The panel contains several sound insulators, namely: gypsum fiber and mineral wool, the latter is sometimes replaced with glass wool. The thickness and combination of internal components may vary. The weight is 18.5 kg, while the dimensions of one canvas are 1500x500 mm. Thickness can vary between 40-130 mm. The described soundproofing materials can be secured using structural units.

Among the natural sound absorbers, we can highlight ISOPLAAT boards, which are based on coniferous wood fibers. The size of the canvas is 2700x1200 mm, while the thickness can be equivalent to 10-25 mm. The weight is very light and limited to 4 kg.

After installing such material, you will not have to prepare the wall for finishing. It is recommended to install the described slabs using glue. They allow air to pass through perfectly, which does not create the effect of a thermos in the room.

Alternative soundproofing options for walls

When considering soundproofing materials for walls, we can highlight ISOTEX panels; they are based exclusively natural ingredients coniferous trees, are characterized by excellent flexibility and elasticity. If you choose this method of dealing with noise, then you will have to work with canvases whose dimensions are limited to 2700x580 mm. With a thickness of 12-25 mm, the insulation weighs 1.2 kg, which ensures ease of installation. Such soundproofing materials for an apartment look great and do not require wall finishing after installation, since their outer side is decorated in the form of vinyl wallpaper or linen fabric. Installation consists of connecting the plates using a lock, and if necessary, cutting can be done using a construction knife.

EcoZvukoIzol panels have gained quite a high popularity among private craftsmen, this is due to the fact that this material is environmentally friendly, as it is based on seven-layer cardboard and quartz sand. The canvases are somewhat heavier compared to those described above: their weight is 10.5 kg, dimensions are 1200x450 mm. But they are easy to work with, despite their impressive weight. If you need to adjust the panel to size, you can use a hacksaw, and at the time of fastening you need to use an adhesive composition intended for drywall.

If you are looking for soundproofing materials for an apartment, then you can consider Wall panels, which are known as KRAFT. They have environmentally friendly wood fiber elements that are outside covered with wax paper, while the inside is covered with corrugated cardboard. Their weight is 5.5 kg, which facilitates the installation process, but their dimensions are 2700x580 mm, which implies the need to enlist the help of another person before starting work. It is quite simple to glue the canvas, and after the composition has dried, you can begin decorative finishing.

Cost of wall materials

The listed soundproofing materials for walls have a lot of advantages, but sometimes it makes it difficult to make a choice. Perhaps the price will affect this. If we compare the above materials, then ZIPS costs 1300 rubles/m2. But "EcoZvukoIzol" will cost less - 900 rubles/m 2. ISOTEX is even cheaper - within 600 rubles/m 2, final cost in this case it will depend on the type of decorative coating. KRAFT is the penultimate among materials in the most affordable price category - 250 rubles / m 2. And the leader in the matter of democracy is ISOPLAAST, its price is 150 rubles/m 2.

Sound absorbers for floors

When choosing sound absorbers for the floor, the consumer, as a rule, pays attention to heat and sound insulation materials. A cork substrate, which is placed under the finishing coating, copes well with such tasks. This material is based on natural cork chips, which makes the sound insulation layer completely harmless. In addition to the fact that cork will combat noise, it will last a long time, since it does not rot, and mold cannot appear or develop in it. Cork does not attract rodents. The material is chemically inert and has a lifespan of 40 years. It can reduce noise levels by approximately 12 decibels.

Listed characteristics soundproofing materials force consumers to incline their choice in their direction. As an alternative solution, you can choose cork backing, which contains rubber elements. Synthetic rubber in tandem with cork does the job perfectly. The degree of sound absorption here is more impressive and is approximately 18-21 decibels. But you will have to pay more for such material.

The best soundproofing material made from cork is one that contains bitumen along with the main ingredient. The advantage of the substrate in this design is that it does not require additional waterproofing works, which cannot be said about the above. But this will require certain skills, because bitumen stains hands and clothes.

Foamed polyethylene for flooring

Considering soundproofing properties materials, it is worth paying attention to foamed polyethylene. It is also customary to lay it under a finishing coating, for example under a laminate. You can choose one of several varieties of this material. Thus, polyethylene with chemically bonded molecules and cross-linked polyethylene have more impressive sound insulation characteristics compared to non-cross-linked polyethylene. Laying this material requires mandatory waterproofing, since it can become moldy when exposed to moisture. It is advisable to lay it with some clearance, since under mechanical loads the material loses up to 2/3 of its thickness, which causes a decrease in noise-absorbing properties.

Schumanet for floors

When considering the types of soundproofing materials, you will probably come across the Schumanet soundproofer. It is a composite substrate based on a multicomponent material. It contains three layers, the first of which is polyethylene, which protects against water, the second is polystyrene foam granules, while the third is a film that allows moisture particles to penetrate into the polystyrene foam. Afterwards it is discharged around the perimeter of the room through the ventilation slots. The lifespan of the material is about twenty years. It should be installed using the rolling method; adhesives are not used.

In addition to those listed, extruded polystyrene foam is used to combat noise, which acts as the densest type of foam. It is practically like wood, it does not absorb moisture at all, it is easy to work with during the installation process, in addition, it is easy to cut using a knife. It will last about half a century. When considering soundproofing materials for walls or floors, you can choose this one.

Speaking of the above, the most impressive degree of noise absorption is provided by Schumanet-100 gaskets. At 3mm thick they can reduce noise levels by as much as 23 decibels, while if you want even more impressive results, you can use 5mm material and the sound will be reduced by 27 decibels. The gaskets described are based on fiberglass, which has a special weave. If the manufacturer used staple weave, the noise will be reduced by 42 decibels. If you decide to cover these pads, then you need to provide a gap around the perimeter of the walls, the width of which is 1 cm, which will be necessary to remove moisture.

Universal sound absorbers

When choosing soundproofing materials for the ceiling, floor and walls, you can also select fiberboard. It can be used in premises of any purpose. This material is based on wood fiber and cement. In addition to the above ingredients, you can also use synthetic fibers. In order to form an acoustic surface, acoustic fiberboard should be used. It is characterized by an increased noise absorption coefficient, the level of which is 40 percent.

Stone wool also does an excellent job of absorbing noise; the sound absorption coefficient can be equal to 99 percent. It copes well with changes in temperature and humidity, so it can be used in almost any room.

