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Creative cabinets (12 photos). Cabinets of an unusual shape Creative cabinets with stacked doors

The idea for these unusual wardrobes came to the mind of the Dutch designer Marie-Louise Groth Kormelink when she was looking for furniture for the children's room. Finding nothing interesting, Marie-Louise came up with her own wardrobe design based on the architecture of traditional Dutch houses of the 17th-18th centuries. It turned out both functional and beautiful. The cabinets were named Kast van een Huis, loosely translated from Dutch as "strange house".

Every woman should have a little black wardrobe dress, says Vancouver-based designer Judson Beaumont.

New collection of wardrobes and bedside tables furniture designer Vincent Thomas Leman is similar to the scenery from the fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland" with its inherent elongation, multi-level, brightness and curvature. Lehman's creative take on traditional pieces of furniture allows him to create a new generation of furniture, while maintaining functionality and the ability to harmonize in modern interiors.

Opulent Items has designed and produced an unusual wardrobe that looks like it has been blown up or sawn into many small pieces.

To be precise, this is not really a closet, but rather a nightstand and several small shapeless shelves, which together form a closet that seemed to have gone through fire, water and copper pipes.
The outlandish piece of furniture is called "Explosion Cabinet", and it is handcrafted from high quality maple. And all six shelves-bedside tables can be placed on the wall as your heart desires. So the cabinet can stand both "broken" and simply "cracked".
By the way, the exploded cabinet is no longer just a visualization of the author's fantasies, it is a real product that can be ordered on the website of the Opulent Items manufacturing company for $7500. Unless, of course, you have such an "insignificant" amount and figure out where to put this device and how to use all its small shelves-bedside tables.

Once upon a time it was found that the most effective way to teach something to a baby is to involve him in an educational and entertaining game. Children live playfully, learn the world in games and experiments, so why not teach a child to hygiene, cleanliness and order in the same way - with the help of a game? This idea was adopted by a European company OOO My Design, designing Pin Pres, a system of modern shelves for a children's room.
According to the designers, with unusual Pin Pres furniture, a request to clean up the room will not sound like a punishment for a child, but an invitation to play a fun game. According to the design project, the Pin Pres cabinet is double-sided, studded from top to bottom with rods passing through, which serve as shelves for toys and books. To put a thing in the closet, you just need to press it against the rods, and they will obediently move back, making room for the object and at the same time keeping it on the weight.

Bookcase Stanislav Katz

Of course, such a bright object will look too strange without the proper neighborhood. In pair with him, the designer offers several things. For example, a bookcase for books that did not fit on the shelf. Its shelves are open and without side walls, and they are mounted on a panel that repeats the silhouette of an old sideboard.

Chest of drawers Stanislav Katz

The designer offers to put the clothes in a wardrobe. The same smooth lines, careful avoidance of right angles and pink with black. You can’t put all your clothes in such a closet, but it’s beautiful


Chilean artist and designer Sebastian Errazuriz has made a wardrobe covered with thousands of honed bamboo sticks. The cabinet is reminiscent of a prickly hedgehog or guinea pig, according to the designer, the effect is created by 80,000 pointed sticks that are gently inserted into the cabinet's body by twelve skilled carpenters.

The dreamy appeal of the final product shows that the painstaking work was worth the effort that went into it. The closet consists of several sections that open in an interesting way and impress even me, although I have seen a lot of different furniture. Indeed, the cabinetmakers tried and made a miracle that impresses most people, and when you open the cabinet doors, all 100% of people will be shocked. I would use it as a design element in the room and hide valuable items in it.

About the designer: Chilean artist and designer Sebastian Errazuriz creates pieces that can remind people of their immortal life and pay attention to their lives, and everyday issues that arise every day. His allusions to death intrigue me the most and provoke further creation in their interiors. His most famous creations are an acrylic human skull, an aerodynamic sofa and chair, and a hybrid lamp.

Standard wardrobes are cabinet or built-in furniture with sliding system doors.

Usually their design is quite simple, but if you do not want to put up with boring models, here are 8 ideas for creating an unusual closet in your bedroom design.

1. Classic and modern in one bottle

Love strict and prim classic furniture, but you don’t like swing doors cabinets?

Then pay attention to models that look like traditional solid wood cabinets, but are equipped with a sliding system. These options combine classic design with modern system guides.

Most often they are made of MDF, however, if desired, you can find models made of valuable breeds wood. As for decor, you can choose both minimalist options and wardrobes with carvings, leather inserts, mosaics, stained glass windows and so on.

2. Unusual wardrobes for attic rooms

If your bedroom is under the roof and has sloping walls, this is not a reason to refuse a closet. Who said that this furniture can not be used in the attic? Just order a model with figured doors - and you will have perfect place for storage!

Thanks to modern furniture manufacturing technologies, the shape of the wardrobe can be very different, and outside corners models are able to have any degree of inclination. However, there is a slight difficulty: it will not work in any way to buy ready-made standard furniture of such a plan. You will have to order a wardrobe from the manufacturer, after agreeing on the necessary measurements.

