home · On a note · Options for placing decorative stone on the wall. Gypsum decorative stone for interior decoration. Positive qualities and some disadvantages of finishing material

Options for placing decorative stone on the wall. Gypsum decorative stone for interior decoration. Positive qualities and some disadvantages of finishing material

The interior of the hallway should be given no less attention than the rest of the premises, because this is the first thing that guests see. Very stylish look gives fake diamond, which is used as the main material or as an additional accent. Create original design you can do it yourself, since finishing the hallway with decorative stone has a fairly simple technology.

Before you start work, you need to choose the right finishing material. It is made on the basis of concrete and gypsum with the addition of dyes. Both types have their own advantages and disadvantages, so it is better to study their characteristics first.

To the advantages concrete products relate:

Walls decorated with such stone can be easily cleaned of any dirt, and the worn surface can be quickly restored with paint. If you accidentally touch the finish with something hard, there will be no marks left on it and no cracks will appear.


  • heavy weight;
  • high price;
  • processing complexity.

To cut individual fragments when laying, you will need a grinder and a diamond wheel, as well as some effort.

Advantages of gypsum coating:

This stone is chosen for finishing plasterboard walls, which cannot be subjected to heavy loads. If you can’t find the right color, there are unpainted products on sale that you can paint at your discretion.


When dirty, this finish should not be wetted or rubbed vigorously so as not to damage the surface. Treating the stone with a special impregnation or varnish will help to avoid such damage. acrylic base. There is also gypsum stone with a polymer coating on sale - it is a little more expensive than usual, but it is not at all afraid of moisture.

If you wish, you can do it yourself: for this you will need a plastic or Silicone molds, dry gypsum mixture, coloring pigments. Buying all this is not a problem; every hardware store has a large selection of mixtures and forms. Self-production finishing material takes more time, but saves money on repairs.

Preparation for finishing

First you need to calculate the amount of material. If the stone will cover the entire area of ​​the walls in the hallway, you should subtract the area of ​​the openings and add 10%. If the decor will be located around openings, niches, in separate fragments on open walls, draw a rough sketch of the finish and take measurements of each section. Then add up the area and add 10-15% for trimming. When purchasing material, you should remember that the amount of angular stone is calculated in linear meters, and correct form– in square.

Additionally you will need:

Artificial stone can be fixed using liquid nails, glue on cement or gypsum base. The glue consumption must be indicated on the packaging, so when purchasing, you should know exactly the finishing area and take it with a small margin.

If you use gypsum stone, you will need a special miter box with high sides for cutting.

When everything you need has been purchased, you should start preparing the surface.

Step 1. Dismantling the coating

If the stone covers the hallway walls completely, the old coating is removed completely to the base. If separate areas are intended for decoration, the coating must be dismantled very carefully. On the wallpaper, mark the boundaries of the finish with a pencil and carefully trim it with a utility knife, leaving a margin of 1-2 cm wide for stones. The wallpaper glue is soaked in water and removed with a spatula, and the walls are thoroughly washed. They also remove the paint if it is peeling or cracked, and clean off any loose plaster.

Step 2. Leveling the walls

Laying the stone should be done on a flat, smooth surface - this will facilitate the work process and increase strength decorative covering. Therefore, all small cracks, gaps, and depressions are rubbed down, and if there are differences of more than 5 mm, the entire area is better. Particular attention should be paid to doorways: deep cracks may form around the perimeter of the frame, for sealing which it is recommended to use a cement solution.

Step 3: Priming

Dry walls must be lightly sanded to smooth out the unevenness of the puttied areas, and then wiped with a rag to remove dust. After this, the surface is treated 1-2 times acrylic primer. If there is wallpaper around the perimeter of the areas to be treated, the primer should be applied so as to cover an edge 1 cm wide - what will be hidden under the cladding.

Laying stone

Decorative rock It has jagged edges and consists of different sizes. Laying must be done in such a way that tiles of the same size are necessarily interspersed with larger or smaller fragments, and the seams do not coincide either horizontally or vertically. This way the coating will look most natural and attractive. To understand how best to join the stone, you need to lay out the tiles on the floor, selecting the fragments in a certain order.

Step 1. Preparing the glue

Pour dry glue into a container of water and stir well. The ratio of water and glue is indicated on the package, so there is no need to mix “by eye”. Failure to comply with the proportions reduces the strength of the connection or increases the consumption of glue. It is best to mix with a construction mixer, then there will be no lumps left in the mixture. The finished glue should be homogeneous and resemble a thick paste in consistency.