Methods for suppressing impact noise

Soundproofing materials for apartment walls, which were described above, can cope with airborne noise. But if there is a need to eliminate impact noise, then you can use a floating floor system that is not rigidly connected to the subfloor. An insulating layer is used as the base of this system; it can be the stone wool described above. If the sound insulation of all surfaces of the room was not enough, then special attention should be paid to doors and windows. In this case, PVC profiles come to the rescue, which have very good noise-absorbing qualities. As a rule, there is an inert gas between two windows in the hollow space. The most common of these is argon.

The range of modern sound absorbers is large, but it is worth remembering that they should be used comprehensively, in addition, sometimes the quality of sound absorption depends on the correct installation of the material. Only by following the installation technology will it be possible to achieve positive result, and your neighbors will not disturb you, just as you will not disturb them, which is very important, especially in apartment buildings.

One of the disadvantages of living in apartments in multi-storey buildings is the excessive presence of extraneous noise. And even when renovations are not being done in the neighboring apartments, and the music is not blaring, unnecessary sounds still penetrate into the home. This problem can be solved by installing soundproofing, but another question arises here. Installation will take up useful space, which is already not a lot, so one option is thin sound insulation of the ceiling. This will protect the apartment from unnecessary sounds and save money. usable area.

Types of noise

  • structural - it is also called structural. Occurs from impacts on the walls, for example, during renovations or rearrangements in the apartment. It is transmitted through the structural elements of the building, i.e. through ceilings and walls;
  • acoustic - also transmitted through walls and ceilings, but arises from external sources and is first transmitted through the air. This could be a loud conversation, music, etc.

The most unpleasant type is structural. And it is much more difficult to protect against it than against acoustic ones. The fact is that normal sounds transmitted through the air are partially muffled when they reach obstacles.

Structural ones, on the contrary, are transmitted much faster, because in houses, all load-bearing elements are interconnected. Moreover, a lot depends on the type of house. There are three main types of multi-storey buildings:

  1. Brick is the most successful in terms of sound insulation. Thanks to the thick walls and different materials, the problem of sound insulation is not too acute.
  2. Panel - has a particularly poor design. Thin concrete partitions perfectly transmit any sounds. Therefore, high-quality sound insulation is the only way to ensure silence in the apartment.
  3. Frame - walls and ceilings are thicker than in panel houses. But, nevertheless, the sounds still travel well.

Thus, if the apartment is located in panel house, you will have to try hard to ensure peace and quiet.

Soundproofing principle

The denser the material, the better sounds pass through it. Therefore, concrete or brick cannot provide protection against sound penetration. The noise-insulating material must have a porous structure and be soft - this allows it to dampen noise. The more heterogeneous the structure of the material, the better the acoustics are suppressed.

Their effectiveness is measured by absorption coefficient. It has a range from 0 to one. The higher it is, the better the material works.

For example:

  • brick – 0.04;
  • concrete – 0.02;
  • wood – 0.15.

Thus, conventional building materials do not prevent noise penetration at all. For this, the absorption coefficient must exceed 0.5 units.

In general, existing materials are divided into two types:

  • absorbent;
  • reflective.

Ideally, high-quality sound insulation should combine both types. This will guarantee protection against structural and acoustic noise.

In addition, there is another division according to rigidity:

  • hard - have the lowest absorption coefficient. Up to 50-60%, but their advantage is their compactness; such panels can have a thickness of 1-2 cm;
  • semi-rigid – middle option, has good absorption and small thickness;
  • soft - usually, these materials have the highest efficiency - they are able to absorb up to 90% of sounds. But their disadvantage is their thickness. For example, one of the most popular representatives is mineral wool. Its minimum thickness is 5 cm, and the optimal thickness is 10 cm.

Thus, you always have to make a choice between saving space and effective sound insulation.

Classic materials

Currently presented on the construction market big choice soundproofing materials. However, there are those that are the most popular. Among them:

  • polystyrene foam - most often used for insulation, but at the same time, the material absorbs extraneous noise well. The main advantage is low cost and ease of installation. The main disadvantage is the large thickness of the material required to achieve the result, as well as the need for a finishing coating;
  • mineral wool is an effective non-flammable sound insulator, but its installation requires a frame structure and subsequent coating;
  • expanded polystyrene is a durable material that protects well from noise, but is highly toxic;
  • self-adhesive soundproofing tapes – in addition to good performance heat and sound insulation have another advantage - they are environmentally friendly.

The main disadvantage of classical materials is their thickness. For example, the same mineral wool can take up about 10 cm of room height. Therefore, when rooms have low ceilings, it is better to look for other options for protection from extraneous sounds.

Thin materials for ceiling soundproofing

"Shumanet" is a modern soundproofing material, available in rolls and slabs

Thin ones allow you to protect yourself from the penetration of various noises, and at the same time save useful space. Of course, they will not be able to isolate the room from noise 100%, but still, they are quite effective.

Popular materials:

  • soundproofing lining - in fact, it is a thin polystyrene foam film. Provides leveling of the base surface of the ceiling, insulation and sound insulation. The thickness of the material is about 5 mm, and this allows you to achieve a minimum sound absorption coefficient - about 20-30% of noise;
  • cork covering- This finishing material, however, in their own way technical properties it is an excellent insulation and sound insulator. Therefore, thin cork panels can not only decorate the room, but also protect it from noise;
  • noise block is another name for this material, loaded vinyl. It has high sound absorption rates, and at the same time pleases with its small thickness - it is only 2.5 mm;
  • soundproofing membranes – have high elasticity and a small thickness of 4 mm. At the same time, it is easy to install and effectively reflects sound waves. The installation process itself is extremely simple: a sheathing is mounted on the base ceiling, and then an insulator is attached to it. The only condition is that the canvas must be solid and even. Those. All joints must be taped. And the membrane itself is well tensioned;
  • Green Glu compound is a mastic that is applied to the finishing material. Typically used in conjunction with suspended ceiling systems such as plasterboard;
  • penoplex is also a relatively new material. In fact, it can be called an improved version of polystyrene foam. Compared to it, it has greater strength and better technical characteristics. On the other hand, its cost is also higher. For effective insulation and sound insulation, it is required to use slabs with a thickness of 3-4 cm;
  • softboard - slabs based on natural wood. A big plus is the environmental friendliness of the material and mechanical strength. Can be mounted without a frame, and the thickness of the plates is from 1 cm;
  • “Shumanet” are mineral slabs based on basalt. They have a good price/quality ratio and have almost 100% sound absorption.

