home · Measurements · Kitchen sofas in the kitchen interior. Ways to place a sofa in the kitchen. Placing a sofa in the kitchen along the wall

Kitchen sofas in the kitchen interior. Ways to place a sofa in the kitchen. Placing a sofa in the kitchen along the wall

Who has encountered major repairs, probably experienced difficulties in implementing a kitchen design project, in particular, selecting furniture for the interior and finding a good location. Indeed, the premises must meet different requirements.

The kitchen should be as ergonomic as possible, because only in this case does cooking turn into a real creative process.

At the same time, kitchen space It should be beautiful and cozy, since the family needs to relax in a comfortable and pleasant environment while sharing a meal. How to combine these requirements in one room?

No clutter, otherwise a medium-sized kitchen will seem extremely cramped.

Owners of spacious, bright rooms will not worry about this, on an area of ​​18-20 square meters. m. can fit Big cupboard, Appliances, a comfortable corner of the dining area. Color solution absolutely anything. Things are somewhat different with compact kitchens, the area of ​​which reaches only 10 square meters. m.

Bright colors for a medium-sized kitchen are acceptable. But in order for the design to be harmonious, it is necessary to correctly arrange equipment and furniture in the space.

Those who have a kitchen space of 10 square meters. m seems too cramped, they can always resort to expanding the size of this room at the expense of others. It is important to remember: any change must be approved by the city architecture department.

Today, multifunctional lighting is in fashion, and in the interior of the kitchen-living room it will only emphasize the advantages of design and layout.

There are several options to make your kitchen larger. Residents just need to decide what space they are willing to sacrifice for this.

If the kitchen space in your apartment does not exceed 10 meters, this is not a reason to be upset, since professional approaches designers allow you to organize cozy kitchens and with smaller indicators (5-6 sq. m.).

Even before the start project work You should find out the needs of the residents of the apartment or house. What is it for?

Each family has its own requirements for the kitchen and furniture, largely depending on the number of people living here. For example, a bachelor's kitchen looks impressive with a bar counter, which is quite enough for cooking, relaxing and even friendly gatherings. The kitchen looks completely different married couple with 2-3 children.

It should be noted that for the kitchen average size You can think through the furnishings in such a way that stools and chairs can replace a small sofa.

Advantages of kitchen sofas

Kitchen sofas look simply luxurious in a room; in addition, they can add comfort and warmth to even the most austere and prim interior. Owners of cramped apartments do not favor this type of furniture, believing that a sofa will only aggravate the lack of free space. Once you get to know the kitchen sofa better, you will certainly recognize all its advantages.

Types of kitchen sofas

Before you design a 10 sq m kitchen with a sofa, you should decide on the design, size and type of model. The convenience and functionality of the kitchen will depend on this.

According to the design, kitchen sofas come in several types.

Sofas are also divided into:

What layout is suitable for a kitchen of 10 square meters? m. with sofa

In addition to purchasing correct model sofa, the residents of the house are faced with another important question - the question of arrangement. In fact, everything is quite simple, because famous designers have already prepared a number of tips on arranging furniture in a 10 sq. m kitchen. m.

Dining area decor

To especially emphasize the fact that the room has a working and dining area, designers use additional elements interior decor. They should be chosen taking into account the main style direction.

After reading all the recommendations of experienced designers, you can come to the following conclusion: a 10 square meter kitchen with a sofa is a modern stylish solution, which will transform a small kitchen into a functional and luxurious space.

VIDEO: Kitchen design 10 sq.m. with a sofa.

Many people dream of having a sofa in the kitchen. It creates additional coziness and comfort. To some it may seem superfluous due to its impressive size, because not everyone is the owner large kitchens. But even in small room can be supplied small sofa. There would be a desire...

How to choose a sofa for the kitchen

When buying furniture, people mainly take into account two parameters: price and appearance. But so that the purchased item does not ultimately disappoint, you need to be careful about your choice. Decide for what purpose the sofa will be in the kitchen: providing additional seating or sleeping place. Pay attention to the design and color scheme sofa It should fit harmoniously into

Carefully measure the room and calculate the dimensions of future furniture. It’s good to put a small one, made in light colors, a narrow sofa for a modest-sized kitchen. If the space of the room allows, then you can choose the most comfortable furniture of any shade.