Step 2. Laying the first row

You need to lay out the tiles from the corner of the wall, and this can be done both from above and from below. When laid from top to bottom, the stone is less dirty with glue, and the coating is more accurate. If only the area around the opening is covered, start from the corner of the door. For convenience, the wall can be marked by level with horizontal lines every 10-15 cm.

Now you can start installation:

Between the fragments you can leave seams of 5 to 8 mm, especially if the stone is large.

After facing, the joints are filled with putty and jointed, which makes the masonry more attractive. Small tiles can be attached closely, the main thing is that the joints do not coincide.

Step 3: Finishing the corners

For cladding interior and external corners You can purchase special corner tiles, which are more expensive than regular ones, but significantly simplify the work process. If your budget is limited, you will have to adjust the stone yourself using a grinder or a hacksaw. There are 2 options here - laying the stone overlapping or grinding the edges at an angle of 45 degrees. When using the first option for external corners, the open ends must be filed and tinted, otherwise they will stand out too much. In the inner corners, both ends are closed, so processing is not necessary. The second option is more suitable for gypsum products, which are convenient to cut using a miter box.

So, first determine required quantity fragments, cut them from a certain side, process the sections with a file. Next, the stones are smeared with glue and alternately attached to the walls on both sides of the corner, carefully aligning the joints. When the vertical corner is laid out, you can expand the masonry onto the walls.

Step 4. Decorating the edges of the masonry

The edges of the masonry will look more attractive if the tiles are cut beautifully. The surface of the decorative stone has a clear texture, which makes it easier to trim the outer fragments. You should cut with a hacksaw directly along the contour lines to ensure the most natural cuts. All cuts must be sanded with sandpaper.

Step 5. Sealing joints

Bred gypsum putty and carefully apply it to the joints, corners, and around the perimeter of openings and switches. For convenience, you can use a thick bag, for example, a milk bag. One edge of the bag is cut completely, and a small incision is made on the other side. Fill the bag with putty mixture and squeeze out an even thin strip onto the seams. If the solution is applied with a spatula, you should immediately wipe off the excess from the surface of the stone to avoid drying out. After filling the joints, the putty is rubbed with a damp foam sponge and left to dry.

Step 6: Finishing

The dried putty has White color, and therefore the treated areas will stand out against the background of the stone. Paint will help get rid of light spots: small capacity dilute the pigment to match the color of the main coating and use a small brush to paint the putty areas. When the paint dries, the stone is covered acrylic varnish. In places where the walls are constantly touched, it is better to apply varnish in 2-3 layers.

To make the coating more voluminous, you can highlight the edges of the masonry with golden or bronze dye. There is another option: a coating of the same color, but more saturated in tone, is applied to the artificial stone at an oblique angle. In addition, you can use lighting: light directed from above or from the side makes the masonry much more textured and clearer.

Calculation of decorative stoneFormulasExplanations
Calculate the surface area intended for cladding with artificial stoneS (wall) = AxBA – wall length, B – wall height
Calculate the surface area that the corner elements of the decorative stone will occupyS (angles) = Lx0.2L – angle length (linear meters), 0.2 – coefficient
Find the total area occupied by all corner elementsS (angles total) = S (angle 1) + S (angle 2)-
Calculate the area of ​​window and door openingsS=AxBA – window/door width, B – window/door height
Calculate the surface area intended for facing decorative stone, taking into account the area occupied by corner elements, window and door openingsS (stone) = S (walls) – S (corners) – S (windows/doors)Increase the resulting area by 10%
How to calculate required amount corner stone elements.Measure and add the height of the corners to be faced with decorative stone. L (total angles) = L (angle 1) + L (angle 2), etc. Increase the resulting length by 10%L – length of corners (linear meters)

Video - Decorating the hallway with decorative stone

The finishing touch for decorative stone consists of covering the surfaces of the ceiling and walls with gypsum material. The choice of adhesive solution is determined by the type of surface base.

Decorative gypsum stone is glued to the following building materials:

  • Tree;
  • Brickwork;
  • Plaster;
  • Decorative plaster;
  • Metal frame covered with plasterboard.
Stone masonry

Unplastered brick

Do-it-yourself finishing of such walls and ceilings begins with preparing them for work. Weakly adhering base elements and excess mortar are removed, cleaned, washed and dried if necessary. Then they are treated with primer with an antiseptic and a fixative.