Rolled sound insulation "Texound"

These are modern materials that allow you to protect the room from unnecessary noise. When choosing, you need to take into account the technical characteristics, as well as the specific situation, since they all work differently.

Sources of noise

Before carrying out work on soundproofing the ceiling, it is necessary to understand where noise can enter the room from. As mentioned above, it comes in two types – structural and acoustic. From acoustic, sound insulation of the ceiling surface helps well. But to protect against structural damage, you will have to take care of the walls.

In addition, sources may be:

  • places where heating pipes pass;
  • sockets;
  • any technical holes.

It must be taken into account that any building shrinks over time. And this leads to the appearance of cracks in structural elements, which allows excess decibels free passage into the room.

Sound insulation installation technology

Regardless of the material chosen, the fundamental technology for installing sound-absorbing materials will be approximately the same. It consists of the following stages:

  • preparation of the base surface - the ceiling must be thoroughly cleaned of old finishes and checked for cracks and damage. Particular attention is paid to corners, ceiling and wall joints and seams between slabs. If cracks are found, they must be sealed;
  • then the surface is treated with a primer;
  • after this, sound insulation material is installed;
  • The final finishing of the ceiling is underway.

In general, there are two points that you need to pay attention to when working:

  • the surface of the ceiling must be free of cracks;
  • Sound insulation must be installed according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Compliance with such rules guarantees that the goal will be achieved. In addition, if possible, it is worth combining different materials. This will allow you to achieve maximum effect.

Installation under a frame system

Most often, mineral wool or polystyrene foam is placed under the suspension systems. The installation technology consists of the following stages:

  • preparation of the base surface;
  • frame installation profile system. In this case, all frame elements that come into contact with the walls or ceiling must be glued special tape. If this is not done, so-called bridges will appear between the base surface and the finishing finish. And this will significantly reduce the effectiveness of sound insulation. Because sounds are transmitted very well through these bridges;
  • then the insulator is laid. Depending on the material chosen, it can either be glued or fixed with dowels. In any case, it is important to ensure that it fits tightly to the ceiling and does not sag anywhere. Particular attention is paid to the joints - there should be no gaps.

Installation without frame

If you plan to use dense materials, for example, penoplex insulation, then it can be mounted without any problems without a frame. As with any material, careful preparation of the base surface is necessary. Then the material itself is mounted:

  • foam boards are glued to the surface;
  • if necessary, additional fastening is done with anchors;
  • all joints are sealed polyurethane foam, or other sealant;
  • After the sealant has hardened, all excess is cut off and the seams are sealed with special tape.

Thus, as of today construction market offers a wide variety of materials for sound insulation. In addition to classic polystyrene foam and mineral wool, there are modern solutions, which can solve the problem of effectively absorbing extraneous sounds and at the same time saving useful space. And the installation of such coatings is quite simple and can be done by hand.

Almost every person, after a sleepless night, wonders how good the sound insulation of the walls in his house is, whether the materials currently offered guarantee that after carrying out certain work, there will be a problem with penetration into a private house noise will be resolved.

This is a fairly important question, since loud sounds that irritate a person for a long time tire him, and his performance is seriously reduced. It is known that solving the question of how to soundproof a wall will have the most positive impact on general condition human health.

Features of sound insulation of a private house

High-quality sound insulation in a private house can be achieved by carrying out a certain amount of special work, even if the walls are covered with corrugated sheets, which you can read about.

This may include:

  1. Replacement of old wooden windows with modern double-glazed windows.
  2. Installation of reliable entrance doors with an elastic seal along the entire contour.
  3. Installation of special external structures with high sound-absorbing properties, for example, insulating the facade of the house with polystyrene foam, which we wrote about.
  4. Special high-quality coatings can be applied.
  5. In a private house, you can install special partitions made of materials that are characterized by relatively low conductivity of perceived acoustic vibrations. Unfortunately, walls are not one of those.
  6. Replacement of interior doors with more advanced ones, equipped with high-quality seals.
  7. Experts may also advise carrying out certain finishing works with special facing materials that have low sound reflecting properties and qualities.

Implementation of all similar works in addition to achieving its main effect, which is expressed in reducing noise levels, it will also contribute to a significant reduction in the loss of thermal performance.

Types of soundproofing materials

There is no definite answer to this question, since the soundproofing materials that are offered modern manufacturers, are divided into types and categories. Each of them has its own characteristic features; ignorance of them can lead to some difficulties in the selection process, as well as in solving such an issue as soundproofing walls with your own hands.

To make a competent and informed choice of soundproofing material, you need to know very precisely what the main purposes it is intended for. It is for this reason that it makes sense to consider all its main types, as well as understand which material is better to purchase.

In order for the soundproofing material to be chosen correctly, it is worth first understanding what type of noise you need to protect yourself from. It can be structural and airy. The latter spreads strictly through the air. These are, for example, the voices of people, animals, or constantly working Appliances. As for structural noise, it is usually the sound of furniture that moves, the stomping of children and objects that fall on the floor from time to time.

All modern soundproofing materials can be divided into several types and categories:

  • Materials that help create the required acoustic properties in the rooms of the house. They are usually used in theaters and recording studios.
  • Materials that prevent different airborne noise categories.
  • Materials designed to reduce the likelihood of penetration of structural, highly irritating noise, which, unfortunately, does not always include stone-look vinyl siding described in.

The last two bases are used to ensure high-quality sound insulation.

Materials of this type can be divided into sound-reflecting and sound-absorbing. The latter are more suitable if there is a need to protect all areas of the house from music noise. As for sound-reflecting materials, they are used if there is a need to provide protection from various sounds that enter the house from the street.

The ideal option would be to install two types of materials at once. Here you need to be prepared for the fact that this will be associated with high costs and a certain reduction in useful free space.

Features of the most common materials

Many craftsmen wonder which sound insulation is best for walls, especially when trying. One of the most popular bases used for sound insulation is mineral wool. It is sold in mats and rolls.

The comfort of a private home is directly associated with peace and quiet, and this can only be achieved through the use of high-quality soundproofing materials and finishing - about cladding concrete stairs tree read in our.

Professionals claim that it is able to retain more than 98% of all categories of noise, including impact sounds. Cotton wool can be used to effectively finish all surfaces present in a private home. The disadvantages include the ability to lose all properties when exposed to moisture.