Don't forget that the sofa should be comfortable. Before you buy, sit down and lie down on it. You should not take creaking furniture that has foreign bad smell, or one with good spring feel. Check the layout mechanism - it should not cause any difficulties. Don't forget about the fasteners - they must be strong and securely connect the furniture elements.

Today, manufacturers offer a wide variety of sofa models. Find suitable furniture There is something for every taste and budget.

Small corner sofa for the kitchen

If a large family gathers at the table or guests often come, then this a good option for kitchen. Under the seat there are niches in which you can put away some things. You can find a corner sofa for the kitchen that has shelves attached to the side, which also helps to unload the space. There are models in which the back is attached to the wall. The only one significant drawback corner sofa- narrow seat. But if the kitchen big size, then you can choose very comfortable furniture.

Sofa bed

This option is relevant for owners of a one-room apartment. In the small kitchen you can put a single sofa. It can comfortably accommodate one person. If the size of the room allows, then you can look at other models. Sofas for the kitchen with a sleeping place for two people or one and a half will allow you to stay overnight more of people. Don't forget, the main thing is that this furniture is not suitable for sleeping on it all the time.

Sofa bench and sofa couch, mini sofa

This sofa is well suited for It has a soft seat, under which there is a special niche for storing things. It is done in light colors. This sofa is for the kitchen classic style, country or Provence will fit perfectly.

Furniture without backrests and armrests will help save some space. The sofa couch can accommodate 2-3 people. It is not wide, without a niche for storing things, but you can spend the night on it. Since lying on a couch is not very comfortable compared to a full-fledged sofa, the furniture will not be used as a permanent sleeping place, and, therefore, will last longer.

If you want to create more coziness and comfort in a small kitchen, for example, in a Khrushchev-era apartment, then you should pay attention to a mini-sofa. It will fit perfectly near the window, and its niche will serve as excellent storage for kitchen items.

Materials and upholstery

The best material for the frame is natural wood. Oak and beech are strong and durable, but furniture made from these materials will be more expensive. Pine and birch are inferior in quality, but will cost less. The wood is treated with special impregnations that increase resistance to moisture. Can be purchased small sofa chick for the kitchen with an aluminum frame. It will last long enough. Those who want to save money should look at furniture with a frame made of chipboard. It is significantly cheaper than natural wood, but will last no more than 5 years.

The most practical sofa upholstery is leather. It is easy to remove dust, dirt and spilled liquid. The material is strong and durable. You can pay attention to leatherette. It has all the qualities of leather and will last a long time, but only if the selected material is of high quality.

If a sofa upholstered in fabric is more suitable for the kitchen interior, then you should also use practical fabrics. Jacquard - very durable material. It will last a long time good care. Flock is suitable for cat owners. Animals will not sharpen their claws on it. The material is durable and does not absorb moisture. It feels like suede. Chenille is durable, hypoallergenic, but not moisture resistant.

Furniture care

Do not place the sofa close to kitchen stove or close to the battery. This is what the technology requires. fire safety, as you may accidentally get burned. In addition, grease and dirt will constantly get on the furniture. If the surface has to be washed frequently, the lining will wear out quickly.

Even if a moisture-resistant material is used, there is no need to test its strength and fill it with any liquid once again.

When cleaning furniture, you need to use products specifically designed for this purpose. Make sure they don't contain bleach.

Use a vacuum cleaner or steam generator.

When removing stains, pour special remedy not on the upholstery, but on a soft cloth and wipe the surface with it.

To remove dirt from covers, use dry cleaning services.

Try to place the sofa in the kitchen so that direct sunlight does not fall on it. Furniture with partially faded upholstery looks very unpresentable.

Making your kitchen more comfortable is easy. It’s enough to choose the right colors, use the existing space wisely, add pleasant trifles and accessories. By placing small sofa to the kitchen, you can expand its functionality: get an additional bed or seating. Such furniture will provide additional comfort.

Three traditional way placement of the sofa - along the wall, in the corner or in the center of the room (“island”). You can use any of them in the living room, depending on what kind of sofa you need and what tasks you want to solve. But for the kitchen, compact sofas of a special design or small universal models are most often used, and the placement method here is only in the corner or along the wall. This is due to the fact that the space is usually limited or occupied by other objects, and the sofa - if there is one - should be as compact as possible.