It is better to glue decorative gypsum tiles onto such a surface using mortars:

  • Tile adhesive composition on a polymer gypsum base - has a sufficient adhesion density, sets quickly, with a small adhesion area due to the inability of the composition to penetrate into cracks. It is advisable to add 10% PVA to tile adhesive to increase its water-resistant properties.
  • Adhesive mastic – well compatible with brick and plaster; it is difficult to apply this material in a thin layer.
  • Cement mortar is easy to prepare, takes a long time to dry and is not plastic. The porous structure of the stone absorbs moisture from the solution, reducing its ability to harden.

Plastered ceilings and walls

Decorative stone on plastered surfaces cannot be glued to cement mortar. The adhesion of these materials is not reliable due to their predisposition to peeling.

Finishing bases with decorative plaster also excludes the use cement mixture. The ability of gypsum to spray, which is included in its composition, is neutralized by tile adhesive.

DIY styling

Wooden bases

Finishing wood surfaces with stone-like tiles implies:

  • Removing old coating (varnish, paint) by stripping to clean fibers. They are treated with antiseptic substances, after which decorative tile elements are glued.
  • Finishing of new lumber consists of impregnating it with fire-fighting and antiseptic agents.

For wooden walls and the ceiling is also the most best option– use of PVA.

Plasterboard ceilings and walls

When making repairs yourself, it is important to remember that decorative tile elements on a plasterboard structure are glued only with quick-drying compounds. The cardboard shell of the material should not soften and become unusable. PVA glue is most suitable in this situation:

  • Dries quickly;
  • Not subject to shrinkage processes;
  • Plastic;
  • Applies well in a thin layer;
  • Excess is easily removed;
  • Affordable price.

DIY ceiling installation with plasterboard

The ceiling lining is attached to a metal profile frame. Do-it-yourself procedure step by step:

  • Marking the base base.
  • Installation of false ceiling.
  • Fastening plasterboard boards.
  • Finishing.

Marking stage

Do-it-yourself ceiling lining will be reliable and durable if marking work is carried out correctly. The starting point is drawing a baseline along the entire contour of the space. The line is drawn with an indentation that is 10 cm lower than the smaller height measurement in the room.

The indentation for multi-tiered ceilings and, if necessary, to create a camouflage screen for utilities is made larger.

Sealing seams

Installation work

A perimeter belt is erected from the supporting slats of the plasterboard profile and joined together using connecting elements. Then the cells of the structure frame are formed from longitudinal and transverse elements.

Longitudinal profiles are fixed at the joints of adjacent sheets.

Do-it-yourself installation of a two-level ceiling differs only in that after attaching the guide profiles, brackets or hangers are immediately installed.

For convenience when working on multi-level ceilings It is better to use specialized brackets with your own hands. Manufacturers offer models with the ability to connect profiles at any angle and in different planes.

Ceiling filing in rooms with high humidity involves the use of moisture-resistant gypsum boards.

For a corridor or small kitchen no frame construction is required. Enough:

  • Insert rack elements into the guide elements in increments of 50-60 cm and fix them.
  • Secure the rack sections with metal hardware and a press washer.


Before installing drywall sheets, electrical wiring is carried out. Cut the required number of holes for spot lighting. In the frame of the structure, reinforcing inserts are made for heavy lamps.


Before starting work, gypsum boards are prepared. Give them right size and shape. Dimensions standard sheet allow you to reduce the number of joints, avoid the time and materials required to seal them.

However, the weight of the material makes it difficult to complete the work alone. Uncover sheet plasterboard on small parts makes it possible to make ceiling lining yourself with your own hands.

A technical gap of 5 mm between the gypsum boards will prevent the appearance of cracks.

Plasterboard filing

Finishing work

Finishing a false ceiling consists of creating a perfectly flat surface for further cladding:

  • Prime thoroughly.
  • Seams and assembly joints are sealed.
  • Putty.
  • Grinding.
  • Prime each layer of putty.
  • Dry it.
  • Connect electrical lighting devices.
  • A decorative coating is applied.
  • Mount lighting objects.

How to glue stone

To Finishing work did it yourself successfully, adhere to the following recommendations:

  • You can glue it on a flat, dry surface of a wall or ceiling, treated with primer.
  • The stone itself (its back side) is also primed.
  • Wait until the bases and tiles are completely dry.
  • Decorative stone is cut with a hacksaw at an angle of 45°. Cutting is done carefully and carefully, because the material is fragile and not resistant to mechanical and impact influences.
  • It is better to glue with a not very liquid solution.
  • Laying direction is from top to bottom.
  • It is advisable not to allow the adhesive to come into contact with the front surface of the tile.
  • A new row of masonry begins to be glued after a verified vertical level (with a plumb line or a building level).
  • The lining will look better if you sort the artificial stone by pattern, size and color before work.
  • The “brick” finish is done offset.