Another fairly common material is cork. It is sold in specially sized slabs; during the installation process they are very easily mounted on a prepared wall surface. If you need to protect rooms in the house from shock sounds, more optimal option can not found. TO negative characterization Can be attributed to the slightly overpriced.

The modern market also offers certain new materials that fall into the category of soundproofing, these are thermosoundproofing and ZIPS. The first is a synthetic material that has ideal performance characteristics. Its disadvantage is the need to lay several layers to achieve an optimal result. Speaking about ZIPS, it can be noted that on this moment This is one of the best materials that has ideal sound reflection and noise absorption parameters. The material is very easy to install, but is quite expensive.

Preparatory work

After being selected optimal material To protect the premises from noise, it is necessary to carry out certain preparatory work, as before. Often, a closer inspection of the walls and ceilings will reveal holes or openings that were previously used to install outlets. In addition, the presence of a large gap or through socket may be the cause of noise penetration into the premises. Sometimes, in order to produce high-quality sound insulation, it is enough to simply carefully seal all such holes.

So, preliminary work includes processes such as:

  1. Moving the socket to a new location and sealing the hole with foam.
  2. Selection. Processing of wooden parts and structures so that they do not rot.
  3. There is no point in soundproofing if the room has old doors that do not perform their direct functions; they should be replaced. This also applies to windows.

Only after this can you begin the process of finishing the walls with soundproofing materials. The best soundproofing of walls will be done very quickly if you follow the instructions.

Main stages of the soundproofing process

Below we will consider in detail the option of protecting a room from noise by using plasterboard and one of the noise-insulating materials listed above.

This process consists of the following steps:

    • Along the entire surface of the wall, every 60 cm, it is necessary to secure special guides.
    • The space between them should be filled with mineral wool or other selected material.

Soundproofing materials must be laid as tightly as possible. This will help to effectively protect the premises from the penetration of extraneous noise. All this directly suggests that saving on the amount of base used is not worth it.

As a result of such work, the surface of the wall becomes so smooth that you can paste wallpaper or paint on it without much difficulty. Of course, the area of ​​the room will be reduced by several centimeters, but this is an excellent opportunity to ensure complete silence in the room.

To ensure that all work related to such a process as sound and noise insulation of walls is carried out at the highest level, you should pay attention to the recommendations and tips presented below:

    1. It is worth noting that installation work may vary depending on what materials are used in the finishing process of the room. For example, if these are special modern soundproofing panels, then they can be attached directly to the wall surface. For subsequent finishing work, these panels are closed plasterboard sheets. All joints must be treated with sealant.
    2. When using special soundproofing membranes, other sound-absorbing materials can be used simultaneously. Its installation is quite simple. Initially, a special frame made of metal is attached to the wall surface, and all guides are attached strictly at intervals of 60 cm. If necessary, this structure can be reinforced with an additional layer of high-quality plasterboard, which has a soundproofing membrane.
  1. Typically, sound insulation is carried out on metal profiles or lathing, which is made of wood. Between them you can additionally lay a special noise-absorbing material. This method is ideal if combined materials are used in the process of finishing the room.
  2. When working with sockets, it is recommended to completely remove all old devices and fill the holes with construction foam. After the soundproofing material has been laid on the surface of the walls, new holes for the boxes can be drilled.

Noise is not as harmless a phenomenon as it might seem: it is no coincidence that its level and time, acceptable for noisy work and entertainment, regulated by law.

If you suffer from rowdy neighbors, noise from operating equipment, or screams coming from the sports field, do not try to get used to it: it may cause health problems(from hearing impairment and nervous disorders to hormonal imbalances and cardiovascular diseases).

In cases where it is impossible to neutralize the noise source, the only reasonable solution would be to acoustically insulate your own apartment.

Review of modern materials

The first thing you need to know about acoustic insulation: sound absorption and sound insulation are different concepts.

Soundproofing- this is the installation of obstacles in the path of the sound wave that will prevent the sound from penetrating into the room or, conversely, spreading outward. Sound absorption occurs due to the conversion of sound energy into thermal energy and a decrease in the intensity of the reflected wave.

Naturally, different materials are required for these purposes: soundproofing materials must have sufficient large mass and density, and sound-absorbing – have soft, porous structure.

So, we list the main sound-absorbing materials:

  1. Fiberglass or mineral wool boards(better than basalt) are quite effective, but have a noticeable thickness (from 3 cm). They are placed in a special frame inside sheathing made of plasterboard or gypsum fiber sheets.
  2. Polyurethane foam panels(acoustic foam rubber, “sound-absorbing pyramids”) are simply attached with glue, and it is not even necessary to level the surface under them. The thickness of such a panel is from 3.5 to 10 cm; the height of each pyramid is from 2 to 7 cm.
  3. Liquid sound insulation- only the name, in reality, sound absorption occurs. It must be applied in a thick layer (at least 3 cm), without particularly leveling: you will still have to cover it with plasterboard or a decorative panel.
  4. Cork sheets or rolled cork– the coating is decorative, but with a thickness of 0.8-1 cm it can be used for sound insulation. Sound absorption will be more effective if the diameter of the pressed chips is no more than 3 mm (be sure to pay attention to this, since crumbs up to 6 mm in diameter are found).

For sound insulation, products from the following list are usually used:

  1. Wall covering with plasterboard or gypsum fiber sheets with mounting to the wall at a distance. A gap of at least 4 cm wide must be provided between the wall and the sheathing to be filled with noise-absorbing materials (see above).
  2. Soundproofing panel systems(ZIPS or sandwich panels) - industrial version of the previous version; their thickness varies from 5.5 to 13.5 cm. Ready-made sandwich panels are attached directly to the wall in a frameless manner.
  3. Decorative soundproofing panels– thin (1.2-1.5 cm) layered material from a cardboard frame and bulk mineral filler(e.g. quartz sand). To prevent sand from spilling out when cutting panels, it is necessary to seal their sections with special tape.
  4. Acoustic boards made of soft fiberboard– layered structure, including waterproofing, polystyrene foam and reinforcing mesh. Depending on the thickness of the filler, the slab can be thin (from 1 cm) or wide (about 10 cm).
  5. Wood fiber panels(usually coniferous trees) is also a relatively thin (from 1.2 to 2.5 cm) facing material with soundproofing properties.
  6. Thin, high-density membranes The material is essentially homogeneous, but for ease of fastening to the wall they are sometimes coated.

How to choose the right insulation material?