3. Art of appliqué

Don't like plain furniture? Then take a closer look at the unusual wardrobes with decorated doors and facades.

The choice of materials is truly impressive. It can be:

  • decorative plastics;
  • panel;
  • inserts made of artificial and natural leather;
  • fragments of rattan;
  • a variety of mirror and glass surfaces and so on.

Most often, materials are combined in the form of horizontal and vertical inserts. They can be arranged both in a strict order and randomly.

4. Originality above all!

If you do not like the strict geometry of horizontal and vertical inserts used as decoration in sliding doors, you can order a wardrobe with an atypical design. For example, models designed in the spirit of cubism or animalism look very stylish.

5. Wardrobe with TV

Many designers strive to combine furniture with television, audio and video equipment in their creations. A typical example is wardrobes with a plasma panel built into the door. Such a synthesis is not only convenient and practical (after all, the TV practically does not take up space), but also looks extremely stylish and modern.

6. Single color frameless models

For those who prefer conciseness and minimalism, there are quite unusual wardrobes. Unlike most of their brethren, they are completely devoid of not only decorative inserts, but also external frameworks.

This furniture design allows you to include it in almost any interior - from classic to loft and hi-tech. The only exception is rooms decorated in the spirit of Empire, Baroque or Provence.

7. Sophisticated designs

Along with standard wardrobes with solid storage space, more and more original and practical models. For example, many designers seek to combine familiar facades with open shelves or shelving systems.

Another option for an unusual wardrobe for the bedroom is a model with a variety of internal segments. The filling of the cabinet can be represented by compartments for separate storage outerwear, shirts, underwear, shoes, ties, scarves, bags and so on. And the most pleasant thing in such designs is that you yourself influence the filling of furniture. you just need to discuss your wishes in this regard with the manufacturer in advance.

8. Originality in the design of mirrors

Sliding wardrobe with mirrored doors gives an excellent opportunity to see yourself in full growth. However, simple mirrors can look boring and uninteresting. Alternatively, you can choose a model equipped with colored mirror glass or a mirror in the original frame.

Summing up

As you can see, there are many ways to replace a standard wardrobe with a more interesting and unusual model.

March 7, 2018
Specialization: facade finishing, interior decoration, construction of dachas, garages. The experience of an amateur gardener and horticulturist. He also has experience repairing cars and motorcycles. Hobbies: playing the guitar and much more, for which there is not enough time :)

At present, it is very difficult to find a truly original and unusual wardrobe, since even the most expensive model made of exotic woods is unlikely to surprise anyone. However, designers still cope with this task and from time to time surprise the public with their original ideas. Therefore, if you want to decorate the interior with an unusual wardrobe, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the most interesting options for this furniture.

Examples of unusual cabinets

As a rule, the originality of the cabinet is manifested in the following details:

  • Form;
  • Finishing.

cabinet shape

As a rule, furniture with a non-standard shape looks most impressive and unusual. As an example, I picked up cabinets of different purposes that belong to this category:

Illustrations Descriptions
Wardrobe lamp. A small bookcase has curved walls. At the same time, a lamp is built into its cover. As a result, it serves not only as a place to store books, but also as a lighting device. Next to such a locker, you can read at any time of the day.
Glass cabinet with wavy walls. This cabinet is less functional than the one described above, but it is practical and quite roomy. It can store books or souvenirs. Since it is transparent, it does not visually take up space, so it is suitable for compact rooms.
A wardrobe in the shape of a dress. At first glance, it may seem that you have an evening dress in front of you. But, in reality, this is a hanging cabinet with drawers. Each button of this "dress" is a drawer handle.

Bookcase-chair. It is difficult to say how practical such a design is, but the main thing is that it copes with its main task - it makes the interior original and makes guests wonder.

Cylindrical revolving cabinet-kitchen. If your house or apartment has a small kitchen, great solution is a cylindrical revolving kitchen. To take food out of the refrigerator, then rinse it in the washbasin and place it in the oven, you don't even have to step on it. You just need to rotate the design in the direction you need. And most importantly, this kitchen looks very unusual.

Folding wardrobe for the bedroom. At first glance, this is an ordinary cabinet, but without doors. If you look closely, you will notice that the last two sections are the doors. A similar model can be recommended for those who have a compact bedroom, since when folded it takes up a minimum of space.

A folding design can have not only a wardrobe, but also a shoe cabinet, which will save space in the hallway.

Curved shoe cabinet. This is another unusually interesting shoe cabinet. The designer used not only curved walls, but also docked the pedestal with top designs.

Corner built-in wardrobe. You can mount a corner built-in wardrobe in any free corner of the room. It is not only creative, but also practical. True, such furniture is usually associated with a shower stall.
Children's locker in the form of houses. You can decorate the children's room with lockers in the form of houses. In this way, you will not only make the interior original, but also delight the child.

I must say that almost all the products described above are not sold in series. However, you can take any idea as a basis and order furniture individually. As a rule, the manufacturer has enough photos and sizes.