Then the seams and joints are sealed with putty, glue or grout. If necessary, the surface is painted and covered with a protective layer of varnish or acrylic impregnation.

Ceiling made of gypsum plasterboard

DIY decorative stone

A homemade gypsum stone will significantly reduce the project budget. All necessary materials and equipment are purchased at construction and hardware stores.

You can make your own molds or buy them. Silicone and polyurethane analogues are available.

In addition to the plaster itself and forms, you will need:

  • Coloring pigments;
  • Thickener;
  • Form lubricant.

As the most durable and reliable material, stone has been used for construction, probably since the appearance of the first people on Earth. The Egyptian pyramids, the Great Chinese Wall, megalithic structures of the Mayan civilization, ancient temples and medieval fortresses.

Just a hundred years ago, only wealthy owners could afford stone houses - the rest were content with clay and wooden huts. Even now, despite the huge variety of building materials, the use of natural sandstone, granite, and marble in the interior is a sign of elitism.

However, imitations of natural stone look no worse, but they are more affordable, easier to process, and sometimes have better resistance to changes in humidity, temperature, and mechanical stress. More details about this type of finishing and methods of its application will be discussed in this article.

What is decorative stone?

Artificial stone has an external resemblance to natural stone, but it is not extracted from the depths, but is made by hand or industrially. The methods are similar to each other - the solution is poured into a mold (silicone, plastic, metal), dried, and sometimes heat treatment(firing), coating with various impregnations or glazes.

Depending on the composition of the raw materials, the product can be concrete, ceramic, gypsum, acrylic, or polyester. There is also the so-called liquid stone in the form of an unhardened mixture, as well as flexible - a kind of stone veneer in rolls or sheets.

For external work, frost-resistant slabs are used, with minimal porosity and rougher in appearance. The interior uses lightweight, thin elements. Their environmental friendliness largely depends on the binder and fillers.

Thus, cement, sand, gypsum and clay are not inferior to natural stone, freely allowing air and moisture to pass through, but acrylic resins are safe only when not high temperatures— placing them near the fireplace, oven and other heating appliances is not recommended. If already at +30°C a synthetic countertop, bathtub or sink exudes bad smell, it is better to avoid purchasing them, since this is often a sign of low-quality ingredients that are toxic to health.

Features of application

In one form or another, decorative stone can be seen anywhere: they decorate houses, apartments, offices, cafes, train stations and administrative buildings. In dry rooms, relief artificial sandstone, shell rock, cobblestone, slate are more common, and in humid and crowded rooms - smooth “polished” granite, marble, glazed brick tiles.

In the first case, the stone gives the interior a cozy and warm look, in the second it resembles a seashore with its rounded pebbles and turned boulders. From a practical point of view, this also makes sense, because a glossy surface is much easier to clean, while a matte surface becomes unsightly when exposed to water and steam.

Decorative stone in the living room interior

The energy of a stone, even a decorative one, brings into the house a feeling of some stability, tranquility and peace. Perhaps, on a subconscious level, it is associated with the reliable walls of a fortress protecting from enemies or the constancy of one’s home.

This material is indispensable when facing an existing fireplace, since it best transfers the heat of the flame to the surrounding space. In apartments where it is not possible to arrange such romantic heating, electric imitations or simply niches with candles are often installed. In this case, both the portal itself and the wall can be lined with stone - completely or partially.

Sometimes stone is simply used to create interior accents, for example, to frame corners, arches, ledges, and columns. Along with such a noble addition, it is worth using soft, natural shades, wood and leather textures, natural fabrics and furs, a soft yellowish-white light. Green plants, especially climbing ones, look incredibly beautiful against the background of stone.

Imitation of sandstone cuts and raw granite is ideal for decorating a country-style living room or chalet. Plaster and light marble will help reproduce the classic atmosphere, but in a loft and minimalism, stone tiles imitating brick will be most appropriate.

Decorative stone in the kitchen interior

The kitchen is exactly the place where stone cladding looks most natural. Firstly, it reminds us of real hearths and stoves, in which it has long been customary to cook food and bake bread. Secondly, this is the most fire-resistant finishing option.

Countertops made of artificial stone have confidently won everyone’s love thanks to their ideal smooth surface, on which there are no traces of a knife or hot utensils. In addition, they are very aesthetically pleasing - the unique pattern of polished stone creates the impression of luxury. Polymer sinks, window sills, and bar counters have the same advantages.

In general, when choosing decorative stone for the kitchen, it is advisable to choose products with high density, coated with glaze or varnish, since porous products (for example, concrete-sand) can accumulate moisture, dirt and odors. The tiles that will be used to cover the apron must be non-staining, easy to clean and not melt when heated.

