home · On a note · Kitchen with seating area. Ways to place a sofa in the kitchen. Interior options for a small kitchen with a sofa

Kitchen with seating area. Ways to place a sofa in the kitchen. Interior options for a small kitchen with a sofa

To designers, the layout of a kitchen with a sofa is sometimes presented as in a minimalist style with a limited number of items in the room light shades. However modern direction The style for the interior of the dining area is dictated by the opposite option with many interesting models.

Interior and layout of a kitchen with a sofa

This makes it possible not only to decorate the dining room, but also to approach the issue of its arrangement from a rational point of view.

The design of a 10 sq. m kitchen has its own characteristics. Thanks to the option of planning a kitchen with a sofa, when decorating a comfortable interior of the dining area, it’s not even too large space rooms of 10 m² can be furnished stylishly and economically. Since, by average statistical standards, a Russian apartment cannot include extra bedroom, then they usually put it in the dining area upholstered furniture.

Option for design and interior of a kitchen with a sofa

Kitchens with a sleeping area are a popular direction in our country for arranging a dining area, since the presence of this interior element allows you to spend time with maximum comfort. It happens that guests who come home can sit too long and not notice that it is already night, so the presence of a sofa allows you to comfortably solve many problems.

Kitchen layout with a sofa of 10 meters

It’s good if the sofa itself is folding, since such a piece of furniture is an excellent sleeping area for guests who arrived overnight. If suddenly the TV is occupied by someone in the living room, and you want to enjoy watching a TV show, then a sofa in the kitchen is an excellent way out. This type has a number of advantages, and not only provides an additional bed in a modern apartment.

What should a kitchen sofa be like?

Which upholstery to choose

Original upholstery of a semicircular kitchen sofa

If you need to choose a specific stylistic composition, stores offering to make custom-made furniture will help you decide this problem, choosing the appropriate materials specifically for the dining area.

When choosing more suitable option The models take into account the fact that the kitchen is a food preparation place with a lot of different odors and high humidity.

A lot of oil and fat vapors form in the air in the kitchen, including other liquid products. If you plan to place a sofa in this room, you should remember that it is at maximum risk of exposure to different kinds furniture spilled drinks: coffee, tea, juice, etc. Therefore, furniture must be purchased with practical upholstery, which should not absorb odors or accidentally get dirty with drinks spilled on it.

Folding kitchen sofa with leather upholstery

More suitable material For the upholstery of the sofa in the kitchen, artificial leather or genuine leather is used. She can have not only bright hues, but also dark. The leather upholstery of the model is not capable of absorbing an accidentally spilled drink, so this type of material is convenient to use in the kitchen due to its practicality.

3D kitchen layout with a semicircular sofa

If there is a corner sofa in the kitchen, then the area near the radiator will be more functional, since it will provide additional space. Kitchen accessories that are not used daily can be placed under the seat itself. This type of kitchen sofa is ideal for square and wide kitchens.

It should be noted that placing full-size sofas in the kitchen, suitable for living rooms, is quite rare. Most often in dining areas they use functional and more compact designs not too big.

Scheme and plan of a kitchen with an area of ​​9 meters

They have less pout appearance and upholstery made of dense material, having a shorter seat surface than living room sofas.

Their back is quite thin. In a kitchen with a bay window shaped like a semicircle, you can place a sofa of a similar shape of the corresponding radius, complementing this composition of the dining area with a round table, as in the photo.

Leather design corner sofa

The result will be a comfortable dining room. The idea of ​​installing a semicircular model in kitchen area can be implemented in spacious kitchens, for example, 15 m. The sofa should be comfortable, it should be turned with its back towards the kitchen.

For a small dining area, about 10 m, you can choose a less bulky model, which has no armrests and a light upholstery color. If the design of the model is visually simple and light, then the kitchen will not seem cluttered. There are also classic sofas with armrests and a solid back rectangular shape. The design of a 10 sq. m kitchen apparently has its own distinctive features.

What's good about this method? It allows you to conveniently move between the dining and work areas. At the same time, all kitchen utensils will be at hand.

A sofa in a kitchen interior is wonderful way create a cozy and comfortable environment.

When choosing this piece of furniture, it is important to take into account all of the above parameters, guided by personal preferences. This will create original design kitchen interior in a certain style and enjoy the comfort of comfortable sofa from January to December.