So, how to place a sofa in the kitchen and how to choose it correctly?

“Yes” or “No” to upholstered furniture in the kitchen – is it worth putting a sofa in the kitchen?

First, decide whether you really need a sofa and whether the space allows you to put it here.

The main pro is that it is comfortable to sit on and allows you to sit comfortably for a hearty meal. If you often entertain guests or just like to dine in comfort, this is the solution for you.

The sofa also adds coziness to the interior. If the kitchen is made in Mediterranean style or in the spirit of Provence or country, upholstered furniture will definitely decorate it. Pillows and comfortable seats will create the very atmosphere of warmth that is the main feature of these styles.

IN one-room apartment a small transformable kitchen sofa will provide additional sleeping space for guests.

If all the arguments convince you, feel free to start reading the section “how to properly place a sofa in the kitchen.” But remember: this piece of furniture is demanding free space and will take up much more space than regular stools or kitchen chairs. Even if you choose a compact model or one specifically designed for kitchens " couch».

Designers recommend placing a sofa in the kitchen only if the room has an area of ​​at least 12 m². And if space is limited, then it is advisable to combine a piece of upholstered furniture with a linear set (built-in along one wall) and compact table. Otherwise, it will not be possible to leave free passages: they must be at least 70 cm wide so that you can move freely. And in the kitchen this is especially important, because there is work zone for cooking food.

If the area allows, then before buying a sofa, determine the place where it will be located. The main criterion here is functionality: it should stand compactly, without blocking passages or blocking access to kitchen furniture. Usually they choose either a corner placement (in a free corner opposite the set, behind the kitchen table) or parallel, along a window or a blank wall.

Placing a kitchen sofa in the corner

Corner sofas, or “soft corners” - special kitchen furniture on a rigid frame made of wood or chipboard. Under the seats there are usually drawers for dishes, food or other household items. There are also transformable options with a sleeping place.

Corners replace kitchen chairs and stools. They are placed behind the table. When choosing where to place the sofa in the kitchen, make sure that it is proportionate to the free space. There should be enough space from the wall to the sofa to make it comfortable to sit down, while leaving a fairly wide passage between the table and the set.

The ratio of the height of the table and the corner is also important: the optimal distance from the seat to the table top is 30-35 cm, otherwise the posture at the table will not be comfortable.

The advantages of this placement are the compactness of the “soft corner” due to the use corner space. The downside is that it is difficult to transform: if there is a sleeping place, you will have to move the table to unfold it.

Placing a sofa in the kitchen along the wall

In the kitchen you can put a standard soft sofa compact sizes. It could be stylish model, which will become the accent of the kitchen interior, or a discreet copy, the main objective which is convenience.

A rectangular sofa can be placed behind the table. In this case, like a soft corner, it will replace chairs and create a comfortable lunch place for those who have special requirements for comfort. If this is a transformer, then an additional sleeping place will appear in the kitchen. The main installation advice is the same: make sure that the passages in the room remain clear. This is especially true for the sides of the “work triangle” (movements between the refrigerator, stove and sink).

The advantage of this placement is rational use space. The downside is that it is difficult to unfold the transformer (you have to move the table).

The second option is to install the sofa along the wall, regardless of the table. If the kitchen is elongated, it will fit perfectly along a narrow wall, and all the furniture in the complex will create U-shaped layout. In a square room, upholstered furniture can be installed opposite the kitchen unit. An “independent” sofa is a place for relaxing, reading and leisurely drinking a cup of your favorite drink.

The advantage here is the convenience of folding out the sofa. The downside is that this placement is only suitable for large kitchens.

If the room is small, it is important that the furniture not only does not clutter it, but also does not overload it visually. If you have already decided where to put the sofa in the kitchen, but you understand that all the items are practically back to back, the next step is to give up unnecessary details and decorative items. Give preference light wallpaper, light textiles and glossy surfaces, this will help visually expand the space.

But rectangular sofas are much more varied in style. For example, for classic interior you can choose a noble “chesterfield” or an empire style banquette. And for the bright youth suitable for kitchens upholstered furniture with colored fabric or vinyl upholstery.