If we do not take into account the financial component and subjective preferences for the color of the panel trim, then There are only two main criteria:

  1. Who will carry out the work: professionals or the residents themselves?
  2. What is more important: reducing the decibel level as much as possible or saving the usable area of ​​the apartment?

If you plan to do the installation yourself, then it is better to choose sandwich panels (ZIPS), which are assembled using a frameless method, or any covering that is glued with the entire surface to the wall.

More complex complex insulating structures are best left to professionals to install.

The answer to the second question allows you to choose between:

  • covering the walls with multilayer panels or plasterboard (followed by filling with soft sound-absorbing material);
  • thin soundproofing coatings.

Thin soundproofing materials

Objectively speaking, thin sound insulation is not a self-sufficient tool: even manufacturers often indicate in the description of the material that it is intended for use as part of “laminated” panels.

However, many people prefer to do everything possible for sound insulation even in cases where, for some reason, “sandwich” designs are not applicable.

Here is a list of the most common materials and their approximate thickness:

  • lead foil in a polyurethane foam “case” - 0.7 cm;
  • polymer-bitumen membrane coated with polypropylene – 0.4 cm;
  • mineral membranes – 0.25-0.37 cm;
  • polyethylene insulation for wallpaper - 0.5 cm (more details in the next sections).

Among thin single-layer materials, those with greater mass and density and the highest possible critical frequency (preferably outside the range that can be heard by the human ear) - that is, definitely not polyethylene.

Not everyone knows that the soundproofing capabilities of a material depend on the frequency of the “hostile” sound. So, the critical frequency is the lowest frequency after which the soundproofing characteristics of the material decrease.

From familiar materials highest critical frequency has lead, a level lower - steel, concrete, brick, rubber. If you choose according to this criterion, then the best option is a lead membrane. But, since lead is not the healthiest element periodic table, it is worth taking a closer look at the polymer-bitumen membrane: this artificial material has a critical lead frequency, but harmful impurities does not contain.

The most popular mineral membranes - aragonite (Texaund) and barite (sound block, loaded vinyl) - contain polymers as a binder component, which give the material plasticity and elasticity. The small thickness of the membranes allows them to be used in several layers to improve the effect, alternating with noise absorption.

With a slight stretch Fine noise insulation includes those discussed earlier:

  • acoustic slabs (minimum thickness 1 cm);
  • decorative panels made of wood fibers (from 1.2 cm);
  • rolled cork covering (from 0.8 cm).

Basic methods of do-it-yourself noise isolation

Plastic windows can cope quite well with the noise coming from the street, but the main thing here is not to overdo it: you should not order a two- or three-chamber double-glazed window, since large quantity glass not only does not improve, but in some cases may impair sound insulation. It is better to install a single-chamber package (of two glasses) with as much distance between them as possible.

It is much more difficult to level out noise coming from indoor sources (in our case, an apartment building). Fortunately, preparatory stage soundproofing work for your apartment anyone can do it, who has ever encountered repairs.

It’s best to start by sealing the joints between the slabs and sealing other cracks and holes. If the gaps are large, you need blow them out with foam or, at worst, tamp tightly with a rag; if they are small, just carefully putty on them.

The next important point is to get rid of the through sockets (to do this you will have to slightly redraw the electrical wiring) and strengthen all the others in the socket.

Now the next step is plaster (of course high quality, elastic, with good adhesion). Turns out, thick layer plasters plus putty already provide a good level of sound insulation: in a standard situation, when the neighbors have no-repairs, no-holidays and no-fights, you will be able to sleep or work peacefully.

Soundproofing walls in an apartment: video instructions.

If “standard” situations are rather an exception to the rule, then You can’t do without additional acoustic insulation. For DIY installation the following will do:

  • soundproof sandwich panels (ZIPS);
  • decorative panels with loose filler;
  • panels made of wood fibers or compressed cork chips;
  • thin high-density insulating coatings;
  • liquid sound insulation;
  • polyethylene backing for wallpaper.

All these materials do not require special installation skills: with their help, anyone can equip a soundproofed room!

For wall insulation in spacious rooms preference should be given to combined multilayer structures: their sound insulation characteristics are significantly higher than those of homogeneous materials.

If you are a professional in the field of repair and construction work, it will not be difficult for you to cover the walls with plasterboard with mineral or fiberglass filler inside the sheathing: this option is a classic of acoustic insulation, but will cost less good finished panels.

How to soundproof walls under wallpaper?

So, the walls are prepared for finishing putty. If you decide to make light sound insulation with polyethylene foam, then it is not necessary to add putty to the ideal, the material itself will perfectly hide small irregularities.

The polyethylene foam backing for wallpaper is usually already covered with paper on both sides and rolled into rolls, so it is simply cut into pieces required length and glued to the plaster (without overlap!) with glue for heavy wallpaper.

Be sure to take care in advance that during work and when drying the material the temperature in the room was above 10◦C.

When the substrate dries, you can glue any wallpaper: both ready-made and for painting (material has water-repellent properties , so the water emulsion will not harm it).

Acoustic ceiling insulation

The purpose of soundproofing the ceiling is to get rid of not only airborne (spreading through the air), but also structural (spreading through floor slabs) noise.

The last type of noise is also called vibration or shock: This includes sounds that occur when dragging furniture, falling heavy objects, walking in heels on parquet, etc.

Important: Regardless of which soundproofing method is chosen, the first thing you need to do is foam or putty the gaps between the slabs.

Whatever the original height of the room, It’s better to sacrifice centimeters: optimal solution To isolate from impact noise, a suspended plasterboard or stretch ceiling will be installed.

Moreover, the gap between the ceiling and the newly formed ceiling must be filled with good sound-absorbing material (see photo) (in no case with polystyrene foam!).

Please also ensure that the fastenings (and the substrates under them) are also soundproofing.

Both suspended and suspended ceilings have many ardent supporters among professional builders, so it’s up to you to decide. An additional advantage in favor of tension is that its coating itself is narrower is decorative element , while plasterboard construction needs to be puttied, wallpapered or painted.

If the height of the room is so small that you cannot even think about reducing it, it’s worth trying decorative ecological soundproofing panels (1.2-1.5 cm thick) or an ultra-thin aragonite soundproofing membrane.

Important: Soundproofing one ceiling (without walls and floor) will not help to completely remove even noise from neighbors above, since sound can also spread through wall partitions.

The review of materials for acoustic insulation provided here is, of course, not complete, but can be a starting point for your search.