Decorative stone in the bedroom interior

When combined with other natural finishes, stonework can help create a relaxed atmosphere in the bedroom. country house or a spacious loft. If you select natural colors and relief texture, it will fit well into a Mediterranean, rustic, ethnic interior. As an addition, beams on the ceiling are suitable, rough wooden furniture, linen textiles, as well as fluffy carpets on the floor.

It is better to avoid glossy imitations of stone in the bedroom - they look a little cold and can cause unsettling feelings. Sections of walls with stone cladding It is advisable to highlight it so that the room does not turn into a gloomy crypt.

Lamps stylized as antique metal lanterns, torches or kerosene lamps will look especially impressive.

Decorative stone in the interior of a nursery

Artificial stone can be a real boon for some design ideas for decorating a children's room. With it, ordinary walls can easily turn into a tower fairytale castle, a mysterious cave, a salt dungeon or an underwater kingdom.

An interesting effect can be achieved if you line the edges of photo wallpaper with a landscape with stone - the room will expand and gain perspective. You can also use imitation pebbles in children's decor: make beautiful mosaics and panels, frames for pictures or mirrors, paint them in the form of bugs and snails.

Decorative stone in the interior of the hallway and corridor

The hallway, decorated with decorative stone, is somewhat reminiscent of the cozy streets of ancient European cities. You can immediately feel the excellent taste of the owners of the house.

The masonry can decorate the walls entirely or in separate fragments, but in any case it will be an elegant design. Mirrors in wrought-iron frames, “street” lamps and benches, as well as a large clock with Roman numerals, like on town halls, will help to emphasize the beauty of the stone decoration in the corridor.

Decorative stone in the interior of a balcony and loggia

Wall decoration with decorative stone is perfect would be better suited for an insulated balcony or loggia and will give the interior a rich look. In these small areas you can create a cozy place for drinking tea, reading books, organizing a work corner or a mini-greenhouse.

Among the variety of finishing materials for the home now there is everything. Designers and architects can bring their most daring projects to life. Especially those that until recently were considered only the ultimate dream. Every person likes caves and rocks. Their natural appearance attracts with its amazing appearance. But it would be nice to bring all this beauty to your home. Let's talk about the use of stone in the interior of a modern living room.

Close-up of stone wall in living room

Natural or artificial: how to choose a stone for decorating a living room

If you decide that your home should have stone in its interior, then first decide what kind of stone you want. There are two types on the market.

Corner in the living room lined with decorative stone

Natural stone in the living room interior

This is the most vintage material for the construction and finishing of houses. He has such qualities as:

  • strength;
  • durability;
  • reliability;
  • natural beauty.

Stone finishing in a studio apartment

For a long time, it has been customary to decorate houses:

  • marble;
  • onyx;
  • granite;
  • sandstone;
  • quartzite.

There are many other types of natural stone.

Fireplace framed with decorative stone

But due to the fact that natural stone is considered the most expensive finishing material with big amount nuances when used, it faded into the background and became less popular.

Wall in the living room made of stone

Decorative stone in the living room interior

This type of stone is for interior decoration has become much cheaper and more accessible. Increasingly, people began to use it in their design decisions. Decorative stone is made from the following mixture:

  • cement;
  • plasticizer;
  • reinforcing additives;
  • additional fillers;
  • dye.

Cement-based stone can be used not only for interior decoration, but also for exterior decoration.

Small living room decorated with artificial stone

The man managed to do various shapes decorative stone and get a rich texture. The main advantage of artificial stone is its low weight. This helps to avoid unnecessary problems during installation.

Wall imitating old brickwork

In addition to this, there are two more types of decorative stone:

  • porcelain stoneware;
  • agglomerate.

Decorative stone in the interior of a rustic living room

What can you decorate with stone in the living room?

Decorative stone is suitable for finishing any surfaces in the house. Here everything depends entirely on your imagination.

Brick wall light shade in the living room interior

Walls decorated with stone in the living room interior

Using artificial stone on the wall you can do the following:

  • stone panel;
  • post your favorite ornament;
  • highlight a specific area in the room;
  • line the entire wall with stone from floor to ceiling;
  • just decorate the room.

The wall is completely lined with decorative stone of different shades

Doors decorated with stone in the living room

The free wall near the door and the door itself can also be decorated with artificial stone. Now it is fashionable to do doorways arches that are lined with stone. It turns out an original and medieval element in the apartment.