Small wicker sofas made of natural wicker, rattan or their imitation fit perfectly into kitchens decorated in ethnic style. Also in a country interior, a sofa with a floral print or striped upholstery, traditional in shape: with a rounded back and armrests, on legs, looks good.

Remember to be practical!

When choosing a sofa for the kitchen, regardless of its placement, you need to remember the practical side. Make sure that your kitchen upholstered furniture is easy to care for, because here it is at risk of much more contamination than in the living room or bedroom.

The best upholstery option is leather, eco-leather or vinyl (they are easy to clean). In textiles, microfiber with anti-dirt impregnation has the same quality. And patterned fabrics are better at hiding stains than plain ones.

To easily clean the floor under and behind the sofa, choose upholstered furniture with legs. And if possible, choose wood as a frame: it is stronger than laminated chipboard and is not afraid of wet cleaning.

If you have any questions or suggestions, you can contact us at e-mail: ls@site
P.S. We do not sell furniture, we only help you get acquainted with what is available and navigate your choice.

Small sofa in a small kitchen

A small sofa is a piece of furniture for a small kitchen, relevant for residents Khrushchev's buildings, characterized by tightness. There are many of them in our country. Therefore residents small apartments When creating an interior, they resort to all sorts of tricks. The main goal is, in which there will be not only and, but also an additional sleeping place in case relatives arrive from another city.

A small sofa in the kitchen with a sleeping place in this situation is exactly what you need. The kitchen ceases to be just a room for preparing and eating food, it turns into a bedroom at the same time. Often small folding sofa to the kitchen is a necessary measure if there are simply not enough beds in other rooms for the number of residents. Then the kitchen sofa turns into a place to sleep every evening.

Range of kitchen sofas from IKEA

Model name Design Characteristics
Bedingo Folding mechanism - "Book". Suitable for a small budget. Convenient removable cover.
Corner sofa with rounded shapes and filled with polyurethane foam. Thanks to the upholstery artificial leather it does not absorb moisture and easily copes with dirt.
The sofa is manufactured in 1, 2, and 3-seat versions. There are storage boxes. By removing the armrests you will ensure extra bed for sitting.
Compact model popular among youth audiences. An additional colorful case is included.
The main advantage is the presence of wheels and a folding mechanism. The kit includes a mattress with medium hardness, on which you can sleep not only occasionally, but also every day.
A budget model with a fiberboard frame, storage space and a retractable mechanism. When unfolded, it is a full-fledged bed with enough space for a couple.
Compact, inexpensive model for small kitchen. When unfolded, it can comfortably accommodate two adults.
Corner model with a turn in any direction. Pull-out mechanism, niche and 2 decorative pillows.
Classic design allows you to place it in any interior. Folding mechanism, soft armrests and a niche for linen.
Orthopedic base with a removable mattress. An excellent guest option, also convenient for a summer house and rental housing.

If the apartment has a view tudii, and it is the sofa that is the distinguishing feature between the two different zones. Sometimes small sofas are placed in the kitchen to rationally fill the space, because here, like in any other room, there should be comfort.

Important! It should be clarified that we are talking about kitchens with an area of ​​at least 9 square meters. m. If the room is smaller, the sofa simply cannot be expanded. Owners of very small kitchens often don’t even know, and take it out into the hallway.

Kitchen corner sofas for a small kitchen come in handy when guests from out of town come to the apartment owners. Some will find a place in the bedroom or living room, while others will have to place it in the kitchen. When unfolded, the small kitchen sofa turns into a full-fledged bed, and sleeping on it is no less comfortable than on.

Advice! You should not plan the sofa in the kitchen as a permanent sleeping place (this is only permissible in extreme cases when there is no way out). Most manufacturers, in order to reduce the size of kitchen sofas as much as possible, sacrifice the comfort of the person who will sleep on this furniture.

Options for upholstered furniture for the kitchen

Advice! When choosing, the buyer must Special attention pay attention to the quality of the frame. If it is not durable, then three frequent transformations may quickly fail.

Simplified models of small sofas

Folding couches with sleeping places - another option for the kitchen. Although the couch does not fold out too wide, it is quite comfortable to sleep on. They come in single and double sizes, but for the kitchen you should buy the first ones. However, if the kitchen is non-standard and has big sizes, you can buy a double couch for her.