Most often in kitchens there is not enough space to accommodate work furniture and the dining table. Therefore, a small-sized sofa can only fit in a fairly spacious kitchen. The sofa provides several seats for people compactly located behind kitchen table. Basically, semi-rigid sofas with drawers are installed in the kitchen, in which dishes and other kitchen utensils are stored.

A kitchen sofa can be used as the only seating at the dining table, freeing up space on the other side of the table for stools. Such a sofa most often does not fold out, because folding it out would require removing the table.

It is highly undesirable to place kitchen sofas where there are overweight people, since several such people will very quickly damage the sofa. It also needs to be taken into account that sofa cushions are not entirely appropriate in the kitchen: they will quickly become saturated with a specific kitchen smell.

The sofa can be a rectangular box with a hinged lid that opens like a sailor's or railroad chest. In this case, the backrest is made separately in the form of a long pillow, attached directly to the wall.

The upholstery of kitchen sofas can be different.

Small corner for the kitchen (video)

Why do you need a kitchen sofa for a small kitchen?

For a small kitchen with cramped conditions To accommodate even the necessary furniture, a sofa is most often an unsuitable item. A sofa can be located in the kitchen only if conditions do not allow placing seating on the table side close to the center of the kitchen. This option is only acceptable if dinner table is still necessary, and people can sit behind it only from the side of the wall, because otherwise it will simply be impossible to walk around the kitchen.

The sofa in the kitchen also performs decorative functions, combined with angular straight cabinets and a transforming small table.

There are also varieties of sofas with curved semicircular legs; they form a set with the same chairs and semi-armchairs. In this case, the kitchen table has round shape on one leg. In addition, the role of a kitchen sofa can be played by an ottoman or a seat with an ottoman. Such a sofa does not hide the space of the kitchen, but cannot be used as a chest for storing supplies.

Kitchen sofa with sleeper (video)

What does a small kitchen with a sofa look like?

Usually kitchens in panel houses They leave no room not only for a sofa, but for an extra pair of stools or chairs, and often even for a refrigerator. Therefore, a sofa in the kitchen requires a certain place.

It is needed to create some comfort and complete the furniture composition. Just as in many rooms a table is pushed up against a corner sofa, a kitchen sofa serves as additional seating for 1-3 people at the kitchen table. Apparently, such a piece of furniture is necessary if the whole group prefers to play cards while drinking coffee.

A small kitchen sofa can perform the following functions:

  • Harmonize the overall color scheme of the room with your own colors;
  • Serve as storage for kitchen utensils, and possibly some supplies.

Small kitchen sofas serve to seat people at the dining table. Sitting on a sofa with a back, on the one hand, is more comfortable than on a hard stool, but on the other hand, it is very difficult to leave the table without disturbing your neighbors. Sofas different colors can enliven the kitchen space or balance the arrangement of furniture.

In a kitchen with an area of ​​ten square meters it is quite possible to create a cozy room. This space will perfectly accommodate all the furniture necessary for cooking and relaxing and will leave enough free space for movement. In order for the kitchen to be as comfortable and attractive as possible, it must be properly decorated.


Kitchen design with an area of ​​about 10 sq.m. with the presence of a sofa it may be different. The main requirement for the layout of such a room is that it should be as comfortable as possible and ideal for gathering with the whole family.

Start creating interesting interior costs with cosmetic repairs and surface finishing. The floor and walls must be decorated quality materials, withstanding temperature changes and other features of working in the kitchen. Most often used for floor finishing ceramic tiles or laminate. The walls are decorated with wallpaper or decorative plastic panels.

To make the room seem more spacious, use light colors. However, this is not necessary. You can try a combination of different shades, for example, darker ones with lighter ones. This way, you can correct the shortcomings in the layout of your room. So, if your room is too narrow and elongated, then decorating the walls with inserts dark colors, you can visually expand it. You can also decorate the room with bright color accents to make the room look stylish and modern.

How to zone a room

Upon registration kitchen space, as a rule, they prefer to divide it into zones. In this case, one part of the kitchen is allocated for cooking, and the other for dining.

The work area is usually located near a wall with a window. It is also necessary that you have constant access to technology and all necessary communications. Another area is reserved for lunch. This is where the sofa and table are located.