Unusual finish

If you have a closet regular shape, dont be upset. You can show creativity in its decoration. As an example, here are some interesting options:

Illustrations Description
Painting with slate paint. To turn the facade into a chalkboard, you need to paint it with slate paint. As a result, you can leave notes on it. And if you paint a children's closet in this way, then it can be used for study.

Wallpapering. You can achieve an original design by pasting wallpaper. The appearance in this case depends solely on the type of canvas that you pick up.

To finish the wallpaper for a long time, be sure to apply several layers of varnish on top of them.

Photo-image. In itself, the idea of ​​decorating a facade with a photo image is not new. However, if you purchase such furniture to order, you can apply your own image, which will make the product truly original. The main thing is to be creative in your choice.
Use of vinyl stickers. The easiest way to create an original wardrobe design is to use vinyl stickers. The result depends solely on what stickers you choose or order, and how they are placed on the surface of the furniture.

I have provided just a few design ideas. If you wish, you can create your own original variants decor.

Unusual wardrobes for attic rooms

Separately, it should be said about the built-in wardrobes for attic rooms. They themselves look unusual, thanks to the diamond-shaped shape of the attic. And in combination with original design facade, such furniture can become a highlight of the entire interior, as you can see for yourself:

Illustrations Actions

With inserts from different types of wood. The peculiarity of this cabinet is not only the use of different types of wood on the doors, but also the perfect combination with the rest of the finish, which also uses this technique.
With acrylic white front and wooden edging. Here we see the same idea – the facade blends perfectly with the interior design – it is made in white and has a wooden edging.

Mirror facade with bright inserts. The design in this case, in principle, is standard - you can’t surprise anyone with a mirror on the entire door. However, several bright inserts radically change its perception, as a result of which the product looks interesting and original.

On attic floor lockers with hinged doors can also look original

I must say that not only compartments look original on the attic floor, but also lockers with hinged doors, especially if they occupy the entire end wall. This is due to their unusual symmetrical shape.

Originality in the design of mirrors

As I have already said, now no one can be surprised by the mirror facade. However, if you correctly approach the design of the mirror itself, then even the most standard cabinet will turn out unusual:

Illustrations Actions

Imitation sandblasting. An ignorant person might think that this facade was subjected to machining as a result of which only patterns turned out to be mirrored. In fact, a special vinyl film was used for decoration, which is easily glued to the surface.
Stained glass imitation. A similar idea for the design of a mirror is used here, only it does not imitate sandblasting, but a stained glass window. The idea was also implemented with the help of vinyl film.

Decorating a mirror or glass with paints. If you can draw, you can paint a mirror or cabinet glass. For these purposes, there are special paints.

Wardrobe with TV

If you think that only clothes, shoes and underwear can be stored in a closet, then you are deeply mistaken. There is also a place for a TV. Depending on its location, models are divided into two types:

  • TV built into the facade. This solution is the most practical, since you do not have to open the doors to watch TV. True, the screen will be dusted and dirty;

  • TV behind the doors. The advantage of this solution is that the TV, which often brings imbalance to the interior design, is hidden. As a result, it generates less dust. True, to see it, you have to open the doors, which is not very convenient.

Unusual colors for cabinets

Sometimes, in order for furniture to seem unusual, it is not necessary to make it in an original form or invent creative design. It is enough to use a bright non-standard color:

Illustrations Description

Yellow. Yellow color is not only striking, but also uplifting. It looks especially interesting in the interior in combination with a monochrome palette.

Violet. Purple color is rare in interiors, so it also looks original. The only thing, do not forget that it belongs to the dark palette. That's why large wardrobes with purple facades should not be used in rooms with insufficient natural light.

Blue. Despite the fact that blue colors surround us everywhere, furniture in such tones is not common. And in vain, as it looks stylish and solid. True, keep in mind that such furniture in the room will be the center of attention.

Green. This color is good not only for its originality, but also for compatibility with many other tones. Thanks to this, green furniture will look harmonious in the interior.


We got to know the different options really original cabinets, and now with the choice of such furniture you probably will not have any problems. And if you have any questions, leave them in the comments, and I will be happy to answer.

March 7, 2018

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From this article you will learn:

    What are the features of unusual cabinets

    What unusual cabinets are found today

    How to make an unusual wardrobe with your own hands

    How to choose an unusual facade for the cabinet

A closet as a piece of furniture, by definition, must be comfortable and spacious. However, many design professionals believe that this is not enough. In their opinion, this type of furniture is the embodiment of the creative concept of the designer, an object of art. IN Lately Unusual wardrobes are becoming more and more popular and amaze with their uniqueness. This review is all about the special design ideas put into whimsical wardrobes!

Philosophy of unusual cabinets

The modern layout allows you to equip the apartment with standard solutions. However, unusual furniture brings novelty and originality to the typical style of the interior. Let's take a look at all the subtleties of using these rare but popular solutions together.

Creative solutions in interior design are designed to focus on some exotic that distinguishes unusual furniture from typical ones. The rejection of standards makes such interior items unique, so often only recognized professionals are able to make them.

Distinctive features unusual products:

    Asymmetry combined with straight lines.

    Refusal of templates in details. For example, inserting an element from a natural material.