These models are available with or without backrests. They have two transformation options – roll-out and fold-out. Some couches are equipped with secret drawers for various small items.

  • A sofa is a model that is designed for sitting and storing rarely used items. Such furniture can be called a “closet with a seat.” It is distinguished by simplicity, lightness, comfort and low prices. Most often, manufacturers choose light-colored materials to make such benches.

Stylistically, bench sofas are neutral, so they fit perfectly into any interior. To decorate this furniture, designers recommend using. Some corner sofas complemented by a table, which, if necessary, turns into another seat at the table.

The kitchen is a room in which the owner of the apartment spends a lot of time. The kitchen should be functional and cozy, create comfortable conditions for preparing and eating food. I often install sofas in kitchens, the comfort of which cannot be compared with chairs and stools. If in a room with large area You can install upholstered furniture of any size, but choosing a kitchen sofa for a small kitchen is not an easy task.

Corner kitchen sofa for a small room

Features of choosing a sofa for the kitchen

Cushioned furniture gives a special coziness to the room, turning simple kitchen into the dining room and even the living room. For a small kitchen, you should choose compact and multifunctional models.

Kitchen sleeping area for a small kitchen

The sofa is capable of performing the following functions:

  1. Provide seating (average 1 to 3). Household members or guests sit on the sofa against the wall, leaving the space on the other side of the table free so that the hostess can move freely around the kitchen;
  2. Store kitchen utensils, cereals, spices. Many sofas are equipped with spacious drawers located under the seat;
  3. Transform into a sleeping place. Very convenient if guests stay overnight.

Kitchenette with under-seat storage

Set of corner sofa and kitchen chairs made of leatherette

When choosing a sofa, you should consider a number of factors:

  • reliability of the design;
  • ratio of assembled dimensions to room area;
  • the presence of a transformation function and dimensions when unfolded;
  • the presence of a box and its capacity;
  • practicality of upholstery material;
  • matching sofa design color design and the chosen style of kitchen interior.

Kitchen corner for a small kitchen made of wood

Types of compact sofas


The best option for the kitchen small sizes: compact and roomy. Often such models are equipped with storage boxes and have a “dolphin” transformation type.

Corner stylish sofa with stools for the kitchen

Thanks to convenient springs-closers, the sleeping place can be easily removed from the long part of the sofa.


Takes up more space than the corner one, but looks very nice.

Semicircular sofa for the kitchen with soft upholstery

Often equipped with drawers and shelves.


Consists of several parts that can be interchanged.

Modular transformable sofa for a small kitchen

Modular structures must be checked for strength before purchase so that they do not deteriorate during frequent transformation. Such models are often equipped with compartments for storing kitchen items.

Sofa bench

This is a non-folding model intended only for sitting.

Stylish corner sofa bench with carved ends

It is inexpensive, small in size and often equipped with a niche.


With or without backrest. Equipped with a folding mechanism.

Kitchen couch with sleeping area

You can purchase a single or double model.

Straight sofa

It has classic shape, installed along the wall opposite the kitchen unit.

Straight small sofa for the kitchen

Depending on the method of transformation, there are the following types:

  1. roll-out - not very suitable for the kitchen: the folding mechanism is unreliable, when unfolded it takes up a lot of space, and has no niche for storage;
  2. book - has a short-lived folding mechanism, suitable only if folding will be rare;
  3. Eurobook, click-clack - improved variations of the “book”, they are more durable, easy to fold out, are not afraid of frequent transformations, and have niches for storing various items;
  4. accordion - folds out conveniently, but when unfolded it takes up a lot of space.

Snow white linear small sofa

Choosing a practical material

When choosing upholstery for upholstered furniture for the kitchen, you must take into account that it will be exposed to grease, steam, and water. It must be dense, durable, not absorb fat and odors, not afraid of moisture, and not fade when exposed to sun rays.

Faux Leather Kitchen Corner Sofa

The most popular upholstery materials for kitchen sofas for a small kitchen:

Genuine Leather

A leather sofa looks expensive, luxurious, rich, solid. The upholstery can be matte or glossy, embossed, patterned or plain.