There are several ways to divide a room into several zones. The first is to use different lighting. In this case, in addition to the main overhead light, you will have to install several additional lamps.

Another fairly simple way is to use different zones dissimilar colors and textures. This applies to both surface finishing and the specifics of choosing furniture. So, for example, in a common light kitchen, the seating area can be made darker by installing wooden table and the sofa matches it

You can also highlight the dining area by creating a low podium. It will contain a sofa, chairs and a table. You can also try to divide the space using low partitions. In addition to classic partitions, you can use the back of a sofa or a bar counter.

If you are sure that you have good taste, you can try combining several styles in one room. But they must certainly be combined with each other. So, for example, the Art Nouveau style will not get along well with vintage or Provence style.

Selecting a headset

When the walls and floor are already decorated, it’s time to move on to selecting a kitchen unit. In a kitchen measuring 10 square meters it can be placed in several ways. The most obvious of them is to place cabinets and other details of the set along two walls. In this case, there will be a work area on one side and a dining area on the other. This option is optimal for rectangular or square kitchens.

Another interesting option design - corner kitchen. This is a very practical and compact location option. In this case, the corner is occupied by a comfortable sofa, and opposite there is an area for preparing food.

There are several options for a corner set. Choose one that will not take up too much space.

A good island set will fit in a room measuring ten square meters. Such furniture options are very popular today. It consists of furniture that is placed in the center of the room. Thus, you can divide the kitchen into two zones: in the center you can install a place for lunch, and under the wall near the window you can place a stove, refrigerator and everything you need for cooking.

A good island set can immediately replace your dining table, a place for cooking or storing things, and a bar counter.

Which sofa to choose

For a kitchen of this size, it is worth choosing a good and comfortable sofa, where you can not only dine, but also relax between the cooking process. The first thing you should pay attention to when choosing such furniture is its parameters. It should fit organically into free space. The standard option for such a kitchen is a sofa measuring 110 cm. A narrow sofa located against the wall or a corner will help save a little space.

Transformable sofas, which are popular today, will also allow you to save space in the kitchen. Such models are complemented by folding seats or drawers in which you can store things that you do not use in everyday life. Most convenient option- This is a soft corner sofa, complemented by drawers and shelves.

Design solutions

In a kitchen of ten square meters you can realize many of your creative ideas.

  • Kitchen-living room. The most common project is a kitchen combined with a living room. A studio is best suited to implement this idea. In such a room in the kitchen area you can place everything you need for cooking, and part of the room with a sofa can be used as a place for family dinners and relaxation.
  • With a balcony. Additional features The presence of a loggia or balcony next to the kitchen also opens up the possibility. They can be an excellent extension of your interior. A minimalist seating area with a low table and a three-seater sofa will look good on a glazed balcony.

A soft corner can be placed on one side of the balcony, and shelves with flowers or functional cabinets for storing cutlery can be placed opposite.

You can also place various cabinets and shelves on the balcony. There's no central heating, so even on a well-insulated loggia it will still be cooler than in the main room. This means that the food stored there will not spoil as quickly as in the kitchen itself.

If there is no door between the room and the balcony, then you can easily separate them with a long curtain.

Try to avoid old-fashioned granny curtains and opt for something more modern and interesting.

  • Classic style. Despite the fact that minimalism is trending now, classic is something that never goes out of style. This applies not only to clothing, but also to the interior. A kitchen in a classic style looks good in country house, and in the apartment. On an area of ​​ten square meters you can place a good kitchen set and convenient leather sofa. Interesting decorative details – paintings, books and other things – will also come in handy.

  • Country. Country style can also be compared with classics. Here they are mainly used dark colors and saturated, so this design is good only in sufficient large rooms. If you choose this particular style, pay attention to massive sofas with simple forms. Simple sofas and corners can be made in this style.

Usually in the kitchen there is not enough space to accommodate the main pieces of furniture, which is why sofas are placed only in a more spacious area.

It serves an excellent function for seating guests. Most often, semi-rigid sofas with drawers are installed in the kitchen, into which the necessary utensils are laid out.

Important characteristics of a sofa for a small kitchen

A sofa in the kitchen can be either the main seat at the dining table or as an addition to other stools and chairs.