    Imitation of natural forms (outlines of objects, people, animals, etc.).

    A game of contrasts (bold combinations of contrasting colors).

    The combination of laminated chipboard with natural wood.

    Additional decoration with materials that are not typical for furniture (plastic, cardboard, etc.).

Today it is fashionable to use non-standard solutions in interior design, based on the desire to give the environment individuality and charm. The standard layout, the bad taste of stencil furniture and the accompanying “if only it were” are fading into the past. They are replaced by freshness and creativity, based on the awareness of the importance of an individual approach to interior design. New ideas and fantasies embodied in unusual pieces of furniture, including wardrobes, emphasize the independence and love of life of their owner, thereby distinguishing him from the rest.

An important place in the emphasis on individuality is occupied by unusual cabinets, which, with their spectacular originality, fill the interior of the apartment with functionality. Unusualness attracts the eye and leaves no chance for indifference, allowing you to create the impression of the owners as subtle people who understand style.

It's no secret that when we come home, we feel a sense of comfort in a space filled with comfortable furniture. This atmosphere is nothing but the embodiment of your ideas based on experience and impressions of previously seen effective solutions. With what rapture did you embark on a radical change in the dull environment! The choice is made, and you enjoy the result of a creative approach.

And for those who are just thinking about changing the worn-out interior, you should pay attention to the author's design, which combines the professionalism of the master with the preferences of the customer. The harmony of the designer's skill and the exacting taste of the client is a guarantee of comfort and coziness.

The coolest unusual cabinets: TOP 30 amazing ideas

    A stunning solution that combines lightness of form, comfort and functionality.

    The originality of the solution creates the effect of a “living” wall, capable of opening access to the “secrets” of the content hidden from view at the first request.

    And the interior lighting of this unusual cabinet flows with soft light, harmoniously emphasizing graceful forms.

    Marie-Louise Groot Kormelink is a Dutch designer and author of these unusual solutions. The idea is based on her impressions of the graceful architecture of medieval Holland. As a result, cheerful and colorful "strange" houses have turned out, which will complement the interior of the children's room with their zest.

    But the embodiment of the idea of ​​maximum pragmatism. Isn't it spectacular and unusual?

    This is just a delightful unusual locker! Elegant idea of ​​Coco Chanel in the interior!

    There is nothing superfluous in this furniture masterpiece, it impresses with its thoughtfulness and practicality. Despite the five compartments, its snow-whiteness and properly selected fittings give lightness, and interior lighting delivers extra comfort when using this unusual cabinet. The elegance of forms focuses on the individuality and exacting taste of the customer.

    Truly, this is a journey into the fabulous world of gnomes and "living" furniture! Unusual interior solution for children.

    What is this, a question mark? Or maybe an emphasis on the pursuit of knowledge? The unusual shape and very appropriate illumination draw attention to the fact that learning is light!

    A very refined and original interior solution that will give individuality to the kitchen or living space. Functionality is provided by a built-in drawer, a table and a small shelf. The main highlight is the shape of an unusual cabinet.

    Who among us in childhood did not dream of his own, hidden from prying eyes, corner. Such unusual solution will make a child's dream come true and create a cozy place to read your favorite books.

    These unusual cabinets attract with their lightness and elegance of lines. And the combination of chrome, glass and lighting makes these items suitable for placement in almost any interior.

    Installing a wardrobe behind the headboard is exotic! But maybe this is an unusual way to solve the problem of modest footage.

    "Explosive cabinet" is another idea to combine functionality with originality of forms. The highlight lies in the fact that a simple-looking wardrobe, if the owner wishes, can, as it were, “break” into quite functional separate parts.

    Dutch designer Patrick Schuur offers his vision of solving the problem of recycling old tape cassettes. About a thousand of these unnecessary relics of the past he built into the frame of an unusual wardrobe. Using their color variety, he created the effect of a facade mosaic. The designer not only kept modern media information carriers in this unusual cabinet, but also demarcated the space one-room apartment elegant and original partition.

    What do you think of such a bold idea? A panel attached to the wall, cut along the contours of an “ancient” chest of drawers, combined with open shelves for books, is a stylish and extraordinary decision. This is how unusual bookcases are created.

    Another version of the unusual design of the "contour" cabinet.

    To equip a children's room with an unusual Pin Pres wardrobe is offered by the Spanish manufacturer My Design LLC.

    Designers once drew attention to the fact that the child's tactile perception of the world around him plays a huge role in his worldview. Accompanying the process of learning the world with games and simple experiments, you can guarantee the effectiveness of the child's education.

    The originality of the Pin Pres cabinet lies in its unusual properties. The fact is that the design of the cabinet consists of a perforated plate, into the holes of which movable rods are inserted. If you, for example, give your child the task of putting things in such a closet, you will immediately involve him in the gameplay. After all, in order to put an item in the closet, the child needs to press on the rods, thereby freeing up space for its placement.

    According to the designers, the process of cleaning the room from scattered toys becomes not only exciting, but also teaches the child order and accuracy.