Anyone who lives in a house located in close proximity to the highways industrial enterprises, railway, etc., knows perfectly well what noise is and how much it affects nervous system person. Noise is an inharmonious phenomenon, the chaos of sounds and their combinations cause irritation in people at best. defined in decibels (dB). Sanitary standards recommend noise levels within 40 dB during the day and 30 dB at night.


The purpose of soundproofing is to reflect sound and prevent it from passing through the wall of the room. The characteristic structure of soundproofing materials creates an obstacle to the passage of sound and reflects it. The sound insulation of a wall and any other building structure is determined, first of all, by mass - the more massive and thicker the wall, the more difficult it is for sound vibrations to rock it. The sound insulation ability of enclosing structures used in construction is assessed by the value of the sound insulation index. The sound insulation index is measured in dB, and optimally it should be from 52 to 60 dB (for enclosing structures). Soundproofing materials include dense materials such as concrete, brick, drywall and other materials that can reflect sound.

Sound absorption

The purpose of sound absorption is to absorb noise and prevent it from being reflected from the obstacle back into the room. Sound-absorbing materials have a fibrous, granular or cellular structure. The sound absorption characteristics are assessed by the sound absorption coefficient. The sound absorption coefficient varies from 0 to 1. With a zero sound absorption coefficient, sound is completely reflected; with complete sound absorption, the coefficient is equal to one. Sound-absorbing materials include those that have a sound absorption coefficient of at least 0.4.

It is believed that people feel most calm at a noise level of 25 dB, but if its value is below this value, then a feeling of ringing silence arises, which brings discomfort. Usually, up to 60 dB, a person reacts to noise tolerantly; with prolonged exposure to noise of 90 dB, a person may experience a serious nervous disorder: insomnia, hysteria and other diseases. Sound levels of 100 dB or higher can cause hearing loss.

To protect against noise, various materials are used to create a barrier in its path. The principle of choosing materials for protection from extraneous sounds depends on the task at hand.

Sound absorption or suppression circuit

According to the degree of rigidity, sound-absorbing materials are: hard, soft, semi-rigid.

  • Solid materials.
  • are produced on the basis of granulated or suspended mineral wool; materials that include porous aggregates such as pumice, expanded perlite, vermiculite. Sound absorption coefficient: 0.5. Volumetric mass: 300-400 kg/m3.
  • Soft sound-absorbing materials are made based on mineral wool or fiberglass; as well as cotton wool, felt, etc. Sound absorption coefficient: from 0.7 to 0.95. Volumetric mass: up to 70 kg/m3.
  • Semi-rigid materials - these are mineral wool or fiberglass boards, materials with a cellular structure - polyurethane foam, etc. Sound absorption coefficient: from 0.5 to 0.75. Volumetric mass: from 80 to 130 kg/m3.

In private homes, it is more profitable to use materials that have a maximum sound absorption coefficient and less weight, that is, soft ones.

The choice of material for creating sound comfort in a room also depends on the nature of the sound itself. Working electrical appliances, TV, receiver, loud conversations, sounds from animals, sounds of cars and so on create airborne noise. If there is an impact directly on the floors: drilling walls, hammering nails, walking, sound from rearranging furniture, etc., then we are talking about impact noise. When the load-bearing structures of a house are rigidly connected to each other without the use of soundproofing elastic gaskets, then noise of any nature spreads through the structures of the house and turns into structural noise.

To combat impact noise, elastic materials, mainly with a closed cellular structure, are used. And porous or fibrous ones with a high sound absorption coefficient cope with airborne noise. Structural noise can be combated by using cushioning material to protect the joints of load-bearing elements.

Airborne sound insulation

The main characteristic of materials for protection against airborne noise is sound insulation index (Rw), expressed in dB: in order to prevent human speech from being heard behind the wall, it must be at least 50 dB. Another characteristic is sound absorption coefficient: from 0 to 1. The closer the sound absorption coefficient is to 1, the higher the protective qualities of the material.

One of the ways to protect against the penetration of extraneous sounds can be the installation of dense and massive walls and ceilings. It can be monolithic reinforced concrete, expanded clay and foam concrete blocks etc. The main thing is that they, together with the binding solution, form a sealed structure without cracks and holes. In one partition, a combination of several dense materials is possible if there are rigid connections between all structural elements: for example, a wall made of pumice concrete blocks on cement-sand mortar, lined with brick. However, increasing the massiveness of walls and ceilings is a rather complex and ineffective task, since doubling the mass of a structure leads to an increase in the sound insulation index by only a few decibels.

A more acceptable way to protect against airborne noise is to create a multilayer structure consisting of several alternating layers of hard, dense and soft building materials.

Scheme of a multilayer wall structure as additional protection from noise

Dense materials such as concrete, brick, plasterboard, etc. can be used as a rigid layer. They exhibit sound insulation properties, and the greater their density, the higher the sound insulation. Layer soft material has a sound-absorbing function. Materials with a fibrous structure are used as a sound-absorbing layer: mineral wool, glass wool, silica fibers. In this case, the thickness of the sound-absorbing material in the structure matters; the effective thickness starts from 50mm. The thickness of the absorbent layer must be at least 50% of the internal space of the partition.

Currently, the most effective materials with high sound absorption coefficients are products made of mineral wool and fiberglass.

Glass wool

This material is based on fiberglass, has increased elasticity and strength, as well as high vibration resistance. Good sound absorption occurs due to the large number of voids between the fibers, which are filled with air. To her positive qualities can be attributed: fire safety - NG (non-flammable), light weight, elasticity, non-hygroscopicity, high vapor permeability, it is chemically passive and does not cause corrosion of metals in contact with it. Made from glass wool acoustic partitions in the form of slabs and rolls to create an intermediate soft layer in multi-layer sound-absorbing structures.

Mineral wool

This fibrous material, obtained from silicate rock melts, metallurgical slags and their mixtures.

Positive qualities: fire safety - non-flammable - NG; is chemically passive and does not cause corrosion of metals in contact with it. Good sound absorption is ensured by the fact that the fibers are randomly located in horizontal, vertical directions, under different angles to each other.

Note: DThe fiber length of mineral wool and glass wool is different: the average length of glass fiber is 5 cm, and the length of stone fiber is 1.5 cm. At the same time, glass wool is a lighter material (see table above).

You can increase the sound insulation of the floor using a device acoustic ceiling- a multilayer structure that will reduce the energy of reflected sound and absorb noise.