This model usually does not fold out, because you would have to move the table each time.

It is not recommended to install sofas in places where there are people with overweight, then the furniture will quickly fail. Also, the use of pads is also not appropriate, because they will immediately absorb external odors.

A small sofa for the kitchen can have a lid that folds back, following the example of a chest. For such models, the backrest is attached separately to the wall.

The purpose of a small-sized sofa

It is quite problematic to place basic furniture in a small area, and a sofa is a completely unnecessary item.

A straight sofa can be installed in the kitchen if other seating items cannot be placed in the middle of the kitchen.

It can be placed if a table is installed, and you can only sit at it near the wall; pay attention to the photo of sofas for the kitchen. Because otherwise you won’t be able to move around the room at all.

Also, a small sofa in the kitchen can act as decor, complementing cabinets or small table. There are options for mini sofas for the kitchen with curved legs, and they come complete with similar chairs.

Note! Kitchen colors Ivory- gentle and cozy color in the kitchen interior (80 photos)

Such furniture requires a circle-shaped table on one stand. You can also use an ottoman or other seat with an ottoman as a sofa. This example does not “eat up” free space, but it is not suitable for storing other things.

Interior options for a small kitchen with a sofa

Most often, apartments in panel buildings do not have extra meters, not only for a sofa, but also for any necessary chairs or stools. It is for this reason that the sofa requires a certain place.

It is important for added convenience and completion. general interior. Just as in some rooms the tabletops are placed next to the corner sofas, the kitchen sofa is a spare place to accommodate up to 3 guests at the dining table.

Such a piece of furniture will be indispensable, for example, if a group of friends often play and drink tea or coffee together.

The small kitchen sofa has the following features:

  • Creates harmony with the overall color palette;
  • Used to store kitchen utensils or winter supplies.

Such a kitchen sofa will not be suitable as a sleeping place, because the apartment, in the kitchens of which there is a sofa, will already have enough places for daily sleep in more suitable conditions than the kitchen space.

The sofa is usually placed in the corner, opposite the sink; a corner sofa for the kitchen is perfect for this. It is better if there is a window on the side of it, because it will not be possible to covertly install lighting fixtures.

Small kitchen sofas are needed to seat guests at a table in the kitchen. Sitting on such furniture with a back is more comfortable than on any hard cabinet.

But it is quite problematic to get out from behind the table without disturbing the people sitting next to you. Sofas of different colors can enliven the atmosphere or create the necessary balance of furniture.

As mentioned earlier, a significant role is played by folding sofas in the kitchen; they are indispensable for storing kitchen utensils, dishes, cans and other items. Therefore, the frame must have a high-strength design and the ability to withstand about 200 kg of guests sitting on it.

Quite rarely, such sofas are used as beds. If you try, you can find a sofa for the kitchen with a sleeping place or even a double. But this takes into account the fact that the kitchen is of sufficient size after it is folded out.

Before purchasing, carefully decide on its size, color and purpose, so that in the end the purchased item does not cause inconvenience, but only delights its owners and guests.

Photo of sofas in the kitchen

Takes ~2 minutes to read

The kitchen in most homes is used for more than just cooking. This is where the family gathers for family dinners, in the evenings after work, household members sit for a long time in a cozy atmosphere. Therefore, even in small kitchens the design includes a TV and cozy sofa. These premises in modern apartments can have an area of ​​18 square meters. m.

Kitchen interior 12 sq. m

12 sq. m - a fairly spacious room (see also), where cabinets and a table can easily be placed in the work area, Appliances and a dining area with a sofa. Placing upholstered furniture separately is a great luxury. It can be placed along the wall near the dining table.


A TV is installed opposite the sofa - in the kitchen there is an area not only for meals, but also for relaxation. Here you can receive guests and relax after a working day. Kitchens come in different shapes. If it looks like a narrow pencil case with a window at the end, the furniture can be placed there. In this case, it will not interfere with movement and manipulation at the cutting table and stove.


Square or rectangular room allows you to proportionally divide the space into a working and dining area. Interior design of thirteen or fourteen square meters can be solved in such a way that dividing element zones will have a bar counter. It is adjacent to the desktop on one side, and to the back of the corner sofa on the other. Round table allows you to place several people behind it at once.