    A funny shape, reminiscent of the consequences of the invasion of beavers. Initially, the idea was to place this unusual element of the interior in the nursery, but later such a solution became in demand by an adult audience.

    Sebastian Errazuriz, an artist from Chile, realized his design idea in an unusual cabinet design. In his opinion, the closet looks like a bristling hedgehog, the spines of which are made of 80,000 carved and pointed bamboo sticks.

    12 carpenters worked on the embodiment of the idea, who managed not only to combine the idea of ​​the author of the idea into a monolithic whole, but also to make the process of opening the cabinet original.

    The dream of every girl is a small personal wardrobe. This stylish solution turned an uncomfortable niche into an unusual built-in wardrobe.

    The firm "Labarere" from France offers a collection of "Parisian". These are chests of drawers that imitate a female silhouette in a corset, which amaze with their sophistication and grace.

    Maximum functionality implemented by a simple and effective solution!

    A witty solution for the interior of a nursery - a nightstand-button accordion! original idea gained popularity, not leaving indifferent and adult audience.

    Another idea for the interior of the nursery is an unusual wardrobe-board. It will be a great alternative for wallpaper, "quenching" children's thirst for drawing.

    Rafael Morgan, a designer from Brazil, offers to embody the idea of ​​a trick with piercing a box with a man with swords into an original piece of furniture. An unusual closet will allow you not only to store wardrobe items, but also to imagine yourself as an illusionist, “piercing” it with fake swords.

    And what do you say, looking at this unusual solution?

    LA Closet Design and its designer Lisa Adams propose to place a TV panel on the facade of a snow-white wardrobe. This will significantly save space and become a non-trivial solution in interior design.

    A non-standard solution to the problem of storing shoes.

    Luxurious and truly unusual wardrobe.

    And finally, our parade of amazing ideas is completed by a bright and unusual cabinet with tinted glass mosaic.

The choice of facades for cabinets is very diverse. Modern materials make the following solutions available:

    Facade made of colored chipboard- most affordable way cabinet decoration. Its advantages are: reliability, resistance to deformation, variability of colors and low price. However, such a facade looks very unpretentious. Although in some cases this may be a weighty argument in favor of such a choice.

    mirror facade- an interesting solution, especially when there is a need to visually increase the space. Such facades are typical for cabinets in hallways and small rooms. The mirror is protected from destruction by a strong film from the inside. Unusual wardrobes in the hallway with a mirrored facade - that's it!

    lakomat- this is a frosted glass with a thickness of 4 mm, treated on one side with a special composition. The doors of such a facade are translucent, and the clothing placed closest to them is partially visible. On the whole, the contents of the closet seem to be hidden by a bluish-gray veil. In general, if you want unusual wardrobes for yourself, this material is perfect.

    Lacobel facade– glass, tinted on one side with special colored paint. This solution is typical for composite facades.

    Sandblasted glass. Tinted glass under the influence of a sand-air jet is decorated with a pattern. The pattern is resistant to abrasion and can be cleaned with simple glass cleaners.

    Etched mirror. Unusual and stylish patterned facade with patterns obtained by etching the mirror with a chemical composition.

    Facade with photo printing. Images are applied to the facade using polymer dyes and fixed under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. They are realistic, do not fade and are resistant to abrasion, since the surface is additionally varnished. The choice of any image will make your facade unique.

    plastic facade. Inexpensive and interesting solution, due to the wide choice of decoration options and color palette. The facade can be shiny, tinted, transparent or slightly cloudy. A reasonable combination of these options is also possible.

    Decorative acrylic glass. This technology allows you to fill the space polymer coating natural or imitating fillers. Thus, the effect of a texture or objects frozen in glass is obtained. Glass is often decorated with flowers or leaves, sea ​​shells or algae, etc.

    facade from faux leather - This custom solution giving your furniture a luxurious and representative look. Such a facade looks especially rich in the office.

    Glossy façade. Popular a budget option when the surface of the facade is decorated with PVC film, plastic or acrylic. Huge possibilities in the choice and combination of color schemes.

    Facade made of natural bamboo or rattan. These are durable slabs of natural materials woven into a single canvas. An interesting and extraordinary solution for adherents of the teachings of Feng Shui. Such facades are typical for the eco style.

We have introduced you only to the most common solutions. However, it was only about the choice of facade. The design features of the cabinet are the work of professional designers. But the use of one or another version of the facade or their combination is the idea of ​​​​an interior designer. That is why leading foreign furniture manufacturers appreciate the author's style and order facade design from famous architects.

Sliding wardrobe: facades of unusual options:

The facades of wardrobes can be divided into two types: tinted and glossy. The first is characterized by an opaque and non-reflective surface. All other finishes are glossy.

Advantages their choices are as follows:

    The glossy surface glares and reflects light, so there is an illusion of space expansion.

    The reflective surface makes juicy and bright any color solutions, patterns, drawings and photographs.

    Additional interior lighting, reflecting both on the surface and in the environment, will make your closet luxurious.

Weak spots shiny surface:

    Such a facade is very easily soiled and demanding to maintain. It shows various stains and traces of touch.