Natural stone different shapes in the decoration of the living room

Floors decorated with stone in living room design

The floor is paved with stone - this does not surprise anyone these days. This invention is old. A wide range of materials are available in stores for flooring. But there is a significant nuance: finishing the floor is allowed only with natural stone. The decorative fellow is very fragile. Some artificial material It can easily be pierced with a knife, but it cannot withstand the weight of a person at all.

Decorative light brick in the living room interior

Fireplace decorated with stone in the living room decor

A fireplace is the dream of many country house owners. As a rule, it is located in main room- living room. If you are the owner of a real brick fireplace, then you can decorate it using decorative stone. It will add zest to the interior. An artificial fireplace can also be decorated with stone.

Artificial fireplace, decorated with stones of different shapes and shades

Stone in the living room: how much material is needed for finishing

The decision on how much stone to use in decor is up to you. There are no specific quantitative boundaries. This finishing material can set the overall tone or emphasize some individual elements in the living room.

Stone wall in the living room combined with natural wood

Finance will definitely make a direct contribution. Although artificial stone has a lower cost than natural material, it still does not belong to the economy class category. Therefore, if you decide to use a stone, be sure to calculate all the costs.

Rules for using decorative stone in the living room

Now decorative stone has become more popular than ever before. You will never regret using it in your home. The stone will bring a special aesthetic to the living room. But in order for the installation of the material to go without problems, you need to familiarize yourself with some rules:

  1. Artificial stone absorbs a lot of light. This happens due to its structure. It is recommended to alternate stone with wallpaper or plaster light shades. Also think about additional lighting in advance.
  2. If the living room is long and narrow, then it is better to avoid using stone in decoration. The room will look gloomy and ugly. Here, even additional light sources will not help adjust the room.
  3. Don't get carried away with decorative stone. Otherwise, instead of an original design solution, you will get a cave.
  4. Don't be afraid to use stone because it's rough. It can even be used in a girl's room. Decorative stone, it mixes well with various styles and trends.
  5. Use fresh flowers in the living room together with decorative stone. The habitat of the stone is wild nature. There are also a lot of plants here. Therefore, be sure to combine these two elements in your living room.

Wall and column in the living room, lined with decorative stone

Features of using stone in the living room interior

The living room is a room where noisy friendly companies and family gatherings gather. Every owner wants to make this room:

  • cozy;
  • original;
  • unusual;
  • interesting.

As a rule, it is in the living room that stone is most often used in decoration. You can combine everything with this material, even what seemed impossible. The volume of stone and its texture do wonders in the interior.

Decorative brickwork in the living room above the artificial fireplace

Review of ideas for using decorative stone to decorate a living room

Let's look at some of the most successful design solutions use of decorative stone:

  1. Every living room needs essentials and central element. In private homes this may be a fireplace. If it is not there, then the TV can become the center. Decorate the wall on which it hangs with stone. This duet will look original and beautiful. It is fashionable to hang several small shelves on the sides of the TV to match the stone. They can accommodate various accessories and discs.
  2. It is not necessary to cover the entire wall with cane. Interesting solution are horizontal stone strips that are located at a short distance from each other.
  3. Only corners in the living room can be decorated with stone. In this case, a chaotic stacking order should be visible.
  4. To achieve the uniqueness and individuality of the living room, you can use irregularly shaped stone for decoration.
  5. If you are the lucky owner of a living room big size, then you can take up the free space with columns, which should be decorated with artificial stone. These columns can be either free-standing or located in the corners of the room.

How to care for decorative stone

The appearance of the stone will last for a long time, if you constantly and properly care for it. The stone is considered:

  • reliable;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • durable;
  • wear-resistant;
  • durable.

But you still need to take care of it. Periodically, the stone should be wiped with a damp cloth or vacuumed to remove dust. It is strictly forbidden to use concentrated abrasive substances for cleaning. Artificial stone may not withstand their influences.

Natural natural stone in the living room combined with red plain wallpaper

If you want to increase the resistance of the stone to cleaning agents, then coat the stone after installation with a transparent special varnish.

Small decorative stone in the living room interior

Natural and artificial stone in the living room - photo

Don't be afraid to use decorative or natural stone in your living room interior. This finishing material will add grandeur, originality and luxury to the room. For an example, see the photo.

The use of decorative stone to decorate various rooms of a modern home has become incredibly popular. Finishing with decorative stone in hallways has become more widespread. Natural material or its effective imitation in finishing the surfaces of an auxiliary room, allows you to create original images that harmoniously fit into various styles design of modern homes - apartments or private houses. The variety of variations in the design of artificial stone allows you to find a finishing option for any financial budget for hallway renovation. And a wide range of color and texture solutions can satisfy the most demanding customers. This publication is intended to help those who are thinking about choosing finishing materials from natural stone or its artificial analogue, using the example of a large-scale selection of design projects with hundreds of spectacular photos.