Genuine leather upholstery on a corner sofa for the kitchen

For a small room it is better to choose a light color. The skin is easily washed from various contaminants. High-quality leather can last a long time. The disadvantage of such upholstery is the high price;


The appearance is almost no different from leather, but it costs much less.

Semicircular sofa turquoise color made of leatherette

This is a durable, reliable, wear-resistant material;


Outwardly, it resembles leather and is a mixture of polyurethane, viscose and cotton.

Stylish kitchen sofa made of Arpatek material

This material is not afraid of various damages, moisture, sunlight and pollution, and is easy to clean;

Teflon coated flock

This is a durable, soft and pleasant to the touch material, reminiscent of velvet. It consists of synthetics and cotton.

Bench type flock kitchen corner

Thanks to the special coating, flock products can be used in the kitchen;


Jacquard - dense quality fabric, used to create upholstery in both muted and bright colors.

Kitchen sofa corner type with storage space made of jacquard

Does not wash out, does not fade, retains its attractive appearance for many years;


It contains acrylic, polyester, viscose and cotton. It's durable and durable material, does not absorb odors and does not cause allergies.

Small sofa for the kitchen made of chenille

Its disadvantages: fear of water and a tendency to get snagged when exposed to sharp objects.

Thus, the most practical upholstery materials for the kitchen are leather, leatherette and arpatek. It is much more difficult to clean dirt from the surface of fabric materials, but they look and feel much nicer.

Stylish semicircular sofa with chairs for the kitchen made of leatherette

Advice! If a sofa with fabric upholstery is installed in the kitchen, you can put a slipcover on it or cover it with a blanket. Removable textiles can be removed and washed at any time, and the upholstery remains as new.

Kitchen sofa with open legs in the kitchen interior

Selecting a sofa for different interior styles

When choosing a kitchen sofa for a small kitchen, you need to consider not only its functionality and practicality, but also its compliance with the chosen style:

  1. Classicism. A kitchen sofa in this style should be made of natural wood, leather or expensive fabric. Required elements: graceful curved legs, rounded armrests, possibly decorated with gilding. Preferred colors are white and all shades of beige;
  2. Provence. Distinctive feature sofas of this style are light fabric upholstery with a bright and light floral pattern. It is desirable that the armrests are soft and rounded;
  3. Country. In that rustic style In the interior, it would be appropriate to install a sofa made of wood or rattan with a soft mattress;
  4. Minimalism. The sofa should be made of leather or its substitute and have a strict, laconic shape with smooth armrests. Color: white, gray, black, beige;
  5. Pop Art. The sofa can be anything, even the most unusual and creative form: in the form of plump female lips, a car, etc. The colors of upholstered furniture are bright, rich, rich: yellow, red, lilac and others. The upholstery can be colorful or plain, the material is fabric or leather;
  6. Art Deco. A sofa is selected for the interior in this style bright color with a large back and no armrests;
  7. High tech. A sofa is selected in this style rectangular shape black, gray or white with or without armrests and chrome-plated legs.

Bench-type kitchen corner in a rustic kitchen interior

Dining area in Provence style with two sofas

The sofa should be consistent in style and color with the rest of the dining set- table and chairs.

U-shaped Kitchen Area creates cozy island in the kitchen

The location of the sofa in the kitchen

In a small kitchen, the sofa can be positioned:

  1. Along the wall opposite the kitchen wall. This is how classic straight-shaped sofas are placed. Such parallel placement of furniture is relevant in rectangular kitchens;
  2. In the corner next to the window or opposite the window. A corner sofa is suitable for this arrangement. Most often with this layout kitchen set also has an angular shape;
  3. Under the window. This way you can arrange the sofa in a straight or semicircular shape. A similar furniture layout can be used in square rooms.

A corner sofa creates a cozy dining area in the kitchen

Advice! If you expand the kitchen space, dismantle the partition with another room and combine it with the living room, the sofa can be used as a border separating two functional areas.

Kitchen sofa as a zoning tool in the kitchen interior

Corner sofa in the kitchen interior

The sofa can become a real decoration of the kitchen. Light upholstered furniture pastel color will add coziness and comfort, and with bright rich colors will become a spectacular accent of the interior. In order for a sofa to look appropriate and harmonious in a small kitchen, you need to accurately select the size and appearance to match the area and style of the room.