    The trouble with such facades is scratches. Even small mechanical damage capable of spoiling appearance.

    Static stress on a surface that attracts dust.

Conclusion: if you have children or pets, then the use of a glossy facade, based on its shortcomings, will add additional trouble to you when cleaning.

What should I pay attention to when choosing a facade for a sliding wardrobe?

When choosing a facade decoration option, three things should be considered important conditions: functionality, application experience and price.

You should not install a glass or mirror facade in the nursery, as there is a danger of its destruction and injuring the child. In addition, do not forget about the inconvenience caused by the shortcomings of glossy surfaces. The arrangement of other rooms with facades with a reflective surface can only be limited by your budget and imagination.

In principle, it is quite simple to stop at an option acceptable to you. First you need to decide what is important to you - thrift and frugality or creating an atmosphere of magnificence of the environment. In the first case, you will have to be content with a simple version of the PVC film facade. Exclusivity will help create a game of color. A wardrobe with such a facade will organically fit into any style of interior.

For small rooms, it is preferable to use mirrored facades of wardrobes. If you want to add charm - install a facade with a sandblasted finish or photo printing. These options are more costly.

Classic style or eco style implies the use of natural materials: solid wood, bamboo, rattan, high-quality oak, walnut, cherry veneer, etc. But this is a completely different price category.

When choosing a design option, it should be noted that the facades can be mirrored, deaf or combined. The latter are preferable because with their help you can harmoniously “fit” the wardrobe into any interior style or make it a separate work of art.

Types of combined facades:

    Classic- these are standard combinations of mirror and deaf facades.

    Geometric- strict rectangles filled with inserts of various geometry.

    Diagonal. They are characterized by angular or diagonal division of the facade surface with special profiles. Filling of the selected fragments - any.

    Sectoral- these are fragments of the facade, divided into sectors and filled according to the compositional design.

    Wavy. They are characterized by the division of the facade into fragments that create the effect of a wave. This is achieved through the use of special profiles, which are designed and manufactured to order according to sketches. This version of the design of the facade is significantly more expensive than the others, but it also looks very chic.

Curved facades look unusual. They are concave, convex or a combination. This solution is typical for radius wardrobes and brings novelty and exoticism to the interior. Their manufacturing process requires professional equipment and special skills, since the filler must be given an accurate and curved shape.

Cabinet fronts: new photos (unusual):

Unusual wardrobes: an overview of styles and types

The trend of increasing demand for wardrobes and the rejection of traditional types are associated with their functionality and ease of use. They are not bulky and very ergonomic. Behind the sliding facade of such a cabinet can accommodate a lot of things. It is with this that many unusual design solutions are associated, harmoniously emphasizing any style of interior.

Simple designs of wardrobes are built-in or cabinet options with a sliding door system. The design of such cabinets is quite unpretentious, and their price is affordable. If this is your choice, then we offer several recipes that will help you add zest to an ordinary design.

Combination of classic and modern

If you are unable to abandon the usual classic facades, but you are attracted by the coupe system, then you should pay attention to models that are outwardly indistinguishable from traditional ones. The design of their facade is stylized as solid wood, but equipped with a modern compartment system. This is a harmonious combination of classic and modern.

Basically, the material for the manufacture simple cabinets-coupe serves as MDF, however, for clients who are not constrained in finances, models of facades made of precious wood are available. The options for the proposed decor are varied - from minimalism to luxury in the form of stained-glass windows, carvings, leather inserts, etc.

Mansard unusual wardrobes

Wardrobe in the attic is a reality! To revive the interior of a nursery or a bedroom located under the roof, will help unusual closet. To do this, pay attention to the options for models with beveled doors.

Advanced technologies allow furniture manufacturers to produce any shape of sliding wardrobe fronts, including those with beveled corners. But there is a small problem: such a cabinet will have to be ordered according to pre-agreed measurements made at the installation site, because the roof slope angles different houses are different.

Artistic applique

If you do not like a single background color of furniture, then you should pay attention to unusual models with additional decoration of the facade.

This external design is very diverse and is presented in the form:

    decorative plastic;


    inserts made of genuine leather and its substitutes;

    bamboo and rattan elements;

    many options for glass and mirror surfaces, etc.

Often, a combination of different decor elements is implemented by vertical or horizontal inserts from the selected material. There are no strict rules for their placement.

First of all - originality!

If you are tired of impeccable geometry and unchanged proportions of decorating inserts, then unusual models of wardrobes with an asymmetric design are your choice! For example, facades decorated in the style of monochrome animalism or cubism look very original.

TV front!

This non-standard decision is made by many designers, supplementing the functionality of the closet with built-in Hi-Fi components. Placing a TV panel in a sliding door will not only save space, but also enhance contrast, create an impression of ergonomics and style.

Frameless single color models

If you are a fan of minimalism and monosyllabism, then take a closer look at the models of unusual wardrobes without frames around the perimeter. As a rule, such solutions do not have any inserts and look very original. Such external simplicity emphasizes the style of classics, loft and high-tech. However, this option is categorically not suitable for interior solutions in Provence, Empire and Baroque styles.