Types of decorative stone, its properties, advantages and disadvantages

An impressive decoration of the hallway can be done either with the help of natural stone or with the use of its artificial analogue - it all depends on your financial capabilities and the characteristics of the room itself. Each finishing option has a set of advantages and disadvantages. One thing is obvious - a wide range of finishing materials can satisfy the needs of customers with different sizes wallet and product selection criteria.

Natural stone for finishing the hallway

It just so happens that the use of natural stone in the decoration of a room always indicates the high wealth of the owners and the respectability of the home. And this is not surprising, because stone finishing you can literally leave a legacy to the younger generation. But in addition to durability, cladding with natural stone has other advantages:

  • high strength and wear resistance;
  • lack of reactions to influence sun rays or moisture;
  • unsurpassed appearance;
  • a wide range of color and texture solutions created by nature itself;
  • high environmental friendliness and safety, both for humans and the environment;
  • excellent soundproofing qualities.

But, like most finishing materials, natural stone has its drawbacks:

  • high cost of the raw materials themselves and services for their installation (complexity of processing the material);
  • the heavy weight of the products, which prohibits use on some surfaces;
  • heterogeneity of the material, difficulty in selecting products of the same size or absolutely identical color and texture solutions.

Artificial stone for surface cladding

An artificial analogue of stone is most widely used as a finishing material for residential spaces. He owes his popularity to the following qualities:

  • lightness of products and ease of installation, the ability to cover any surface (delivering and gluing artificial stone is many times easier than natural);
  • high level of imitation of natural material, often not inferior in aesthetic properties (the widest range of color and texture solutions);
  • affordable, compared to natural raw materials, cost of products and services for surface finishing;
  • the created coating can be restored, a damaged product can be replaced;
  • The coating has excellent hydrophobic properties - it is simple and easy to care for.

Decorative stone created in artificial conditions has few disadvantages. In addition to the lack of natural origin, we can only mention the susceptibility to mechanical stress of some types of products (it all depends on the material used), and the high cost of the raw materials themselves and the installation of some modifications of artificial stone.

Artificial stone for finishing hallway surfaces

Artificial stone in interior decoration certainly looks impressive. But it is important not to cross the line beyond which a spectacular design becomes overloaded. In particular, this point applies to products with a pronounced texture and unusual colors. So, decorating a hallway with decorative stone will depend on the following factors:

  • dimensions of the room (including ceiling height);
  • availability of source natural light(in apartments it is extremely rare, and in private houses the hallway may be equipped with more than one window opening);
  • chosen style of space design;
  • predominant color palette interior

Artificial stone can be used both for cladding entire surfaces and their elements and parts. Very often, decorative stone is used to protect the most vulnerable places from mechanical damage: corners, door and arched openings. In some cases, the creation of so-called panels is justified - artificial stone is glued in an area of ​​increased risk of contamination ( Bottom part walls, approximately to the middle of the surface). Usage modern technologies allows you to create imitation stone in products that are incredibly convenient for cladding various surfaces. Even radial planes can be finished with artificial stone, not to mention simple niches and openings.

The modern market for finishing materials is saturated with products that effectively imitate natural stone. It is obvious that for their production various raw materials are used, which have a certain set of technological and aesthetic qualities. Let's take a closer look at the most popular options among Russian buyers for creating an alternative to stone finishing.

Gypsum artificial stone

One of the most popular ways to create an impressive and at the same time pliable imitation of stone from the point of view of installation is the use of gypsum. Low cost and excellent technological qualities push most Russians to choose gypsum products for finishing internal surfaces dwellings. In addition to excellent aesthetic qualities and affordable prices, gypsum decorative stone has another important advantage - low weight. In the end, even a large number of facing material easy to transport and install.

Externally, the gypsum analogue of the stone is very similar to sandstone (available in various colors, close to natural palette). At the same time, it is easy to install with glue (anyone can handle the cladding). Gypsum artificial stone is easy to combine with other types of finishing - painting, wallpapering walls, decorative plaster.

Gypsum material has a porous structure. The advantage of this structure is the ability of the created finish to “breathe” and partially allow air to pass through. But such a structure also has a drawback - gypsum stone perfectly allows moisture to pass through. To protect the surface from water, it must be coated with special varnishes and impregnations to prevent destruction and the spread of fungus.