The air space between the ceiling and the ceiling plane is filled with sound-absorbing materials, for which compressed slabs of thin mineral fiber or fiberglass are used.

Multilayer panel

For soundproofing in Lately Ready-made ZIPS soundproofing systems are used. ZIPS designs are one of the effective means additional sound insulation of a single-layer partition (brick, concrete wall and so on.). ZIPS consists of sandwich panels and finishing plasterboard facing sheets with a thickness of 12.5 mm. A sandwich panel consists of a combination of dense (gypsum fiber) and light layers (mineral wool or glass wool) of varying thickness. Depending on the model, the thickness and type of material in the layer may vary. The advantages of the design include the absence metal frame, and fastening to the wall is done through special units that are made during the production of panels. The ends of the ZIPS panel system are adjacent to the side surfaces (floor, walls, ceiling) through vibration-isolating gaskets. Fire safety ZIPS - G1 (hard-to-burn material).

Layout of a multilayer panel

The thickness of the ZIPS, depending on the model, can vary from 40 to 130 mm. Increase in sound insulation index depending on the thickness of the structure: from 9 to 18 dB. Example: when using a four-layer ZIPS panel with a thickness of 70 mm, the overall sound insulation index increases by 10 dB, that is, when strengthening a 70 mm thick ZIPS on a wall with a sound insulation index of 47 dB, the overall sound insulation index rises to 57-58 dB, and if the thickness of the ZIPS is be 133 mm, then the overall sound insulation index rises to 63-65 dB.

Note: The condition for the applicability of ZIPS designs is sufficient load bearing capacity the original partition, since the weight of one panel of size 1500x500 mm ranges from 18.5 to 21 kg, depending on the model.

Impact sound insulation

The materials that are used to insulate impact noise do not absorb the sound wave, but repel it, causing it to lose energy. To insulate from impact noise, porous materials with a low dynamic modulus of elasticity are used, since the attenuation of the sound wave is explained by the fact that sound energy is spent on elastic deformations of the material.

One of the options for protection against impact noise is laying pads made of soundproofing materials under the “finished floor”. One of the important comparative characteristics materials that protect against impact noise are index of reduction in reduced impact noise level Lnw.

Sheet pressed from natural cork chips

Examples: cork rolls from IPOCORK (Portugal). It has a thickness of 2 and 4 mm, sold in sheets measuring 915x610 mm, and rolls. The reduced impact noise level reduction index is 12 dB. The cost of a technical roll cork with a thickness of 2 mm is 2 dollars/m2.

Other examples: plates of the CORKSRIBAS trademark, rolled cork "Cork Roll".

Polyethylene foam

Laminate manufacturers often offer it complete with their products. In the construction industry, polyethylene foams (foamed polyethylenes) having a density of 20 to 80 kg/m3 are mainly used.

Types of material:

  • non-crosslinked polyethylene foam,has an unbound molecular structure (polymer molecules are not linked to each other by chemical bonds).
  • physically cross-linked polyethylene foam. It has a modified molecular structure, thereby increasing sound insulation properties.
  • chemically cross-linked polyethylene foam. The method of chemical cross-linking of polyethylene foam strengthens the intermolecular bonds of polyethylene, and due to this increases the sound insulation properties.

Polyethylene is used in the construction of interfloor concrete screeds, floating floors (see below), as a substrate for parquet, laminate and other floor coverings; when sealing joints. It has good contact with cement, concrete and other materials, and is resistant to most solvents, gasoline and oils. Fire safety - G2. Not resistant to UV radiation. Under prolonged loads, it loses up to 76% of its thickness, deteriorating its insulating properties over time. When moisture gets into the space under the parquet, conditions are created for the spread of mold. Cost for a thickness of 3 mm. - 3 dollars/sq.m.

Examples of polyethylenes: “Izolon”, “Izonel”, “Plenex”, “Teploflex”, “Porilex”, “Energoflex”, “Stizol”, “Izocom”, “Jermaflex”, “Steinofon”, “Isopenol”, etc.

Cork rubber backing

It is a mixture of granulated cork and synthetic rubber. The material reduces impact noise and dampens vibration of electrical appliances. Can be used as a lining under textile, elastic and hard floor coverings, PVC/CV coverings, linoleum, parquet, ready-made parquet, ceramic tiles, slabs natural stone, as a spacer for carpets on stretch marks. Fire safety - B2. Substrates based on cork-rubber mixtures require additional moisture insulation with polyethylene film; if there is excess moisture, they can be a breeding ground for mold.

Examples: UZIN-RR 188. Thickness - from 3 to 5 mm. The reduction index for the reduced impact noise level is from 18 to 21 dB. Price (3mm) - 2 dollars/sq.m.

Another example: Ibola material (made in Germany). This is a substrate consisting of pressed cork and rubber granules.

Bitumen-cork substrate

It is made on the basis of kraft paper with bitumen impregnation and sprinkled with cork chips. It is laid with the cork side down, and thanks to this, moisture will be removed from under the laminate. The use of waterproofing is not necessary. Fire safety - G1. Bitumen impregnation gets dirty during installation, cork chips can fly off the canvas, and the substrate can rot if there is excess moisture.

Examples: Parkolag material from ICOPAL (Denmark, Finland). The roll weight is a little more than 10 kg. Thickness - 3 mm. The reduced impact noise level reduction index is 18 dB. Price - 3.5 dollars/m2.

Composite material

Composite is a multi-component material. It consists of two layers of polyethylene film, between which there are polystyrene foam granules. The top film, made of polyethylene, protects the floor covering from moisture. The bottom film allows moisture to pass into the space between the films, from where it is discharged outside along the perimeter of the room through expansion joints, and thus the space is ventilated. During operation, the composite substrate is almost not deformed, it is durable (20 years). Installation of the composite substrate is carried out using the free-laying method, without the use of adhesive compositions. Fire safety - NG.

Examples: Tuplex from TUPLEX (Finland). This is a new generation insulation material; many flooring manufacturers (UPOFLOOR, TARKETT, KARELIA, KAHRS) use it with their products. Thickness 3 mm. The reduction index for the reduced impact noise level is 18-20 dB. Price - 3 dollars/m2.
Other examples: TermoZvukoIzol material; composite "Vibrofilter" (synthetic rubber and aluminum foil).
Materials such as extruded polystyrene foam and special soundproofing films can also be used as substrates.