Pragmatic designs

Against the background of standard solutions in the structure of wardrobes, when the internal volume is completely closed by compartment doors, unusual models with attached racks and open shelves are gaining popularity.

Such a constructive solution allows the owner to change the content of the attached segments himself. This is possible in the case when such manipulations are agreed with the furniture manufacturer and provided for by the extension design.

Such an unusual wardrobe will fit perfectly in the bedroom. And then every item of clothing, linen, bedding and much more will be in its place.

Stylish design of mirrors

In some cases, sliding wardrobes with a mirror facade, despite their advantages, look rather boring on the outside. To “revive” the picture and add originality, the decision to place sandblasted mirrors, colored mirror inserts, unusual arched frames and much more on the facade will help.

Thus, applying our recommendations in practice, you can always move away from boring standard solutions and decorate your interior in an unusual and stylish way.

Unusual wardrobes: photo

And it also happens like this: an unusual public bookcase

As a nice bonus, we invite you to familiarize yourself with original solution German company "BAUFACHFRAU". Conceptual and unusual decision to create bookcases and their placement in in public places was adopted after the company's designers drew attention to the fallen trees in the forest. The project was named Bucherwald, which means "Book Forest".

From now on, any resident of Berlin who has joined the Book Cross program and has gone through several formal stages can familiarize himself with any book from this Book Forest.

Tips on how to make an unusual wardrobe with your own hands

What can be done with an old closet that has served faithfully? Why throw it away when you can give it a new life or simply decorate it. Let's look at a few options together.

    Photo printing or photo wallpaper- a fairly common way to update the facade. The disadvantage is that this decor option costs decent money and is made in a furniture workshop. Placing photo wallpapers is a less expensive option. Images can be different - flora and fauna, landscapes and fragments of patterns. For a nursery, it is better to use thematic drawings, for example, cartoon characters.

    Stained glass film or vinyl stickers. This popular decor option can be implemented quite quickly, without much effort and the help of a specialist.

    Glass and mirror facades matted special paste, which is applied to a previously applied stencil with a cut out pattern.

    Maybe the use of inserts made of vinyl and even simple paper wallpaper . This is the most budget-friendly decor option.

    A little harder application decorative plaster . Usually it is applied to a stencil, as a result of which an unusual and patterned pattern can be achieved. relief surface which can be painted later.

It should be remembered that any of the options you choose should be in harmony with the design style of the surrounding interior.

Create in a flight of fancy and listen to your "inner" voice, if you are able to subtly feel what needs to be changed in the surrounding interior in order to achieve maximum comfort.

However, when experimenting with making an unusual wardrobe, try to discuss its future design with your household. The fact is that your priorities may not always coincide with their preferences. Discuss, because truth is born in disputes! Perhaps what your loved ones like is the very reasonable compromise that will suit all household members. And then the most ordinary closet will become a joint family masterpiece, capable of surprising not only you, but also the guests of your house with its originality.

Unusual cabinets: photos for your inspiration

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Sliding wardrobes have recently almost completely replaced the classic ones. They are more practical and comfortable. All your clothes can be hidden behind the sliding door of such a stylish closet. And he himself at the same time takes a lot less space than other furniture designed for storage. Not surprisingly, designers create a large number of unusual cabinets that are suitable for a variety of interiors.

Advantages and disadvantages

Sliding wardrobes are practical option both for a private house and for an apartment. They can be created from different materials and this is one of the main parameters that affect the look of your furniture.

If you want the purchased cabinet to serve you as long as possible, then you should really choose quality materials, For example, natural wood or quality chipboard. Wood is a more expensive material, but if such furniture is invested in your budget, then it is better to choose it.

To date, there are the most different variants wardrobes. For small apartments, built-in wardrobes are best suited. They are placed in niches in the wall and save a lot of space. If you want to install such a wardrobe in your room, then it is best to think over its mounting when planning or redevelopment of your house or apartment. In this case, you do not have to change anything and demolish the walls. Most often, such cabinets are made to order so as to fully fit into the dimensions of this niche.

Usually, built-in wardrobes are not complemented by back walls or floors - here the part of the house itself serves as a frame. Such furniture is complemented only by shelves, doors and simple partitions. Such cabinets are built into the interior, which really helps save space.

Another functional option is corner cupboard. They are most often placed in rooms where there is enough space. Fits well into any modern interior and wardrobes with an unusual shape of the facade, for example, radius or arc. This option takes up less space.

Diagonal-corner cabinets are also practical. They are installed in the corner of the room, but, due to the beveled walls, they take up significantly less space.

And the last option is a classic wall-mounted wardrobe. It looks good both in the bedroom and in the hallway. The dimensions of such a closet can be different, depending on how your room looks like.

Internal organization

Having dealt with the type of wardrobe that you want to buy, you can proceed to choosing it internal arrangement. The internal filling of the closet is very important, because it depends on it how comfortable it will be for you to store all your things.

There are a wide variety of options for combinations of shelves, hangers and drawers. There are both static options that cannot be redesigned, and those that can be changed if necessary. So, for example, popular wardrobes from Ikea can be literally assembled from scratch, like a designer, choosing exactly those details that you like and need.