Concrete cladding “under the stone”

Products that imitate natural stone in this case consist of sand, reinforcing components, plasticizers and color pigments. To give the surface of artificial "stone" tiles, the following components can be added:

  • pumice;
  • ceramic fine particles;
  • expanded clay granules (help not only change the structure of products, but also impart certain technological properties).

The advantage of decorative stone made on concrete base in its versatility. Using a special glue, cladding from " concrete stone»can be produced on any surface.

Porcelain tiles for the hallway

Porcelain tiles are ceramic tiles to which special elements have been added that increase the properties of strength, wear resistance, durability and resistance to mechanical stress. The following composition allows porcelain stoneware to withstand heavy loads:

  • several types of clay;
  • mineral fillers;
  • feldspar;
  • pigments of various colors.

Porcelain stoneware owes its increased strength properties to pressing and subsequent firing at high temperatures. Products made of porcelain stoneware very often have a glossy surface; the use of abrasive cleaning agents for coatings made of this type of finishing material is undesirable. Porcelain stoneware tiles can be used both for wall decoration and to create flooring. Floor tiles has a rough surface to prevent slipping.

Ceramic wall tiles

Ceramic tiles are rarely used for cladding hallway walls. Mainly as a material for creating panels in the lower part of the walls, as the most risky place in terms of contamination of utilitarian space. Ceramic tiles are strong, durable, not exposed to moisture and sunlight, are not subject to fading and are highly resistant to mechanical stress. Ceramic tiles are often used to imitate natural stone such as marble. Natural material is expensive and heavy, and also requires special care conditions (periodic grinding and polishing), with ceramic tiles everything is much simpler - regular cleaning with the possibility of using liquid cleaning products.

Agglomerate as an analogue of stone finishing

The agglomerates contain marble and granite chips. These inclusions allow the material to have high strength characteristics. The structure of agglomerates also includes limestones, quartz sand and color pigments. Like most finishing materials that imitate natural stone, agglomerates are mounted using glue on a previously prepared surface.

Acrylic stone finishing

Usage acrylic material for finishing hallway walls has a number of advantages:

  • sufficiently high resistance to mechanical stress;
  • moisture resistance;
  • the surface does not attract dirt and dust (which is an important aspect for a hallway that is prone to pollution);
  • ease of installation and subsequent maintenance;
  • light weight of products.

Quartzite for surface cladding

Quartz stone is often used as a material for countertops and window sills. High strength, ease of maintenance, excellent resistance to moisture and aesthetic properties allow this material to be used for finishing surfaces, including hallways. The material is capable of creating a durable finish that will not lose its pristine appearance, despite the influence of various factors.

Flexible decorative stone for the hallway

Words like “flexible” and “stone” are difficult to use in the same sentence. But the fact is that modern production of finishing materials has reached a level at which the expression “flexible decorative stone” does not seem strange. Flexible stone is produced directly at the site of sandstone mining - the natural material is cut away the thinnest layer in such a way that its beautiful natural pattern and texture are preserved. This thin section is then sanded to obtain a smooth surface. The cut material is glued onto a layer of durable textile with an acrylic plasticizer applied to its surface.

Over time, the textiles will be removed, and the mineral itself with a layer of acrylic plasticizer will be dried. outdoors, under the sun. Due to the high ductility and pliability of the resulting product, the flexible stone can be glued to any surface, even radial. You can veneer arched openings or process corners, smoothing out their sharpness. This one is modern and universal material has enough high cost, but it is due to its excellent technological qualities and unlimited possibilities from an installation point of view.

Hallway design using decorative stone

The most widespread is the fragmentary use of finishing stone in the design of the hallway. The fact is that in most Russian apartments the hallway is a small room without a source of natural light (often the room also has an irregular shape). And in small spaces, an abundance of stone finishing can do a disservice - it will visually reduce the volume of the room and create a depressing atmosphere. If you place the stone trim in the form of narrow vertical stripes, you can not only diversify the design of the hallway walls and add zest to the design of the room, but also visually increase the height of the ceiling of a small room.

If decorative stone is planned to be used to decorate the entire wall, then light ones are most often chosen color solutions for products. As a result, you can get a light image of a utilitarian space, but with a non-trivial design. Such a light finish can also be used as a material to create an accent surface, but not with color, but with texture.

Original design technique for the design of utilitarian premises is the use of pebbles or river stones. In this case, a stone with a jackdaw surface can be used both as decorative element(small inserts in wall decoration or flooring design), and in the form of the main finishing material (an option for spacious rooms with good lighting).

657 847 Dix https://www..pngDix 2017-09-03 18:40:37 2018-11-30 11:15:07 Decorative stone for hallway decoration