Extruded polystyrene foam

The coating has high compressive strength (0.32 MPa) and low water absorption - 0.1%, which means it does not need protection from moisture. Convenient to use: ease of cutting, simple and quick installation with a small amount of waste, the cost of work is minimized Durability - 50 years. Fire safety - G1.

As an example, we can cite Foamboard-5000 from FASAD STROY (Russia), in sheets 2, 3,5 cm thick. The index for reducing the reduced impact noise level is 25 dB. Price (2 cm) -1.1 USD/m2.
Another example: extruded polystyrene foam of the FOMBORD brand; extruded polystyrene foam boards "TISplex" (TU 2244-009-55182353-2007).
Also used cushioning materialstype "Schumanet-100". With a thickness of 3 mm when laid under a screed with a thickness of 60 mm, the reduction index for the reduced impact noise level is 23 dB. The material “Shumanet -100C” with a thickness of 5 mm has a reduced impact noise reduction index of 27 dB. The material “Shumostop - C2” made of staple fiberglass with a thickness of 20 mm has an impact noise reduction index of 42 dB. When laying near walls, it is recommended to leave gaps of 10-15 mm to ensure moisture removal.

Note: When insulating impact noise, the thickness of the ceiling must be taken into account. In luxury housing, the norm for the reduced impact noise reduction index is 55 dB. If the floor slab has a thickness of at least 200 mm (index - 74 dB), then a substrate with an index of 20 dB is sufficient. If the floors are thinner, then the sound insulation should be enhanced.

Impact noise protection option: create a multi-layer structure - .
The floating floor design is a layer of sound-absorbing material, closed concrete screed thickness of at least 6 cm; substrate and finishing coat.
Values index of reduction of reduced impact noise level Lnware also quite high for thin (3-4 mm) cushioning substrate materials. And to block access to airborne noise, a layer of sound-absorbing material (for example, mineral wool) with a thickness of at least 50 mm is required.
The soundproofing substrate can be made of various materials.

There are also ready-made floating floor designs; among the layers they have a polystyrene sheet 20-30 mm thick, their impact noise reduction index Lnw is 20-30 dB.

Soundproofing of structural noise

To avoid transmission of structural noise through load-bearing structures, cushioning material is used to protect the joints of load-bearing elements.


Structural noise insulation is ensured due to the elastic properties of the porous-fibrous structure of the material. Gaskets are used in building structures during the installation of the ZIPS panel system, frame soundproof partitions and cladding, as well as wooden floors and ceilings. When installing ZIPS sandwich panels, the gasket is laid in two layers in the places where they rest on the floor, as well as in the places where the panels come into contact with the side walls and the ceiling. During installation frame partitions and cladding gaskets are used between frame profiles, fastening elements and load-bearing building structures, in places where sheathing sheets of partitions or cladding adjoin other building structures. When installing wooden floors and floors, it is placed under the joists and under the floor beams in the places where they rest on the walls. In this case, the width of the strip of material on each side should be 10 mm greater than the width of the log or beam. The ends of beams resting on walls must also be insulated from hard contact with other building structures using gaskets.

Examples: tape gasket for structural noise insulation Vibrostek M. Reduced impact noise level reduction index - up to 29 dB . Cost: 6 dollars/m2.
Other examples: soundproofing substrate VIBROSTEK-V300 is used as an elastic soundproofing substrate; Fiberglass PSH-T 550, used in individual construction. Mats MTP-AS-30/50 are pierced from super-thin fiberglass.

Vibroacoustic sealant

Provides high vibration insulation of joints between building structures, reduces the spread of structural noise along them. It is used for filling joints in floating floor structures, ZIPS panel systems, frame soundproofing partitions and claddings. The material does not cause metal corrosion; it has good adhesion to most building materials: concrete, brick, plaster, glass, enamel, metals, ceramics, plastics, varnished or painted wood. Resistant to UV radiation. The cured sealant is odorless and safe to handle. But when working with it, you need to avoid getting the sealant in your eyes and skin, and work in ventilated areas.

Examples: vibration sealant Vibrosil, designed for sealing joints and connections in soundproofing structures. The cost of a 300 ml cartridge is 5.5 dollars/m2.
Other examples: Bostik 3070 sealant made of cork chips (Schrot) and elastic binder; Vibroacoustic sealant SYLOMER; vibration-absorbing mastic.

Elastomeric materials

Elastomeric materials are designed to reduce the level of noise and vibration transmitted from various sources to the elements building structures, as well as to protect premises from structural noise coming from outside. Along the perimeter of the doors, to insulate against structural noise, sealing gaskets made of elastomeric materials are used, providing a high level of sound absorption. The gasket adheres well to most materials: wood, plastic, metal. Duration of work - up to 7 years. The reduction index of the reduced impact noise level is up to 22 dB.

Examples: gaskets with a self-adhesive base Varnamo (Sweden) made of EPDM porous rubber. The gaskets are available in packages of various lengths: 6, 16 and 24 meters. The cost of 6 m tape is 1.8 dollars.
Other examples: Elastomeric vibration damping plates (VEP) according to TU 2534-001-32461352-2002; ArmaSound - elastomeric sound insulator produced by Armacell (Germany); SYLOMER® from the Austrian company Getzner Werkstoffe GmbH - microporous polyurethane elastomers with a mixed cellular structure.

Silica Fiber Gasket Material

It is used in sound-absorbing and sound-insulating structures where high fire safety requirements are imposed. Products made from silica fiber have good environmental performance: they do not contain carcinogenic, asbestos and ceramic fibers, as well as thin fibers with a diameter of less than 6 microns, and do not pose a respiratory hazard. Silica fiber material is used at the joints of load-bearing structural elements of a building.

Examples: Rolled silica fiber Supersil 6 mm thick. Reduced impact noise level reduction index Lnw 27 dB . Cost - 9 dollars/meter
Other examples: "Vibrosil-K" (Russia); trademarks Supersil, Supersilika and Silibas (Russia); silica fiber mats Ekowoo.
It should be noted that not all manufacturers provide a sufficient amount of information on the materials they produce, so we considered only those brands for which information is available. We are also unable to verify the reliability of this information, therefore, it is on the conscience of the manufacturers.

I would like to note that the presence of the highest quality soundproofing materials in your home does not guarantee sound comfort. It is very important to arrange them correctly into the desired design, so it is worth inviting acoustics specialists who will create a comfortable sound atmosphere for you.

Please note: Prices are valid for 2009.