Kitchen design with an area of ​​16 square meters. m

Redevelopment of existing living space allows you to use it in a way that is convenient for the owners. The room can be increased to 16 meters due to a balcony or loggia. Extra space insulate modern materials, along plastic window install heaters or increase the central heating system.


You can take it there work area. Then in the warm part they will equip a small living room with a sofa and a table for meals. The kitchen in the photo below is filled with bright, sunny colors that create an uplifting mood and improve your appetite. Orange-orange, floral print colors combine with high-gloss white cabinetry and stove tops to create an airy style.


There is another layout option for fifteen or 16 square meters. m. Such a spacious room can be zoned in different ways - using a two-level floor or ceiling, color range or with a sofa dividing the space into a cooking area and a living room. The mini-living room is represented by a small soft sofa in front plasma TV And small shelf with magazines and books. Dinner Zone located away from the cutting table. IN large room You can use rich colors for interior decoration.

Kitchen furnishings for 15 square meters can be solved in a classic style. It is characterized by combinations of calm tones - beige, peach, sand. Classic style manifested in the design of the facades of cabinets, shelves, and doors. For such style will suit soft leather sofa by the dining table. It looks quite massive and cozy. The glass top of the table balances this massiveness and gives the interior lightness.


Kitchen layout for 13 sq. m

The sofa cannot be wide; focusing attention on it is not the best design move. Even in such a small space, you need to leave enough room for free movement. It is better to place it along the wall or buy L-shaped furniture and place it in a corner by the window. Then he will take less space. On the opposite side you can install a corner set. This arrangement of furniture will visually increase the space and allow free movement.

There are kitchens non-standard shape– elongated or with a sloping wall near the window. A kitchen set and a soft corner installed parallel to each other will help to visually level the area.


Kitchen layout secrets

The functional area in the apartment should be comfortable, roomy and cozy. But often this is the smallest room. And you have to manage to place a stove, a sink, a bulky refrigerator, a table, and a sitting area in it. You should think through the placement of items very carefully.

  1. First of all, you need to get rid of small accessories, shelves, baskets that clutter up the space.
  2. We must remember that reflective surfaces of tables, cabinets and mirrors expand the space.
  3. It is better to use blinds or for windows than pleated curtains.
  4. Light colors of decoration, curtains, and upholstered furniture can add “air” to a cramped room.
  5. Modular furniture, made to order for a specific design, will allow you to effectively use every centimeter of space. If necessary, elements of such a setting can be swapped.
  6. You can fit a wide, low kitchen window sill under a sofa. To do this, you can cover it with a bright quilted patchwork-style mattress and lay out the same patchwork pillows.


Sofa in the living room combined with the kitchen

Cramped Soviet-era Khrushchev apartment buildings have kitchens of 4-6 square meters. m. For modern man This option is unusual and unacceptable. Therefore, most combine them with adjacent rooms, demolishing the dividing wall. The resulting space turns into a place for cooking. The cutting table and stove are installed in the corner next to the sink. The rest of the area remains free. In the center of the living room you can place a large sofa, next to which a large dining table can be moved. Behind it, the family can gather for daily meals and receive guests.

Choosing a sofa for the kitchen

A kitchen, the interior of which includes a sofa, must be designed in uniform style. Upholstered furniture should be harmoniously combined with surrounding objects and wall decoration.
The size of the sofa depends on the size of the room. You'll have to look for or order a corner by suitable sizes. Special drawers are made under the seats for storing kitchen utensils and dishes. If the furniture is made to order, it is not difficult to keep both the set and the upholstered furniture in the same style. Oval shape desktop and corner makes stylish design. The color of the facades, furniture and upholstery is made identical or similar in tone.

For small spaces they produce modular corner sofas, which consist of 2-3 elements. They can be separated or combined if desired.
Studio-type living rooms have sofas that can be used for sleeping. These are designs - a French folding bed, a sofa book.

You can decorate and visually highlight the relaxation area with a sofa using photo wallpaper pasted above it, or small colorful rugs in front of it.
There are more opportunities to diversify the interior in spacious rooms. Sofas and corners are used here different designs and volume.


Convenience is an important factor when relaxing and eating. The hard seats of kitchen stools are not conducive to relaxation. Therefore, even in a small kitchen you should place a soft, cozy sofa.

Video: modern ideas