Another important part interior design- its lighting. Properly chosen lighting will allow you not only to see yourself well in the mirror, but also to create interesting visual effects.

For decor interior design wardrobe, you can use classic light bulbs or led strip. When installing additional lighting inside your closet, be sure to think about how you will replace light bulbs or make any other repairs.

Today, capacious wardrobes are popular, which resemble compact wardrobes in their appearance. Choosing such furniture, you will save space and get the opportunity to fulfill the sword, having acquired an almost complete dressing room.

There are deep wardrobes in which another can be hidden behind one row of clothes, which allows you to store all your belongings in one place. The most common option is rows of shelves or racks that are installed behind a hanger bar. On such shelves it is convenient to put what you do not wear or do not use on this moment.

Such deep wardrobes allow you to place a number of shelves behind the hanger bar. Thus, at the back, behind the main row of clothes, you can place things that you do not wear this season or bed linen. There you can also put baskets with accessories or boxes with bags and shoes, which are also not currently used.

Also inside such a cabinet, you can also place a built-in ironing board along with an iron. For this purpose, even many purchased wardrobes already have a built-in compartment. This will save space and not spoil the appearance of the room with such household trifles.

Unusual door design

But, if we talk specifically about beauty, then more attention is paid to exterior finish the closet doors. To date, both plain cabinets and covered with a variety of patterns are popular.

Practical sliding wardrobes with a mirror surface of one of the doors are in fashion today. This option is good because such a mirror is not only part of the decor, but also the opportunity at any time to consider your outfit in a mirror image. Thus, you do not have to install additional mirrors in your apartment. This is especially good for small rooms. After all, among other things, the mirror surface visually expands the space.

The only drawback of wardrobes with mirrored doors is that they have to be cleaned very often, because any fingerprints and other small traces are immediately visible on such a surface. Therefore, such a closet better fit for the dwelling of a bachelor or a young couple than for an apartment in which children live. However, there are also options with high-quality processed glass, which not only is not subjected to mechanical shocks, but also remains clean for a long time, since dust does not accumulate on it.

Another beautiful option, which has recently been gaining popularity is a wardrobe with frosted glass doors. For the production of such material, either a special chemical treatment or sandblasted finish. If you are looking for a more budget wardrobe, then it is better to stop at the second option. Although the low price has its drawbacks - on the matte surface of such a cabinet, as well as on the mirror, there will be fingerprints and all kinds of stains.

It looks good and the combination in the design of one closet inserts of matte and ordinary glass. These can be simple geometric combinations or original patterns that decorate the surface of the cabinet and are made of contrasting glass.

If we talk about the methods of decorating glass, one cannot fail to note the stained glass technique. Original stained glass today they decorate not only the windows of churches and other significant buildings, but also the doors of simple cabinets that can be found in any apartment. painting in stained glass technique- This is enough hard work. Such patterns are applied to the surface of the cabinet door using special paints. However, there is also a cheaper option - special colored films that are simply attached over the door. In the second case, you can create your own compositions that you like. But the first design option looks much more expensive and luxurious.

Another exquisite design option is patterns of colored or transparent crystals. Usually, simple and fairly cheap crystals are used to decorate wardrobes. Over time, they may fall off, which in the end will not look very aesthetically pleasing. Although in general, cabinets decorated with crystals look very attractive.

When choosing the design of your wardrobe, it is important not only what material the door is made of and how it is decorated. It is desirable that the sliding wardrobe chosen by you organically fit into the room in which it is installed.

So if you have small room, then it is best to give preference to cabinets made in light colors. This allows you to visually expand the space. And in general, in such a room there should not be a large number dark spots - massive leather furniture or carpets, for example.

Depending on what material the wardrobe is made of, its appearance may also vary. And it depends on how organically the wardrobe fits into one of the modern styles.

In a high-tech or modern interior, a new cabinet made of plain wood or chipboard will look good. In the same style, cabinets made of a combination of wood with a mirror or glass look good. If you choose this option, both light colors and darker colors are acceptable. In a small and modern studio, such a closet looks very stylish and quite appropriate.

In an ecological style, cabinets made of rattan or bamboo with eco-leather decorating the surface of the furniture will look good. In order for such furniture to serve as long as possible, it is processed special solutions. Externally, such surfaces may remain untreated, or covered with paint or mirror surfaces, like any other materials that are used to create wardrobes.

Lovers of the classics will love the luxurious novelties made in the art deco or art nouveau style. In such closets, classic style is combined with something modern and unusual. Here it would be appropriate to paint a single-colored door with patterns made in silver or golden paint.

Under the country style, you can choose a wardrobe made of dark wood or its imitation. Such a wardrobe will look like furniture from old westerns, but in fact it will please you with its compactness and functionality.

For big country house with a bulky wardrobe, you can choose such an interesting design option as photo printing. This is a fairly budget option that can be used to decorate large surfaces. In addition, in this way, you will add a touch of individuality to your interior by selecting exactly those images for printing that fully correspond to your wishes.